The Killer is in the 7th Position in the Ba Zi Chart


Is it possible to see the tendency towards stinginess through the prism of Chinese astrology Ba Zi? This article describes the main indicators of this unpleasant character trait. The only thing you need to understand is that the psychological profile in astrology is a very moving thing. Much depends on a person’s upbringing, on social conditions, on the level of development and work on oneself.

of Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yin Fire, Yin Water and Yin Metal are most often distinguished by stinginess The personality element must always be considered in conjunction with the entire chart.

* The Earth in general, by its nature, is prone to accumulation and conservation, especially the Yang Earth.

* Yin Fire and Yin Water are the two most psychologically unstable elements of personality. Their stinginess and savings are most often based on fears, anxieties, and limited beliefs. Suddenly, it’s not enough.

* Yin metal is itself associated with jewelry and money. If the map is unbalanced, these people may be overly attached to the material side of life.

2) Balance of elements in the map.

This is one of the very important indicators when analyzing Ba Zi. The following patterns most often appear here.

* There is a lot of money element , the personality element is weak. Resources are weak. All motivation is focused on money. As a result, a person may become greedy. In this case, the element “Right Wealth” is especially strong.

* It is interesting that in second place there is a complete absence of the element of money in the card, or the element of money is extremely extremely weak. In this case, the fear of poverty often manifests itself, constant saving, a person buys everything that is cheapest.

* In third place is the problem with resources . There are a lot of resource elements, but there is no self-expression or it is extremely weak. Resource is accumulation, saving. Self-expression is generosity, the ability to share. With an imbalance at this level, a person becomes stingy and greedy. This is especially evident if “Incorrect resource” or “Slanting print” prevails among the resource element.

The founder of IKEA and the richest Swede, Ingvar Kamprad (his fortune is estimated at $28 billion), started earning his first crown in elementary school. Buying pencils and erasers in bulk, the future furniture magnate sold them at exorbitant prices to his classmates. And I saved money. He is known for eating in cheap restaurants, flying economy class, riding buses and staying in three-star hotels even now. And he spends his vacation with a fishing rod on the bank of some river in his native Sweden. Ingvar requires his subordinates to use both sides of a sheet of paper. All the furniture in his house is from IKEA, with the exception of “an old chair and a beautiful standing clock.” Moreover, Ingvar has been using the same chair for 32 years: “I’ve been using it for 32 years. My wife thinks I need a new one because the material is dirty. But in other respects it is no worse than new.”

The hour of birth is unknown. But even if there is an element of money in the hour, it will be extremely weak.

Ingvar was born on Earth Day, yang (“greedy element of personality”). In his chart there is an abundance of Fire (resources), no money and a very weak element of self-expression (Metal), which is taken away by Yang Fire (Oblique Seal).

* In fourth place is overkill with the authorities, which is called the “7th killer” with a weak element of personality and weak self-expression. This is a severe self-limiting configuration.

* Too much EARTH in the map (no matter what element it is) leads to hoarding and greed.

If we talk about the heavenly trunks or the “10 Deities”, then there are still established combinations that often make a person a miser.

* The most important thing is the combination of “Oblique Seal” (indirect resources) and “Spirit of Enjoyment” (indirect self-expression). The spirit of pleasure is the ability to receive pleasure from life, the ability to share with people not only emotionally, but also materially, a smooth movement through life. The oblique seal severely limits such traits, creating a bunch of psychological clamps and restrictions. Frequent consequences of this combination are greed and pathological stinginess.

With this combination, the heavenly trunks should stand next to each other or be in the same pillar. For example, “Oblique Seal” at the top in open heavenly trunks, “Spirit of Delight” at the bottom in hidden trunks.

By the way, it is interesting that this same combination indicates serious problems with childbirth in women’s charts. It turns out that stinginess is one of the psychological reasons for childlessness.

The second rich man on the Forbes list, American financier Warren Buffett (net worth: $44 billion), drives around Wall Street in a Lincoln Towncar, which is not prestigious in his circle and is far from new, with the license plate THRIFTY, which means “thrifty.” And he is in no hurry to change the small apartment, bought 40 years ago for only 30 thousand dollars. Buffett is unpretentious in life, avoiding luxury items, with the exception of a private jet. For example, he eats at a fast food chain that he likes so much that he bought it.

Look at his Ba Zi card. The only self-expression (Yang Tree) is attacked by a strong resource (Metal). Excessive resources, little self-expression. The picture is complemented by the “Oblique Seal” in the year, which attacks the “Spirit of Pleasure” in the month of birth.

*Another combination between the heavenly trunks that leads to stinginess = “Seventh Murderer” (wrong power) and “Spirit of Delight.” When these trunks stand side by side or in the same pillar, a person tends to limit himself in everything. Well, others won’t get much either. )))

3) Symbolic stars

Among the symbolic stars related to stinginess, I would highlight three.

* “Reward of 10 heavenly trunks” or star of wealth. If this star is in an unhelpful element, and the elements “Wealth Robber”, “7 Killer” and “Indirect Wealth” are strongly pronounced in the chart, a person can become greedy.

* “Original constellation” is always a bad star, no matter what element it is in. Leads to psychological disruptions, strong feelings, loneliness, and mental disorders. We are primarily interested in the combination when the element of money sits at the top or bottom of the “Original Constellation”. In this case, a person is constantly afraid of losing money and material resources. Greed and stinginess. In the cards of men there are also big problems with women.

A few years ago, British millionaire Nicholas von Hoogstraten (net worth about $800 million) was sentenced to ten years for the murder of his companion. And the police who searched Hoogstraten’s house told newspapermen about the unusual find. A cache of used tea bags was found in the rich man's kitchen. He dried them and then brewed the tea again. A year later, however, the millionaire was released. However, if the opinion of him as a terrible stingy person changes, it will not change soon.

The hour is unknown, but in the three pillars self-expression (fire) again does not shine. All energy goes into power and money. His “original constellation” is in his birth month = TIGER, at the top you can see the Yang Earth (stable wealth).

* “Demon of Red Beauty” , when combined with “7 Killer” and a weak card, can also turn a person into a stingy person.

