Wind chimes according to Feng Shui: what does it mean, how to choose and where to hang?

In this article we will look at how to choose and where to hang wind chimes according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui wind chimes leave no one indifferent. Mesmerizing with its melodic sound, it seems to carry you along with a stream of energy into a special, magical world of goodness and positivity, where there is no place for bad thoughts and negative feelings. This is not surprising, because Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of managing energy flows, literally translated as “wind and water.” But to harmonize these sweats, it is worth choosing the right amulet itself and the place to place it.

Wind chimes according to Feng Shui: what is it and means?

  • This talisman is a structure of several tubes suspended and sounding in the wind. This is one of the most popular feng shui symbols.
  • Its energy is used to harmonize and cleanse space, to attract good luck and prosperity.
  • This design is also called air or Chinese bells. Their main purpose is to correct the flow of vital energy Qi, which fills all life on our planet.
  • Feng Shui wind chimes can also cleanse space of accumulated negative energy or strengthen the necessary sector. This symbol also acts as a protective amulet! It is used to protect against negative energy, to transform it into positive energy, and also to neutralize the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Bells, crystals or metal hearts are sometimes added to the talisman for a more iridescent sound. These symbols are believed to further attract good luck.

Meaning of additional wind chime symbols:

  • Bells in the wisdom of Feng Shui mean youth, immortality and renewal of vitality
  • Butterflies are associated with rebirth and fulfillment of desires
  • A sailboat is a symbol of wealth
  • The three-legged toad opens the flow of money energy
  • Dolphins or fish are suitable for neutralizing conflicts, clearing heavy auras and attracting friends
  • Hearts are for strengthening marriage or love sphere
  • The pagoda together with the music of the wind will attract well-being, positive energy and prosperity
  • Crystals – to dissipate energy and provide a calm atmosphere
  • Coins - to solve financial problems, and when mixed with bells - to eliminate unnecessary spending

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Wind chimes are tubes made of clay, glass, porcelain, metal or wood woven into one structure. Fluctuating with the air, the sticks, hitting each other, produce a beautiful and pleasant sound for our ears. In addition, these bells also fit harmoniously into the interior, as they are always produced in an original and beautiful form. In the teachings of Feng Shui, the music produced has the ability to purify the space in which these pendants are placed. They can not only neutralize negative energy in the home, but also help eliminate conflicts that occur in this house.

Pendants can also be called air bells, wind bells or Chinese bells. To purchase them and place them in your home, you need to immediately understand why exactly you need them and what function they should perform. Once you become familiar with the basic concepts of Feng Shui, you can choose where to hang your bells to maximize their functionality.

Feng Shui wind chimes: how to choose depending on the material?

  • First of all, you need to choose a talisman based on its sound - it should be pleasant to your ears and evoke positive emotions. This is perhaps the main condition that must be observed.
  • The design itself - laces, threads, pendants - must be made of natural materials! But another important condition is that their length should not hang below a person’s height. That is, you should not touch the bottom tier of the talisman with the top of your head.

But according to Feng Shui, wind music should be chosen taking into account the personal element according to the year of birth!

ElementLast digit of year of birthFavorable combinationConflict relationships
Earth8 and 9MetalTree
Fire6 and 7EarthWater
Tree4 and 5FireMetal
Water2 and 3TreeEarth
Metal0 and 1WaterFire

Made from bamboo

Design Features

The wind chime talisman is a composition of several hollow tubes that are suspended on a base, and the tongue in the center, striking these tubes, creates a quiet and melodic sound. It is a special sound vibration that revives the Qi energy and promotes its movement.

The music of wind

Instead of tubes, other elements can be used, but then its sphere of attraction will also change. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, there is a mysterious meaning hidden in the design of this item.

Feng Shui wind chimes: choosing color and size

Of course, according to Feng Shui, wind chimes should be in harmony with the room. If you have a small area, then an oversized talisman will be too strong. In a large room, the small symbol will be lost. It is believed that when purchasing, you will feel for yourself which size you will like.

It is also worth understanding that each element has its own color:

  • The tree is not brown at all, but green or purple
  • Metal - silver, gold, bronze or white
  • Fire is purple and all shades from orange to red
  • Earth is brown and yellow
  • Water – all colors in the spectrum from blue to blue, gray

Important: You can combine colors!

