Merger of Earthly Branches. Six combinations of Earthly Branches. Six Harmonies.

Networks of Heaven and Earth

We continue to talk about Symbolic stars in Bazi. Today - about the star of the “Network of Heaven and Earth”. First, a little theory.

If the Bazi card contains a Dog and a Pig, then a Heavenly Network is formed . This is an image of a bird snare, a web in the air. Dog and Pig are in the northwest, in terms of direction according to the 24 mountains pattern. The Dog is associated with October, the Pig with November. In October-November, Yin is strong and Yang is weak. Therefore, the combination of these earthly branches is called the Network of Heaven or the Trap for a man.

When the Snake and the Dragon meet in a chart, the Earth Network is formed . Its image is a snare on the ground, a quagmire, a swamp where one can get stuck or become entangled. Dragon and Snake are animals of the southeast, Dragon - April, Snake - May. During these months and in this sector, Yang is strong and Yin is weak, so the bundle of these earthly branches is called the Earth Network or the Woman's Trap.

Any network or trap means that a person can get stuck in some difficult situations; it will not be easy for him to find an effective solution and way out of them.

If these symbolic stars are built into the map, then they will influence the person throughout his life. However, it is believed that in the case when a person was born on the day of Wood or Metal, the element of the birthday will be able to weaken the negativity from these stars, which means there will be fewer problems in life. And if the Networks come in a beat or a year, then their influence will be limited by time. In any case, meeting such a star is a reason to be vigilant, because prosecution, a fine, prison or illness may come into a person’s life. The combination of the Network with demons requires special attention; this may indicate accidents.

Let's look at examples of such combinations in cards. For example, it is considered bad luck for a man to have earthly branchesand戍 in his chart. This is exactly the card that went to American actor Stephen Bradford Culp (born December 3, 1955)

In the earthly branch of the day there is Xu, and in the pillar of the month, which is responsible for work, there is Hai. During his studies, Stephen was considered one of the best and most talented students. But when he started acting, he only got minor roles, and his heroes, as a rule, quickly died. For Stephen, this became a kind of fate. In 2004, he got a role in the TV series Desperate Housewives, but here, too, his character died at the end of the season. In such roles, it was difficult for Stephen to fully reveal his acting talent. The thing is that the Dog and the Pig in the chart formed a trap or Heavenly Network, and it affected the houses of marriage and career. In this sense, it would be interesting to know more about Stephen Culp's family life. Wikipedia tells us that he is quite stable married and has two children. But it is also stated that he had a half-sister who became a murder victim in 2006 along with her husband and two daughters.

Fortunately, just based on a negative star, one should not conclude that a person’s life will necessarily be difficult and full of troubles. Thus, it is known that the following combinations can be difficult for women’s cards:

the card containsDragon and pillars癸巳Yin Water on the Snake or丁巳Yin Fire on the Snake,

or the card containsSnake and pillars,丙辰Yang Water on the Dragon or丙辰Yang Fire on the Dragon.

But we have a very significant example of the card of Susan Essman, an American actress, comedian, producer and writer. Despite the presence of the Earth Trap in the map, Susan is quite successful.

Susan was born on May 31, 1955 into a strong middle class American family. She received a good education and starred in numerous films and television shows. In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that after the third season of the series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” she could not calmly walk down the street - people recognized her, stopped her, asked her to repeat her character’s catchphrase, and roared with laughter. Susan later wrote a book and was nominated several times for the Screen Actors Guild Award. She lives in a stable marriage and is quite prosperous both in her personal life and in her profession.

To summarize, we can say that even such negative symbolic stars as the Network of Heaven and Earth cannot be considered as a sentence. A reason to think and be more careful - yes. But under no circumstances should you predict a streak of misfortune for the owner of the card. As always, for an accurate forecast you need to analyze the map individually, take into account all the nuances and delve into the details of a person’s life. And it’s precisely the details that we lack when analyzing the cards of today’s heroes. Despite their popularity in their homeland, there is little information about them on the Russian-language Internet.

