What does the Imperial Lamp mean in Bazi?

Demon of Destruction In Ba Zi Meaning In Beat

If there are too many Spirits in a card, this is also not very good.
This gives a person’s inner world disorder. If, for example, more than three spirits or demons gather in the day pillar, then it is believed that it is very difficult to have a partnership with such a person (the Earthly branch of the day pillar is responsible for partnerships), since the person is subject to frequent mood swings. On the other hand, he can be so self-confident that it is very difficult for his partner to endure this. The Noble Celestial Unit is a very sensitive Spirit. If the Earthly branch, which is the Noble of the Heavenly Unit, falls into combinations such as collision, punishment, injury, emptiness, then he gets scared and cannot open up and show his noble qualities.


September 2022

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Demon of robbery according to ba zi

The demon of robbery can influence different areas of human life and manifest itself very individually. And when the enemy has many faces, it is difficult to recognize him. It is not for nothing that the Chinese consider this demon the most harmful, because the Demon of Robbery creates situations fraught with losses.

The Chinese fear this demon most of all, because its main function is loss and loss. If it is present in the Ba Tzu chart, then this means that the risk of the threat of losing something increases. Such loss can be both material and spiritual in nature.

Okulesitsa Forum

Yes, only the wording is somewhat different - symbolically it is believed that the house of marriage in the chart is the place where our partner will live, so the inclusion of elements and stars favorable for him there is of course a plus, but at the same time, the negativity of one’s own stars in the presence of such, no one cancels.

will they influence the map - will they influence the map in those years when the conditions for canceling the emptiness are formed + the emptiness in the map and in the pillars really requires a more detailed consideration since it may not be completely empty; the conditions for canceling the emptiness may already be laid down in it.

Meaning of Demon of Destruction in Ba Zi

Difficulties in translation from Chinese have led to the fact that there are several versions of the name of this demon. In addition to the most common Demon of Destruction, there are Angel of Death, Star of Loss and Spirit of Oblivion. The last name can be considered very characteristic. This spirit creates psychological fears in the human mind and prevents reasonable attempts to overcome them. The basis of these emotions may be unpleasant childhood memories, unbridled sexual fantasies in youth, or complexes that develop in adulthood.

In the presence of the Demon of Destruction, favorable dates must be chosen carefully. Its negative influence intensifies in a weak qi phase. Indecisiveness and fear of responsibility can negate all potential advantages. It happens that, unconsciously trying to overcome the power of a demon, a person shows suspicion of others and their advice. He simply does not listen to them, believing that they are trying to deceive him and use him in the interests of others. When trying to dissuade him, he may lie even to those closest to him or fall into uncontrollable aggression. This behavior often leads to denial of norms of behavior, conflicts with the law, and even ending up in prison. In a mild form, everything can end in self-isolation, alcoholism and personality disintegration.

Demon of robbery in ba zi meaning

Here we are talking about such an influence when, under the influence of Spirits or Demons, a person performs forced actions (reacts to situations in a certain way), leading him to success or failure. We can say that under the influence of Spirits/Demons, a person himself becomes the Spirit of Good Luck or the Demon of Failure, since he himself influences his destiny through his actions.

The lunar year has nothing to do with the 12 animals. The new solar year begins on February 4-5 and never in January. The Spirits of Good Luck and the Demons of Failure, as well as the ten personality types, describe the character traits of the person in whose chart they are present.

Angel of death, demon of robbery, sheep's knife and other “horrors”

Plus, this palace is empty and there is a sheep’s knife there - this adds to the unfavorability of the palace. As a result, he had to be more careful in his travels and actions. The parents' palace is also activated - this is an unfavorable palace for him, and it is very strong, given the season of the rat. 2002 activates the Dui Palace, which has a movie sign, so he went to make a movie this year, but this palace began to further strengthen the unfavorable resource palace. As a result, Kan Palace has become very strong, and it can feed the Life Palace too much, and this should not be done.

If the sign of “Sheep Knife” appears in a chart with “Luck in Personal Life”, such a person, as a rule, gets a happy life in a marital relationship. This happens when the Yin Soil personality was born on the day of the Sheep. If there is a “seventh murderer” in the map, then a person can easily take the criminal path.

Demon of Destruction In Ba Zi Meaning In Beat

But if the demon is in its bad manifestation, and even duplicated in the map or with tact, then this is sad. The person is very pessimistic and is sure in advance that his plans will not come true. People with such a demon, for example, can be so afraid of flying by plane that traveling for them turns into enormous stress, to the point of hysteria.

