The Lovers Tarot card consists of a whole range of emotions, including both the most pleasant and not so pleasant

Senior 6 Arcana Lovers personifies the union of opposites - mind and heart. The meaning of the card is metaphorical, so it is not always associated with the interpretation of the love sphere. Lovers is an Arcanum that predicts a fateful choice that a person is forced to make in his life, trusting his intuition or relying on reason.


The motto of the card: make love the compass of your life, then your heart will make the choice for you!

Keywords Tarot Lovers

Key words most succinctly and meaningfully reflect the main meaning of the map.

Close relations

The sixth Arcana indicates close relationships. This is not necessary, and not just love relationships. These can be friendly relationships, family relationships, i.e. all those options where people are emotionally close. But if the question is whether the husband has a mistress or the wife has a lover, then this Tarot card will most likely give a positive answer.

However, the card may indicate that a warm, trusting relationship has developed between a man and a woman without any sexual context.


The Lovers card is very frivolous and frivolous. Too many emotions, correspondingly too little reason. A person in love is not able to adequately assess the situation, make reasonable decisions, and one cannot rely on his words. This card is more appropriate for celebration, entertainment, and fun than for serious, painstaking work.

Pleasant emotions

Most often, this card reflects the positive, pleasant emotions that a person experiences. It can be sympathy between people, it can also be simply the pleasure of a sunny day, a new dress, a glass of good wine.

But it should be remembered that pleasant emotions are the obvious, upper meaning of the card. She may be talking about strong emotions, and strong emotions are not necessarily positive. This is anger and anger, hatred, but in this meaning it appears very, very rarely.

Reversed card

In an inverted position, the Ten of Cups indicates a loveless marriage, family conflicts, jealousy, reproaches, fading of feelings, separation, divorce, temporary separation, obstacles to a happy personal life, lack of children.

Sometimes, in an inverted position, the card is interpreted as incomplete well-being, harmony in family life which is overshadowed by minor quarrels, misunderstandings, and minor financial difficulties.

Among other things, the inverted position delays the positive effect of the card in time. That is, getting married after a long period of uncertainty, having children after months or years of waiting, achieving what you want in the long term.

Main meaning of the 6th Major Arcana Rider Waite

In the classic Tarot, the card depicts a naked couple under a heavenly face, and nearby stands an apple tree, which is entwined with a tempting serpent. The card symbolizes the biblical scene of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The blue background is intuition and the subconscious. Naked bodies represent a lack of protection and naivety, close to childish spontaneity. Characters on the map are vulnerable to misfortune and hidden threats.

Archangel Raphael soars in the sky with open arms to protect them from evil, balance them and give harmony. At the very top is the sun, illuminating the path for young people. Behind the man’s back is a tree of life with 12 fruits.

And behind the woman stands the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The male figure represents reason, reason and a focused mind aimed at the material world. His attention is focused on the woman who symbolizes the subconscious.

She looks up to an angel, which means that her inherent qualities are a means of achieving spiritual change. The couple is separated by a mountain; it marks the choice between the physical and the spiritual. An angel, a man and a woman personify the triune nature of every being on earth.

The more ancient version of the Marseille Tarot involves three figures on the card - a man and two women.

This is a card of permanent choice. She can predict love experiences. But in order to move to a new stage, you need to make a choice: the same way of life (parental home, freedom) or a transition to the path of learning love. The Arcanum can promise a situation of choice in other areas of life. In a situation where you need to make a final decision, reconciling your mind and heart. The interpretation of the card depends on the context and essence of the question asked.

The meaning of the Tarot card Lovers in a reading based on personality characteristics and psychological state

In the personality profile, Tarot Lovers describe an indecisive person who doubts everything. He is afraid of making a mistake, so he is inclined to shift responsibility for the choice to someone else. He needs a partner who can support, give advice and motivate him to action.

Having made an independent choice, a person will doubt its correctness for a long time. He is characterized by frequent mood swings, vague desires and changing goals.

