Excessively strong resources in the Ba Zi chart

What is a Bazi card?

Each of us has a personal code embedded in our birth chart,” says the ancient Chinese art of Bazi. The art of Bazi is a harmonious system of energy distribution in space, which is built on the interaction of elements in nature. The five elements, or five elements: Earth, Fire, Wood, Water and Metal, form the basis of this interaction.

All five elements interact with each other in a special way. For example: Wood feeds Fire and Fire burns brighter. Water irrigates the Tree and the Tree lives and grows, the Earth gives birth to Metal, which is in its depths, Metal melts under Fire and beautiful products are obtained.

All five elements nourish, weaken or control each other. A fantastic philosophy that allows every phenomenon and every person to find their place in space. Each of us has an energy code from birth. It is written in eight Chinese characters, which are called "Ba Zi" in Chinese. Each pair of hieroglyphs represents the hour, day, month and year of birth. Together they form the so-called energy matrix of the personality. It is called the code of fate.

Some elements in the Bazi chart may be strongly expressed, others may be weakened or may be completely absent. Balance, the balance of the elements predetermines an easy path in life, good health, and good character. A pronounced imbalance of energies in a chart may indicate a difficult life path, noticeable ups and downs, a complex character, or health problems.

Ideally, a personality’s energy map should have a relative balance of elements. But balanced cards are rare. And to regulate the balance, you need to add special actions: communicate with a certain type of people, engage in a certain type of activity, live in a certain area and eat certain foods. It improves our luck and even character.

Some aspects of health in Ba Zi

01 Apr
Home › Metaphysics, Astrology, Jyotish, Ba Tzu › Some aspects of health in Ba Tzu

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Collected from various sources, comprehended, checked, corrected. Many thanks to all the authors whose materials were used!

Ba Zi allows us to see the vulnerabilities of our body, from the point of view of its vitality, resistance and susceptibility to one or another risk. When exploring health in Bazi , it is necessary to pay primary attention to three important factors: 1. The balance of elements in the chart. 2. Phases of the Qi card. 3. 12 Palaces : 1st Palace (of life) - is in analogy with the human body as a whole; 9th Palace (risk and disease) - speaks of a person’s attitude towards his health and possible problems with it, as well as his resistance to stress and adaptation to critical and dangerous situations.

“The occurrence of diseases occurs due to imbalances in the relationships of support and suppression of the Yin and Yang of the five elements . And since there is no agreement and harmony among the five zang organs inside the human body, the retraction of the pathogenic principle occurs. The five qualities of the Qi we receive and the five zang organs respond to each other. The six fu organs and nine holes resonate with each other. If the disease in the six organs is “fu”, then the source of the disease is in the ten Heavenly Stems. If the disease is in the five “zang” organs, then the origins of the disease are in the twelve Earthly Branches.” From the Canon of Su Wen

The Five Elements are the five qualitative components of Qi in the human body and the world around it. Based on violations of the harmony of their relationships, judgments are made about the predisposition of a person to certain diseases, recommendations are made and treatment is prescribed. As a microcosm of the Earth, Man has an energy body in which energy coming from outside is processed. This body is a complex system, a network of energy lines, or meridians. There are twelve main meridians: ten meridians that control the functioning of the main organs of the human body, and two connecting channels.

Using the knowledge of the Four Pillars of Destiny and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), we can assess a person's health based on their date of birth. Like most Chinese sciences, TCM uses the theory of the 5 elements of Wu Xing and Yin Yang. Analyzing a person’s date of birth from the point of view of the interaction of 5 elements is the key to understanding the initial imbalance in organs and systems.

Each of the Five Elements shows different organs and parts of the body. When a person's date and time of birth are converted into 8 characters, we can use the interaction of the elements to determine what disease the person may have or what disease may develop over time. First of all, we can see signs of imbalance in the Early Heavens - in the Ba Zi card itself. Almost every one of us has a certain imbalance in the map; this predisposes an organ or system of one of the 5 elements to weaken and subsequent possible disease or disruption of its function.

Our 5 elements namely Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water interact with each other in the cycle of generation, destruction, control, anti-oppression, weakening, etc., thus creating instability or harmony in the system.

