Where to place an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui and how many fish are needed for harmony

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also a generator of family well-being and material wealth. Placing an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui science will help the owner gain peace from watching swimming aquarium fish, as well as attract good luck and positive energy into the house. If the location of the aquarium is incorrect, then happiness will “leak” from the house, so before buying a tank you should find out where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

Aquarium in an apartment: Where to put it, where to place it and what to consider

At first glance, these are very simple questions.
Why choose a place to install the aquarium, put it in a corner and let it stand there.

Neglecting to choose the right place for an aquarium leads to dire consequences for both the aquarium and the apartment.

Why can’t you place an aquarium where it’s simply convenient or where there’s the only free space in a small apartment?

The aquarium can be broken by children, spilled water can flood the neighbors, or the aquarium will be inconvenient to maintain and maintain.

If you don’t care where the aquarium is installed because you bought it at the request of your children, then the damage that a broken aquarium will cause will not leave you indifferent.

And you will be to blame, not the children.


Next on the list of required equipment for an aquarium is a compressor, because it supplies air and aerates the water. When purchasing a device, pay attention to:

  • power;
  • noiselessness;
  • air flow adjustment.

To understand the power you need, you need to multiply the volume of the aquarium by 0.5. Usually the packaging contains information about the power of the device. You can check the noiselessness only by turning on the compressor. Regarding the adjustment of the air flow, it is carried out either by a valve that blocks the flow, or by changing the performance. The second option is more economical in terms of electricity consumption and quieter.

Where is the best place to put an aquarium in an apartment?

Proper installation of an aquarium in an apartment is the first step in starting an aquarium.

This is relevant for large aquariums, since they are difficult to move if it turns out that you placed the aquarium in the wrong place in the apartment.

When choosing a location for an aquarium, assume that the location of the aquarium will be permanent.

You have the exciting task of finding a compromise between installing an aquarium and your understanding of the layout of the interior of the apartment.

Don't place the aquarium near a window

An aquarium installed near a window is exposed to direct sunlight.

This leads to the rapid appearance of green algae and the growth of algae on the glass of the aquarium, which deteriorates the appearance of the aquarium.

Direct sunlight heats the water in the aquarium, which cools quickly after the sun moves away.

Such temperature fluctuations have a negative effect on aquarium fish.

During the summer, direct sunlight can heat an aquarium to temperatures above 34 degrees Celsius, which is lethal to most aquarium fish.

For the same reason, the aquarium is not installed under an air conditioner or next to a heater.

Fish need stable water temperatures.

Do not place the aquarium next to the door, in a noisy place or in a walk-through area

The fish are frightened by sharp slams of the door.

For humans this is not a loud sound, but for fish it is a deafening roar due to the acoustics of the water.

I have seen how fish, frightened by a sharp sound, began to rush around the aquarium, crashing into stones, snags and decorations.

A slamming door keeps aquarium fish under constant stress, which will affect the fish's lifespan and ability to reproduce.

Constant movement past the aquarium frightens aquarium fish as well as loud sounds from a TV or stereo system.

How to properly set up an aquarium at home so that fish and plants feel good?

Beginner aquarists often worry about whether it is possible to place an aquarium in a cool or hot place, in a draft or in a stuffy room...

But the site sympaty.net can reassure you - the location of the “indoor pond” practically does not affect the comfort of aquatic inhabitants. This is because in any case you will have to equip the glass container with lighting, aeration and thermoregulation. Even the most demanding fish and plants are absolutely indifferent to whether their “home” is in the most visible place in the living room or somewhere in a dark corridor.

Artificial light and heating compensate for any unfavorable environmental conditions!

The only rule is that the aquarium should not be placed where there is direct sunlight for more than an hour a day . The sunlight causes algae to multiply rapidly - the walls turn green, and the water “blooms”. Also, some types of fish do not tolerate excessively high temperatures (although not all!), so you should either not place the aquarium in rooms where it is too hot in summer, or select only tropical fish that adapt well to high water temperatures.

Where should the aquarium be located in the apartment?

