Flamingo figurine according to Feng Shui: why and where to place it

Flamingo is a very beautiful bird that is admired by most people. The unusual pink color, swan neck and long legs - all this creates an amazing and unique image of a flamingo.

The desire to get a tattoo with this bird is understandable. Flamingos are associated with tenderness and romance. Its charming beauty alone is enough to make you choose a tattoo with this bird. However, the symbolism of this bird in different cultures and countries is quite contradictory. Before getting such a tattoo, it is better to familiarize yourself with what a flamingo means as a tattoo.

Pink flamingos..Legends, Myths, Facts..What do they symbolize?


Flamingo is perhaps the most exotic and very beautiful bird, proudly wearing pink, reaching scarlet plumage.
Birds with pink plumage always seem special; such a color is very unusual among the overwhelming gray-white-black kingdom of birds. Pink or pinkish feathers cover the pink pelican, pink starling, pink lentil, and the pink heron, which is on the verge of extinction. Rarely has anyone been able to see a pink gull. There are various reasons for pink plumage. In most species, chicks are born pinkish or turn pink gradually. Flamingo chicks are born off-white, and later, thanks to food, acquire a reddish tint. Large colonies of this bird are located in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. And their habitats are salt lakes, sea coasts, shallow lagoons, where they feed mainly on seafood and algae rich in carotenoid, a substance that gives feathers a juicy pinkish-orange hue. Agree, you don’t want to hear such a simple explanation while admiring the magnificent birds. That's why people came up with a legend. A long time ago there was a terrible drought. She burned all the crops. There was nothing left to eat. And although a lake remained near one village, its salty water could not save the harvest. In those moments when death stood on the threshold of every house, beautiful white birds returned to the lake, flying away for a while to other lands. The birds always returned to their lake. They were friends with people because they did no harm to them. Seeing that their friends who could not fly were dying, the birds began to pinch off pieces of meat from themselves with their beaks and feed them to small children, and then to those who were completely weak from hunger. Blood oozed from the birds' bodies and stained their feathers. Soon the whole flock of birds turned pink and red with their own blood.

Finally, the long-awaited rain began to fall, the crops turned green, and the fruits were filled with juice. The birds flew away again, and when they returned a year later, their feathers were still pink. The beautiful color has become a reward and a constant reminder to people of the dedication of strong, resilient and merciful winged friends. The name of these birds was flamingo. The legend has the right to life, since flamingos are, indeed, not only beautiful, but also completely unpretentious - they are able to withstand difficult natural conditions. Flamingos nest in large colonies on fresh or salt lakes, where the salt concentration can be such that no vertebrate except flamingos can withstand it. Charles Darwin drew attention to this unique phenomenon. “How strange,” he exclaimed, “that a living creature can live in such places!”

As for color, flamingos are not only pink: the color varies from pale soft pink to fiery orange, and even crimson. For a long time, flamingos have been called “fire birds,” the Latin flamma meaning “fire.” The color saturation depends on the same carotene: the more of it, the redder the bird. The grace and splendor of the birds is given not only by their marvelous coloring (by the way, there are white and gray individuals that are no less beautiful), these birds have a very long neck and legs covered with dark pink-red skin. Flamingos are rightfully considered the longest-legged bird in the world. There is also a legend about this. One day, snakes living in the water attacked flamingos, choosing the newly born chicks as a treat. The reptiles bit the adult birds on the legs, rising higher and higher in the hope that they would not stand it and leave the babies who could not fly. The flamingos stoically endured the bites and stood motionless in the water until the chicks grew up. And the kids, as if knowing what was happening, “tried” to grow faster. The birds did not even notice how their legs lengthened, but from the blood they became forever red.

And in this legend, of course, which has nothing to do with the length of the flamingo’s legs, a real detail is noticed: flamingo chicks are born helpless, but soon, after two or three days, they become quite independent, although they are still under the supervision and care of their parents for a couple of months .

Nesting, raising chicks

The nest of pink flamingos is original in that it is made entirely of mud. Scooping the mud into the middle of the chosen place, the male forms a mound, compacts it on top and makes a depression for the eggs. Flamingos live in high-density flocks, and they build nests close to each other, sometimes the distance between them is only half a meter.

The chicks are born with a straight beak and white fluff. Parents feed their offspring first with semi-digested food, the so-called “bird’s” milk, which is close in composition to the milk of mammals.

The chicks remain white for about three more years, and the appearance of a pink tint in the plumage indicates their sexual maturity.

