Scandinavian rune Soulu (Sowilo, Sovelu): meaning, description and interpretation in fortune telling

The Soulu rune is one of the best, brightest and most approving signs in the Elder Futaraka. This symbol is associated with creativity, internal focus, and the revitalization of a person’s strengths that can help change the world around him.

Rune Soulu (Soulo, Soul, Sol, Sowilo) is a strong and bright sign. The name of this symbol translates as sun. Power, strength, strength, leadership, victory and triumph - the runic sign indicates such qualities.

If Soulu appears in the reading, it means that overcoming all sorts of difficulties and rebuffs in the near future will not be difficult. Obstacles and obstacles will stand in a person’s way, but it will be easy to cope with them.

If Soulu finds herself in a situation with other negative signs, then the person lacks the determination and perseverance to overcome his own problems. The key meaning in the rune is action.

If a person is not ready for action or, simply, is weak for decisive action, then the positive qualities contained in the sign of the Sun are lost. The fortuneteller is deprived of protection and protection.

The Soulu rune contains incredible magical power. Such magic gives a person enormous power, with the help of which, in a short period of time, the fortuneteller’s life will change beyond recognition. All problems and adversities are solved instantly, without requiring a lot of energy from a person.

Another meaning of the rune is good health and life potential. Sometimes this symbol indicates that the fortuneteller is strongly concentrating on himself and his own internal state.

The rune symbolizes integrity and harmony with your inner self. This runic symbol allows you to become more self-confident. Helps a person find the right path, choose the right direction in life. Only complete harmony within will give you the strength to change your environment.

The Sowilo rune does not have an inverted position. If Soulu appears upside down in the layout, its meaning will not change in any way.

In combination with other inverted signs, the rune warns of possible negative consequences. Radical actions, changing your immediate environment or area of ​​activity will help you avoid troubles.

Career fortune telling

The Soulu rune has several meanings when fortune telling about a career. The first thing that this runic sign means is, of course, success. Profit, career growth, promotion, success in a new business - this is what Soulu means.

The positive meaning of a symbol depends on the accompanying signs. If there are inverted runes in the neighborhood, then events will turn against the fortuneteller. A reading where Soul is surrounded by reversed signs means collapse, bankruptcy, demotion or dismissal.

In fortune telling for work and business, Soulu sometimes points out the importance of rest and timely vacation. Take a time out, recharge your batteries and continue/start the business with renewed vigor. It is important for people who are immersed in work to see and correctly decipher this sign. Otherwise, there is a risk of emotional burnout.

In combination with different Soulu runes, the basic meanings change or the interpretation is supplemented with details. For example:

  1. Soulu - Fehu: Promises material luck.
  2. Soulu - Perth: The protracted crisis is about to end.
  3. Soulu – Tevaz: A person must gain the upper hand over his rivals.
  4. Soulu – Otala: Indicates that a person spends too much time working. The rest of life has faded into the background, which leads to total loneliness.

When combined with other runes, in most cases, Soulu portends positive changes in business. Even if the prediction brings an unpleasant answer, then at least the fortuneteller will definitely receive advice or a hint.

Rune Soulu basic meaning and interpretation

Rune Soulu (Sowilo, Sowilo) symbolizes the sun. Represents the formation of a hero. This is the brightest and sunniest symbol of the Elder Futhark. Rune of luck and victory. Through it we receive information on how and where to go next, as well as resources for this movement. You just need to take it and do it. Then in this situation you will become a winner.

Rune Soulu means the very principle of power, growth above oneself. The understanding comes that you are moving along your destined path. You will always have enough strength and energy to achieve your goal if it is truly true.

Often the appearance of this sign in a reading symbolizes upcoming victories. However, this should not always be taken literally. It is quite possible that a person will experience a change in his internal qualities. For example, today you spoke in public, which you have never done before. Now you are not afraid, you did it. Thus, to Soul, who says: remove all doubts and move, push fear aside, you will succeed, act recklessly and be confident in your own victory.

The meaning of the runes in fortune telling for relationships and love

Questions related to love and relationships are especially popular among people. Among them, the following stand out:

  • how soon will I get married?;
  • what will my chosen one be like?;
  • does he/she love me or not?.

Runa Soulu answers approvingly to this or that question. This symbol predicts the development of relationships that are sure to be crowned with success.

