Strengthening the money star Finance according to the birth chart of Zi Wei Dou Shu

Zi Wei Dou Shu is one of the areas of Chinese metaphysics, extremely widely used by Eastern astrologers to make life forecasts. Nowadays it is the most common in China, and these days it is becoming increasingly famous in the West. What are the features of Ji Wei Dou Shu?

To answer this question, let's first remember how the Western horoscopes we are familiar with work. Today they have already firmly entered our lives. Scattered across the inky darkness of space, myriads of stars form constellations, examining and studying which astrologers make a forecast for the future. However, this approach also has a number of disadvantages. It seems incredible that stars located at such an incredibly distant distance are capable of somehow influencing the lives of the inhabitants of the Earth. Moreover, it has a decisive impact on human life.

Ji Wei Dou Shu is much more logical and consistent in this regard. No, Zi Wei Dou Shu also uses the concept of “stars,” but they reflect some special energies of the Universe, and not some astronomical objects that exist in reality. These stars are not searched for in the sky using telescopes, but are calculated using fairly complex methods. These special forces influence our intentions and actions, shape our moral principles, feelings and reactions to all sorts of events happening around us. Only a person determines how he uses those features that are bestowed from birth.

Another positive feature of Ji Wei Dou Shu is that it is based on the same basic principles as Feng Shui and Ba Zi. So, if you are practicing them, then it makes sense to put aside Western horoscopes and pay attention to Ji Wei Dou Shu. This technique will fit harmoniously, complementing the system you already practice, while simultaneously increasing its effectiveness.

Main stars of Ji Wei Dou Shu:

  • The Emperor is central, the most important.
  • Mercy represents change, movement.
  • The sun is responsible for the breadth of the soul.
  • Finance – fully lives up to its name, cash savings and financial success.
  • Luck is responsible for the favor of a happy occasion.
  • Angry - don’t be afraid, this star is simply responsible for emotions and experiences.
  • Treasure – has to do with savings.
  • The moon represents progress and money.
  • Flirting – Peach blossoms and pleasure.
  • Gloomy - oratory, speeches and court hearings.
  • Blessing – is responsible for severity and justice.
  • Minister - responsible for assistance from other people.
  • Power – as the name suggests, is responsible for managing other people and career prospects.
  • Destructive - responsible for various damage or changes.

Brightness level

In the calculator, there are different marks next to the stars: a red circle, stars - red, white and black. These designations reflect the strength of the star in the birth chart.

Finances will please a person most if they are marked with a circle or a red asterisk. However, they also work well in white. But if there is a black star nearby, then they are weak. Then in the palace next to them or in the palace opposite there should be stars of Prosperity or Abundance. Or at least one of these auxiliary units.

Also, with the black mark of Finance, you need to pay attention to whether there is Annoyance nearby. If there is, then it is useless to activate such a money star.

Additional auxiliary stars of the Ji Wei Dou Shu card:

  • Abundance is an auxiliary star responsible for financial well-being.
  • Severe - personifies order.
  • Romance and Wedding - these stars, as the name suggests, are responsible for favorable events and love relationships.
  • Birth indicates various innovations.
  • Pegasus – changes in life and active actions.

In addition to the above, there are other stars that are not described here, but are often used in the process of compiling Ji Wei Dou Shu cards. In addition to everything, stars are able to transform, gaining other features and characteristics. The stars of transformation are Prosperity, Authority, Glory and Annoyance.

Stars, like palaces, also exert mutual influence. At the same time, they exhibit many new features and additional properties. When assessing a situation or any event, it is necessary to pay close attention to all possible mutual connections between the stars, both within the same palace and in different palaces.

Character of the star

Unlike the Treasure star, which allows you to receive money primarily through passive accumulation, Finance is an active structure. And this is good, since many people find it easier to actively do something in order to get money than to put it in a box and wait for it to last.

To activate the Finance star, you need to actively work. This is a required activation condition. That is, if you have passive income, for example, from renting an apartment, your financial situation will, of course, improve from this. But the star of Finance does not activate.