Do not place the aquarium on the floor. It should be on a nightstand or small chest of drawers.

The installation surface of the aquarium must support the weight of the aquarium with a margin. Also, the installation surface must be flat.

The weight of a 100-liter aquarium, including water, soil, plants and decorations, is 110-130 kg.

An uneven surface under the aquarium can break the glass. Use leveling pads when installing on uneven surfaces.

A slight distortion will cause the aquarium water to press its entire mass in one direction, which will lead to squeezing out the glass of the aquarium.

Aquariums from well-known manufacturers are designed for installation with a slight distortion and are able to withstand increased pressure on one side.

Homemade aquariums or aquariums from unknown Chinese manufacturers may not have such a safety margin.

The misalignment of the installed aquarium leads to glass squeezing out, followed by water spilling throughout the apartment.

Aquariums larger than 200-300 liters are best installed in a corner.

Such an installation location creates less pressure on the ceiling of the apartment than installation in the center of the room.

This point is very important for defective or wooden interfloor floors.

Place the aquarium near an outlet

Having an electrical outlet near the aquarium makes it easier to connect aquarium equipment: lighting, heater and compressor.

Sockets should not be located below the level of the aquarium to avoid short circuits when water enters.

In the event of a leak or spill of water from the aquarium, you risk getting burned electrical wiring in the apartment as a bonus to the installation.

A 200-liter aquarium is half a standard bath of water.

Provide easy access to water

Aquariums require regular water changes and it is very inconvenient to walk with a bucket of water across the entire apartment to the back room.

In small apartments this problem is not so pronounced, but proximity to water makes it easier to solve many aquarium problems, from changing water to washing the aquarium filter.

Leave some free space around the aquarium

There should be enough free space around the aquarium to allow easy access to the aquarium for maintenance.

alternative to floor slabs in a private house

Otherwise, you will rarely maintain the aquarium due to the inconvenience of not having the necessary space.

As a result, this results in an ordinary home swamp instead of a beautiful aquarium.

How to install an aquarium according to the canons of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an entire art that is inaccessible to most mortals.

Observing the canons of installation according to Feng Shui, you can install an aquarium anywhere in the apartment, because subtle Chinese energies do not penetrate the wide open spaces of Russia.



If you have decided on the aquarium, let's move on to the next important stage - choosing a cabinet for it. Of course, the tank can be placed on any other flat, stable surface, but still the cabinet is a convenient and useful thing. For example, you can store things for caring for your aquarium in it.

When deciding to buy a cabinet, consider the main points:

  • it must be moisture resistant;
  • durable, easily supporting the weight of a filled tank;
  • It is desirable that it be on adjustable legs.

To avoid deformation of the cabinet under the weight of the aquarium, some opt for a metal product.
But such a cabinet will cost more. Did you know? Researchers from the USA have found that people who have an aquarium at home are more successful in their careers, creativity and personal relationships. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the owners of artificial reservoirs watch the fish every day before going to bed and always wake up cheerful and in a good mood.

Where to put an aquarium in an apartment

Near the outlet

One aquarium requires about 4 sockets to connect the backlight, filter, and heater. If there are no outlets in the chosen location, you will need to run extension cords across the room. And this will not only lead to inconvenience in operation, but will also spoil the aesthetic side of the room. For safety, sockets should be located above the aquarium. Because if water leaks, it will lead to a short circuit.

In a location with easy access to water

Proper keeping of fish involves regular water changes. If you place an aquarium in the farthest room, you will have to carry buckets of water throughout the apartment. And this is not very convenient and practical. Therefore, it is better to place the fish in close proximity to the bathroom.

Leave some space around the aqua

The aquarium requires regular care and maintenance. There should be free space around it for these purposes. In addition to access to the front and side walls, it is advisable to leave room for servicing the rear wall. For convenient water changes, there should be at least 30-40 cm of free space above the aquarium.

Install in a quiet place

All fish are shy by nature. They cannot tolerate vibrations, electric fields and loud sounds. Installing an aquarium in a noisy and crowded place will lead to constant stress for underwater inhabitants. It is better to place ponds with fish away from the TV, computer, stereo systems and other sources of loud sounds.