The runic alignment with Soulu has a positive meaning when divining for love. But sometimes a symbol is bad news. For example, when asked if he/she is cheating on me, Soulu also answers positively, which means that a crisis has come in the relationship between the lovers.

Magic Application

Since ancient times, ancient people have used pentagrams for magical purposes. When performing rituals, sacraments, signs were applied to the surface in a certain order. It was believed that such a set would enhance the magician’s abilities and help him accomplish his plans.

A group of runes significantly enhanced each other's abilities. Today, little has changed; modern psychics and sorcerers continue to apply mysterious symbols, realizing that with them their work will be more effective.

The rune of healing and grace will allow you to establish a connection with your personal “I”:

  • will bring you out of the house, uncertainty;
  • will send healing, good physical health;
  • will show where the truth is and where the lies are;
  • will teach proper spiritual development, healing of the soul;
  • will protect against any negative magical attack.

It is recommended to meditate on this symbol when you need to find out the answers to the questions:

  • Am I taking good care of my health?
  • How much can I trust myself?
  • Is life energy spent effectively?
  • What gives me the greatest satisfaction?

The magical pentagram will allow you to create comfort in a person’s soul, teach you how to quickly and correctly solve problems yourself, love loved ones, and plan your life correctly.

Rune for fortune telling

When fortune telling, Soulu rarely appears. The symbol in the layout indicates good health.

Physical and energetic conditions are at the proper level. Provided that during the fortune-telling the person was ill for a long time, it means that he will soon recover.

If a person has recently undergone surgery, successful rehabilitation. Among other things, the Sun rune warns a person that he should behave carefully with fire.

Combination with other runes

The combination of Soulu with other runic symbols has the following meanings:

  • with Inguz - rapid development of love relationships;
  • from Berkana - a handsome stranger passionately wants to meet you and invite you on a romantic date;
  • with Odal - the future marriage will be very strong and happy, the partners will live their lives in mutual understanding and love;
  • with Mannaz - others perceive the person as sensitive, responsible and hardworking;
  • with Isa - soon the most important matter in life will move from a “dead point”;
  • from Perth - a new deal at work will bring a large amount of money;
  • with Hagalaz - with a change in temperature outside, a person can get sick;
  • with Raido - eliminates uncertainty, helps to achieve great success in all areas of life;
  • with Uruz - promises longevity and good health.

If the Salt rune appears in combination with Thurisaz, then you should expect a sharp deterioration in health. The legs and left side of the body will be especially vulnerable.

Soulu is the most “selfish” rune of the Scandinavian Futhark

The sun symbol Soul is perhaps the most “selfish” of the entire Scandinavian series. However, this gives a huge advantage, since the symbol gives a person enormous protection from the influence of negativity from the outside. Saul is focused on ensuring that the subject receives all the necessary energy and strength so that he can maintain his physical and mental health in the best possible way.

Application of Soulu in magic

In magic, the Soulo rune is used to:

  • achieve success in the near future, win, win;
  • achieve a speedy recovery;
  • give yourself confidence, determination, vitality;
  • achieve rapid progress in important matters.

The use of the Soulo sign in magic is directly related to its meaning as a symbol of power and integrity. The Soulu rune pushes a person on the right path, suggests how to resolve a particular situation, helps to achieve unity and indivisibility.

When using the sun rune, it is worth remembering that it cannot be abused. The sun's rays are beneficial, but you should restrain your desires.

With a short stay in the sun, you get a beautiful tan, but if you sunbathe all day, your body will be covered with burns. We have to be careful.

Amulet with the Soulu rune

The Soulo rune is also used as an amulet. It's better to carve it out of wood. Ash and rowan are suitable as a base. The amulet must be made during the daytime and in clear weather, so that the talisman absorbs solar energy.

An amulet with the symbol of the Sun will provide an influx of vital energy, the person will be full of strength for new deeds, and there will be less fatigue. Relationships with others will improve, it will be easier to communicate with them and come to an agreement.

The amulet will add dexterity in finding a way out of dead-end situations and will suggest the right path and help you choose the right direction.

Soulu rune tattoo

Nowadays it has become popular to get tattoos. There are many different types of tattoos: plants, animals, famous quotes or popular sayings.

