Hexagram 2 Kun (Fulfillment) interpretation according to the Book of Changes

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Title: Kun/Execution Judgment: Execution leads to great success. Continue to be persistent. If a great man tries to lead, he will go astray, but if he follows, he will enter the stream. In the west and south it is convenient to find friends, but in the east and north it is convenient to refuse them. Calm persistence leads to success. Image: The earthly state is receptive devotion. This is a great man with a strong character. Protects the outside world.


The descriptions relate only to those lines that were marked during the formation of the hexagram. Count the lines from bottom to top.

  • Bottom line: If you see frost under your feet, then solid ice is just around the corner.
  • Second line: Straight, square, great. There is no goal, but he notices everything.
  • Third line: Hidden lines. You can remain persistent. If you happen to serve the king, then do not look for new tasks, but complete those you have started.
  • Fourth line: Knitted bag. There is no blame, no praise.
  • Fifth line: Yellow robe attracts the greatest luck.
  • Top line: Dragons fight in the meadow. Their blood is black and yellow.
  • All six lines: You are propelled by unfailing perseverance.

Find out the interpretation and love meaning of hexagram 2 when fortune telling online using I Ching coins according to the Chinese Book of Changes. Explore the most detailed interpretation

MODERN INTERPRETATION Original accomplishment; The mare's tenacity is favorable. Knyazhich has a place to perform. If he sets out, he will get lost; If he follows, he will find the master. Favorable: in the southwest to find friends, in the northeast - to lose friends. If you remain calm and steadfast, you will be happy.

It is the primary spiritual force that nourishes and gives form to everything. You see her in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the devoted servant, in the mare. You are faced with many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and give it form; nourish and provide for him.

This will open a new cycle of time, bringing success, benefit and enlightenment. Maintain an inner sense of purpose. At first you will be confused by the abundance of events, but don't worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need.

Join others in real activities (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be open for you through calm, silent agreement with the course of things. May your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.


  1. The eleven mouths are an image from an old Chinese riddle, the answer to which is the Chinese character meaning “old, ancient.” Eleven mouths also means "many dependents."
  2. An official sitting on a pile of coins means success in politics and business.
  3. A god on a platform in golden armor hands documents to an official. This image means illumination, divine inspiration.

to support and contain everything.
“one for all, all for one.”

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan
Earth. The ultimate success is to work as hard as a mare. If a person tries to lead, he loses. But if he follows the leader, he finds the guidance he needs. It is good to find friends in the west and south, avoid friends from the east and north. Quiet work will bring good luck. This is the October hexagram. Good in spring and winter, bad in summer.

  1. Don't act without purpose or reason.
  2. It's good to do something for others.
  3. This is one of the eight “pure” hexagrams. The patient, who is now in critical condition, will recover, but it will take time.
  4. You have a very good wife or girlfriend.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong

First Yao. The starting six. When the first frost falls, there will soon be solid ice.

  1. Be extremely careful and take care of yourself!
  2. Resist the temptation of small victories, otherwise you will suffer a big defeat.
  3. Old friendships can be completely forgotten when financial circumstances change unexpectedly. This means that even people who are good old friends can have conflicts over money. They quarrel, fight with each other and forget that they are friends.

Second Yao. Six second. Straight, square and huge. It has no purpose, but does not neglect anything.

  1. If you are always open and cordial, people will trust you and you will be successful in various fields.
  2. Something good will happen unexpectedly.
  3. Luck. Don't miss the opportunity to improve.

Third Yao. Six third. There are hidden lines. A person can remain persistent. If you serve a king, do not look for visible achievement, but simply work to do what you must.

  1. The favorable time has not yet come.
  2. Forethought brings happiness.
  3. Work hard like a mare.

Fourth Yao Six fourth. The bag is tied. There is nothing to praise, nothing to blame.

  1. Do not try to speculate in the stock market.
  2. People will call you a cheapskate.

Fifth Yao. Six five. If your underwear is yellow, you have great luck.

  1. Don't interfere in other people's affairs.
  2. Switch to a new way of life.
  3. The husband is submissive to his wife, and the father to his son.

Sixth Yao. Top six. Dragons fight in the meadow. Their blood is dark blue and yellow.

  1. If you think of nothing but your own gain, you will be judged for your mistakes.
  2. Don't try to get into a fight with your allies.
  3. He who is intemperate in trifles ruins great undertakings. All features are movable.

The use of sixes. Don't interrupt your work

  1. The symbol is living together as husband and wife.
  2. If you can work selflessly, you will be lucky.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky
Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be realized.
But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely pliable and plastic. In addition, it must be deprived of any kind of initiative of its own, and must, in complete self-detachment, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity. But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is a creative plan. Therefore, it is a completely selfless force - expressed metaphorically in the image of a mare, which, although lacking the temper of a horse, is not inferior to it in the ability to act. If Creativity is Heaven, Light, Perfect Man, then Execution is Earth, Darkness.