Young flamingos begin to fly at the age of three months, by which time their beaks become curved.

Pink flamingos have this plumage color due to carotenoids found in algae and plankton. This is why the chicks are white at first and then turn pink - the substance accumulates in the body and forms this color. Watch the video where pink flamingos are not afraid of people!

This is interesting!

You don't know how to determine the gender of a budgerigar? Then this is the place for you! It turns out that many still have no idea how to distinguish a male from a female. Not every professional can do this until 3-4 months of age. But it is still possible!

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A little history

Flamingos are an ambiguous symbol; different countries and peoples treated this image in their own way. For example, the Egyptians idolized this creature and considered it sacred. In ancient Egypt, the god Ra was often depicted with a human body and the head of a flamingo in ancient frescoes and temples.

In America, the fancy bird represented stupidity and bad taste. People often placed the pink plastic figurine as a quirky decoration in their yard to the envy of their neighbors. Europeans believed that the bird symbolized infantility and frivolity, bordering on naivety and love.

In 2007, a turning point came when the image of the flamingo became the official symbol of environmental protection. This was preceded by a mass protest by residents of a small American town against the development of a shopping center in a park area. Despite the fact that the city was buried in plastic figurines of exotic birds with the inscription “Small things are beautiful,” the authorities did not listen to popular opinion. After this, the pink flamingo became the emblem of one of the environmentalist movements.

Tattoo meaning

Flamingo tattoos have contradictory meanings. On the one hand, an exotic bird on a tattoo indicates the romance and head-in-the-clouds nature of its owner. Love for him is the meaning of life, so he is ready to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of his chosen one and devote himself completely to the relationship. Such a person idolizes his soulmate and is capable of any feats in the name of love, so parting for him is a huge tragedy. Being a vulnerable and hypersensitive nature, a person morally dies without his chosen one, becomes dependent and inferior (A. Sviridova, in particular, sings about this in her famous song).

On the other hand, it is a symbol of wisdom and power. A tattoo with a pink bird, made in the Egyptian style, speaks of the strong character, extraordinary mind of its owner, and the desire for power. Such a person is a self-confident, purposeful and quite extravagant person.

Other popular symbols

Other popular feng shui symbols for well-being in the home:

  1. Water: fountains, waterfalls, aquariums without a lid. Water must be in contact with air. But be careful: too much water has the opposite effect on finances, keep it in moderation.
  2. Mill - its images symbolize cash flow.
  3. The bridge means the unification of heavenly and earthly, man and deity.
  4. Images of mountains concentrate energy and direct it in the right direction.
  5. Shells are a decorative element and a memory of the sea. Shells are women's amulets that attract mentors. It is also a symbol of travel that will fit into the northwestern sector of the apartment.
  6. A fan is a protective amulet that scares away ill-wishers and envious people. The fan sweeps scandals out of the house.

Application technique

Flamingo tattoo is suitable for both men and women. Representatives of the fair sex tend to choose drawings in the style of realism or watercolor. Rich colors and smooth lines emphasize the femininity and tenderness of the owner of such a tattoo. You can often find a sketch of two flamingos with necks curved in the shape of a heart. Such a tattoo is usually done as a sign of eternal love for one’s chosen one.

New school technique is an original solution for a tattoo with this impressive symbol of romance. The advantage of this style is the presence of a storyline. Here the flamingo can act both as an independent image and as part of a composition. In the latter case, a large sketch that can convey the entire symbolic meaning of the drawing would be appropriate.

A tattoo with an ethnic image of a flamingo (see photo in the gallery after the article) is a very popular trend. Egyptian style is often chosen by men. Large tattoos look impressive on the shoulder, arm, back, lower leg, and small ones on the neck or wrist.

Watch the video on the topic


Birds, insects, reptiles, fish and mammals - all these symbols affect the energy of the house and its owner. Feng Shui also honors mythical creatures, such as the three-legged toad and the celestial lion.

Let's start with universal talismans. Wherever we place the carp figurine, it will act beneficially. Carp is a sacred fish, it brings good luck, helps in business, attracts love and influences spiritual growth.

According to Feng Shui, 9 carps mean prosperity and well-being; it is a talisman for any situation. You can keep such fish in an aquarium, but you will have to carefully monitor their health.

A favorable neighborhood for carp is water. Consider the effect of the element on certain areas in the house. In the finance sector, fountains and aquariums will come in very handy.


Fish in Chinese is consonant with the words happiness and abundance. Fish are given as gifts for the Chinese New Year, thereby wishing a person well-being and prosperity.

