Hexagram 30 (LI. Radiance) - interpretation and meaning of the symbol

Hexagram 30. Li. Shine

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, a wedding night. Finally it happened. The boy strives for the girl, and the girl strives for the boy. A man and a woman are united in great mutual love with each other.

The fire of love passion illuminates the entire cosmos. For them, the whole world fades into the background. “The white light has converged on you like a wedge!” Love is in full swing, the rest of the world exists as if in another reality.

IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS ingots of gold shine in the sun from the depths of a beautiful lake. Today, now, a valuable treasure of love has been revealed.

A small seed sprouted in the ground under the lake. Something new was born in the depths of the subconscious, bringing change.

The sprout of a tree penetrates deep into the ground with its roots, and with thin branches reaches to the sky from the depths of a beautiful lake. Changes come from the depths of the subconscious and are a spiritual quest, a desire for light, for God.

The tree drinks up all the water in the lake and hides a precious treasure under its powerful roots. The fertile ground for change is achieving today's state of love and happiness.

Where yesterday there was a lake with gold bars, tomorrow a huge green tree crown will flutter in the wind. The treasure of love and happiness will disappear from new changes that bring deep insight into the essence of life, spiritual aspirations and everyday vanity.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 30

In the manifested world there is double fire, double clutch. It’s not for nothing that many newlyweds hang a castle - this is a very accurate symbol of the situation. Fire cannot burn on its own; it clings tenaciously to the fuel. This is the essence of the hexagram - mutual penetration, complete clarity in relationships, double coupling with each other and the blazing flame of passionate, all-consuming love. Earthly Love. Fire, like clarity and cohesion, replaces fire, like clarity and cohesion. In the manifested reality there is no development, there are no changes. Life will die without change. Earthly love cannot last forever. And here the situation generates itself, which means changes will come from the subtle plane.

In the subconscious, the tree, despite the hidden suppression by the metal (treasure), displaces (drinks up) the lake (a joyful achievement) and hides the metal (treasure) in its roots. A person reaches out to the light, to heaven (God) and on this path destroys existing achievements, existing treasure. EARTHLY LOVE (treasure) counteracts the growth of something new from the depths of the subconscious. But the new becomes more subtle and penetrates everywhere. In the subconscious, a movement begins from EARTHLY LOVE (specific love) to love of a higher level: to cosmic, universal love. This movement will devalue the existing joyful achievement and hide the treasure. Thus, only the nascent breath of unconditional love, cosmic love, divine love displaces concrete love into the background. However, divine love is still very, very far away, and vanity (wind), sensitivity, refinement and penetration reign on the subtle plane.




HATE is an emotionally intense feeling of disgust, rejection, hostility. Something or someone simply does not have the right to exist, and it would be best if it did not exist at all. HATE is usually directed towards the one who threatens EARTHLY LOVE. There is one step from EARTHLY LOVE to HATE.






EARTHLY LOVE - enthusiastic acceptance of someone; connection, bonding with someone on a physical and mental level. EARTHLY LOVE opens the door to unconditional love and further to cosmic love for everything, to the transition to another, higher reality.

Stages of development of relations between a man and a woman from the point of view of subtle energy exchange.

Positions for awareness:

1. This is the moment of supreme happiness, the moment of knowledge of the truth and mystery of existence. Earthly because it is the most common form of love among people when the ego dominates.

2. “Earthly Love” is focused on someone specific. Its distinctive feature is the impossibility of significant changes in oneself for the sake of love, since the ego comes first. Another characteristic sign of such love is jealousy.

3. There is simply no “Earthly Love”. There is an instinct for procreation. This is the main human instinct. It evokes such great emotions that romantics call it “Earthly Love.”

4. I will love the one who loves me.

5. The main thing is that I love.

6. “Earthly Love” is dual and includes both Divine love and selfish love. Divine love is timeless, it is impossible to lose it, because it is unconditional. Selfish love always leads to disappointment, and the brighter the passion blazes, the greater the future suffering.

7. If you want to love for a long time, if you want to love forever, then it is absolutely necessary to choose an unattainable object of love, so that reality darkens the ideal. As the poet Vladimir Vishnevsky said: “Don’t vulgarize my love with consent!”

8. Earthly love is a type of physical dependence.

9. “The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of the mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only everything together can turn into love,” Confucius.

10. People manipulate each other most often through “earthly love.” If in this manipulation and mutual use they achieve parity and harmony, then they say that true great love has come to them.

11. Those who truly love never use their loved one. Used only by those who don't like it.

12. “Earthly Love” includes all aspects of both Divine Love and earthly life. Because it includes everything, it never ceases to be the most beautiful thing on Earth!

13. We find a loved one to travel through life together, to share all its joys and troubles. In other words, we choose a loved one to conscientiously work off accumulated karma. This choice is mainly determined by the presence of inharmonious, unprocessed patterns in the pattern of our souls. “Earthly Love” is almost never happy, because it was not originally intended for happiness.

14. You cannot enter a house except through the door; you cannot be filled with pure love and connect with God except through “Earthly Love.”