Thus, the beautiful half of the Beckham star couple, former lead singer of the pop group Spice Girls Victoria Beckham, was seen more than once on a tram heading towards the stadium in Manchester, where her husband was then playing. It is known that Mrs. Beckham, whose personal fortune is $18 million, has a weakness for cheap German Blue Nun wine, which she regularly buys at the local supermarket, and buys everyday clothes not from Christian Dior or Versace, but from the discount store Matalan and considers it hers. My favorite clothing store is far from being the most fashionable Top Shop.

Victoria was born on Earth's yang day ("greedy element of personality"). In the three pillars again there is no smell of self-expression. ))) All energy goes into money and power (Water and Wood). She has the star "Red Beauty Demon" + strong "7 Killer" in the annual pillar (Yang Tree). Maybe it’s not for nothing that there are such rumors about her.

I hope the article will help girls find out in advance which boys they definitely shouldn’t marry))) Unless you are as lucky as actress Wendy Dorcas.

23-year-old American actress Wendy Dorcas married millionaire film director Roger Dorcas.
He was almost three times older than Wendy, and the actress expected that over time her husband’s millions would transfer to her account. After a year of family life, Roger died suddenly. But when the lawyers read out his will, Wendy was furious: she inherited... 1 cent. The director bequeathed everything else (and this is 64 million dollars) ... to his dog Maximilian. The court sided with the dog, but the actress found a way to keep millions for herself - she... married Maximilian.
It turned out that when Dorcas opened an account for the dog, he had to register the dog as a US citizen in order to pay the necessary taxes. The actress’s marriage to the dog was even registered - the dog’s papers were in order. And when Maximilian died, the “widow” inherited all his wealth. But seriously, be generous, both materially and spiritually. Don't be afraid to spend money, enjoy this wonderful life, have fun, enjoy every day and make your loved ones happy!


Series of messages “Ba-Tzu, Feng Shui, Ayurveda”:
Part 1 - Four pillars of destiny. Physiognomy Part 2 - Feng Shui talismans ... Part 34 - Rules of Ayurvedic nutrition Part 35 - Negative energies in Feng Shui. Lines of the “toilet sha” Part 36 - STINGY AND GREED IN BA TZI Part 37 - HOW TO CORRECTLY DRAW A FEN SHUI APARTMENT PLAN Part 38 - Ayurveda Tips for Every Day ... Part 44 - Ayurvedic Encyclopedia Part 45 - Interaction of the Elements Part 46 - Determination of the Human Element according to the eastern lunar calendar

Character and abilities in Ba Zi

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Natalya Feokritova (c)

Contents: 1. Those who hate control and curbing 2. Character according to the pillar of the day 3. Good relationships with people 4. Supernatural abilities 5. Chatterbox 6. Star fever 7. Intemperance is the cause of failures and defeats 8. DD with peaches 9. Restless by nature 10 Troubles from the tongue 11. Depravity 12. Victims of low and vile people 13. Good mental abilities

Abbreviations (approx.): PB - Direct Wealth KB - Oblique Wealth DD - Daytime Dominant (Lord of the Day) BB - Challenge of Authority (Wound of an Official) DN - Spirit of Pleasure (Spirit of Food) PC - Direct Official (Right Authority) BC - Noble Man CPU - Peach Blossom CC - Oblique Official (7th Assassin)

Hating control and restraint

· In the DD day chart, both the Brotherhood and GB are thriving layer by layer.

Inside the card, the day always represents the person, himself, and if he prospers, then the person has a strongly expressed individuality (character), he has a lot of energy and is full of enthusiasm. Alive. And if at the same time the Brotherhood and GB are flourishing in the chart, then this makes him straightforward, frank, brave, and his heart will not have enough patience, thoroughness, there is too much excess and easy excitability in him. He doesn’t like to listen too much, and accordingly it’s hard for him to show humility and be restrained. If the star IF in the chart is strong, prosperous, this is somewhat better. If it is weak, then it is under overcoming and limitation. If it stands in a single version (one), then the person will not be afraid of either heaven or earth (meaning: not to be afraid of anything in the world; not to know fear).

· In the day chart, DD is thriving, DN/BB is thriving, and PCH/7 killer is weak.

DN and BB always represent statements, words of a person, thoughts and ideas, talent, as an image of reverse psychology. BB and DN flourish, then the person receives orders from heaven in the form of insight, sharpness, wit, eloquence, the person will have talent, but may also despise others, extolling his abilities, have a more severe version of reverse psychology (reaction), is subject to control without joy and curbing. PC and 7 murderer often represent the image of the father of the family, parenthood, and the lawful legal system. If these positions in the chart are weak, then negligence, negligence is manifested, and the DD will be able to show variability, will be able to break the law.

· There is no IF star in the map

If there is no official star in the chart, then the person loves freedom, and does not like control and restriction, especially if the PC in the chart is an annoying deity, he will show these qualities very clearly. It’s bad if such an unfavorable star IF is in the pillar of the year - this means troubles in all matters and endeavors; if it’s a drop, then it will be the one who will manage all the successes and failures in the chart.

· In the women's chart, the day is on BB

In a woman's chart, Power is always a man. And PC is the husband. BB, on the other hand, gives a woman’s card a bad character, an inability to obey and restrain herself, and a latent desire to confront a man as an enemy, again a love of freedom. Especially if DD sits on BB and will argue with her husbands. Low level of friendship and harmony in marriage. In serious cases, it can overcome the husband until a complete break in the relationship and divorce.

Character by pillar of the day

Remember, the Day Pillar is not the whole Map, which means it is not the whole character of a person.

· Hot temper

甲午, 庚子, 乙巳, 辛亥, 丙辰, 丙戌, 丁未, 丁丑, 戊申, 壬寅, 己酉, 癸卯.

These are the Days where the DD sits on his own Self-Expression (Spirit of Pleasure/Challenge of Power), Qi, it turns out, very quickly descends to the ZV and receives realization, that is, for such people the reaction to influences is almost instantaneous. And since the Spirit of Pleasure and the Challenge of Power for us is an area of ​​conscious awareness, it is here that love and hatred, and feelings in general, are born in us. Well, it’s clear that the Day is based on Self-Expression - a person will be talkative, sociable, and from here can easily express dissatisfaction or resentment to others. But it also gives sincerity, friendliness, extroversion. But if our body is weak, then there is also whining.

