Chinese metaphysics. Feng Shui, Bazi, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dong Jia.

Beginning of the first year of the sixty-year cycle (甲子年) according to European chronology

First year of the cycle

First millennium BC e. First millenniumSecond millenniumThird millennium
  • 297 BC e.¹
  • 237 BC e.
  • 177 BC e.
  • 117 BC e.
  • 57 BC e.
  • 4 year
  • '64
  • 124
  • 184
  • 244
  • 304
  • 364
  • 424
  • 484
  • 544
  • 604
  • 664
  • 724
  • 784
  • 844
  • 904
  • 964
  • 1024
  • 1084
  • 1144
  • 1204
  • 1264
  • 1324
  • 1384
  • 1444
  • 1504
  • 1564
  • 1624
  • 1684
  • 1744
  • 1804
  • 1864
  • 1924
  • 1984
  • 2044
  • 2104
  • 2164
  • 2224
  • 2284
  • 2344
  • 2404
  • 2464
  • 2524
  • 2584
  • 2644
  • 2704
  • 2764
  • 2824
  • 2884
  • 2944

¹Note: Since the use of the gan-zhi system as calendar dates began in the 3rd century BC. e., then translating older dates has no practical meaning.

Conversion between gan zhi and decimal systems

Let’s assign a number X to each celestial trunk in accordance with the table:

Heavenly trunks

For each earthly branch we compare the number Y according to the table:

Earthly branches

To convert a decimal number N in the range from 1 to 59 into the ganzhi system, take X as the remainder of dividing the number N by 10 (that is, the number of units in the number N). For Y we take the remainder of dividing the number N by 12. From the table we get the corresponding pair of characters of the gan-zhi system.

To convert a pair of characters of the gan-zhi system except 癸亥 into the decimal system, from the table we determine a pair of numbers X and Y. We need to determine the number of tens N and the number of units M of the desired decimal number Z. For M we take the already found number X. For N we take the number (XY)/2 if it is non-negative, or 6+(XY)/2 otherwise.

It remains to remember that the number 60 in the gan-zhi system corresponds to the pair 癸亥.


To convert the number 59 to the gan-zhi system, we find that the number X is 9, and according to the first table, the first character of the desired pair is 壬. The number Y as the remainder of dividing 59 by 12 is equal to 11, and according to the second table, the second symbol of the desired pair is 戌. Thus, we find that the number 59 in the gan-zhi system corresponds to a pair of characters 壬戌.

To reversely convert a pair of ganzhi characters 壬戌 into the decimal system, using the first table we find X equals 9, and according to the second table Y equals 11. Then the number M for the desired decimal number will be equal to 9, and the number N=6+(9-11)/ 2=5. We find that the desired decimal number Z is 59.

Six Personality Types Fire Yang

60 Jia Zi

People Fire yang

These are passionate, bright, generous people. They usually express their feelings openly. Energetic and inquisitive, full of enthusiasm. They cannot remain in a state of inactivity for a long time. They are always looking for something new and have an open, sharp mind. They love to be the center of attention and often succeed. The desire to be visible, to be significant and noticed can lead to both great success and create great problems. Often a Yang Fire person has leadership qualities, has charisma and is able to influence people, captivate them, and lead them.

There are six types of Yang Fire

丙子 Yang Fire on the Rat. Quite active and energetic, they love new experiences. They have original thinking. They like to be where something is happening, they are inquisitive. These are extraordinary individuals. They often choose non-standard and contradictory ways to solve a situation. It happens that their abilities and talents go unnoticed. But they don’t really suffer from this. They themselves are quite correct and responsible, but they cannot always recognize a lie. Attractive to the opposite sex. Women may have problems with gynecology.

丙午 Yang Fire on the Horse. Noble, smart and independent. Optimists. Easily attracts the attention of other people. They persistently pursue their goals, but can be distracted by other tasks and interests. Easy to climb. They love to compete, fight and win. They can be hot-tempered and assertive. Quite stubborn. They often do not know how to correctly assess the situation, because they have their own picture of the world before their eyes. They can get too carried away by the process of achieving the goal and then make the wrong decisions. They love adventure, risk, adventure. Very charismatic and sexy. It is important for them that their partner is like-minded.

