New moon spells for money, luck, health and love

Rituals and conspiracies read on the new moon are powerful weapons that give long-lasting results. Often the desired changes occur within a few hours after using magic.

The beneficial effects of the new moon are explained as follows. In the witchcraft world, the Moon is considered alive. She breathes, and each cycle receives life-giving forces from the Universe. With this interaction, the birth of the strongest energy flows occurs, which have been used by shamans since ancient times. Already centuries ago, magicians realized that at the moment of renewal and growth of the Moon, the life-giving forces of the Cosmos come to planet Earth, and at the moment of decrease, the Earth is freed from negativity.

The ability to catch an energy wave helps to realize any intentions.

That is why carrying out ceremonies, rituals and reading conspiracies for the new moon is aimed at bringing positivity and something new into life. After all, there is an appeal to the purest energy of the Universe.

During the rebirth phase of the Moon, you can read conspiracies to attract love, material wealth, luck, success, beauty, health and much more.

New moon spells for quick money

Finance is one of the most important areas in the life of a modern person. This is an opportunity to purchase all the necessary things, real estate and not think about tomorrow. When you have enough finances, you don’t need to think about problems with paying bills or your mortgage.

The methods presented will help not only increase your earnings, but also find other ways to earn them. Other paths open up, lucrative offers for work or part-time work. All you have to do is take advantage of this chance.

Coins and scarf

The performer needs one church candle, several coins and a white scarf. On the new moon, all attributes are laid out exactly at midnight in front of the window. The wax product is set on fire and money is placed next to it, a conspiracy is said:

“Illuminates the flame with a bright, burning fire. Let my wealth become greater, and let the money flow like a river. Young month, help me in this matter: show me the ways and roads, help the coins get into my wallet faster. Key, tongue, lock"

When only one cinder remains, you need to carefully fold all the used items in a scarf. It is also placed next to the place where funds are often put aside. For example, a piggy bank or a stash.

After a week, the used coins can be taken out and put in your wallet as a talisman. Spending them or throwing them away is prohibited.

Magic bill

They take several small denomination bills and place them in different parts of the room. It is advisable to place them in the corners so that no one can find them. To attract wealth on the new moon, you should say the following spell:

“I’ll arrange the money and make a treasure. The young Moon will help me increase my wealth and never feel poverty.”

The “treasure” is kept in secret places for three days. After the expiration date, they must be returned to the wallet and spent on any household needs. This could be buying something useful that will always be in your home or apartment.

Buying food or quickly perishable items is not worth it, because this can cause the funds to quickly disappear from your wallet. List of the most powerful spells.

Ritual at the crossroads

They go to the intersection exactly at midnight, you need to bring a few bills with you. The procedure is performed only when there are no other people on the surrounding roads or nearby. The spell is pronounced loudly, trying to separate each word. During this, they gradually turn to each side of the world and hold the money in their hand, pronounce the spell:

“Every living thing multiplies from sunlight: animals and plants. My money only needs the light of the moon to multiply. In my pockets, the servant of God (name) will always be full and joyful. Amen"

They bow to the bright moon and go home. The money used in the ritual cannot be spent or given away within 30 days. If executed correctly, the performer will soon receive a salary increase or a serious monetary reward.

Ritual with a bell

To make sales go faster and the number of customers to be inexhaustible, there is a conspiracy to attract buyers. To do this, buy a small bell and hang it next to your workplace. A similar tradition is present in many stores where you can hear the ringing of this metal product.

Before posting it, you need to say the text exactly at midnight:

“The ringing bell rings, inviting the client. Destroys melancholy and poverty, dispels lack of money. Its sound carries far away - both kids and adults come to me. I’ll sell it to everyone, I won’t deprive anyone. Key, tongue, lock"

They arrive before everyone else and hang the decoration next to them. Salespeople also use it near doors, where the item can announce a new customer. Such an object performs two functions at once: notifying the seller and attracting new buyers. It is important to choose a beautiful and pleasant sound that will not repel everyone who comes.

Tips for conducting rituals

The new moon is a time when the moon has special power. Therefore, it is worth using its energy and performing rituals to obtain only those things that you need. The main thing is to decide on the goal and believe that the rituals will help.

When formulating your desires, you should not be afraid to ask the Universe for even the most impossible things. Voice your wishes in as much detail as possible - the better it is formulated, the sooner it will come true.

Alena Golovina - parapsychologist, author of the website “Your Dream”

Interesting on the topic:

  • Magic rituals on the full moon
  • “Water” ritual to fulfill a wish
  • Ritual for money “Red thread”

New moon spells for beauty and health

To restore youth and beauty, the performer will need a certain phase of the moon. Some of the options presented may be scary, as they require darkness, the use of mirrors and candles. Despite these attributes, absolutely all actions are taken from White Magic. Thanks to this, you won’t have to install protection or pray for a long time. A distinctive feature of such events is the presence of a positive mood, belief only in a positive influence.

