Rune Hagalaz: interpretation of the rune and its detailed description

For those who are not yet familiar with the runic heritage, we present the structure of the Elder Futhark. This is the oldest alphabet that came to the Scandinavians from the ancient Germans. The powerful destructive rune Hagal took an honorable 9th place in it. The Scandinavian rune Hagalaz, in contrast to its good neighbors Fehu and Teyvaz, has a negative meaning.

For information:

  • The Hagal symbol heads 2 att (row, clan) and is under the protection of the son of Odin - the mighty guardian of the gods Heimdall.
  • Included in the 1st Sigrdriva (column, group), where the runes of strength, leadership and victory are connected.

Novice runologists get scared when the “terrible” Hagalaz appears in the layouts. This sign predicts inevitable troubles, but at the same time, through pain and loss, it promises a transition to a new perfect level.

Main characteristics of “Hagalaz”

General information about the rune

Name:Hagalaz, Hagalz, Hel, Hagall
Meaning:Destruction, change, hail
Action:Purification, destruction
Element:The water is still and dark
Deity:Hag is a witch who foretold death among the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribes. Hel is the daughter of the God of the underworld Loki, the mistress of the world of the dead among the Scandinavian peoples.
Color:Red, crimson
Stone:Topaz, aquamarine, ruby, malachite
Metal:Iron, steel
Tree:Cedar, walnut, yew
  • a man takes a bath;
  • the body is cleansed by the immune system;
  • animals shed;
  • the tree sheds its leaves;
  • birds preen their feathers;
  • hail destroys crops;
  • old furniture is taken to a landfill;
  • a person throws garbage out of the house;
  • the sculpture is created by cutting off the excess;
  • an epidemic cleanses the land;
  • wine produces unnecessary sediment over the years;
  • janitors clean the roofs of houses.


The rune Hagalaz in its writing resembles the Latin letter “N”. The only difference is that the diagonal does not connect the top and bottom points of the vertical lines, but is located at the two-thirds level.

The inverted position of the rune is identical to the upright one. In our article we will look at the general meaning and describe a detailed interpretation of the symbol.


Hagalaz symbolizes spontaneous destruction associated with the intervention in a person’s life by forces beyond his control.
Higher powers act harshly and impartially. They are indifferent to the emotions, states and desires of people. The destructive power of Hagalaz can be interpreted in a positive and negative way. After all, in order to create something new, you need to abandon the old. The power of Hagalaz is reorganizing and cleansing in nature.

The rune also means a metamorphic transition to another world. This happens by getting rid of the burden of past doubts, regrets, mistakes and memories. In this way, a person becomes cleansed and gains lightness and inner freedom.

The emergence of a symbol

Legend has it that the runes were drawn by Odin himself. After nine days of unbearable suffering, God painted magical signs on the Asgard stone with his blood.

Through runic writings, the ruler conveyed secret knowledge to people. They fell into oblivion, were revived and have survived to this day with their original energy message.

Rune Hagalaz is a sign of destruction, translated as hail or rain Hag. Has several names: Hagalaz, Hagal, Hag, Hagalaz, Haegl, Hagall. The oldest runic writings were found in Norway on the battle spears of the ancient Scandinavians.

And among the inscriptions made by the fearless Vikings, the murderous Hag can be traced. The weapon, charged with the power of non-destructive runes, left the enemies no chance of victory.

Rune mythology

According to ancient Scandinavian mythology, Hagalaz was associated with the powerful witches Hag. Among the Slavic peoples, they are known to everyone since childhood under the name Baba Yaga.

The element of the rune is water, which is considered the feminine force of nature. It is uncontrollable, spontaneous, changeable and destructive. That is why witches were given the ability to control the energy of water.

One of the most powerful weapons of the witches was hail. Witches had the power to cause droughts, rainstorms, or send deadly shards of ice to their enemies.

Ancient people believed that the rain witch Hag carried small stones in the hem of her dress. When she walked past houses and threw stones at the window, it meant that someone in this family would soon die. However, witches tended not only to bring evil, but also to show wisdom. They helped people overcome any difficulties and win in the most hopeless situations.

