Queen of Wands: main meaning and combinations in Tarot layouts

The Queen of Wands is a representative of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. In various sources, this card is also called the Queen of Staves, the Lady of Sceptres, or the Queen of Staves. We will talk about the meaning of the Queen of Wands lasso in the Tarot in this material.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Psychological aspect of the interpretation of the Queen of Staves

  • As a significator of a person, it can indicate two types of cash. This is either a benevolent individual who knows how to inspire others and is always ready to become an ally. Or - an aggressive opponent from whom you don’t have to wait for a descent.
  • Direct orientation and a favorable alignment usually connect the personality of the Queen of Wands with the positive side of the lasso. This is a charismatic person who radiates friendliness and knows how to motivate. He knows how to share his success and knowledge with people.
  • The main positive feature of such a personality is the ability to inspire even those who are completely desperate. Such a person knows exactly what he wants. And he understands how to achieve this. He does not waste time on trifles, but clearly goes towards his goal.

The Queen of Posokhov can fall to both a woman and a man. But the interpretation is especially interesting when the lasso falls to a woman. Because it indicates a person with a strong masculine character. She is unusually freedom-loving and courageous. This is the true Amazon, Joan of Arc, Margaret Thatcher.

Such a woman will not stand at the stove, she will never ban herself within the four walls of the household. It is important for her to be a “person”. And she will always fight to be taken seriously, to have her opinion taken into account, to be respected.

  • The reversed Queen of Wands acquires a lot of negative characteristics. The person described by this card is domineering, cruel, and painfully ambitious. His ego is off the charts. To achieve his goals, he is ready to tear his opponent to pieces. He has no desire to inspire or help.

Both upright and inverted, for both women and men, the Lady of Posokhov always indicates a person whose personality is already fully formed. Whether he is good or bad, he cannot be changed.

General value

In the classic Rider White deck, the card represents a woman sitting majestically on a throne. She is confident and holds her head high. A strong and massive throne indicates the lady’s respectable position. In one hand the queen holds a staff, a symbol of power. In the other there is a sunflower, which represents the sun and positive energy. A black cat sits at the woman’s feet, symbolizing independence and magical power.

In astrological meaning, the card is represented by the Moon and the zodiac sign Leo, which speak of strong temperament, pride and willfulness.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands always indicates a strong and self-sufficient person who knows what she wants and arranges her life the way she needs it. The appearance of this card in a reading speaks of leadership and ambition. She is a harbinger of career growth, financial well-being and fame.

In the classical sense, this is a spectacular woman with a passionate nature who loves to manage. This is a freedom-loving and courageous lady who does not allow anyone to manipulate her. She is unfamiliar with throwing, she clearly sets a goal and goes straight towards it.

Main characteristics:

  • love of life;
  • ambition;
  • authority;
  • independence of thoughts;
  • success in business;
  • sexuality;
  • versatility;

In a mythological sense, the lasso represents Aphrodite, corresponding to the symbolism of Fire and Water. Her spiritual goal is to unite these elements and change the world.

Arcana energies

The map contains the male energy of Fire and the female energy of Water. The combined influence of these two energies allows the Lady of Wands to heal the spirit of a person, to raise to battle someone who has fallen and no longer wants to move.

The combination of Water and Fire gives an amazing mix of sexuality and spirituality.

This is the most masculine card of all the Queens of the Tarot. It contains the energy of the impulse of creation, independence, and personal growth.

Some tarot readers associate the lasso with the sign of Aries. Others believe that it is more consistent with the sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun.

Health issues

In matters of health, the Queen of Wands speaks of a fairly stable state. Excessive ambition prevents Lady Posokhov from maintaining a more stable state of her body. Such a person will not complain, so as not to lose his reputation in the eyes of other people, he hides problems. And coupled with a high level of responsibility, this condition leads to psychosomatic problems and related diseases. Most often these are gastrointestinal diseases and blood pressure problems.

An inverted card indicates poor health, and, according to the Queen of Staves, for no apparent reason. In fact, this condition is caused by excessive psychological stress.

How to interpret the fall of the lasso in fortune telling for work and career

  1. The Queen of Wands favors business activity. It allows for career growth and advancement up the career ladder. But most of all it is associated with personal entrepreneurship. And he says that if you have been planning to start working for yourself for a long time, then the time has come.
  2. Lady Ambassadors favors work in any field, but most of all provides support to those whose work is in any way connected with publicity.
  3. The lasso symbolizes the possibility of human self-realization. And therefore, when considering whether or not it is worth leaving a disgusting, unpromising job, he always says “yes - leave.”

