What stones and talismans are suitable for Pisces women and men: select by date and year of birth

Pisces is a water sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by impulsiveness, indecisiveness and romance. People born under it often find themselves in difficult situations and do not know how to get out of them. The reason is the contradictory character, combining talent and irresponsibility, determination and laziness. Talismans of the Pisces zodiac sign are able to save a person from unnecessary problems, reward him with energy and courage. They will help you make the right decisions and protect you from attacks by dark forces. It is only important to choose the right amulet. According to the horoscope, the Pisces talisman must be associated with water. Such a talisman can bring good luck to the owner, make a person courageous and capable of thoughtful actions. His choice depends on the gender and character traits of the person.

Talismans and amulets for Pisces

Representatives of the Pisces sign are influenced by Jupiter and Neptune. The element of the sign is water, therefore a suitable talisman must have a “watery” shade: turquoise, blue or greenish.

As an amulet, you can use not only jewelry with stones, but also various figures, objects, colors and even plants, in particular trees and flowers. This is very useful, because you can not only always carry talismans with you, but also place them at home to protect your home from negative energy, the evil eye and damage, as well as build more harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Talismanic items for Pisces

In order for the Pisces house to turn into a real impregnable fortress, and for the representative of the sign to feel comfortable, you can place various talismanic objects around the house that are suitable specifically for this sign.

Reference! The longer the talisman stays at home, the more stable the owner’s emotional state will become.

The following can be used as amulets:

  1. Shells brought from a sea holiday, or paintings depicting them. They make Pisces more confident, calm their nerves and attract good luck.
  2. Jewelry in the form of fish will make its owner more decisive and wiser, help him choose the right path in life and stick to it.
  3. Musical instruments are another suitable talisman for fish. Among the representatives of this sign there are a lot of creative people, and such talismans will help you find inspiration and unleash your creative potential.

Also suitable as an amulet are images of water, sea creatures, dolphins and seagulls.

Animal mascots

Like other signs, Pisces have their own totem animals, which will help develop character strengths and reduce the effects of weak ones.

Note! The most effective way is to get a suitable pet. But, if this is not possible, you can simply buy a figurine or picture of a totem animal.

The most suitable mascot is an aquarium with fish or a pet turtle. Such pets will feed their owner with energy. A budgie or a canary will help improve your mood, bring harmony to your family and improve your health.

An excellent animal talisman for Pisces is butterfly jewelry. They will help the owner achieve success in all areas of life.

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Trees and flowers

Mascot plants for Pisces should also have a connection with water. If you choose a houseplant, they should resemble algae in shape and appearance.

Representatives of this sign should grow:

  1. Cyperus (papyrus). It perfectly improves the emotional situation in the family, absorbing negative energy and negativity.
  2. Hyacinth. Great for Pisces women. It has magical properties and helps to reveal the femininity and attractiveness of its owner.
  3. Red geranium. Protects its owners from damage and the evil eye, and attracts happiness in their personal lives.

Pisces also has many talismans among the trees. If possible, you can plant pine, willow, thuja or viburnum near the house.

Slavic talismans

Among the ancient Slavs, the amulet was selected in accordance with the date of birth. It was believed that these objects had magical powers and protected their owner, so they were always kept nearby and tried not to be shown to strangers.

According to Slavic mythology, the patron saint of Pisces is the god Veles. A wooden figurine of this deity can be used as an amulet. In addition, the sign of Pisces corresponds to the palace of the wolf, so you can buy jewelry or an image with this animal. Such an amulet will awaken vitality, wisdom, energy and determination in the owner.

Talismans of color and number

Representatives of this sign will suit all shades of sea and water. An excellent choice would be lilac, aqua, blue, steel, and in some cases even red-violet.

Like other signs, Pisces has lucky numbers as patrons. These are 6, 7 and 11. If representatives of this sign often encounter these numbers, this means that a turning point has come in their life.

Unwanted amulets for the sign

It is undesirable to touch or simply approach some objects, people born under the constellation Pisces. This applies to some stones: onyx, sardonyx, lapis lazuli, obsidian and yellow topaz. Any black minerals or stones with a matte surface are also contraindicated.

