Colors of luck: what shades can attract luck into a person’s life

Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. Today we asked an astrologer to tell us which colors correspond to the characteristics of the zodiac signs.

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Mikhail Zhvanetsky once said that luck smiles on the brave, and then laughs at them for a long time. But he was probably talking about people who simply don’t know which color brings them luck according to their horoscope. Just in case you don’t know the characteristics of your zodiac sign, read our astrological selection.

Expert opinion


astrologer of the esoteric service Astro7

— Each zodiac sign has a color that brings good luck. Astrologers advise using it in the interior and wardrobe. And, of course, some item of this color, for example, a diary or a pen, should always be with you.

a lion

More on the topic

Which style suits your zodiac sign?

Leos are recommended the color gold, which symbolizes wealth and success. Astrologers advise this sign to wear something gold every day - ideally if it is exquisite jewelry. But if you don't like yellow gold, just buy some item or talisman that is always with you, golden in color.

Color in marketing and business

The role of color in creating a corporate identity

When developing a brand philosophy, color takes center stage among other factors. Every color we see directly or indirectly implies something, and this helps influence the perception of a particular brand. Some colors go beyond individual brands, symbolizing entire industries, for example, blue for the tourism business, green for healthy eating, red for fast food.

There are no clear rules for choosing colors when developing a corporate identity. Some use colors that are familiar to their industry, while others, on the contrary, prefer to go against tradition, believing that this helps to attract attention more effectively. For example, Virgin America decided to change the traditional concept when developing its website and application. And although this may not be exactly what users expect from an airline website, it nevertheless attracts attention.

There's not even a hint of blue in the Virgin America iOS app.

Thus, an unexpected color choice can be an effective technique to attract users' attention to your company.

Color and Conversion Rate Optimization

How can you use knowledge of color theory and psychology to encourage people to click? Choosing the color of your call to action (CTA) button is one of the oldest aspects of the conversion versus optimization debate. For every person who argues that red is the best color for a button because it attracts the most attention, there is someone who argues that green is the best color because it is associated with safety and encourages action.

HubSpot presented the results of its marketing research (A/B test), which shows how the choice of color for the call-to-action button affects the number of registered users.

A/B testing is the most effective and frequently used marketing research method.

Although it was initially expected that the green button would perform better, test results showed that the red button received 21% more clicks. At the same time, HubSpot warned its users that the test results were somewhat subjective - perhaps the audience preferred red because it was the only saturated color on the site page.

The color of a button in itself does not affect its absolute effectiveness - what works well on one site may be ineffective on another. The claim that one color converts better than another is false because there is no universal best color. However, there are still some rules based on practical experience that help you effectively use color to your advantage. One of them is the use of a psychological principle known as the “isolation effect.” According to this principle, people remember better an object that stands out from the rest “like an eyesore.”

For example, if your website or app has a lot of green in its design, users will likely not pay attention to the green button, even though A/B test data has proven its effectiveness at another company.

Evernote web service. Their “It's Free” CTA button is buried because it blends in with the background. It gets lost on the page and users don't notice it.

Sometimes you need to change the visual hierarchy of colors on a page to highlight your call to action button. Contrast plays a very important role - if the color of the button does not attract the attention of a potential client, then there will be no registrations/sales.

A call to action (CTA) button really attracts users' attention when it contrasts in color with the rest of the page elements.

Color and usability

Design involves not only beautiful design, but also functionality and usability - perhaps the two most important principles for the work of any UX designer.

Color is a tool that helps direct the eye to the desired objects. Choosing the right color when designing an interface not only attracts users, but also improves the efficiency of the user interface.

Limit the number of colors

When using different colors in your design, you should strive for balance. The more colors you use, the harder it is to achieve balance. Using too many colors is a common mistake developers make. They may be trying to influence users in this way and convey as much information as possible, but this can be very confusing for people visiting the site.

