Rearing horse - why does a horse behave aggressively?

If your horse rears, you risk losing your balance, falling, or kicking you, and your horse can lose his balance, fall, and get hurt.

A horse that rears while tied to a carriage may fall on the driver and passengers, injure itself, and destroy equipment and objects around it.

Once a horse learns this behavior to avoid work or express frustration, it is difficult to stop.

If you are a novice racer, it would be extremely dangerous to try to solve this problem yourself. Instead, you need to find a professional who can help you.


In 2013, the President of Turkmenistan fell from his horse after reaching the finish line of a competition. The problem of a horse misbehaving has always attracted attention. They are associated with certain habits of these animals.

They usually arise from the previous owner mistreating the horse. Hereditary propensity for such habits is very rare. If a horse kicks, there is always a reason for it. A horse usually kicks or tries to bite when it is scared.

Usually unpleasant situations remain in the animal’s memory as its methods of defensive action against external attack. In order to change habits, the first step should be to try to understand the specific reasons why an angry stallion may behave this way.


On average, these beautiful animals live no more than 30 years, it all depends on the breed, species and conditions of detention.

  • Those employed in hard work or in sports competitions live no more than 20 years, and animals living in the wild or warm climates also have a short lifespan.
  • Little ponies live to be almost 40 years old, and the record life expectancy of a horse was recorded in Great Britain and was 62 years.

If you rear up

If you rear up

When there is such a tendency, it is important that the rider is able to determine the moment when she is about to do it.

How to tame a horse

Before rearing, the animal always stops, then moves its hind legs slightly forward, under the body, then sharply pushes off with its front legs and makes a sharp and characteristic movement of its head.

If the rider determines that this is about to happen, it is wise to send the horse forward using leg or spurs, without allowing him to fall.

Usually, after making several unsuccessful attempts in a row, she will gradually begin to give up this habit.

In extreme cases, when the problem cannot be solved in the usual way, a special part of horse harness can be used - a dowel.

It is possible that the rider missed the first signs of movement. In this case, it will help if the rider loosens the reins to allow him to lower himself onto his front legs. It will be helpful if the rider leans forward during this movement and wraps his arms around the horse’s neck.

If it tips over, the rider is in danger of falling from the horse, and must free his feet from the stirrups and jump to the side without releasing the reins. As soon as it rises, you need to jump on it and send it forward.


Horses are herbivores, preferring grass and cereals. Wild animals feed in the meadows in the warm season, gaining weight, and lose weight in the winter, when there is not enough food.

Pets are also walked in the meadow in the summer, where they feed on fresh grass containing all the necessary micronutrients. How wonderful a photo of the most beautiful horse in the world looks against the backdrop of bright and lush grass during free grazing!

In winter, domestic horses are fed hay, mixed feed, cereals (in Russia, more often oats), etc., trying to diversify the diet with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

If he doesn’t let you sit on him


The reason for this reaction may be that the horse is very young and is not used to being under saddle. Perhaps she lived in the herd quite recently and perceives the rider with hostility.

There are other possible reasons. For example, in some cases the horse is simply afraid of tickling. Another possible reason could be that he has a back injury and is experiencing pain from the rider.

If this happens, using force and forcing submission is wrong.

If he doesn’t let you sit on him

If the animal is shy, it would be wise to calm it down and treat it with something tasty. If you make such a fixation regularly, it can develop into a conditioned reflex, and behavior towards the person will change.

One source of this problem may be that the animal is simply stagnant. This doesn't happen very often. In this case, it is recommended to start by driving the animal on the line before sitting on it.

In the latter case, it is recommended to start by allowing him to move at a gait that is comfortable, and then gradually accustom him to moving at a trot or walk.


Shire (English draft horse) is a breed of draft horse and belongs to the draft type. Brought out in England in the mid-18th century, and the first stud book was published in 1878. Horses of this breed were transported to the USA, Australia and Canada.

Shire: Wikipedia

What is special about the Shire horse breed? These are very strong and hardy animals that are capable of pulling heavy loads. According to the standard of the Shire Horse Society, the height of an adult Shire stallion is from 173 to 178 cm. The horse has a thick mane and brushes on the legs. Needs bathing 2-3 times a week. Has a calm character.

