The meaning of the Berkan rune in an inverted and upright position, description and interpretation on love and relationships

Berkana is rune number 18 in the Elder Futhark. The literal translation of its name is “birch”. The main meaning of the symbol is associated with the feminine principle: motherhood, pregnancy, beauty, protection, care. The last 2 values ​​are associated with the protective functions of this rune.

And since it is associated with reproduction (through conception and pregnancy), it also patronizes creativity and, in general, the production of everything new. This function, in turn, entails such a meaning as change through the death of the old and the birth of the new (rebirth, renewal).

The meaning of the direct Berkan rune

The meaning of the upright position is mainly related to motherhood and the functions associated with motherhood:

  • this is a rune of specifically feminine energy;
  • the symbol promotes the development of creativity;
  • this is a protective rune;
  • a sign of well-being and prosperity;
  • harmonizing and balancing symbol;
  • characterizes the process of the dying away of the old and the birth of the new;
  • personification of the restoration process;
  • rune of development and improvement.

In the upright position, it is a sign similar to the Russian letter “B” (or English “B”), but with sharp rather than rounded corners. Such a symbol most often means conception, pregnancy, birth, recovery (and, most often, in gynecological terms). In addition, the rune in question may indicate an imminent marriage.

In some situations, it may communicate the need to endure and remain silent. This symbol communicates changes (as a rule, this is associated with the beginning of a new relationship, starting a family and the appearance of offspring) and the beginning of a new stage in life. The Berkana Direct also means that now is the best time for improvement and development (for example, training, retraining).

IMPORTANT! You should not assume that all favorable changes will happen on their own. It says that the right path has been chosen, but a person has to act independently. The main thing is to take the first step and not relax in the future.


The special significance of the Berkana rune is expressed in its ability to revive everything that the rune is associated with in real life. Using a symbol, you can bring peace to a family where they constantly quarrel.

If crops grow poorly on the site, the sign will help correct this. It is enough to apply a few symbols on freshly plowed soil, and the year will be fruitful.

Those diseases of the human body where processes slow down can be eradicated by applying Berkana to the patient. There are separate talismans for pregnant women that include Berkana. It is believed that this rune helps the fetus in the womb to develop correctly and in a timely manner. Before using such talismans, it is necessary to carefully diagnose the energy of the expectant mother.

The interpretation of Berkana is not limited to agriculture or motherhood, although these are the main areas of life that the symbol affects. Berkana is capable of more. In business, this sign helps to give impetus to a new project, and also contributes to the rapid development of such a business. The motive power of the rune can be used in training, in accelerating processes, for the favorable development of any event.

The rune brings calmness, prudence, rationality, and kindness to a person’s character. Correct development of mind and body without Berkana energies is difficult. It is Berkana that helps you stay afloat in difficult situations, and also move forward through obstacles towards your goal.

The meaning of the reversed rune

An inverted position is evidence of some difficulties, some kind of blockage in further advancement and improvement. Quite often, this position of the rune in question warns of troubles in the family sphere: divorce, loss of a fetus or child, inability to conceive, etc.

If an inverted rune falls out, you should figure out what exactly is disturbing the harmony in the family or in the life of the querent. As a result of the analysis, it may turn out that most of the problems arise due to the fault of the person himself.

ATTENTION! It is strongly recommended not to ignore the warning of the inverted rune. But you shouldn’t give in to despondency; it’s important to think about what can be done in this situation. The adjacent symbols will help you understand the situation. Also, Berkana, in any position, says that one should carefully weigh one’s words, and sometimes it is better to remain silent altogether.

Rune of the day

Rune Warning

  • Moderate your egocentrism.
  • Don’t expect quick results, don’t rush things, everything needs to mature. And you are too impatient and fussy.

Runa's advice:

  • Be patient and persistent and do your best with love and care.
  • Dedicate more time and attention to your family. Be more tolerant, provide attention and care to children and elderly relatives.
  • Try to get closer to nature and accept the natural course of things.

Interpretation of the Berkan rune in fortune telling

The appearance of this symbol during fortune telling most often means that the conception or birth of a child will soon occur. This is the rune of family relationships, so the vast majority of the changes that this sign speaks of occur in the family area.

Interpretation should proceed from the main question. If it was about family, then Berkana says that a new addition is coming.

Inguz, which fell in tandem with the rune in question, increases the chances of such an outcome even more. Another meaning of the rune is motherhood, parenthood, parental home. Together with Raido, Berkana reports that there is a trip to his father’s house, or the arrival of his parents (mother).

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If the question during fortune telling concerns the success of any business, the appearance of this symbol means that with maximum effort, success is guaranteed.

At the same time, there is no need to fuss; Berkana requires a thoughtful and calm approach to any matter. If the rune falls at the end of the alignment, then you should expect that everything planned will soon come true, and the work started will be successfully completed.