Also described are rituals from Simoron, which helps to regain confidence and become successful among men. Such rituals are intended for women who want to quickly find a life partner or restore a once-forgotten relationship.

The advantages of performing it are the absence of a specific time and strong magical influence.

Spell for face

It is known that the face is the first thing men pay attention to. Some wrinkles, acne and other imperfections can spoil the impression. The girl will need holy water, several candles, salt and sugar. All ingredients are laid out on the table and sat next to each other. Water should be poured into a special transparent vessel that will not crack when heated.

On a new moon, candles are held over the liquid and the plot is read:

“I look in the mirrors, but I don’t look pretty. My face is covered with ulcers and terrible wrinkles. The guys don't look at me, they don't like me. Month guy, help me fix the problem, increase my beauty, and hide my shortcomings."

Add a pinch of salt and say the spell:

“So life is not sweet to me, just as salt is not sweet”

Throw in a little sugar while reading the plot:

“This is how I try to brighten up my problems”

As soon as the candle begins to melt, add a couple of drops of wax to the liquid. Wait until they form some shape. If it is a smooth drop, it means the ritual will be performed correctly, if it is round, there are possible consequences of execution, they went to the bottom - it should be repeated again, but the next day. When finished, throw the cinder into the water and pour the ritual liquid under any tree, regardless of the answer received.

Spell on cream (cosmetics)

Before you go to bed, you can use your favorite night cream. This new moon ritual will help you quickly achieve an ideal of beauty that was previously unattainable. They sit down in front of the cosmetic table and take the required product in their hands, closed.

The following spell is recited:

“The beauty moon was born, and shared with me its purity and glow. The skin became clean and white, not a single wrinkle or acne. There is no sweeter change in the whole wide world"

They unscrew the lid and whisper the magic words:

“I don’t rub the cream, but I add beauty to myself. I rejuvenate the skin and return it to its previous appearance"

Use cosmetics as intended. Having performed it once, you can repeat the ritual action many more times. Subsequently, this will become a small tradition. It is important that the jar with the product is emptied before the next new moon. Otherwise, magic can give too much energy and this will negatively affect the performer.

The advantage of performing a spell is the ability to quickly get rid of cosmetic problems and enrich the skin with essential minerals.

Words for hair growth

To perform, you will need holy water in a bottle, field herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, echinacea. The latter are carefully thrown into the liquid and placed on the window. They insist for exactly three days, after which they caress their hair and say the conspiracy words:

“Dawn walked around and gave flowers life. The month passed and they were covered from rain and wind. I passed by and took them home. They will help me and restore the beauty of my hair. Mother Nature, help me grow a horse’s mane that shimmers in the sun. I will use it to attract others, to arouse the envy of girls. As I said, so it will come true"

Hair should not be dried with a hairdryer or any other device. The maximum is to wrap it in a towel and let it dry on its own. It is also recommended to use various combs made from natural materials.

It is recommended to use wooden accessories.

Conspiracy from Simoron for the new moon

Psychological practice will help you get rid of shyness and learn to love yourself. Performed for a new phase so that the ritual has an effect. Consists of several stages:

  1. Wash your face with cold water: “I’m getting better every day.”
  2. Warm or hot: “I accept my beauty and thank others for their compliments.”
  3. With milk or cosmetics: “I wash away envy and failures in love affairs from my face”

Can be repeated daily to achieve the required goal. The technique is not so much mystical as it has a strong psychological effect. The performer learns to accept herself, her beauty and attract other people.

Powerful Prayers

Prayers can solve many problems, such as difficulties with conception. To do this at night on the new moon, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Just as a new moon is born in the sky, so we (names of future parents) will have a child. Amen".

For unrequited love to turn into mutual, read the following prayer:

“Just as you, honey, are gentle and sweet, so our feelings will be sweeter and sweeter, not passing away over time. My word was dissolved in honey and unknown to no one was revealed.”

The text must be pronounced while standing over a plate into which honey is poured. After reading the prayer, the treat must be eaten.

Conspiracies read on the new moon for good luck in business

To become successful in any given environment, you will need luck. Fortune is not always favorable, so you can communicate your desires yourself. The new moon is a period when you can change something or attract a positive phenomenon. Having studied all the proposed options in detail, you can find the most suitable method. Some will require the use of items that can later be made into amulets.

The amulets are kept and carried with them. It can be created with your own hands or purchased. The latter buy in souvenir shops or turn to professionals for help. Only a certain object that can be endowed with magical energy can act as a talisman.

Ritual with paper and candle

You need one church candle, a sheet of paper, and blessed liquid. Exactly at midnight they light the wick and write a wish on a piece of paper. When writing it, you should imagine it, that is, imagine the execution, the consequences. It is important that the goal is positive and does not harm anyone. Having finished writing, they bring the edge to the fire and gradually burn it. Read the magic text:

“I made my cherished wish from the young month. He will illuminate it with moonlight and incinerate it with holy fire. As I have said, so it will be.”