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Interesting article! Tell me, if this Demon of Destruction is in the Palace of Risk, does this mean that you can’t take risks and you need to be careful in everything?

Feng Shui and Ba Tzu

If the Demon of Destruction is in a strong Qi phase, then the person has a good analytical mind, everything should be very clear for him, everything should be analyzed. This is the exact opposite of repression. Then this Demon becomes a tool that can be used in any business, this is the direct opposite of repression.

Yesterday I spent a long time searching all over the Internet for scraps of information on symbolic stars. But yesterday I didn’t have the opportunity to share my knowledge with someone, but today I have it, and it’s great! The fact is that in the health course we did not touch on this topic in any way, and I saw the stars in my chart when I compiled a map on the website https://www.mingli.ru/calculator Naturally, I was interested in what they mean, but Only yesterday I finally got my hands on this information. My attention was immediately drawn to the symbolic star Demon of Destruction. For some reason, of all the stars, it was she who most strongly resonated with my inner state. Despite the menacing name, this star is more like a devil in a still water.

Demon of Destruction

For example, such a Demon of Destruction is found in the bazi of Gennady Zyuganov. He was born on the day of the Rooster and the year of the Monkey. Moreover, the Monkey-Demon here is in a strong phase of the “Imperial Lamps” qi. And indeed, Gennady Andreevich’s sharp mind manifested itself in childhood, when he graduated from school with a silver medal, and immediately after graduation, he worked for a whole year at the same school as a teacher. Later, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Oryol Pedagogical Institute, where he was also captain of the faculty KVN team. We also know how consistent and purposeful a politician Zyuganov is, no matter how we feel about the ideas of the party he leads. However, the influence of the Demon could be reflected in his attachment to the old ideals of bygone times, and in the fear of not receiving deserved recognition. One way or another, the ba-tzu map should be considered comprehensively, for example, we can notice two Nobles>> in Zyuganov’s ba-tzu map, which undoubtedly helped him not to achieve a leading position in the party, but also to stay there for a long time.

How to identify the Demon of Destruction in Bazi? Usually in the Earthly branches there are two points of reference, these are the year and the day. You need to look at the Earthly branch of the person's year or birthday and find it on the left side of the table. Then find the other Earthly branch, meaning Demon, on the right side of the table. And if he is in our bazi chart, it means that we have met our Demon.

Angel of Death or seal of Karma

Today I want to tell you about one of the Symbolic Stars, which, although considered unfavorable, is very, very interesting. This Star is called the Angel of Death.

It is determined by the day and year of birth of a person.

Year/day of birth Angel of Death

Rat, Monkey, DragonPig
Bull, Snake, RoosterMonkey
Tiger, Horse, DogSnake
Rabbit, Goat, PigTiger

To find this Star in your Chart, you need to calculate your Birth Chart. This can be done on the website 8zi.ru. For example, the date of birth is August 15, 1964, 21:47.

For this person, both year and day, the Angel of Death is a Pig. We see that the Pig is in the Chart in the hour pillar. As you can see, finding the Angel of Death is very, very simple.

Despite such a terrible name, this star symbolizes a person’s internal problems, his fears, complexes, grievances, internal pain, which, unfortunately, prevent a person from leading a full life.

People who have the Angel of Death in their birth charts are very sensitive, they take everything to heart, most often they are very wary of the world around them, they expect tricks and dangers, and it is difficult for them to establish good relationships with other people.

As a rule, in this case, problems come from childhood or from past lives. In addition, the Angel of Death can bring problems with the law, authorities, makes people make stupid mistakes when signing documents, provokes legal proceedings, sometimes even imprisonment.

The Angel of Death can also bring health problems. Therefore, if you find it in your Card, be sure to do yoga, qigong, take vitamins, give up smoking and alcohol, try to lead the healthiest lifestyle possible, and meditate a lot.

Despite the fact that many consider the Angel of Death only in the context of the Map, we have been convinced more than once that it also works in time periods.

Therefore, be careful in the years, months and days of your Angel of Death. Take care of your health, see your doctor once again, maintain your energy. Be sure to do charity work!

Be careful with documents, papers, do not break rules and laws. If the Angel of Death stands in the palace of marriage (at the birthday), then there is a chance that the marriage will end in a loud divorce lawsuit.

Therefore, it is a rather bad idea to get married during the periods of your Angel of Death, and if you do this, you definitely need to draw up a marriage contract, just in case. By the way, during the days of your Angel of Death, you should not decide important issues, sign documents, take out loans, lend money, etc.

Some Masters speak of the Angel of Death as a karmic star. And if there is an Angel of Death in a person’s chart, this indicates karmic work-off and what happened in his past lives.

