Nine of Cups (Minor Arcana Tarot): card meaning, tips, ideas

General meaning of the Nine of Cups in the reading

In a straight position

The Nine of Cups describes a situation when a person has come to the end of another stage of life, but before moving on to the next, he should relax and take a break. This card predicts the resolution of old problems, success in business, the fulfillment of desires, sudden gifts of fate, and protection from the vicissitudes of fate.

In some cases, the favorable meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups is associated with previous trials that the questioner has successfully overcome. He passed the “exam of fate”, went through disasters, troubles, serious difficulties, and now has received or will soon receive a well-deserved reward.

Even in combination of the Nine of Cups with unfavorable cards, the questioner can count on the fulfillment of his desire. But he will have to overcome some obstacles and wait a long time. It is possible that after obtaining what he wants, the fortuneteller will be greatly disappointed and annoyed. But one way or another, the plan will come true.

If the 9 Tarot Cups fall in a reading on the intended person, the card indicates the darling of fate, the lucky one who achieves success without much effort. This person is pleased with himself, knows how to enjoy life, and has a cheerful, easy-going character. It is possible that he is too carefree, does not know how to complete things, loves parties, and is prone to overeating and harmful excesses.

Inverted position

The reversed 9 of Cups in the Tarot symbolizes abuse, superficial pleasures, selfishness, and focus solely on one's own affairs. This card describes satiety, fatigue from an idle lifestyle, disappointment from satisfying exclusively physical needs while neglecting spiritual values.

Dream Magic

Renaissance Tarot

Fairytale Tarot

In some cases, the reverse position of the card indicates the abandonment of imaginary pleasures for the sake of simple but deep things that can make the questioner truly happy. We are talking about a revaluation of values, when a person radically changes his worldview. For example, an inveterate partygoer gives up endless partying in order to create a family in which he feels truly happy.

Sometimes the meaning of the 9 of Cups is associated with problems and difficulties on the way to achieving a goal. However, troubles are unable to derail serious plans, but can delay them in time.

Nine of Cups (9 of Cups) - Minor Arcana Tarot cards

Nine of Cups – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Nine of Cups correlates with the Moon in Taurus, symbolizing pleasure, joy, and complete satisfaction.

Pisces are in the second decade. They symbolize sensory fullness, unity with the energies of the Cosmos. This is a state when a person is completely absorbed in his “happiness”, nothing affects him from the outside, he is protected from above and gifted with prosperity. He learned the value of ideals, their purity and harmony. His state is close to bliss, for everything he desires comes to him with the light hand of the Almighty.

Other names for the Nine of Cups: Nine of Cups.

Brief description of the Arcana: Spirit of Pleasure, Possession of earthly happiness, Achieving what you want, Luck.

Description of the Nine of Cups

In classical Tarot decks, the Nine of Cups depicts a man who is confident, relaxed and happy with life. He is usually depicted sitting on a luxurious throne, but some authors chose to “seat” him in the lotus position. A man with his whole appearance shows that he is satisfied with himself and his life, he can relax and unwind, he has no worries.

On the table in front of him is a dish with food. The abundance of fruit here symbolizes complete prosperity, just as the throne indicates that the man has reached certain heights and even has power.

A man’s peace and relaxation is guarded by a dog – his faithful friend, who will not allow anyone to disturb the bliss of his owner. He is akin to the Great Dane Banga, who guarded the sleep of Pontius Pilate.

Full cups are depicted above the man's head.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot deck, the Nine of Cups is represented by a rider dismounting from a horse and raising a cup for his success. He does not need to rush anywhere, he has the opportunity to rest himself and give rest to his faithful horse. He achieved his goal, he built his fortress, and now all his worries are behind him. The cups are located around the rider.

In some decks, the emphasis is on one of the meanings of the Arcana - abundance and luxury. This meaning is conveyed through a table richly furnished with various dishes, in front of which a man stands with a happy look; less often, a woman is depicted.

The sacred meaning of the Nine of Cups

The central figure depicted on the classic deck will help you understand the depth of the Arcana’s content. Traditionally, the main character in the deck is a man who, with his entire appearance, shows absolute calm and tranquility. In the Rider-Waite deck, a man sits on a luxurious throne, and in front of him on the table is a dish filled with various fruits.

