Death, the grave, or what you shouldn’t be afraid of in calculators?

How to identify this energy in a birth chart?

It is not difficult to determine the presence of a collision of three shas with the year of birth in the pillars of fate:

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1. For people born in the years of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon, the three shas represent the Snake, Horse and Goat.

2. For individuals born in the years of the Tiger, Horse and Dog, the three shas are Pig, Rat and Ox.

3. For those born in the years of the Pig, Rabbit and Goat, the three shas will be Monkey, Rooster and Dog.

4. For those born in the years of the Snake, Rooster and Ox, the three shas are represented by the Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon.

The Personal Three Sha are the three animals of the Chinese calendar that are in direct conflict with the animal of the year of birth in a person's Ba Tzu chart. Each of them brings with it problems of a certain nature:

1. First, the Sha of robbery worsens the financial situation. For example, for a person born in the year of the Tiger, the Pig represents the Sha of robbery (Tze-sha).

2. Second - The Sha of troubles (Tsai-sha) undermines health, destroys relationships and causes various difficulties. For those born in the year of the Tiger, the Rat represents trouble.

3. Third - Sha of the year (Sui-sha) contributes to the general deterioration of affairs, causing delays and slowdowns. For those born in the year of the Tiger, this animal is the Ox.

The three shas follow each other, creating a three-year period of problems. Individual sha is calculated for each person. And if you know them, you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations and diseases. Personal sha are not active all the time. They are activated when they accumulate potential: in hours, days, months, years and cycles when they are duplicated.

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Star of power, might and authority. A person with such a star is capable of becoming a leader. He knows how to manage people and lead them, and has a high social status. A star is able to enhance the influence of all the stars that are in the same pillar with it. But it can acquire negative qualities if it stands together with the stars of failure or its element is unfavorable.

Start a chain of good deeds! After receiving a free consultation on Feng Shui or Ba Tzu, do a good deed - help animal rescuers.

Peach blossom (Flower of romance). This star brings its owner charm, charisma, and sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex. Such a person is endowed with a sense of taste and beauty. He can flirt a lot, he is sociable and amorous. The unfavorability (when it coincides with an unhelpful element for the chart) of a star can give rise to debauchery and debauchery.

Our Hour of the Dragon is at dawn from 7 to 9 am. At this time, everything wakes up and the gates of heaven open. The dragon guards the treasures of Heaven.

Taking into account the Pillars of Luck, you can allocate periods for yourself that will be more or less favorable for a certain type of action. Each Pillar of Luck is represented in the map by two hieroglyphs (Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch). In the top column of the Pillars of Fortune table you will see the first year of the beginning of the decade.

Of course, even now I continue to study, there is no limit to perfection! I organize turnkey weddings, write individual scripts, select wedding colors and style. I choose a favorable wedding date and also help people create the design of an apartment, house, or plot according to the science of Feng Shui and provide consultations.

How do these energies affect human life?

If all three animals are present in the pillars of fate at once, representing three shas for the year of birth, then a person systematically faces difficulties in life. The nature of the latter depends on what element each of the three sha animals represents and what sphere of life these elements represent for the individual.

For example, if we consider a man’s date of birth as 09/14/1963, 20:19, UTC +0, we can conclude that in his pillars of fate there is a clash of three shas - Rooster, Monkey and Dog with the year of his birth, Rabbit. And since the element of this person’s personality is Yang metal, for him the metal of the Rooster and Monkey represents brothers and sisters, colleagues, friends, acquaintances. This means that throughout his life he may be haunted by problems in relationships that arise with others.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on September 14, 1963 at 20:19 UTC +0

Since for this man the land of the Dog represents resources, throughout his life he has a lack of support. Quarrels with friends, brothers and sisters, colleagues and acquaintances arise due to the reluctance of those around him to support him. There are situations when a person uses his last resources to help someone, and when he needs help, those whom he cared for turn their backs on him. If there are three shas in the pillars of fate, such situations are likely to arise.