The periods of life when health is most at risk can be determined using the coming cycles, years or months. A person may not be aware of some “weak points” for years until the disease affects them with the advent of unfavorable elements. In the 12th Palaces there is a special risk group if there are unfavorable combinations of elements in the 7th and 10th Palaces. The 10th Palace is responsible for illnesses requiring isolation, long-term treatment or hospitalization. If there is Yin Fire or Yang Metal in this Palace, then this indicates an increased likelihood of surgical intervention.

One of the important factors when assessing health in the Ba Zi is Resources, in particular “Direct Seal”. If Direct Resource is not useful, then this may mean a lack of vitality, energy, a constant lack of vital energy. But this does not indicate that the person is in a state of illness. When the Resource is weak or unhelpful, illness is more likely to occur when the "Direct Seal" enters into an interaction such as a merger or collision. The disease factor increases when the personality element is weak. However, when Direct Resource is strong and useful, this can also create health problems. It can give problems that in TCM are usually associated with stagnation of qi, which in modern terms can be associated with the immune system, which becomes hypersensitive. With a strong Resource, a person may get sick due to changes in weather conditions, situation, environment, and becomes more sensitive to cold and temperature changes. The resource shows the overall health status of a person. In the absence of a Resource, this does not mean that a person does not have health. There is simply no status indicator and it becomes difficult to determine whether a person is healthy or sick. A person with a missing Resource element may not even realize that there are health problems. Due to the fact that diseases are not diagnosed at an early stage, a person can see a doctor only when they are already in an advanced stage. The absence of a health indicator leads to situations where even doctors cannot determine what the problem is until it becomes too obvious.

In any case, in the absence of a Resource in the map, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive diagnostics and early detection of symptoms of the disease. When analyzing the Ba Zi , it is also necessary to determine the degree of manifestation of Resources or Self-Expression in the Pillar of Luck or the Yearly Pillar. This is the first sign of an upcoming illness. Self-expression for a weak card and Resources for a strong one are negative in nature.

If Self-Expression or Resources are the weakest elements, then the organ or body part corresponding to the element will be affected (see below). By weak is meant an element that is not rooted and unrevealed in the Heavenly Stem. This element is not supported by the season.

However, if appear equally Ba Zi This is usually not a serious illness.

In particular, initial manifestations should always be checked. Take, for example, a strong map of Earth.

During the period when Resources appear in the Luck pillar, feelings may fade, lack of concentration and determination, laziness and lethargy. You may have a fever or pain in the left side of your chest, dizziness, and fever.

For a person with a weak Earth map, the appearance of the Metal element in the Heavenly Stems is undesirable. When they appear, a person may suffer from shortness of breath, a cough, or difficulty breathing through the nose.

When negative stars appear in the Pillar of Luck , and subsequently a negative auxiliary star in the Annual Pillar, one can expect the disease to worsen. For example, if in a strong Earth map we see Fire in the Luck pillar and Wood in the Yearly pillar, this is a sign of a serious illness.

However, if a negative star is controlled by the Yearly Pillar, recovery can be expected.

The cause of illness can be not only negative, but also positive stars, if they are the weakest element in the birth chart. They usually herald a sudden, unexpected illness.

This happens when a weak positive star is controlled by the Pillar of Luck or the Yearly Pillar. If some element is missing, an imbalance arises, and malfunctions occur in the body. Chinese metaphysical arts use five elements to represent the various organs and parts of the body: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.

The tree symbolizes the endocrine system and represents the liver and limbs. When Wood is imbalanced, the liver and gallbladder may suffer, fluid accumulation in the body, nervous disorders, joint problems, fungal diseases, etc.

Fire is associated with the circulatory system, heart and eyes. With an imbalance of Fire, a person goes bald early, he may have problems with the heart and blood vessels, osteoporosis, gastritis, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc.

The earth determines the nervous system, stomach and muscles. When the Earth is imbalanced, there may be excess weight, problems with the stomach, spleen, blood quality, cravings for sweets, cough, varicose veins, etc.

The metal, symbolizing the respiratory system, represents the lungs as well as the bones. With an imbalance of Metal, a person catches colds more often, he may have pimples and acne on his face, metabolic disorders, bronchitis, and allergies.

Water is associated with the genitourinary system, representing the bladder and feet. With an imbalance of Water, there can be problems with conception, a person turns gray early, gets cold, there can be headaches, problems with the kidneys, joints and bones, osteochondrosis, etc.