He has achieved all the goals that he set for himself, his desires have come true, he is satisfied with his life and has every right to rest and peace. Material wealth is symbolized by the filled cups depicted above his head. But cups are also emotions, experiences, feelings.

A man has not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth. He is emotionally intact, which gives him a sense of peace and the belief that even in a passive state he will be gifted from above, for he knows how to be grateful for these gifts.

Thanks to the ability to properly manage his emotions, as well as developed intuition, our hero managed to build his life in such a way that he was accompanied by good luck, happiness, and prosperity. He is at the pinnacle of bliss and nothing can move him from this path. His spiritual and life experience will not allow him to make a mistake that could bring him back.

Mythological correspondence of the Nine of Cups

In mythology, the presentation of King Arthur’s round table, at which knights are feasting, will help to reveal the Arcana.

The meaning of the straight Nine of Cups in the layout

The Nine of Cups in the layout indicates that the time has come for a person to enjoy the results of his work, because they cannot but please. His success is obvious, he has been working towards it for a long time and has now earned the highest praise. Even the “heavy” Arcana are not able to overshadow the positivity of the Nine of Cups. They will only add a little drop of tar to this huge barrel of honey.

Arkan speaks of the fulfillment of desires, and for this a person will have to do practically nothing. The main thing for him is to wait patiently for the moment when this becomes possible. The Nine of Cups also denotes various gifts of fate for a person.

In the layout, Arcana can also indicate the time allotted for rest, and this rest will be very productive for a person, since during this period he will not need anything. The card even recommends trying to indulge in idleness without worrying about anything. If at the moment there are any reasons for troubles and worries, then you should calm down, because the card promises to resolve the situation in the best possible way.

The appearance of the Nine of Cups in the scenario indicates that the person is completely protected from any vicissitudes of fate. A period of only pleasant events awaits him, in which there simply can be no place for suffering. Whatever a person plans, he will definitely receive complete emotional and material satisfaction.

The meaning of the reversed Nine of Cups in the reading

Inverted, the Nine of Cups suggests that although a person is in abundance, he does not rejoice in it, believing that he deserves much more. This card does not speak of material poverty, but of spiritual poverty. Such a person is fed up with life, feels tired from the pursuit of benefits, and, having received them, constantly expresses dissatisfaction with his fate.

With such a map, we can say that a person’s life is influenced by greed and the inability to stop in time. Due to acquisitiveness and the pursuit of material wealth, a person loses emotional attachments to people and may ultimately be left alone.

If in the upright position the Arcanum indicates a person’s peaceful state, then in the inverted position it says that the person in his life is hampered by his own selfishness. He doesn't want to sacrifice anything. Because of this, people turn away from him.


Perhaps this is one of the cards that, in the upright position, is simply ideal for a work and business layout. Its meaning in this case is clear: unconditional success, well-being, victory over complex projects, achievement of the highest goals, incredible prospects for business development.

The card suggests that the business will have excellent advantages over its competitors, it is fully built and all that remains is to maintain the previously chosen course. You can even allow yourself a little rest, since it will not interfere with the development of your business. Everything works like a Swiss watch.

If the alignment is made for one person, then the Nine of Cups speaks of individual success, recognition of talents and abilities, and the acquisition of leadership qualities that will certainly lead to career growth. Such a person will be an excellent manager who can be entrusted with the most difficult negotiations - he will always emerge victorious.

Arkan promises good success to people who are engaged in professions related to holidays and entertainment events.

In general, Arkan promises material abundance and complete satisfaction with one’s work.

In its inverted version, the Nine of Cups will indicate that a person is doing something he doesn’t like, treats it negligently and cannot count on success. He will set himself deliberately low goals in order to enjoy at least an imaginary triumph.

In a team, such a person will encounter misunderstanding and rejection, because due to his selfishness and conceit, his colleagues will not want to maintain relationships. He will not be an authority for anyone, although he will impose his opinion with all his efforts.

Profit with this card is possible, but it will not bring joy, and the person will express dissatisfaction with its size.

Direction of self-development

Of course, the lesson of this card is very pleasant and welcome. Since a person has gone through a chain of various transformations, pain, experiences, illusions and disappointments, he is rightfully allowed to rest and enjoy the fruits of his labor. But there is some danger in this lesson.