Finance is always active work. And not in the house. That is, if you are just a housewife or a non-working pensioner, then you will not be able to activate Finance. But you can spend everything you earn without saving anything. And the work does not have to be official. That is, you can be a freelancer, self-employed, etc.

Moreover, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including completely new and even dubious ones. This is another quality of Finance that distinguishes it from Treasure. If Treasure recognizes only slow traditional methods of earning money, then Finance allows you to play on the stock exchange and make quick, risky investments.


In the previous article >> we talked about how the Life Map is filled with stars and interpreted level by level. Let's look at an example of the Zi Wei Dou Shu card of Vladimir Potanin, a famous Russian entrepreneur. Here we will look at only the 14 main stars in his Life Map, described in the Textbook of Zi Wei Dou Shu >> Master Tony Tan. In future articles we will add other stars to see how their combinations complement or even change the meaning of the Zi Wei Dou Shu stars. First, we will go through the 12 Palaces of Zi Wei Dou Shu>>, taking into account that each of them is responsible for one or another aspect of life.

Palace of Personality:

The Taiyin star, the Moon, entered this Palace. Calm, balanced and quick-witted, the Moon can become an excellent strategist. Her graciousness does not allow her to struggle for victory, and she reaches the top in more graceful and less noticeable ways. The Moon is also mobile, like the Sun, but its movement is not so grandiose. The Moon brings profit and benefit, it is able to build a good plan on how to achieve wealth. When it dominates the palace of the Personality, it gives a person the ability to achieve prosperity without attracting unnecessary attention to himself. Very similar to the personality description of Vladimir Potanin: despite the fact that during his career he held several government positions, he usually did not attract too much attention to himself, achieving his success quietly, not too noticeable to the general public.

Palace of Thinking:

The gloomy star here signifies suspicion, it leads to excessive attention to detail, which can be very useful for successfully running a business that needs control.

Palace of Brothers/Sisters:

The Emperor was here. The Sibling Palace reflects the number of brothers and sisters; relationships with them; partially reflects relationships with friends. It is generally considered not very auspicious to find the Emperor in this Palace, as it will mean that the person will always be under undue pressure and influence from his brothers/sisters. At the same time, we see in this Palace the star of the Financial Minister, and this is the best of all the stars that can only be found in the Palaces associated with human relations, since it means stability. However, we do not know if Vladimir Potanin has any siblings, so the influence of these stars is minimal here. However, in the following articles, when talking about the relationships of different Palaces, we will be able to look at how these stars influenced other Palaces associated with the Sibling Palace.

Career Palace:

If the Inspector is in the Career Palace, such professions as a judge, lawyer, accountant, auditor, inspector, consultant or teacher are ideal for the person. The inspector is also great at problem solving. He may attract them, but regardless of their type and degree of complexity, the Inspector will solve them. Therefore, its owner will have to live in a constant flow of income and solutions to problems. If we read the biography of Vladimir Potanin, we can imagine how many problems he had to solve during this time. And judging by his undisturbed well-being, he was able to successfully solve them. However, given the Moon in the Personality Palace, little information about this leaks out.

Children's Palace:

The leading general in the Children's Palace predicts an unstable relationship with children. Perhaps this is why Vladimir Potanin decided not to leave his fortune to his children, but to give it to charity, especially since he has the Sun star in the Palace of Wealth.

Palace of Wealth:

The Sun in the Palace of Wealth is generally favorable, but usually the person incurs large expenses because of other people. Perhaps that is why Vladimir Potanin joined the philanthropic campaign “Pledge of Giving”. One of the conditions of the “Oath” is an agreement to donate at least half of your wealth to charity. When we look at the auxiliary stars, we will see additional reasons for this action.

Palace of Real Estate:

This Palace shows good luck in managing real estate, inheritance, residential property, and also reflects family luck. The Star of Passion in the Real Estate Palace is believed to be an unfavorable factor as property will be lost. Along with her is the Minister of Press, with whom the state of the assets greatly depends on the structure of the Map of other stars. Since we are now considering only the main stars in individual Palaces, we will not analyze this information, we will leave it for the future, when we talk about the interaction of the Palaces and the structure of the Map. Then we will see that in this particular Life Map these Stars are not as bad as they seem, and even vice versa. In the Textbook of Zi Wei Dou Shu >> Master Tony Tan you can see examples of the interaction of different stars in different Palaces.