It is important to analyze why you have a craving for smoking, sweets, salty foods, etc. For example, those who have heart problems should not eat salty foods, since salt is the element of Water, and water destroys Fire, the heart.

When analyzing the map, special attention should be paid to combinations of Heavenly Trunks and Earthly Branches: mergers, collisions, breakdowns, harm, punishments. Of all the types of Punishments in Ba Zi , the Triple Punishments group is the most severe, often bringing severe dangers or serious illnesses. In today's world, many people suffer from degenerative diseases caused by environmental pollution, lifestyle, diet, chemicals, and toxins in food, air and water. All these hidden dangers and the harm they cause gradually accumulate in the body and, when symptoms arise, the situation may be too advanced for treatment.

Triple Fire Punishment is associated with blood circulation, heart and inflammatory processes in the body - it is a combination of three animal signs - Tiger, Snake, Monkey. Tiger and Monkey are a pretty tough matchup in Ba Zi . These are antagonistic animals, they experience mutual hostility and strive to attack each other. When the Snake comes to them, although it should distract them from the collision, it instead activates Fire Punishment. In general, this is a more serious interaction than a simple collision. Punishment, although it is called Fire, but regardless of whether Fire is useful for a person’s personal Ba Zi or not, it brings problems and troubles.

The Triple Earthly Punishment is one of the main causes of cancer. The reason is that the Earth is the muscles and cells of our body, and when the cells are unhealthy, it can develop into cancer. Therefore, most types of cancer are caused by an excess of unfavorable earth elements. Earthly punishment appears when three animal signs meet together - the Ox, Goat and Dog. All three Earthly branches belong to the element Earth, which is why the punishment is called “Earthly”.

About the five elements in Bazi:

WOOD In the five element theory, the joints and liver are shown by the Wood element. Wood is generated by Water and ruled by Metal. Therefore, when there is a Wood imbalance in the Ba Zi , it affects both the joints and the liver. People who stand on their feet for long periods of time tend to be easily affected by frequent mood swings and are often short-tempered and moody. Standing upright for long periods of time tires out the legs and this eventually affects the liver, which manages most of our body's detoxification processes. The liver likes to be relaxed, then it functions normally. When Wood is weak, Fire is out of balance, it does not have the support of Wood in the mother-son cycle, creating fatigue in our eyes (sometimes floaters before the eyes) and causing anxiety, this can also cause loss of appetite, since this is also affected liver. Eye doctors recommend looking at green vegetation in the morning to improve our “poor” vision. Among the 5 elements, our eyes are related to the Fire element and the color green is related to the Wood element. Since Wood produces Fire, it is believed that looking at vegetation can help prevent and even improve poor eyesight.

FIRE A person's emotions are visible in his eyes. Remember the expression “your eyes are burning.” The eyes are the part of the body that usually shows what we are feeling. Our eyes and heart are ruled by the Fire element. Fire is produced by Wood, and at the same time controlled by Water. The element of Fire also represents our heart, the color of the Anahata chakra is green, it is not for nothing that it is also called the “heart chakra”, because Wood supports Fire. Try wearing a red dress to a person with hypertension (high blood pressure) and measure the pressure after 20 minutes. Its indicators will increase by at least 10 units. Each taste is also assigned to a specific element. The salty taste has the property of irrigating, therefore, when the patient is diagnosed and determined to have cardiovascular disease, he is asked to reduce his salt intake, because the salty taste corresponds to the element of Water. By increasing the element of Water, we thereby take away the strength of the element Fire, which represents our heart.

EARTH Our stomach and spleen belong to the element Earth. The sweet taste also belongs to him. But here one should not confuse the true taste of the sweet land - millet, carrots and the toxic taste of white sugar. Consumption of cakes, pastries and sweets in large quantities catastrophically increases the earth element and harms our digestive organs. Fire produces Earth, and the abundance of Earth ultimately creates the instability of Fire. Since the heart is represented by Fire, eating too much sweet food is not good for the heart. All of the above leads to one simple conclusion - any shift towards imbalance in one of the elements of the Wu Xing system leads to a “response” in all other elements.