It lies in the emotional state of a person. How much he knows how to thank fate, how much he is able to pacify his appetites. How others will see him depends on this: peaceful or selfish, greedy or virtuous, vain or noble.

If a person cannot cope with the happiness that has “fallen upon” him, then he will receive a lesson not from the direct Arcana, but from the inverted one. There is a high probability of overstepping your own boundaries and falling into excess, losing yourself and your spiritual experience. Punishment for not completing a lesson will come in the form of a sharp deterioration in health and a serious setback in one’s development with the loss of opportunities and material wealth. An example of a lesson not learned is a businessman who worked on a deal for a long time, invested a lot of time and effort into it, got the desired result, and then went to the casino and lost all the money he earned.

The reversed Nine of Cups suggests that a person needs to look more optimistically at his achievements and rejoice at even small successes. In this case, he can achieve greater success with small steps.

It is necessary to get rid of selfishness and vanity, since they hinder the development of the Spirit and lead to new trials.

Personal relationships

The Nine of Cups describes personal relationships very well. First of all, this is an alliance in which the partners combine very harmoniously with each other. They are full of emotions and feelings, an ongoing interest in each other. In these relationships there is delightful sex, sincerity, and complete mutual understanding. Partners enjoy each other's company.

The married couple is in complete material prosperity, everyday problems do not interfere with the relationship of the spouses. Their home is always open to friends, and they happily organize parties. They like to live “in grand style” and involve their friends in it.

If the cards are laid out for one of the partners, then you should understand that he is an excellent lover (mistress), experienced in love, able to deliver maximum pleasure and sensitive to his other half. However, this does not prevent him from being a narcissistic egoist and reveling in his own success.

An inverted card indicates a relationship that is accompanied by a paucity of feelings and a lack of interest between partners. Sexual life suits partners, but only as a physical phenomenon. They don't get complete satisfaction. An example for understanding is a woman who demands sex from a man in order to satisfy him and keep him, but does not experience orgasm herself.

If only one partner is involved in the reading, the reversed card characterizes him as a lazy lover who does not care about the pleasure of his partner, but demands complete satisfaction for himself. He will never recognize a passionate woman in his partner and will always express dissatisfaction with her skill.

Personality characteristics

The card characterizes a person who is completely satisfied with his life, he is carefree and sometimes even looks idle. He does not strive to occupy himself with serious work, sometimes he even tries to “sneak away” from it. They say about such people that he lives one day at a time.

The Nine of Cups person may well be known as a playmaker due to the fact that luck always comes to him, he easily gets what he wants, and therefore easily “gets it down.” He loves noisy companies, fun, grand parties, meetings with friends.

People characterized by this Arcanum quite often do not value anything in life except themselves. They easily part with money, and in relationships they are often selfish and vain. They are easy-going and happily maintain friendships with people like them.

Here the inverted Arcana completely reverses the meaning of the upright one. A person is distinguished by constant complaints about life; he may live in an abundance that will not please him. There is always not enough for him; fate seems unfavorable to him, even despite the gifts.

Such a person will sit in front of a full table and feel hungry. Egoism is also present in this version of the card, but here it is more reminiscent of egocentrism. Such a person will extol his every small victory to the skies, but in his heart he will always be dissatisfied with the result.

Another negative quality that the Nine of Cups exhibits is isolation. The person is extremely unfriendly, he does not want to let someone into his world, so as not to waste his precious time on him. Don’t snatch this time from yourself, your loved one.


As an indicator of health, Arkan is not clear. On the one hand, he speaks of complete peace of mind, absence of illness or recovery after a protracted illness.

On the other hand, the Nine of Cups in an upright position may indicate problems associated with excesses, such as overeating or drinking too much alcohol. This is a fairly common occurrence, since initially health allows you to go on a spree, but it just does not allow you to overdo it in this field.

An inverted Arcana can warn that, despite external well-being, a person may have hidden diseases that are asymptomatic.

Layout for the situation

Whatever situation is considered by the Nine of Cups, this Arcanum always promises its successful completion. It may be resolved with some difficulties, as the nearby “heavy” Arcana will certainly indicate, but sooner or later it will come to success.