Palace of Friends:

Relationships with friends, work team and subordinates; their responsiveness and ability to help; their level of importance in life. The Marshal is not the best of the stars that can be found in the palaces of human relations. Good relations cannot be achieved unless the Marshal meets another favorable star in the appropriate palace.

Palace of Travel:

this Palace indicates good luck in travel, work or living abroad. The Star of Satisfaction here indicates that Vladimir Potanin easily adapts both to home and to distant lands; he is lucky in travel. Indeed, he travels a lot and achieves success, working in several regions of the country and abroad, and also speaks three foreign languages.

Palace of Health:

this Palace reflects the state of health; most likely diseases; risks of illness, accident or disaster. The Minister of War here points to weakness in the lungs, respiratory system, and small intestine.

Palace of Parents:

Relationships with parents; The palace reflects relationships with elders and those of higher status. The Star of Pleasure here indicates a good relationship with parents, despite their selfishness.

Palace of Love:

this Palace indicates good luck in your personal life; building relationships with your loved one; married life; marital relations. The chief adviser here points to the talent of Vladimir Potanin’s wife, her ability to easily adapt, her desire to weigh everything. A spouse's interests can also easily change. Someone well acquainted with the personal life of Vladimir Potanin may be able to comment on this information.

In the following articles we will add several Zi Wei Dou Shu stars to Vladimir Potanin's Life Map and look at some combinations, according to the methodology taught by Master Tony Tan in his courses>>.

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart [edit]

The 12 palaces, or Shí Èr Gōng (十二宫), are arranged and arranged in a counterclockwise rotation.

  1. Self Palace (命宮)
  2. Sibling Palace (兄弟宮)
  3. Palace of the Consorts (夫妻宮)
  4. Children's Palace (子女宮)
  5. Palace of Wealth (財帛宮)
  6. Health Palace (疾厄宮)
  7. Travel Palace (遷移宮)
  8. Palace of Friends, or Palace of Subordinates (交友宮)
  9. Career Palace (官祿宮)
  10. Property Palace (田宅宮)
  11. Mental Palace, or Karma Palace, Ancestral Palace (福德宮)
  12. Parent's Palace (父母宮)

14 main stars: [3] [4]

  1. Ziwei (Emperor or Purple Star): associated with Yin Earth, leader-organizer, elder, monarch, stable development, benevolence, neutrality, wisdom, obligation, human society, power, position, material wealth, ability. healing and salvation.
  2. Tianji (Advisor, Heavenly Machine or Heavenly Secret): Associated with Yin Wood, assistant, strategist, clerk, siblings, intelligence, strategy, manipulation, kindness.
  3. Taiyang (Sun): Associated with Yang Fire, leader of men, elder, male (father-husband-son), mass, mass development, masculine characteristics, integrity, vision, self-sacrifice, universal love, ideal. , nature, strength, glory, ability to give.
  4. Wuqu (Minister of Finance or Military Bureaucrat, Military Motif): Associated with yin metal, assistant, short-term planner, trader, worker, lonely, guile, inner strength, caution, toughness, determination, wealth, hard work. .
  5. Tianfu (Empress or Viceroy, Heavenly Mansion): Associated with Yang Earth, elder, monarch or high-ranking official, minor leadership, stability, benevolence, conservatism, human society, material wealth, position, power, ability to unite.
  6. Tiantong (Lucky Star, Pleasure Seeker, Child): Associated with Yang of Water, junior, impermanence, natural kindness, pleasure, laziness, luck.
  7. Lianzhen (Judge, young woman): associated with Yin fire, virgin, judge, lawyer, witch, courtesan, severity, chastity, malice, duplicity, prison, harem, justice, terrible incidents, punishment, love, humor, poverty
  8. Taiyin (Moon): Associated with Yin water, woman or feminine leader, manipulator, elder, woman (mother-wife-daughter), internal or passive development, retrospective development, feminine characteristics, refinement, feminine or maternal love. , maternal sacrifice, selfishness, extravagance, ideal, art, nature, material well-being, real estate, purity, the ability to receive and spend.
  9. Tanlang (Greedy Wolf): Associated with Yang Wood and Yin Water, hunter, extravagant people, priest, sex, deceit, libido, selfish desires, risk-taking, prison.
  10. Jumen (Protector, Great Gate, Mouth): Associated with Yin Water, lawyer, parliament, singers, quarrel, betrayal, notoriety, frankness, secret, bad luck, prison.
  11. Tianxiang (Prime Minister, Keeper of the Seal): Associated with Yang of Water, high-ranking assistant, delegates or representatives, high positions, benevolence, generosity, stability, loyalty.
  12. Tianliang (Sage, Heavenly Ray or Heavenly Bridge): Associated with Yang Earth and Yang Wood, teacher, scholar, rules, benevolence, generosity, tolerance, forgiveness, education, wisdom.
  13. Qisha (Field Marshal, Seven Kills): Associated with Yin Metal and Yang Fire, military leader, hot temper, heroism, integrity, pain and labor, danger, loyalty, exception.
  14. Pojun (Army, Star of Destruction): Associated with Yin water, warlords, betrayal, deceit, wastefulness, destruction, change.