15. “Your naked body should belong to the one who loves your naked soul...” - Ch.S. Chaplin.

16. “Love is, in essence, nothing more than a precisely defined, specialized, in the strictest sense of the word, individualized sexual instinct,” Arthur Schopenhauer.

17. “Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring the other as much happiness as possible,” Stendhal.

18. “You are deceived if you think that love for a person lies in indulging his sins and passions, then you love his death, and not himself,” - Rev. Justin (Popovich).

19. “Ideal, eternal, hate-free love exists only between the addict and the drug,” Sigmund Freud.

20. “He who loves many knows women, he who loves one knows love,” Sigmund Freud.

21. “A person becomes mature the moment he begins to love without demanding Love in return...” - Osho.

22. “I knew two lovers who lived in Petrograd during the days of the revolution and did not notice it,” B. Pasternak.

23. “Love is not a property to be accumulated, it is a radiation, a fragrance to be shared. The more you share, the more you have; the less you share, the less you have. The more you share, the more you will grow from your inner core... Draw water from the well, then more fresh water will flow into the well. Don't bail out the water, close the well, become stingy - and the springs won't last long. Soon these springs will become dead, blocked; and the water in this well will be dead, become stagnant, dirty... Whatever beauty you have, never accumulate it. Your wisdom - share, your prayer - share, your love, your happiness, your admiration - share,” - Osho.

24. “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change,” C. G. Jung.

Canonical text

Favorable fortitude. Accomplishment. Raising cows is good luck.

  1. Confusion of actions. - But (if) you take them seriously, there will be no blasphemy.
  2. Yellow glow. - Primordial happiness.
  3. The glow of the sunset. If not a song accompanied by tapping on a clay jug, then the sighs of a very old man. - Misfortune.
  4. Suddenly it comes! Burning, dying, rejection!
  5. The tears that come out flow in a torrent. (But there will be sympathetic) sighs from loved ones. - Happiness.
  6. The king needs to set out on a punitive campaign. There will be joy. (He needs to) execute the leaders and catch those who are not loyal to him. - There will be no blasphemy.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  • According to the book of changes, the field of society and politics is filled with clarity and success. It’s hard to imagine an even better result. Overall well-being controls the situation.
  • Business develops successfully based on honest relationships with partners and adherence to laws. But don’t completely trust success, listen to yourself and be careful.
  • The beautiful love union is reminiscent of Romeo's touching relationship with Juliet. Partners enjoy the feeling of happiness. All interpersonal contacts with people are also full of harmony and understanding. Support will always be there if needed.
  • In terms of health, there are minor ailments that do not pose a risk to life. Possible difficulties with the functioning of the heart: arrhythmia or tachycardia.

Hexagram 30 is an interpretation of the positive patterns of fate that organically connect all manifestations of life together. We need to take what is happening very carefully and put things in order. This is an excellent period even for such matters that are associated with risks and uncertainty.

Correspondence with Tarot

This sign can be associated with Arcanum XIX, the Sun, and Arcanum Two of Cups, Lord of Love.
To achieve full happiness, a person must be honest, sincere, hardworking and law-abiding. Sensitive souls cultivate the garden of inner peace, the mind is their Sun. Thousands of flowers of spiritual qualities open with the rising of such a Sun, thousands of other flowers - poisonous weeds of evil and dishonor, illusory virtues - scatter under its rays. The Sun of Wisdom can only be approached from a positive position - why mock the world? One must accept the rays of the Sun of life as a reminder of the Sun of the inner heavens. When thoughts are focused on our inner world, what our silence can tell us about, and what bliss the sun’s rays of its joy warm us with. The sun is a feeling of warmth, peace, happiness. These are ripening grapes that conceal the pleasure of the wine of the future harvest, these are nightingales singing in the gardens of life, this, in the end, is life itself.


Vigilance and clairvoyance.
The ability of the eye to see can be interpreted more broadly - the ability to spiritual perception. In the ideas of ancient eyes, it symbolizes providence. To emphasize the benevolence of the deity, he was depicted with a third eye in the middle of his forehead. In India, the third eye is an attribute of Shiva - a symbol of wisdom and intuition. For Buddhists, this is the organ of internal vision, clairvoyance, which allows you to see reality behind the screen of illusion.

In Islam, the Eye of the Heart is known, the embodiment of the heart and eternity: it allows you to see such a present that goes beyond the realms of the worldly. Only a special initiate can reach the pole of the heart.

In other religions, the eye is an organ of hypersensitivity. The left eye looks into the past, the right eye looks into the present and future. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, an eye inscribed in a triangle symbolizes Jehovah. In relation to a person, this is a symbol of moral consciousness.

The eye as a philosophical category played an important role in Ancient Egypt. According to one of the myths, the Eye of the Sun left this luminary and disappeared into the desert, dooming humanity to death. Thoth, the patron of the sacred sciences, managed to transfer it to Egypt and restore the primary order. By the way, Thoth - his middle name is Hermes Trismegistus, or the Thrice-Great One - is considered, according to one version, to be the progenitor of the wisdom of the Tarot. In the Egyptian mentality, the role of vision is described by a saying from the Book of the Dead: “I see, therefore I exist.”

