Why does a girl's or woman's foot, toes, heel, thigh, calf, knee, or shin itch on the right and left legs: folk signs by day of the week

In this article we will look at the signs by which a person may feel itchy feet.

The ancient Slavs knew a huge number of different signs. They arose in the process of explaining various factors and actions. There are also a number of reasons that indicate certain processes occurring in the human body.

There are about a hundred explanations for itchy feet in various parts of the lower extremities. We will look at the most popular among them, and also understand what to expect from the manifestation of this symptom in the fair sex, depending on the day of the week and the time when we are bothered by the desire to scratch our legs.

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch in the morning and evening?

An important factor when interpreting various signs is the time when a particular process occurs. If a representative of the fair sex is bothered by itching of the lower extremities, then it is worth adopting the following designations:

  • When scratching your left leg in the evening, this portends new acquaintances, a surge of energy and inspiration for the implementation of creative plans
  • If the itching of this leg bothers you in the morning, you should be on guard. Since the chances of realizing your intentions are not as great as they might seem at first glance
  • If you feel itching in the right lower limb before sunset, you need to prepare for a pleasant time with relatives or old acquaintances
  • If the desire to scratch your right leg does not disappear in the afternoon, then you should be attentive and selective in your communication. Since your acquaintances can provoke a number of negative consequences that will significantly harm you and your reputation

Legs itch in the morning and evening.
Also, when interpreting itching sensations in other parts of the body, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Morning scratching tells women about the presence of favorable factors for achieving goals and implementing plans
  • If you want to scratch in the evening, then you should be careful and not trust strangers



When the left thigh itches, this can mean an unpleasant conversation with relatives, a quarrel is possible. Most often, it happens that relatives begin to manipulate you and this causes negativity and rejection. The consequences of such behavior will not be long in coming, and a major quarrel will be guaranteed.

If your thigh itches right above your knee, this is a bad sign. The sign denotes sad news about the death of relatives or well-known people.

Among other things, the sign means a violation of all plans. Even if what is planned happens. Then its outcome will be unexpected and will not please. In most cases, this relates to work process and financial problems. Which will entail a series of difficulties.


The left knee will itch when the weather changes, or rather worsens. The stronger the itching, the worse the weather will be, so plans for walks or trips will have to be postponed.

The left knee may also itch due to your or your partner’s jealousy. It’s worth pulling yourself together and not making the situation worse.

But when you have an itch under your left knee, you should be on guard. This foreshadows the theft of your property. And both strangers and loved ones, so do without guests on this day.

This sign also means that you are choosing the wrong ways to solve your problems. Change course to the opposite. Then maybe everything will work out.

All this threatens serious stress by the evening of this day. You should not take events to heart, because very soon everything will be forgotten and more important and less unpleasant events will take place in your head.


An itchy left shin promises a problem, the solution to which will be useless, because you will be driven into rigid boundaries. And all attempts to get out of them will be in vain.

Another sign speaks of a possible trip that is completely unnecessary for you. You will try your best to avoid this journey, but the result may surprise you. There will be many positive moments and pleasant memories.


But scratching your left ankle indicates that you will soon receive great news. It will provide you with a great mood and hope for a happy future for a long time.


An itchy foot predicts an empty and useless trip, which will bring, in addition to physical fatigue, also a moral breakdown. There will be a lot of hassle on the road, but there will be no sense at all. And this will completely unsettle you. By and large, you will be fussing over someone else’s behalf, which will put you in an even more stressful state.

For such signs there is one immutable truth. For the most part, the itchy left side of the body speaks of something unpleasant and bad. And the right one, on the contrary, is about good things. But, as we see, having delved into the nuances of the interpretation of signs, the truth is not always so immutable. Something positive, after all, is predicted by an itchy left leg. The main thing is to pay attention to the subtleties of the explanation of this sign.

Of course, there are more negative ones. But without finding out everything thoroughly, you can be nervous about expecting failures, not knowing at all that good and bright things are just around the corner.

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch on Monday?