Used in England for transporting large loads, towing barges along canals and in agricultural work.

If he throws off his rider

Friesian horse

This can be done in various ways:

  • throwing back;
  • “goat”, jumping in place, keeping your legs straight;
  • jump sharply to the sides;
  • there are several other options.

If the horse tries to “goat”, you need to sharply move forward, lifting its head up. At the slightest weakening of attention, she can try again and, perhaps, the person will fall.

In order to fight this kind of habit, you need to work hard on the line. Then they lead with their hands. The next step is walking with a load on the cord. Only now can you teach her to ride under a rider.

How to make a talisman to attract good luck with your own hands

There are several ways to make a Horse talisman. The easiest way to make a Chinese coin is, for example, from wood. It is enough to cut out a circle, make a square hole in it and cover the remaining space with trigrams, a yin-yang sign and an image of a horse. This can be done in any way: apply drawings with ink, burn them, etc.

Another way to get a personalized talisman is to make a clay figurine. A beginner is unlikely to be able to do this, but people with experience in creating jewelry will be able to sculpt a beautiful figurine that will be saturated with their energy.

If does not stand still at the request of the rider

When this happens, this, first of all, indicates that it was previously worked incorrectly. To correct this behavior, you need to cultivate an appropriate conditioned reflex. It is important that at the rider’s command she calmly stops and waits for the next command.

If does not stand still at the request of the rider

One way to work is as follows. First you need to drive it on the line. As soon as fatigue appears, you must definitely give it a rest. It is necessary to calm her down with gentle conversation. As soon as it stops, you need to feed it something tasty. If you constantly train the animal, it will gradually learn to calmly stop at the request of the rider.

If it throws

Here we are talking about a situation when a horse, having encountered an obstacle, makes a sharp turn on its front or hind legs in order to evade to the side.

If the rider sees that the horse is about to do this, it is necessary to press the reins against the horse on the side where the turn will be made, and on the other hand, keep it aside and pull it strongly. From the side where the horse is turning, it is necessary to strengthen the action of the legs.

After giving up further attempts to turn, you need to send the horse forward.

Usually, each specific horse is constantly thrown in only one direction. It is important to prevent the horse from kicking.

If the cause of the incident is fear of a specific obstacle, then it makes sense to drive the horse on a line, forcing him to overcome the same obstacle several times. When overcoming passes without problems, you will need to do the same under the rider.


The Budennovskaya horse is a riding breed of horse. It was bred in 1948 at the stud farms named after. Budyonny and them. The First Cavalry Army under the leadership of the Soviet military leader and horse breeder Mikhail Chumakov.

What is special about the Budennovsky horse? The horse has a dry head, a wide chest and well-developed muscles. Its height reaches 165 cm, body length - 163–165 cm. The animals are fast and hardy. “Budennovtsy” are capable of covering 7 km in 8.5 minutes, and it takes just under 70 hours to cover 600 km.

Budennovskaya: Wikipedia

The peculiarity of the breed is the herd growing method. First, all wayward mares are removed from the herds. Later, separate herds are created from the young animals, and the most valuable specimens are sent to cultural groups, where they are trained to race or used for breeding work.

If the horse "drags"

This problem most often has a specific cause. The fact is that if she had a hard rein, the toothless part of the jaw (where the bit is placed) sometimes loses sensitivity. So she may simply not feel the leash because of this. In fact, in this case, the animal ignores the rider’s signals, continuing to move in the same direction, although this may be called differently.

This problem can be solved by helping the animal restore sensitivity to this area. To do this, it is enough to keep the horse on a hard rein as little as possible. Sensitivity should be restored as a result.

Another method of influence would be to loosen the leash a little each time the pace is slowed down. This can gradually become a positive incentive for her to stop carrying.

If the horse "drags"

If "carried"

This is what they say if a mad horse stops obeying the rider, switches to a high gait and rushes without understanding the road. In this case, the horse firmly clamps the bit, which should be in the toothless part of the mouth. As a rule, we are talking about a nervous breakdown. Even an experienced rider often doesn’t know what to do if a horse bolts.

