Why lose the keys to a house, apartment, car - folk signs

For people, keys have always been not only a tool for unlocking doors, but also a mystical symbol of possession of wealth and secret knowledge. It has long been believed that something will soon change in the life of a person who has lost his keys. However, these changes may not always benefit a person, so you need to be careful not to lose your happiness along with the door master keys.

General interpretation of signs

Keys symbolize the restriction and release of something. They are associated with development, knowledge, power, change. And for a person, losing his keys means waiting for change. Basically, losing your keys means moving to a new house, making profitable deals, meeting new people, romantic acquaintances for single people. If a person had a bad streak in his life before losing his keys, after this event one can expect many joyful days.

There is also a negative interpretation of losing keys. If the loss is discovered before the trip, it will not be successful. On the road, constant problems may arise. Losing the key to an apartment in a new building means that the housewarming party will have to be postponed. If the loss took place at the crossroads of three roads, the person will face financial troubles. Old things are saturated with the energy of the owner. The loss of such an item promises a streak of bad luck in the future.

It matters where the loss occurred:

  • On the way to work: a promotion at your old place or employment at a new one.
  • At the wedding: the newlyweds will have their own housing.
  • Before serving in the army: the person will remain to serve under a contract.
  • Before an important event at work: it will go well.

Esotericists do not recommend throwing away old, sometimes rusty keys. They can become a talisman for their owner.

What do the signs say, what can you find the key to?

A clear positive interpretation: luck, large profits, success, a find is found in a few superstitions, for example, among the gypsies.

In all other traditions, it is always necessary to take into account various aspects of detection: time, place, appearance, from which locks, etc.

What do superstitions say about the location of the key?

  1. On a straight road. To a quick profit or a successful outcome to an old quarrel.
  2. At the intersection of roads. An item may be covered with a lining for illness or a love spell for damage, so nothing is lifted in such places.
  3. In a pond with running water. For a man - to receive quick profits; for a girl - to success in love.
  4. A key found at the entrance to a house is a sign from above that the home and its owner are under the protection of higher powers. You need to mentally thank the keepers, but you don’t have to pick up the find.

In the forest. If the master key is found:

  • on the path - to meet a person who will support you in a difficult situation;
  • in the grass - to new opportunities in the profession (change of job or promotion);
  • on a branch - for housewarming;
  • fallen under a stone - to a successful solution to problems.

Why can you find the key at different times of the day and different days of the week?

In the evening hours - to overcome obstacles.

In the daytime - to receive good news and a possible housewarming.

If you find a find:

  • on Monday - the owner will have success in his career;
  • on Tuesday - to useful acquaintances and connections;
  • on Wednesday - to new knowledge and future success;
  • on Thursday - to a large monetary profit;
  • on Friday the finder will have good luck in personal affairs;
  • on Saturday - to favorable changes in solving protracted problems;
  • on Sunday - to the complete recovery of one of your loved ones.

Interpretations of signs based on the appearance of the found key

It matters what the found “master key” looks like:

  • a new girl, as if only from the store will bring success in work and personal life, will fulfill your cherished desire;
  • old, broken, with flaws will disturb the life of the finder and “lure” thieves to the threshold of the house (it is better to avoid such a find).

In magical rituals, the damage to an old key is removed, and the one who finds it can unwittingly take on the negative taken from another.

Interpretation according to the purpose of the find

Found car keys:

  • portend a quick pleasant trip;
  • promise the manifestation of signs of attention from the opposite sex (the sign is true for both men and women).

Keys to locks in a house, apartment, outbuildings and intercom are a lucky find, leading to favorable changes in life.

A negative interpretation applies only to a find lying in a puddle. It’s better not to touch such a “gift”.

What happens if you find a bunch of keys

People have both positive and negative interpretations.

  • With an odd number of objects in a bundle, a successful development of events is possible.
  • An even number will attract losses, quarrels and unexpected separations to the finder.

From a bunch of two large and one smaller key one can expect an addition to the family.

You should not try to outwit fate by removing the “extra” key from the bunch. This manipulation will not change the magical effect.

Which keys were lost?

The interpretation of the sign will be more correct if we take into account the fact which keys were lost:

  • From the house. For a married couple, this is a sign of future disagreements and quarrels. But another interpretation speaks of impending changes. If the couple has adult children, the event hints at their moving away from the family nest. For unmarried people, the loss of keys promises the beginning of a romantic relationship in the near future.
  • From the garage. The event signals that you need to be vigilant on the road. This is a hint from higher powers about the dangers of long journeys. Losing the key to a garage that is empty indicates that you will soon purchase a car.
  • Car keys. A long trip is cancelled, a car is changed to a new brand.
  • From the office. In addition to troubles with the authorities, the omen is good and promises a promotion.
  • From the cellar. This is the beginning of a white streak, prosperity, wealth.
  • Keys to the dacha. New hobbies, interests.
  • From someone else's home. Conflicts with a loved one, changes in social circle.