METAL When someone has a cold, the tone of their voice will usually change. The Metal element is associated with the mouth, lungs and skin. Often skin diseases are associated with impaired lung function and can manifest themselves when they are impaired. Loss of voice and hoarseness are associated with impaired lung function. The shine of Metal also denotes beauty. Earth produces Metal, which is ruled by Fire. When Metal is not in harmony with Fire, it can create skin problems. What is especially visible on the face. When the element of Metal and its “mother” - Earth - are very strong in the Ba Zi chart, then with a clear lack of Fire, we often see the manifestation of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Let's remember ourselves as children. Which of us hasn’t barked when we have a cold? But this is an alarming symptom of a dangerous disease - acute laryngitis, which can lead to the development of false croup - this is a complication; in severe cases, subglottic edema and narrowing of the trachea can occur. As a rule, it affects small children aged from 6 months to 2-3 years, less often up to 7 years. But very few doctors (even Chinese medicine) know that children with pathology or congenital weakness of the pancreas are predisposed to the disease, due to a decrease in the synthesis and secretion of enzymes involved in the dilution of mucus formed in the upper respiratory tract when the body is affected by a viral infection. The pancreas belongs to the Earth element, and bronchitis and respiratory diseases imply weakness of the Metal element. Those. there is evidence that “the mother’s illness was passed on to her son.” Often people with respiratory problems have a weakness in the Wood element. The trachea can be attributed to the Wood element to a greater extent than to Metal. Thus, the Earth element counteracts the Wood element. The nose is the outlet of the lungs, and when the lung qi is weak, it cannot perform the dispersing function well. In children, we often see banal snot during a cold - the lungs “dump” excess water through their outlet. In this case, there is often a weakening of kidney qi - problems in the Water element. Weakened lung function in controlling fluid circulation impairs kidney function and vice versa.

WATER Our hearing is controlled by the ear. The ear is ruled by the element of Water. Since Water signifies movement, the ear maintains the balance and balance of the body. People who suffer from vestibular disorders, labyrinthine disorders, Meniere's disease, have a deficiency in their Water element. Our kidneys and bladder also belong to the Water element. People with weak kidneys have a tendency to be afraid. Because the Water element shows mystery, and the emotion of the Water element is fear. And often small children, very frightened, begin to suffer from enuresis at night. This is caused by a sharp drop in Jing, the innate kidney qi. And since the kidneys and bladder are interconnected, weakened kidney qi cannot properly control the bladder sphincter. Metal produces Water while Earth controls it. For those of us with strong Metal and Water in our Ba Zi chart, the voice will be strong and melodious. But for those who have a strong Water element in their Ba Zi chart, there is also a chance of getting an imbalance in the Wood system - liver, gall bladder. Excessively strong Water (mother) cannot give birth to her son - Tree, but instead begins to oppress him. And in Chinese medicine, in this case, there is a formulation that “The tree rots.” And there are problems with the liver, in emotional terms - irritability, anger.


Tiger - has strong vitality, but has a tendency to unwisely squander his strength. The weak spot is the head. Increased likelihood of concussion, migraines, as well as neuropsychological disorders. There is a predisposition to inflammatory processes.

Rabbit has significant resistance, but because of this, it pays little attention to its health, which is why illnesses can cause serious complications. Vulnerable places - ear, throat, nose. Predisposition to sore throat, laryngitis, etc. Rabbits often suffer from diseases associated with disorders of excretory functions: they “store” too much, hence excess cholesterol, uric acid, liver disorder, etc.

Dragon - when the body resists the disease, the nervous system takes on the main burden. Vulnerable areas are the nervous system, respiratory organs (gas exchange). The bronchi and lungs are more vulnerable than other organs.

Snake - for normal resistance, proper rest and long sleep are necessary. Vulnerable places are the stomach, or rather the digestion, and in women the breasts. These ailments, as a rule, manifest themselves in difficult moments of life in the form of impaired appetite or, on the contrary, excessive appetite.

The horse is exceptionally resilient. Weak points - heart, spine, vision. Rapid heartbeat, in adulthood - heart attacks, back and neck pain, eye diseases.

Goat - resistance is weak, moreover, quite often these people are hypochondriacs, and all physical overload often affects their health. Vulnerable areas - nervous system and intestines, spasmodic phenomena, colitis, etc.

Monkey - lack of vitality and resistance. Fear of illness is common. Weak points - kidneys and lumbar region; there is a predisposition to lumbago, infections in the genitourinary system, etc.