Jade and jasper have a negative effect on well-being. The latter has powerful energy; it affects an indecisive person so strongly that it can drive him into deep depression. Representatives of the Pisces sign must independently feel which symbol or stone will suit them as a talisman, help them in love, work, achieve goals, and give them confidence.

What should be the stones for the Pisces sign?

Pisces has many advantages, but there are also character flaws. Representatives of this sign are often completely helpless in everyday life, have no commercial spirit and do not know how to earn money.

Note! The problem lies in the low level of vital energy. But, if you choose the right talisman stone, the passivity of character will be eliminated.

Such amulets should be kept with you at all times, for example, worn in a ring, ring, earrings or other jewelry.

Selecting a stone by date of birth (decade)

To choose the right talisman stone, you need to take into account the date of birth of the future owner. This is extremely important, since for those born in different decades the amulets will be different.

First ten days (February 21 – March 1)

In the first decade, romantic and creative personalities are born. They are under the influence of Saturn, and often prefer to escape from reality into a world of dreams and unrealistic hopes.

The following will help make your character more balanced:

  • Blue sapphire, which will give life wisdom. This stone also improves intuition and helps fight laziness.
  • Emerald strengthens memory and increases interest in creativity.
  • Aventurine is a symbol of creativity and a sharp mind that will help its owner become more decisive.

Aventurine stone

Second decade (March 2-11)

Pisces born in the second decade are under the protection of Jupiter. It is very important for them that others value their achievements, but vanity can interfere with building harmonious relationships with others.

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Amulet stones will help make your character more harmonious. Chrysolite will give you self-confidence and protect you from rash actions. Heliotrope will protect you from negativity and envy of others, and coral will help you achieve what you want.

Ring with Chrysolite stone

Third ten days (March 12-20)

The patron saint of Pisces born in the third decade is Mars. These are very kind and cheerful people, but sometimes they can be too hot-tempered and highly dependent on the opinions of others.

Chrysoprase (relieves anxiety) and alexandrite (brings happiness and prosperity) will help representatives of this sign become calmer and more independent.

Chrysoprase stone

Rules for choosing amulets for Pisces

The last one among the twelve zodiac signs fully reflects the element of Water. People born between February 20 and March 20 are supported by the planet Neptune. Their characteristic features are a love of secrets and mysticism, spiritual vulnerability, weakness of will, creativity, and a tendency to depression. Pisces have a contradictory disposition, which is reflected in their life path.

Based on personal characteristics, amulets for such people should give support, good spirits, courage, and intuition. They will help you unlock your potential and teach you to accept reality in its true form. For those who want to succeed in their career and development, an assistant in the form of an amulet is indispensable.

Choosing a stone depending on the year of birth

You should choose a talisman for Pisces taking into account the year of birth. In accordance with the Eastern horoscope, the following amulets are chosen:

  1. Rats should wear jewelry with garnet to achieve what they want and improve relationships with others.
  2. Tiger's eye is recommended for those born in the year of the Ox. This mineral will become a reliable defense in problematic situations and will help avoid mistakes.
  3. Tigers should wear amethyst, because this stone will help realize creative ideas and become financially independent.
  4. For people born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, jewelry with pearls is suitable. It will help protect against damage and the evil eye, and help you make informed decisions.
  5. Peridot is ideal for Pisces born in the year of the Dragon. Its owner will become more confident and sociable.
  6. Peridot is also suitable for representatives of the sign who were born in the year of the Snake. It will help you gain confidence in your strength and attractiveness.
  7. For those born in the year of the Horse, aquamarine is suitable. It neutralizes emotional instability and eliminates panic attacks.
  8. Jewelry with pomegranate is suitable for the Goat, which will smooth out the impact of negative character traits and add optimism.
  9. Pisces born in the year of the Monkey are recommended to wear jewelry with opals. They will help you achieve what you want, make your character more harmonious and help you choose the right path in life.
  10. Those born in the year of the Rooster are characterized by excessive boastfulness. Aquamarine will help neutralize this character trait.
  11. Representatives of the Year of the Dog should give preference to pearl jewelry. This stone will protect you from negativity and stop you from gossiping and slandering.
  12. Moonstone is ideal for those born in the year of the Pig. It adds strength and self-confidence, relieves stress and makes a person optimistic.