Hagalaz is associated with the Goddess of the world of the dead, Hel. Among the Scandinavian tribes, the afterlife was one of the three lower worlds of the Cosmos. However, in the world of Hel there was no torment, no punitive fire, no torment of hell, unlike the Slavic underworld. It was a gloomy place where all those who died not on the battlefields wandered and wandered. In some ways, the world of the dead resembled the Greek Hades.

Hagalaz is associated with the sign of Aquarius. The power of water falls on a person and sweeps away everything old and outdated. A person feels inner freedom and gets rid of tunnel vision, which allows him to see the fullness of the world and the depth of the situation.

The rune is under the influence of Pluto, which has the power of self-destruction and destruction. However, destruction is at the same time a way of development and self-realization. This is where the image of the Phoenix bird arose, which turns to ashes when dying, but is reborn again.


Hagalaz in normal and inverted positions has a similar interpretation.
In general, the rune cannot be called positive even in an upright position. The meaning of Hagalaz is destructive. However, it personifies the power of natural changes necessary to restore world balance and inner harmony of a person. The destructive power of Hagalaz creates the conditions for new development and growth.

The rune is personified with a rainbow connecting heaven and earth after a rainstorm. Before the thunderstorm begins, a heavy, depressing atmosphere reigns around. However, after it the air becomes clean and fresh.

Hagalaz is the rune of anger. However, force should not be perceived only as destructive. Sometimes anger releases a large potential of energy that was spent on resentment and dissatisfaction.

The energy of the rune indicates that a person is able to cope with troubles, that he has enough strength to defeat unknown forces. Hagalaz allows you to start living from scratch. After all, fate leads forward those who do not resist its forces.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Hagalaz rune?

Hagalaz is one of those runes that absolutely cannot be applied to the body as a tattoo. The power of this symbol is so great that even the most experienced magician is unlikely to be able to turn it to his advantage. Life under the constant influence of Hagalaz will be similar to living at the foot of an active volcano, which every now and then spews out ash and hot magma.

Meaning in fortune telling

The rune foretells a time of failure.
You are under the influence of forces beyond your control. Your destiny depends on people or circumstances that are unknown to you. Sometimes, when fortune telling about health, Hagalaz indicates the serious consequences of the disease. This may be due to a difficult birth or complications after surgery. However, the difficulties are finite and there will definitely be light at the end of the tunnel.

Advice! Show wisdom and patience in difficult situations, as obstacles are steps towards self-development and sanity.

A pair with the Perth rune indicates that a person will receive an unexpected bonus without any effort. Fehu promises success in a risky venture. Ansuz speaks of the need to gain new knowledge or seek advice from an enlightened person.

Uruz portends a time of change, when in order to take a step forward you will need to leave something in the past. Laguz indicates that your mind and emotions are taking over, and in order to make the right decision you should turn to your intuition and reason for help. Kenaz portends a quick insight and gaining clarity of vision of what is happening.

Rune Hagalaz: history of origin

The first mention of the Scandinavian rune Hagalaz dates back to the 2nd century BC. e. It was then that the runic system appeared, which was called Futhark. Historians believe that it was first used in Denmark. Gradually such symbols began to be used throughout Scandinavia.

In the first half of the 5th century, runic writing began to spread throughout Great Britain. British shamans slightly expanded the alphabet and added four more runes to it. Thus, the number of Futhark signs increased to 33 characters.

Meaning in magic

Hagalaz is a very powerful rune, so its power must be used with great care.
In magic, the symbol is used mainly in two cases. First of all, Hagalaz is used to protect against evil forces. The rune has powerful protective properties. Sometimes it is used to perform rituals to cleanse the house of evil spirits.

Usually the action takes place in the evening, when no one is at home. For the ritual, take 4 medium-sized white candles and 1 large blue one. The image of nine Hagalaz runes is applied vertically to the candles. The white ones are placed in the corners of the room, and the blue one is placed in the center and a purification ritual is performed.