Also, the area of ​​life in which difficulties may arise is determined in a different way. To use it, you need to determine which element the Personal Shas correspond to:

1. Monkey + Rooster + Dog = metal

2. Pig + Rat + Ox = water

3. Tiger + Rabbit + Dragon = tree

4. Snake + Horse + Goat = fire

For a person born on September 14, 1963 at 20:19 UTC +0, the Three Shas are represented by Monkey, Rooster, Dog (metal). It follows from this that for his element of personality “Yang-metal” Personal sha bring problems in relationships with friends, competitors, loved ones, colleagues and others. That is, with the people around you.

Natural demon energy

In the presence of the Demon of Destruction, favorable dates must be chosen carefully. Its negative influence intensifies in a weak qi phase. Indecisiveness and fear of responsibility can negate all potential advantages. It happens that, unconsciously trying to overcome the power of a demon, a person shows suspicion of others and their advice. He simply does not listen to them, believing that they are trying to deceive him and use him in the interests of others. When trying to dissuade him, he may lie even to those closest to him or fall into uncontrollable aggression. This behavior often leads to denial of norms of behavior, conflicts with the law, and even ending up in prison. In a mild form, everything can end in self-isolation, alcoholism and personality disintegration.

The positive properties of the demon are manifested in the high phase of qi. His actions during this period are the opposite of repression and destruction. The ability to strategically calculate one’s actions, the ability to bring a plan to its logical conclusion - these are the character traits that a person is endowed with by a demon in a strong phase. Moreover, these qualities are fully manifested already at a young age.



When do the three shas become stronger?

If there are none or only one, two or all elements of three sha in the pillars of fate, then when the next one appears in the stroke of luck, in a new year, month or day, difficulties are possible. They are serious only in those who have duplicated one or more components of the three shas. In addition, if a person has none, one, two, or all elements of the three shas in the pillars, and he chooses as a bedroom or office the sector of one of the animals that represent part of the three shas for him, then his problems intensify.

A person can harm himself and others if he is surrounded by people whose birth years represent the three shas for him, and if the front door of his house, as well as the direction of his movement, represent the elements of the three shas for him. For example, a man born on October 23, 1969 at 20:00 GMT does not have any of the three sha elements in his pillars. But since he was born in the year of the Rooster, the three shas for him are represented by the Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on October 23, 1969 at 20:00 GMT

In 1996, the month of the Rooster, the man in this example decided to leave his wife for another woman. His wife was born in the year of the Tiger. The mother-in-law, who lived next to the young people, was born in the year of the Rabbit. The front door of the house where this man lived with his wife was located in the Dragon sector. In addition, the man in this example went to work every day in the direction of the Dragon.

Three shas worked in this case when the flying stars annual 4 and monthly 1 flew to the center of the house. This combination provokes adultery. And besides, this man, born in the year of the Rooster, was subjected to self-punishment, that is, he abandoned his wife in the month that passed under the sign of the Rooster. This example shows that three shas should be identified in a variety of combinations, and not just in the natal layout.

Ba Zi Reference Book “Symbolic Stars”

In ancient times, in China, fate was read precisely by the Symbolic stars. This is a very interesting, informative section, take my word for it. But this requires knowing the characteristics of symbolic stars.

Here are the characteristics of the most popular symbolic stars of Ba Zi, combinations and tables with calculations of symbolic stars.