If the Angel of Death stands in the pillar of the month, then most likely in a past life the person did not behave quite correctly with his parents. Perhaps he left them, did not remember them, did not look after them, was in no way interested in their fate...

Therefore, very often such a person may have a difficult relationship with his parents, his parents may die early, not take part in his life, etc.

If the Angel of Death is on the birthday, then something was not ok with a person’s personal life, perhaps he betrayed, cheated, hurt, broke hearts.. Therefore, relationships may not work out, the loss of a spouse, a break in relationships is possible...

If the Angel of Death stands at the hour, this is a karmic work-off associated with children. It may be quite difficult to conceive a child, or your relationship with your children may not be going well.

The Angel of Death in the year of birth may indicate problems in a person’s family that he needs to work out in this life.

In general, the presence of this star in the Map, according to one version, may indicate that a person has questions with karma. There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to work through it.

If, for example, the Angel of Death stands in your marriage palace, this does not mean that you will not have to wait for happiness in your personal life.

It often happens that in such a situation the first marriage is quite difficult and does not go well, but the next relationship is very happy.

And there are cases when, even with the presence of this star, people live happily together all their lives, because they work a lot on themselves and work through Karma in other ways.

Please remember the main rule: NEVER perceive symbolic stars, or other techniques, as a sentence. Think of them as advisors. After all, they indicate areas where there may be problems and where maximum attention and effort should be directed. And thanks to them, we can spread a straw, minimize all the negativity and use it for our benefit.

By the way, in conclusion I would like to note that there are no absolutely bad or good stars. Even the Angel of Death, under certain conditions, bestows success in literature, a sharp mind, success in politics, and the ability to manage others.

The influence of a star depends on many factors, the usefulness of the element, the Qi phase, and proximity to other Stars. We will talk about this in more detail in the “Magic of Symbolic Stars” course, which will start very soon. We will also talk about the Angel of Death, we will learn to determine its strength, we will talk about how to work through karmic things, what to do to neutralize the negative.

Join us and discover even more secrets about the Symbolic Stars.

More details>>>

Psychology and socionics

Symbolic stars are conventionally divided into the so-called Spirits of Good Luck, which have a positive influence, and the unfavorable Demons of Failure. The line between “good” and “bad” symbolic stars is quite arbitrary. Much depends on what element this or that symbolic star has - whether it is useful to a person or not.

In last year's newsletter, we already touched on the topic of symbolic stars. It was said that some symbolic stars are common to all of us and are determined based on combinations of various operators of the date in question, and some symbolic stars are individual. Individual symbolic stars differ both in the method of their definition (in different Bazi schools, approaches to defining symbolic stars may differ) and in the direction of use. Some of them are used in the practice of Ba Zi. Some when choosing favorable dates for a particular event. Other symbolic stars are used in other practices.

The influence of the symbolic stars of Ba Zi on a person’s destiny

Although the symbolic stars are virtual, since they are calculated using formulas, their interpretation occupies a significant place in the Ba Zi system. The Noble Man star is considered almost the most favorable. It symbolizes unexpected luck, support, and outside help. Not only people, but also a guardian angel and higher powers can act as assistants. A person who has this star is lucky in life. He easily solves any problems, gets out of unpleasant situations with minimal losses, and is lucky in the financial sphere. This star does not always manifest itself; sometimes its influence can be destroyed by another.

In the practice of Ba Zi, the stars of Self-Punishment indicate that its owner is unknowingly making life difficult for himself. A person, due to his inattention, absent-mindedness, personal judgments and prejudices, creates problems for himself. Rash actions lead to troubles, and as a result, the owner of the star does not know peace. This influence can easily be neutralized or at least smoothed out by constantly working on yourself.

Ba Zi Reference Book “Symbolic Stars”

In ancient times, in China, fate was read precisely by the Symbolic stars. This is a very interesting, informative section, take my word for it. But this requires knowing the characteristics of symbolic stars.

Here are the characteristics of the most popular symbolic stars of Ba Zi, combinations and tables with calculations of symbolic stars.