Rooster - good resistance, despite health flaws. A good night's sleep is essential. Weak points are the genitals. Predisposition to infections, as well as psychosomatic disorders associated with feelings of sexual guilt. Gynecological surgeries are common in women.

A dog has good resistance; the strength of its own health is overestimated. Weak points - hips, pelvic area. This often leads to sciatica or bone injuries in this area (fractures). There is also a predisposition to liver diseases.

Pig - average resistance. Tendency to somatize, which can focus on any organ. Weak points are hands and feet. Disease of the lymphatic system.

Rat - resistance is insignificant. The weak points are the knees and calves, and most of all the blood circulation. Anemia, blood disorders, and viral diseases are quite common.

Bull - quite high resistance. Weak points - bones, joints, skin, teeth. Predisposition to rheumatism, colds, skin allergies.


The Yang tree is related to all diseases associated with an overabundance of something. The Yin tree corresponds to movement and exchange, and therefore it is a breathing system. Yang fire corresponds to the heart, life. Yin fire often provokes acute and sudden illnesses, as well as accidents. Yang Earth - reduces resistance and weakens the body in all areas. In particular, it creates a predisposition to colds and joint diseases. Yang earth indicates a lack of mineral salts and calcium. Yin Earth - is associated with diseases that are sexually transmitted. Yin earth is also associated with kidney disease. Yang metal is associated with the muscular system. Yang metal has an effect on inflammatory processes and injuries. Yin metal - indicates diseases that develop slowly and imperceptibly. Yang water is associated with diseases that are difficult to diagnose: viruses, poisoning, some types of allergies, as well as mental disorders. Yin Water - affects the overall balance of the body, as well as health in childhood.

Information about the location of organs in the Ba Zi map (“we orient ourselves” in the map as in an anatomical atlas:)) (NS - Heavenly Trunks, SV - Earthly Branches)

The NS represents the following internals:

甲 and 乙 - liver, gall bladder, 丙 - small intestine, 丁 - heart and thoughts, 戊 - stomach, 己 - spleen, 庚 - large intestine, 辛 - lungs, 壬 - bladder, "three heaters", 癸 - kidneys , connective tissue.

NS represent what is outside:

甲 - head, 乙 - neck, 丙 - both shoulders, 丁 - heart, 戊 - ribs, 己 - abdominal cavity, 庚 - nerve plexuses and umbilical ring area, 辛 - thighs, 壬 - legs, 癸 - feet.

Pollutants in the human body:

子 - bladder, waterways and ducts, ears; 丑 - placenta, stomach and spleen; 寅 — gallbladder, the place where the division into both arms begins; 卯 - fingers and liver; 辰 - earth as skin, shoulders, ribs of the sternum; 巳 - face, pharynx, teeth, and anus, anus; 午 - psyche, mind and eyes; 未 - stomach, wrists, arms from elbow to hand, spinal column, back of this part; 申 - large intestine, channels (channels and collateral vessels), lungs; 酉 - blood and lymph, small intestine; 戌 - gate of life (the place between the kidneys); right kidney, legs and feet; 亥 - fluid in the head and scrotum.

We study NS and SV:

We look at the NS as the right side of the body, and the SV as the left. Also, NS is the upper body, SG is the lower part of the body. According to the Pillars: Year - head, Month - chest, Day - belly, Hour - everything below.

In Star Wars we are guided by the Pillars - what stands where:

Year - head, shoulders, upper half of the body (neck, ears, eyes, face, hair, etc.). Month - chest (from shoulders to waist, lungs, heart, liver, gall bladder, arms from shoulder to elbow, chest, etc.). Day - from the belly to the hips (bladder and all organs to the hips). Hour - lower limbs (below the waist, legs: knees, ankles, ankles, feet).

Elements in the Pillars of Heaven (more details):

甲 in the Year and receives overcoming - the Lord of the Day has a diseased head or a bald crown. 甲 in the Moon symbolizes the gallbladder, the upper part of the arms. In accordance with the configuration of the cards, their state is determined. 乙 in the Pillar of the Year represents the upper part of the head, neck, cranial nerves, hair. 乙 in the Month - upper limbs, arms, liver. 甲乙 in the Hour and get overcoming - limbs (legs-arms), human skeleton, hips have a disease. 甲乙 in the Day Pillar – it is not always clear here, it could be the liver with the gall bladder, or the hips.