Attention! Only the forces of light should be called for help. Otherwise, you will get involved with something that is beyond your control and that can harm you. It is recommended to leave the room for a while and let otherworldly forces complete their task.

The next way to use Hagalaz is to help you cope with change. The rune is used to radically transform life. It is important to determine exactly what you need and what is stopping you.

The ritual of attracting events consists of placing an image of nine Hagalaz runes vertically on a candle. Then the wick is lit, and you are left alone with the candle and your thoughts. You need to think about what you want until the candle burns out.

Interesting! Sometimes Hagalaz is used to protect against diseases.
The rune serves as a talisman, forming a kind of invisible shell that protects against diseases.

Use in magical practice

Runa Hagalaz photo: how to draw correctly.

As a result of working with the rune, a person is noticeably transformed; fewer and fewer images and irritating objects are in his head. The doer reaches a state of his own purity. A new space for accomplishment appears, actions are now thoughtful and coordinated, the will is not identified with a chaotic impulse.

The action of Hagalaz lasts approximately two to three days. During this time, all sorts of disasters occur, and then there is a long lull.

Behavior similar to the nature of a rough sea. Internal changes follow external ones. Negativity can be expected if you realize where the mistake was made. Otherwise, further events will be perceived very vividly. Cataclysms can change the questioner forever.

Hagalaz rune, meaning in love symbolizes the disintegration of illusions. For a person shrouded in the darkness of imagination, purification will come immediately. The scales fall from the eyes, which is why quarrels and breakups under the influence of this force are so frequent. This action of the Hagalaz rune is considerable luck, one of the few chances to realize something for oneself, and subsequently change.

If you remain the same person, you will make the same mistakes. Often a person walks in a circle. Knowledge is not assimilated, and the key to the desired behavior model cannot be found - this means that he is stuck. Ahead is what has already been passed, behind the back there are the same rake.

How to get out of the vicious circle? Destructive force comes to the rescue. Under its pressure, men and women jump out of fear, jump over the boundaries of previous sensations. They are no longer oppressed by ossified principles; something new appears, not yet rationalized, but completely different from other character traits, past phenomena.

A person develops a love of risk. More precisely, a protective mechanism is activated in which a parachute jump does not frighten, but brings joy. One feels a surge of strength, an energy that does not rise directly to the animal. It seems that this is the joy of learning - fear is studied, adaptation occurs. This serious shake-up leads to qualitative changes.

The period of stagnation is replaced by a quick resolution, internal conflicts and visible contradictions take on a natural form and materialize. Accumulated fears and doubts come to life, feelings become less understandable and chaotic. Old problems cause purification as a way to abandon the usual life.

Drawing a rune is appropriate when everything is going wrong and no positive changes are expected. It is useful to appeal to the power of Hagalaz when there is no change in sight - neither negative, nor positive, the situation is a dead end.

A more complex practical application is to create a protective amulet. Power, initially not comparable to protection, can only serve an experienced magician.

Career divination meaning

Hagalaz means a bad moment for new things, ideas, projects. Now is not the time to engage in new activities. It is worth returning to solving old problems and directing all efforts towards their implementation.

Advice! Don't give up on your idea, just put it aside until better times. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and receive a bonus for your past results.

A difficult situation that hinders your forward movement will not last forever. The period of inactivity will soon be replaced by an active stage. The couple talks about this with Yer. Reversed Odal encourages you to act carefully and carefully. Nautiz portends a difficult time, from which you will take away a lot of valuable things for yourself.

In financial terms, Hagalaz points out the need to spend money wisely, save money and not throw money away. In unstable conditions, you should refrain from unnecessary expenses.

Interesting! Despite the negative interpretation, the rune still promises an increase in income in a new area that is not yet accessible to most people. Hagalaz welcomes innovation and breakthrough ideas. However, their impact on the world around them can be both positive and negative.