In order to analyze the sensation of itching in more detail and interpret it correctly, it is necessary to use a proven classification based on the days of the week. Based on its content, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If you scratch your left limb, expect a long trip
  • Also, itching in the left leg indicates a possible meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time
  • If you want to scratch your right limb, you should prepare to fulfill the request of someone from your environment
  • Another itching in the right leg tells the woman about a trip, provoked by some unexpected matter or due to the request of family members

Itching is physiology

Scratching, which predominates on the surface of the human body, is one of the types of pain. The way it works is that the nerve endings that are located at the site of the disease send a signal to our brain so that it, in turn, draws our attention to the existing problem. It is logical that, having noticed a problem, we will try to alleviate the disease and eliminate it.

Problems can indeed be of different nature. Initially, it may be an allergy to some external irritant or food product. You need to pay attention to this reaction in your skin, as other, more serious symptoms may follow. Very often, itching on the skin is caused by other equally dangerous skin diseases. Therefore, the sooner you contact a specialist, the greater the chance of not starting the disease, and it will not become chronic.

If you don’t have any health problems and the itching was short-lived, then signs will help explain the sudden itching on your left leg.

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch on Tuesday?

Scabies on the left limb can have different meanings. The most frequently used ones are the following:

  • If your left leg itches on Tuesday after sunset, you should expect to meet a betrothed or young man with whom there is a possibility of starting a family in the future
  • If your right leg itches, then you need to prepare for a romantic adventure
  • When you want to scratch your left leg in the morning, the girl will have to go to a special event or meet with friends

Interpretation for women

Most often, the left leg itches when a person is not comfortable in a certain life situation. They say that he wants to escape from circumstances, to avoid problems. The latter can be different - from routine to some serious decisions. But, depending on gender, the meaning of a folk sign may differ.

If a woman’s left leg itches, then superstition promises the arrival of unpleasant news. There may be some unpleasant surprises. The plans will include a trip that will not bring joy and enthusiasm. Some plans will not be implemented, which will lead to a bad mood throughout the trip.

For a young girl, a sign can mean a quick addition to the family if she has a husband or boyfriend. Pregnancy is unplanned, but desired. Superstition says that such news will bring the family together.

In the case when a young woman is not married, there is a chance to meet her betrothed. Someone definitely wants to meet you, you just need to not be afraid to get close to another person. New relationships will only bring positive effects.

In the work aspect, for a woman, the sign will bring an emergency, a heavy workload in tasks. It is likely that you will not be able to do everything in time. It is advisable to correctly assess your capabilities so as not to receive a reprimand from your superiors.

Why do the right and left legs of a girl or woman itch on Wednesday?

Wednesday divides the work week, and it is not surprising why most signs associated with this day combine the human factor with labor and home improvement. The ancient Slavs also used various ways to explain itching of the lower extremities through work. The main interpretations of this symptom include:

  • If scratching both feet after sunset bothers you, then you need to prepare for a huge amount of monotonous work. At the same time, it is important not to delay the timing of its implementation, because otherwise there is a risk of receiving a reprimand or fine from management
  • If only the left foot itches, it is necessary to choose expressions when communicating with relatives. Since there is a high probability of scandals and omissions in the future

Itchy feet: signs by day of the week

  • When scratching the right limb, women should take a day off. After all, this symptom indicates possible overwork of the body, so to ease your well-being and relieve stress, it is important to listen to your body

By day of the week

The calendar in this situation is of paramount importance. The signs correspond to the date. You need to get clues in time.

If you itch on the left side:

  1. Monday - a difficult business trip is coming, which will drag on too long. Be patient. The chance to win is great, even if the events are not pleasant.
  2. Tuesday - pleasant actions from family members. Good news from outside. Amazing acquaintances. Mysterious surprises.
  3. Wednesday - strange conflicts. Do not stir up the storm that has arisen, do not try to calm the brawlers. Nothing depends on you.
  4. Thursday - news that shifts the worldview. An unusual look at boring things.
  5. Friday is a moment of reflection on a truce with those who have hurt or offended you.
  6. Saturday - think about stopping contact with aggressive people. Be less impulsive. This will protect you from conflicts with bad consequences.
  7. Sunday is a difficult but surmountable period in the coming week.