丙 in the Pillar of the Year – cranial nerves, eyes, has 壬水 in merging/overcoming or 丙辛 completely – GD has a predisposition to eye diseases, myopia, etc. 丙 in the Pillar of the Month – shoulders and heart. 丙 in the Pillar of the Day – small intestine. 丙 in the Pillar of the Hour - the ability to stand on your feet (walk), the nervous system of the lower body. In the Pillar of the Year - cranial nerves, eyes. 丁in the Pillar of the Month - the heart, the circulatory system, if it receives a collision and overcoming - the GD has an unhealthy heart. 丁in the Pillar of Day and Hour - the information is not specific, look at a specific card.

戊 in the Pillar of the Year – sinuses, head. 戊 in the Pillar of the Month – side, pectoral muscle, pancreas. 戊 in the Day Pillar – abdominal muscles, psoas major, stomach, intestines, digestive system. 戊 in the Pillar of the Hour – large, small thigh muscles, musculature. 己 in the Pillar of the Year – represents facial skin, muscles. 己 in the Pillar of the Month - the spleen, pectoral muscles, the upper part of the skin of the body. 己 in the Pillar of the Day - abdominal muscles, abs, psoas major muscle. 己 in the Pillar of the Hour – large and small muscles of the legs.

庚 in the Pillar of the Year – head bones and teeth. 庚 in the Pillar of the Month - the sternum, the upper part of the skeleton, channels (channels and collateral vessels). 庚 in the Pillar of the Day - the large intestine, nerve plexuses, area of ​​the umbilical ring (if you suffer from prosperous Water in the Day, you constantly have abdominal pain and catch a cold easily). 庚 in the Pillar in the Hour - the coccyx, the lower part of the skeleton, channels (channels and collateral vessels) below the waist. 辛 in the Pillar of the Year – lymph. 辛 in the Pillar of the Month - chest, lungs, lymph. 辛 in the Day Pillar – upper thigh. 辛 in the Pillar of the Hour - difficult to determine (there is often a skeleton).

壬 in the Pillar of the Year – mouth, nostrils, auditory tract. 壬 in the Month Pillar is difficult to determine. 壬 in the Day Pillar - three heaters - one of the six Fu-organs, including the upper (lungs, heart), middle (stomach, spleen), lower (liver, kidneys, bladder), bladder, urinary system. 壬 in the Pillar of the Hour – lower leg, thighs. 癸 in the Pillar of the Year – visually visible skull, blood supply system. 癸 in the Pillar of the Month – pericardium, pericardial sac. 癸 in the Day Pillar - kidneys, testicles, urinary system, reproductive system. 癸 in the Pillar of the Hour – legs, feet.

Be healthy! Best regards, Earnwulf (c)

Tags: Ba-Tzu, Metaphysics, Health

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Character according to the Bazi map

In China they say: “As much as new things come in, so much old things must go away.” The weak must be strengthened, the strong must be weakened. As a result, we get a balance. You can find out which element is the leading one, what strengthens you personally, by calculating your Bazi card.

People with strong Wood energy are sociable and ambitious. They like to plan everything. They are good friends because they are generous and generous.

Fire people are born leaders, they are emotional and passionate, they know how to convince and inspire others. They are loving, full of enthusiasm and always remain young at heart.

The people of Earth are reliable and thorough. They are patient, caring and strong. They are practical and have a gentle sense of humor. They are often stubborn, but they are able to start a job and see it through to the end.

Water people give fullness and natural smoothness and ductility. Water people are very musical. They are innately intuitive, emotional, sensitive and have many talents.

Metal people are distinguished by ambition and determination. They believe in themselves and take themselves seriously. They are naturally independent and do not like to take orders from others. They are usually lucky with money.

Yin or yang?

The second important point in understanding your own energy is understanding your Yin or Yang polarity.

Yang is active energy, masculine, light. This is the sky, sun, fire, summer, warmth. Yin is passive energy, feminine, dark, soft. These are the earth, the moon, cold, water.