In relationships with others, a person shows friendliness and sociability. He makes connections well and feels comfortable in the company of people. He prefers joint activities, as he is guided by the opinions of friends and colleagues.

6 Arcana corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini and resembles them in characteristics.

The psychological state is characterized by emotional upsurge. A person interacts with the world and receives pleasure from what is happening. He is not immersed in solving problems because he simply does not see them. Energy is obtained as a result of the release of endorphins: from intense training, from interacting with others, from taking alcohol or drugs.

An emotional outburst is expressed not only in positive feelings. The person may experience extreme anger, jealousy and resentment. In such a state, it is impossible to balance feelings, there is no adequate assessment of the situation.

Personal relationships

Lovers is one of the best cards for those whose questions to the Tarot relate to the love sphere. Arcanum means the beginning of a new feeling and the strengthening of an existing one. Peace and harmony, genuine devotion and spiritual affection reign in relationships. Partners are ready to give each other time and effort. The card indicates not only passion, but also mutual commitment. When combined with the Hierophant, it symbolizes marriage.

Lovers talk about the closeness of two personalities, between whom there is a certain barrier. The two must overcome it in order to merge with each other. Each has opposite traits with which the second partner establishes a connection. They are its reflection and addition.

As a rule, one person has those qualities that are poorly developed in the other or are repressed into the unconscious. The attitude of the person in whom these traits are repressed may be different: seeing in another what he lacks, he may experience both attraction and irritation.

When it comes to finances and work

6 Arkan suggests deciding to make changes: finding a new job, moving up the career ladder, improving your business. Lovers can symbolize a fruitful partnership, the creation of a successful team, and making a profit for a job well done.

It is worth carefully thinking through your steps, assessing your strengths and taking into account previous mistakes. Long delay will lead to loss of opportunities and marking time, and impulsiveness will lead to new failures.

Often the Sixth Arcana of the Tarot describes a person in a creative profession: performer, artist, dancer, author, hairdresser, photographer.

Arcana 6 in stability, controllability and controllability

The card is difficult to manage and is associated with unreasonable spending. There is a risk of spending your savings on various pleasures: food, shopping, clubs, gifts.

Lovers, the meaning of the Tarot card in the state of finances and the trend of changes

Inadequate assessment of the financial situation is associated with a person’s emotionality. A person feels pleasure from spending money, so it does not stay in his pocket for a long time. It is worth analyzing whether your favorite expenses are necessary or whether you should hold back your savings.

Lovers in combination with other Major Arcana

The adjacent maps will help clarify the situation and give a more complete answer.

JesterStupid, frivolous choice.ForceTests of passion.
MageAwareness of your capabilities and uniqueness. Choosing the “loner” path, the path where a person can express himself. Stop choosing your options, move towards harmony. A person wants to rely only on himself. In a relationship reading, a person intends to use love magic. HangedThe path of voluntary sacrifice. A person renounces the possession of familiar things, lets go of old habits and follows the path of hermithood in order to know the truth. This can be either a sacrifice in the name of truth, or a sacrifice that allows oneself to be used.
High PriestessChoosing an educational institution.DeathThe man chose the path of change. He decides what he wants to change in his life. The meaning can be positive or negative.
EmpressChoosing a path to find a beloved woman whom a man wants to marry. This combination also indicates the orientation of the path towards the promising development of one’s own business. ModerationA fruitful partnership.
EmperorThe choice of a spouse or the decision to create some kind of organization, structure.DevilSexual addiction, obsession with a person, love spell, temptations, danger.
High Priest (Hierophant)Traditional marriage, wedding, teacher's choice.TowerSeparation of lovers, divorce.
LoversStarIt promises the path that will lead to the fulfillment of a dream.
ChariotChoosing a road, leaving or moving. In material terms - the choice of vehicle. In the spiritual sphere - determining the path and goals, movement through the active manifestation of oneself. MoonIt means a female love spell that will leave serious consequences for a man and a woman. A love spell disrupts the harmony and natural course of events. Any interference in someone else's will and health is punishable. The combination of Lovers and the Moon can indicate a choice using the subconscious, lucid dreams, astral practices, and learning magic. Another meaning is conscious alcoholism.
Justice (Justice)Marriage contract, legalization of relationships, victory of reason over feelings.SunMutuality of feelings, happy marriage.
HermitCelibacy, lack of sex, conscious choice in favor of loneliness.CourtIt can mean conscious changes that are unpleasant for a person, but necessary: ​​a trip to the doctor, an interview or an exam.
Wheel of FortuneA person relies on fate, which in return rewards with good results and prosperity in life. You should not try to influence events - everything will turn out as predicted. WorldA conscious choice to complete something in order to begin a new path.

