Owl totem: characteristics and meaning. Spirit animal test

It so happened over the course of many centuries that people assigned special significance to those representatives of the animal world whose habits were incomprehensible. A striking example of such an animal is the owl. This amazing nocturnal bird can fly without making noise, see in the dark and turn its head 360 degrees. These and other amazing abilities of this animal did not fit into the laws of conventional understanding, so our great-grandmothers saw in the owl signs of werewolves and witchcraft, wisdom and divination. In ancient times, the owl was considered a sign of debauchery, loneliness and imminent death. Currently, figurines and images of owls can increasingly be found in houses and apartments. What meaning does such a souvenir carry in our crazy age and what is this bird considered a symbol of now?

The owl is especially respected according to Feng Shui. The meaning of such a symbol in Chinese philosophy is very diverse.

The meaning of totem animals

There are perhaps no better communicators of symbolic messages than members of the animal kingdom. From birds to bees, bears and badgers, the creatures of this planet offer us endless wisdom. Take the lion for example. Just by its appearance alone we can understand that this animal symbolizes power, valor and pride. Other animals, however, may be less clear in terms of their symbolic meaning, such as the snail or sparrow. Sometimes creatures are so common or overlooked that we may not notice the rich meaning they provide us. Then we need to dig below the surface. This is where we find deep meaning.

So why should we care about what animals represent symbolically? Because everything living in this world has its own meaning, which it willingly shares with us, even if we don’t always notice it. Exploring the deeper meaning inherent in every living thing opens up a whole new way for us to see ourselves and the world around us.

Example: very often we come across a specific animal. Maybe we thought it was a curious coincidence. Or perhaps this creature manifests itself at a peculiar moment in our lives. Instead of dismissing these phenomena as coincidences, we can use our intuitive ability to understand the messages that animals convey to us.

Folk signs

What do we know about the owl and why is it considered a hero? This is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, prophecy. The time of the bird's power is night, the sign is the Moon. Her yellow glowing eyes see in the darkness what is hidden from others.

But the owl also has a dark side. In many cultures, it evokes fear, symbolizes darkness, death, and connection with the other world.

One interesting magical story about an owl that happened to the cartoonist Walt Disney. As a little boy, he caught a chick and began to play with it excitedly. The future animator did not notice how the owlet died in his hands.

He firmly decided to help our smaller brothers and glorify them on the screen.

Let's get acquainted with the magical capabilities of the bird, decipher the meaning of secret messages, learn signs about the owl and ways to neutralize them.

The owl inhabits most of the globe. She lives in forests, swamps, and settles closer to people - under the roofs and in the attics of houses. Folk omens say that an owl in the house is bad luck. The meaning of meeting her depends on the circumstances.

The most common situations:

  • to meet an owl in the evening - to receive news, but not always joyful;
  • seeing during the day is a bad omen. This means you need to be careful, otherwise disaster will happen. It’s chilling to imagine what news made the night bird fly to the house during daylight hours;
  • a feathered guest sits in the yard at night (on a tree, fence) - career growth and financial prosperity awaits;
  • seeing an owl in front of a car at night means difficulties will arise. Check the condition of the car before driving, be careful on the road;
  • an owl screams 3 times at any time of the day - trouble is nearby;
  • There is a road outside the car window. Suddenly you saw an owl - beware of theft;
  • an owl flew into the house - good news. If you fly in and can’t get out, it’s unfortunate;
  • we saw an owl near the house - a warning about possible troubles. In the old days, its appearance predicted a fire. Today is a signal to take care of the house and be careful with fire;
  • an owl sitting on the roof of a house - to financial problems, troubles at work and dismissal;
  • if she flew onto the balcony or sat on the windowsill - a warning about impending misfortune;
  • flaps its wings and knocks on the window - a harbinger of death or illness;
  • if she hit the window and fell to her death - to the funeral;
  • seeing a bird in a dream means loneliness;
  • An owl appeared near the house. Be careful! Message from the feathered messenger: “Beware of financial scams and accidents!”