Let me give you an example. The girl Svetlana contacted me to draw up a Bazi map. Svetlana is an active, purposeful and energetic girl. The question that was important to her was whether she was suppressing her husband with her activity. After analyzing her chart, it turned out that her personality belongs to Yin energy, and the rest of the elements are represented by Yang energies. Her husband is also a Yin person. The answer was: yes, in the external environment she can realize her yang resource and achieve her goals in work and business. But at home, in the family, it is important to follow your Yin nature and give primacy to your husband.

Weakness or strength?

The third point that the Bazi card reflects is a weak or strong personality. Weakness is not interpreted literally, but only shows that a person gives more than he receives. For example, Nadezhda is a doctor. Her element is Yang Wood, in her Bazi chart there is a lot of Wood and Fire, but no Water at all. Nadezhda literally burns herself out in life, devotes herself entirely to her patients and her profession, does it with great pleasure, has a large, strong family and loving relationships. But she constantly feels empty and energetically weak. That is, for balance, she simply needs Water - to be near the water, add water to the interior of the house, have a hobby from the element of Water, take time for herself, and fill herself up.

Another example. A mother asked that her son, having excellent abilities, could not realize himself in life. The energy of the son’s BaZi card is strong Earth, a lot of Fire, which makes it very resourceful, but there is no Metal in the card at all. That is, his Earth does not produce the required element. It is necessary to add Metal to life, weaken the Earth, concentrate on self-expression and then the energies will be balanced.

Six Types of Yin Earth

In combination with the animal signs of the Earth, Yin can form six possible combinations, each of which has its own natural image.

Yin Earth on the Snake is a talented mentor who loves to teach or teach. But too many thoughts can cause emotional problems. The soil, scorched by the hot sun, needs restoration. It is useful to isolate yourself from the outside world, meditate, and engage in spiritual practices.

己亥 Yin Land on Pig – beach

Loves trips, travel, any movement. Strives forward and does not want to sit on a leash. Therefore, life is slightly unstable, since there are constantly desires to change something, to go somewhere. Earth Yin on Pig has poor concentration, and irritability creeps in at times.

But in material terms, there is usually enough money to live prosperously. The Yin Earth “sits” on its money element. However, the powerful water of the Pig is difficult to control, and therefore it is not easy to hold on to what you have. When money comes, confusion comes with it. To maintain a positive balance, you have to work hard.

It's hard to grow up here. In nature, plants should grow above the ground, not below it. The Yin Earth on the Rabbit has difficulty fulfilling its natural purpose. Therefore, life is not easy, you have to struggle, put in a lot of effort, getting little in return.

Earth Rabbits are extremely demanding of themselves and others; they have the skills to organize the process, subordinate and set everything up. They can manage people excellently and still be liked by others. But internal blocks and limitations in the head can prevent you from acting effectively and making the right decisions.

己酉 Yin Land on the Rooster - land with treasure

People “Earth of Yin on the Rooster” can achieve success not only due to their beauty, but also due to their intelligence, which they also have at their best. The personal Star of an academician makes them receptive to information flows. They know a lot and are quite demanding.

己未 Yin Earth on Goat – dry soil

This is dry, infertile soil that desperately needs water. But no matter how much you give, she will drink it all! Therefore, people of the “Land of Yin on the Goat” are almost never satisfied with what they already have, and always want more. They will be able to make good money - after all, water for them is “wealth”, and they are ready to absorb it endlessly. That is, they will be very passionate about working “for results.”

The Yin Land on Goat is one of the pillars of “elegant printing”, which will also give talents in the fields of art, literature, and design. It is advisable to live in a cool climate, near a small body of water, then the land will become more fertile and happier.

Hidden inside is a money printing press. Yin Land on Ox people are able to easily produce money, but they will have to share it with others. However, this is not a big problem, since the Yin Earth on the Ox quite finds a common language with people, he will be able to involve them as employees or partners to make money together.

Relationship with Earth Yin

Interactions with each of the elements can be taken into account to assess the compatibility of people with each other. However, each birth chart, in addition to personal elements, contains other signs that can change the picture in one direction or another. A full assessment of compatibility can only be made through in-depth, careful analysis. Therefore, consider these descriptions not as a call to action, but only as a “hint.”

己 + 甲The mutual attraction of the Yang Tree and the Yin Earth is, perhaps, beyond the power of anyone to destroy. These elements are so harmonious in their union that many simply envy the sensitivity, loyalty and dedication that reigns in this family. Their children are treated kindly, and their house is full.