List of symbolic stars:

Auspicious Stars (Spirits of Fortune)

  • Noble man
  • Three consecutive noble
  • Star of the Helpers
  • Lunar Virtue
  • Heavenly Virtue
  • Heavenly joy
  • Noble with luck in personal life
  • Noble heavenly power, control
  • Noble heavenly cuisine
  • Noble heavenly fortune
  • Noble right size
  • Noble literature
  • Noble Taiji
  • Noble man of the state (heavenly) seal
  • Noble man of the star of happiness
  • Noble man of wealth
  • Three mystics
  • Dragon Spirit
  • Golden Spirit
  • Blooming canopy
  • General of the monthly pillar
  • General's Star
  • Red Luan
  • Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks
  • Storage
  • Golden carriage
  • Star encouragement and celebration
  • traveling horse
  • School Classroom and Word Pavilion
  • Academician's star
  • Yansky region
  • Sky Medic
  • Heaven and Hell Network

Unfavorable Stars (Demons of Bad Luck)

  • Void Star
  • Annihilation Star
  • Plunder Star
  • Bloody knife
  • Evening dawn
  • flying knife
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Disaster Star
  • Sha fetters and shackles Sha separation angle
  • Funeral doors, hanged
  • Tomb
  • Sheep knife
  • Fifth Spirit
  • White Tiger
  • Heavenly dog
  • Legal confusion
  • steel broom
  • Romance Star
  • Flower of romance
  • Star of beauty and illusions
  • Salty pond
  • Lonely Phoenix
  • lonely planet
  • Shelter of loneliness
  • Original constellation
  • yin yang error
  • Kuigang (Faikong)
  • Bankruptcy Star
  • Networks of heaven and earth
  • Personal Destroyer
  • Seasonal Destroyer
  • Eight Zhuan
  • Six troubles
  • Ten vices (nine chow)
  • Demon of relationship destruction
  • Flathead Demon
  • Double drake

Reference format pdf. You can not only study it on your computer or tablet, but also print it out.

Symbolic stars in the Bazi map

Star of Speech

This symbolic star has almost the same meaning as the Star of Education. Gives determination, desire for victories, ability for literature, learning, gaining wealth, prestige and social status. With a strong Qi phase and the absence of negative stars and damage, it brings a person fame, recognition, success, wealth, and high social status.

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Cash vault

It is believed that in order to become truly rich, it is very desirable to have a money vault in your bazi card. Yang Fire or Yin Fire - Ox Yang Earth or Yin Earth - Dragon Yang Metal or Yin Metal - Goat Yang Water or Yin Water - Dog Yang Tree or Yin Tree - all four animals - Your money vaults :). How to Find the Money Vault Star in the Bazi Chart

Astrology and Tarot Forum

The Demon of Annihilation is a problem hidden within man himself. May bring low self-esteem. If it is useful, then the negative effect is mitigated. These can be experiences, complexes that prevent a person from leading a full life. Such a Demon gives a person subconscious fears and a feeling of failure, and this prevents him from achieving success in his profession or building a full-fledged relationship with a partner. This star also contributes to making mistakes in documents. In a strong qi phase with Wealth, Power and the Right Seal in the chart, the person will be talented and smart. A high qi phase is important for this star, because in the low phase, unpleasant qualities manifest themselves more strongly.

Networks of heaven and hell - there are several varieties here and they are further divided depending on the gender of the native. But in general, it speaks of increased intuition (especially the combination of Dog and Dragon). The Dragon and the Dog are not only psychic abilities. With good indicators, this is also a flair; the person himself may be far from esotericism, but he will have a flair! And under certain indicators, a network of heaven and hell can bring mental problems, including hospitalization.

Secrets from Violetta

Alternative names: Angel of Death, Star of Annihilation, Spirit of Oblivion, Star of Loss, Vang Sha, "Evil Sunset"

The demon of destruction is problems and troubles that arise for some internal reasons. The functions of the Demon of Destruction lie in the unconscious area. Our enemies are our old problems, which we either do not remember or are afraid to admit to ourselves about their existence. These are children's fears and adult complexes, prejudices and bad habits, low self-esteem and painful self-doubt. These are thoughts that emerged from the subconscious that caused strong emotions, frightened and were therefore rejected. This could be, for example, negative sexual experiences in childhood. These experiences cannot be talked about and are painful to think about, so thoughts about them are repressed and later turn into fears and phobias, provoking antisocial behavior and even paranoia.

The demon of destruction is those properties of a person that prevent her from living, but are not realized or recognized. As a result, a person creates obstacles for himself, trying to protect himself from internal fears and doubts.

The Demon of Destruction and Human Life in Society

The demon of destruction, if present in a personal chart, creates in a person’s soul an image of an extremely unfavorable external world, from which one has to constantly defend. For example, in early childhood the baby was shocked and frightened by the behavior of a drunk person. Naturally, she forgot about this situation, but the fear in her soul remained for a long time. Due to a lack of understanding of the situation and strong emotional shock, thoughts and feelings were repressed into the subconscious. And in the future, these experiences, unprocessed by the mind, cause uncontrollable emotional outbursts, affects, and hysterics.

