Seven of Staves (7 staves) - Minor Arcana of Tarot cards

Sergey Savchenko January 29, 2021 80 144 5 Minute(s) read

The first thing that attracts attention is that the character 7 Staves has different shoes on his feet. Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin suggest that the design of the card was based on a scene from Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, when Petruchio appears at his own wedding, dressed in the strangest way.

“Well, of course! Petruchio rides in a new hat and an old jacket, in old, thrice-faced trousers; his boots served as candle boxes - one was fastened with a buckle, the other tied with a lace; an old rusty sword from the city arsenal with a broken hilt, a broken tip and no sheath.”

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Mysteriously, Goodwin and Katz connect the battle scene with Petruchio's monologue, where he shows his wife her place. But I think this is too much of a stretch. While studying the history of military costume, at one time I came across a fact that surprised me: in the Middle Ages, the Irish, Welsh, and Scots were often depicted wearing the same stocking and the same shoe. I have not found any reasonable explanation for this fact. However, there are a great many such miniatures.

The 7 of Staves character stands in a very typical swordsman's stance with a long pole. Pole fencing was very popular in England. A description of such a fight can be read in Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. I found an image of a fighter armed with a polearm, whose pose is virtually identical to the pose of the card character.

In one of the books on Tarot, I read an interpretation of the 7 Staves that shocked me. According to the authors, the hero of the card cultivates a field and thinks about helping other people. Okay, cultivating the field. But how they were able to read his thoughts is a mystery to me.

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Main meaning of the card

Straight position

The Seven of Wands is an ambiguous Arcanum. It carries risk, struggle, and some restrictions, aimed, however, at achieving the goal and, therefore, at creation. This card symbolizes the mobilization of efforts and the willingness to achieve success on your own, alone.

In addition, the Seven of Wands may indicate the need for change and correction of the existing situation. However, although all the processes that characterize this map are complex and unpredictable, they are important and in most cases very promising.

And some combinations of the Seven of Wands with other Arcana are also very interesting. For example, next to the Magician, this Arcanum means the ability to maneuver between problems and difficulties, with the Hierophant - the willingness to defend one’s life values ​​and ideals, and with Justice - uncompromising in matters of justice.

Inverted position

Inverted, this card should be interpreted as a lack of courage, as a loss of good opportunities, and also as going into the shadows instead of fighting and achieving one’s own. Or as a reluctance to hear partners, friends, authoritative sources and refusal of offered help.

In addition, together with the Emperor, the inverted Seven of Wands symbolizes the inability or unwillingness to defend what has already been achieved, with the Hermit - the inability to find support and help from anyone, with the Moon - marking time due to someone's hidden intrigues and secret actions.

Meaning on a deeper level

Symbolically, the 7 Tarot Wands signify the inevitability of battle. The map depicts a man who is forced to fight off many enemies. At first glance, it seems that the forces are unequal - there is one defender, and there are many attackers. But if you look closely, you will notice that the man is located on a hill, and his enemies are below. Thus, the person who symbolizes the questioner has a more advantageous position, even if he himself does not suspect it.

This card has archetypal correspondences: “King of the Hill”, “Storm and Drang”, “Archangels”. The minor arcanum calls the fortuneteller to a serious struggle, which will be difficult, but will bring victory to the questioner.

At the highest level, the seven of wands symbolizes a test of strength. This is a necessary stage on the path of self-development that must be overcome. The fortuneteller will have to show courage and perseverance in order to pass the “exam of fate” with dignity.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For personal life, the Seven of Wands is a successful way out of a critical situation; reviving relationships that seemed to have already exhausted themselves; an unexpected act that can save the union of two people. At the same time, honesty, courage, and perseverance are recommended as a way of behavior.

In relationship scenarios, always pay attention to the combination “Seven of Wands – Judgment”, which tells you not to seek advice from strangers, but to act at your own discretion, as well as the combination “Seven of Wands – Star” – encouraging that everything will work out for a person, even if even the situation is very complex and ambiguous.

