Tarot card Chariot: designation and combination with other cards - upright and inverted position.

In order to delve deeper into the meaning of the Chariot Tarot card, you need to carefully consider its plot line. So, we see a corresponding vehicle, in which two mythical creatures are harnessed - a black and a white sphinx. The man sitting in the chariot looks very confident, and perhaps even overconfident. Unfortunately, the movement of the Chariot in Waite's deck is poorly conveyed - at first glance it seems as if the carriage is actually standing still, which is sometimes confusing when considering the meaning and interpretation of the 7th Arcana of the Tarot. The charioteer holds a rod in his hands. Behind the triumphal carriage we see a landscape with towers and a river, which is found on other cards in the deck. Thus, we can say that the main meaning of the Arcana will be movement, success, triumph, victory.

The main meaning of the Chariot Tarot card

Straight position

The meanings of the Chariot are: a clear awareness of the purpose of one’s aspirations; desire for dramatic changes; assertion of one's own will; triumph. This Arcanum suggests that a person is ready to break out (or has already broken out) from the circle of old tasks, interests, and way of life; he is now confident and ready to move forward to new perspectives. The Chariot can also mean courage, curiosity, inquisitiveness as the driving forces of effective advancement without fear of risks and possible failures; Moreover, these are precisely the courage, curiosity, and inquisitiveness that push a person to discover, explore, and travel. And if, along with the Chariot, a Magician, a Priestess or, for example, a Star also appears, then this is absolutely wonderful. For the Magician in this situation means that a person is his own master, has all the means and opportunities to achieve success, without depending on anyone or anything; Priestess - that a person will be able to comprehend all the mysteries and secrets; The star means that a person’s desires and aspirations are approved by the Higher Powers, and luck will always be on his side. You can get your personal schedule for free here.

Inverted position

The inverted Chariot indicates that the situation is uncontrollable and that the obstacles to achieving the goal are quite serious. Also, the Chariot in an inverted form can mean a loser, stubbornly following the wrong path, a rebel or an adventurer, and if we are talking about a situation, then a quarrel, military action, problems with the law. In some combinations of this Arcana in an inverted position with other cards, additional meanings and shades may arise. For example: Chariot + Jester = active, but completely chaotic actions; Chariot + Hierophant = self-confident actions that do not take into account anyone's interests except their own; Chariot + Hermit = inadequate, too drastic actions of a person, which will create an atmosphere of complete loneliness and rejection around him.

Upright Tarot Chariot

Key words and phrases: Clear purpose. Determination. The desire to continue what you started. Initiative. Self-affirmation. Strength of will. Control. Conquest. Success. Domination. Concentration. Inner world. Triumphant progress. One-sided thinking. Ambition. Mastery. Bravery. Skill. The energy required to achieve a goal. Great effort. Achievements. Way to success. Self-control. Clarity of purpose. Journey. News. Victory. A victory won on our own. Honors. Confession. Control over conflicting forces. Internal struggle. Self-discipline. Conflict of interest. The ability to always stay on top. The desire to stick to the “golden mean”. Balancing conflicting emotions. Overcoming obstacles. Moving forward with struggle and conflict. Reaching the top. Iron will. Moving with the flow. Movement. Communication. Vehicles. New car. I am the master of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul.

Order a personal Tarot spread

Situation and Advice: The Chariot indicates the need in any situation to remain focused and control opposing forces in order to continue moving forward. You are able to take orders calmly, this helps you maintain a “golden mean” between incompatible thoughts, feelings and desires. At the same time, you feel that you are not able to speed up the results, so now the best course of action is to go with the flow. Perhaps you are currently struggling to assert yourself and need to understand why your thoughts, emotions and desires are in conflict with each other. You will be able to stay on your chosen path if your decision is firm. Your strategy should be to move forward decisively and have a clearly defined goal. You will overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious from this situation. In general, no matter what situation you asked about, it will be resolved in your favor. Your willpower and a clearly defined goal will help you rise to the occasion. The chariot can mean traveling, buying a car, or using a new mode of transport for you.