The most important type of money talisman is a goldfish in an aquarium.

Two fish mean mutual understanding and harmony between a man and a woman. Two is the number for a couple; any significant objects can be combined into such a talisman.

The image of two dolphins to support a marriage is popular.

  1. Important: live fish as talismans of marital happiness are not placed in the bedroom: this area does not accept water, since the element attracts infidelity.
  2. It is also recommended to have an odd number of pets, such as eight goldfish and one black.

An interesting fact about live fish: if a pet dies, it means that it averted misfortune from home. In this case, get a new fish as soon as possible.


Butterflies in Chinese philosophy mean joy and love. The sages attributed magical properties to these light and airy creatures, observing their transformation from caterpillars.

Butterflies on their wings will bring love and attention to single people, and romantic feelings to married couples. The best place to place the figures is the bedroom. The talisman is much more active if it works in pairs.

Frog (toad)

A frog, or rather a toad, is one of the main monetary symbols, meaning prosperity and well-being. A toad on three legs with a coin in its mouth is placed in the money sector of the house - in the southeast.

The mythical symbol is fueled by the money tree, fountains, and goldfish.


The turtle has a strong shell and symbolizes a reliable rear, longevity and good health. To make things go better, place a turtle figurine right behind your workplace. This will make you feel calm and confident.

According to Feng Shui, this animal is assigned the role of guardian of home and family. A figurine of a white tiger made of metal, wood or stone is located at the front door.

Heavenly Lion

This mythical lion will also be a reliable guard at home. Place the figurines towards the exit to prevent negative people and unwanted guests from entering the room. Lions will protect the apartment from the windows.

The elephant with its long trunk attracts good luck to the house. Such a figure will be useful if the apartment layout has flaws. 7 is a magical number; seven elephants will fill a person’s life with well-being in all important areas.

Another symbol of good luck and career growth is the peacock. The chic plumage of the bird will attract fame and wealth to the house, and will also protect against the evil eye, like a fan.


Images of flamingos, phoenixes and other birds have a beneficial effect on marriage and help single people find their soul mate.

The owl is a widely known symbol of wisdom, which also finds a place in the teachings of Feng Shui. This night bird protects a person from impulsive actions, in particular illogical spending. Place the talisman in the money sector and strengthen your office with it so that your financial affairs go uphill.

Another symbol of wisdom is the wolf. This talisman carries masculine energy, strength and protection.

What does the Pink Flamingo tattoo mean?

Birds occupy a special place in tattoo culture; tattoos depicting birds or their feathers can be seen very often. However, not all of them are equally popular. If owls or crows are already classics, then, for example, flamingos are a rare bird in every sense of the word. Today we will reveal the meaning of flamingo tattoos, recommend suitable styles and places on the body where the work will look most harmonious.

How and where can I depict

A picture of a flamingo is often pinned on the forearm or shin. Less commonly, tattoos are done on the back or side. The bird is depicted both alone and in pairs. More women than men choose tattoos with two birds. This tattoo is suitable for faithful and romantic people.

A colored tattoo depicting a flamingo will be an ideal attribute to the image of extravagant, self-confident people. If a person considers himself powerful and smart, then he needs to get a tattoo in the ethnic Egyptian style, corresponding to the canons of that time.

A flamingo tattoo is quite rare, so its owner will certainly attract special attention and genuine interest. https://www.youtube.com/embed/78X6XemnxhU

Life in Pink

Not all countries treat the image of this bird the same way. For example, in America it was so popularized that it was already considered kitsch. However, pink flamingo tattoos are often chosen by environmentalists, because this bird is one of the emblems of the movement.

The abundance of pink is also perceived differently. Pink combines the unbridled passion of red and the innocence of white, so it is associated with romantic natures, pure and sincere love, and dreaminess. However, many consider love for this color a sign of frivolity and immaturity, excessive sensitivity, isolation from real life in favor of empty dreams and having their head in the clouds.

Stylistic decisions

A watercolor flamingo will look very gentle and harmonious. This style is able to perfectly convey the lightness that falling in love gives a person. Watercolor works done in pink tones in themselves evoke thoughts of romance. The style has not yet managed to gain an army of thousands of fans, like, in fact, the image of a flamingo, so your tattoo will look original and unusual.

Another good option is new school. This style took a lot from its predecessor - old school. Bright shades with virtually no transitions, contrast, and clear lines create original and impressive works. If many people blame old school for being too simple and too strictly following the canons, the same cannot be said about new school. Each tattoo in this style has its own character and unique plot.

