“9 Cups” Tarot: combination with other cards and the meaning of layouts

If you want to become a successful tarot reader, you should study the interpretations of each of the Minor and Major Arcana of the Tarot and be able to correctly apply them in practice. In this material we will reveal the meaning of the 9 Cups of the Tarot (you can also find it in layouts called the Nine of Cups and the Lord of Material Success).

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What is depicted on the lasso

The classical school of Tarot on the Nine of Cups arcana usually depicts a man who is self-confident, relaxed and satisfied with life. As a rule, he sits on a luxurious throne, but in some decks he sits in the lotus position.

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The man’s pose demonstrates to those around him complete contentment with life; the time has come when he can relax and unwind without suffering from any worries.

The table in front of him is laden with dishes filled with sumptuous dishes. A large number of fruits indicates complete prosperity, and the throne says that the man was able to reach a certain height and has real power.

A man’s peace and relaxation is taken care of by his faithful dog, who does not allow anyone to disturb the bliss of his owner. Filled bowls are depicted above the person’s head.

If we turn to the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, here the 9 of Cups Tarot card is represented by a rider dismounting from a horse and raising a cup for his successes. He is in no hurry, can enjoy every moment of his life and allows his horse to rest. He had to work hard to build his fortress, and now all his worries are behind him.

Person's character

The Arcana of 9 Cups describes a positive person, full of energy and goodness. There are few people around him who are angry or prone to depression.

The character that the card describes completely coincides with the mood of Falstaff depicted on it:

  • gaiety;
  • confidence;
  • peace.

It’s easy to go through life with such a person, make friends, love, work.

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Nine of Cups - general meaning in Tarot

Astrologically, the map corresponds to the planet Moon, which is located in the zodiac constellation Taurus. Taurus is a symbol of pleasure, joy and complete satisfaction with life.

Also correlated with the map is the constellation Pisces, which has entered the second decade. They are the personification of sensory fullness, unity with cosmic energy. This is a state when a person “dives” headlong into his happiness and stops paying attention to any external stimuli. He is almost in a blissful state, because all his desires are easily fulfilled thanks to the will of the Almighty.

In a straight position

The card will tell about the sudden awakening of intuition, the gift of premonition. This is a rather ambiguous lasso; it should be studied in detail. On the one hand, the 9 of Cups will tell about success, prosperity, health and victory, but on the other hand, about difficulties and illnesses.

  1. General meaning: acts as a harbinger of success, anticipation of a special event, as well as inner peace and satisfaction.
  2. In the sphere of events: indicates family celebrations, anniversaries, birthdays, people gathered around a set table.
  3. In the business sphere, it indicates a successful business that provides large profits. The process of trading liquid energy (gasoline, fuels and lubricants), as well as food products.
  4. Shows excellent health.
  5. In the sphere of relationships: they often end in marriage. People enjoy their happiness and have common cultural interests.
  6. The 9 of Cups describes a person who is satisfied with life, calm and relaxed, self-satisfied and self-sufficient.
  7. Recommends enjoying life and getting ready for the solemn celebration of some event.
  8. Warns: you keep your positive emotions only within yourself, show greater openness.
  9. The final answer to your question is yes.

Additional information (relates to the issue of relationships). In this case, the proverb is very relevant: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” According to the meaning of this card, you can have everything you want, but at the same time be completely alone.

In reverse position

The arcan will tell about mistakes, imperfection, the combination of good and evil, but, in addition, it indicates sincere and sincere intentions with a certain amount of naivety.

  1. Overall meaning: demonstrates disharmony, discomfort.
  2. In the area of ​​events: a person searches for a comfortable state in an uncomfortable environment.
  3. In the business sphere: the card indicates the independence of small businesses, maintained even in conditions of high competition. Pretty good progress.
  4. In the field of health: good appearance in poor health.
  5. In love: partners try to create the illusion of an ideal union, while suffering from internal disharmony. Very obsessed with each other.
  6. Arkan describes a person who actively pretends that everything is fine with him, although in reality this is not at all the case.
  7. The card advises you to maintain a good impression of yourself.
  8. Warns: you will have to find yourself in an unfavorable environment.
  9. You will feel uncomfortable (like a child caught in a huge world).

Detailed meaning of the 9 of Cups Tarot

General value

The card (in an upright position) denotes a period when a person experiences genuine joy and literally bathes in it. But there is also a negative point here - the desire for excess. In general, the 9 of Cups will tell about pleasant events, carefreeness, cheerful company, and interesting pastime.