People: Military. Messengers. Professional drivers. Motorists. Travelers. Jockeys. People associated with transport. Winners. People who are at peace with themselves.

Reversed Tarot Chariot

Key words and phrases: Reckless actions. Consuming feelings. Failure. Unsatisfied ambition. Choosing the wrong target. Imbalance. Dishonesty. Inability to choose a direction. Incorrect distribution and use of your energy. Complete disruption of plans. Poor concentration. Moving too fast. Restlessness. Obstacles. Struggle. Conflict. Pressure. Futility. Indulgence. Inattention to others. Resentment. Unnecessary use of force. Dominant attitude. Termination of relationship. Danger. Suspicion. Anxiety. Frequent mood changes. Severity. Repression. Character flaws caused by an inability to reconcile conflicting emotions. Travel or transportation problems. Postponed or canceled trip. Accident. Problems with the car. Circumstances are stronger than us. The mind is out of control. Self-destruction.

Order a personal Tarot spread

Situation and advice: Now you are out of spirit, unfocused, and do not feel in control of your destiny. Perhaps some time ago you turned away from the path that you had outlined for yourself. You need to resolve a situation that involves incompatible forces. You feel torn because you need to choose the “golden mean”. Perhaps you started too many projects at once and are now unable to resolve all the conflicts in a timely manner. A chariot in an inverted position can literally mean problems related to travel or transportation. Your car may need repairs.

People: Participants in the conflict. Unbalanced people. Careless drivers. Avid motorists. Impulsive people. People addicted to bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gluttony).

Key meanings of the reversed Chariot card

  • Chaos, rejection, failure, wasted effort.
  • Collapse in business, failure, suffering, anxiety.
  • Conflicting factors, protracted scandal, destructive emotions, tense relationships.

Personal Description

An ambitious, power-seeking person experiencing the peak of success. He is competent and thinks big, knows how to overcome obstacles and moves through life like an arrow flying towards the goal. People in the card description: military, professional drivers, messengers, travelers, jockeys, winners. Reversed: a person who abuses his position; bribe taker, coward.

Positive qualities: willpower, discipline, innovative thinking, resourcefulness, speed, conscious effort, constant movement forward, focus on the process. A person has self-control, thinks quickly in changing circumstances, is able to set rules and be consistent.

Negative qualities: fear of internal conflict, likelihood of cowardice. Those who are not aware of their tasks and take too much on themselves fall from the Chariot. You cannot give up your path, you need to trust what is happening.

Tarot Chariot with Major Arcana

The meaning of a straight card also depends on the position of the additional Arcana. They extend to the sphere of relationships, health, finances, and career. The interpretation of an inverted symbol is often negative and is specified by the combination and the given type of fortune telling.

Major Arcana:

  • Mage;
  • Priestess;
  • Emperor, Empress;
  • Priest;
  • Lovers;
  • Hermit;
  • Wheel of Fortune;
  • Force;
  • Hanged;
  • Death;
  • Devil;
  • Star;
  • Moon;
  • Sun;
  • Court;
  • World;
  • Jester.

The interpretation of each type does not correspond to its direct name, so it is important to study the interpretations before fortune telling and possible combinations.

The value of a straight card also depends on the position of the additional Arcana

What does the Chariot symbol with straight signs mean:

  • Magician - success in business, glory.
  • Priestess - relationship with a woman; for a girl - lesbianism.
  • The Empress is a triumph in financial affairs.
  • Emperor - a penchant for politics, successful decisions in social aspects.
  • Priest - life with a person in a high position.
  • Lovers are a family tradition.
  • Hermit - find spiritual strength within yourself, engage in religious or spiritual practices.
  • Wheels of Fortune - short-term stunning success in all areas.
  • Strength is friendship based on cover.
  • Hanged Man - thoughtless heroism.
  • Death is a triumph in confrontation.
  • Moderation is open conflict.
  • The devil is the future black magic, the mass.
  • Tower - nervous breakdown, depression.
  • Star - success in inference.
  • Moon - thoughtlessness, frivolity.
  • The sun means correctly set priorities.
  • Court - you have to judge another person.
  • Peace is a truce with the enemy.
  • Jester - mental health problems, possible illness.