Irritable disposition (sometimes cruel, harsh)

甲申, 乙酉, 戊寅, 己卯, 壬辰, 壬戌, 癸未, 癸丑.

Irritability and rigidity - in most cases a combination is responsible for this: DD sits on the Seventh Assassin in Star Wars. Here the Seventh Killer represents a depressing, oppressive situation, stress. Tension arises between conflicting parties, ready to flare up at any second with anger and indignation. Joy and fun are not readily expressed in this; here they are more ready for criticism and condemnation. Oddly enough, such people feel sorry for themselves in their souls, but have little respect, and this results in a desire to control everything and everyone, to keep those around them under control. They, of course, care about their reputation, but it is very difficult for them to take the initiative. This irritates and torments them; it is difficult for them to show their love to loved ones, to trust, and not to slide into negativity. And if at this moment the situation gets out of control, they “explode”. And here the most curious thing begins: these DDs begin to solve problems roughly, harshly, simply effectively and absolutely not delicately (you can forget about tactfulness); their character will be unbending, strong-willed and incredibly tough. It is clear that these DDs have a natural tendency towards violence and a lot in this situation will decide whether the DD is strong or weak.

· Good character

丙子, 丁亥, 庚午, 辛巳, 甲子, 乙亥, 戊午, 己巳, 戊子, 壬午, 己亥, 癸巳, 甲辰.

These people have the best character, because they sit on the Direct Official or the Direct Seal. If they sit on the Direct Official, it means they show hard work and thrift, diligence and diligence. Such DDs are often disciplined and will not influence others out of personal interests. Those DDs who sit on Direct Seal usually lack activity, but it is not so easy for them to fall into depression or negativity, they know how to counter these emotions with optimism, and I would even say they put a block, and then repress negative feelings. Since they have very good support from the Star Wars, they are friendly, respectable and affectionate.

· Slow disposition

丙寅, 丁卯, 庚辰, 庚戌, 辛丑, 辛未, 壬申, 癸酉.

Yes, these DD are sitting on their own Oblique Seal. And one of the first properties of the Oblique Seal is to delay matters, not to attribute them to oneself, to leave them in limbo. At the same time, there is a very interesting contrast: the DD herself, sitting on the Oblique Seal, has high initiative, ambition and determination, but does not have the ability to progress, shows negligence when moving forward, does not strive to succeed, will not argue with you, proving she is right; Even if the house is on fire, you still won't worry too much. They present themselves to the world somewhat restrainedly, as if reluctantly, and are often lonely and secluded. They quickly get tired of the stormy holidays and turmoil around them. They really like to spend time studying something, they lack a sense of competition, they know how to work in a team and really don’t like to stand out from others. They can hide their abilities and intelligence. And at the same time, everything voiced together prevents them from getting along with others. They are so contrasting. They act as they please, measuredly, and only with love for the work. Otherwise they won’t do anything at all, even kill him. Since these DDs are complex, the best thing is when the Map also includes Self-Expression (DN/BB) - this gives character straightening, leads to perfection, if there is also a Seventh Killer attacking the body, then this also adds to talent Quite an active attitude towards life. This somewhat corrects this disposition.

· Stubborn disposition (uncooperative)

甲寅, 乙卯, 丙午, 丁巳, 丁未, 戊辰, 己未, 庚申, 辛酉, 壬子, 癸亥, 戊戌, 己丑.

Stubbornness in character gives a combination when the Day sits on the Brotherhood or the Robber of Wealth. The basis here is the particle “not” - not to like, not to recognize, not to respect, not to obey, not to put up with..., not to agree. Due to the fact that the day sits on its own prosperity and native lands, this gives the DD his own point of view, opinion and high impulsiveness, acting under the influence of the moment, rash actions and in large quantities. And when considering any issues, the inability to adapt to a new way, ignoring both good and bad statements. And at the same time, since he sits on the Brotherhood and GB - incredible gullibility, they take everything at face value and on faith, they easily believe those whom they consider friends and acquaintances, not to mention loved ones. In business they often act without thought, carelessly, without serious thought and careful observation. In general, they are big fans of “rakes”; they explore the world and learn only from their own experience. In this option, it’s good when the Day is Weak, then if the Map loves Wealth and the Seventh Killer, it will be serious, more meaningful and will grow as it develops, but if the Day Prosperous is strong, it will cause a lot of trouble.

· Unyielding disposition

甲戌, 乙未, 乙丑, 丙申, 丁酉, 庚寅, 辛卯.

Here the Days are of a difficult nature, since the DD will show excessive self-confidence and rebel. Outsiders are not able to influence them; in more severe cases, excessive self-confidence will only increase egocentrism. Either a person will be unable to admit his mistakes and will always be sure that he is right, categorically. And all this because Day sits on his own Wealth and DD feels like an Emperor, at a minimum, and at a maximum - God. If Wealth also flourishes in the Map, then he will consider himself superior to others, viewing everything through the prism of money. If DD/Den prospers, then he will have a lot of passionate desires, will run after women, be depraved and show lust, and show his strength. To boast of one’s influence (abilities), to show off, in general, to show one’s superiority.

Good relationships with people

The ability to build relationships with people is one of the most important social skills in human society. Relationships often open doors that would normally be closed. And we look at this on the map in passing. But when choosing a profession, when studying your own character, it is important. Let's look:

1. In the Spirit of Pleasure/Challenge card, Power flourishes - this is a clear sign of eloquence and talkativeness, the ability to speak beautifully, and easily establish relationships and acquaintances.

2. The right seal sits on the Brotherhood and this used or joyful deity, also good, will find joy in helping others. Such a person easily helps people. And in professions where such a skill is required, as a rule, he is successful.

3. The Oblique Seal sits on the Brotherhood - and this is a joyful or used deity, such a person receives a secret Noble supporter, or is one himself.