But you can't combine:

  • Red/pink and blue/cyan, because Water extinguishes Fire
  • White/Metal and Green as Metal cuts Wood
  • Blue with yellow/brown, otherwise the Earth will stop the Water
  • Metal with red as Fire melts Metal

Material and quantity

The value of the number of bells

The purpose of placing them in your home depends on how many tubes there are in one design. Let's consider each proposed option:

  • If you have a wind chime of five tubes above your door, then this is what defines the concept of the Earth. She fills the house with positive energy and controls prosperity and success in five directions - Center, South, East, North and West.
  • The structure of six sticks is called “qian”. It attracts heavenly luck and Qi (energy) of metal. So to speak, it “sets up” your destiny in the right way, helps to resolve unpleasant moments and prevent them, and also helps to strengthen your character and tune in to achieving your goals.
  • Wind chimes, consisting of eight bells, create prosperity and improve the well-being of the inhabitants of the house. Interestingly, Chinese astrologers endowed the number “8” with sacred meaning in the period from 2004 to 2024.

If you analyze the above, then a tool with 5 rods kills negative energy, and with 6 and 8 rods it attracts good luck. The hollow core on which all the rods are attached guarantees stimulation of the flow of energy and gives a good sound to the instrument. There are also multi-tiered structures, and they also have their own designations:

  • The five tiers of wind chimes characterize all the elements - Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal. Eliminate negative Qi and attract positive energy.
  • The seven-tier instrument represents the 7 treasures of Buddha, and brings wealth, luck and success to the home.
  • The 9-tier design will promote incoming power, money and nobility. Helps banish bad luck and unstable situations from your home.

Wind chimes according to Feng Shui: how many pipes should there be?

Important: According to Feng Shui, wind chimes should have empty tubes! This is so that the Qi energy can move freely in them.

It should also be taken into account that there is a wide variety of types of this talisman, and each of them has its own purpose, its own way of correcting different elements and enhancing the energy flows of different sectors.

  • 2 straws to strengthen the love sector or improve relationships
  • 3 tubes - for a career, promotion, creative impulses or good relations with superiors/parents
  • 4 straws to solve financial difficulties in the shortest possible time
  • 5 tubes represent the energy of the Earth and symbolize all directions of light. Used to protect against negative energy
  • 6 tubes are metal energy and the most powerful hexagram for attracting good luck
  • 7 tubes - to attract help from patrons, as well as to harmonize relationships with children (or to conceive them)
  • 8 straws are used to strengthen the sector of prosperity and well-being, as well as improve financial affairs
  • 9 straws are a symbol of popularity, respect and glory


How many tiers should there be?

The design of the singing wind consists of several tiers, each of which contains its own elements - tubes, pagodas, bells and other decorative elements.

The attractive magical ability of the product will also depend on the number of tiers:

  • five - identify all five elements and attract positive energy through them, displacing the negative;
  • seven - symbolize the seven treasures of Buddhism and help to attract good luck, wealth, and career advancement to the home;
  • nine - is associated in ancient philosophy with stability, therefore it will add strength, nobility, wealth and fullness of life to the lives of household members, saving them from failures.

Wind chimes according to Feng Shui: where to place them?

Chinese bells are placed in that part of the room where, under the influence of air currents, they can produce pleasant melodic sounds.

A good place where wind chimes should hang according to Feng Shui:

  • One of such places in the apartment is a window, where the touch of curtains or the breeze from a window will promote the movement of air and the birth of melodic and gentle sounds that cleanse the energy of the house.
  • If you can see through the window objects that can generate negative energy, such as high-voltage power lines, ends and corners of buildings, dried out trees, wind chimes will also increase their influence on neutralizing the negative energy of these objects. For this purpose, bells must be added to the design.
  • A place in the center of the room, under a chandelier, will also be favorable for placing air bells - when they move, the energy will rise upward and be distributed evenly in the space.
  • In the hallway there is a high probability of losing Qi energy. Therefore, it would also be a good idea to hang Chinese bells here, which can make sounds from the flow of air when opening and closing the front door, from the movement of people.
  • At the front door you can hang wind chimes decorated with dragons and weapons - such a talisman will reliably protect against thieves and robbers.
  • You can place wind chimes in doorways, where even a slight vibration of the air will generate its melody.
  • Chinese bells will be useful not only in a residential area, but also in an office or an institution where people spend a sufficient amount of time.

Unfavorable places:

  • You cannot hang the talisman in a place where it will remain above a person’s head for a long time: at the head of the bed, above the work desk, above the sofa, or chair. In general, in those places where a person spends a lot of time. The movement and transformation of energy above a person's head can harm his health.
  • You can’t hang it in the corner of the room, as the energy will stagnate. After all, people will rarely pass there. If this is the ideal place, then choose wind chimes made of bamboo or ceramics in brown or gray tones.
  • In long corridors, where there are many windows and doors , energy will simply pass by. In this case, it is worth hanging golden or silver bells so that they can attract more energy.
  • You cannot hang it near the door in such a way that when opened, the door leaf touches the talisman!