Reversed arcana have other meanings:

  • Mage - fatal abilities.
  • Priestess - closure of scientific activity, the work of life.
  • Emperor and Empress - failure in development, debate, vain hopes.
  • Priest - there will be no happy marriage for a long time.
  • Lovers are unnecessary troubles that will not bring results.
  • Justice is an attempt to deceive the investigation.
  • The hermit is a spiritual schism.
  • Wheel of Fortune - mental or physical torture. Someone will harass the person and cause him inconvenience.
  • Strength - loss of attentiveness, excessive carelessness.
  • Death—forceful actions, coups, anarchy.
  • Moderation is a health problem.
  • Tower - loss of property, disaster. The Sun has the same meaning.
  • Star - loss of vision.
  • Judgment is a terrible change.
  • The world is a scandal between families.

The most negative meanings promise the following:

  • Hanged Man - death far from home.
  • Moon - death from water.
  • Jester - head wound and death.

Combination with the Major Arcana

With 0 Fool card

— Young boss, inept management, absent-mindedness.

With 1 Mage card

— Maximalism, grab onto the idea, start implementing your plans.

With 2 Priestess cards

— A novel on the way, an intuitive movement towards a goal, a secret job change.

Combined with 3 Empress card

— The path to well-being, pull yourself together, female dominance.

With 4 cards Emperor

— Restoring order, returning to the past, serious relationships.

With 5 card Priest

- Self-discipline, succumb to propaganda or enter a powerful organization.

With 6 card Lovers

— Uncertain future, searching for a travel companion, planning a travel route.

With 8 card Strength

- Immature decision, conviction in one's actions, will to win.

With 9 card Hermit

- Self-sufficiency, working alone, refusal of love relationships.

With 10 card Wheel of Fortune

— A lucky coincidence of circumstances, a position abroad, fateful changes.

With 11 card Justice

— Litigation, military registration and enlistment office, favorable decision in your favor.

With 12 card Hanged Man

- Indecisiveness, groundless jealousy, being stuck in the past, danger of injury.

With 13 card Death

- Shaky position, career change, bad feeling.

With 14 card Moderation

— Change of place of residence, get used to the circumstances, gradual growth.

With 15 card Devil

— Conflict situation, instinctive behavior, violation of the law.

With 16 card Tower

— An accident on the way, the mistakes made will come back to haunt you, the trip will not take place.

With 17 Star card

— Fruitful cooperation, favorite work, success in creativity.

With 18 card Moon

— Secret enmity, behind the scenes intrigues, sudden insight.

With the 19th card the Sun

- The true path to happiness is to go out into society, the talent of an organizer.

With 20 card Court

— Find a reserve of strength, useful skills, and get rid of painful relationships.

With 21 World cards

- Peace agreement, disperse amicably, find a common solution.


For the financial sphere, the Tarot Chariot is the concentration of material wealth. She literally represents wealth. Depending on the issue and environment, its interpretation is associated with:

  • promotion and a chance for a higher salary;
  • a large win or a single receipt of a pleasant amount of money;
  • the presence of a rich relative or partner who regularly pampers with gifts and currency.

Purposefulness and awareness of actions will help you stay at the top of your financial security for a long time. You don't have to change your behavior radically to follow financial success. But you should reject the temptation to participate in fraud or deception for money.

Read our special article on how to interpret Tarot cards in layouts.

With the minor arcana

The combination of the Chariot tarot card and the minor Arcana is no less important for interpretation. The following character ranks are distinguished:

  • 2-10 of Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles;
  • Page, Knight, Queen, King and Ace of each rank.

In the interpretation we denote the inverted lasso as P.

Minor Arcana

The Chariot, in combination with other Tarot cards, determines dynamics, movement, and conflict resolution. Each tandem has its own meaning.