On right:

  1. Monday - conversation with an unpleasant interlocutor. You should avoid sharp corners in communication and construct sentences carefully. The hurtful words spoken will come back to haunt you. By paying tribute to prudent silence, you will be able to stop the conflict situation and remain a winner.
  2. Tuesday - positive news. Celebrate other people's successes. One of the most prosperous periods is approaching. The main thing is to put aside envy and enjoy what is happening.
  3. Wednesday is a whirlpool of events in which you will play one of the leading roles. The impulse to go shopping.
  4. Thursday is the logical conclusion of processes that started a couple of months ago. Everything will develop only in a positive way.
  5. Friday - beware of liars, don’t spill other people’s secrets. Be careful when arguing. Time to take care of your reputation.
  6. Saturday - try to complete all tasks. Hurry up.
  7. Sunday - disputes with management in the coming week. Don't get into trouble. Everything will calm down. A loved one will support you on a difficult day.

The whole side itches along with the hand - gains or losses. Left - give a considerable amount for a trip, necessary things; right - go for the promised income (debt, earnings, bonuses, fees).

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch on Thursday?

When the sensation of itching appeared on Thursday, our ancestors used the following series of explanations for this symptom:

  • If the left leg itches, this indicates the imminent arrival of guests. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning and maintain a neutral position throughout the evening to avoid conflicts
  • If you want to scratch your right leg, you should be restrained in communicating with loved ones and family. Because the consequences can be irreparable
  • Itching of the right foot indicates an unsuccessful date or separation from a partner
  • And scabies on the left foot foreshadow an interesting meeting with romantic overtones

Sign about the parts of the left leg

It is customary to detail the prognosis of itching. Not all signs concerning the left leg lead to poor development. Even a negative interpretation has its advantages. They provide an opportunity to prepare for unpleasant events; develop a behavior strategy to avoid any problems.

Specific beliefs about “scabies” in various parts:

  1. Foot - think about finishing things you started. Spend time with your loved ones.
  2. The middle of the sole itches - don’t listen to gossip. They're lying.
  3. A sock is a troublesome day.
  4. Thigh - an unexpected visit.
  5. Caviar outside is a business trip that you will have to go on at someone’s request. A lot of work.
  6. Caviar (inner side) - useless worries.
  7. Heel - postpone travel, stay home.
  8. Knee - slight troubles at work. Don't fuss, it will go away on its own.
  9. Under the knee - worries, excessive anxiety. Meditation will help you cope.
  10. Above the knee - changes in plans. Short-term financial misunderstandings.
  11. Ankle - be careful in your expressions. Try to control your emotional outbursts. A short trip close to home. The bone is the peak of the conflict.
  12. Ankle - unwanted changes that can be avoided.
  13. Near the shin - zealous showdown, meetings with rude people. A fight against opponents that requires effort to win.
  14. Shin - upsetting news. Think before you get emotional. Long journey. Expected meeting.
  15. Thigh - losses. How noticeable they will be depends on your readiness for them.

The ankle is a sign of a long journey that must be overcome collectedly and with maximum concentration. Then the voyage will not be so difficult. You should also think about rational financial calculations.

Fingers are itching - advancement in all areas. Finding courage. Bright beginnings. The specifics are determined by which particular pad itched:

  • big - it’s time to implement the plan;
  • little finger - invitation to a date;
  • unnamed - a good day;
  • index - you will be able to advance;
  • medium - harmony is now important.

You need to understand what it means to have a strong desire to scratch a certain place. The more unbearable the itching, the faster the sign will materialize. And if you comb until the red spots, then you will delay the implementation of the positive, but bring the negative closer. Try to control yourself and control the state of your body.

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch on Friday?