4. The seventh murderer sits on the Spirit of Pleasure and this joyful or used deity is also an interesting option, such a person is very free and loves to have a good time. It's always extroversion. And if he knows how to leave the game or step aside in time, he has excellent relationships with people.

5. Correct Wealth on the Oblique Seal and these are joyful or used deities, the relationship will also be good, but they lack sincerity, not enough will and assertiveness, and therefore, professions should be those where there are no hard options for refusal.

6. Proper Wealth on the Seventh Killer and these are joyful or used deities, relationships will be built on mutual respect and care for subordinates. Often such people show zeal in caring for the people, the masses or a group of people.

7. Correct Wealth sits on the Brotherhood and these are joyful or used deities, wealth is, in principle, not very good, but relationships with people are excellent. These relationships have specifics (the key to the relationship) - relatives squander and spend the earned income.

8. Oblique Wealth sits on the Spirit of Pleasure and these are joyful or used deities, if the body is strong, then good relationships with people will help accumulate a considerable fortune, and the person will receive success.

9. The Robber of Wealth is a joyful or used deity, such a DD often, through the coming fate, receives help and assistance from the Brotherhood, and can easily count on unexpected luck or income, as well as good progress in business.

Supernatural abilities

Sometimes they ask: “Does a person have the ability for metaphysics?”, essentially the ability to read Bazi, the ability to take tons of information from eight hieroglyphs. And if you think about it, this is having an intuitive vision of the nature of things. A specific outlook on life. And there is often an opinion that for these purposes you need to have an Oblique Seal in the card. Which in itself is true. But there are other signs. Eg:

1. There will be a lot of Peaches in the map. Yes, Peaches 子午卯酉 by their nature are images of the cardinal directions: North, South, East and West. And when there are many of them in the map, then a person has a broader vision than the usual.

2. The card has a strong prosperous Direct or Oblique Seal. Direct printing works well, but Oblique is easier to work with new and unusual information. But in my opinion, Straight is better than Oblique. Because the Oblique Seal is essentially broken - and these are signs of mental deviations, neuroses, mental instability and extreme suspicion. Therefore, it is better to have a Direct card in the map - it gives more positivity.

3. The card has a thriving Spirit of Pleasure or Challenge of Power. In principle, they always give a person high sensitivity. Sensitivity. And therefore, if they flourish greatly, then the person will have the ability to see the unusual. Such people focus on their perception of the world; they will “pass the Cosmos through themselves” more than analyze.

4. In the map there are both 甲 and 丁 in the Heavenly trunks. 甲木 is the leader and head, and 丁 is Yin fire, responsible for mysticism, mystical information in general. Wood generates Fire and provides support. So it turns out that a person easily works with this information segment, reading it literally from the air.

5. In the Earthly branches, cards cost 戌亥, 卯酉. 戌亥 is our Qian, Qian is the leader and head, and it is also the Heavenly Gate. And if so, then they will inevitably influence the human worldview. 卯酉 is also a Gate, but Earthly. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. This is the movement of the Sun, and Mao and Yu are the border, the strip of shadows and light, twilight. Even if they are a little gloomy, there will also be mystery and enigma in a person’s mind. Moreover, abilities are most strongly expressed if they are in the day and hour.

6.DD 癸. It’s quite simple here, the power of the feminine principle is associated with Yin water, and it manifests itself in the love of mysticism, the mysterious, the enigmatic.

7. In the chart there is a numerous prosperous Noble man of the Great Reach. The warhead of the Great Limit is the primary source of everything in the world, including the incomprehensible. But if he is also prosperous, the person may indeed have very unusual supernatural abilities.

Before looking for abilities in the map, ask yourself the question: Are you ready to bear responsibility with the joys of these Gifts? After all, a Gift always presupposes obligations, and in this case, on a cosmic scale. This is not an item from a store that can be returned, thrown away, or sent to a consignment shop. If you are ready, then I can please you. Abilities can be developed by influencing one or another aspect of the Ba Zi. And as a result, you can become the second Wolf Messing or Edgar Cayce.


There are professions where good interpersonal relationships are needed; a profession where you need to be able to not offend people with your statements, not to offend their worldview. And there are categories of people who, not on purpose, almost imperceptibly to themselves, it would seem, simply by speaking out, offend people. As a result, he didn’t seem to say anything, and the interlocutor was offended. And then the sacramental phrase sounds: “Well, what did I say?”

Let's look at the following options:

· ONS (open Heavenly trunks), in which the Challenge of Power flourishes without restrictions - you should not work with people.

If the BB and the DD itself are strong, then, as a rule, such a person is very active and naturally has the skill of a speaker, loves to talk and often expresses a very non-standard point of view, theories, but the trouble is that he does not care whether his theories are correct or incorrect . BB without control is always impulsiveness and expression - you can’t talk about such things.

If in the Map this is also an Annoying Deity, then even more so: a person can often make mistakes, loves to argue desperately, invent fables, and does not take into account the opinions of others. If this is a good Deity, especially when he meets the Authority, he will constantly criticize the authorities, his immediate superiors. And only by spending on Wealth will such a person receive peace of mind. Very often politicians take this road, well, given other conditions in the Map.

· In the Card, Brotherhood or Wealth Robber prospers very much

For the most part, this is honesty and openness when communicating with people, but in business it is easy excitability, and words without thinking: he speaks without thinking or weighing. If a person’s native Element flourishes too much, and there is no Power, then such people are often inattentive and disdainful of management - it will be difficult to get a promotion! If they have a Seal, then it’s a little better.

· There is no Seal on the card at all.

No Seal - a person is naive. There is no caution or suspicion at all in his character; in work and affairs he is often straightforward, like a sleeper. Can act rudely, directly, even ahead, showing negligence and frivolity - as a result, many are offended. If they do not have a Seal, but there is Earth, then it is better, because for people the Earth is the natural Seal itself, and such people look respectable and sedate, in conversations as well.