For love and relationships

Berkana in readings for love and relationships is an excellent sign. It portends a positive outcome in the love and family sphere, and shows that a warm, trusting relationship has developed in the couple (family).

If the question is asked whether the new partner is ready to create a strong alliance, then the rune in question clearly answers it positively. Both partners are able to go through various difficulties together and support each other.

If an inverted Berkana appears in this scenario, it means there are problems in the relationship. Quarrels, misunderstandings, etc. are possible. This does not mean that the union has come to an end; it can still be saved if we work together on the relationship.

You should learn compromise and patience. In addition, the inverted Berkana, when asked about the reasons for the lack of offspring of a couple, answers that conception will not occur until everyday problems are resolved.

For business and work

When planning for business and work, you should take into account what stage the matter you are asking about is at:

  • a business that is in the project stage will be successfully implemented if the Berkana direct falls. An inverted rune suggests that the initial stage may be successful, but the whole idea is completely doomed to failure;
  • current affairs will go on as usual (Berkana straight) or obstacles will arise on the way (inverted);
  • when completing Berkana's affairs, it means that there will be no obstacles here. The position of the symbol in this case affects the amount of profit from the project. If the rune is upside down, then most likely the investment and effort will not pay off.

BY THE WAY! Berkana is not used as an amulet for business, since its sphere of influence is completely different.

The appearance of such a sign in readings on issues related to hired labor means that you should better fulfill your work duties, otherwise retribution for negligence cannot be avoided.

Berkana also says that it is time to engage in advanced training, education, and acquiring new skills. An inverted rune means that there is stagnation in work, there are no new ideas, and no growth in income. In this case, it is also recommended to engage in self-education and expand the scope of skills.

To your health

In health fortune telling, Berkana shows the state of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. If a straight rune appears, it means that the indicated organs and systems are functioning properly.

But you should also pay attention to the neighboring symbols: if they have a negative meaning, then close people have health problems.

The reverse position of the sign indicates the presence of problems in the above-mentioned areas; exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible. You need to pay due attention to your health.

Making an amulet

The powerful rune of the Elder Futhark is used not only for fortune telling, but also to improve the quality of life. Such an amulet protects from any danger, prevents difficulties and saves people around from aggression.

An amulet for children is the best and safest runic protection. It is worn without taking it off. To prevent danger, you cannot give or transfer the talisman to strangers. Before giving it as a gift, the amulet speaks to a person by his name.

Berkana serves as a talisman for the family. Any inconspicuous thing with the image of a hidden rune is installed in the house. The amulet is specified once in your own words.

Berkan rune in mythology

Berkana in Scandinavian mythology is associated with the supreme goddess Frigg, wife of Odin. She is the patroness of love, family, the birth of children, and home. Also, some researchers associate this rune with another goddess - Freya.

Presumably, this connection may be based on a confusion of names: Frigg (Fria) and Freya (Vanadis) are 2 different figures in Scandinavian folklore. So, Frigga, the wife of Odin, comes from the clan of the Aesir, and Freya, the daughter of Njord, the adopted son of Odin, comes from the clan of the Vanir. In terms of importance, Freya is the main one after Frigga.

BY THE WAY! Freya also patronizes love, but also combat. Therefore, it is more logical to assume that the calm and family rune of Berkan is still more connected with Frigg.

The use of the Berkan rune in magic

In magical practices, Berkana is used mainly by women, since it interacts best with female energy. This rune is used for rejuvenation, cleansing and improving health.

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Berkana is “not friendly” with male energy, so it is practically not used by male magicians (or used very rarely). There is information about the use of an inverted rune for evil eyes, for example, in combination with Nautiz.

Powerful rates and formulas

In combination with other runes, it helps to achieve the following goals:

  • Uruz - Nautiz - Berkano. Helps achieve career growth even in difficult conditions, when a person is subjected to serious psychological pressure
  • Uruz - Inguz - Berkano - restores strength in case of severe mental and emotional exhaustion
  • Laguz - Berkano - Gebo - Sovilo - used for making women's amulets that make their owner more attractive, have a beneficial effect on women's health, and attract worthy men into life
  • Fehu - Otala - Berkano - Sovilo - attracts money and luck. Helps increase regular income and get out of the financial crisis
  • Berkano - Pertro - Nautiz. The combination is used by women who want to bewitch a man, arouse physical attraction in him and create the illusion of love
  • Gebo - Berkano - Otalo. A feminine formula that helps to attract harmony and love into family life, solve problems and difficulties, conflicts and misunderstandings

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

The analogue of the symbol in question in Slavic culture is the Bereginya rune. She, like Berkana, is associated with birch, motherhood and feminine energy. By the way, there is another association connecting the Scandinavian and Slavic female symbol: this is fate.

Among the Scandinavians, the supreme goddess Frigg (to whom this rune corresponds) knows the fate of everyone living. And the Slavic Bereginya herself personifies fate. Both runes are also associated with fertility and help in farming.