Do you have the Networks of Heaven and Earth in your maps, how do they manifest themselves? Write, it will be very interesting to know!

Good luck in analyzing cards and life!

Palace of Life in Ba Zi

The Palace of Life is the most important palace, which is also called the Palace of Fate. To determine your Palace of Life, you need to fill in all the necessary data on the calculator gender, date of birth, city of birth and click “Calculate”. Check the box for the professional version. Then we find 12 Palaces and click on this entry.

Each Palace corresponds to one of the areas of a person’s life

We begin the analysis of 12 palaces with the Palace of Life, which determines our understanding of life, goals, and life priorities. It describes a person’s character, his purpose, luck, and the tasks that need to be solved in life. If there are favorable elements in the Palace of Life, then this means that the person is an optimist, everything is going well in his life, he has a good destiny. He perceives positively the events occurring in his life. If the elements are unfavorable, then the person is a pessimist, often depressed, and has problems in life. He pays more attention to negative events in his life. That is, he perceives the world from a negative side.

When analyzing palaces, you need to determine which card you have - strong or weak, the structure of the card, useful and unhelpful elements.

10 deities in the Palace of Life

Next, we determine which deity is located in the Palace of Life

If a brotherhood , the person will be sociable, sociable, and friendly. If the element is unfavorable, the characteristic feature is hostility towards others. For him, people will be presented as competitors.

If the Robber of wealth , that person is an idealist in everything. Categorical. Communication is important to him.

The spirit of pleasure will introduce us to the lover of comfort and pleasure. This is an esthete. Moreover, if the element is not favorable, then the person will be lazy a lot. Also prone to gluttony and carnal pleasures.

Calling Power will tell us about the leader. He wants to control everything, dominate everything. But, if the element is not favorable, the person may be too conflicted, aggressive and ambitious.

The penchant for wealth in the palace of life will tell us that money is the most important thing for a person. And most importantly, such people know how to make a lot of money. Such a person has a commercial streak

Direct wealth tells us about a hardworking person. Money will be important to him, but it is very difficult for him to take risks. If at the same time wealth is unfavorable, it is very difficult for them to earn money.

The right power gives a person frameworks and rules. A person thinks about everything and takes a long time to make decisions. In a woman's chart it means that the most important thing for her is family. If the element is not favorable - complaints about the eternal lack of money.

The killer in the 7th position strives to dominate; he achieves his goals by any legal or illegal means. Can manipulate people. If the element is unfavorable, the person experiences constant pressure. He has the feeling that life is driving him into unbearable conditions.

A direct resource will show us a person who follows the traditions of the family or clan. He strives for knowledge. This is an educated person who finds it difficult to take action.

The oblique seal in the Palace of Life gives the owner of the card well-developed intuition, education, and a flexible mind. A person learns everything new and has bright creative potential. But if the element is not favorable, it is laziness, passivity, aloofness.

If the Palace of Life is represented by the animals of the Peach Blossom

If in the Palace of Life there are子 (Zi) Rat,卯 (Mao) Rabbit,午 (Wu) Horse,酉 (Yu) Rooster (Peach Blossom animals), then such people love to be the center of attention. They are amorous, freedom-loving and emotional. Good speakers. They are also patient with the shortcomings of their partners. It is favorable if their profession is related to art or show business.

For people whose Earthly branch of the Palace of Life is子 (Zi) Rat, then the person will have high aspirations. He has many tasks and goals, which he successfully implements thanks to his original approach, practicality and strong character. He has a personal opinion, a strong inner drive. Friendly. His feelings are long lasting. If he says something, he will definitely do it.

If the Star of the Palace of Life (Mao ), then this is a cautious person with well-developed intuition. It takes a long time for them to find a person they can completely trust. Very sociable, there are always a lot of guests in their house. They love and value freedom in everything. Independent from family. They prefer work related to movement.