  • 2 – certain life circumstances;
  • 3 in Tarot - short rest, calm;
  • 4 – walk, travel, going out;
  • 5 - in combination with the Chariot speaks of praise, short-term success;
  • 6 – military honors, awards;
  • 7 - a card in a Tarot reading speaks of broken self-control, hypocrisy;
  • 8 – quick change of events, turn;
  • 9 – vendetta, desire to harm;
  • 10 – negative energy, lies, gossip.
  • Page - a difficult situation;
  • Knight - carelessness, falsity, recklessness;
  • Tarot card Queen in combination with the Chariot - recognition of talent, praise;
  • King - career advancement;
  • Ace - new decisions, circumstances, way out.


  • 2 – advice, new acquaintances;
  • 3 – thoughts, good news;
  • 4 in Tarot - fulfilled hopes, predictions;
  • 5 – the card indicates a pleasant personality, pleasure;
  • 6 in combination with the Chariot - martial law, agenda;
  • 7 – neglect, rejected love;
  • 8 – dislocation, movement;
  • 9 – search, invasion, seizure;
  • 10 in the Tarot - nervous breakdown, indignation;
  • Page – bad habits, alcoholism;
  • Knight card - reconciliation, temporary respite;
  • Queen - conquered heart, forced consent;
  • King - clarification of relationships, disagreements, squabbles;
  • The combination of Ace and Chariot in the Tarot is an emotional connection, attraction.


Order a personal Tarot spread

  • 2 – empty actions, unnecessary words;
  • 3 – card promises health problems, heart attack;
  • 4 – victim of deception, unpleasant news;
  • 5 – when combined in the Tarot with the Chariot, it promises a violation of plans, prospects, negotiations;
  • 6 — change of priorities, standards;
  • 7 – melancholy, loneliness, breakup;
  • 8 – material problems, dangerous future;
  • 9 – aggression, despotism, quarrels;
  • 10 – dangerous deal, theft;
  • Page and Chariot card - backlash, forced return;
  • Knight in Tarot – opposition, confrontation;
  • Queen - honesty, self-sufficiency;
  • King - quick victory, triumph;
  • Ace is a way out of a difficult situation.


  • 2 – Tarot card indicates a wrong choice;
  • 3 and Chariot - long thought;
  • 4 – following one’s own desires;
  • 5 – conflict situation, disagreement;
  • 6 - examination, law, structure;
  • 7 – material reward;
  • 8 in Tarot – patronage, sponsorship;
  • 9 – the card predicts an emergency;
  • 10 – investment of capital, conclusion of a contract;
  • Page – terminated obligations;
  • Knight - unfavorable time;
  • Queen and Chariot in Tarot - work, success and achievements;
  • King – financial receipts;
  • Ace - a profitable deal, concentration.

Combination with the suit of Wands

With Ace of Wands

— Confident management, internal contradictions, risky business

With 2 of Wands

— Life fork, hesitation, finding something at the expense of losing something else.

Combined with 3 of Wands

- Lean in one direction or another, choose a direction, a shaky agreement.

With 4 of Wands

— A trip to relatives, a housewarming party, a family celebration with minor quarrels.

With 5 of Wands

— Reasoned debate, having your own point of view, brainstorming or flirting.

With 6 of Wands

— The right direction, continuity, take on the role of a leader.

With 7 of Wands

— Enter the market, healthy competition, earn a reputation.

Order a personal Tarot spread

With 8 of Wands

— Complete a deal, find your niche, work out a scheme, or make peace with your soulmate.

With 9 of Wands

— Traumatic experience, going through an unsuccessful period, painful emotions in a relationship.

With 10 of Wands

- Lack of necessary skills, dragging your family on yourself, making money.

With the Page of Wands

- Beat a competitor, win a competition, get into an educational institution.

With the Knight of Wands

— Recklessness on the road, racer, ability to quickly respond to changes.

With the Queen of Wands

—– Move up the career ladder quickly, be a favorite, a protégé.

With the King of Wands

- Show your abilities, put forward a proposal, take the initiative.

Combination of the Chariot card with the suit of Cups

With Ace of Cups

- Mass celebration, big party, having fun without thinking about the consequences.