The card suggests that those around him have a very favorable attitude towards the person; he can realize everything he has in mind, counting on help from all sides. In this case, the Arcana requires practically no special effort, since fate presents various gifts. In one phrase it can be said: “Knock and it will be opened to you.”

This card is very good for people who are completing some kind of project or grandiose work. It will mean that a person simply expects triumphant success, which he did not even count on.

The reversed version of the Nine of Cups is a painful refusal of pleasure, disappointment with the result obtained. Even a favorable situation is accompanied by negative emotions: a person achieves his goal and suddenly begins to understand that all this was unnecessary, meaningless and, naturally, does not bring joy.

No matter how the situation is resolved, it will always look negative. This is solely in a person’s thoughts, but it is they that influence his attitude, emotions and feelings.

Card of the day

Today is an idle day, on which you can indulge in laziness and relax, not for a minute without thinking about any problems. Everything goes on as usual, and human participation is not required.

On this day there may be parties and pleasant gatherings with friends, a meeting with a loved one, and the evening promises to be very passionate. The day will be so successful that a person will fall asleep with a smile.

An inverted Arcana indicates that the day will bring disappointment. Friends will be invited to join in the company, but there is no desire to participate in the celebration. If you give in to temptation, all you can do is sit at the table and overeat or get drunk.

On this day, everything will be annoying because it won’t happen the way you wanted.

Card of the Year

As a card of the year, this is simply a wonderful Arcana. During the year you can expect the most exciting events that will be accompanied by intense joy. This is a year of big and small victories, a year of completion of something grandiose and a year of triumph. If this Arcanum falls at the beginning of the year, then you should definitely complete the work you started, since failure simply cannot happen.

The year promises excellent opportunities for recreation and there will be more than enough of them. Now you can relax and completely surrender to idleness and fun.

An inverted Arcanum warns of boredom throughout the year. Things will go well, but they will not bring pleasure. All the time it will seem that something is unfinished, not received, not implemented. Quite often you will have to deal with a lack of support from family and friends.

It is necessary to avoid the danger of self-withdrawal from an interesting life and complete immersion in oneself. Such loneliness will not bring anything good, but will only aggravate disappointment.

Arcana Council

The Nine of Cups advises you to enjoy the bonuses you receive from life, to allow yourself to relax without worrying about anything. At the moment, everything around is running like a well-oiled clockwork, and improving it will only spoil it.

If a person has not learned to enjoy success, he does not deserve this success. It is impossible to catch the ghostly bird of happiness; you need to be able to rejoice in what you have, because this is happiness itself.

Meaning on a deeper level

At a deep level, the Nine of Cups symbolizes the merging of man with the cosmic rhythms of the Universe, his acquisition of harmony with the world around him. A person becomes happy from the awareness of this unity, pure energies pass through him freely, the secrets of existence and new possibilities are revealed to him.

Sometimes the card describes a creative person who lives in his own world, abstracted from reality. This may be indicated by the combination of the Nine of Cups with the Hermit.

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

The picture shows a good-natured man. The pose expresses calm and tranquility. Hands folded on the chest, nine golden cups rise behind the back. The image contains the main symbol of the card - a well-deserved reward, joy from life, pleasure, success, fulfillment of cherished desires.

Classic Nine of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

Key words of the 9 of Cups:

  • peace;
  • dreams come true;
  • harmony with the world;
  • unconditional happiness;
  • positive emotions.

The card says that a favorable period will soon come in the life of the questioner. He will reach the pinnacle of happiness and will enjoy the results of his labor. Depending on whether it is upright or inverted, the Nine of Cups can manifest qualities in different ways.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

Depending on the neighboring Arcana, the 9 of Cups promises excellent prospects. Life turns out the way you want it. Make any wishes, they will come true in the near future. Nothing is impossible, says the card. Take the opportunity, don't miss your luck.

Reversed card meaning

When deciphering an inverted symbol, pay attention to the cards that accompany it. Some tarot readers believe that the reverse Nine of Cups indicates that a person is not happy with the success he has achieved. A lot of effort and money was spent, but the result did not live up to expectations, the price was too high.

Other fortune-telling masters believe that the card means satiety with life, an endless search for joy and pleasure, which has become an end in itself for a person. He does not know how to enjoy life, does not see beauty in the world around him; dreams of impossible things.