Psychologically, it is very difficult for a person to get rid of the influence of the Demon of Destruction. Since life is given to us in sensations, the feeling of panic fear causes unconscious actions to protect ourselves from possible threats. The subconscious screams: “Danger! Danger!" And a person cannot help but respond to the alarm. In society, this leads to suspicion, social intolerance, and the inability to adapt to the environment. Fears can be transformed, transferred to other objects, causing self-doubt, a premonition of failure, a feeling of uselessness and rejection. This is an extremely painful state for the individual: she has no one to rely on, either in the outside world or within herself.

The classic treatise describes the Demon of Destruction as follows: “The failure of this spirit is not so easy to obtain, one must first exhaust all other means of being unsuccessful. He controls the children and punishes the woman, so that the family is left without offspring. In the professional field, a person becomes very fearful and does not achieve the position and name that he actually deserves. If the Demon of Destruction is inauspicious, poverty sets in and all life is blocked. It is the border, the last line, and the feeling is that a person is walking on thin ice. This Demon is the Evil Sun of the Sunset.”

Demon of destruction and natural energy

The presence of the Demon of Destruction is considered potentially dangerous when choosing favorable dates. On such days, a person becomes very indecisive in the professional sphere; he is not able to effectively negotiate or make responsible decisions.

It is unfavorable if the Demon of Destruction is in a weak qi phase, this increases dependence on it: suspicions and fears grow to the point of paranoia. Among the psychological characteristics that the Demon endows a person with, it is necessary to note the devaluation of one’s own “I”, unconscious actions designed to compensate for the perceived inferiority, and narcissism. Experiences and complexes prevent a person from living fully, building relationships with partners and making a career. In particularly unfavorable cases, the Demon of Destruction can provoke actions related to violation of the law and prosecution. Moreover, the person is confident that his actions are justified by good intentions.

In the phase of luminous qi, the Demon of Destruction acts differently: it is not the repression of thoughts and feelings that dominates, but, on the contrary, a sharp analytical mind, cunning, the ability to diplomacy and the ability to manage others. Demonic talents are especially noticeable in youth; a person early shows himself to be a good strategist and leader: everything planned is carried out on time and in full; difficulties and dangers are eliminated in a timely manner; subordinates are controlled and disciplined. These properties of the Demon of Destruction are further enhanced if it is in the same pillar as the Seventh Position, and also adjacent to Wealth, Power and the Right Seal.

For the positive influence of the Demon of Destruction, a high phase of qi is important, but if the qi is weak, then unpleasant qualities appear much more strongly. If the Demon of Destruction is combined with a strong Daytime dominant, then such a person is almost impossible to defeat or convince. He is so convinced that he is right that he does not accept any arguments at all. And for him there are no authorities!

If the qi phase is weak, then the person is superficial, narrow-minded, with a limited worldview, indifferent to the truth. Typical symptoms of the Demon of Destruction: stubbornness, inability to think critically, suspicion and hostility towards others. A person believes that everyone is using him and setting him up, but he is smarter, more cunning, more prudent! Therefore, he lies all the time to others, including those closest to him. He doesn’t listen to advice, he closes himself off from everything he doesn’t want to accept. He perceives the desire to help as a trap, instantly becomes enraged, puts barriers between himself and people, withdraws into himself and quickly sinks to the bottom of society. The result is drunkenness, drugs, wild life, crime, prison.

Thus, the Demon of Destruction manifests itself in polar ways - absolute clarity and strategist abilities or primitiveness of thinking and distorted perception of reality.

Demon of Destruction: personal chart analysis

The Demon of Destruction is identified by the Earth branch of the day pillar in Ba Zi’s personal chart.

Sheep knife in bazi

In the element of Self-Expression (Spirit of Pleasure) - a person can be a general director, this is a person’s ability to manage an enterprise. The Demon of Annihilation is a problem hidden within man himself. May bring low self-esteem. If it is useful, then the negative effect is mitigated. These can be experiences, complexes that prevent a person from leading a full life. Such a Demon gives a person subconscious fears and a feeling of failure, and this prevents him from achieving success in his profession or building a full-fledged relationship with a partner. This star also contributes to making mistakes in documents. In a strong qi phase with Wealth, Power and the Right Seal in the chart, the person will be talented and smart. A high qi phase is important for this star, because in the low phase, unpleasant qualities manifest themselves more strongly. Heavenly doctor - I haven’t found an interpretation, but the star recommends starting treatment if it is present in the day.