general description

This is the sixth lasso. One of the most incomprehensible. Although outwardly unpretentious, it combines several plots. The essence of fortune telling depends on the choice of interpretation. The reading is influenced by the place in the layout and the position of the card.

The base value is the future choice. Blanca faces two mutually exclusive options:

  1. In love, she must decide which of the candidates she likes more.
  2. At work, you need to apply for only one position, launch and supervise a single project.
  3. In finance, it’s impossible to keep up with all the rabbits at once. There is only one win.
  4. In a situation, it is necessary to take a step that rejects other variations in the development of events.

Key concepts of the arcana

The symbolism of the 6th arcana of the senior group is briefly expressed by the following ideas:

  • partnership, harmonious union;
  • the need to choose from a variety of options;
  • making a fateful decision without a chance to change your mind;
  • responsibility for one's own actions;
  • following the dictates of the soul;
  • conflict of heart and mind;
  • unification of opposites.

If the card is turned over, it brings the following key meanings:

  • duplicity, betrayal;
  • inability to make a choice;
  • failed test;
  • unprocessed karma;
  • impatience;
  • lack of rationality;
  • ill health of body and spirit;
  • dependent, difficult relationships.

According to Beltane, Lovers denotes the period from 1 May to 22 June.


Correct orientation includes the most positive characteristics:

  1. Blanca is able to cope with illusions, dismissing the wrong decision in favor of the only correct one.
  2. Awareness of one's own needs. Reluctance to adapt, to give up any advantages.
  3. Correct perception of reality, the place of the questioner in society, a couple, a team.


Predicts an unfavorable development of the situation for the fortuneteller:

  1. Inability to deal with the proposals of the universe, man, society. Blanca is under intense pressure of emotions and has her head in the clouds. What is happening is presented in dark or too pink tones.
  2. The error occurs due to the concealment of important information by people influencing what is being requested.
  3. The fortuneteller is in a position from which it is impossible to objectively evaluate events.

Lovers Tarot combined with the Minor Arcana


In combination with the suit of Staves, new career endeavors will open up for a person. Establishing connections with useful people will help with this.

AceAmbition, the will to act.EightNew ways.
DeuceChoosing a path.NineIndecisiveness.
TroikaBeneficial cooperation.TenLack of prospects.
FourCelebration.PageLack of experience.
FiveReliance on opinions.KnightImpulsiveness.
SixVictory.QueenA woman who will help with the right choice.
SevenForced choice.KingReliable comrade.

What questions does it answer?

Lovers have answers to the questions:

  • is the heart or mind the best adviser in everyday matters?
  • Does a person live in harmony or in destructive conflict?
  • Is the person fearless in the face of responsibility or does he shift it to others?

The Arcanum of Lovers helps to realize the presence of different traits in a person. For the growth and development of a harmonious personality, these opposites must be reconciled, and not try to eradicate. Any denial will lead to destructive internal conflict. Strength lies in acceptance and further work on yourself.

Author of the article

Sergey Yupatov

Practicing tarot reader


Direct position

Good health will be the result of a correct lifestyle, treatment will bring the long-awaited effect, hidden causes of the disease and opportunities for its cure will be found.

Inverted position

Loss of internal harmony will lead to decreased immunity, insomnia, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is necessary to temporarily step back from internal problems and take care of your health. It is possible to detect problems with the reproductive organs that interfere with getting pregnant. Increased risk of respiratory tract disease.

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