Feng Shui installation

According to Feng Shui, a container of water located in the wrong place can harm the overall atmosphere of the house. But keep in mind that when installing an aquarium, first of all, you should take into account the interests of aquatic inhabitants. They should feel as comfortable and cozy as possible.

In order not to disturb the harmony in the house, the aquarium is installed in the north side of the apartment, on the left side of the door. Placing the underwater kingdom in the corner of the room symbolizes secret happiness in the house. But next to the sleeping area and in small rooms, you should not place a container with water.

Important: according to Feng Shui, ponds with fish cannot be placed between doors, in bedrooms, or above a ceiling beam.


Some aquarists prefer artificial plants. Yes, there is no hassle with them, you just have to clean them of plaque a couple of times a year, but there will be no benefit from such plants either, but there is a lot of benefit from the “natural product”. It’s not for nothing that living vegetation is called the “lungs” of an aquarium - it really releases oxygen, and some specimens also serve as food for fish, as well as a place for spawning.

The hardiest grass is Vallisneria. It takes root without problems, grows quickly, and is unpretentious in care. Thin long light green leaves of Vallisneria perfectly drape the back wall of the tank. Ludwigia repens, bacopa, and rotalla are good for the middle part. You can also put a piece of driftwood with Java moss.

The foreground will be perfectly complemented by dwarf Anubias, which somewhat resembles a liana. It grows slowly, so it won't cause much trouble. You can also take something from Echinodorus. Under favorable conditions, they also bloom on the surface of the water, but flowering can also occur under it.

Where is it better not to put an aquarium in an apartment?

Do not install near a window

It is not recommended to place the aquarium in direct sunlight, but rather choose a dark place. The fish just need to install the backlight. Bright daylight will only promote the growth of microscopic green algae in the water, which will cover all the walls and spoil the color of the water. In addition, under the influence of sunlight, the water will heat up greatly during the day and drop 10 degrees lower at night. This will negatively affect the health of the fish. This is why it is prohibited to place ponds on window sills. A good choice for placing an aquarium is the eastern side of the apartment. It is advisable to choose a wall. Opposite from the window or perpendicular to it. Don't make the mistakes of beginner aquarists.

Don't place it near the door

Placing a pond with fish near the door will scare them every time the door slams. Due to the acoustic properties of water, the sound of the door opening and closing is deafening for fish. For this reason, the fish will regularly receive stress, which will have a bad effect on their well-being and longevity. Out of fear, they will rush around the aquarium, crashing into snags, stumps, glass, and stones.

Do not place under an air conditioner or near a heater

It is not recommended to install a pond with its inhabitants and near heating devices. Since they will constantly raise and lower the temperature, and aquatic inhabitants do not like such changes. Moreover, next to the radiator, the water can warm up above 26 degrees Celsius. And for most fish, this temperature range is life threatening.

Do not place the aquarium in places where you constantly move

When installing a pond in a passage room where apartment residents regularly walk, the fish will become stressed. Therefore, it is better to place the aquarium in a place where it is quiet, calm and dark.

Don't put it on the floor

Placing an underwater kingdom on the floor risks the fact that it can simply be broken. If there are small children in the house, they may accidentally hit the glass walls with a toy or any other object. Aquariums should be installed on special cabinets, stands, coffee tables, and chests of drawers. The main thing is that the piece of furniture can withstand the load. After all, when filling even a small container with water, the product becomes heavy. And in addition to water, it contains decorations, stumps, and soil.

When installing the aquarium, you need to make sure that the surface is perfectly flat and smooth. Otherwise, under the influence of great gravity, cracks will appear in the glass over time. It is also unacceptable to install large containers of water with skewed sides. This will result in deformation of the corners. This is especially true for home-made products, the production of which does not comply with all technologies. Read about how to choose an aquarium in this article.

Attention: the ideal option is to place the underwater kingdom in a corner near the wall.