Tattoo lovers have not ignored runes either. However, Scandinavian letters used as tattoos sometimes cause harm to their wearer.

On the one hand, Sowelu is a rune that does not have an inverted position, and is considered one of the most positive signs of the Elder Futarak, so applying it to the body is not very dangerous.

However, the strength and sphere of influence of the Sun rune should be taken into account. The energy of the rune is excessively high, it helps a person make an incredible leap in life, while using a reserve of mental strength.

Constantly making such leaps, a person will waste energy, which will lead the owner of the sign to exhaustion.

If a person decides to get such a tattoo, he will have to constantly draw energy from somewhere. And the carrier will take power from the environment and society, causing harm to loved ones.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: SOI, SOULU, SOWELO Sun, or SIGEL sail (cf. Segel, saylor). Sun (Gothic), Sun (English), Sun (Norwegian), Sun (Icelandic);
  • Soulu Action: Leading;
  • Astrological archetype: Leo and Sun;
  • Character: magnetic rune;
  • Essence: irreversible rune;
  • World of the Yggdrasil Tree: Asgard.

Soulu rune images

  • Companions follow the party leader;
  • Victory comes to the champion;
  • Men are attracted to a beautiful girl;
  • Fraudsters are attracted to simpletons;
  • For subordinates, the director serves as an authority;
  • The worldview of the future is formed by an innovative scientist;
  • Moths are attracted to the lamp;
  • Iron filings are attracted to a magnet;
  • Adventurers are drawn to the tomb;
  • The branches line up around the tree trunk;
  • The city is built around the town hall;
  • The concrete sets around the reinforcement;
  • Caravans are drawn to the well;
  • The planets revolve around the sun;
  • The audience is attracted to the film;
  • Measuring instruments are adjusted to the standard;
  • The ships are “guided” by a lighthouse.

Rune advice

Runa advises not to stop dreaming. Secret desires come true and are fulfilled. Soul's sign gives you even more chances to make your dream come true.

The main thing is to believe in yourself, not to clog your head with negative thoughts, move forward and your plans will definitely work out. The runic symbol recommends setting a goal and going towards it, and not thinking about whether it will work out.

Soulu rune tattoo

The Soulu sign can be used as a tattoo. But you should not get a tattoo for the sake of beauty or to attract the opposite sex. The action must be meaningful and deliberate.

The fact is that the sign is often associated with the Nazi worldview. As already mentioned, the rune was used by the Nazis. A person with such an image will always attract too many glances and attention.

In addition, Soulu is a solar rune. The symbol has strong energy. A weak-willed person may not be able to cope with it. She will literally “burn” him. Runologists do not recommend drawing a sun unless absolutely necessary.

Interpretation in one-rune fortune telling

The appearance of Soulu is due to the fact that a person should reduce his own demands on himself and stop spending so much time on self-criticism. Such constant control over oneself will lead to negative consequences and will become a source of problems in the future. You should change your view of the world to a more optimistic one and communicate more with people.

But when interpreting Sovula, it is important to take into account which area most interested or worried a person in the fortune-telling assigned to the runes:

  • Intuition - a person has developed intuition, and if he moderates his own fantasies and listens more to the prompts of the subconscious, he will be able to avoid making wrong decisions.
  • Reason is the feeling that an individual is capable of achieving a lot, not far-fetched. He really has a good intellect and is capable of a creative approach to solving various difficulties, the main thing is not to forget about this.
  • Emotions - rich imagination and a tendency to idealize the world interfere with a person, since he experiences discomfort due to the collision of the illusory and real worlds. It's time to become more rational and not let your emotions take over.

Talismans and amulets made from runes

Using ancient pentagrams, they make talismans, amulets, and amulets that protect their owner, bring him good luck, and attract prosperity and financial profit. Such products are carried with them, attached to a rope or chain. Put on the wrist. It is widespread to embroider similar karmic signs on your clothes; this principle of wearing a talisman came to us a long time ago and has taken root for a long time.

A pendant, amulet, or signet ring with the image of a symbol can be bought and always carried with you. Not having this opportunity, they cut out a small circle from maple, oak, or birch and put a sacred symbol on its surface. The surface is varnished. Many people print out the sign after finding a suitable picture on the Internet, cut it out, cover it with varnish, wax, and carry it with them. You can prepare such sacred things yourself only for your children and yourself.

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