Looking for an original idea for your tattoo? First, you should look at a photo of a flamingo tattoo. These birds are most often depicted standing on one leg; flamingos in flight are extremely rare. Sometimes they are endowed with human features, for example, large eyes, fluffy eyelashes and a flirtatious look, and they are given hats and jewelry. There are very unusual works, for example, a skeleton of a flamingo, origami figures in the form of this bird, a pair of flamingos in a mirror reflection, and there are even entire realistic landscapes in which the bird is the center of the composition.

A suitable place for a tattoo should be chosen based on the degree of detail of the image: the more details and decorative elements, the larger the scale of the work required. The flamingo will look harmonious on the forearm, shoulder, thigh or lower leg. For small schematic work, the wrist or neck work well. If you are planning a whole landscape with a flamingo in the center, then the back will be the ideal canvas for it.

Mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui

The Mandarin duck is considered a very bright bird with unusual plumage. The Chinese believe that such creatures should not be separated, because they cannot survive alone. In this regard, according to Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are identified with the fidelity of spouses and tenderness.

Having once found a mate, the birds remain together for the rest of the time. There are several options for figurines with ducks of this breed.

Two mandarin ducks on a lotus

Two sculptures placed on the same plane (on a regular surface or a lotus). Different compositions are possible here: ducks swimming together, bird kisses, touching wings and mutual glances.

In any case, such a figurine is a symbol of the unity of loving souls and serves to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. Mandarin ducks in Feng Shui restore harmony and help cope with any disagreements. This talisman is suitable for single people to attract happiness and find a loved one, as well as for couples who have just started living together outside of marriage.

Plus, ducks make a wonderful romantic gift.

Swimming mandarin duck

There are also figures of separately swimming tangerines. It’s a big mistake to buy them in single copies, as they attract loneliness into the room. Also, do not buy three ducks, because otherwise a stranger will appear in the relationship. It is best to find in the store a figurine of a drake in multi-colored plumage, and a mandarin duck, which looks more modest.

Please note that the color should match the natural color of the bird, so choose from orange, bronze and gold colors


The best evidence of the variety of figures that resemble mandarin ducks is a photo. Feng Shui advises to take a closer look at different talismans in advance, but at the same time prefer products made from natural materials associated with the element of Earth. Symbols made of jasper, porcelain, wood, jade or quartz would be quite appropriate.

The nobility of the material largely determines the strength of the Feng Shui assistant itself. Remember that a painting with mandarin ducks or a panel on a natural fabric basis is also suitable for developing a love relationship.

Where to put the mandarin duck figurine

The main question when purchasing Mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui is where to put the symbol. First, decide on a suitable sector - the zone of love and marriage. It is located in the southwestern part of the apartment, and it is very good if you have a bedroom there. In principle, ducks will fit perfectly into a sleeping room facing any direction, if you follow the rules.

So, it is very important to choose a good environment for mandarin ducks, reminiscent of the water element or enhancing the love effect. The ideal mascot environment includes an aquarium, indoor fountain, live plants, wedding photographs, marriage certificate

You can place wedding rings next to the tangerines at night to recharge them with energy. And remember that the figures need care, because the dusty symbol loses its power.

The meaning of flamingo tattoos for girls

Despite its eccentricity, a flamingo tattoo is a sign of an accomplished personality. The symbol is used to decorate the skin not just of dreamers, but of creators and creators of extraordinary content. In circles of connoisseurs, feathered tattoos are given special significance. She is akin to the bluebird of luck, only associated with creativity and unlocking potential.

Flamingos are preferred by girls who live at the behest of their inner self. They are independent of outside opinions or idle clichés. For the owners, the essence of a person is important, and not his external masks and poses. In their character they cultivate purposefulness, intuition and a developed sense of balance.

Seeing a flamingo on a woman’s body does not mean unraveling the essence of her character. The carriers are so multifaceted that an entire novel could be written about each individual. And even then the secret of identity will not be revealed.

The meaning of tattoos for men

The fickle nature of birds and men has not escaped. For guys, the pink bird carries the meaning of bright charisma and independence. The owner does not tolerate violence against free will. He searches for himself, but not aimlessly, but guided by intuition.

Interpretation of the symbol for men:

  • confidence;
  • creativity;
  • movement of life;
  • infinity;
  • eccentricity;
  • meditation;
  • finding yourself;
  • harmony;
  • creation.

