Scandinavian runes: description and interpretation of each symbol

The most famous, well-studied and in demand of all runic systems that have ever existed is the Scandinavian rune alphabet. It was this that was first used in magical fortune-telling, and it remains the most popular to this day. The image of Scandinavian symbols is widely used to create amulets and tattoos.

Scandinavian runes appeared before our era

A little history about runes

Runes are a kind of written alphabet or alphabet that appeared on the territory of the Scandinavian countries in ancient Viking times. Therefore, it is not worth talking about the direct involvement of any one specific country of this territory in the origin of the runic system, for example, Sweden, Norway or Denmark separately. All the peoples of the Scandinavian countries contributed.

The history of the origin and development of Viking Nordic runes was particularly influenced by the mythology of the northern peoples. The peoples of the northern territory of the ancient German state were also directly related to this. The Scandinavian rune series was used for a long time in the writing of the inhabitants of Ancient Germany.

The runes of Scandinavia formed the basis of most alphabets in the world.

No one knows the exact reason for the appearance of the runic alphabet or Futhark, just as the name of its creator is unknown. However, there is a legend according to which the symbols were created by the Scandinavian god Odin. His son Thor, who is the god of thunder and lightning, also played a significant role in the origin of some runes.

Scientists are sure of one thing for sure - the Scandinavians used the language of runes already in the 3rd century BC. This is confirmed by household items found during excavations with these symbols depicted on them.

The elder Futhark is more famous than the younger one

Worldview of the ancient Scandinavians

What does the average person know about the ancient tribes of the Scandinavians? These were Vikings, sailors and warriors. They believed in the aesir gods living in Asgard, at the top of the world tree Yggdrasil. Brave warriors who died in battle, according to their faith, ended up in Valhalla, and all the rest went to Hel. Actually this is not true.

The Eddas, from which all this is taken, reflect the beliefs of only one group of the Scandinavian population - those same Vikings - in the 9th-11th centuries. However, the words “Scandinavian” and “Viking” are not synonymous. Scandinavians are all the people living in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. In the Viking Age, among them there were many ordinary people who did not at all strive to fall in battle. Among the gods, it was not the warlike Odin and Thor who were more revered, but, for example, the peace-loving Frey. So Scandinavian amulets are not only in the Eddas and sagas; a lot of interesting and, most importantly, reliable information can be found from ethnographers.

The word “Viking” essentially meant the same thing as “pirate” or “robber”.

Most of the Vikings were Scandinavians, but among them there were representatives of other Baltic peoples:

  • Vendas, or Western Slavs;
  • Curonians, ancestors of Lithuanians and Latvians;
  • Estonians and other Finnish tribes.

Simple farmers, as well as feudal rulers, treated the Vikings without much warmth. Often they raised militias or hired some Vikings to deal with others. It is worth recalling the same “calling of the Varangians” from the history of Rus'.

Vikings could even be sent to the chopping block for jewelry, because these people were essentially considered pirates, and dealing with them was also regarded as a crime in many places.

The simple Scandinavians and representatives of other Germanic tribes had a worldview close to the Slavic or Celtic. These people believed that the world was created from the body of the giant Ymir, and therefore animated. They made sacrifices to good spirits and gods so that they would protect them from evil forces (trolls) and were afraid of black magic, the machinations of dark forces, from which they protected themselves with runes or protective patterns.

Runic Scandinavian alphabet

Viking runes have two types. The first alphabet was called the Elder Futhark, the second Younger Futhark appeared much later. Many scientists agree that the Younger adopted much from the Elder alphabet of runic symbols of the north.

Elder Futhark

The Elder Futhark runes of the Norwegian, Swedish and other Scandinavian peoples are the oldest type of writing. It has only 25 characters, one of which is blank. This is the most mysterious rune of all existing runic systems in the world.

The Elder Futhark is divided into 3 attas, each of which includes 8 characters:

  • The first att includes runes that endow a person with talent and other useful abilities that fate can offer him.
  • The second att includes runes responsible for the movement of magical energy and activation of the stave.
  • The third att includes runes that complete the entire formula and influence the final result of the magical ritual.

The twenty-fifth, empty rune of Odin, does not belong to the attas, and stands apart.

Younger Futhark

Younger Futhark signs are practically not used in magic. It arose as a result of the simplification of the Elder Alphabet and has only 16 characters.

In ancient times, the Younger Futhark was used to compose words faster and easier. This system has been practically unexplored, therefore it is fraught with many secrets and mysteries.

The empty rune is extremely interesting because such a symbol is not found anywhere else

Elm for beauty

A way to regain former beauty and restore youth, which will especially please the fair sex, is to apply several runes to the body.