To decipher the itching in the legs that occurred on Friday, the ancient Slavs used a wide range of different designations. Among the most popular were the following:

  • If your left leg itches, this portends separation from your partner, as well as a scandal. In order to avoid such a forecast, a woman needs to read a prayer to the Mother of God and also cross herself three times
  • If you want to scratch your right leg, you need to show compassion and mercy to your surroundings, because this factor indicates possible troubles and disagreements

Why does the right and left leg of a girl or woman itch on Saturday?

Several different beliefs are used to explain itchy feet on the Sabbath. The main ones are:

  • If you want to scratch the foot of your left lower limb, then this portends a meeting with an old friend
  • Also, if your left leg itches, squabbles and conflicts with others are possible.
  • If scabies of the right foot occurs, the chance of meeting a life partner or partner with whom the woman will be in a romantic relationship for a long time is not excluded.

Itchy foot on weekends

  • If there is a need to scratch the right lower limb on Saturday, then the fair sex will be accompanied by good luck and material well-being over the next few days
  • Itching of both feet on Saturday indicates a long journey with friends or colleagues.

Interpretation depending on the time of day

The leg may itch in the morning, evening or afternoon. The exact interpretation of the sign depends on this.


This means that the new day will be full of hassle and bustle. You won't be able to avoid a lot of small things. They will follow a person until late in the evening. There will be practically no time for rest.

If your foot itches in the morning, you won't have any rest all day.


When the itching begins around noon, the planned trip will not bring the expected results. The trip will not please the person to the extent that he expected. You may encounter troubles such as disputes or conflicts.


Itching at this time of day indicates a waste of energy during the past day. All efforts will not bear fruit. Previously done work will have to be redone. The bosses will be dissatisfied with the execution of instructions.


In this case, you should expect a change in the weather. It can get warmer in winter, colder in summer.

Why does a girl or woman’s right and left leg itch on Sunday?

Sunday is the last day of the week. Therefore, many signs associated with this period are based on the renewal of the weekly cycle and the completion of all old affairs. There are also many beliefs that explain itching in various parts of the lower extremities. The most popular and frequently used of them are the following:

  • If you experience itching in your left leg on Sunday, women should expect a lot of work next week.
  • Also, if you want to scratch your right lower limb, representatives of the fair sex should be prepared for a huge list of household chores that will fall on them over the next few days
  • If your right foot itches, you will have to visit public places with huge crowds of people and noisy music.
  • And if you scratch your left foot, you should expect to travel a short distance

There are a huge number of all kinds of signs. However, you should not be guided by them in every life situation. After all, predictions indicate the likelihood of a particular event, but with their help it is impossible to answer the question with an absolute guarantee. Therefore, it is advisable to use folk wisdom and signs in isolated cases. In other situations, you should be guided by common sense and logic.

About the right

The reverse side is also informative. Detailed map of intuitive leg scratching:

  1. Thigh - close negotiations. Uncertain position, distrust of interlocutors.
  2. Caviar - a request from an adult friend.
  3. Foot - significant changes.
  4. Heel - monetary reward. You can safely hit the road.
  5. Sole - good way.
  6. Knee - receiving information, learning new things. Career advancements.
  7. Below the knees - good worries. Certain expectations may be shattered. But no need to worry. Troubles are progress towards better things. The time has come to make a wish for something new, closing the door to a past life.
  8. Above the knees - improvements in the monetary sphere, solutions to financial difficulties, fresh ideas.
  9. The ankle is a chance to take a leap in material terms.
  10. An itchy ankle means meeting someone you’ve missed for a long time. Only stunning events.
  11. In the lower leg area - closure of complex issues. Expected change of scenery. Noisy feast.
  12. Shin - life changes for the better. Attention nice people.
  13. Hip - unexpected financial gains.
  14. The whole leg is romantic dating.

In the area of ​​the fingers - to early guests, a visit from old friends. Specifics on individual pads:

  • thumb - a former classmate will meet;
  • little finger - former colleagues will tell you the news;
  • nameless - the old neighbor will surprise;
  • index - you will see your first love;
  • average - do not quarrel with an enemy whom you previously considered a friend.
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