Meaning for fortune telling for love

Hagalaz says that the time for new meetings and acquaintances has not yet come.
It is too early to judge the seriousness of your partner's intentions. If there is discord in your relationship, do not try to change anyone. Try to find reasonable solutions to problems. The rune can symbolize the grinding-in stage. The success of your joint relationship depends on how wisely you manage to navigate this difficult period. A pair with Uruz means that you missed a good moment.

Sometimes Hagalaz indicates interference in your relationship by an ill-wisher. Perhaps this is a new opponent or rival. The threat may also come from a relative who does not share your sympathy. A pair with Fehu suggests that the attacker will still manage to lead you astray.

Slavic analogues

The closest analogue in meaning is the sign of Chernobog. It symbolizes destruction, followed by the creation of something new.

Chernobog is the closest Slavic analogue of the sign

This symbol is the opposite of Belobog, who personifies justice, goodness and order. It is believed that it is thanks to these two entities that universal balance is created.

Also, the runic symbol is very close to the Wind sign. It symbolizes purification, destruction and change. Sometimes the Wind can represent progress and inspiration.

Combination with other runes

Hagalaz is quite difficult to interpret due to its duality. The difficult nature of the rune is aggravated by the fact that in general it brings unfavorable events and promises problems and obstacles. Neighboring runes can help clarify the situation.

Vird - associated with fatal diseases such as AIDS, leukemia or sarcoma. Fehu - portends a deterioration in your health. Speaks of the onset of sudden attacks of dangerous diseases, such as paralysis, stroke, heart attack. Uruz - may indicate infertility or harm from radiation. Turisaz - promises large financial losses and collapse of investments. Ansuz - symbolizes the end of a brilliant career, resignation, leaving a prestigious position, a decrease in status. Raido means a natural disaster at an international level, possibly related to the element of fire. Kano - warns that you have powerful enemies. Gebo is a harbinger of plane crashes. Vunyo - speaks of an upcoming misfortune related to air transport. Nautiz - testifies to the powerlessness of a person, his insignificance in the face of Higher powers. Isa - can become a sign of cancer or extreme hopelessness. Yera - symbolizes total collapse, complete failure, loss of everything valuable. Eyvaz - promises disasters associated with the water element, for example, floods. Perth - speaks of morphine addiction, associated with seriously ill people seeking salvation in painkillers. Algiz - indicates drug addiction. Soulu - predicts weakening or complete loss of vision. Teyvaz - indicates death on the battlefield or troubles in the army. Berkana - portends a dangerous birth, possibly even fatal. Evaz is a sign that you are faced with a terrible secret. Mannaz - speaks of terrible revenge, bloody retribution. Laguz - symbolizes death on the water. Inguz - promises great troubles from droughts and crop failures. Dagaz means a time of prolonged suffering and troubles. Odal - portends failure in business and abandonment of plans for an indefinite period.

Rune tips

  • Everything that is not done is for the better!
  • Accept that forces beyond your control will enter your life.
  • Try to take failures calmly and see them as the beginning of a bright future.
  • Gather all your will into a fist, you will have enough strength to survive the fight.
  • Every action is valuable in its time.
  • Remember that to move forward you will have to give up something in the past.

Now you know a detailed interpretation of the Hagalaz rune and can be guided by it in solving life problems. Each situation is unique and you will have to understand its true meaning yourself. Runes can only show the way.

Why do you need an amulet with the Hagalaz rune?

Amulet with the Hagalaz rune.
Due to the destructive effect of the rune, it is rarely used in the manufacture of amulets. As a rule, these are amulets that help to quickly get rid of addictions - smoking, alcoholism and drug use.

Hagalaz as a talisman will repeat its meaning, namely rapid and dramatic changes in life, especially in cases where a person wants to quickly get rid of accumulated “garbage”. You should use the sign only with full awareness that the changes, although they will lead to the better, will most likely be painful.

To make an amulet with Hagalaz, wooden dies made of pine, ash, oak or maple are used. The strongest will be the ash tree, because Yggdrasil - the World Tree - is depicted in the form of a giant ash tree.

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