How to attract luck into your life and live happily

The article explains:

  1. Differences between lucky people and unlucky people
  2. 3 Science-Based Ways to Attract Luck into Your Life
  3. Psychological programming for good luck in your life
  4. How to attract good luck into your life using Feng Shui
  5. 5 rules for attracting money and luck into your life
  6. Final tips to help you attract luck into your life

Everyone dreams of knowing how to attract good luck into your life and greet every day with a sincere smile. Just imagine how beautiful the world would be if luck always accompanied us in all our endeavors. Everyone would certainly be successful at work, happy in relationships, always full of energy and strength.

However, we all attract luck to varying degrees. We will tell you why this happens and how to correct the situation in our article today.

Differences between lucky people and unlucky people

Everyone will agree that Fortune bestows upon some people in full, while passing others by. The capriciousness of Lady Luck has long worried the minds of both poets and scientists. For example, one of the English professors of psychology, while studying this topic, was able to identify a pattern on how to attract luck into your life.

The English scientist and author of The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman, conducted research on the principles of luck and failure.

During them, the professor found out that lucky people are open to the world and show friendliness to others to a greater extent than those who cannot boast of success in business. According to Wiseman, it is extroverts who have the greatest chance of being favored by Fortune.

Those who are inclined to see the world only in black and gray tones and are immersed in negative thoughts often miss happy opportunities.

The scientist conducted some rather interesting experiments. For example, he tried to find out how much influence anxiety has on mindfulness. To do this, he divided the subjects into two groups. The first group was asked to follow the movement of a dot in the center of a computer monitor. When, after some time, additional dots appeared in the corners of the display, almost all those tested noticed this. The second group was given a condition: they received a monetary reward for focusing on the central point. As a result, more than one third of the subjects did not see the additional dots, that is, being anxious due to the desire to get money, they became more inattentive.

The conclusion of this study is quite simple: anxiety allows you to focus on only one task, while limiting your vision of additional details.

Unsuccessful people often miss opportunities to improve their affairs because their thoughts are consumed with finding a solution to a single problem. While the lucky ones are open to new ideas.

In another experiment by Wiseman, subjects were asked to count the number of photos in a newspaper. For the unlucky people, it took about two minutes. The lucky ones managed it in a few seconds. The secret was that the inscription on the second page of the newspaper read: “You can no longer count the photographs - there are 43 of them.” The lucky ones saw and read these lines, that is, they showed a higher degree of attentiveness.

Lucky people have a positive and optimistic approach to life. If something doesn’t go according to plan, they try to find their advantages in it.

Other talismans for good luck and success

The following items can also bring luck and success in business.


There are a lot of games in which the main tool of chance is dice. It is not surprising that simple cubes with points drawn on them have come to symbolize good luck.

The history of the origin of the talisman is interesting. Fighter pilots during World War II were sent on extremely dangerous missions, so they had very little chance of returning to base alive. To escape from gloomy thoughts, the aces played gambling in their free time, including dice. After the war, in the late 50s, Deccofelt Corp began selling talismans in the form of dice. They were especially popular with motorists, who hung them on their rearview mirrors.

If you want to use the protective power of this amulet, sew yourself a pair of dice or buy ready-made dice and glue them to the edge of your desktop or computer monitor.


Another powerful talisman for good luck. Insects with intricate patterns on their wings are revered in many cultures as symbols of good luck. “Ladybug” in German sounds like “lucky beetle” (Glückskäfer).

How can a ladybug make you happy? They say that when this insect lands on you, you should not brush it off, otherwise you will scare away your luck. One old legend says: a guy and a girl who see a ladybug at the same time must certainly fall in love with each other. A large number of ladybugs in the spring has always been considered an omen of a good harvest.

To attract good luck to your side, place a talisman in the form of a ladybug on your table or bring small stones painted to match the colors of this insect into your home.


Thanks to its legendary connection with the Norse god Odin, the common acorn is also considered a symbol of success and prosperity. In Norway, there is a legend that oak fruits have supernatural protective powers, so they were often hung on windows to prevent lightning from entering the house. And during the Norwegian conquest, the British, in the hope of arousing at least some sympathy from the invaders, carried acorns in their pockets.

Oak fruits attract money. To “activate” this ability of an acorn, it must be brought home and placed in a crystal vase. You can also make an amulet from several acorns, but do not overdo it: such a talisman should not contain more than three oak nuts.

How to attract good luck into your life using Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the Taoist teaching of living in harmony with the world through balance in the energy flows between man and nature. In simple words: for success in everything, things in the house must be in the right places.

1. Using a compass, find the eastern part of your home - this is the success zone. Place good luck talismans and more indoor plants there.

2. If you are looking for an apartment to move to, then consider offers with high ceilings - energy circulates better there.