This star is often found in the cards of artists, actors, directors, and creative people. In a strong map, as well as when there are Resources in the pillars, it makes it possible to achieve high social status.

Impact on life in society

A person who has the Demon of Destruction in his chart finds it difficult to fight him. An unconscious feeling of fear gives rise to the desire to isolate oneself from the world around us and the expectation of new troubles from it. This leads to low self-esteem and indecisive actions. A person may be talented and capable of achieving success, but on a subconscious level he is always afraid of something and, as a result, does not use his capabilities to the fullest.

Spirit of Oblivion

An example of such behavior can be the fate of the Russian politician Gennady Zyuganov, in whose Ba Zi chart there is a Demon of Destruction. A successful politician, who has headed a large party for many years, has repeatedly participated in presidential elections with good results. But he never achieved victory in these elections. Moreover, from his behavior it was clear that he himself did not believe in his victory, something inside him prevented him from believing in himself. This is the result of the demon’s action - a good political career never became brilliant due to internal complexes.

But the presence of a demon does not always give a negative result. For some people, the psychological impact of the Spirit of Oblivion, on the contrary, awakens mental acuity and the ability to feel the psychology of other people. In this case, a person can become a diplomat or a successful leader.

Demon of Destruction In Ba Zi Meaning In Beat

But, despite its name, the spirit does not destroy all these phobias. It provokes oblivion, a ban on memories, but preserves them and drives unpleasant thoughts about the past into the subconscious. They remain and continue their destructive influence on a person’s character.

The Sheep Knife or the demon of killing a sheep is a star that gives stubbornness, perseverance, determination, but also hot temper and cruelty. A person with a strong card can bring problems, but a weak card with a sheep's knife can achieve success in the military field.

Demon of Plunder or Star of Thieves

If the Demon of Robbery , then you can stress your children that they should support you in your old age, help and provide for you. Very often there is such a pattern that for parents the Demon of Robbery is in the pillar of the hour , and for the child in the pillar of the month.

Various situations arise in life that a person cannot always cope with. Under the influence of this Demon , people do not always adequately assess their strengths; first they act, and then they think. They can sometimes do stupid things, due to the fact that they cannot adequately assess the situation, figure out where the truth is and where the lies are.

Four pillars of destiny

But the Star itself, for all its attractiveness, is rather weak. She cannot withstand collisions at all, she is afraid of them, in collisions she is destroyed, and with her the whole aura of charm, mystery and special attractiveness is destroyed. A noble person enhances the effect of the Red Luan, granting success in all areas of life. Intelligence, sincerity and charm, the desire to love, the opportunity to get married several times - this is what Red Luan gives to you, the owners of this Star. When a person with a Red Luan is in love, everything works out for him. Red Luan in the year pillar brings irresistible charm and possibly career success. This star works in a beat, year, chart, day, month, hour - everywhere. Well, now, of course, how to find it in your own map. So look for it in your cards, look at the beats, years, months and... even days with your Red Luan. It can bring you happiness that you didn't expect. for the Pig it is the Dragon, for the Rat it is the Rabbit, for the Ox it is the Tiger. for the Tiger - Ox, for the Rabbit - Rat, for the Dragon - Boar, for the Snake - Dog, for the Horse - Rooster. for a Goat - a Monkey, for a Monkey - a Goat, for a Rooster - a Horse, for a Dog - a Snake And now a few words about the Red Bird of illusions and unrealistic hopes.

It is most often considered only in the Pillars of Destiny.

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Red Luan

amazing star. If it is initially there, built into the map, then a person with this star is guaranteed success with the opposite sex. Red Luann, coming in the Tact of Luck or in the year, makes a person simply irresistible. Dear girls and ladies, if there is a Red Luan star in your chart and it is not in conflict, does not meet the Lonely Phoenix, then this star imparts attractiveness and beauty. If a man or girl has Red Luan in their chart, then, as a rule, it is quite easy for them to get married or find a partner. A person’s attractiveness increases when combined with peach blossom. But, Red Luan can bring jealousy and possessiveness into a person's character.

Angel of Death Bazi: current information, step-by-step tips

All Symbolic Stars must be evaluated based on the usefulness of the element. Even negative stars, being in a useful element, can help a person in business. The angel of death, for example, gives eloquence and a sense of humor, the sha of disasters gives the talent of argumentation and winning in debates, the sha of robbery gives the ability to take risks for the good of the cause, etc. But their negativity is not completely canceled.

The star is harmful to health and often indicates the possibility of medical errors and incorrect treatment. If there is an angel of death in a chart or in a period, or a breakdown of the angel of death, you cannot violate criminal or administrative laws. You should not take risks, engage in extreme sports, speed, or drive a motorcycle.