Pendant with moonstone

Bottom line

Precious and semi-precious stones can become an excellent helper and protector from troubles for the Pisces sign, if you choose them correctly. First of all, minerals must be in harmony with the element of Pisces - water. The color of the minerals should also match the water - blue, cyan, green, white and gray. Pisces should be wary of interaction with the fire element and solar energy, so they are contraindicated from wearing gold and jewelry with red and yellow gems.

Watch the video, which talks about how the energy of the stone can attract positive changes in life, protect against negativity and improve health.

Stones for Pisces women

A correctly selected stone will help the Pisces woman develop intuition and wisdom, and form a positive outlook on life.

Note! For married women, such amulets will help protect their family from various troubles and adversities.

The best amulets for representatives of this sign are:

  • Sapphire will make even a young girl wise beyond her years and will contribute to the development of intuition.
  • Pearls will bring their owner good luck in love and strengthen relationships with loved ones.
  • Moonstone will not only protect a woman from negative energy and the evil eye, but will also help attract good luck.

These amulets can be worn framed in almost any metal, but silver and gold are best suited. It is important that the talisman is invisible to prying eyes. Otherwise, it will become saturated with negative energy and lose its magical power.

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The strongest protective symbols

Representatives of the sign value home comfort and coziness, so a figurine or piece of furniture with a certain symbolism will become an excellent amulet for Pisces.

The most common amulets are called:

  • a dolphin, which helps to establish relationships with people, accumulate life experience, and maintain a positive attitude;
  • seagull - the personification of the flight of thought and fantasy, the willingness to take everything from life, love for home;
  • anchor or sea knots, helping to strengthen character, cultivate will, and formulate clear beliefs;
  • a shell that attracts good events to fate, helps with hints at the right moment, generates love and healthy romanticism;
  • musical instruments or their imitations, tuning their owners to a harmonious existence and intuitive sensations;
  • Tibetan symbols, including Chinese coins for good luck and money, Yin-Yang, Cornucopia, etc., allow you to reveal your mystical nature and learn to lead your own life.

Some talismans can be made as a picture in blue tones with bright elements. People with the zodiac sign Pisces will appreciate living amulets - an aquarium with goldfish, a canary or a budgie. For any amulet to work, you need to frequently contact it, communicate, and meditate.

Stones for Pisces men

Pisces men are often reserved and not very sociable, although much depends on the date of birth. Quite often they are so dreamy and romantic that they simply cannot solve everyday problems or build a successful career. But, if you choose the right amulet stone, negative character traits can be successfully neutralized.

For example, aquamarine will help develop spiritually and protect its owner from envious people. Amethyst will give confidence and promote the development of strong personality traits. A man can also wear a talisman with pearls, which will not only give confidence, but also bring good luck in finances.

Amethyst stone pendant

How to clean and activate

If an item was purchased or given as a gift, before use it is necessary to remove foreign energy from it (with the exception of those products that were created by a master specifically for the owner and for his needs).

The most universal option, which is suitable for talismans made of any materials, is air purification. First you need to take a shower and put on clean clothes, clear your space and your thoughts. Then you should blow on the amulet and imagine how the flow of air removes all the negativity from it.

You can use candles and incense sticks.

To activate the amulet for the night, place it under the pillow on the first night after making or purchasing it. In the morning, you take it out and carry it with you to establish contact with your energy.

Which stones are not suitable for Pisces?

There are objects and stones that Pisces do not want to buy and wear. In particular, you should not wear jewelry with obsidian, yellow topaz, onyx or lapis lazuli.

Note! Black stones are strictly prohibited for Pisces. They negatively affect the unstable psyche of this sign and can even drive them into depression.

In addition, Pisces have weak energy, so they are not recommended to wear jewelry with jade. This mineral makes representatives of this sign too focused on their career, which causes problems in their personal lives.

Connection with chakras and metals

For the chakras associated with the sign of Pisces, blue-blue or indigo minerals are beneficial.

Lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, and amethyst stones are used in manipulations with the sixth, Brow chakra (Ajna). Pearls, topaz, selenite - from the seventh, the Crown (Sahasrara).

Pisces metal is silver . This is a universal natural amulet against the evil eye, diseases and troubles. Guarantees success in all areas of life, especially personal.

Silver ring with topaz

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