Activation by Palaces

Let's consider options for activating the Finance star depending on which palace it ended up in.

Life, Wealth and Career

These are the most important palaces of any map and are always active. If Finance is in them, no additional activation efforts need to be made. You just need to work. Finance is already activated automatically.


Here you need to work in partnership with other people. The ideal option is with close relatives. But you can also do it with friends. Only these should be truly close friends.


Looks like the Brothers' palace. That is, partnership is also necessary. But it can also happen to people who are not your true friends or relatives. A simple acquaintance and conclusion of a partnership agreement is enough.

The Star of Finance in this palace also helps to activate work in which you have many subordinates and/or assistants.


The ideal option is to work under the guidance of older family members or in partnership with them. However, the work that the native got with the help of the patronage of his older relatives often helps to activate the Finances in the Palace of the Parents.

You can also practice employment in the field of providing services to older people and producing goods for them.

In youth, activating Finance in this palace makes it possible to partner with people who are at least 20 years older. But this should be close collaboration, and not just having a boss who is older in age. In younger years this is almost always the case. And that's not enough.


Everything is the same as for Parents, only in reverse. Suitable work is providing services to children, producing goods for them.

At a more mature age, you can get a job under the patronage of your own adult children or become a mentor to a young person and work with him in partnership. But it was a close mentor, and not just a boss.


A partnership with a spouse is required (possibly civil). Sometimes just working in the same company as this person helps. You can also start producing goods for newlyweds and providing them with services.


To strengthen the Finances in this palace, you need to:

  • travel a lot for work;
  • work in the field of tourism, transport, shipping;
  • Constant contact for work with citizens of other states or residents of other cities.

You can also move to live in another city or country. And then you can do what you like.

You can try making money remotely.


Suitable for working in the field of real estate, as well as large movable (for example, cars) property.


Any activity related to human health;

  • medical practice;
  • psychology;
  • training in healing practices - yoga, meditation, fitness training, etc.;
  • release of health products;
  • scientific work aimed at studying new treatment methods, etc.


A job based on your hobby, that is, what makes you personally happy, is suitable. You can also work in the field of entertainment, holidays, and the production of gifts.


  1. by 庚凡 ISBN 978-7-5613-4369-2
  2. " ". Zi Wei Dou Shi.
    Retrieved May 22, 2007.
  3. 潘國森(May 1, 2021).潘國森斗數教程(一):入門篇(in Chinese).獨立作家 - 心一堂. paragraph 73. ISBN 978-988-8316-71-7.
  4. 门岿(1994).中国神祕文化百科知识(in Chinese). Vol. 2.化文化出կ.

Book Title: The Emperor's Stargate Author: Alexandra Hartim ISBN 962-86020-4-7

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