You should also confirm the diagnosis and treatment with other specialists.

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Hello again everyone, I just turned on the recording - everyone is mine, that’s already good. Well, why is it good, I mean that it will not be a surprise to anyone that today I will try to tell you things that interest you. Because I understand that the public is different - in the sense of different levels of knowledge.

I have a rough idea of ​​how I will conduct this webinar, but you know, so clearly. Of course, we wrote to you and I prepared all this. But if suddenly you have completely different requests and desires, I will tell you, and you already know all this. So, in general, I always agree to move on to some topic that is interesting to you.

It will probably not be a surprise to anyone; everyone probably understands that naturally, after the open webinars there will be a closed group.

11:42 — Bazi calculator and how to decipher the Bazi card and find the Symbolic Stars https://npugacheva.com/kalkulyator-ba-.

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Stars in Ba Zi: their meaning and decoding (part 2)

The War Star is often considered a negative sign in a person’s destiny. However, like many other symbolic stars in the Ba Zi, it has a dual meaning.

On the one hand, it says that the owner of this sign is an insidious and cunning person, perhaps even capable of theft or deception.

But on the other hand, this star characterizes smart and purposeful people who know how to carefully think through long-term strategies or plans and achieve their goals no matter what.

However, in some cases it may indicate a serious loss, injury or accident. After all, it can be influenced by some other stars located nearby. Therefore, this symbol does not have a clear interpretation. It is better to ask a specialist about its exact meaning in each specific case.

Constellation Plunder

Another unpleasant sign on the map is the Constellation of Plunder. It suggests that a person is capable of various frauds and dishonest acts, both with money and with any matters in general.

Moreover, he can take away various benefits not only from those around him, but also lose something. This doesn't always apply to money or material things.

Under the influence of this star, he may miss a good chance or a profitable deal.

Types of Ba Zi stars

When they meet their soulmate, they are ready to shower her with warmth and care. But they are often silent and thoughtful, paying insufficient attention to their life partners. This star speaks of difficulties, obstacles, misunderstandings in relationships with the opposite sex, as a result of which a person faces problems in his personal life.

The constellation Vault, called the Grave, is favorable. It means that a person has a vault containing money and jewelry.

If there is more than one Grave in the map, then a person can acquire a large fortune. The constellation forms a connection with such elements as Dog, Ox, Dragon, Goat.

Luck accompanies the Wood element, since it has 4 storages at the same time (while others have one), which portends great wealth.

Star Interpretation – Noble Man, Flower of Romance, Traveling Horse

Symbolic stars in Ba Zi are also called virtual stars, since they are calculated using formulas. They carry true interpretations. One of the most favorable stars is the Noble Man. It symbolizes success in business, luck, support and help from other people.

I Ching - Book of Changes

Symbolic stars of attractiveness in - Ba Tzu

The peach blossom can not only be in the main chart, it can come in rhythm with the year or even the month. At this time, a person will be especially attractive, so this time should be used to find a partner for further life together.

  • If in an hour it is an external flower. He talks about the possibility of betrayal.
  • If there is another 7th position, then this means poverty, humiliation. If there is the right power, and despite the instability of the relationship, it still means a good family life.
  • If the Earthly branch (the peach flower is on it) merges with another earthly branch, then the person has a desire to travel to other countries.
  • If the Qi phase is strong, then the person looks very good, and his sexual instinct is highly developed.
  • If a peach blossom meets the original planet, then the person chooses very difficult partners.
  • And if a peach blossom meets a traveling horse, then we are talking about a woman who has lost everything. Women are cut off from their roots, they can become prostitutes, a complete loss of morality. If it occurs in men, it will go for a walk.
  • If one encounters a noble spirit in one pillar, this guarantees a person a modest existence or there is a chance of access to a reserve that he himself does not know about.
  • If it merges with other earthly branches, then the actions of the peach blossom spread across the map.

Successful and unsuccessful beats in Bazi | Bazi and Astrology

In Chinese Bazi astrology there are 10-year cycles, the impact of which can be compared with firdar periods and directions in Western astrology. A 10-year tact affects the birth chart; under the influence of tact, the map can even change its structure.

In a life of normal duration, a person lives 7-8 cycles, some of which are successful, some of which are unsuccessful. The luckiest people, those who have achieved a lot in life, most often meet successful 10-year cycles at a young age.

It’s worse when a successful tact comes after 50, but even in this case you can live for your pleasure.