· In the Map there is a BB meeting the Official

This, of course, is a disgrace in the Map - for such people, it is always someone else who is to blame, not them. Their ideas are often close to the masses, and they usually stand in opposition to the authorities, showing their disagreement with the current state of affairs - they are characterized by strong, powerful dissent. (Don’t judge in black and white. When you work with Maps for a long time, you understand: during periods of changes in power, revolutions, scientific and technical breakthroughs, such configurations are very necessary and important!)

If BB receives the Seventh Assassin, he will love to argue and debate, there is no question of a competition in eloquence. But the trouble is that such people do not draw conclusions from arguments and debates; they argue for the sake of the argument itself, in order to win.

· Oblique Seal flourishes greatly in the Map

My favorite Oblique Seal. If there are a lot of CPs in the Map, then the person does not like to talk or polemicize or argue. He will not get his way by arguing at all. He will save and save, give in and give in... And when such a person reaches the boiling point, then the aggressiveness results in such uncontrollable anger that victims appear. While they were silent for a long time, as a rule, they studied the weaknesses of those to whom they were inferior and if they already entered into an argument, they stepped on the most sore spots and calluses - and as a result, opponents were speechless.

· 7 Killer thrives in the Map

In such Cards, as a rule, the DD is weak and the person naturally feels great responsibility and pressure on himself, therefore he is often confused, panics and is endlessly nervous and anxious. In their work, such people lack calmness, equanimity, and gentleness. And it happens that they offend people, finding fault, tearing apart the accumulated negativity.

Such people often express themselves aggressively, then say that they were “joking.” Their goal is to demonstrate a powerful appearance and readiness to repel any danger with a blow, even where there is none.

In general, as Kung Fu Panda said, “I don’t take money for awesomeness, and even more so for beauty!” If this is in the Map, it is better to find a way to give vent to the negativity or find a “compensator” than to tear your mouth off once again.

star fever

How to see in the Map signs that a person can achieve his goals and easily become arrogant and arrogant, in other words, get sick with “star fever”! In principle, you can, even without fame and achievements, enjoy your own arrogance and arrogant attitude towards others. The well-known Eugene Onegin suffered precisely from this. But it happens that in reality a person has serious achievements, and such a “disease” takes on completely unbearable indicators: up to delusions of grandeur. Although, fortunately, the opposite happens: a person with height and position still remains modest and not proud. Let's see.

· BB prospers and is not a Used Deity

Of course, when in Fate BB gives off a body and flourishes, this clearly indicates a person’s talent, ability in art, rich imagination and vivid expressiveness of self-expression in general in life. However, when this is not useful Energy, everything turns upside down. A person can show unbridledness, licentiousness and even not pay attention to appearance, clothing - not remember to observe ceremonies and rituals, and standards of decency. But it is also a person’s desire to show himself and achieve success. There is often a substitution here, a person mistakes the first sensations of success for success itself, and here, without proper self-control, “star fever” begins.

· Brotherhood and GB are thriving and are not Used Deities

When a person’s native Element flourishes in the Map, as a rule, this is expressed in the fact that the person has a pronounced sense of self-esteem, which means he is afraid of losing face and values ​​his honor. And then, if one’s own Element is not useful, such a person can put on airs, hold on to the old, and find it very difficult to adapt to changes and change. And then, when it dawns on them that it’s time to act, to change, they act under sudden impulses, at random. And in this version, if it is not useful, selfishness and arrogance, stubbornness with arrogance can be expressed in all its glory.

· The Seventh Assassin is thriving and is not a Used Deity

The Seventh Killer, if he is not useful, like Element, a person in himself is not a gift, but if he is also limited by BB, then he can become a real troublemaker and rebel. With achievements, violation of laws and discipline will result in very big troubles for others. The authority and arrogance here is so overwhelming that I have no words.

· Card Structure Fiery and excessively prosperous

We are talking about character traits here. A person with such a Structure in the Chart will be extremely excited, hasty, hasty, hot in sensations and reactions. And often, if there is nothing controlling in the Map, after the first successes there will be pride on the face, and increasingly.

Intemperance is the cause of failure and defeat

Easily excitable, hot-tempered and quick-tempered people usually lack thoughtfulness, time to think, and lack composure. And, as a result, they often experience failures and setbacks.

There are a number of instructions in Ba Tzu that can be taken as a guide to action, to working on oneself. Because, as a rule, such people do not even realize that these character traits are the true reason for their failures in business.

· There are many 7 killers in the chart, the 7th killer flourishes one-sidedly - a person can be easily excitable. · In the chart, the body prospers and wealth prospers. · DD is born in the summer or there is a lot of fire in the pillars. · DD is born in winter and water thrives in the pillars and there is also a controlling earth.

I did not describe in detail, which is why, I think, you yourself can guess that the reasons for haste are different for these signs. I would characterize such DDs this way - too much: domineering, quick to rob, passionate, caressing.

DD with peaches

We have 60 pillars and four supports, but only the support of the day NS and SV show the inner world of a person. How he loves, how charming he is. And if we have a peach in the SG, then everyone knows this is a sure sign of the attractiveness of the DD, his charisma, ability to be popular and achieve the attention and love of the opposite sex. Also, the NS to the SV will show us exactly how a person will achieve love, how he loves. Let's see peaches in love today. After all, each of the four peaches has its own individual style.

Water peaches 水 - 子, days: 甲子, 丙子, 戊子, 庚子, 壬子.

Such people are very savvy, lively, and flexible by nature. And they are highly variable. When they court the opposite sex, they spread out a lot and can appear broad and chaotic. Their actions, when they strive for something they desire, seem confused and meaningless, but they are not. Before something decisive, they may stop and hesitate, here they may need an impulse for further action. At the same time, they love to get carried away by the new and turn away from the old.

Fire peaches 火 - 午, days: 甲午, 丙午, 戊午, 庚午, 壬午.

These people are very hot, violent, ardent, passionately wanting something, capable of using force, taking by force. They are always very worried and in too much of a hurry. When they meet a suitable person, they come into contact with him deeply, trying to know the object of desire to the end, in every sense. And at the same time, they like to storm, fight, but when the object of love is received, they can again become stable and self-possessed. This process is still not stable for them.