丙寅 Yang fire on the Tiger. People are quite smart and absorb information well. Intuition can be well developed. Active, mobile, easy to move. They love to develop, learn new things, love everything progressive. But at the same time they strive for stability. They can be strict and reserved. They like to delve deeper into some area rather than expand their range of interests. Consistent, accurate, methodical. They prefer non-traditional teaching methods. These people have an inner core, willpower. Family values ​​are important to them. Close and warm relationship with parents, they often have to take care of their parents. In a relationship, they are looking for a caring partner.

丙申 Yang Fire on the Monkey. These are smart people, endowed with creative abilities. They have a broad outlook, innovative thinking, and a special vision of the world. They often understand the essence of actions and objects. They quickly adapt to new circumstances and learn easily. Excellent reputation and authority among others due to erudition and intelligence. These are self-sufficient people with a sense of inner dignity. They cannot tolerate criticism, although they themselves like to point out their shortcomings to others. With a good sense of humor, they fit easily into the company. Cheerful, but often emotionally restrained. They cannot stand restrictions and like to play by their own rules. They strive to control everything around them. They have a serious and thoughtful approach to business, they love to plan. May have high ideals, moralists. Sometimes we tend to dramatize the situation. Quite intuitive and quick-witted. Hardworking. Good businessmen.

丙辰 Yang Fire on the Dragon. People are optimistic and cheerful. They are pleasant to talk to, although they can be sarcastic and sharp-tongued. Often strong creative abilities, interest in the non-standard, unknown. These are active, purposeful people. Fairly high intelligence. They know how to use the acquired knowledge and quickly implement theory into practical activities. They have a balanced character, play by the rules, and are not destructive. Bring joy and happiness into people's lives. Often beautiful. Reliable comrades and partners. They do not have excessive ambitions, there is no desire to “go over their heads.” They like to follow rules and prefer to maintain inner dignity, even if this comes at the expense of material enrichment. They are a little reserved and don’t like it when their personal space is invaded. They take personal safety seriously. Are ready to spend time and effort in the interests of the family. Quite often there is an age difference with your partner.

丙戌 Yang Fire on the Dog. People easily give in to emotions and quickly flare up. Rough, straightforward. They can be caustic and sarcastic. They can hurt their interlocutor with words without even thinking about it. They have good potential to make money. But they can create many problems for themselves with their own actions. Decisive people do not like to think for a long time, so they can make wrong or unpopular decisions. They are often too frank, do not like to lie, prefer to tell the truth. Honest and reliable. We are ready to spend our time and energy helping people. They love children. Responsible when it comes to creating a family, trying to create a cozy environment.

Each of the sixty Jia Zis is a whole layer of information about the character, abilities, and life opportunities of a person. The most complete information about the 60 Personality types described by Jia Zi in the new version of the 60 Jia Zi Handbook.


, Metal. These are precious items. Loves the land of the flowering of Metal and Wood. Stars: Shen Xi, Fu Xing, Ping Tou, Xuan Zhen, Po Zi. And CHOW, Metal. This is hard ore. Loves Fire and South, as well as their corresponding time. Stars Fu Xing, Hua Gai, Zheng Ying.

BING YIN , Fire. This is coal in the oven. Loves winter and the element of Wood. Stars Fu Xing, Lu Xing, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING MAO , Fire. This is smoke from the stove. Loves the land of the gua sign XUN, as well as autumn and winter. Stars Ping Tou, Jie Du, Xuan Zhen.

WU CHEN , Tree. This is a tree from a mountain forest, from wild mountainous places, which cannot be used as a material. Loves Water. Stars Lu Ku, Hua Gai, Shui Lu, Ma Ku, Ben Zhang, Fu Shen, Ping Tou.

JI SY , Tree. Flowers and herbs on the top of the mountain. Loves spring and autumn. Stars Lu Ku, Ba Ji, Que Zi, Qu Jiao.

GEN U , Soil. Dry soil near the road. Loves Water, as well as spring. Stars Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Jie Lu, Ban Zhang, Xuan Zhen.