As a person's significator, the Queen indicates a colleague or boss. This woman is energetic, enterprising, and can do a huge amount of work. But if the card falls in an inverted position, such a person is envious, despotic, and intrigues her colleagues and subordinates.

Another meaning of the inverted card suggests that the fortuneteller is minding his own business and has no idea how to develop in his chosen field.

Interpretation in layouts:

The Queen of Wands is one of the few cards of the Minor Arcana that is self-sufficient and quite strong, just like the King of Wands, its meaning is not so strongly tied to other cards in the layout, especially with regard to smaller ones. It symbolizes a full-fledged personality or an already existing situation. Other cards only clarify the sphere of its influence. As a significator, the Queen of Wands is chosen for accomplished women of mature age who have been able to realize themselves as individuals. Understand your goals and aspirations and, at least part of your plans, implement them.

  • With the Jester (o Arkan) – mood swings, instability and unpredictability.
  • With the Magician (1st Arcana) – actions only in one’s own interests, manipulation.
  • With the Empress (3rd Arcana) - a caring woman who strives to patronize and care.
  • With the Emperor (4th Arcana) - a successful career, an iron lady.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune (10 Arcana) - take fate into your own hands.

WandsQueen of WandsTarot

Lady Posokhov and finance

  • This is a businesswoman who knows how to make good money. Therefore, in financial readings it is usually said that the fortuneteller will be able to achieve the desired level of income quite quickly. But only if he works boldly and creatively.
  • In an inverted position, it warns that you may have to tighten the belt tighter. And you will need to do this in order to invest in some project or go to study. You will have to save for some time in order to continue to live better.

Questions that can be answered by drawing a card.

The card has both positive and negative interpretation depending on the theme of the layout, but the main questions that can be answered by drawing the Queen of Wands are:

  • What causes internal contradictions and the tension associated with them?
  • Is it necessary to be a hypocrite and show off?
  • What tedious and unpleasant things are you trying to get away from?
  • Haven't you come up with too strict moral standards for yourself?

The Queen of Wands advises to be independent, to show more determination to achieve the goal, since at this moment a person knows exactly what he wants to get from life.

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Love and Relationship according to the Queen of Wands

The partner described by the card is sexy, looks gorgeous, and knows how to present herself. Despite the fact that she has the gift of seducing men, she does not strive to start a relationship with someone who is completely unsuitable for her.

She doesn't suffer from loneliness. She easily takes on all male responsibilities in the family. He manages the household skillfully and earns good money at the same time. She will allow only that man who is equal to her in fortitude, intelligence, and courage to be next to her. Otherwise, it is better for her to be alone than with just anyone.

Men should think carefully before starting a relationship with such a woman. If he imagines that he can dominate the Queen and she will live by his rules, then he is very mistaken. Such a woman knows how to be sweet and soft when she needs to conquer, but will never tolerate the infringement of her rights and freedoms.

As a significator of relationship, Lady Posokhov speaks of a constructive union of two individuals who respect each other. They know how to take care of each other, are able to live side by side until old age, but at the same time maintain healthy autonomy. Such relationships are said to be psychologically mature.

If the Queen of Wands fell upside down, it would activate all of her negative traits. And from a smart, sexy socialite, she turned into a vixen who infringes on her partner, does not respect him and constantly criticizes him. Such a woman can easily give a man a heart attack.


First of all, the card indicates the personality of a woman who has achieved a lot in life. She is tolerant towards enemies and friendly towards friends. Endowed with natural magnetism. She has a lot of life experience and is very practical. This is a business lady, often lonely. If she is married, she is a devoted wife and caring mother. She may be young, but she is definitely mature psychologically. Outwardly, she is a dark blonde or red-haired person with brown eyes.

If fortune telling is performed for a man, then this is his wife or girl who should be married. If the layout is made for a woman, then this is a faithful friend or a reliable companion.

In the upright position, Arkan is interpreted as the need for decisive action in order to continue what has been started. The map makes it clear that the right direction has been chosen, but you need to be prepared for unforeseen turns when immediate decision-making and lightning-fast reactions are required. The Queen of Wands is a sign of growth and development, she is strong in herself and depends little on the nearby major arcana.

Combination of the Queen of Wands with other Tarot cards

Neighboring cards show an event, the Queen says that it is already in full swing.