A noble man who listens and carries out the instructions of the Perfect Man. It is he who has to act here not according to these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be mistaken. And only by following his master can he find him.

So, for a noble person, the best thing here is, having lost friends like himself, to find a friend who is superior to him, who with his qualities makes up for his shortcomings. In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered the region of darkness, since the extinction of light begins there.

And, in contrast, the northeast, the region where light originates, is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose similar forces to him in the southwest and find replenishing forces—a “friend”—in the northeast in order to submit to them.

At the same time, it is important that the activity of Execution proceeds in complete calm, in submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the plans of creativity, but will compete with them. Darkness will enter into an unlawful battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, for the power of darkness is a blind necessity, and not clear consciousness.

If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Execution tells about the activities of the subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment.

In the text this is expressed as follows: In the initial development, the stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble man has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, but if he steps back, he will find a master. Here it is favorable to find a friend in the southwest and to lose a friend in the northeast. Calm persistence is fortunate.

Full interpretation of hexagram 2

Hexagram 2 in the I Ching is represented only by broken lines. The dotted lines represent the dark and malleable power of Yin. The attribute is considered to be devotion with the image in the form of earth. This is a great addition to Creativity. Displays nature in contrast to spirit, earth versus sky, space versus time, and female motherhood versus male paternity. But these oppositions are noticed not only in the relationship between a man and a woman, but between father and son, minister and subordinate, etc. Even at the level of the individual we see the spiritual and sensory worlds.

However, it is important to note that there is no real duality here, because there is a clear hierarchical relationship between the categories. Execution and Creativity alone do not play a big role, but the attribute of devotion indicates the place that the primary force occupies in relation to Creativity. Because Execution is awakened and led by Creativity. Only in this case something good is created. If they begin to compete and fight, then evil is formed.

Interpretation by Yu.K. Shchutsky

Even the most powerful and intense creativity has no chance of realization if there is no favorable and conducive external environment for it. But even this environment for the realization of creative power must show maximum pliability and plasticity. In addition, it should not show any personal initiative.

This is complete self-detachment, where the environment simply follows the creative impulses. At the same time, she would not be able to do what creative design is. Therefore, we see self-sacrificing strength, which is conveyed in the image of a mare, which cannot boast of a horse’s temper, but retains the ability to act.

Interpretation by A.V. Shvetsa

External and internal execution. There is a pattern and predetermination. If you step on frost, there should be a strong layer of ice nearby. Everything is carried out as it should by nature. There is no need to worry about unfavorable circumstances. You will be able to finish what you started.

But there is no place for the manifestation of Yang and the Absolute. What does this mean? We see an image of the world that seems to be tied up in the shape of a bag. It is completely self-sufficient and impervious to outside influence. But such a world will not be able to establish a developed consciousness. For him, a specific situation is meaningless, because peace is needed only for rapprochement with the Absolute.

Interpretation of Hayslip

Mother Earth woke up under the influence of the Gods. A person should give his best, and then in a couple of months you will get the first favorable results and achieve success. We are talking about a cultural personality aimed at acquiring new knowledge. He shows respect and love even for his small projects.

The person respects and is attached to his mother. During a specific period, you do not think about financial gain, and you are forbidden to focus on self-interest. Be patient, because your desire will definitely come true, but after some time. Now you shouldn’t go on a journey, either alone or in company. Soon a person will appear among your acquaintances who will be very interested in you.

Meaning in fortune telling

Only a couple of months will pass and changes will burst into your life; now the main thing for you is to be patient. You will also find support from loved ones, unexpected surprises, and pleasant acquaintances. All your plans will come true, the main thing is to believe and be able to wait.

This sign represents the Earth itself, so you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. You are an educated and cultured person, you value your work and efforts. Your strong love for family is also noted, especially your close bond with your mother. The sign says that now in life there is no time for greed, so try to exclude thoughts of profit from your head. All your wishes will come true over time, and a person will appear who will have feelings and strong interest in you. You should not hit the road during this period.

2 Hexagram of the Book of Changes “Kun” - graphic view.


The four main aspects of Creativity are attributed to Execution. However, persistence is described in more detail here. This is no longer a spiritual potential, but a spatial reality. That is, the potential is realized, and the spiritual moves into the category of spatial due to a clarifying definition. That’s why they say “the mare’s persistence.” The horse belongs to the earth as the dragon belongs to the sky. The horse wanders across the plain, which symbolizes the vastness of the earth's expanses.