They lower it into a pre-prepared vessel with water and say the spell:

“Key, tongue, lock. My dream will come true"

The remaining ashes must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one knows about the ritual. They perform actions alone, without informing anyone. After seven days you can take it out and drain it in the yard where no one will see.

Old ritual with rice

All you need is one small pile of rice grains and a wallet. During the new moon, at 23:59, take rice in your right hand and recite the spell:

“Just as grains grow quickly, so my wishes come true. Let there be plenty of money, just like there is rice in the field. Good luck will come to me more often, success in business awaits. I will not know grief, melancholy and money problems. Everything will be completed on time, as planned.”

The used cereal is placed in a purse, but one that is rarely used for permanent payments. This could be a wallet that stores saved funds or nest eggs. Magicians recommend hiding it in your pockets, leaving the risk until the next new moon. Increases in finances can be expected where the grains were scattered.

You can take a couple of pieces to your workplace and never throw them away.

This is a trap for luck that will accompany the performer constantly.

Ritual with a nickel

To perform this ritual on the new moon, you will need one tree that grows nearby. Exactly at midnight they go out and bury one nickel, while:

“My seedling is money. As all living things grow and multiply in the world, so do my funds increase. I no longer know grief or sadness. I will grow coins and take care of them"

The next day you need to come and water the hidden treasure. This action allows you to increase your capital, receive monetary rewards, or get promoted up the career ladder.

How to read correctly

The most important rule when reading a plot is absolute concentration. It is recommended not to overeat before reading, but at the same time not to bring yourself to a state of hunger. There should be no external or internal distractions - heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness, etc.

Before reading, it is recommended to wash yourself with cold water - this will give you vigor.

It is recommended to wash with cold water.

The plot must be memorized in advance and read confidently and clearly.

New moon spell for a man's love

You can find your betrothed using simple spells. They are performed with the help of various amulets and paraphernalia, which help to correctly send energy and gain the attention of a certain young man. Magical actions on the new moon are aimed at creating a positive image of the object of love. Thanks to them, you can quickly get married or create a successful union with the intended object of adoration.

Applicable: holy water, photograph, red candle, chamomile. All items are placed in order on the table: liquid is poured into a bowl, a photo and a chamomile are placed on top. A wax product is placed behind them and lit.

Say a conspiracy phrase:

“I was telling fortunes in the evening for your love, for a daisy. I see your feelings for me, servant of God (his name). Come to me, touch me, I will become yours forever. Do not deceive me and do not offend me, otherwise the Dark forces will take your soul.”

Carefully tear off all the petals and set the photo on fire on four sides, read the spell:

“It’s not your photograph that burns, but your soul that suffers without me. Your heart will be engulfed in flames, you won’t be able to live a day without me. As the word is spoken, so it will be.”

The image should burn out completely and fall into the vessel. Place it on the windowsill and wait seven days. During this time, the lover must give a sign: write or call. You should not pour out the liquid - you need to wait until the energy connection gets stronger. At the end of the period, the water is sent under an oak or any other male tree.

Food, new moon and love

Suitable for those who live together or often come to visit their partner. They prepare a romantic dinner, where the ingredients are: fish, poultry, coriander and pomegranate. All these ingredients are used in different recipes, so there should be several options for food. Your loved one should try a piece of each. During cooking, use the following spell:

“Fish flock together in schools, birds build nests. Herbs grow in one place, connecting with each other. Just as everything in nature is connected, so you and I are intertwined. Your love for me will awaken, you will appreciate and respect me.”

It is advisable to serve it as soon as your lover appears on the doorstep.

Consequences and reviews

Depending on the chosen magical practice, the consequences may be different. Almost everyone turns only to White methods, which creates additional protection for the performer. Love rituals differ in the duration of action - you need to wait a specified period of time for the effect to be noticeable.

The phase of the emerging moon is a desire for the best and new. A person can discover new talents and try different methods of approaching difficult life situations. It is recommended to charm spring water in the first days of the new moon in order to use it for your own purposes in the future. It can be washed, used for food, or simply drunk gradually throughout the growth of the month.

New moon calendar 2020-2021

New Moon 2021:

  • 22.01 at 00:42;
  • 23.02 at 18:32;
  • 24.03 at 12:28;
  • 23.04 at 5:25;
  • 22.05 at 20:38;
  • 21.06 at 9:41;
  • 20.07 at 20:32;
  • 19.08 at 5:41;
  • 17.09 at 14:00;
  • 16.10 at 22:30;
  • 11/15 at 8:07;
  • 14.12 at 19:16.

New Moon 2021:

  • 13.01 at 8:00;
  • 11.02 at 22:05;
  • 13.03 at 13:21;
  • 12.04 at 5:30;
  • 11.05 at 21:59;
  • 10.06 at 13:52;
  • 10.07 at 4:16;
  • 8.08 at 16:50;
  • 7.09 at 3:52;
  • 6.10 at 14:05;
  • 5.11 at 10:43;
  • 4.12 at 10:43.
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