Inverted position

When reversed, this card indicates serious clashes with loved ones, as well as ongoing confrontations with a loved one (especially in combination with Lovers). The reversed Seven of Wands speaks of confusion, chaos in thoughts and relationships (including with the Jester), lack of determination to finally place certain accents and clarify relationships. And if such a Seven falls with the Tower, then this means that the person is on the right path to the destruction of his union with his loved one.

Seven of Staves (7 staves) - Minor Arcana of Tarot cards

Seven of Staffs – Minor Arcana

Astrologically, the Seven of Staves corresponds to Mercury in a harmonious relationship with Mars as all-conquering strength and dexterity. This is also Leo in the third decade.

This decade is ruled by Mars, which endows a person with unsurpassed leadership qualities, the ability to organize others and subordinate them out of a common goal. Such a person is very demanding not only of himself, but also of those around him, which makes him somewhat authoritarian. Thanks to Mars in Leo, a person gains the ability to withstand any obstacles. All these qualities are harmoniously combined with an understanding of life processes and the triumph of reason.

Other names for the Seven of Staves: Seven of Wands, Lord of Valor.

Brief description of the Arcana: Dispute, Fight with rivals or competitors, Confrontation, Perseverance.

Description of the Seven of Staves

In the classical interpretation, the Arcana depicts a young man standing on the top of a mountain. He alone confronts the squad, which is in a disadvantageous position compared to the young man. The young man fights fearlessly, but not with his last strength. He has excellent command of the situation, he is in fact not in danger, and to win he only needs to show courage and endurance.

The Age of Aquarius Tarot deck very clearly shows the young man’s attitude towards his rivals: he does not consider them as such, and, despite the wands aimed at him, the young man finds the strength and courage to calmly play the violin. He plays the hymn to the winner, the hymn to himself.

The sacred meaning of the Seven of Staves

The sacred information that Arkan carries is that the time has come for a person to strengthen his willpower, learn to be decisive, courageous and persistent. Fate throws him trials that lie in different aspects.

Classic decks express the essence of these challenges very clearly. A man is fighting with someone, but with whom he does not see. He can only see the wands that are directed against him. The essence of this image is that at the moment it makes no difference to him: real rivals in front of him, or imaginary ones - fears, doubts, contrived obstacles. He can easily overcome both opponents, because he has a more advantageous position - he has reached certain heights and tactically has every chance of winning.

In addition, his opponents are lower, as if in a pit, and it is not a fact that they will be able to get closer to him. This is a card of success, but associated with struggle, and the more valuable the success itself will be.

Mythological correspondence of the Seven of Staves

To understand the meaning of this card, you can take the myth of the struggle between David and Galiath.

The meaning of the straight Seven of Staves in the layout

The Seven of Staves is a rather “touchy” card: it says that a person has to face difficulties, at the same time it promises success, but only when courage, determination and courage are shown. We can say that the situation is not easy, and very often this Arcanum warns of outside interference and opposition from other people. In order to resolve what is happening, it is necessary to remove all obstacles, which will give excellent chances to emerge victorious from the situation.

Sometimes, with such a card, it may seem to a person that the forces that oppose him are superior to his own, but in fact the advantage is on his side. Arkan says that some people or external circumstances are trying to lead a person astray from his chosen direction. To understand in what area of ​​life this happens, it is necessary to read the Seven of Staves together with the surrounding Arcana.

With such a card, you should not make concessions; you need to be persistent in the fight for your beliefs and goals. A person always needs to remember that his arguments are more convincing, and the position he took is more advantageous. Sometimes you need to do something desperate to break through barriers.

With positive Arcana that fell in the vicinity of the Seven of Staves, we can say that a person will be able to benefit from everything that happens, and he has the strength, knowledge, and certain skills for this.

The meaning of the inverted Seven of Staves in the reading

The reversed Seven of Wands indicates that it is now more important than ever for a person to act, since inaction can lead to the fact that he will give everything into the hands of the force opposing him. Even erroneous actions at such a moment are better than complete inaction.

A person feels self-doubt, inner weakness, lack of knowledge in what he is faced with. Because of this, he gets lost, makes chaotic actions, but still tries to solve the problems that have arisen. The indecision that the above qualities can give rise to will lead to loss and loss.