Peaches tree 木 - 卯, days: 乙卯, 丁卯, 己卯, 辛卯, 癸卯.

By nature, these people are soft, affectionate and gentle. They have a high power of attraction, seduction, and temptation. And they themselves often show great affection without realizing it, caressing like children to their mother, but in our case to the object of love. In courtship, they will expand the sphere of relationships in every possible way, and pursue the object in a culturally, well-mannered, and without excesses manner. However, they like to overcomplicate and confuse everything.

Metal peaches 金 - 酉, days: 乙酉, 丁酉, 己酉, 辛酉, 癸酉.

These DDs are direct and frank, often with an open soul, they have a strong thirst for ownership, a strong desire to possess. They often behave in relation to the object of love, like real knights. They also love moments of struggle and persecution, but at a critical moment they begin to worry and do everything in a hurry, getting excited. They love to win love, and often choose wrongly.

You also need to understand that if the peach is not even in the day, but for example is in the GE of the year, and there are many of its elements in the chart, then the person will also exhibit the characteristics I described.

Restless by nature

There are people constantly thinking about something. They are constantly worried and cannot relax. We all obsess over something from time to time, but these people have their disturbing thoughts all the time. They seem to have them in the background, and during troubled periods they focus only on them.

1. BB sits in the SG of the day

Days 甲午, 乙巳, 丁未, 庚子, 辛亥.

In an article about the quality of marriage, I already wrote about how bad it is when a woman has a BB in her marriage home. This energy overcomes the husband. But even if there is a successful marriage, for example, a woman is married to her Noble man, such a woman will almost always have in the background thoughts about poverty, the fear of losing everything, inside her all the time there is an analysis of “How is it with me and how is it with others.” Which, of course, does not make life and peace of mind harmonious. For men, explosives in the third day cause harm to health and (!) career or children. He has problems with pleasure, fear and what not, sexual problems and money. Such DD men are always busy about something, work all the time, and undermine their health.

2. DN sits in the SG of the day

Days 丙辰, 丙戌, 丁丑, 戊申, 己酉, 壬寅, 癸卯.

Such DDs cannot get rid of their excessive desire to get what they want. They have high physical and career demands. May be exorbitant to status. They easily create their own business, enterprises and then compete with others out of fear of losing their status. They have a thirst, an insatiability for more, and this makes them move towards victory, to win.

3. KB sits in the SG of the day

Days 甲戌, 乙未, 丙申, 丁酉, 庚寅, 辛卯.

Wealth, any kind, is our passionate and unbridled desires, and even more so oblique. This desire can be voiced like this: “Even more, more, more, more!” These people are real careerists and ambitious entrepreneurs. They always think about how to earn and get more. They are strong, smart, logical, they like to give instructions left and right, they need to keep everything under control. Miss Marple is a typical representative of this category of DD.

4. The 7th killer sits in the Star Wars of the day

Days 甲申, 乙酉, 戊寅, 己卯, 壬戌, 壬辰, 癸未, 癸丑.

This group of DDs is characterized by strong self-doubt. They have a very strong sense of crisis and danger. They really do not like strangers and strangers in their home. And they can even seriously scandalize and criticize other household members about this. They are serious and careful in their work. Reinsurers are incredible. And they are very concerned about their reputation and self-esteem and are never confident in the success of the work performed. Because of this mistrust, they prefer to do everything themselves. And they don’t understand or recognize other people’s admiration for their work. Even if they create their own business and are successful, they still constantly think about competitors and are not sure of anything.

Trouble from the tongue

Everything happens. The man said, didn’t think, and away we go. Let's talk about how to literally see the expression “My tongue is my enemy” in the map. There are structures that are better suited to this than others.

· The Seventh Killer as a map structure.

Especially if the pillar of the day also has a seventh killer inside. Such people often have a soft heart and a keen, strong sense of justice. They can't pass by. They don’t pay attention to the injustice or irrationality of something, and although they often don’t have anything to do with it themselves, they interfere and get into trouble from the language.

· Brotherhood structure maps

People with such structures in their charts are usually very emotional, they attach great importance to all sorts of little things and take everything too personally. In short, they are making mountains out of molehills. Well, accordingly, they can express in their hearts everything they think and don’t think. And although they usually regret it later, as they say, the job is done. Big fans of “rakes”.

· Structure maps Challenge of power

The problem here is that people with such structures are guided by the principle “it’s never too late to take revenge” or “revenge is a dish best served cold.” There is a long-term accumulation of negativity here, since we are talking about aggressive self-expression. The main problem is that people who have a strong challenge to authority tend to be very direct and open and eloquent. Therefore, when the boiling point and the impulse do not coincide, such people can begin to speak out harshly, causing irreparable damage to themselves and others. Up to and including slander.


So the depravity:

1. This is an oblique seal, very often with a lot of richness. 2. The spirit of pleasure on the 7th killer and vice versa. 3. The pillars of Geng Yin, Wu Chen, Geng Shen, Yi Mao, Ding are often found in the NA of the month. 4. DD often sits on the overcoming triple fusion Gen, on the triple fusion in the fire SV, Dean on the triple fusion into metal, involving 7 killer, and so on. 5. If more than half of the map is in collisions and the IF encounters a merge, and there is also a BB. 6. A depraved peach blossom plus a traveling horse is also a sign of depravity.

Victims of low and vile people

A low (mean), cowardly (ignoble) person and a person of honor, of the highest moral qualities, noble - these concepts are “antonyms”. And the first are those who like to mix truth with lies, quarrel and do harm, contemplating the fire from the opposite bank (meaning: avoid helping someone in trouble, not come to the rescue, remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune) or throw stones at someone who has fallen into a well (meaning: finish off, beat a man down). Everyone knows about them. But the worst thing is when such people come very closely into your life in your profession, family, and personal affairs. They cause great harm and trouble.

How to see such a person’s entry into destiny in the map?

Let's look at this from Ba Zi's point of view.