What point of view to adhere to when deciphering the symbolism of the cards is up to the fortune teller to decide. Life experience and innate intuition will tell you from what angle to look at the alignment. Don't forget, part of the answer to the question is contained in its wording.

The video is dedicated to the interpretation of the Arcana of the 9 Cups:

Work and finance

In a straight position

In professional activities, the card predicts the successful completion of a complex project, individual success, victory over competitors, recognition of services to management, a good atmosphere in the team, receiving a bonus, concluding a profitable deal.

The meaning of the Nine of Cups in a financial reading: deliverance from want, monetary profit from trading in food, gasoline, drinks, material wealth, balance between expenses and savings. The card also indicates profit from work related to the beauty industry, communications in society, and healing.

Reversed position

Inverted, the card speaks of abuse of official position, troubles in communicating with colleagues, passivity that interferes with career growth. The questioner should be wary of intrigue from competitors and the envy of work colleagues.

In the field of finance, a reverse card predicts financial difficulties, material damage from a careless attitude towards money, problems associated with debts and loans. When combining 9 cups with unfavorable cards, there is a risk of ruin for the questioner.

Description and general meaning of the “9 Cups” Tarot card

Writers Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin believed that the map depicted a certain Falstaff, one of the main characters in Shakespeare's play Henry IV. They also thought that this character was presented at a younger age in the Page of Cups.

Falstaff can truly be called happy, since this man was very pleased with his fate. The 9 Cups Tarot card is proof of this. The similarity with Shakespeare's hero can be seen in the fact that the man is sitting on a bench wearing a headdress like the main character. Pamela Smith portrays Falstaff in The Nine of Cups as the same as in the play: a drunkard, a waster of life, a glutton, a mentally retarded person.


  • Feeling of happiness.
  • Finding what you want.
  • Pleasure.
  • Working for the public.
  • Gluttony.
  • Self-love.

Key ideas:

  • Personal victory.
  • Loot collector.
  • Impetuous and mental pleasure.
  • A well-deserved celebration.

When describing the card, Waite claims that the image carries only a material meaning, and in the interpretation of the Golden Dawn, the meaning of the Nine of Cups is the master of true happiness.

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  • Dark Tarot Decks: Symbolism and Purpose
  • How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign
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But Waite also describes it from the other, opposite side. For the literal meaning, he gives the following ideas: consent, bodily pleasure, celebration, luck, superiority. For the reversed “9 of Cups” Tarot – truth, humility, will. But Waite did not exclude the fact that the map could also indicate shortcomings and errors.

In modern days, the interpretation does not differ much from established opinion. “Nine of Cups” carries the meaning of happiness, pleasure, including material wealth, and celebration. Despite this, the topic of pride and indifference to other people is also touched upon there. A person lives for himself and his desires, not noticing anyone around him.

Love and relationships

Straight position

The general meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups in relationships: love passion, complete mutual understanding, the pursuit of sensual pleasures, a family idyll, an imminent wedding, a happy period in a relationship, heartfelt affection, consent, satisfaction from a vivid sexual experience.

In the case of a combination of the Nine of Cups with unfavorable cards, we are talking about the sensual satiation of partners. They spent too much time together, cut themselves off from the outside world and are now tired of each other.

The meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups in relationships for single people is a quick meeting with a person with whom there will be good compatibility physically and emotionally. The romance will be stormy, but there is a high probability that it will develop into a strong union or marriage.

Reversed position

The reversed 9 of Cups in a relationship indicates narcissism, promiscuous relationships, a superficial attitude towards family and a loved one, selfishness in love, and partners’ fixation on each other.

Also, a reverse card can describe a couple in which everything looks perfect on the outside, but in reality there is no room for cordial relationships, love, or romance. Partners create the appearance of happiness in a relationship, perhaps deceiving not only those around them, but also themselves.

For lonely people, the inverted Nine of Cups predicts a meeting with a person for whom family values ​​are not important; he prefers an open relationship.

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Family and home

Direct position

In the upright position, the card promises household members a prosperous family life, the joy of being, and a good atmosphere in the family. The Nine of Cups in this position is interpreted as “a house is a full cup” and promises stability, prosperity, and material security.