In addition, the Arcana in an inverted form can speak of a person’s carelessness, a frivolous attitude towards what is happening and an unwillingness to make any efforts to achieve a goal. A person tries to go into the shadows, come to terms with what is happening, accept everything as it is without any struggle. He does not feel the strength and courage to confront obstacles.

In fact, with such a map it is difficult to talk about obtaining the desired result. This is influenced by a person’s precarious position, the inability to develop the right strategy, choose wisely tactics and set priorities. The person is rather confused, he has gone astray, and has no stability. Often he lacks faith in his own goals and lacks proper motivation.

Another interpretation of this Arcanum is the cessation of conflict due to lack of desire to resist.


In plans for work activity, the Seven of Posokhov is good when it comes to some kind of individual project. Although even in this case you will have to take into account the interests of competitors and bypass them.

The card indicates determination and perseverance in one’s actions, the absence of doubts. A person believes in himself, is ready to move forward at any cost and overcome obstacles. The card speaks of success, which can become a stumbling block for possible rivals. But the man stands at the top, which means he can easily bypass his opponents. It is also important to understand that rivals are not always real. With such a map, a person may not have them, but in his mind he will constantly try to get around someone. For a person, this can serve as a kind of motivation for career growth, and the Seven of Wands suggests that he is more real than ever.

This Arcanum is also favorable for professions involving various competitions, public speaking, debates, negotiations, meetings, conferences and symposiums. However, she talks about success during these events.

If the balance is made for the team, then we can talk about healthy competition, which sometimes leads to conflicts, but with sufficient persistence a person is able to turn everything to his advantage and gain new opportunities. This is a leader card, so it falls to someone whom the team is ready to follow.

Success in business will only await the person who makes every effort, works tirelessly, persistently achieves his goal and does not lose heart when difficulties arise.

Inverted, the Seven of Staves indicates that a person will have difficulties in running a business, and it is likely that he will not have the determination to overcome them. He does not have enough strength to compete; he does not feel supported. He is alone against everyone.

In a team, such a person will be driven into a corner, no one will take him into account, and he himself will prefer inaction, which, naturally, can lead him to losses.

If we are talking about a career, then failures are expected here, the culprit of which will be the person himself. If the Devil (XV Arcanum) lies nearby, then we can say that the person is trying to climb the career ladder using dishonest methods.

Direction of self-development

In self-development, the Seven of Staves indicates that the time has come for a person to show his perseverance, to move forward, regardless of any difficulties, without looking back, and without looking around. Self-improvement is achieved through hard work on oneself, the determination to surpass oneself, and the desire to comprehend the laws of nature.

This card has a very important meaning for self-development: it requires an internal struggle with one’s “imaginary” competitors - fears, complexes, blocks, negative programs. This is very important in order to move on. The fight against such problems is very difficult, since they are not always visible, but if you show courage and determination, then these obstacles will be eliminated.

An inverted Arcana indicates that a person has lost faith in himself, and this is currently a problem for him. To pass the lesson of this card, you will have to put yourself before a choice: either succumb to your fears and complexes, which will lead to failure and losses, or try to find the strength to turn over the Seven of Staves - to gain courage and self-confidence.

Personal relationships

The relationship that the Seven of Staves describes is a desperate struggle. As a rule, this is a fight for the relationship itself, since it is at risk. The card does not promise a break, but it is precisely to prevent this from happening that a struggle is required. It must be said that a person’s position is quite strong and if you push yourself a little, you can maintain the situation and even benefit from it.

The card indicates that someone is interfering in the relationship. This is not necessarily a lover or mistress. These could be relatives, friends, ill-wishers. At this moment, the time has come to protect the union and remove all outside influence from the “no.”

In an alliance, the card can also speak of internal conflict, which, rather, looks like rivalry. The partner seemed to challenge him to a fight, trying to somehow change positions in the alliance. This can be overcome, but you need to stand firm in your positions and not make concessions. Definitely, this Arcanum indicates disagreement in the union.

Arkan also speaks of the partner’s strong pressure, his intransigence, unwillingness to compromise, and stubbornness. Here it is important to look at the surrounding Arcana, which will tell you how this pressure will end.