It's not all so sad. There is something to thank the owl for.

Good omens:

  • an owl screeches near the house - there will be a new addition to the family or a sick person will get better;
  • a meeting of newlyweds with a yellow-eyed beast before the wedding - advice and love for many years;
  • an owl sat on a tree near the house - there will be profit;
  • saw a feather - to great luck. This is a powerful home talisman.

Not a sign, but a fact: a live owl in the house is a talisman for the family and a faithful friend.

Before you worry and predict future problems, take a look around. A bird has probably built a nest near your house. In this case, superstitions are powerless.

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In Rus', hunters took owl talons with them. They believed that if they were killed, their souls could be retrieved from heaven using a trophy.

For our contemporaries, a stuffed owl is a spectacular decorative element and a treasure. Its magical purpose is to enrich and help in solving life's puzzles. In this regard, it is often given as a gift to businessmen and politicians.

However, from the point of view of magic, it is a clot of negative energy, enhanced by the emotion of horror and fear. It was formed at the time of the death of the animal. It is not advisable to be around him. If, despite the warnings, you plan to put a stuffed animal in the room, cleanse the house of negativity.

Option No. 1: wipe the doors and windows of the room with water in which the silver spoon lay all night. Wash the floor with wormwood infusion.

Option No. 2: clean the room in which you plan to place the stuffed animal with fire for 3 days. Place 7 candles in each corner and burn them to the ground.

On a note. Paintings with landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the room neutralize the effect of the negative energy of the stuffed animal.

Weigh the pros and cons before deciding on trophy placement.

Owls in the house protect the owners from troubles, bring prosperity, impart wisdom, and stop them from thoughtless spending.

The main thing is to activate the magical effect of the talisman, based on your goals.

If you are planning to improve your financial situation, choose a figurine sitting on a money tree or coins. Place it in a place where your savings are kept. According to Feng Shui, this should be the northeast side of the room or a desk. Three owl figurines placed together will enhance the effect of the influx of money and protect the family from the evil eye and unfriendly neighbors.

Family life is bursting at the seams - a figurine of a white owl in the bedroom or living room will strengthen the relationship. However, remember! The talisman accumulates negative energy. You can’t quarrel and sort things out in front of him, otherwise the negativity from the figurine will resonate several times over.

Children's studies are not going well - the image of a bird will help in mastering knowledge and activates the desire in schoolchildren to gnaw on the granite of science. A figurine of a white owl with folded wings endows children with diligence and wisdom. A feathered talisman on books helps students pass the exam (here are other signs before exams).

If you dream of promotion, there is a talisman for this purpose. A white owl with outstretched wings made of stone or crystal will clap for your career. Decorate her office desk.

Resort to the help of amulets. Its strength is tested by time and results.

The death of an owl under the wheels of a car is a bad omen. Its consequences for the driver are significant financial losses or minor road accidents. If the culprit of the incident has problems with the law, litigation awaits him.

What to do if you hit an owl. Neutralize the omen with water. Take a shower and rinse your face and hands at the nearest source. Be careful on the road.

The power of magic is that it not only creates events, but also neutralizes them.

Find out how to avoid trouble if it was caused by a bird.

Simple and effective rituals:

  • throwing a handful of salt into the fire will neutralize any bird prediction. Do this ritual as soon as you hear an owl cry;
  • if an uninvited guest flew into the house and brought bad news, heat the poker red-hot and draw a line on the ground around the house. You will block the path of trouble;
  • Going to the temple will help prevent the message of the feathered one. Light candles for the repose of the souls of your relatives. It is generally accepted that birds convey news from the world of the departed;
  • If you found an owlet, but could not return it to the nest, shelter it at home. The chick will grow and protect the family from evil forces, give wisdom in making decisions, and become a true friend. If you managed to return the owlet to the nest, the birds, as a sign of gratitude, will become your invisible protection;
  • If you have a bad feeling, do the following ritual at sunset. Squeeze an owl feather or a clay bird figurine in your hand. Ask the night witch, the owl, to help with all your heart. The trouble will go away.