己 + 乙The Yin tree is different from the Yang tree, its roots are weak, and without additional care they get stuck inside. The relationship between the Yin Earth and the representative of the Yin Tree is developing well, but is far from ideal. They are accommodating in everyday nuances, but from the side of the Tree a “consumer note” often slips through. When the soil is dry and hot, it feels extremely uncomfortable, which often results in resentment and mutual reproaches.

己 + 丙Sunlight from Yang Fire can create comfortable conditions for the soil. This is a very good influence. Compatibility with Yang Fire is high, but a fiery partner does not always allow you to take care of yourself so selflessly. Sometimes there is too much attention and annoying “maternal” fuss for him. If children immediately appear in a marriage of these elements, then “earthly” love is distributed more evenly, and relations between partners come into balance.

己 + 戊Yang Earth and Yin Earth can be sealed into a wonderful marriage union. Their relationship will be dominated by reliability and practicality, without hints of crazy passion or dizzying emotions. Placing their priority on raising children and ensuring the comfort of “being,” these partners are completely devoid of romanticism and are limited by the framework of their mentality.

己 + 己Two Yin Earths – two harmonies. They suit each other in everything. The kinship of souls and views on life gives inspiration and strength to move through life harmoniously, easily and cheerfully. In such a union there is no place for irritability, despondency and discontent. Like twins, such partners are always together, sensitive and always support each other.

己 +庚Although Yang Metal is generated by the earth, in nature it is extracted not from the soil, but from rocks. For Yin Earth, this is a difficult relationship. An alliance with Yang Metal is possible only if the “iron” man has enough strength to moderate his harshness and sharpness, allowing the caring maternal element to melt all the cold that has accumulated over the years of loneliness. Of course, all the “ice floes” in the heart will not completely melt, but Yansky Metal will definitely become softer and warmer.

己 +辛With Yin Metal it’s a completely different matter! Especially if the soil is cool and wet. Then the Metal will owe all its brilliance and external gloss to the selfless Mother Earth. The loving and homely Yin Earth will easily find an approach to Yin Metal. A strong union of these elements is achieved when the role of the wife is assigned to the element of earth, and the role of the husband is assigned to the element of metal. In this case, all family accents will be built correctly and everyone will play their own, clearly assigned “role.”

Destination according to the Bazi map

Using the Bazi map you can find out prospects in work, business, and career.

Let me give you an example. Alexander worked for a long time as a hired top manager in the company. I asked to create my own business. Alexander’s energy is strong Fire, there is a lot of Metal and Wood in the chart, which means for him that he can not only create, but also maintain a business.

Men's requests for the Bazi card are always very specific - business, money, power. And by the way, business is not useful to everyone: if there is no element in the card that represents money, then it is preferable to focus on work that requires either diligence or creativity. Women are more concerned about other issues - relationships and children. Using the cards, you can make predictions about how family life and relationships with partners will develop.

A story that might not have happened if Elena had sought advice in time. Elena's husband is a successful businessman and has his own construction company. Happy marriage, daughter, full house, real estate abroad. Lena did not work, she took care of her family. For a change, she asked her husband to create a small beautiful business for her. The new business captivated her, showed her extraordinary abilities, but destroyed her marriage. A year later, the husband left for another woman, although he continued to provide for the family financially. Lena was categorically forbidden to mind her own business; in her chart there was a special combination of elements, which the Chinese call “husband killer”; moreover, unfavorable elements came from outside and further strengthened her aggressive self-expression. Yes, her business is thriving now, but her husband needed another woman who wanted to enjoy life, not work.

Yin Metal, Yin Metal.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element . This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content.

This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…

Money in the Bazi card

But what if there is no monetary energy in the personality chart? Does this mean that there is no chance of material wealth?

The so-called correction of the elements helps here. Either we add the missing element of money into our lives, or we surround ourselves with people who bring us the energy of money. We also use the coming periods of good luck. But there are also money lucky ones! There are six elements of wealth in the chart of Olga, the head of the company. Rare card! Olga is simply swimming in money; the business is stable and has been developing for ten years. This is such money luck!

Or sometimes a woman's chart has four elements of her husband and it turns out that the lady is married for the fourth time, happy in her fourth marriage and has finally met the love of her life!

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