For a lonely person, the Seven of Posokhov indicates that the inability to build a relationship is the fault of the person himself: he simply protects himself with all his might from potential partners, and is afraid of close relationships. We can say that he does not dare to let someone into his living space. Quite often this happens because a person feels that all potential lovers are not worthy of him. If the Four of Denarii falls nearby, then we can say that the person is internally fighting for his freedom and is afraid of getting married.

The inverted Seven of Staves speaks of chaos in relationships, endless conflicts, sometimes completely groundless. Chaos causes confusion and inability to cope with the situation. At the same time, partners do not strive to clarify the relationship and dot all the i’s. They are indecisive and rather try to go into the shadows.

If the Arcana of destruction are nearby - the Tower (XVI Arcanum) or Death (XIII Arcanum), then it is unlikely that the relationship will be saved.

Personality characteristics

The Seven of Staves shows a very determined, courageous and courageous person. He can easily enter into any conflict or dispute, and often emerges victorious. He is always aimed at success, and is ready to achieve it at any cost. He is convinced that he is right and is ready to fight for it.

Rivalry is the element of the personality of the Seven of Staves. Such a person will easily accept any challenge, and if no one offers him competition, he will create a precedent himself.

The Seven of Posokhov person overcomes all life’s difficulties thanks to powerful self-control, perseverance, and perseverance. He is energetic, and if this energy is not directed towards creative goals, then he becomes belligerent and even aggressive.

Very often such a person is superior to others mentally, physically, professionally or financially. But sometimes he deliberately surrounds himself with people who are inferior to him in many qualities. He needs this for his own confidence.

In fact, this is a characteristic of a dictator who is used to governing, does not want to yield to anyone, and prefers that the last word always remain with him. He is extremely stubborn and wants to give up an inch of his position. This is a debater by nature.

A person with the Seven of Staves can easily bring trouble upon himself, but at the same time he will then masterfully resolve the conflict that arises. Because of this, quite often he is accompanied by problems that he successfully “sorts out.” It is almost impossible to make him lose heart. He is fearless, brave and ready to go ahead. Sometimes it seems that he completely lacks the instinct of self-preservation, and it has been replaced by courage.

Inverted, the Seven of Staves characterizes a very weak person who prostrates himself in the face of difficulties and prefers to go with the flow rather than resist circumstances.

He does not see the meaning of life, so he prefers idle pastimes. His behavior seems frivolous to others, his reasoning is chaotic. He is easily influenced by others, and his fate depends on who is influencing him at the moment.

This is a weak-willed person who finds it difficult to prove his point of view to someone. He often finds himself in conflict situations, but tries to escape from the conflict at any cost, even suffering losses.


The Seven of Staves indicates that the human immune system is quite strong, although it constantly has to fight some infections.

In an inverted position, Arkan speaks of endocrine or hormonal problems, often associated with hyperfunction, a weak immune system and a constant fight against infections.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, this Arcanum shows that there are some difficulties that are created either by people from outside, or by their own far-fetched problems. One way or another, resolving the situation requires certain qualities: strength of character, perseverance and faith in yourself and your strengths. Moreover, the situation itself is quite favorable, and the person will emerge victorious.

If a person is expecting to defend a thesis or dissertation, then the Seven of Posokhov indicates that it will be successful, although opponents will be very picky. You need to understand that knowledge and persuasiveness will be enough to get through this stage. You shouldn't worry, but you shouldn't be careless either. Under these conditions, your diploma or dissertation will be in your pocket.

This card is very good for people who are about to compete or compete. The card indicates that opponents will be weaker and even lost against the background of the person to whom the alignment is being made. To win you need to mobilize strength and will.

In life situations, the Seven of Posokhov speaks of possible disputes, conflicts, small scandals, which, among other things, will end favorably. There is another meaning of this card: it shows problems due to a person’s internal conflict. It can also warn that a person is fighting windmills and his own fears. The neighboring Arcana will tell you about this, especially if the Moon (XVIII Arcana) falls nearby.