Love and protect these birds. They will reciprocate. And in order to save yourself from trouble, know the signs about owls and how to neutralize them. Take care of yourself!

There is no people who have not created legends about the owl, attributing magical powers to it. A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with this image.

All over the world, the owl is a talisman for women: the image of this bird can be found on women's jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.

Different peoples had different beliefs:

  • The Slavs believed that witches, old maids, widows or women of easy virtue put owl figurines at home.
  • Hearing the cry of an owl is an omen of an imminent conception or the birth of a long-awaited child. If an unmarried woman hears this, she will become pregnant.
  • French women believe that if you hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will be born.
  • The Saxons believed that if an owl screeches near the house, the girl will lose her virginity.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a flying bird in daylight, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that the best treatment for whooping cough in children was broth made from its meat.
  • The Romanians believed that if someone looked into the nest of this bird, he would be sad, uncommunicative and silent all his life.
  • Ukrainians believed that hearing or seeing an owl meant marriage.

Today, an owl amulet worn by a woman indicates her sexuality, cunning, and energy. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give a woman, give her a talisman in the form of this bird.

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Who are owls

They are birds from the genus Strigiformes, which includes about 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey, typical in their appearance: with large, broad heads, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons and feathers adapted for silent flight. Exceptions include the northern hawk owl and several other species.

These birds hunt primarily small mammals, insects and other birds, although several species specialize in hunting fish. They are found in all regions of the Earth except Antarctica and some remote islands.

Most owls are nocturnal predators, actively hunting for prey in the dark. However, several species of them are active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk. One such example is the pygmy owl. Another example is the ground owl and short-eared owl.

Much of these birds' hunting strategy relies on stealth and surprise attacks. They have at least two adaptations that help them achieve stealth.

First, the faded coloring of their feathers makes them almost invisible under certain weather or landscape conditions. Second, the serrated edges on the leading edge of the owl's ribs muffle the beating of its heart, and its feathers muffle the sounds of flight, allowing it to silently hunt unsuspecting prey.

Its sharp beak and powerful claws make it possible to kill prey before swallowing it whole (if it is not too large). Scientists studying the behavior and feeding of these mysterious birds are aided by their habit of rejecting indigestible parts of their prey (such as bones, scales and fur) in the form of pellets. These "salt granules" are numerous and easily recognizable, and are often sold by companies to schools and universities for use as examples in biology classes.

Rescue from mistakes

In the diversity of what the owl symbolizes, Chinese culture offers an interesting option. In it, she belongs to the good characters. Wise, careful, prudent. She can often be seen sitting on a money tree. This amulet protects its owner from unreasonable expenses, unprofitable investments, and helps to save.

Any amulet in the form of this feathered creature, placed in a children's room, will help its little owner - he will obey his parents, stop being naughty, and come to his senses.

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Symbolism of the night predator

When the owl is your spirit animal, you have a strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that is usually hidden to most. The spirit of this bird encourages you to look beyond deceptive appearances to the true reality of a situation or a person's motives. The totem animal test will tell you this (for example, by year of birth).

The owl is a powerful spiritual totem, providing a wealth of insight and the ability to make decisions based on intuition. Turn to him when you need to evaluate a situation or get through troubled times. He will definitely answer your call.

Totem Power

If you're curious about the meaning of an owl, then you probably love exploring the unknown. The mysteries of life are a fascinating area of ​​study for people who are patronized by this mysterious night bird. As the owl guides your life, you are likely to develop a deep understanding of it.

When this bird appears in your life, you should pay attention to the subtle signs and signs that surround you. Your guide from the animal world is an excellent assistant, allowing you to be attentive to what usually falls a little out of your attention, but now has special significance.

The owl symbol is also associated with guidance for unlocking hidden potential and abilities. Chances are your intuitive power is yearning to be released. Much in the symbol depends on the type of bird. Despite what reviews may say, the barn owl totem, for example, is much more strongly associated with the night than with wisdom.

Night time is especially beneficial for your creativity, so find a free couple of hours to focus your creative energy on something.