Bazi practitioners define a beat as successful or unsuccessful depending on what energy the beat carries and what interactions it enters into with the birth chart. If a tact carries useful elements and enters into useful mergers and collisions, the tact is considered successful. Conversely, an unsuccessful tact brings harmful elements and interactions that are harmful to a person.

However, the very concept of luck needs clarification. It is important to understand the meaning of “luck and failure” as it relates to forecasting.

Signs and features of a successful period

Entering into a successful tact does not mean that you will suddenly win 100 million in the lottery, become richer than Croesus, and will be loved no matter what. It’s just that during a successful period it’s easier to make the right choice of path.

  1. The main map of life is still the birth map, you are limited by its framework. You shouldn’t expect a sharp takeoff; this is possible, but only if the opportunity is in the map. I described an example of a sharp takeoff in an article about top managers
  2. A successful period is, in fact, an expansion of the karmic corridor. The arrival of a set of successful opportunities that are very difficult to pass by. His career is growing, his personal life is improving, and his health does not cause any special problems.
  3. Your mistakes and blunders are not noticed or you get off with a light punishment, you get away with a lot.
  4. A lot works out, partly because in a successful period, intuition leads you to the right decision, and it comes to your mind to do exactly what gives you benefits and joy.
  5. The mood is most often light, joyful, positive, even in difficult periods, which also happen in good timing, it is easier to survive losses, a replacement effect occurs. For example, an alcoholic husband leaves, who was like a suitcase without a handle. Or they fire you from a job where you worked for many years, but you immediately find another one, with a higher salary and career growth.

However, remember that if you don’t have a clear plan for the 10-year period, if you don’t at least have a rough idea of ​​what you will do in each year, even a successful period can be wasted on trifles. Don’t expect it to always be like this, work for yourself, make the most of your luck.

You can find out about your successful and unsuccessful periods, the characteristics of the coming years, and develop an action plan for 10, 20, 30 years by ordering me an analytical forecast of the “Life Line” periods. Find out more here

Signs of a bad period

Everything is exactly the opposite. Narrowing of the karmic corridor, limitation of opportunities,

  1. An unsuccessful period is not a death sentence. This means that a time has come in your life that requires keen attention to detail, a period of composure and clear calculation of all actions.
  2. An unsuccessful period is not always unsuccessful - years come with good elements, when you can improve things and meet the right people.
  3. The basis of an unsuccessful period is a misunderstood situation and incorrectly made decisions, as well as persistence in making wrong decisions. It seems to a person that he is doing everything right, and is about to taxi out, but over and over again he does the wrong thing, in the wrong way, with the wrong people, goes on trips in the direction of the yellow 5, for example) I know cases when During the bad period, people preferred to travel for one year in the direction of 5 on vacation. And then we got into big trouble.
  4. An unsuccessful period is part of a karmic test, but the point of the test is to learn to make the right choice. Therefore, it is especially important to know the essence of your map and the necessary direction of development.

Signs of a bad tact:

A person is fired from his job, he cannot find a new job, or (if his professional position is good) he experiences opposition from his superiors, his career is stalled.

At such moments, many people quit and open their own business in the hope that their business will definitely fail, because... the “nasty” bosses won’t interfere. Business is also not going well, investments are burned out, or everything is barely supported by perseverance and hard work, without any benefit.

If there were outstanding debt obligations, they come to light and creditors find the debtor.

Family problems begin, the person psychologically aggravates the situation, since during an unsuccessful period not the best character traits appear, the person, still in euphoria and an inflated opinion of himself after a successful period, behaves irreconcilably and harshly, which often leads to divorce, cheating and so on.

Chronic sores appear, and a person brushes aside concern for health, causing his condition to worsen, and in some cases. even to death. For women, bad periods are fraught with problems during pregnancy, and sick children are often born.

Often in a bad mood. not even so much because of problems, but out of the blue. Anxiety, stiffness.

The key here is not the emergence of problems out of nowhere, but the fact that a person himself allows troubles to enter his life. And you can always prevent this, lay down straws, if you know what and when to expect.

Demon of Destruction In Ba Zi Meaning In Beat

The Demon of Destruction or the Angel of Death is a problem hidden in a person himself: complexes, subconscious fears, a feeling of failure. May bring trouble with the law and prosecution. However, under certain circumstances it gives a sharp mind, cunning, the ability to diplomacy, and the ability to manage others. Often used when choosing dates as potentially dangerous.

The Sheep Knife or the demon of killing a sheep is a star that gives stubbornness, perseverance, determination, but also hot temper and cruelty. A person with a strong card can bring problems, but a weak card with a sheep's knife can achieve success in the military field.

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