If the GP of the Palace of Life午 (Wu) is a Horse, then the person has an open heart, good temperament, and an intellectual. Ready to help anyone in trouble. It is favorable to work in a team. Will receive help from others. But I don’t always assess the situation correctly; I think about people better than they really are. They are selfish; if they feel their own benefit, then the problems and interests of other people will not bother them. They have good luck of wealth, a carefree life with the usefulness of the elements in the Palace.

If the ZV of the Palace of Life酉 (Yu ) is the Rooster, then this characterizes the person as honest, loyal and reliable. Their energy is overflowing. They love order. On the way you will meet people who can cause harm. He creates himself, if he loves, he loves. Gentle to many things.

When the Palace of Life is represented by traveling animals

If there are animals in the Palace of Life: (Yin ) Tiger, (Sy ) Snake, (Shen ) Monkey, (Hai) Pig, then such people can be characterized as active and sociable, they easily achieve the realization of their dreams.

When the Star of the Palace of Life is 寅 (Yin) Tiger , then we can say about you that you are lucky in life. You correctly calculate all your moves and your strengths and go to your goal in the shortest possible way. You will easily earn money, because... you have intelligence, wit. You know how to get along with people, see their thoughts and desires. But it’s difficult for you to limit yourself; you can’t be put into a certain framework.

If the Star of the Palace is 巳( Si) Snake , then the impression of a calm person that you give to others is deceptive. These are people who, when analyzing a situation, can become fixated on little things, without paying due attention to more important things. If you choose business partners, then first of all you need to choose people with the Snake in the Palace of Life, because These are honest, decent, smart, careful and hardworking people. They know how to communicate. Women often choose good husbands.

If the Star of the Palace of Life申 (Shen) is a Monkey , then you are talented and sociable. Your mood often changes. Not suitable for early marriage.

a Pig in the Palace of Life亥 (Hai) are friendly, gentle, and hardworking. Often worries and worries about others.

If the Palace of Life is represented by earthly animals.

丑 (Chou) Ox ,辰 (Chen) Dragon ,未 (Wei ) Goat and戌 (Xu) Dog have settled in your Palace of Life , then this characterizes you as a reliable and decisive person. But to achieve financial well-being, you will have to work hard and hard. Stubborn, do not like change.

If there is a 丑 (Chow) Ox , then this characterizes you as a hardworking performer. Such people cope with almost all tasks. Very responsible. Receptive to flattery and praise. They are not in good health.

For people in the SV of the Palace of Life located辰 (Chen) Dragon, they are characterized by the absence of fears in front of an audience, beautiful speech, and good memory. These are good people. Excellent mediators for negotiations and transactions.

Goat Wei in the Palace of Life ZV characterizes a person as a wonderful worker with taste. He often gets his way. You will experience many difficulties and difficulties in life. Modest, sensitive, but he can quickly be thrown off balance.

Outwardly he looks gentle and weak, but inside there is a steel core that helps him achieve everything. Depends on other people's opinions.

戌 (Xu) A dog in the SV of the Palace of Fate characterizes an easy-going, kind and responsible person. Good parents. They love comfort. They remember grievances for a long time.

The Palace of Life is also responsible for health. It shows a person’s attitude towards his health and possible problems with it. And also, his resistance to stress and adaptation to dangerous situations. It is in analogy with the human body. An unfavorable indicator is when the Palace of Fate is duplicated by the pillar of the hour.

Compare your Palace of Life with the characteristics described. How does it manifest itself in your destiny? Share your opinion. And most importantly, remember that we can improve our Palace of Fate by developing and developing a positive attitude towards everything that happens.

Invisible money in bazi

Yesterday I posted an article about Oleg Deripaska and his carefully hidden money) Of course, this is not the whole reading of the map. Reading Nayin gives a lot of benefits.