Nature in countless forms corresponds to the impulses of Creativity, which makes it possible to realize these impulses. Nature is rich in that it is able to nourish all living things, and it is majestic, because it rewards everything with beauty and splendor. She makes all living things flourish. Creativity creates these things, but they are born in Execution.

Therefore, in the human sphere it is reflected in the form of action in accordance with the situation. The fortuneteller plays the role not of an active character, but of an assistant who wants to achieve something. He does not need to be a leader and lead, otherwise he will go astray. The main goal is to behave. If he accepts fate openly, he will enter the flow and understand what to do. A great man allows himself to be led. He moves blindly, but continues to learn from experience.

When we need to do something or cope with difficulties, it is important to rely on friends and helpers. It is important to catch the favorable moment for Execution, otherwise the work will not be completed. Finding friends and like-minded people is an opportunity to be in the flow and receive instructions from the Universe. Use privacy to plan objectively.

Lines in hexagram 2

Bottom line

The luminous force represents life, and the dark force represents death. Just as the first frost is noticeable in autumn, frost begins with the power of darkness. These are the first signals, after which the signs of death will multiply until the frosty, icy winter arrives.

In life everything happens exactly the same. The barely noticeable signs of birth expand until the final dissolution occurs. But in reality, you can behave carefully and avoid the signs of death in time.

Second line

The symbol of the sky is a circle, and the earth is a square. Therefore, the main earthly quality is rectangularity. Movement in a straight line is the main feature of Creativity. But not all square objects come from a straight line and form solids. In mathematics, it is clear that rectangular planes are born from straight lines, and cubic planes are born from rectangular ones.

Performance adapts to the qualities of Creativity and makes them its own. Therefore, a square is born from a straight line, and a cube from a square. The laws of Creativity are observed here: nothing was removed or added. Execution does not seek purpose or show effort. Everything turns out exactly as it should.

Nature creates all creatures without mistakes and tolerates them equally, which gives her greatness. Therefore, it creates conditions that are right for everyone. A person will become the wisest when all his actions turn out to be as self-evident as those of nature.

Third line

If a person is free from vanity, he will be able to hide his abilities and not show them ahead of time. This will allow him to ripen calmly. When the right conditions arise, he will enter public life, but will behave with restraint. This is an inconspicuous sage who does not seek to take credit for all the credit and calmly opens up to the world.

Fourth line

The dark element opens in motion and closes in a calm state. This is strict restraint. The time is not the most favorable when any level of fame leads to enmity, if you fight with someone, or false fame, if you give in to them. Therefore, it is important to remain discreet in any situation.

Fifth line

The color yellow symbolizes earth, reliability and authenticity. Subtly decorated underwear reflects aristocratic restraint. If a person works subordinately in a prominent position, then only prudence will affect success. Authenticity and sophistication in a person should not be expressed directly, but expressed indirectly. This is an internal feeling.

Top line

At the top, the dark element must give way to light. If he tries to maintain an undeserved position, he risks incurring the wrath of the powers that be. A serious confrontation arises in which he will be defeated and everyone will suffer. The dragon (symbol of heaven) appears to fight the false dragon (wrong earthly principle). Both initial forces are capable of severe injury.

All six lines

If only sixes appear, then the hexagram of Execution becomes the hexagram of Creativity. Holding tightly to what is right allows you to become resilient. There is no progress, but no degradation either.

KUN. Execution: in work, business and finance

You have the wrong feeling that things are going badly. In fact, in the near future, favorable changes are visible, both in life and in work. Your hard work and diligence will definitely be appreciated, especially among creative people associated with art, but to achieve your goals, you will have to work hard. Do not be greedy and do not look for monetary gain, invest money in your home and family, then everything will be fine in the financial sphere, and even unexpected pleasant surprises are possible.

The meaning of the trigram combination

Each hexagram is a combination of a pair of trigrams (upper and lower). Let's look at the meaning for hexagram 2.

Earth on Earth

The main polarity in the cosmology of Ancient China is Heaven and Earth, what is above and what is below. But a specific hexagram is completely dedicated to the Earth. It is considered receptive because it receives powers and laws from Heaven.

All the most powerful forces, such as wind, storm and rain, come from above. Earthly life has to adapt to such conditions. But at the same time, creatures and plants appear on the surface. By receiving, the Earth becomes abundant and fertile.

We need to learn to let things and processes take their course. If we can achieve this, we will succeed in life and begin to be of great benefit. And if not, then we will lose. Sometimes it's not easy to accept reality, but there's no point in fighting. Now it is important to direct ambitions to reality, then success will come quickly.

Meaning of Yin and Yang

Hexagram 2 is represented only by Yin lines (broken, not whole), which is why it becomes the most Yin hexagram of the I Ching. Yin is earthy, warm, wet and cold. It also symbolizes a woman.

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