In the reverse position, the 9 of cups speaks of the idle lifestyle of family members, which can negatively affect their health and mood. Household members will benefit from a long walk, outdoor recreation, and a change of scenery.

Meaning of the 9 of Cups Tarot card in reverse position

The Nine of Cups is a symbol of satisfaction and wishes. But the reversed 9 of Cups Tarot suggests that there may be some disappointment due to an unfulfilled dream.

There may be a feeling that you have not achieved something, and that internal realization has not yet taken place. You are haunted by a feeling of sadness due to your personal imperfections and mistakes, self-importance, luxury, greed, superficial or unrealistic desires, gluttony and confusion in achieving your goals.


Direct position

In most interpretations, the card predicts recovery from illness, a surge of energy, and emotional uplift. She can also talk about overeating, alcoholism, excess weight, health problems due to a sedentary lifestyle.

When the Nine of Cups is combined with negative cards, strokes, vascular pathologies, heart attacks, and kidney failure are possible. Moreover, these diseases appeared in the life of the questioner not by chance, but because of his own mistakes, abuses, and incorrect attitude towards life.

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Inverted position

In the inverted position, the card speaks of health problems that are hidden from the eyes of the questioner and do not manifest themselves with any pronounced symptoms. When 9 cups are combined with favorable cards, the disease will soon be detected and revealed on time.

Arcana Nine of Cups: Fortune telling in love and relationships

Straight position

The Nine of Cups says that your romantic relationships are full of stability, emotional attachment, warmth, comfort and 100% harmony. Essentially, you were lucky to meet the love of your life, so you are incredibly happy in this couple. Arkan says that lovers will be faithful to each other and will be able to live together all their lives.

The Tarot card offers to add variety to your intimate life. Do not hesitate to share your desires with your partner and listen to him. If you are not afraid to experiment, you can renew your passion and have fun. Soon you will go on vacation or honeymoon.

Inverted position

The card signals that you are fed up with the usual feelings and pleasures in a relationship. You strive to get them, but you no longer feel the joy as before. There is a high probability that you will soon part with your loved one.

The Nine of Cups says that you should not make new romantic acquaintances in the near future, because such connections simply have no future. Most likely, you are not acting on the call of your heart, but on the dictates of the crowd, which is why you get involved with the wrong people. In addition, the lasso can indicate that you are blinded by emotions and are not able to soberly evaluate the person you like.

Fortune telling “What does a man think of me?”

We do not have psychic abilities to read our partner's thoughts, which is why disagreements and conflicts often arise. Now you will know what thoughts and ideas about you are floating in his head.

Fortune telling “A man’s feelings for me”

The strong half of humanity seems rather constrained in those moments when you need to open up emotionally and admit your feelings. This gives rise to doubts and fears among girls that they do not love her. A correct online forecast will help you understand the problem.

Meaning of Swords in Tarot

King of Swords Queen of Swords Knight of Swords Page of Swords

Ten of Swords Nine of Swords Eight of Swords Seven of Swords

Six of Swords Five of Swords Four of Swords Three of Swords

Two of Swords Ace of Swords. .

Card combinations

Nine of Cups in combination with other major arcana cards:

  • with the Hermit - drinking alone, abstracting from the world;
  • with Death - darkened joy;
  • with the Devil - indulge in excesses, gluttony;
  • with the Tower - destroyed prosperity;
  • with the Moon - imaginary happiness;
  • with the Magician - a dream come true;
  • with the Empress - achieving the goal;
  • with the Emperor - a quick wedding;
  • with the Hierophant - the arrival of relatives, a family holiday;
  • with Lovers - an idyll in a relationship;
  • with the Chariot - you will have to work hard to fulfill your dream;
  • with Strength - to cope with addiction, one’s own shortcomings;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a bright streak in life;
  • with Moderation - share your joy with others;
  • with the Star - bright prospects;
  • with the Sun - overflowing with happiness;
  • with the Court - a well-deserved reward;
  • with the World - good prospects.

Some combinations of the Nine of Cups with the minor arcana are also important:

  • with the Seven of Pentacles - a big win;
  • with the Ten of Cups - complete happiness;
  • with the Nine of Swords - serious problems;
  • with the Page of Wands - good news;

The combination of 9 cups and 8 wands means your own wedding or being invited to a wedding.