Everyone understands that this device must certainly be in the aquarium, because without it it will not be possible to maintain cleanliness and order. There are four types of filters:

  • bottom;
  • external;
  • interior;
  • canister

The bottom apparatus is placed under the soil, which is used as a filter element.
At the same time, the soil does not sour, which is important. But the complexity of installation and further maintenance is its big drawback. It is not particularly suitable for a home aquarium. An external filter, as you already understood, is installed outside the water. And this is very convenient, since there will be no problem taking it out to wash it. Check out the top 10 best aquarium plants.

Such elements allow you to clean your water with three types of filtration. The most budget option is an internal filter. True, it is relatively small, so you will have to place the filter media in it often. It is this option that is most often found in home aquariums. A canister filter is essentially another type of external filter. Only in comparison with the latter, its filter media are located vertically. You can place it directly in the aquarium cabinet or on the floor. Includes all of the above methods of water filtration. Which filter to choose is a matter of taste. Go with what is more convenient for you. And, of course, pay attention to the quality of the device.

What is the best location for an aquarium?

When choosing the location of the aquarium, you need to take into account the following points:

• First you need to decide in which room you will place it. In most cases, people prefer to have an aquarium in their living room so that they can look at their fish during their leisure hours. However, you may have special considerations for choosing some other location for it. These include other items on this list, as well as everyday issues, for example, the desire to keep the carpet, wallpaper, etc. intact.

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• Desirable dimensions of the aquarium in relation to the available free space.

• Accessibility – if you are considering installing a large aquarium. Can you carry the aquarium through doorways, around corners, or through a window to your chosen location?

• Durability of a wooden floor. A large aquarium filled with water can weigh a ton or more. This may require professional advice. The orientation of the aquarium in relation to the load-bearing beams supporting the floor is very important. Except in the case of relatively small aquariums, the length of the aquarium should be perpendicular to the direction of the beams so that the load is distributed over as many beams as possible. The aquarium should be located against the wall, where it supports the beams and therefore their load-bearing capacity is maximum.

• Electricity supply. Ideally, the aquarium should be located as close to an electrical outlet as possible. If this is not possible, use an electrical extension cord. But remember that it must be firmly secured in place (for example, attached to the baseboard). It should not be left free. He must walk along the edge of the room and in no case take the shortest route under the carpet.

• Water supply and access to water. Most often it happens that there is no water supply in the room where the aquarium is located. However, think very carefully before placing even a very small aquarium, for example, in a bedroom located in the attic, if the water supply and access to water are very inconvenient.

• Observation of the aquarium. You should be able to see the aquarium without having to move the surrounding furniture. In addition, the aquarium should be at a convenient height for observation when viewed from the intended observation location.

• Calmness of fish. Some fish don't like to be constantly disturbed - for example, if people walk by all the time. At the same time, fish can become too timid and afraid of people if they are locked in a room where no one walks at all. For most fish, the best option is to place the aquarium in a room that is regularly visited, but away from the usual routes of household members. Children and animals should be taught not to unnecessarily disturb fish or not to allow them into the room where the aquarium is located unless under supervision.

• Risk of damage. Do not place the aquarium where a piece of furniture (such as a chair) could accidentally hit the glass and break it.

• Risk of poisoning from smoke, aerosols, etc. (see Chapter 21, Section 1.2.1).

• Other features of the room. The aquarium should not be placed near radiators or too close to other heating devices in the room due to the risk of overheating. Placing your aquarium near a window that receives strong sunlight all day or midday can also cause overheating and algae problems.

This may all sound scary, but remember that millions of people have faced the same problems and solved them successfully. True, some of the points listed above are based on their mistakes!

Is it possible to make an aquarium without any equipment at all?

It would seem that the question is, to put it mildly, inappropriate. How is this possible without equipment? How can this be? In fact, an aquarium can be organized without the help of various technical means, here is an article about one of the options for such an aquarium.

By and large, a completely full-fledged aquarium can be organized even in an ordinary liter jar, don’t believe me? Then look here. The only point is that you must maintain a clear balance between the inhabitants in such an aquarium. There should be a large number of living plants and a small number of fish, shrimp and other inhabitants. But in most cases this type of aquarium is not suitable due to the fact that you want to place a larger number of the same fish in the aquarium than the aquarium’s biosystem can handle without additional help.