Important: Consider the compatibility of the materials of the wind chime and the object to which you will attach it. For example, you cannot hang metal bells on a wooden door leaf!

It is not necessary for wind chimes to sound in your home from the breeze, take every opportunity to hear these miraculous sounds. Just passing by, touch the bells, cover them with curtains, turn on the fan for a while - the more often wind chimes sound in your house, the more effective the work of this talisman will be, the cleaner the energy space will be and the more good luck it will attract.


What is the benefit for the home?

Wind chimes perform many functions in the house, according to Feng Shui.
In this case, the influence on any area of ​​​​the life of household members will depend on the location of the talisman and the personal desires of the residents. The main purpose is to activate the flow of positive energy and restore the balance between the elements that dominate the home. This product is also a kind of protector of housing from negative energy, which is concentrated in narrow corridors, door and window openings.

It is allowed and in some cases recommended to place this item outside the home, protecting it from the penetration of negative flows from street objects.

To activate any sector of life, it is necessary to place this singing object in it, and it is necessary to select it, taking into account the ruling element, materials and color palette.

Feng Shui wind chimes: where to hang depending on the number of tubes and material?

According to Feng Shui, wind chimes take into account every detail, including the compatibility of the number of cylinders and material.

  • For example, 6-7 metal tubes are the element of metal, a structure that produces a metallic sound. The most favorable location for such a structure is in the northern, western and northwestern parts of the room. Moreover, in the north-west the required number is 6 to receive the support of patrons
  • And for conceiving a child or harmonious relationships with children - 7 in the west
  • And in the north, any of these numbers is for professional growth
  • 3-4 bamboo tubes – this is the element of wood, the structure makes a wooden, tapping sound. It's better to place it in the southern, eastern and southeastern parts of the room.
      At the same time, 3 in the east is the family sector, for coherence between household members
  • And 4 in the southeast is precisely the area for financial growth
  • 5-8 ceramic straws – the element of Earth, the design produces a glass sound. The most favorable place for her is southwest, northeast and center of the room.
      8 in the northeast for self-improvement and the implementation of creative plans
  • 5 - Good to hang in any area with sharp corners in doorways for protection and smoothing out negativity
  • 9 crystal tubes - this design is hung in the southwestern sector of the room to attract fame and recognition to the owner.
  • And 2 crystal cylinders in the southwest - harmonizes relationships and the love sphere.

  • Ratio

    The most powerful designs

    Over its long history, this ancient Chinese talisman has developed special designs, which, according to experts, have powerful energy and attractive ability:

    • A talisman with eight metal tubes that create birdsong when sounded promotes professional growth and attracting significant mentors into life. It should be located in the northwestern part of the home and decorated with or placed near the image of the hieroglyph “luck”;
    • The glass hearts, balls and stars included in the design will attract good luck and tender feelings into a person’s personal life;
    • if the design includes at least one bell, then such a product activates favorable energy flows and distributes them throughout the house, filling everyone with happiness. It is recommended to place such a product, which produces a bell ringing, on a chandelier in the center of the room;
    • Wind chimes, complemented by feathers, have a psychological effect. According to the doctrine, it drives away dark thoughts, stress, and depression from household members, and by placing it in the bedroom, a person will ensure an easy sleep.

    Wind chimes according to Feng Shui: is it possible and how to do it yourself?

    Of course, you can buy a ready-made talisman, but it is known that one made with your own hands works much more effectively. There is nothing complicated in making it, you just need to use your imagination and apply a little creative skill.

    • Moreover, the effectiveness of a homemade talisman will be higher even if it does not correspond to the purpose of a particular material. That is, you can use absolutely any objects instead of straws and any materials instead of metal, ceramics or crystal. For example - shells, wooden sticks painted in different colors, old keys, metal bottle caps, colorful clay figurines, small flower pots and even old kitchen utensils.

    With your own hands

    • These items are fastened together with a rope or cord made of natural fabric, which can be decorated with various small objects strung with beads or metal rings. The main thing is that when they come into contact with the movement of air, they produce a pleasant, melodic sound.

    Interesting sound from keys and bells

    • Feng Shui wind chimes can be placed not only in the home. If it turns out to be quite bulky, its perfect destination would be a veranda, gazebo or garden. Here, with greater air fluctuations, you will hear its sound even more often, which means that peace, tranquility, prosperity and harmony of relationships will reliably settle in your home.

    Making a talisman with your own hands

    You can buy such a useful decoration for your home at a specialty store or make it yourself. A homemade instrument will carry a positive charge, human energy, and will bring many benefits. You can make it from any available materials: shells, pencils, feathers and even dry leaves.