Power and money in Nayin

Bazi masters from China say that the best manifestation of money is when it is not visible in the map. If the money is not visible, they cannot be robbed) Such a person will not have problems with money - because he does not focus on its presence. No - it will work, if there is - good.

For example, take the Donald Trump . Also no mention of money, anywhere. they are not in the hidden celestial trunks either. Only blazing Fire, the combination of which, by the way, with Earth gives a yellowish-reddish complexion and a violent disposition) The structure of the card implies that a person has strong clan support - no matter where he starts. There is no way to look at it from any side - on the one hand, Dog-Horse-Tiger is the side of Fire. On the other hand, Snake-Goat-Horse is the season of Fire. This card is just a blazing and roaring flame.

In Donald's chart for the Fire Nayin Heavenly Fire there is money in the metal Nayin of the month Metal in the sand , which is supported by the earth Nayin of the year Earth on the house . This is a very favorable situation - since he receives money from society, friends and parents, who, in turn, are supported by their society (friends, parents), even the departed (nayin Land on the house - the land of the departed). This is a card with all-round support on all fronts. This card is not afraid of bad weather. And only a long period of high water can shake such a chart in certain years. What will happen to Trump this year?

Nayin of the Year of the Dog - Tree on the plain . The tree of the year gives birth to the Nayin Fire of the pillar of the day. This means Trump's support will increase this year.

Reading by Nayin

In Oleg Deripaska’s map, in addition to the smooth flow of qi, there is also the interaction of nayin - I highlighted the nayin icons in red. Earthy nayin of the Daytime dominant - Earth from the side of the road. In a circle, for the Earth, Money is Water. There is water in the year - nayin “Water of the Milky Way” and nayin of the month Tree - “Mulberry Tree” . That is, a person from the Nayin of the Earth attracts finances from external sources (pillar of the year) to finance government structures (pillar of the month). Nayin of the pillar of the year Water is consumed by the nayin of the pillar of the month Tree, so Oleg’s fate before the age of 25 was not easy. The hour of birth is unknown to us, but this is not necessary to analyze the year according to Nayin.

Nayin of the Year of the Dog - Tree on the plain. The tree is power for the Earthy Nayin. This means that Oleg’s power ambitions will intensify this year. But will they bring him benefits? Question) After all, a tree is not useful for such a nayin. The power may become too much for him to cope with...

And, finally, a map of our President Vladimir Vladimirovich

Here is the Earth nayin “ Earth on the house” , which means “land of the departed”, the monthly nayin Land of the postal route , and the nayin of the year and hour - Water of an endless stream . There is money in this card, quite a lot of it, it comes through society and friends. The Commonwealth of Lands is washed on both sides by Water and the money never runs out.

GDP was born in the month of his Beneficial God, therefore he receives maximum luck when the Rooster merges with the Dragon and during the arrival of the Monkey - the season of Metal. Metal is not only money, but also the spouse of GDP, which is why he divorced her beautifully and quietly, and is in no hurry to name a new wife.

How ironic, right? ) The fierce fire of Trump and the quiet but threatening Metal, supported by the land of the departed (as if a reference to the Kremlin, where Lenin still sleeps). Both there and there a formidable force is felt.

Nayin of the Year of the Dog - Tree on the plain. The wood from which coffins were made. A tree is not a hindrance for such a powerful Earth; they are useful to each other. And the water money nayin will only strengthen the Tree. The government of the GDP is not under threat. But excess Water can drown the Tree and erode the earth. This is the only thing that can damage this card.

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What are heavenly trunks?

If you look at your pillars of destiny, you will see signs at the top of each of the eight columns. They are called heavenly trunks. In the metaphysics of the East, it is believed that fate is given by heaven. Therefore, the upper elements of the pillars of fate are compared by the Ba-Tzu with tree trunks growing in heaven and descending with their crowns to the Earth, representing in the latter case earthly branches. The celestial trunks represent four elements, one of which relates to the hour of birth, another to the day, the third to the month a person was born, and the fourth to the year of birth. The main element is considered to be the element of personality (celestial trunk of the day), located in the pillar of the day - in the second column from the left.