With 2 Cups

— An interesting acquaintance, a frivolous affair, a temporary romance.

Combined with 3 Cups

— Accept the offer, happy news, carefree fun.

With 4 Cups

— The influence of otherworldly forces, a prophetic dream, a slight disorder.

With 5 Cups

— An unexpected find, troubles in the family, stupid behavior.

With 6 Cups

— Experienced military man, retired, government position.

With 7 Cups

— Set a goal, lack patience, start planning for the future.

With 8 Cups

- Go into free swimming, inappropriate posturing or adherence to principles.

Order a personal Tarot spread

With 9 Cups

- Broad soul, cheerful life, a great guy.

With 10 Cups

- First-born, large family with constant squabbles, lack of agreement.

With the Page of Cups

- Drunkenness, danger on the road, frequent job changes.

With the Knight of Cups

- Friendly help, efficient guy, ability to please.

With the Queen of Cups

— Scandalists, getting caught in the middle of an altercation, a girl with an unbalanced psyche.

With the King of Cups

— A businessman, a clever entrepreneur, a specialist in negotiations.

Combination with the suit of Swords

With Ace of Swords

— Emergency situation, danger of injury, otherworldly sign to stop.

With 2 Swords

— Teenager, unstable opinion, partial victory.

Combined with 3 of Swords

- Vain travel or efforts, dangerous trust in a partner, a series of failures.

With 4 Swords

- Don’t get support, stay with your own, depressed state.

With 5 of Swords

- An unsuccessful start, the real state of affairs, a hitch in business.

With 6 Swords

— Learn from your own mistakes, useful bitter experience, second chance.

With 7 of Swords

— Additional opportunities, profit with the help of friends, useful information.

With 8 of Swords

— Searching for a way out, gaining courage, trying to pay off debts or pay off a loan.

With 9 of Swords

— False hopes, an opportunity that didn’t work out, anticipation of trouble.

With 10 of Swords

- Sensing danger, worrying about loved ones, seeing nightmares or ominous signs.

With the Page of Swords

- Not seeing beyond your nose, inexperience, carefree naivety, easy prey.

With the Knight of Swords

— Military career, security forces, guy in the army.

With the Queen of Swords

— Widow, desire to get married, difficult character.

With the King of Swords

— Law enforcement agencies, a loved one serves in the police, attention from the authorities.

Combination with the suit of Pentacles

With Ace of Pentacles

— Find a treasure, a treasure hunter, meet a “rough diamond.”

With 2 Pentacles

— Spending money on repairs, making small investments, is not a profitable business.

Combined with 3 of Pentacles

— A young professional, starting a job, an executive employee or an inexperienced admirer.

With 4 of Pentacles

— A thoughtless investment, worries about finances, and the salary is too low.

With 5 of Pentacles

— Penalties, overdue loans, criminal arrogance.

With 6 of Pentacles

— A gift from the bottom of my heart, getting into an uncomfortable situation, openness of feelings.

With 7 of Pentacles

— Assistance to a large company or participation in a public organization, work for prestige and reputation.

With 8 of Pentacles

— Unhoned skill, independence, admirer with ulterior motives.

With 9 of Pentacles

— Flirting with someone more influential, gallant courtship, women's games.

With 10 of Pentacles

- Family split, serious disagreements, discord with colleagues.

With the Page of Pentacles

- Facing betrayal, not noticing the betrayal until the last moment, playing on trust.

With the Knight of Pentacles

- A lucrative contract, a big win, unexpected success in business.

With the Queen of Pentacles

— Freedom of action, the ability to make decisions independently, great influence.

With the King of Pentacles

— An innate talent to earn money, sociability, a clever entrepreneur or a charming suitor with a lot of money.


The appearance of the Seventh Arcana promises good prospects in professional activities. If a person works for a company, then it’s time for him to think about his own business - he is ready to cope with such responsibility, he has all the necessary knowledge and skills. Next to negative Tarot cards, the Cart means major changes in the main work - the decline of the world economy, a radical change in activity, new technologies, etc.