Where is it better not to put an aquarium in an apartment?

Do not install near a window

It is not recommended to place the aquarium in direct sunlight, but rather choose a dark place. The fish just need to install the backlight. Bright daylight will only promote the growth of microscopic green algae in the water, which will cover all the walls and spoil the color of the water. In addition, under the influence of sunlight, the water will heat up greatly during the day and drop 10 degrees lower at night. This will negatively affect the health of the fish. This is why it is prohibited to place ponds on window sills. A good choice for placing an aquarium is the eastern side of the apartment. It is advisable to choose a wall. Opposite from the window or perpendicular to it. Don't make the mistakes of beginner aquarists.

Don't place it near the door

Placing a pond with fish near the door will scare them every time the door slams. Due to the acoustic properties of water, the sound of the door opening and closing is deafening for fish. For this reason, the fish will regularly receive stress, which will have a bad effect on their well-being and longevity. Out of fear, they will rush around the aquarium, crashing into snags, stumps, glass, and stones.

Do not place under an air conditioner or near a heater

It is not recommended to install a pond with its inhabitants and near heating devices. Since they will constantly raise and lower the temperature, and aquatic inhabitants do not like such changes. Moreover, next to the radiator, the water can warm up above 26 degrees Celsius. And for most fish, this temperature range is life threatening.

Do not place the aquarium in places where you constantly move

When installing a pond in a passage room where apartment residents regularly walk, the fish will become stressed. Therefore, it is better to place the aquarium in a place where it is quiet, calm and dark.

Don't put it on the floor

Placing an underwater kingdom on the floor risks the fact that it can simply be broken. If there are small children in the house, they may accidentally hit the glass walls with a toy or any other object. Aquariums should be installed on special cabinets, stands, coffee tables, and chests of drawers. The main thing is that the piece of furniture can withstand the load. After all, when filling even a small container with water, the product becomes heavy. And in addition to water, it contains decorations, stumps, and soil.

When installing the aquarium, you need to make sure that the surface is perfectly flat and smooth. Otherwise, under the influence of great gravity, cracks will appear in the glass over time. It is also unacceptable to install large containers of water with skewed sides. This will result in deformation of the corners. This is especially true for home-made products, the production of which does not comply with all technologies.

Attention: the ideal option is to place the underwater kingdom in a corner near the wall.

Help from outside

You may need help or advice from a professional, as well as additional muscle strength:

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• Builder - to give advice on the strength of the floor. This advice should be sought at a very early stage, as soon as you have a preliminary idea of ​​the desired size of the aquarium and its possible location.

• Help during transportation of the aquarium, as well as to bring it into the house and put it in place. An aquarium longer than 75cm requires at least two people to carry – not only because of its weight, but also because of its volume. Even if the aquarium is smaller, it may still require two people to carry it. In addition, you may need a van or a large car. True, some pet stores themselves provide delivery of large aquariums and even send people to bring them into the house. However, you may still need a helper to lift the aquarium into its intended place if there is any preliminary work to be done before this, such as installing an external background








Another component of aquarium equipment is a heater, which comes in three types:

  • bottom - it is installed in the ground, which has a beneficial effect on plants;
  • external flow - placed outside the tank, cutting into the filter hose, which guarantees uniform heating of the water flow;
  • submersible - lowered into water to a certain mark.

When purchasing, be sure to find out about its power and functionality of the thermostat (it will control the temperature itself and, if necessary, turn the heating on and off).
Important! If the thermostat breaks and switches to heating mode, you can simply cook all the inhabitants of the artificial pond. Therefore, be careful and be sure to ensure that the device is in good working order!

If you don't know what heater power to choose, remember: 1 watt of power per liter of tank volume. But no more!

Where to put an aquarium in an apartment according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also a generator of family well-being and material wealth. Placing an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui science will help the owner gain peace from watching swimming aquarium fish, as well as attract good luck and positive energy into the house. If the location of the aquarium is incorrect, then happiness will “leak” from the house, so before buying a tank you should find out where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.