Other superstitions about lost keys

Let's look at other superstitions about lost keys. If you have lost your key to:

  • dachas - you will come up with a new hobby for yourself;
  • office space - to rapid advancement up the career ladder;
  • basement (cellar) - to improve financial well-being;
  • safe - your salary will be raised at work;
  • someone else’s apartment - you will conflict with its owners;
  • production premises - to receive income from your business.

Dependence of value on gender

The sign of losing your keys is explained differently, depending on who the trouble happened to.

  • For a girl, romantic relationships and upcoming marriage.
  • For a guy, losing his keys predicts changes in his personal life.
  • For a married woman, household troubles are coming.
  • For married men, changes in work, change of environment, promotion.
  • The loss of the common keys of a married couple hints at an imminent housewarming or change of apartment.

Symbolic meaning

To better understand what the signs mean, you need to understand the symbolic meaning of the key. Its main purpose is to open and close, in other words, to liberate and limit.

The key is associated with knowledge, development, change, revealing secrets, and it also means time and power.

Losing a key, first of all, indicates change. Usually they happen for the good, even if they are hard to get used to.

In any case, after the incident you will have to buy another key (and lock) or order a duplicate - and this is a symbol of something new, a step forward, to the next level.

One key or a whole bunch

If the loss of one key promises pleasant changes in life, then after the loss of a bunch of keys you need to prepare for a series of failures. But such a turn of events will be temporary. It is important to keep a cool head, be patient, and just wait it out. The event can have a particularly negative impact on a married woman. It is important not to try to solve all problems at once: this will simply take away your vitality.

The interpretation also depends on what keys were in the bunch:

  • From office space (offices): changes at work that will affect career development.
  • From outbuildings: a lot of troubles that will fall one after another.
  • If the key to the mailbox was in the ring: news from distant relatives.

According to the superstition, the loss of a bunch of keys for a businessman means success in all endeavors. A person expects the conclusion of profitable contracts and financial stability.

Lose your keys and then find them

Losing and finding your own keys is not always associated with folk signs. Perhaps the owner simply forgot where he put them, or someone in the household used his things. The sign suggests that it is necessary to enter a new stage of life. But the discovery of someone else’s keys should be treated with attention.

If a new key is found, the person will expect monetary profit and success in business. But you shouldn’t pick it up right away. Master keys are used in various rituals to “lock” problems. Finding an old, even rusty, key promises a streak of good events, a change for the better in everyday affairs. If you lift, rinse and hold an old master key over the fire of a church candle, this item will help in solving difficult issues.

Those who see a bunch of keys on the road should expect the realization of their goals, provided that the master keys are new and without flaws. The find is also interpreted as strengthening ties for young couples and married people.

If you lose your keys in a cemetery but find them right away, nothing bad will happen. But when people discover something missing after some time, it is better to make a new set of keys, since the item already belongs to the dead, and it is not recommended to take it home.

Esotericists do not recommend keeping keys on the table (trouble, loss of money), but storing them in one place, for example, on a key holder.

Interpretation by days of the week

If the event happened in the first half of the day, it promises the owner good news, if in the evening - to overcome life’s difficulties. It is important to take into account the day of the week to correctly interpret the loss.

  1. Monday. Success in everyday plans.
  2. Tuesday. Meeting a friend and discovering other people's secrets.
  3. Wednesday. Failures in the implementation of ideas due to the bad thoughts of envious people.
  4. Thursday. Making a sudden profit.
  5. Friday. Pleasant events in your personal life.
  6. Saturday. Solving old cases.
  7. Sunday. Improved well-being, recovery.

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How to neutralize a sign

There are no signs that promise huge trouble if you lose your keys. But you can still neutralize the negativity that predicts the event. First of all, you shouldn’t set yourself up for negativity: say goodbye to the loss, mentally thank you for your service. A ritual will help protect yourself from possible hacking: you need to take other keys, wrap them with red thread, carry them through the rooms, and then hang them over the front door.

When a bunch of keys is lost, or signs indicate an impending wave of troubles, you should avoid the following events:

  • Cancel the trip if the event happened the day before. This may pose a threat to human health.
  • A woman who has a husband and children is advised to clean up the house and smooth out conflicts in the family, as they can develop into quarrels.
  • If the keys to the new home you are planning to move to have disappeared, it is worth postponing the housewarming party for a short period.

It is important not only to rely on signs, but also to take care of the safety of the family by changing the locks to new ones.

Keys as a talisman

A once-lost key returned to its owner means good luck in all directions. If by the time the “lost” one returns, the owner has already changed the locks, he can make a protective talisman from the key.

To do this, you need to hold it under running water, hang it on a red ribbon and end the ritual with a short spell:

Just as this master key unlocks the door, let all my troubles disappear. Amen.

The object is then placed under the pillow, slept on it for seven nights, and the talisman is put away in a secret place.

An old, rusty, but intact and serviceable key also serves as a talisman-amulet for its owner and brings good luck.

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