The following signs of joint interpretation show how card combinations can be explained. But an accurate interpretation must be made based on the fortuneteller’s question and the specific alignment.

Queen of Posokhov and the Major Arcana

Queen and other cards of the Wands suit

Combination with Cups

Queen of Wands and Swords

Co-occurrence with Pentacles

Interpretation in relationships

When interpreting the Lady of Staves in the love sphere, it should be understood as a positive sign. The partners’ relationships with each other are quite objective, they contain sincere love and mutual respect. A slight subordination of a person to a loved one is possible under the influence of the Lady of Sceptres card. But, despite this, submission is beneficial, the relationship is strong and trusting. The Queen of Staves tarot card promises the opportunity to enter into a marriage that will be long and quite harmonious.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands arcana in the tarot when inverted

The reversed position of the Lady of Wands card interprets relationships as vain and without much love. It costs such a person nothing to make his partner dependent on himself and to rule without remorse. This meaning in the Queen of Wands tarot often falls on people prone to greed and hypocrisy. They should learn sincerity and responsibility for the feelings of those around them.

Card of the day

This is the right time to do that work that has been put off for a long time, or to make a decision that is scary, but must be made.

On the day of the Lady of Wands, a person is full of energy, optimistic and self-confident. Therefore, this is a good time to make a favorable impression on the right people, for example, potential business partners.

The card works most effectively during the Full Moon. On a waxing Moon it causes a surge of optimism; on a waning Moon it can lead to irritation due to the abundance of work that you have to do yourself.

Sometimes the Queen indicates a meeting with an energetic businesswoman.

Description of the map and plot.

In almost all popular tarot decks, the Queen of Wands is depicted as a wealthy woman in rich clothes with a scepter in her hand.

In the Age of Aquarius , the Queen of Staves is drawn as a fire element, symbolizing a passionate nature. The purple color of her clothes and throne corresponds to the Ajna chakra - unity with the divine principle.

In Aleister Crowley's Thoth , the Queen of the Salamanders is represented as a beautiful woman with red hair. The red-orange background of the card represents fire. The throne is depicted in the form of geometric rays, symbolizing order and stability. The Lady's crown is decorated with a winged ball, and a leopard sits at her feet. The woman is focused and immersed in her thoughts. The rod in her left hand, representing power, is more like a mace.

Many tarot readers are afraid to use the Manara because of the overt eroticism of the drawings. The Queen of Fire in this deck is depicted as a girl caressing herself. The symbol of the card is awakening sexuality, lack of experience and the expectation of initiative from a partner.

In Dürer's , Sevilla is depicted as a woman wrapped in a cloak with a mace in her hand. The lion lying at her feet is a reflection of power. The woman’s figure is tense - she is ready to defend her interests. The mountains in the background reflect the desire for creative development.

The journey of the gnome Siken, guided by a unique deck created by Pietro Alligo and Antonio Lupatelli , takes us into the world of unusual designs on cards. The characters of the major arcana and “pictures” in suits are more like cartoon characters. The interpretation of the layouts also differs from the decoding of classic tarot. These are rather answers to everyday, everyday questions.

In the Dwarven deck, the Lady of Staffs is depicted as a plump, not very young gnome. She leans on the mace. The crown resembles a helmet. In this interpretation, the Queen of Wands takes on the meaning: “The questioner needs inspiration.”

Some tarot readers interpret this card as a controversial personality. On the one hand, she is a highly moral person, on the other hand, her passion and sensuality constantly push her to break the rules. This is the eternal struggle between morality and the sphere of feelings.

The Queen of Wands Tarot has a more familiar image in the Rider-Waite deck . The clear graphic designs of all 78 arcana have deep symbolism. On the card in this deck, a richly dressed lady sits on a luxurious throne decorated with lions. Sunflowers in the background signify joy of life, optimism and happiness. A black cat sitting at your feet is independence and denial of restrictions. This inconsistency of the card largely determines its meaning.

Key Ideas

The Queen has a number of key ideas and meanings, including:

  • loyalty, open soul;
  • actions that lead to success;
  • balanced, calm character;
  • powerful and bold actions;
  • fair severity;
  • desire to gain autonomy and independence;
  • an abundance of bold ideas and solutions;
  • openness to everything new;
  • successful contacts;
  • love for all living things;
  • the ability to think positively;
  • rich, stable life;
  • wealthy, business woman;
  • the ability to give wise advice.
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