3. Your home should be well lit. If there is not enough daylight, then buy more lamps.

4. Don't hoard unnecessary things. Give them to those in need - this way you will receive a double influx of energy.

5. No need to sleep with your back to the door. Rearrange the bed if necessary.

6. Do not place mirrors above the bed - they repel good luck.

Final tips to help you attract luck into your life

  • Be inspired by the little things around you. The more positive moments there are around you, the faster positive changes will come.
  • If you watch films, then only positive and wise ones. Stories from films can teach you a lot, lift your spirits and help you believe in yourself. Ignore thrillers, horrors, dramas - there are plenty of bad stories in everyday life. There is no need to absorb unnecessary negativity.
  • Learn to trust and listen to your intuition. If you want to attend an event, then be sure to go. And at the same time, drive away the thoughts that you, for example, are not a representative of the society that will be there. One must not only desire the inaccessible, but also try to come into contact with it.
  • Learn to leave your comfort zone. Without making efforts, you will not achieve high peaks. But at the same time, remember about your intuition: if it signals that you don’t need to do something, then don’t do it. The main thing is not to confuse these signals with banal attacks of laziness. Know how to listen and hear yourself.

So, any final words of advice for you? Some people are said to be “born with a silver spoon in their mouth,” meaning that all benefits are available to them from birth. If you are not one of those, then it is not the fault of your parents or life circumstances. You and only you are responsible for your happiness.

Website editors

Wallpaper pictures for your phone and computer to attract good luck and money

It's no secret that any image has energy - negative or positive. Experts from the site will tell you which pictures to put on your screensaver to attract good luck and money.

It’s hard to imagine our world without smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers. And while most are concerned about the brand and functions of the device, we suggest paying attention to the internal harmony of the gadget. Every day we look at the screen more than 250 times, and the photo on the screensaver “hypnotizes” the subconscious. A well-chosen picture can program a person for success, luck and prosperity.

Magnet pictures for good luck

Triskel is an ancient amulet that was used by shamans in the past. Symbolizes the continuous flow of life. It sharpens the gift of foresight and intuition, which contributes to making the right decisions and timely reactions.

The four-leaf clover is the most powerful amulet image, attracting good luck and prosperity, as well as love and spiritual harmony.

The key is a symbol that will help everyone choose the right course in life, find their purpose, open the door to success and big money. If you can’t break out of a streak of failure for a long time, put the key on your phone or computer screen, then there will be no more obstacles in your way.

The horseshoe is one of the most famous symbols of good luck, prosperity, wealth and wealth.

A lucky coin is an amulet from China, which is a coin with a square hole in the center. Attracts financial luck and success in endeavors to its owner.

The all-seeing eye is a talisman of wisdom. It is the image of an eye imprisoned in a triangle that can help expand your own capabilities and improve your life.

Flowers are a symbol of growth, renewal and prosperity. Luck is a capricious lady, like spring, so she loves everything that is associated with growth and flowering.

A fountain and a waterfall symbolize movement. Psychologists recommend looking at such a water amulet on your phone if you need to quickly attract good luck, since such a picture sets you up for a wave of success.

Wallpaper pictures to attract wealth

The infinity sign or figure eight is a symbol that is considered the luckiest in numerology. It attracts money and prosperity to its owner. Why not put it on the splash screen?

Pictures of juicy citrus fruits not only improve your mood, but also attract financial success. The color of oranges is often compared to gold, which is why the image of this fruit is conducive to attracting large quantities of money.

Fluttering butterflies attract profit, luck and success in any business. Happiness is fleeting, just like the life of a butterfly, so pictures with butterflies are also recommended to be used when there is a lack of joy and love in life.

The mill symbolizes a continuous flow of abundance and enrichment. The picture on the background in the form of a mill will help the money to flow into your hands.

Wallpaper in the form of a sea, ocean or river is an excellent amulet for attracting monetary energy and prosperity. The main thing is that the movement of water is visible in the picture.

Animal images. The elephant is considered the most important symbol of wealth and success. Leo also promises good luck. If you want to win always and in everything, install wallpaper with these animals.

A goldfish on your desktop can make any dream come true and ensure success in financial matters. Experts say that it is the goldfish that will help increase real money and improve your financial situation.

Also, to fulfill your wishes, you can put a screensaver that will inspire faith in your abilities. Thoughts are material: if you dream of a car, post a photo of your dream car.

Any image, be it on a tablet screen or in a picture above the bed, is a visualization of intention. Wallpaper on your desktop will be a visual reminder of your goals and dreams. Therefore, as soon as you choose a picture, you immediately form an intention and send a request to the Universe. Choose the right pictures and don’t forget to click on the buttons and

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