On the body of men, the bird enhances the feeling of love for life. It helps you unlock your potential and becomes the key to happiness through self-realization.

Flamingo tattoos are worn by successful and talented creators. They are able to find the unusual in ordinary things. They know how to use the talents and skills of others.

A sociable and open character becomes the key to success in the ventures that flamingo tattoo owners undertake. That is why for men the bird means luck, success and career advancement.

Phoenix according to feng shui

Chinese legends say that the phoenix is ​​a real miracle bird. Her appearance marks the most important events. Outwardly, this creature resembles a mixture of a swallow, a turtle, a rooster, a unicorn and a swan. She has patterns all over her body, a snake neck and a fish tail. The Chinese claim to have seen a bird rising from a fire with their own eyes before the 14th century.

Phoenix in Feng Shui is an expression of warmth, sun rays and summer. Red talismans with a phoenix give wisdom and beauty, prosperity and victory. Creative people can hope for the support of the phoenix in achieving their goals and realizing their desires.

There are several types of such figurines.

  • Phoenixes with wings lowered or spread bring happiness and success. They carry divine energy and personify the fire of rebirth.
  • A double figurine of a phoenix and a dragon improves the family's fortunes. The bird has long been considered a mate for this powerful creature, so their union brings help to a childless marriage. This talisman is also good to use at wedding ceremonies.


According to Feng Shui, the phoenix bird should be made of any bright material. Lucky people may stumble upon a talisman made of bronze or jade, but figurines with a synthetic base are most often found. The advantage of such a symbol is that it is easily painted on its own in the desired scarlet shade.

Today, individual phoenixes are rarely found for sale. Sometimes Feng Shui allows their replacement with roosters or flamingos.

Where to place the phoenix figurine

The question of where to place the phoenix according to Feng Shui is quite clear and simple. The southern sector is an ideal place for this bird, but it must have free space. Turtles, tigers, dragons and a real fireplace help activate the talisman. Other items can lead to a negative impact of the phoenix on the personality of the owner.

Working candles and a saucer with grains help to enhance the effect of the talisman. The favor of the phoenix leads to complete protection of the home and the development of intuition. To attract good luck, it is better to keep the figurine near the main entrance, but not in the apartment itself: on a fence, on a hedge, on a bush.

At home, you can place the talisman in the living room or office. It will help resolve difficult situations and add independence in decisions. But in the bedroom, phoenixes are not desirable because they attract insomnia with active energy.

If you don't have an exact fiery figurine, it can always be replaced by a painting or vase with a suitable image of a bird.

Options, styles, compositions

The color of a bird is often used as a starting point for constructing an allegory in a picture. So the body of a bird can be formed from pink cherry petals. Which will mean freshness and young spring. The tattoo is ideal for young girls.

The outline of the bird's body is often used as a frame, filling the interior space with paintings of tropical landscapes. This is a reference to relaxation, the sea. The bird's body may disintegrate into many pearl beads. This design also emphasizes the financial success of the owner.

Works in the geometry style occupy a special place among tattoos. Most often, triangles are used as the basis of a composition. They can be filled with color or left only with outlines.

Tips for Sketching

A sketch of a flamingo can become the most original in your tattoo collection. This unusual symbol goes well with the velvet, lush peony heads. It is easy to portray him in the traditions of old school and new school. Graphic directions and watercolors provide unlimited possibilities for the master's expression.

The color of the bird does not have to be pink. Its expressive silhouette is recognizable even without color. Therefore, changing colors is welcome and can be used as a key to originality of the work. Flamingos are loved by many artists. Be patient and you will be able to find an image that will inspire you to create a custom piece.

Since the main leitmotif of a tattoo is originality, you should not copy the work you like. Show it to the master, and he will create an image for you in the spirit and style of this drawing.

Places of tattoo application

There are many places on the body where the bird will look good. For example, biceps are ideal for a pair composition. It is advantageous to use the forearm as it provides enough space for the birds' body to position itself.

The belly, shoulder blade, ribs, and thigh are popular. It is not uncommon to see a bird on the shoulder, lower leg or calf. The multifaceted image of the original bird is used as a basis to fill the sleeve.

The original feathered one placed between the shoulder blades looks beautiful. There is enough space for a large image, while thin legs are laid out along the line of the spine. The overall architecture of the body is visually elongated, without unnecessary emphasis on the shoulder girdle.

Miniature images can be printed at the base of the neck, above or below the collarbone, or on the side of the neck. The rest depends on the size of the picture, additions and composition.

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