You can really get lost in the variety of aquarium decor. Today the choice of these products is very large. Let's look at the most basic decorations:

  • castles, caves;
  • pirate theme - ships, chest with coins;
  • glass balls that lie at the bottom like gems;
  • shells, sea pebbles;
  • some beautiful driftwood;
  • artificial corals.

When choosing decorations, the main thing is not to overdo it. Don't turn your aquarium into a landfill. Approach the design of the “fish house” not only with imagination, but also with taste.

Choosing an aquarium according to Feng Shui

Buying an artificial pond is an excellent solution for those people who want a calm and cozy atmosphere at home. The energy of Water helps to establish peace and strengthen relationships in the family, prevent squabbles and discord, and also attract wealth and luck if you place the aquarium according to Feng Shui. It is important to note that it is better to postpone the purchase of an aquarium if the owner of the house is an energetic and active person who does not tolerate peace and quiet well. In this case, it is better to give preference to decorative fountains, where the flowing streams of water will reflect the mood of the owner. For those who want to relax at home, body and soul after a hard day at work, an artificial pond with graceful fish will help.

According to Eastern teachings, according to Feng Shui, an aquarium should be selected based on the following data:

Where to put an artificial pond

Knowing where to place the aquarium according to Feng Shui, the owner strengthens the protection of the home, maintaining well-being and attracting positive energy. First of all, you should decide on the side where you can install the tank, and then decide on the place in the room:

In order for the reservoir to bring a positive charge and promote peace in the family, it is advisable for all household members to install and launch the reservoir together.

Where should you not place an aquarium?

Eastern teachings say that if you place an aquarium with fish incorrectly according to Feng Shui, then instead of benefiting the pond, it can cause serious harm: loss of money, troubles, deterioration in well-being. You can avoid such consequences if you know the places where you should not install the tank:

Selection of fish

In Eastern teachings, not only the location of the reservoir is considered important, but also how many fish live in the aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the number of fish should be 8 pieces - this figure is considered a symbol of a comfortable and carefree life. Also, according to Feng Shui, fish should be harmoniously combined with each other:

If one of the fish in the tank died, do not be upset - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the pet took the trouble away from the family. The deceased should be buried and a replacement purchased. In addition, it is important to take care of the fish - sick and stunted fish, instead of positive energy and happiness, will only bring troubles and disappointments.

By following the simple rules of Feng Shui, you can turn a simple aquarium with fish into a personal talisman that will become a faithful assistant and amulet at home. It is important not only to follow the rules for placing and selecting fish, but also to take care of the reservoir so that the benefits are maximum.


Aquarium equipment - CO2 (carbon dioxide) supply system

As mentioned above, for the good growth of aquarium plants, especially demanding species, the presence of carbon dioxide is required. Which plants use to build their tissues. For these purposes, systems for supplying CO2 to the aquarium are produced.

The CO2 system consists of a gas cylinder, a reducer, a valve, a gas sprayer (there are different designs) and hoses. Depending on the volume of the aquarium, a suitable system is selected. The volume of a gas cylinder can be from 100 grams to 5 liters (sometimes more).

CO2 system

CO2 supply system to the aquarium

Such installations are used in combination with strong lighting and the supply of various fertilizers to the aquarium. Only in this case will the use of such equipment be justified and give positive results. In ordinary and simple aquariums, the use of a CO2 system will be unjustified; unpretentious plant species grow well without its use.

Functional layout

Proper installation of the aquarium will make caring for your fish much easier. So, it is advisable to choose a place not far from the outlet in order to connect the backlight and other devices without extension cords.

It is also worth thinking about a convenient table, which will come in handy when cleaning the container. Access to water will also be useful.

To make the inhabitants of the home pond feel comfortable, it is placed further away from sources of noise and intrusive background sounds such as radio and TV.

Also, do not place the container in places exposed to direct sunlight or near heating radiators. However, even in dark rooms, aquatic residents may feel uncomfortable.

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