XIN WEI , Soil. Concealing myriads of jewels, when autumn comes, it becomes perfect. Loves autumn and water. Stars Hua Gai, Xuan Zhen, Po Zi.

REN SHEN , Metal. Ax and halberd. He loves the signs ZI, Wu, MAO, Yu very much. Stars Pin Tou, Da Bai, Fan Hai, Long Ya, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

GUY Yu , Metal. Metal awl and chisel. Loves Wood, as well as the YIN and MAO signs. Stars Fu Shen, Po Zi, Long Ya.

JIA XU , Fire. The place where Fire rests. Loves spring and summer. Stars Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Ping Tou, Xuan Zheng, Po Zi, Ban Zhang.

And HI , Fire. Hot breath of fire. Loves the soil and summer. Stars of Tian De, Qu Jiao.

BING ZI , Water. Rivers and lakes. Loves Wood and Soil. Stars Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Jiao Shen, Fei Ren.

DING CHOW , Water. A completely transparent place where there is no flow of water. Loves Metal, as well as summer. Stars Hua Gai, Jin Shen, Ping Tou, Fei Ren, Que Zi.

WU YIN , Soil. Embankment, rampart, fence, wall. Loves Wood and Fire. Stars Fu Shen, Ban Zhang, Long Ya.

JI MAO , Soil. A destroyed embankment, a broken wall. Loves the Shen and Yu signs, as well as Fire. Stars Jin Shen, Duan Yao, Jiu Chou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Xuan Zhen.

GEN CHEN , Metal. Tin solder. Loves autumn, as well as weak Trees. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ban Zhang, Ping Tou.

XIN SY , Metal. The most hidden of Metals, mixed with sand and stones. Loves Fire, as well as autumn. Stars Tian De, Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Jie Lu, Da Bai, Xuan Zhen, Qu Jiao.

REN WU , Tree. Dry willow branches. Loves spring and summer. Stars Guan Gui, Jiu Chou, Fei Ren, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Xuan Zhen.

GUI WEI , Tree. Willow roots. Loves winter and water. I also like spring. Stars Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Duan Yao, Fu Shen, Fei Ren, Po Zi.

JIA SHEN , Water. Sweet well. Loves spring and summer. Stars Po Lu Ma, Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

And Yu , Water. Water in the gutter. Loves the East and also the South. Stars Po Lu, Duan Ya, Jiu Chou, Qu Jiao, Po Zi, Long Ya.

BING XU , Soil. Pile, hill. Loves spring, summer and water. Stars Tian De, Hua Gai, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING HAI , Soil. Plain. Loves Fire and Wood. Stars Tian Yi, Fu Xing, Guan Gui, De He, Ping Tou.

Wu ZI , Fire. Thunder. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Comes into contact with the Soil and deifies Heaven. Stars Fu Shen, Duan Yao, Jiu Chou, Zhang Xing, Fei Ren.

JI CHOU , Fire. Lightning. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Comes into contact with the Earth and becomes darkness. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Fei Ren, Qu Jiao, Que Zi.

GEN YIN , Tree. Dry branches of pine and cypress. Loves autumn and winter. Stars Po Lu Ma, Xiang Xing, Zhang Xing, Long Ya.

XIN MAO , Tree. Pine and cypress roots. Loves Water, Soil, and also spring. Stars Po Lu, Jiao Shen, Jiu Chou, Xuan Zhen.

REN CHEN , Water. Dragon Water. Loves thunder, lightning, and spring and summer. Stars Zheng Ying, Tian De, Shui Lu Ma Ku, Tui Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI SY , Water. This is the non-stop movement of water, streams flowing into the sea. Loves the signs HAI and ZI, that is, changes and transformations. Stars Tian Yi, Guan Gui, De He, Fu Ma, Po Zi, Qu Jiao.

JIA Wu , Metal. The thinnest metal melted a hundred times. Loves Water, Wood and Soil. Stars Jin Shen, De He, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

I WEI , Metal. Metal remaining after melting in a furnace. Loves big Fire and Soil. Stars Hua Gai, Jie Lu, Qu Jiao, Po Zi.