For a professional, the Chariot promises a quick and comfortable career takeoff. The person clearly has leadership qualities capable of organizing the work of completely different people, successfully controlling them, and directing their energy in the right direction. Achievements in activities are achieved through perseverance, self-control, and successful partnerships.

Psychological state map

The main meaning of the chariot card in psychological terms comes down to the characteristics of the winner.

The discovery of this lasso in fortune telling speaks of the incredible euphoria of a well-deserved victory and indicates the urgent need to almost constantly experience adrenaline dependence on one’s own achievements.

In a sense, the Rider Waite Tarot reduces the main meaning of the chariot card to real successes and achievements that are achieved through quite hard work. And therefore they bring incredible, almost physical pleasure.

But often such a life turns into one single goal in itself: to be the very first everywhere and in everything.

Person's character

The Chariot, which denotes a specific person in the layout, is characterized by constant dynamics. This is a person immersed in self-development in any of its manifestations - sports, work, self-knowledge through spiritual practices, combining study and part-time work, etc. His mind is built in such a way that he is able to perfectly control both logical thinking and impulses and feelings.

The main character traits of the person associated with Charioteer are:

  • constant movement forward, the desire to achieve each subsequent goal without a drop of doubt;
  • ambition, a sense of superiority over others, in extreme cases - arrogance;
  • love of travel or travel, movement, conscious choice in moving;
  • a penchant for heroism, unexpected for others, but internally thoughtful and balanced actions;
  • energy, requiring the search for new ways of self-expression and application, sometimes leading to an abrupt end to the previous life.

A person designated by the Chariot in the Tarot is able to show courage, because he is confident in victory and a successful outcome of any business. It is full of various contradictions and opposites. But he does not waste time and energy on overcoming and leveling his own impulses, but uses their energy for his own good. This is a person who subtly feels the world and acts according to its laws, which deserves constant growth above the previous level of development.

The Chariot of the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo

How to work with the dark Vargo Tarot deck.

For love and relationships

On the one hand, for a lonely person in this Arcanum there is no place for personal relationships, only the path of a lone warrior who strives for his goals and cannot be dispersed into several large tasks. This is not the best card for creating an alliance, because it contains a lot of individuality and a person’s personal path, self-development and movement towards individual goals.

Order a personal Tarot spread

Most likely, the meaning of this card in a love scenario is the recommendation to follow your own path, marking milestones of success and victory on it. This is a card of a very strong personality who finds it difficult to be involved in relationships. Here you need to pay attention to the card environment. In the presence of appropriate cards, the Chariot can foreshadow a holiday romance or a love adventure on the road, but not a strong and long-term union.

The Charioteer is as reckless as the Jester, his confidence is similar to the faith of the Hermit, and his will is in no way weaker than the will of the Emperor.

On the other hand, in the reading of a person who is concerned about the current relationship, this card could be about reconciliation and agreement, about balancing the two and ending the war, moving in the direction of already chosen common goals and values. If there is a positive card environment, we can safely talk about achieving balance in the couple, harmonious communication and mutual assistance, but if surrounded by negative cards, it can be interpreted as family discord, misunderstanding and endless struggle.

Chariot Tarot meaning in a relationship can indicate a mismatch of needs and interests in a couple. It can mean a desire to change everything, to break out of a hopeless relationship when a decision has already been made, but there is not enough fortitude to follow it. Then the card indicates that it is time to do this.

One of the meanings of the card is leaving a relationship, or distancing oneself from the situation, and it is not escape, but conscious leaving. Sometimes the Chariot is a sign of a long-distance relationship, where the partners are at a great distance from each other.

Among other meanings, the Charioteer symbolizes sexuality and strength, it is a card of attraction and vivid manifestations of love passion. According to the Chariot, as they say, the bridles are torn (sometimes this interpretation is purely physiological). This card has a strong element of submission and dominance. The second party may feel “worn out” to the point of complete exhaustion in the morning, “rolled” at full speed and generally “run under a horse.”