    From shells

    Seashells brought from vacation can be turned into a bright amulet. To do this, you need to make a small hole in each sink using a thin drill. String shells randomly onto a fishing line or jute thread about 50 cm long, securing them in place with a knot. You can complement the composition with large beads, pebbles, and bells. Make the required number of pendants and secure them to a piece of driftwood or a round base made of strong wire. Such a talisman can be hung in the bedroom, on the balcony, and in the gazebo on the street.

    From dry leaves

    Autumn time, with its riotous colors, calls for you to create crafts with your own hands from natural materials. For example, a talisman made of dry leaves. This design is fragile and will not last for years, but its manufacture will bring a lot of benefits and positivity.

    Dry the prepared leaves thoroughly under a press. Carefully tie the leaves onto a 50 cm long fishing line. Secure with glue or a hot gun. The composition can be supplemented with dried buds or dried flowers. Secure the threads to a base - a twig, metal or plastic ring.

    Chinese bells are an instrument that, with their very presence, fills the house with harmony and joy.

    We do it ourselves

    To create a wind chime with your own hands, you do not need any specific skills, and a number of original materials with different properties and appearance, for example, bamboo, multi-colored sea shells or coins, can be used as its elements. To make an amulet, the parts must have holes through which they will be attached to the base.

    Made from bamboo

    Bamboo is a specific and rare material, so most often an imitation of the surface of the stem is used to create wind chimes. To make a bamboo decoration, you should follow the following diagram:

    1. Cardboard tubes of different diameters should be cut with a knife so that one of the cuts is made at an acute angle, and the other remains straight;
    2. We paste the resulting sticks with several layers of paper;
    3. In several places we glue a thick rope around the blanks in order to imitate the knots on the trunk of a natural plant;
    4. We cover the surface of the “bamboo” with several more layers of paper;
    5. We pierce with an awl or drill a through hole near the straight cut of each bamboo stick;
    6. We paint the surface of the paper with acrylic paints, imitating the colors of bamboo. At the nodes the color should be a little darker;
    7. We hang the finished elements on a thread, attach a disk in the center, and the bamboo talisman is ready.

    From shells

    An excellent option for useful use of shells brought from vacation is to create wind chimes. How to make a breeze from shells:

    1. Select the most beautiful specimens. Using an awl or drill with a thin drill and a small number of turns, drill small mounting holes in the wide part of each to tie the parts to the amulet;
    2. Using several wooden skewers, fasten the shells together so that you get one long pendant;
    3. Paint each pendant;
    4. String shells onto several lines, using small multi-colored beads with knots tied under them for intermediate fixation;
    5. Each fishing line is attached to a wooden base at such a distance that the pendants do not fight, but slightly touch each other;
    6. We tie or glue a rope to the skewers holder so that the attachment point is at its center.

    If the sound of wind chimes from shells is not too loud, you can add metal tubes or small bells to the design.

    From coins

    To attract the energy of wealth into your home, Feng Shui recommends using coins of different shapes and sizes when creating wind chimes. The most convenient are the ones with an existing hole in the center, through which the coin will be attached to the air talisman. In other cases, holes can be drilled with a drill for subsequent threading.

    According to the Feng Shui system, wind music belongs to the air element, and money to the fire element, and therefore, for a talisman made of coins to work, it is decorated in multi-colored rich red colors, which cover the ropes for hanging coins. The craft is decorated with red ribbons. In addition, various banknotes can be glued to wind chimes to attract wealth.


    Glass parts for wind chimes, which can be purchased at a sewing accessories store, boast a pleasant sound and unusual appearance.
    As a rule, they already have a special hole for stringing, and there is no need to drill a hole for subsequent threading of the fishing line. All that remains to be done is to select the parts, connect them together and secure the resulting blanks to the holder. A part of a wooden knot of any shape, coated with varnish or color, looks impressive.


    One of the most classic options is to use oblong hollow metal tubes of different lengths and diameters, or clay bells, to make wind chimes. To make such crafts singing in the wind, you need:

    1. Take a wooden circle and drill holes along its edges and inside for attaching ropes;
    2. Prepare several metal tubes and hang them on the base;
    3. In the center of the disk, make a small plate of a contrasting color, which will hit the tubes and extract sound from them.

    You can use small singing bells to decorate crafts made of colored clay, glass or wood. Such a wind chime, suspended above the door, will delight the owners with a light ringing at the slightest gust of wind.

    Other materials at hand

    To extract interesting sounds and give the decoration an original appearance, you can use small cutlery with drilled holes, metal caps for mineral water and drinks, sea stones, old keys, key rings, souvenirs, glass bottles of unusual shapes.

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