Merger of Earthly Branches. Six combinations of Earthly Branches. Six Harmonies.

Merger of Earthly Branches. Six combinations of Earthly Branches. Six Harmonies.

The Earthly Branches in the Bazi chart interact with each other, entering into mergers or forming collisions. the result of the interaction of earthly branches are potential opportunities for certain events in a person’s life.

Favorable interactions of the Earthly Branches: Six combinations (Six Harmonies), Seasonal combinations of the Earthly Branches, Combination of Three Harmonies.

Unfavorable Interactions: Collision of Earthly Branches, Punishment of Earthly Branches, Breakdown or Destruction of Earthly Branches.

Mergers are of great importance when choosing favorable dates. Earthly Branches on the date means harmony and smooth flow of Qi. Such days help to implement plans and establish relationships.

The merging of the Earthly Branches is favorable for romantic relationships and the search for a life partner - it promotes mutual understanding and attraction between lovers.

Among all combinations of Earthly Branches, seasonal mergers are considered the most powerful and active. Seasonal Confluence in Bazi means balance, stability and good prospects.

Triple Unions of the Earthly Branches differ from seasonal combinations in that for the properties of this combination to manifest, the presence of two components in the chart (semi-combination) is sufficient. In this case, it is important that one of the components must be the Earthly Branch of the central column.

Read more about the formation of the Triple Alliances of the Earthly Branches here

Triple Alliances and fusions of Earthly Branches are considered beneficial if their resulting element is favorable to the owner of the card. In choosing a favorable date, the presence of Mergers and Combinations of Earthly Branches is most often considered as a good indication.

On the one hand, the Collisions of the Earthly Branches in the Ba Zi chart are the driving force and cause of the changes taking place in any area of ​​life. However, in an unfavorable manifestation, Collisions of the Earthly Branches can mean attacks, struggle, conflict, confrontation, disagreement, injury, coercive action, uncontrollable events.

The collision of the Earthly Branches in the Pillar of the Hour affects the relationship between parents and children and means dramatic changes in the professional sphere.

The collision of the Earthly Branches in the Pillar of the Day means changes in the personal sphere, in your home, and may be the cause of changes in the romantic sphere (separation or new relationships).

The collision of the Earthly Branches in the Pillar of the month will indicate changes in the area of ​​society - relationships with colleagues and relatives.

The collision of the Earthly Branches in the Pillar of the Year means changes in social status, a change of place of residence, a new circle of friends.

If the Earthly Branch of the year of birth collides with the Earthly Branch of the day, such a day is considered unfavorable for a person, bringing conflicts, dangers and disruption of plans. Such a day is called Personal Destroyer Day . Try not to plan anything important for these days.

If the Earthly Branch of a day collides with the Earthly Branch of a year or month, that day is also considered unfavorable for important matters.

Fire punishment in Ba Zi means spontaneity, brings problems when moving, increases the risk of damage on the road, leads to rash actions and impulsive decisions, legal proceedings.

Earthly Punishment in Bazi makes people proud and arrogant, brings competition, injustice, isolation.

Depending on other indicators of the Bazi card, Punishment of dislike may mean frivolous behavior, some swagger and excessive emancipation. Means bad relationships with people, courts and disputes.

Self-punishment of the Earthly Branches in Bazi brings uncertainty or excessive self-confidence and arrogance, doubts, mistakes. A person harms himself through his actions or decisions.

In general, unfavorable Earthly Branch interactions indicate disharmony, instability of character and behavior, and relationship problems. Clashes and punishment of the Earthly Branches lead to instability and can negatively affect health, business, and finances.

The punishments of the Earthly Branches are considered the most negative of all possible interactions in the Ba Zi chart.

Mergers of Earthly Branches are not always beneficial for every connected person. Everything depends on the resulting element that is formed during the merger. If useful elements of the map are weakened during the merger or collision process, this is considered a negative indicator.

I wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, reliable friendship, family happiness and prosperity, health, high income and constant good luck!

Natalya Titova Consultant and teacher of Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dong Jia, author of the “Melody of Qi” project and the “Tools for Chinese Metaphysics” portal.

Compatibility of Horse and Snake

Compatibility between Horse and Snake is quite low. There are many contradictions between representatives of these two signs that prevent them from building strong relationships. On the other hand, a man and a woman can find a common language if they have such a desire.

Horse and Snake

Compatibility in love

This compatibility is assessed as low. Some couples can maintain a strong bond for many years, but in general, representatives of these signs are advised to stay away from each other.

A man has his own views on life, he is well-mannered, smart, talented, romantic, interested in culture and art, he likes expensive cars and accessories. A representative of the stronger sex puts himself above others, so everything should be carried out according to his scenario.

The woman is hardworking, worthy, charismatic, independent, kind, sociable, she does not like any boundaries. Such girls show charisma and are not shy about being eloquent. Representatives of this sign are usually demanding of themselves and are quite quick-tempered. If her partner’s opinion does not coincide with hers, then she will try her best to prove that she is right.

A woman and a man can form a couple, since both have an active lifestyle and are sociable.

Marriage Compatibility

Spouses are very different people. The horse does not like it when people unceremoniously interfere in its life. She often regards marriage as an attack on her personal space. The Snake needs, first of all, to understand that the partner is by no means her personal property, that he has his own ideas about life and established behavior patterns.