Description of the map

The meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot (or Cups) can be deciphered from the image. The map shows a smiling man sitting calmly on a bench with his arms crossed over his chest. He is in a relaxed state, resting. The first sensations that arise when looking at the picture are peace and happiness. Hence the main meaning of the 9 Cups Tarot card - pleasure, success and implementation of plans.

Key words characterizing the essence of the lasso:

  • achieving your goals;
  • successful completion of cases;
  • happy life;
  • joyful moments;
  • satisfaction with the current situation;
  • inner harmony;
  • a dream come true;
  • rest and relaxation.

Interpretation in layouts for work and career

  • Well-being in the workplace, comfort, success. In most cases this is good. But for some people it can cause boredom and negative emotions, due to the fact that the situation does not involve challenge and significant development.
  • Superiority over competitors. Possibility of concluding a profitable contract.
  • Successful completion of a major project.
  • The 9 of Cups favors professions that give people pleasure. These could be massage therapists and chefs, cosmetologists and wine sellers. And those specialists who provide psychological support.

In an inverted orientation, the card predicts:

  • lack of career prospects;
  • inability to enjoy the chosen field of activity;
  • inability to stay within strict working boundaries and maintain discipline.

Importance in questions about the operation of the 9 of Cups card

When the question is asked in the labor or professional sphere, the 9 of Cups means that the person is completely satisfied with his work.

He has no plans to change jobs, but he doesn’t even think about moving up the career ladder. Stability is determined by the following factors:

  • he likes his position;
  • he is satisfied with the salary;
  • carries out production tasks and management instructions with ease;
  • arranged by a cheerful, friendly and united team.

Despite enjoying your activities, you should not relax. The main enemies are laziness and bad habits, weaknesses. It’s enough to “too much” at a corporate party and strong friendships with colleagues can be shaken, and laziness will lead to a decline in business. Now is not the time to relax, despite the fact that there are no problems at all, everything is going as usual.

The meaning of the lasso in work

Straight card

The 9 of Cups indicates work that brings genuine pleasure. As a rule, this is a calling, a life’s work into which you want to invest your soul.

The card can represent a team that is close in spirit. In terms of events, it can predict an upcoming corporate party or other joyful event at work.

It is worth noting once again that the suit of cups does not directly describe the real state of affairs. For the most part, it reflects the emotional sphere of the fortuneteller. He may feel incredibly good at his job - but in order to assess his financial and career prospects, he needs to look at the neighboring lasso.

Classic combination with the Major Arcana

Let's see how the Major Arcana influences the 9 of Cups. What facets of the image do they emphasize?

9 Cups with Major Arcana

  • The jester heralds an easy attitude to life, a love of travel, and new experiences. Option: thoughtless squandering of funds on trifles, lack of control over emotions.
  • The magician is a dream come true.
  • The High Priestess advises analyzing dreams and listening to the subconscious.
  • The Empress guarantees the fulfillment of cherished desires.
  • Emperor - career growth, success in love affairs. Option: a successful, profitable marriage.
  • Hierophant - family should come first.
  • Lovers – harmony in relationships, mutual understanding, peace.
  • Chariot - you will have to fight for success.
  • Strength - it's time to work on yourself. Get rid of shortcomings, bad habits, bad inclinations.
  • Hermit - temporary loneliness. Option: there is no person nearby with whom you can share success, organize a holiday, or celebrate a significant event.
  • Wheel of Fortune - near happiness.
  • Justice - everything goes according to plan, enemies will be punished, ill-wishers will not cause harm.
  • The Hanged Man warns that the questioner will have to sacrifice something.
  • Death is happiness in the past.
  • Moderation - do not forget about your loved ones, share your joy with them.
  • The devil symbolizes all kinds of excesses and vices.
  • Tower - a prosperous existence has come to an end.
  • The star gives hope for a quick correction of the situation.
  • Moon - happiness is illusory, take off your rose-colored glasses.
  • The sun means great prospects. Enjoy life.
  • Court – fair distribution of goods.
  • Peace - rejoice, have fun. Things are going great.

The Major Arcana allow a broader interpretation of the images of court cards. When making a forecast, focus primarily on their values.

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