Heavenly trunks

Most Bazi specialists are confident that the heavenly trunks can only combine and merge with each other. They believe that supposedly the earthly branches are not able to interact with the heavenly trunks. However, people who have extensive experience in deciphering the pillars of fate realized that the division into the energies of heaven and earth was invented by people and it does not correspond to reality. After all, energies are not really divided into categories and mix with each other or interact with each other, regardless of what type they are.

I support practitioners. After all, I myself was convinced that the division of elements into types is necessary only for people, so that it is easier for them to navigate in natal charts, but not for energies, for which there are no boundaries.

What are earthly branches?

As mentioned in the second part of this article, earthly branches, like heavenly trunks, arose through association with the trees growing in heaven. Therefore, the lower elements of the pillars are considered to be the crowns of trees, descending with their branches to the Earth. Each earthly branch relates to a specific birth date unit. The first left - by the hour, the second - by the birthday, the third - by the month and the fourth - by the year the person was born. Located on the right, the first lower element is the main element in Chinese astrology. After all, the Chinese are accustomed to considering the animal of the year, or, as it is also called, the demon of the year of birth, as the main unit of their date of birth.

Earthly branches

Masters of Eastern astrology believe that, like the heavenly trunks, the earthly branches can only combine and merge with each other. However, these are again the rules of Ba Tzu , which actually distort the essence of energies, their flows and mechanisms. Energies are not separated by any boundaries, therefore they reside in a dark substance - the basis of the entire universe; they exist in the subtle world where beings live, visible to clairvoyants and heard by clairaudient ones. And besides, energies influence all living and nonliving things that exist in the physical world. All living organisms live according to the rules of energies. The elements permeate everything and constantly interact with each other, without reacting to the boundaries invented by the astrologers of the East.

Robbery Demon

Demon of robbery: function - threat of loss

Alternative names: Demon of Loss, Plundering Demon, Jie-Sha.

The demon of robbery can influence different areas of human life and manifest itself very individually. And when the enemy has many faces, it is difficult to recognize him. It is not for nothing that the Chinese consider this demon the most harmful, because the Demon of Robbery creates situations fraught with losses. Moreover, this means not just the banal loss of a wallet, but also losses that are difficult to express in monetary form: you can ruin your health, waste your time, lose face, and miss out on favorable opportunities.

The demon of robbery is the stereotypes of thinking and behavior inherent in a person that involve him in situations that inevitably lead to losses: money, authority, property, quarrels, courts and divorces

If the Demon of Robbery is present in a personal chart, then it seems to attract all sorts of vicissitudes of fate to its owner, which he cannot cope with. Usually people perceive this course of life as someone’s external machinations and complain about a difficult fate, but in fact it is connected with the characteristics of the mind and patterns of behavior. Imagine that a man and a dog are walking along a mountain path. The man, step by step, approaches the goal of his journey, and the dog explores the area, jumps over stones, sniffs mouse holes, chases butterflies, and grabs a bumblebee with its teeth. As a result, she gets into a lot of trouble and runs three to four to five times the distance that a person has covered.

A person with the Demon of Robbery moves through life in much the same way as a dog through the mountains. He wants to do something, but he doesn’t think at all about whether he is capable of this task? He chooses the wrong direction, sets himself too difficult tasks, does not have a plan of action - and faces obstacles that he did not expect. And when people ignore existing circumstances, strive for unattainable goals and overestimate their strengths, then very soon they come to understand the intractability of problems and their own helplessness. Incorrect assessment of the situation, inability to set priorities, inability to foresee the development of the situation - all these are the true reasons for failure. The consequences will not keep you waiting: lack of fulfillment, financial losses, emotional and mental exhaustion, stress, depression, alcohol. This is how the Demon of Robbery affects a person.

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