In an inverted position, the Seven of Posokhov speaks of a loss of control over the situation and the inability to resolve it due to lack of self-confidence, lack of motivation, carelessness and idleness. Quite often, this Arcanum shows that due to inaction a person may suffer losses.

The card warns of a possible meeting with unwanted people. Moreover, in this situation, the person being told fortunes is far from in the best position. Sometimes the reversed Seven of Staves indicates passive aggression.

Card of the day

Arkan says that today you need to show persistence in previously started business, and success will not be long in coming.

The reversed card recommends trying to take some steps, even if they are not the right ones, since inaction will make you regret the losses.

Card of the Year

During the year you will have to make every effort to achieve your goals. Various circumstances, people and your own doubts will interfere in life, but in the end there will be victory.

Inverted, the Seven of Staves indicates that indecision and weak character will serve a very unenviable service during the year. You need to try to overcome your fears and move forward.

Arcana Council

Decisive and active actions, the ability to rely on oneself, perseverance and courage in overcoming obstacles are what will serve as a guiding star to success. You should never give up, because your opponents retreat before perseverance and willpower.


Straight position

For a career, the Seven of Wands denotes, firstly, determination and willingness to solve difficult problems even alone, secondly, a business proposal that will require great effort and be fraught with difficulties, and thirdly, the need to persistently defend one’s plans ( projects, ways to solve a problem, etc.)

Paired with the Chariot, this Arcanum indicates successful career advancement, although associated with difficulties, and with the Wheel of Fortune, it indicates that a person will face a critical situation when he will have to take responsibility.

Inverted position

The Seven of Wands in an inverted position means problems and failures for your career, for which you basically only have yourself to blame. The inability to organize the work of the team and one’s own working time, the unwillingness to defend one’s rightness – this is what this inverted Seven is talking about. And it pushes the fortuneteller to the need to draw the right conclusions.

In addition, it is the inverted Seven of Wands in combination with the Hanged Man that symbolizes the failure of attempts and doubts of such a plan: should we give up everything and look for another solution? Together with the Devil, such an Arcanum clearly indicates the use of dishonest methods of struggle.


Direct position

The fortuneteller runs the risk of catching an infection or catching a cold, but his immune system will quickly cope with the problem. It is necessary to reinforce the body's strength with vitamins, restoratives, a proper daily routine and a healthy diet.

Inverted position

A weak immune system is unable to resist external threats. You need to take care of your health urgently. Particular attention should be paid to the state of the endocrine system; perhaps health problems are associated with hormonal disorders.

Straight position

You can characterize this lasso in the upright position based on the illustration itself and the key meanings of the card:

  • conflict of interest;
  • fearlessness;
  • self confidence;
  • inner strength;
  • willingness to fight and win;
  • readiness to resist the opponent to the last;
  • danger.

Seven of the Posokhov suit says that now is a dangerous time for a fortuneteller, conflicts with others cannot be avoided, and you need to be ready to defend your interests . But the lasso also indicates that you have sufficient internal strength to repel the attacks of enemies.

7 of Staves (Courage) Tarot of Black Cats

Learn more about the Tarot of Black Cats.

Seven of Wands Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for work and affairs

The meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot is mainly about fierce competition. In business, you can’t do without this, but within a work team, the emergence of rivalry can become a new phenomenon. It is highly likely that you will have to penetrate a market where there is competition; perhaps the competition for a new position will be difficult.

In addition, the meaning of the Seven Wands of the Tarot indicates the appearance of an envious person who wants to take your place. This person may make attacks, try to set you up, and also question your qualifications in order to make his qualities more profitable for the company.

In any case, your position in the market or in the enterprise is stable and stable, you have a positive reputation and everything else that may be useful in order to win the competitive battle. Be careful and vigilant, don’t trust just anyone, and all troubles will pass you by.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • Are you sure you are in battle?
  • Are you working hard to achieve the desired result?
  • Do you adequately assess your strengths and ability to win?