Isa-Kano-Dagaz is a runic stave that works on appearance and mood.

The fight against extra pounds has become an obsession for many today. The desire to achieve the desired forms and improve sometimes fades away.

There is not enough willpower, the woman breaks off the diet and all the work on herself has to start again. This is due to an undermining of the nervous system, a constant feeling of hunger and stress.

And the runic pattern, which restores beauty and a youthful figure, will protect against breakdowns. The process of losing weight will flow smoothly and without unnecessary emotional worries.

Magic symbols will simply direct your thoughts in a different direction - now you will think not only about food. Almost always, weight problems arise due to addiction to sweets, junk food, and fast food.

Runes help you understand on a subconscious level which foods and microelements are truly important and healthy, and which are just a whim.

Without harm to health and psyche, people who used this method lost up to three to four kilograms per week. Lightness and desire for life returned to them after the first seven days.

List of runes

The Scandinavian runic alphabet includes a total of 25 characters, one of which is empty and is not written down in the general description of all Old Norse runes. Most of the symbols got their name from the ancient Germanic language.

The names of the northern runes in order indicating the stress (the stressed vowel is written in a capital letter):

  • fEhu;
  • UrUz;
  • TurisAz;
  • ansUz;
  • rAido;
  • kenAz;
  • gEbo;
  • vUno;
  • hagalaz;
  • nAutiz;
  • Isa;
  • yera;
  • EyvAz;
  • Perth;
  • algIz;
  • sOulo;
  • TeyvAz;
  • berkAna;
  • EvAZ;
  • MannAz;
  • lagUz;
  • InUz;
  • fromAl;
  • dagaz.

When doing fortune telling or performing other rituals, it is important to pronounce the name of each rune clearly with the correct emphasis.

The meaning of runes has a special role in fortune telling

What do Scandinavian runes mean?

In layouts, Viking runes and their meanings are interpreted depending on their position. The correct upright position of the sign generally carries a positive prediction. It can indicate success in all a person's endeavors. The protection and power of the rune will help you gain courage and fortitude to overcome trials. The symbol has a significant impact on relationships in the family, with acquaintances, with friends and strangers.

Positive events can happen in love. Which will only strengthen the union and push them to take more serious steps, such as marriage or the birth of a child. Often runes give a warning or advice, that is, they show a person the right path in life.

The strong energy of the symbols allows you to cope with illnesses and even defeat death.

Runic symbols give the best forecast when used for work or business. “Charging” with the positive energy of the runes, a person copes with practical insoluble problems, which subsequently leads to advancement in the career ladder and creative upsurge. Interesting business ideas constantly start popping into your head.

Particularly precise designations are given by combinations of runes, which can contain either two or three symbols. However, it is worth noting that combinations of signs, even in an upright position, can give neutral or negative forecasts. Here the main importance is given to which runes will fall out together.

In turn, the inverted meaning of the Scandinavian runes mostly carries a negative meaning. The negative impact can be expressed in both simple troubles and serious misfortunes. Apathy and self-doubt are possible, which will not allow a person to fulfill all his desires.

Love and family relationships deteriorate, which often lead to breakdowns and loss of connections. In ancient times, an inverted rune often foreshadowed death in battle and a bad year.

It is noteworthy that some runes cannot be reversed: in any position they look the same.

The interpretation of runes and their names are interconnected

Interpretation and decoding

To work correctly with runes, you need to know their decoding and meaning for sure. Each sign carries with it a special interpretation that cannot be invented independently. The interpretation of the runes lies in the name of each of them.

The decoding of the name and meaning of the Scandinavian runes separately is given in the table.