— The body and Brotherhood with GB flourishes in the chart and at the same time as a taboo (Annoying deity)

Everything is simple here, when in the map we have an Annoying Deity, leading the map to an imbalance, especially if it is the Brotherhood and GB, it is easy for such a person to meet low (mean) people. This often manifests itself in the fact that some people can unceremoniously interfere, violate or encroach on any of your personal space. This can also be expressed through various kinds of dirty machinations, evil intrigues, and so on. And of course, since Wealth is being overcome, then you should pay attention to your finances and your wife. Because this is where a person can experience damage and loss. And also everyone knows that the Brotherhood and GB are older and younger brothers and sisters, people of equal standing, people of the same class and position, this also needs to be looked at. It is from this category of people that you can expect trouble.

— There is a prosperous body in the chart and BB is also prosperous, but is a Annoying Deity

When the body is prospering in a chart, the PC often appears as the deity used and it is clear that in this case the Annoying deity will be BB. Since BB overcomes the IF, it is clear that if it prospers, it is easy to get into trouble from low (mean) people. This will most likely be expressed through slander, false accusations, possible falsification, anything that could harm the reputation of the DD. Therefore, such people need to be very attentive to what they hear or say themselves. Also, everyone knows that for men BB is a mistress, and for women it is a lover, plus for DD these are people of the younger generation, those who are younger in age, right down to children (in this case expressing disrespect), especially for women.

— There is a prosperous body in the chart and KP is also prosperous, but is a Annoying Deity

In these cards, when both the Brotherhood and the Seal are thriving, an outpouring is often required and therefore the deity used is DN/BB, respectively, the Annoying deity will be KP. In this version, DN as a deity can give a person such character traits as calmness, measuredness, a clear, sober mind, and spiritual purity. And receiving a prosperous Annoying deity in the form of KP, a person has every chance of meeting low (mean) people. The KP in Ba Zi represents the stepmother, the older generation, adoptive mothers, teachers, teachers, mentors and tutors, paternal grandfathers, monks, fortune-tellers - physiognomists, doctors, doctors and many more. When the KP chart is taboo, then the person will have rivalry, struggle for wealth, property, food and drink, in profession, career, and so on.

- There is a weak body in the chart and the 7th killer also thrives, but is a Annoying Deity

In this version, it is always a direct threat to the life of the DD, or it is being under the very harmful and destructive influence of low (mean) people. We are talking about very serious troubles. 7, the murderer in Bazi is presented as a bad boss, boss, master, the older generation, in women’s destinies it is a lover, beloved, etc. If in card 7 the murderer prospers and is taboo, then the person meets low (mean) people precisely in the service, at work - the person’s career or business reputation itself is harmed. In addition, it is also a symbol of stress, strong psychological tension. If in the female destiny of the DD the body is thriving, and the 7th killer is small and not strong, then the day is capable of controlling the 7th killer, but if such a day receives a successfully completed merger, this is definitely a meeting with very evil insignificant (mean) people.

Good mental abilities

All people have different abilities, different intellectual levels. And when life confronts us with different tasks, we all solve them in our own way. And there are people (not many of them) who solve these problems much better than the average mass of people. Such people become leaders, prominent scientists, those who solve problems beyond the capabilities of the average person. Let's look at the signs:

1. DD and day prosper and there is a General's star. 2. There is a lot of Water in the map and Water flourishes (DD is water). 3. For a Metal person, self-expression falls into Water or for a Wood DD into Fire. 4. In the CV of the month there is an IF, and in the NS there is a Seal. 5. Map of the structure “Pure Metal - Transparent Water”. 6. In the map in the NS there is a hieroglyph 丁 or 壬, capable of merging into a Tree. 7. The star of the day sits on the 7th killer.

Tags: Ba-Tzu, Metaphysics

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7th killer in Bazi women

For those who are far from bazi, I will explain. The 7th killer is not some terrible criminal authority, it is the 7th element from the Daytime dominant in the circle of wuxing. A lot of bad things have been written about the 7th killer, and in fact, one cannot expect love and tenderness from this element, because this element is equal to ours in polarity and has no mercy. In Bazi, traditionally the husband is the Right Authority, and the 7th murderer is the Lover for the woman. But what if a woman only has the 7th killer in her chart? Will she never get married? Or will she always have lovers? Yes and no. Let's look at an example.

The female card is the famous actress Michel Mercier, who played the role of Angelique based on the novel by Anne and Serge Golon.

Beautiful Lady of the Day Wu Xu, Yang Earth on a Dog. The mountain loves coolness, it likes it when Water flows through it - Michelle was born in the month of the Rat, it is cold, but cold Water here is greatly spent on the generation of Trees. The tree prospers, although it does not acquire a season, is generated by the Wealth-Rat. There is hypercontrol of the Tree over the Mountain here. Imagine that the Mountain is overgrown with huge oak trees with powerful roots that penetrate inside and turn over stones, destroying the structure of the mountain - this will be the image of this map. The forest is thick and dark, not a single gap.

The Lady of the Day sits in the Grave phase, and in the annual pillar is Sister Wu in the Birth phase. Birth is a high phase, which suggests that the owner of the card will always be more successful representing someone else. And indeed, Michelle is actually Jocelyn, and Michelle was the name of her deceased sister, whom her parents loved much more. But that's not all - after all, Michelle was wanted, imagined, loved and hated all her life as Angelique, the Marchioness of the Angels.

If we imagine in real life a woman whose chart may correspond to this picture, then it will be a woman who is surrounded by strong, successful men who are quite unceremonious with her, force her to do as they want, without asking her wishes, come and they take it. And, if such a woman wants to be happy (provided that this is not a Follow card), she needs to learn to stand on her own two feet. Create support in the form of work, income, become strong. Michelle Mercier was a very strong woman, from a very young age she overcame pain, suffering and betrayal, as well as her mother’s dislike. She always worked very hard, which was also predetermined by the month of her birth - Direct Wealth. There is also a lot of money in her card, but it seems to be hidden, that is, it is not there. Depends on the beat.

If you want to imagine the image of a female card with strong 7 killers, remember the films about Angelique. What she was at first - daring, brave, but she was forced to retreat before the strong will of the surrounding men. Even the authorities were cruel to her, this is also a sign of a card with strong 7 killers. More than once they wanted to poison her and kill her, but each time she came out unscathed, and became much stronger and more influential, she became the Marquise of the angels, literally demonstrating the laws of her bazi card. We can say that Michelle Mercier played her bazi card in the films about Angelique. However, the reality, as always, is much more complicated.