Sexual compatibility

The sexual compatibility of the Snake and the Horse is at a fairly high level, but only as long as there is mutual trust in the relationship.

The partners combine well physically and find an approach to each other without much difficulty.

Compatibility in friendship

Representatives of these signs, of course, can be friends, but such an alliance is quite unexpected. Partners face many trials before they become true friends.

The main thing in these relationships is to avoid mutual obligations and not depend on each other. A lasting friendly alliance will become possible only with complete forgiveness and removal from condemnation of each other's shortcomings.

Business compatibility

This compatibility is at a fairly high level. Partners achieve the greatest success in a joint business when they clearly delimit responsibilities and spheres of influence among themselves.

Compatibility depending on the zodiac sign

Flipping through the calendar of life events, the Goat and the Horse, having lived together for years, will understand that life could not give them a better partner. Relationships with many zodiac signs can develop positively, but they will only be so comfortable and good together.

The Dragon++

Compatibility in friendship

Guys and girls of this type can be friends from early childhood and carry their good friendships through the years, until old age. Friends will understand each other perfectly. Common interests and education will allow everyone to learn something from the other. Friends often attend cultural events and go on vacation together.

Everyone is ready to lend a helping hand and will certainly never set you up or let you down. Of course, there will certainly be disagreements against the background of different attitudes to life and behavior. Only these quarrels will be so insignificant that tomorrow no one will remember about them.

What do they need to know about each other?

Some knowledge about your partner will help brighten up your family life and business relationships:

  • everyone wants to be a leader, so you immediately need to decide who will do what, so to speak, amicably distribute responsibilities. It is difficult for the Horse to give the reins of power to the Goat and this also needs to be taken into account;
  • the habits and lifestyles of the partners are sharply different, each should treat his other half with understanding, allow her what seems completely unacceptable to him;
  • The Goat needs constant spiritual support. It is important for her that her work is evaluated, if necessary, even praised;
  • Goats often flirt with the opposite sex, but they cheat only when they do not find warmth and tenderness at home;
  • Horses are very jealous and categorically do not forgive betrayal.

Both signs are bright, friendly, and sociable. To make peace, they just need to do a common business or go for a walk with the children, go out of town together or visit their parents.

Snake Man and Horse Woman

Compatibility in love

The compatibility of these signs in love is considered high at the beginning of a relationship. At this stage, the chosen ones do not yet feel how different their characters, views and life principles are.

At first, representatives of these signs are fascinated by each other, they openly show passion. When violent emotions subside, there is a great risk that the Snake and Horse will separate. The outcome depends on how important this relationship is to the chosen ones.

Marriage Compatibility

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman in marriage is ambiguous. If there is a strong love connection between the chosen ones, then there is a chance to save the family. Otherwise, the Snake + Horse couple is unlikely to avoid divorce.

A man is more inclined to submit and change himself, but he will not work on relationships alone. At the same time, he is impulsive and touchy. As for the Horse woman, she is unlikely to make a good housewife, since she does not like to take care of the house. She does not get any pleasure from shopping, repairs, or solving everyday issues.

It is difficult for spouses to maintain balance in their relationship because they have different views on life. The couple does not know how to prevent conflicts, and frequent quarrels only destroy the union.

Compatibility of Horse and Snake

Sexual compatibility

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman in sex is high as long as there is complete trust between the chosen ones. Even in the absence of emotional contact, representatives of these signs receive great pleasure from the intimate process. The Snake is not particularly interested in variety in the bedroom, but the Horse is not against making bold experiments.

Ladies in such a union do not tolerate betrayal, so the relationship will immediately collapse if the man cheats on his chosen one. It will be impossible to restore lost trust.

Compatibility in friendship

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman in friendship is average. Representatives of the two signs are more likely to be good friends. If contacts occur constantly, the man and woman will begin to irritate each other. They need a simple relationship where there are no obligations.

Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

The Chinese horoscope, describing the possible relationship between a Horse and a Sheep, says that the couple will be happy provided that everyone works on themselves, trying to adapt to the complex disposition of their loved one. Difficult situations will be resolved in such a way that both partners are satisfied with this option.

Horse Man and Goat (Sheep) Woman

Men born in any year of the Horse (metal, fire, wood, water, earth) live a cheerful, interesting life. Intelligent, educated, creative people quickly connect with people and skillfully win them over. Their enviable vitality and desire for the best makes them admired.

These guys know how to love unrequitedly. They will do everything so that their beloved and children do not need anything, and feel the affection and care of their father and husband. Such men fall in love once and for life. However, if they hate a person, then that too is forever.

Sign elementFireEarth
Equivalent zodiac signGemini?, Cancer?Cancer?, Leo?
Yin YangJanYin
Lucky numbers2, 3, 73, 4, 9
Metal1930, 1990, 20501931, 1991, 2051
Water1942, 2002, 20621943, 2003, 2063
Wooden1954, 2014, 20741955, 2015, 2075
Fiery1906, 1966, 20261907, 1967, 2027
Zemlyannaya1918, 1978, 20381919, 1979, 2039
Moon monthFifth - 午 (U)Sixth - 未 (Wei)
It's her dayWednesdayMonday

Goat women are distinguished by their gentle nature. In communication they are polite and diplomatic. Unlike their partner, they do not need constant attention. They rarely go out into the world; they are quite happy at home, next to their loved ones. Such ladies are stubborn, often capricious, trying to get their way.

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