Order a personal Tarot spread

The driver does not become attached to a specific person; having won, he rides on, looking for new objects to conquer. In addition, this person may be intemperate and impatient. Does not accept or accept refusal, which can hurt the partner and hurt his feelings. In love, as in war, he is inclined to conquer without asking the consent of the other party, be it his lover, wife, husband or child.

To work


The card predicts difficulties, trials, from which you can emerge victorious if you show willpower. Quarrels, troubles, trials, conflicts that can be resolved if the warring parties come to a compromise. You should not avoid problems and conflicts. The card is also recommended for business trips and trips.

General situation

If the question is whether to go on a trip, the card suggests that it is better to do so. Soon there will be good news that will inspire you to realize your plans. It is recommended to do what your soul desires: take risks, develop, travel.

At this stage, the individual must take lessons that develop his valuable skills. Discipline will be beneficial; it will give strength to the inner core. You cannot overestimate your strengths, and also lose control over yourself, otherwise such behavior can lead to trouble.

Advice from the 7th Arcana Chariot: to achieve victory, you cannot stop halfway; It is important to be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of your choices.

In layouts

When read, this card means for those who want to achieve a goal that self-control and discipline are extremely important. And then any goal will be achieved, any peak will be conquered.

This card is very suitable for the Cancer sign, it works as a talisman. Cancer has a lot of doubts and fears about something new. They are vulnerable in this regard and want all the time, figuratively speaking, to go into their shell, in which they feel protected. This is wrong: sometimes you need to come out of your shell and explore the world, acquire new skills, new treasures.

When the Chariot card appears in a reading, it may mean that you are in a fighting mood and are full of desire to control your own destiny. The time has come to take risks in order to gain power and strength over circumstances...

Zodiac association

The Chariot is associated with Cancer. Its energy reminds us to find balance between our to-do lists that bring order to our lives and the joys we share with the people we love. Balance between our restrictions and freedom.

Strengthen your roots that go to the Earth,

so that our branches can rise high into the sky.

Zodiac associations say that our rooting on Earth should include good relationships. It is important to pay attention to plans and repetitive actions that strengthen our connections, master our desired tasks, and manifest our dreams.

Return Carriage

The inverted 7th lasso symbolizes a difficult stage in life, is interpreted as an unfavorable omen, and promises stagnation, covering all aspects of life. Although changes are possible in the future, they will have to wait a long time. If the return Cart has arrived, you should concentrate on preserving yourself, acting strictly in accordance with morals and ethical standards. Perhaps the stagnant period will be much longer than expected. This is especially difficult if the meaning of the 7th lasso in a relationship is interpreted, since long waits often bring pain. Tarot readers recommend concentrating on yourself, being patient, and ignoring failures. At the moment, a person does not create his own destiny, his task is to wait out a streak of troubles.

The Inverted Carriage gives advice: even if it seems that everything is not going as it should, it will never get better, you cannot dramatize and do stupid things in the heat of the moment. The Chariot warns that a streak of troubles will end faster if you control yourself and control every step, be patient and clearly thinking.

The combination of the 7th lasso is negative if the layout for the trip is carried out and the Cart arrived upside down. The path will not be easy, troubles and unforeseen difficulties await.

If the alignment is for love, social connections, an inverted lasso predicts problems in relationships. Quarrels are coming, conflict situations are possible. People will be offended by the one for whom the alignment is being performed. To get out of the situation with minimal losses, it is important to act wisely, carefully, and adequately assess the situation. Harsh words and rash actions will lead to relationships hopelessly deteriorating.


The Chariot in matters of well-being means complete recovery or good health. The disease will be overcome through willpower and a fierce desire to get back to normal. In the interpretation of the map, the following points are also distinguished:

  • overcoming a bad habit;
  • transition to a healthier lifestyle - going to the gym, diet, activity regimen;
  • strengthening spiritual health.

In a negative sense, the seventh lasso is associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, which appear under the constant influence of stress, when a person takes a lot on his shoulders. The Chariot can also signal postpartum depression or disorders after achieving major success. A person can suffer the fate of moving in a wheelchair due to accidents, traffic accidents, sports injuries that cause fractures, injuries, viral complications if not treated correctly.

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