BING SHEN , Fire. Fire in the wild from white reeds. Loves autumn, winter, and also Trees. Stars Ping Tou, Long Ya, Da Bai, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

DING Yu , Fire, Wonderful reflection of spirits and gods. Fire without form. Loves the signs XU, CHEN, CHOU and WEI. Stars Tian Yi, Xi Shen, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Long Ya, Da Bai.

WU XU , Tree. Stems of dry wormwood. Loves Fire, as well as spring and summer. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ba Zhuan, Zhang Xing, Jie Lu.

JI HAI , Tree. Wormwood leaves. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Stars Q Yue Zi, Qu Jiao.

GEN ZI , Soil. Voids in the soil. Space in a room, house. Loves Wood and also Metal. Stars Mu De He, Zhang Xing.

XIN CHOU , Soil. Grave Hill. Loves Wood, as well as Fire and spring. Stars Hua Gai, Xuan Zhen, Que Zi.

REN YIN , Metal. Metal Jewelry. He loves Wood, as well as weak Fire, the Stars of Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI MAO , Metal. Metal buttons, fasteners, bells. Loves strong Fire and autumn. Stars Gui Ren, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

JIA CHEN , Fire. Lamp. Loves the night, as well as Water. Doesn't like the day. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

AND SY , Fire. Lamp light. Similar to the previous one, and also loves the signs of Shen, Yu and autumn. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Da Bai, Qu Jiao, Que Zi.

BIN U , Water. Lunar disk. Loves the night and also autumn. Water in bloom. Stars Xi Shen, Yang Ren, Jiao Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Xuan Zhen.

DING WEI , Water. Light of Water. Just like the previous sign. Stars Hua Gai, Yang Ren, Tui Shen, Ba Zhuan, Ping Tou, Po Zi.

WU SHEN , Soil. Soil on an autumn field. Loves the signs SHEN and YU, as well as Fire. Stars Fu Xing, Fu Ma, Zhang Xing, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

JI Yu , Soil. Rice in the autumn field. Loves the signs SHEN and YU, as well as winter. Stars Tui Shen, Jie Lu, Jiu Chou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Po Zi, Long Ya.

GEN XU , Metal. Remains of a dagger and sword. Loves weak Fire and Wood. Stars Hua Gai, Zhang Xing.

XIN HAI , Metal. Massive objects, bells and tripods. Loves Wood, Fire, and also Soil. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Xuan Zhen.

REN ZI , Tree. A tree damaged by excess water. Loves Fire, Soil, and also summer. Stars Yang Ren, Jiu Chou, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI CHOU , Tree. A tree damaged by lack of water. Loves Metal, Water, and also autumn. Stars Hua Gai, Fu Xing, Ba Zhuan, Po Zi, Que Zi, Yang Ren.

JIA YIN , Water. Rain. Loves summer, as well as Fire. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Fu Shen, Ba Zhuan, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen, Long Ya.

And MAO , Water. Dew. Loves Water and Fire. Stars Jian Lu, Xi Shen, Ba Zhuan, Jiu Dao, Qu Jiao, Xuan Zhen.

BIN CHEN , Soil. Embankment, shore. Loves Metal and Wood. Stars Lu Ku, Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING SY , Soil. Soil in a swamp. Loves Fire, as well as the North-West. Stars Lu Ku, Ping Tou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao.

Wu Wu , Fire. Disk of the sun. In summer people fear him, but in winter people love him. Avoids the signs WU ZI, JI CHOU, JIA YIN, AND MAO. Stars Fu Shen, Yang Dao, Jiu Chou, Ban Zhang, Xuan Zhen.

JI WEI , Fire. Sunlight. Doesn't like the night. He is also afraid of the four. Stars Hua Gai, Yang Dao, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Po Zi.

GEN SHEN , Tree, pomegranate flowers. Loves summer. Doesn't like autumn and winter. Stars Jian Lu Ma, Ba Zhuan, Zhang Xing, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

XIN YU , Tree. Pomegranate seeds. Loves autumn and also summer. Stars Jian Lu, Jiao Shen, Jiu Chou, Ba Zhuan, Xuan Zhen, Long Ya.

REN XU , Water. Sea. Loves spring, summer, and also trees. Stars Hua Gai, Tui Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Zhang Xing.