Other cards:

Ace of Wands
Two of Wands
Three of Wands
Four of Wands
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Cups
Five of Cups
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups
Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords
Three of Swords
Four of Swords
Five of Swords
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords
Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles
Three of Pentacles
Four of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles
Seven of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles

Reversed lasso Seven of Wands

The reversed tarot card 7 (Seven) of Wands speaks of a lack of desire to move towards the goal when the slightest obstacle arises. But you need to understand that the price of one step back is a missed opportunity with which everything could change for the better. It's time to start facing problems head-on rather than avoiding them, and it's time to stop being afraid of judgment or misunderstanding.

The personality is now vulnerable and the struggle in which the person got involved is obviously lost by him. Therefore, you will have to make efforts to reduce losses or give up the fight altogether.

Relationship with suits and major arcana

The interpretation of the 7 of Wands tarot is directly influenced by its combination with other cards in the deck. The role of the minor and major arcana located close to the Seven is equally important. Minor cards can be roughly grouped into the corresponding four categories:

Pentacles - the emergence of new work opportunities, financial negotiations, financial stability. High-quality implementation of one’s own responsibilities, well-being in the family, progress in business.

But around some cards the meaning will change and indicate:

  • unstable situation (Two),
  • to a losing position (Five).

Cups - diligently preserving feelings, defending a peaceful situation, defending one’s own position, playing the role of a hospitable owner or peacemaker.

  • At the same time, there is a chance to end up in a love triangle (Troika),
  • feel dissatisfied with one’s own situation (Four),
  • play the role of an offended person (Five),
  • cards can also indicate a lack of clarity in the matter (King).

Swords – a stab in the back from the enemy, conducting an open confrontation. Forced travel, secretive behavior, feeling of being cornered. A lose-lose situation, circumstances can result in loss or psychological wounds. But there may be an indication of fair circumstances, and the opportunity to achieve your goal (Ace).

Wands - the emergence of hope, decisive action, the position of a winner. The opportunity to defend your rights and change the situation, confident resolution of conflicts, superiority over rivals.

  • Although some cards in this group indicate a stressful state (Five),
  • mistrust (Nine),
  • risk of making mistakes (Knight)
  • or about the position of subordination (Ten).

Tarot card 7 of Wands being near the major arcana:

  • The Hierophant - the individual will need to defend his own ideals.
  • Hanged Man - efforts are pointless, desperate actions will not lead to the desired result, but will harm the person himself.
  • Jester - there is a collision with something unexpected ahead.
  • Empress - the individual will be able to get an increase in salary from his superiors.
  • A hermit - a person will be left without support, even though he needs it.
  • Magician - you will have to maneuver in your words and actions.
  • High Priestess - you will need to stop the implementation of someone’s plan.
  • Death - soon you will need to fight for the beginning of long-awaited changes.
  • Emperor - efforts will be required to protect family or property.
  • Sun - the individual will be able to defend his rightful place in life or protect his social status.
  • Justice - in the near future you will have to prove to someone that you are right.
  • Devil - dishonest methods are used in the fight.
  • Moderation - it is worth weakening the pressure and choosing softer options for action.
  • Strength - you will need to attract a certain person to your side in order to understand the situation.
  • Chariot - a person is immersed in work on developing his career.
  • Tower - ahead is the destruction of some structure, the usual way of life, a fatal discord in the family is possible.
  • Moon and tarot card 7 of Wands - you will have to act carefully, mostly secretly.
  • Lovers - you will need to fight for harmony and happiness in your personal life.
  • Peace - superiority over opponents, ending the competition with a resounding victory.
  • Wheel of Fortune - the individual will soon find himself in a leadership position.
  • Star - you will have to fight to realize your dreams.
  • Court - actions are formed on the basis of one’s own desires and thoughts, without taking into account anyone else’s opinion.

Interpretation when characterizing personality

Straight position

A person under the influence of the Seven of Scepters is bold and self-confident. He, without hesitation, fights for his own ideals and values. Often, especially in a negative environment, the card shows a certain proud person who, because of his success, imagines himself superior to others and demonstrates this in any case.

Inverted position

A person is often weak-willed, does not know how to solve difficulties that arise on his own, and gives in to obstacles. Another type of person in this card is a person who provokes conflicts and resolves them himself.

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