List of symbolic stars:

Auspicious Stars (Spirits of Fortune)

  • Noble man
  • Three consecutive noble
  • Star of the Helpers
  • Lunar Virtue
  • Heavenly Virtue
  • Heavenly joy
  • Noble with luck in personal life
  • Noble heavenly power, control
  • Noble heavenly cuisine
  • Noble heavenly fortune
  • Noble right size
  • Noble literature
  • Noble Taiji
  • Noble man of the state (heavenly) seal
  • Noble man of the star of happiness
  • Noble man of wealth
  • Three mystics
  • Dragon Spirit
  • Golden Spirit
  • Blooming canopy
  • General of the monthly pillar
  • General's Star
  • Red Luan
  • Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks
  • Storage
  • Golden carriage
  • Star encouragement and celebration
  • traveling horse
  • School Classroom and Word Pavilion
  • Academician's star
  • Yansky region
  • Sky Medic
  • Heaven and Hell Network
  • Unfavorable Stars (Demons of Bad Luck)

    • Void Star
    • Annihilation Star
    • Plunder Star
    • Bloody knife
    • Evening dawn
    • flying knife
    • Slaughterhouse
    • Disaster Star
    • Sha fetters and shackles Sha separation angle
    • Funeral doors, hanged
    • Tomb
    • Sheep knife
    • Fifth Spirit
    • White Tiger
    • Heavenly dog
    • Legal confusion
    • steel broom
    • Romance Star
    • Flower of romance
    • Star of beauty and illusions
    • Salty pond
    • Lonely Phoenix
    • lonely planet
    • Shelter of loneliness
    • Original constellation
    • yin yang error
    • Kuigang (Faikong)
    • Bankruptcy Star
    • Networks of heaven and earth
    • Personal Destroyer
    • Seasonal Destroyer
    • Eight Zhuan
    • Six troubles
    • Ten vices (nine chow)
    • Demon of relationship destruction
    • Flathead Demon
    • Double drake

    Death, the grave, or what you shouldn’t be afraid of in calculators

    7. The “Imperial Lamp” Qi phase is the strongest phase of Qi, the image of the fact that a person has already achieved everything and is at the top, at the peak of his career. At the same time, he is visible and he has to fight for his place in the sun.

    4. Qi phase “Bathing” - this phase is associated with bathing a child, it is also energetically active, but has another peculiar accent. Since bathing occurs naked, this phase correlates with sex. A person who has such Qi phases in his chart loves sensual pleasures.


    The demon of destruction is those properties of a person that prevent her from living, but are not realized or recognized. As a result, a person creates obstacles for himself, trying to protect himself from internal fears and doubts.

    For the positive influence of the Demon of Destruction, a high phase of qi is important, but if the qi is weak, then unpleasant qualities appear much more strongly. If the Demon of Destruction is combined with a strong Daytime dominant, then such a person is almost impossible to defeat or convince. He is so convinced that he is right that he does not accept any arguments at all. And for him there are no authorities!

    Angel of Death Bazi

    All Symbolic Stars must be evaluated based on the usefulness of the element. Even negative stars, being in a useful element, can help a person in business. The angel of death, for example, gives eloquence and a sense of humor, the sha of disasters gives the talent of argumentation and winning in debates, the sha of robbery gives the ability to take risks for the good of the cause, etc. But their negativity is not completely canceled.

    The star is harmful to health and often indicates the possibility of medical errors and incorrect treatment. If there is an angel of death in a chart or in a period, or a breakdown of the angel of death, you cannot violate criminal or administrative laws. You should not take risks, engage in extreme sports, speed, or drive a motorcycle. You should also confirm the diagnosis and treatment with other specialists.

    Angel of Death Bazi

    "Red Luan" is also commonly known by other names, such as "Sorceress of Love" or "Red Phoenix". Anyone who has this star in their life is very attractive and even beautiful. It is easy for such people to improve their personal lives and make efforts to create a strong family life. The location of “Red Luani” on the map will indicate where you should look for a faithful companion in your life.

    If the cards of the Chinese system showed you the luminary of War, do not be alarmed right away, it also has a double meaning. This means that you can handle any strategic planning. Making plans and winning “battles” of any kind - you will get this if you have War Star as your patron. The owner of such a star is resourceful, has the ability to adapt to different situations, and changes his appearance like a chameleon. The negative connotation of such “ownership” is an unfair attitude towards others and loved ones, and the possibility of theft cannot be ruled out.

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