The director of the theater where she served as a ballerina tried to rape her, which is why 17-year-old Michelle went back home. And, unfortunately, this was not the last attempt when men mocked her - this is her card. She is too brave, brave - with 4 Tigers. Too bright and attractive - with Wine Peach Flower. The stars loved her and even the Shah of Persia wanted to make her his wife. But the 7th killers in her bazi are real Devils, to whom she, however, never surrendered.

“I’m sure that somewhere out there, far away, behind the clouds, the sun is always hiding”

Michel Mercier

If Michelle had been born in May-June, her life would not have been half as bright, and she would have lived much less, for example, one of the men would definitely have killed her, such an attempt was made, by the way. And she would have children. And much more eccentricity. But Michelle had the nickname “touchy” in her youth, although she calmly played prostitutes and fallen women. And there are no children, because in her chart the energy that consumes children’s self-expression is too strong. Her husbands control her children; they were the ones who decided whether children would be born or not. This is also visible in the map.

Michelle had many novels, but experts in her biography identify 2 official marriages and 2 unofficial ones as the main ones. The first husband is a Tiger of the year. Tiger is the first to see big money in her card. And indeed, when she lived with him, everything was fine with her, she was at the peak of her fame. Happiness did not work out - he began to drink and cheat. And in order to divorce him, she had to pay him a tidy sum.

Second husband, race driver - Jia on the Rat. The wine peach flower, too sensual, partial to drink, riotous, loses its season in the Rat. And he also sees money for himself in her card. He actually ruined her, taking away what her first husband could not get his hands on.

There was also a politician husband who also cheated on her, and the man with whom she lived as a family and accepted his children as her own was happy, but, unfortunately, he died of cancer. This can be seen in the bars of her map.

In 1976, she divorced her racing driver husband, and at the age of 45 she already had her last affair with an Italian prince, which did not end in anything, so these two husbands just fell into the gap from the age of 38. What can you say - the strongest Spirit of pleasure brought other people's children into her life, but cut off the men in the bud. Her relationship didn't stand a chance. Subsequent beats completely eliminated marriage - 10 years before her 58 beat of the strongest Wealth Robber took away her advantages over her competitors.

Now the actress lives very poorly, which is also predetermined by her chart; with such a strong 7U in the hour, a rich life in old age is unlikely. Like many wise, sensitive people, Michel Mercier instinctively feels his bazi.

“Some people cry when they learn about this diagnosis, but I remain stoic, as always,” Mercier shared in an interview. “ But I just feel like an animal locked in a forest thicket .”

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  • Seal


Friends and Wealth Robbers

This is the seventh lesson in the basics of Bazi and Feng Shui.

In this lesson you will become acquainted with the DEITIES.

Reading BATZI cards is based on reading the 10 DIVINES.

The most important thing is to make it a rule that you don’t need to cram anything!

UNDERSTANDING is important in reading Bazi cards from nature images. Once you understand natural processes, you will understand the processes occurring in the BAZI chart. Always look around at nature and check:

  • How can this or that process be seen in nature?
  • Is it good or bad?

Write these two questions down in red ink and memorize them!

What are Deities in the BATZI chart?

Deities are the names of the spheres of influence of certain factors on a person’s life. There are 10 Deities in total. In any BATZI card they will be called the same. But for each person they will be represented by different elements of nature, depending on what nature your Personality Element belongs to. Deities are determined depending on the YIN or YANG polarity for each Personality Element.

We will look at each of the 10 Deities, for each Element of Personality.

In order for this to be useful to you, and you can immediately distinguish between these Deities, without looking at the tables, I suggest that you arm yourself with a pen and a notepad, and go through this lesson with me. In the pictures you will find your Personality Element, write down their names YOURSELF, and understand what their difference is. Draw a table in a notebook and write down the names of the Deities in it. As you progress through the lesson, you will fill in all the empty cells of the table. It is necessary to write down both the Heavenly Trunk and the Earthly Branch, which are represented in your chart by one or another Deity. At the end of this lesson, I will post all the completed tables for each Personality Element, and you can test yourself. But don’t rush to look into them, work on it yourself, it’s for your own benefit.


The 10 Deities are:

Deities Friends and Wealth Robbers - represented by the same element of nature as your Personality Element.

  • For example, if you are a Tree, and you see another Tree in your map, these are your Friends.
  • If you are a Tree and see an element of the other polarity - a Flower, this is your Wealth Robber.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents FRIENDS and which represents WEALTH ROBBERS. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities DEVOURING GOD and WOUNDING OFFICER are the elements that you produce.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YANG Fire, of the same polarity with you, then this is the Devouring God for you. If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YIN Fire, of the opposite polarity with you, then this is your Wounding Officer.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents the Devouring God and which represents the Wounding Officer. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities DIRECT WEALTH AND INDIRECT WEALTH are the elements that you control.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YANG Earth of the same polarity as you, then this is Indirect Wealth for you.
  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YIN Tree of opposite polarity to you, then this is your Direct Wealth.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents Direct Wealth and which represents Indirect Wealth. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The deities OFFICER and the 7th KILLER are the elements that control you.

  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see a YANG Metal of the same polarity as you, then this is the 7th Killer for you.
  • If you are a YANG Tree, and you see YIN Metal, the polarity opposite to you, then this is your Officer.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents the 7th Killer and which represents the Officer. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

The DIRECT RESOURCE and INDIRECT RESOURCE deities are the elements that support your Personality Element.

  • If you are a Yang Tree, and you see Yang Water of the same polarity as you, then this is an Indirect Resource for you.
  • If you are a Yang Tree, and you see Yin Water, the polarity opposite to you, then this is your Direct Resource.

Each picture has a Personality Element written in the middle, find yours and write down in the table which element FOR YOU represents an Indirect Resource and which represents a Direct Resource. Write down both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. For example, I AM A YANG TREE.

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