GUY HAI , Water. All rivers. Loves Metal, Soil, Fire. Stars Fu Ma, Da Bai, Po Zi, Jie Lu.

In its most developed form, the gan-zhi system was used, among other things, for predictions using the concept of wu-xing.

YearPinyinTranscriptionYin and YangFive elementsZodiac animal
1甲子jiǎ-zǐjia tzu阳 Yang木 Tree鼠 Mouse
2乙丑yǐ-chǒui-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
3丙寅bǐng-yinbin-yin阳 Yang火 FireTiger
4丁卯dīng-mǎoding-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
5戊辰wù-chenwu-chen阳 Yang土 EarthDragon
6己巳jǐ-sìji-si阴 Yin蛇 Snake
7庚午gēng-wǔgen-u阳 YangMetal馬 Horse
8辛未xīn-wèixin-wei阴 YinSheep
9壬申ren-shēnren-shen阳 YangWaterMonkey
10癸酉guǐ-yǒugui-yu阴 YinRooster
11甲戌jiǎ-xūchia-xu阳 Yang木 TreeDog
12乙亥yǐ-hàie-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
13丙子bǐng-zǐbingzi阳 Yang火 Fire鼠 Mouse
14丁丑dīng-chǒuding-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
15戊寅wù-yínwu-yin阳 Yang土 EarthTiger
16己卯jǐ-mǎoji mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
17庚辰gēng-chéngeng-chen阳 YangMetalDragon
18辛巳xīn-sìxin-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
19壬午rén-wǔren-wu阳 YangWater馬 Horse
20癸未guǐ-wèigui-wei阴 YinSheep
21甲申jiǎ-shēnchia-shen阳 Yang木 TreeMonkey
22乙酉yǐ-yǒui-yu阴 YinRooster
23丙戌bǐng-xūbing xu阳 Yang火 FireDog
24丁亥dīng-hàiding-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
25戊子wù-zǐwu-tzu阳 Yang土 Earth鼠 Mouse
26己丑jǐ-chǒuji-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
27庚寅gēng-yingen-yin阳 YangMetalTiger
28辛卯xīn-mǎoxin mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
29壬辰ren-chenren-chen阳 YangWaterDragon
30癸巳guǐ-sìgui-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
31甲午jiǎ-wǔjia-wu阳 Yang木 Tree馬 Horse
32乙未yǐ-wèiYi-wei阴 YinSheep
33丙申bǐng-shēnBing Shen阳 Yang火 FireMonkey
34丁酉dīng-yǒuding-yu阴 YinRooster
35戊戌wù-xūwu-xu阳 Yang土 EarthDog
36己亥jǐ-hàiji-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
37庚子gēng-zǐgengzi阳 YangMetal鼠 Mouse
38辛丑xīn-chǒuHsin-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
39壬寅ren-yinren-yin阳 YangWaterTiger
40癸卯guǐ-mǎogui-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
41甲辰jiǎ-chenjia-chen阳 Yang木 TreeDragon
42乙巳yǐ-sìi-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
43丙午bǐng-wǔbin-u阳 Yang火 Fire馬 Horse
44丁未dīng-wèiding-wei阴 YinSheep
45戊申wù-shēnwu-shen阳 Yang土 EarthMonkey
46己酉jǐ-yǒuji-yu阴 YinRooster
47庚戌gēng-xūgeng xu阳 YangMetalDog
48辛亥xīn-hàihsin-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
49壬子rén-zǐrenzi阳 YangWater鼠 Mouse
50癸丑guǐ-chǒugui-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
51甲寅jiǎ-yínjia yin阳 Yang木 TreeTiger
52乙卯yǐ-mǎoi-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
53丙辰bong-chenBing-chen阳 Yang火 FireDragon
54丁巳dīng-sìdin-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
55戊午wù-wǔooh阳 Yang土 Earth馬 Horse
56己未jǐ-wèiji-wei阴 YinSheep
57庚申gēng-shēngeng shen阳 YangMetalMonkey
58辛酉xīn-yǒuxin-yu阴 YinRooster
59壬戌ren-xūren-xu阳 YangWaterDog
60癸亥guǐ-hàigui-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
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