If I suffered

The standard behavior is as follows. When she has carried, you must first free your legs from the stirrups. In this situation, the torso must be tilted forward. It is recommended to firmly grasp part of the mane with your hands.

It will be effective to force the bit back into the toothless part of the horse's mouth.

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Secure yourself in the saddle and loosen the reins. The animal expected something different and may therefore weaken control over the situation. By jerking the reins, you can regain control.
  2. Pull alternately on the left and then on the right rein. Gradually the grip will weaken and the bit will return to its original place.

Next you need to quickly stop the animal.


The Bashkir horse is an indigenous horse of the Southern Urals. Known since the 17th–18th centuries. Most common in Bashkortostan. The Bashkir breed arose naturally. These are short animals (up to 145 cm at the withers). The main colors are savrasaya, mousey and dun.

Bashkir: Wikipedia

How is the Bashkir horse different? Initially used in cavalry units. Today the breed has become more like an agricultural breed than a riding one. Barshkirs use animals for work on farms, in the production of meat and milk.

The breed can live outdoors at temperatures from +30 °C to -40 °C and can withstand severe snowstorms. The thick and long coat of these hardy horses does not require constant brushing. The horse is hardy and endowed with a phlegmatic character. The Bashkir troikas were well known, which could cover up to 140 km in 8 hours without rest.

How to rid a horse of dangerous habits

You need to work with her, gradually accustoming her to the correct behavior with gentleness and affection. If she tries to bite the rider, it is often a consequence of cruelty being shown to her.

If dangerous incidents are to occur, they should be prevented if possible. If they do occur, it is necessary to minimize the risk of adverse consequences and injuries to the fallen person.

For example, if a horse rears up, you need to try to stop it, otherwise the falling horse may injure the rider.

If she sees that certain actions cannot be done, the habit of doing so will gradually weaken.


The Trakehner horse is a German draft horse breed. This is the only breed among half-bred breeds that is bred in purity without foreign blood. The breed began to be bred in the 18th century in East Prussia in the village of Trakehnen. It was produced for Prussian cavalry units.

Trakehner: Wikipedia

What are the differences between the Trakehner horse breed? The former war horse is suitable for sporting purposes. The height of the stallion at the withers reaches 162-165 cm, the body has elegant dryness and regular lines. The horse is bred in Germany, Europe, the USA and New Zealand. She can be recognized by her brand name in the form of a double elk horn on her left thigh. Needs regular shoeing and brushing.

Currently, Trakehnens are exclusively sport horses. Their calm nature makes them suitable for both show jumping and dressage. The stallions Ash and Abdullah became Olympic champions.

Fear of a horse after an accident

It usually occurs after falling from a horse. It must be borne in mind that the chance that this could happen always exists and you need to be prepared.

If a horse kicks, it can lead to serious consequences for the rider. However, there must be a reason for this that needs to be determined.

On the other hand, any deviation in the behavior of an animal necessarily has its own reason. Even if the horse kicks. You need to be able to understand it, find a common language. In some cases, the cause may be improper behavior of the rider. In this case, it is important to correctly determine the cause of what happened and prevent it from happening in the future.

Important! The right attitude will help you overcome your fear of horses.

The ability to understand a horse and establish the right relationship with it is the basis for the gradual elimination of deviations in its behavior. If this is not enough, you will have to work with her to correct the situation. When thinking about how to stop being afraid of horses, you just need to establish a kind of partnership with them and strive to understand them.

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The Icelandic horse is a short horse, whose height at the withers reaches 132 cm. It has different colors, from red to bay. Icelanders have about 100 shades of animal color. The breed was brought by the Vikings to Iceland in the 9th–10th centuries, as it easily fit in their ships.

Icelandic: Wikipedia

What features distinguish the Icelandic horse? These are very smart horses. They have excellent body balance, thanks to which they can easily overcome any obstacles. During their history, the animals have never encountered predators, so they easily trust people and have a calm and friendly character. Suitable for herd keeping.

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