Those for whom the owl is a totem were drawn into the element of darkness at birth, and therefore prefer to work at night. For this reason, if you are one of these people, you are not afraid of the occult, darkness or magic and often demonstrate the gift of foresight. In addition, your wisdom gives you the ability to extract secret information from others. As a result, you hear not what others say, but what they think and feel, revealing subtleties in the voice that others cannot understand.

Totem animal tests agree on one thing, equally endowing this bird with wisdom and insight. People cannot deceive you because you are able to see other souls in the darkness. Most people with an owl totem are also considered clairvoyant due to this frightening ability. But it doesn’t always work, so you must learn to trust your instincts and intuition.


The breeding season of polar owls marks the arrival of spring. It is in the spring that birds return from wintering grounds, look for a suitable place and announce their choice with loud cries. If the female responds, then the male begins to put on a whole show in front of her: he brings prey, shows his wings, makes demonstrative flights and accompanies his chosen one all day.

The resulting couples remain together for a long period. They participate together in the education process.

The female begins laying eggs in early May. As a rule, she is able to lay no more than eight eggs per day. The incubation process lasts up to one month, after which the eggs begin to hatch. Not all owlets are born at the same time. Quite often, late babies do not survive. After all the cubs are born, the female and the male fly out in search of food. At this time, small polar owls huddle alone in their nests.

The owlets become capable after a month and a half of life.

Snowy owl chick

Owl totem - a harbinger of change

They symbolize death in many traditions. However, in most cases, this should not be taken literally: if a bird is associated with death, it can be seen as symbolic, meaning a transition in life, an important change that is taking place, has already happened or is yet to take place.

When an owl appears in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. You may be about to leave behind some old habits or resolve a situation that no longer serves you or brings newness to your life.


When you think of an owl, your spirit animal may be contacting you to warn you of a danger or threat that you should pay attention to. She can give you wise insight into important issues that you should not ignore.

When a bird appears in a dream, it can also mean that the intuitive part of your personality is trying to attract attention: listen to subtle messages left to you by an unknown force, because it may be something important, but not necessarily obvious.

An owl can also be a guide, helping one through what may be a difficult and painful transition process. Since this spirit animal is often associated with death, when an owl appears in a dream, it could mean that you are receiving instructions regarding personal transformation, change.

In many dream interpretations, it may represent a deceased friend or family member who returns in the form of a spirit animal.

When this bird visits you in a dream state, you may need to let go of the past or specific negative behaviors.

If this predator kidnaps you in a dream, this message speaks of disappointment and death. In other words, your subconscious mind may be trying to draw your attention to your thoughts or actions in your waking life. This means they are counterproductive to your spiritual goals.

Death in this sense can only be a symbolic break, indicating a transition or getting rid of bad habits.

Night and darkness

Birds, especially birds of the night, are often associated with departed souls. Owls are no exception. According to some authors, they are considered a bad omen, indicating the imminent death of a close relative or someone important. The Romans even believed that an owl peering from the top of a public building announced the death of an important statesman. It may also represent the spirit of a deceased family member or close friend.

The night owl was an animal associated with the god of death in Aztec tradition. A similar understanding of this symbol was shared by the Celts, who associated her spirit with an animal announcing death, especially if she flies through someone's window while the sick person is inside the house. The bird was seen as a spiritual animal that carried the souls of the dead to the underworld. The Slavs associated the owl totem not only with wisdom, but also with darkness.

How to wear an amulet correctly

An owl talisman will work for good if worn correctly. It is usually located on top of clothing. People who are afraid that the magical properties of the owl amulet will be intercepted and neutralized prefer to hide it.

The amulet is prohibited from being given into the hands of strangers. When interacting with someone else's, the product loses power.

In difficult life moments, a magical talisman is held in the hand, asking for help. A person needs faith in his strength to attract good luck and happiness.

Having a talisman in the form of an owl, you need to take into account that the bird does not tolerate quarrels within the family in which it is located.

Other meanings

In Native American traditions, the owl is called the night eagle. Her totem has a special connection with the night and the Moon, while the eagle is associated with the Sun.