In progress

Now you are really enjoying your work, things are going very well. This is largely due to the friendly, well-knit team, a team of true professionals.

Nine at work speaks of elation, excellent mood, and finally all the difficulties and conflicts of the past will be forgotten.

In the sphere of consciousness

A time when a person enjoys his worldview. In its highest form, this is a description of a hedonist who adheres to the principle: “Live and rejoice.” He loves sensual pleasures, has an excellent sense of humor and sincerely enjoys every new day of life.

The meaning of the 9 of Cups Tarot in relationships

In the love sphere, the lasso symbolizes happiness and pleasure. If earlier you could only dream about something, now it is becoming your reality.

But you should also not forget about excesses that, instead of feeling joy, can make you constantly chase pleasures or digest pleasures that have already become boring.

People and places

The Nine of Cups appearing as a significator characterizes a person from the best side:

  • positive;
  • friendliness;
  • openness;
  • sincerity;
  • honesty;
  • generosity.

These are the main characteristics that the card gives the questioner. Such people are valued for their kind, flexible nature. They are ready to come to the aid of their neighbor, help out with advice or money. In the upright position, the 9 of Cups speaks of the generosity of the soul. A person will easily part with money or an item to help out a friend.

Modern interpretation of the map image

When reversed, the card indicates the opposite situation. Indicates stinginess in emotional and material terms. Warns that the questioner is not who he wants to seem, he is trying to look sweet and open in the eyes of others, but in reality he regrets every penny spent.

Since the 9 of Cups is the Arcana of pleasure and pleasure, when determining the location it points to beauty salons, fitness centers, and hairdressers. In these establishments, people get positive emotions, restore beauty, and put their bodies in order.

If the question to the Tarot concerns the profession that should be chosen, the 9 of Cups advises trying your hand at the fashion and beauty industry. The following specialties are suitable: makeup artist, cosmetologist, clothing designer.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ “One card” layout

9 of Cups General meaning A person is in complete harmony with himself and the world around him. The card may also indicate that happiness awaits the fortuneteller. Relationships Relationships are developing rapidly. The couple is happy and may soon legalize their relationship. Health Everything is fine. Businesses Business related to the sale of food and drinks, as well as fuel, will bring profit . A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the future

9 of Cups A positive card that especially stands out for a person’s state of mind. You will feel a special surge of energy that will allow you to accomplish your plans. There is a chance that your cherished dream will finally come true and will allow you to feel a feeling of incredible happiness that does not often appear in people’s lives. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On relationships

9 of Cups If a fortuneteller wonders about the development of current relationships, and the nine of cubes falls, then we can safely say that the future is expected to be very pleasant and cloudless. Marriage and a new, more serious level in relationships are possible. What previously seemed like an unattainable dream becomes reality and comes true. This forecast also applies to single people - be prepared to meet your destiny; with this new person, your relationship will be like a beautiful fairy tale about love. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

9 of Cups Bliss, fulfillment of desires and harmony with the world. Success at work, completion of started projects and large profits; It is possible to go on vacation. The card indicates the absence of any health problems and strength of spirit. In relationships: a period of carefree happiness, union without quarrels and sorrows; long-awaited marriage. You are a calm and cheerful person, happy with your life. Continue to sincerely enjoy life and don’t be afraid to show your happiness to others! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For tomorrow

9 of Cups A map of vivid imagination, success in learning, creative impulses and searches for non-trivial solutions. Arkan personifies art, creativity in all its manifestations. Tomorrow the questioner will have an extraordinary day, full of new ideas and achievements. Whatever the questioner does, he will do with ease and enthusiasm, and the results will be bright and original. The card speaks of creating something truly creative. In the professional sphere, the Nine of Cups represents finding new ways to solve problems. In love - mutual spiritual enrichment, pleasant conversations. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ What does he think about me

9 of Cups You have a wonderful relationship that you have long dreamed of. You completely trust each other, love and consider your partner a gift from fate. You can consider your couple ideal because such harmony between two lovers is not often found. Quarrels almost never occur in your life, so you just enjoy the process of building relationships and go in the right direction. In such harmony a strong family can be born. But it is precisely this stage that is an indicator of true love, of which there is so little. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On request