The Sun and Moon were considered the eyes of the sky, and the eye was a symbol of light and knowledge. The High Priest personified this knowledge, he had his own gift of clairvoyance, he was called a great seer.

The flaming eye of the sun god Ra, a sign of his fiery nature, was depicted in the form of a uraeus - a serpent standing on the tail with a wide open eye, symbolizing divinity, royalty, two levels of the sky, East and West, as well as Upper and Lower Egypt. The winged eye, or Udjata, the god of war and retribution, is still found on many monuments. Amulets with one, two, four images served as a sign of sacrifice. For example, in one of the pyramid texts of the 19th century. The pharaoh dynasty says: “Take this eye of Horus...” The divine eye was considered his emanation.

In the art of heraldry, the eye serves as a symbol of vigilance, a vigilant consciousness.

Deities are often depicted with a single eye, for example, Cyclops, mythical shepherds who are considered god-men who guide the human race. They are the blacksmiths who forge sceptres, swords and shields, which means they create a new Sun, new heroes. The single eye also symbolizes the solar disk to which Prometheus called.

A symbol of feelings of rejection and guilt, the eye served as a means of overcoming these feelings. The magic eye helped overcome anxiety and fear. The dried eye of a sheep, slaughtered in memory of Abraham's sacrifice, was placed in a glass ball, and Persian ladies and children wore it around their necks and wove it into their hair.

On the island of Rhodes, images of a black eye framed in blue or yellow were widespread. The eye of a wolf in an iron ring protected from dangers. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, expressing all shades of feelings and thoughts. They are messengers who defy danger, expressing anger or love. In terms of sexual symbolism, the penetrating and caressing eye is a symbol of the male penis. The gaze hardens, having outlined its goal, rushing towards it. He enters, penetrates deep and pierces her through, he is full of fire and throws lightning, he shoots and kills on the spot. Symbolically, it is the eye that performs all the feats of love ballistics.

On the other hand, the eye can also symbolize the female genital organ: it is receptive and allows the gaze of another person to penetrate itself. It grabs it and holds it, and when tears come to the eyes, it becomes moisturized and oozes moisture.

GE. Change: in work, business and finance

The dark streak is over, it is now in the past, your work aspirations are directed to the future, do not regret missed opportunities for career growth and high salaries, new prospects are opening up for you. Find a new job and start from scratch, you will reach unprecedented heights. Take up a new business, change the direction of your business, this will bring you success and money. Convince your loved ones not to disturb you. There will be an upsurge in finance, money problems will recede and you will finally be able to acquire what you have long dreamed of.

Meaning and interpretation of each line

  • Bottom line. Take the task at hand seriously, take on the role of the main performer.
  • Second line. The current moment indicates that the matter has begun correctly.
  • Third line. You are pretty tired, your eyes are blurry and cannot see mistakes, the ideals you strived for turned out to be unattainable. Circumstances are higher than you, take it for granted that everything will have to start all over again.
  • Fourth line. Listen to your inner voice, and after a while everything will become clear to you.
  • Fifth line. You “burned out” at work, your loved ones sympathize and sympathize with you, but it was not in vain, you lit a fire in their hearts and showed the path to happiness.
  • Top line. Carlos Castaneda says that you have fallen into the trap of “Clarity”, many complex riddles and incomprehensible conventions are getting in the way, it seems that someone is getting in the way, but it is you yourself, try to cope with the problem.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine at the beginning.
    The tracks are confused. There will be no guilt if you remain attentive and serious. You may not know the best route, but use the time to make the best decision. The wise man will listen, but the one who speaks feels only regret. Do not notice rudeness and do not take revenge for it.
  • Second six
    . The yellow signal expresses good fortune, as the I Ching says. The Book of Changes interpretation of this Yao connects with the need for composure and confidence. The moderate middle in behavior is distinguished by purity and strength, and therefore will lead to success.
  • Nine three
    . The sun is setting, and it’s time to either sing or lament old age. You can also say that the holiday is coming to an end, and each guest meets the finale differently. Do not strive to expand your business, rather strengthen it. There is a feeling of attachment to family and home.
  • Fourth nine
    . You feel anxious, but it's time to make the right decision. Enthusiasm in the process of solving a problem quickly ends, so that the person is left with nothing. There is a risk of ruining a smart life with just stupidity. Follow the golden rule of life.
  • Six five.
    A period of complaints, tears and sighs. The peaks have been reached, and despair may set in due to the fact that there are no new goals. Assess the situation objectively and use what you have at the moment. Be optimistic and believe in life. A happy marriage is possible.
  • Top nine
    . The king's punitive action begins, which will lead to the execution of traitors and the prison of infidels. Integrity will help you accumulate merit. Rethink your destiny and eradicate bad habits. Fresh hopes are combined with old memories.
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