Name of the runic symbolTranscript (translation)Interpretation
FehuLivestock, productivity, wealth.Gives energy and well-being, provides material benefits and inspires.
UruzBull (tur - a species that is already extinct).Gives physical strength and helps direct it in the necessary direction.
TurisazGiant.Gives you an invincible power that no one can resist.
AnsuzGod, protector, patron.Allows you to establish a connection with divine forces and ask them for advice.
RaidoA short path on horseback (in modern interpretation, a path that cannot be walked on foot).Possession of great energy that must be directed towards one specific goal.
KenazFire, flame, torch.Fills the body with sexual energy and the mind with creative energy.
GeboA gift from God, a talent.Gives oratory skills, helps create strong friendly and loving unions. Prevents conflicts and quarrels, helps to reconcile and conduct calm, fruitful discussions.
VunyoJoy, fun.Helps you accomplish everything you set out to do.
HagalazHail, roar.Tearing up and destroying the old to start over with a clean slate.
NautizLonging, sadness.Reduces a person's energy strength. Forces one to act against one’s will and fetters a person’s actions.
IsaIce, frost, cold.Slows down the progress of some important event. It has a negative impact if this event should positively change a person’s life.
YerHarvest, fertility.Indicates that you should not waste time on unnecessary things. You need to appreciate every second of your life and spend it on important things.
EyvazEarth.Establishes a connection between worlds. It helps not to lose your head and look at situations with a fresh, unclouded look.
PerthFruit tree.Symbolizes new life. Helps women ease the process of childbirth.
AlgizElk.Protects from misfortunes and troubles. Gives a person a special intuition for approaching troubles.
SouluSun, light.Removes all obstacles that arise along the path of life. May indicate the birth of a new life.
TeyvazGod Tyr.Gives courage, courage. Helps you emerge victorious from all battles.
BerkanaBirch.Helps mothers take care of children and improve their daily life. Protects the weak, the needy and pregnant women.
EvazRider on a horse.Gives good health and helps get things moving.
MannazMan.Helps you focus on the right things and determine your purpose in life.
LaguzThe flow or flow of water.Gives creative inspiration, helps to reveal mental abilities, develop intuition and extrasensory perception.
InguzFertility and fertility.Gives strength to achieve your goals. Helps you get pregnant.
OdalGenus.Protects the home from adversity, and also helps to see the future clearly.
DagazDawn.Helps you forget the past and live in the future.

Slavic and Scandinavian runes have a lot in common with each other. 13 Russian characters are written almost identically to Nordic characters.

The Scandinavian rune system has riddles and secrets

Money ligature

The problem for novice businessmen is the lack of profit - work is in full swing every day, there are no days off, and deals with partners are concluded, but the monthly report shows zero.

The reason for this situation is the blockage of the money energy channel, which does not allow the correct energy to circulate and be renewed.

A special monetary runic formula will come to the rescue, which you simply need to draw on your hand. And already in the first month you will begin to notice that the company’s business is starting to improve.

Runic script “Quick money”

The name of this runic script speaks for itself - it helps to quickly attract money.

This runic formula includes the following Scandinavian runes:

  • Fehu is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • Ansuz - the receipt of funds from influential people or from serious financial organizations.
  • Dagaz - rapid favorable changes in the monetary sphere, the rune accelerates the achievement of material goals.
  • Algiz - unites groups of people, conducts the energy of cash flow well, is a guarantor of making deals and signing contracts.

Mysteries and secrets of the Scandinavian runes

Scandinavian runes have always been considered sources of secret magical knowledge subject only to a select few. Even the word “rune” itself from the ancient language of the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples means “whisper” or “secret”.

Mysteries and secrets of the Scandinavian runic system:

  • The main secret of the northern rune row is still considered the history of its origin. Only the legends of the creation of Futhark, associated with Viking mythology, have survived to this day. However, no plausible stories or records have survived.
  • It is unknown exactly how the power of runes affects a person. As in ancient times, images of signs are carved on wooden amulets, decorated with household utensils, embroidered on clothes and depicted on metal talismans. However, there is an assumption that such actions provide only a small part of the power and protection of the runes. In fact, their power is very great, but they still haven’t learned how to use it.

Many esotericists do not agree with the second judgment. They believe that meditation and amulets are enough to activate and connect with the rune. To do this, it is not necessary to learn the meanings of all the symbols; it is enough to contact a special person who performs magical rituals.

Viking symbols are widely used in magical practice

How to do it yourself: instructions for beginners

Making runes with your own hands will help you establish an energetic connection with them and thereby enhance the desired effect. Before you start manufacturing, you should study your own readiness and learn a few rules that will help you do everything right:

  1. If the runes have been started, you cannot leave the job unfinished. Be sure to complete production.
  2. Before applying runes to an object, you should practice drawing them correctly.
  3. You should not start production in a bad mood or during illness.
  4. The material for production should be liked by the craftsman.
  5. Don't rush and try to speed up the manufacturing process.
  6. Before applying a rune, you should feel each blank and determine which one is best suited for this symbol.
  7. Vertical lines should be drawn from the top, and inclined lines from the left.
  8. When applying a rune, you should say its name and think about the meaning.
  9. You should not ask strangers for help.

The material for making runes can be very different:

  • tree;
  • polymer clay;
  • leather;
  • stone.

The runes themselves are applied with paint, burned or carved onto a blank. Do-it-yourself runes do not require additional charging, since they are already saturated with energy during the manufacturing process. The only thing that needs to be done with the finished runes is to leave them on a white cloth for 24 hours.

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