9 of Cups Don't be stingy in your support of other people. Then you yourself can count on the support of your loved ones. In addition, on the way to desire, you will have to pause. It is necessary to analyze and summarize previous activities. When it becomes clearer to you how to behave and what to do next, your wish will definitely come true. What you want will bring material profit, luxury and prosperity. Try to complete this stage of life before moving on to the next. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the situation

9 of Cups The current situation is the result of intuitive actions and subconscious aspirations. This is a period of relaxation and pleasure, awakening intuition. Prosperous time. Waiting for a pleasant event. A joyful coincidence. A peaceful flow of life and special events. Positive development of the situation. But the desire to hide positive emotions can lead to difficulties and illnesses. Share your joy with others. Fill your days with pleasant moments and indulge in mundane pleasures! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the betrothed

9 of Cups This arcana denotes spiritual and physical warmth between partners. Love will literally follow you on your heels. At every moment, your partner will play one of the leading roles, because he will always be with you. Such relationships are called sensual, because everyone will see that very spark. Marriage will strengthen this stronghold of love and create new values ​​that will warm your heart in difficult times. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚Guardian Angel Advice

9 of Cups Your need to compromise and be open helps you find new friends and keep old ones. At this stage, you need the ability to make friends, negotiate, make new acquaintances, since the favorable outcome of what is happening largely depends on other people. Earn their friendship and loyalty. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the King

9 of Cups This is a wish fulfillment card. If you have given your heart to your chosen one, then marriage is coming soon. One stage ends in your relationship and another begins. There is some period of rest and celebration that you can afford. This also applies to single people who must prepare for a new life. Remember that your chosen one can not only give you a new destiny, but also solve financial problems that have been tormenting you for a long time. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For treason

9 of Cups You have nothing to worry about. In such relationships there is harmony. Partners enjoy each other, showing the warmest and most sincere feelings. Life together is filled with happiness and harmony. The Nine of Cups of the Tarot also symbolizes sexual satisfaction in a couple and the play of passions. Just don’t overdo it with the feeling of over-sweetened reality, so as not to burn out. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ “Three cards” layout

9 of Cups This lasso symbolizes success and stability in all areas of life. Therefore, this is the time to start implementing your goals: the foundations that you lay now will definitely bear fruit in the future. Don't forget about your friends, now is the right time for cozy, fun and carefree get-togethers that evoke a slight touch of nostalgia for bygone times. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Love triangle

9 of Cups The card foreshadows the positive development of relationships. A wedding may take place soon. The lovers are happy and do not allow third parties into the relationship. No separation is expected. Relationships between partners are built not only on love, but also on mutual respect, common interests, and hobbies. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To fate

9 of Cups You've worked hard, and now it's time to have a good rest. You have achieved serious success, achieved strong prosperity and laid a strong foundation for further development. You have something to be proud of and to be happy about. Share the joy with your loved ones, because they are no less pleased with your achievements than you are. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To Work

9 of Cups Work brings pleasure and stable income. The business generates excess profits. Businesses related to the trade in beverages and food products will do especially well. The card says that the time has come for joy and celebration. Enjoy the good results that work will bring. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For pregnancy and children

9 of Cups Nine of Cups recommends getting ready to celebrate a joyful event. Conception will occur in the near future and will bring great joy to the whole family. The child will be healthy, loved and desired. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Will he come back to me?

9 of Cups With this card you will find success in relationships in general and at this stage. If you are not together now due to some kind of disagreement or difference of views, then do not doubt that the problem can be solved and such misunderstandings can be left behind. The card promises a successful resolution of the conflict and the successful further development of relationships, because the partners in this pair really suit each other. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Swords and Cups - what does this combination promise to the questioner?

9 Cups with suit of Swords

  • The appearance of an Ace next to the Nine of Cups guarantees a successful outcome.
  • The deuce advises not to hold a grudge, to forgive the offenders.
  • Troika recommends caution; you have become an object of envy.
  • Four - laziness prevents the implementation of plans.
  • Five indicates a petty and greedy person.
  • Six - do not lose optimism.
  • Seven - well-being is illusory. Option: before you is a liar, wishful thinking.
  • Number Eight advises looking at life more broadly. Try to expand your boundaries, go beyond your usual existence.
  • Nine portends imminent troubles.
  • Ten - fragile happiness will not last long.
  • Page – control your emotions. Refrain from anger.
  • Knight - aggressive behavior.
  • The Queen warns about enemies.
  • The king is lack of pity.
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