The owl is associated with witchcraft in a number of European and Native American traditions. Witches often considered her the main guide among animals.

In Greek mythology, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, was often represented as an owl. It is said that the Romans believed that someone would reveal all their secrets while sleeping if a feather from this bird was placed next to their pillow.


These birds like to sit quietly and calmly so they can observe their surroundings. Therefore, as a symbol, the owl indicates that you may have to retire from the hustle and bustle of life. Take a wait-and-see attitude and calmly observe your surroundings. Moreover, slowing down and stabilizing will allow you to access the wealth of information that surrounds you and the true meaning of the owl as a totem. Whenever this bird is present in your life, it will share its ability to see what others may not notice. In other words, the meaning of the symbol is to open your eyes and really examine how things really are. You will be surprised at what is revealed to you. For example, you will be able to see and understand the true motives of other people. External manifestations will give way to truth and inner meaning.

What does Sovushka mean?

This figurine represents two symbols - the money tree, which brings wealth, and the owl, which protects wealth from bad looks and careless thoughts. In the Slavic tradition, the owl was revered as the keeper of treasures and underground wealth.

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Through the prism of popular culture

Thanks to modern literature, such as the story of Winnie the Pooh, and through folklore, we continually associate owls with wisdom. However, there are other qualities that this bird has. These predators are often perceived as mysterious mainly because most of them are purely nocturnal creatures, and people have always endowed this part of the day with ominous qualities, associating it with mystery and the unknown. Owls live in darkness, which evokes thoughts of magic, secrets and ancient knowledge. The night refers to the Moon, with which these birds are also strongly associated. During the renewal cycles of the night luminary, they were even considered a symbol of femininity and fertility.

Owls in mythology

Even mythology often associates the owl with wisdom and femininity. She was a symbol of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. This speaks to the deep meaning of the owl totem for a woman. According to myth, the bird sat on Athena's shoulder so that she could see the whole truth. In Ancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of the highest wisdom, as well as the guardian of the Acropolis.

Minerva, the Roman equivalent of Athena, was closely associated with lightning, as well as the nocturnal predator. The meaning of the owl totem for girls may refer to the wisdom and warlike spirit of Athena and Minerva, the noble goddesses of antiquity.

The Pawnee and Sioux saw this bird as a messenger of the first evil creature - Unktekha. At the same time, the Lakota tribe had the Owl Society, where warriors fought mainly at night and painted dark rings around their eyes, because they believed that this would allow them to have the keen vision of night birds. Owl amulets were also common in some cultures.

Who is the amulet suitable for?

As a magical assistant, the owl talisman is suitable for almost any person, regardless of age and gender.

Who is it suitable for?How it will help
To kidActively explore the world around you
TeenagerStudy hard
StudentPass sessions without “tails”
To a young girlChoose the right path in life
To a married ladyStrengthen family ties
to the youthStart your own business
To a manStrengthen your financial situation

An owl amulet helps its owner if the person believes that the magical attribute will definitely fulfill its purpose.

The harbinger of death

There are many superstitions associated with these noble birds, many of which center on death. In Europe and America, the owl was seen as a harbinger of doom. This was associated with some peoples, such as the Dakota Indians and some Germanic tribes and the Scandinavian Vikings, who signaled the approach of an attack by imitating the cry of an owl. It was and remains the easiest bird sound to imitate. The Mayans called the signals emitted by the nocturnal predators of Yucatan “bird moans” and believed that they foreshadowed death. The totem of the white owl among these people was directly identified with the whiteness of decayed bones.


The polar owl can be found in the northern latitudes of both hemispheres. Individuals of polar owls are widely distributed throughout the Arctic Ocean. In particular, they live on Wrangel Island, New Zealand, Greenland and Spitsbergen.

Snowy owls prefer to inhabit large open areas and small mountain hills. As a rule, they avoid wooded areas, sticking to tundra and forest-tundra. This is due to the fact that in deep forests it is much more difficult for owls to find prey.

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