Applying a symbol

Berkana is applied to durable material - in most cases wood or natural stone is used.

A person puts into its creation not only thoughts and desires, but also physical symbols. If you draw a symbol in a bad mood or use it for other purposes, there is a risk of getting yourself into trouble. Runic magic requires a respectful attitude.

To apply the ancient symbol, use a regular pencil or pen. At the end, the rune is activated in any successful way - through breathing, after exposure to a natural element, or by slander.

How the Berkan rune protects

Berkana can be used as a protective rune. It creates “female” type protection, namely support and support in difficult times. The symbol protects the process of growth (both physical and spiritual), as well as conception, gestation and the subsequent nurturing of offspring.

It should be borne in mind that Berkana does not protect the birth process; the Perth rune is used for this. In addition, the symbol in question helps farmers in growing crops.


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This is a very feminine, soft rune. Often symbolizes the mother, the source of birth of all living things. The personification of new, personal and career growth. Helps to understand personal relationships. Symbol of conception, rebirth, growth.

  • has the powerful energy of Venus
  • rune of fertility, birth of something new, good health
  • to achieve awareness, enlightenment, revival of ideas
  • helps you find your place and purpose in life

Why do you need an amulet with the Berkan rune?

A drawing with the Berkan rune as an amulet is applied to clothing and various household items. The first option is used for infertility, the second for hunger and need. An amulet with a rune can also increase the beauty and prolong the youth of the wearer.

Wood is considered the most successful material for an amulet, and the best species for this are birch, oak and alder. An amulet with the Berkana rune, as mentioned above, helps in agriculture. In addition, it helps to establish relationships with the younger generation and prevents conflicts.

The most powerful amulets are made by hand. The rune sign is applied to a cut of wood and is activated in one of the following ways:

  • activation by breathing (concentrating on the functions of the talisman, holding it in the palms of your hands, exhaling onto it);
  • activation by the forces of the elements (air - fumigation with the smoke of immortelle and chamomile; fire - passing a candle over a flame; water - immersion in spring water; earth - sprinkling with salt or earth).

ATTENTION! During activation, a clause is made that should not contain a requirement. This rune should only be approached with a request.

How to wear a rune correctly

As indicated above, the Berkan rune is worn in the form of a design, a patch or a separate amulet. You can also apply it to the body.

The most preferable option is a separate talisman, since if it is not needed, it can simply be removed. By the way, it is recommended to apply the symbol to the amulet first with your own blood (to strengthen the connection with the wearer), then with paint.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Name: BERKANA, BEORC, BJARKAN - birch. Birch (Gothic), Birch (English), Birch (Norwegian), Birch (Icelandic)
  • Action: care.
  • Tree: Birch.
  • Character: energy rune.
  • Essence: reversible rune.

Basic images of the Berkan rune

  • The mother takes care of her child;
  • The nurse breastfeeds the baby;
  • The husband supports his family;
  • The manager looks after the company;
  • The employer pays the employees;
  • The teacher assists the students;
  • A doctor provides medical care to a sick person;
  • The informant assists the kidnappers;
  • The dog handler takes care of his charges;
  • The crown of a tree gives shade to wanderers;
  • Clusters of aquatic plants provide shelter for schools of fish;
  • A fire warms stiff people;
  • Arable land provides farmers;
  • The air conditioner in the car creates convenience for passengers;
  • Darkness helps predators.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Berkan rune?

It is theoretically possible to get a tattoo with the Berkan rune. But, as mentioned above, it is only suitable for women, since it specifically interacts with female energy. It is better to apply this symbol in green tones, this is the color of this rune.

By the way, it should be taken into account that Berkana has an inverted position, so if you have such a tattoo, it is not recommended to look at its reflection in the mirror. Some researchers believe that observing a reflected rune on oneself can negatively affect the mental state of the bearer.

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Thematic quotations

“Birch is a branch covered with leaves, and a small tree, and young growth.”

The birch is sterile, but instead bears shoots without seeds; its branches are beautiful, its high crown is marvelously covered, loaded with leaves, touching the sky.

Old English rune poem

(Birch shoot) leaves are green; Loki is lucky because of his deceit.

Old Norse runic verses

(Birch branch) - green shoot, small tree, young grove.

Ancient Islamic runic poem

Rune advice and warning

Berkana advises not to be afraid of new things, since change is a normal process of any development. The rune encourages you to make decisions and take responsibility for them. You should carry out your tasks responsibly and carefully, then the investment of effort and money in the business will definitely pay off.

The sign communicates the importance of advice from the older generation, especially when one’s own experience is lacking. Berkana can also advise giving yourself a rest and thinking about your own well-being and comfort.

The warning of the rune is this: you don’t need to limit yourself unnecessarily and force yourself into an invented framework. Berkana does not like everything unnatural and tries to protect people from unnecessary suffering.

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