No matter what color shades you use, too many colors create an unfortunate visual effect.

Interior designers follow a simple rule of 60–30–10, which also works well when designing websites. This timeless technique will help you choose a balanced color scheme: 60% should be the dominant color, 30% the secondary color and 10% the accent color. This ratio guarantees color balance and a comfortable transition of the gaze from one object to another.

The formula 60% + 30% + 10% is the key to balancing the colors used.

Availability of color perception

People perceive colors differently. Approximately 8% of all men and 0.5% of all women suffer from color blindness to some degree. The combination of red and green suffers most from color vision impairment. The only way to avoid problems is to try not to use this color combination.

Many colorblind people have difficulty distinguishing red from green.

Let's take a common situation as an example. Have you ever received a message that a form was filled out incorrectly - something like “Fields marked in red are required”? While this is not a big problem for users with normal vision, people who are colorblind may find this message upsetting.

Website developers use only two colors to fill out forms: red and green. But colorblind people cannot distinguish between the fields highlighted by these colors.

As stated in the W3C guidelines, colors should not be used as the sole visual tool for the following purposes: conveying information, prompting action and response, or highlighting a visual element. Following these recommendations, site developers should pay attention to some points: the response message about errors should be more informative, for example, like this: “The email address you entered is not available”; or perhaps you should add an icon next to the fill field to attract the user's attention.

Additional visual cues and built-in error checking help highlight an incorrectly filled field.

Are there a few ways you can test your UI for accessibility?

  • The WebAIM service will help you check color combinations.
  • Using the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor will help you correct images using Color Universal Design. This will ensure accessibility of graphic information for people with color vision impairment, including color blindness.


Among the main characteristics of this zodiac sign is inconstancy. Therefore, the best color for Aquarius is the calm color of the air. If you want to find peace of mind, fill the space around you with weightless shades of blue, as well as pink and green. Blue is simply shown to those Aquarians who work hard and get tired. Use it if you feel like you're getting tired.


I think you have heard that when many people see the color green, associations with nature come to mind.

Usually this is a green lawn, a tree crown or flower leaves and the like.

This color is also associated with health, fertility and restoration of strength.

This color also has a calming effect and evokes a feeling of hope for the best.

Therefore, this color has a beneficial effect on a person in situations where he experiences fear or anxiety.


White color traditionally symbolizes openness, the desire to perceive the world as it really is, and in all its diversity . In advertising, the use of this color is the most win-win option - if it is used in print media, it means absolutely nothing, creating a neutral effect. That is, the consumer is given some information, but there are no priorities or emphasis.

True, this does not apply to situations where white plays in contrast.

Colors of 2022 are not suitable for New Year's Eve

  • Bright orange. It will not bring good luck in the new year. In addition, it is the color of fire, which means animals will be afraid of it;
  • Animal print. A leopard print dress or leggings will not please the Tiger's eye. It will rather be a challenge for him;
  • Provocative clothes. Such clothes will definitely not please the owner of the year, who always advocates restraint in life;
  • Lots of decorations. Too much clothing is unlikely to please the Tiger. Therefore, a couple of decorations are enough.


Red is an active and even aggressive color. It encourages a person to act and requires a certain determination. In addition, red helps to attract short-term attention - it is the first thing a casual glance falls on. Therefore, this color is considered the color of the first feelings - it requires immediate action. Because of this aggressiveness, red has a particularly strong effect on men, which is why it is used to promote goods and services for the stronger sex.

But when using red, you should remember that this color is an accent color; if there is too much of it, it will begin to irritate and lead to a negative perception.


The color black represents confidence, conservatism and professionalism . It is a sign of an experienced and qualified team, it sets them up for work and in a businesslike manner. This color is without a doubt the most popular color in the business. However, it also has a negative impact, especially when there is too much of it in the overall picture - black causes melancholy, a feeling of being cut off from the world, which is why experienced advertisers try to avoid excessive use of this color.

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