Why you can’t keep shells from the sea at home: positive and negative interpretations

Why is Coral an animal?

At first glance it may seem that corals

these are
plants that grow in coastal areas and shallow waters in warm seas.
But in fact, corals
of a colony of living organisms called coral polyps. Coral polyps belong to the class of marine invertebrates.

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Positive interpretations

Signs associated with mollusk shells are contradictory. But most magicians agree that they bring only good luck to their owners. Therefore, modern designers often use panels with plate shells in their interiors.

Positive signs:

  • a souvenir on the desktop - to increased authority among colleagues, career advancement;
  • wearing a bracelet with a shell on your hand is protection from the evil eye and the magical actions of ill-wishers;
  • a panel of sea shells in the living room - to material stability and the arrival of welcome guests.

Invertebrate skeletons have unique patterns that you can admire for hours. Decorating frames with photographs of family and friends with them is a good omen. This will protect them from illness and misfortune.

The owners of the largest oil company, Royal Dutch Shell, do not believe that bad omens are associated with seashells. In 1948, they changed the old logo to a fan-shaped scallop shell. Since then, their financial situation has only improved.

In ancient times, the shell of a porcelain snail (cowrie) was used as a small change. Therefore, it has become a symbol of good luck and financial well-being. According to tradition, to always have money in the wallet, a small cowrie shell is placed in it.

Signs and superstitions in different religions and cultures:

  • Buddhism. For Buddhists, mollusk shells are a symbol of new life, and the noise they make is the word of Siddhartha Gautama. In Buddhist cosmology, shells are considered a tool through which one can maintain a connection with the Universe.
  • Christianity. The fan-shaped shell is a Christian symbol used as an emblem by pilgrims to the tomb of James Zebedee. Sea shells protect the guardian from evil spirits and devilish temptation. Therefore, if you still have souvenirs after relaxing by the sea, do not rush to throw them away.
  • Feng Shui. In Feng Shui everything is much simpler and more positive than in popular superstitions. Adherents of Taoist practice are confident that the skeletons of marine invertebrates simply cannot carry negativity. They are taken from salt water, which cleanses any objects of negative energy.

If a souvenir was a gift from a loved one, do not throw it away under any circumstances. According to the sign, you will always be on good terms with him as long as nothing happens to the shell.

Money talisman

With the help of this magical ritual, you can create a special object that, like a magnet, will attract the required finances to you. But the ritual itself is quite labor-intensive; you should prepare for it in advance and collect the necessary items.

You will need these things:

  • Green wax candle.
  • New fabric tablecloth in red colors.
  • A small square piece of green material.
  • Fresh eucalyptus leaf. If it is not possible to find such an item, then it can be replaced with a regular bay leaf.
  • One ruble coin.
  • A little bergamot essential oil.
  • Red silk ribbon.

The ceremony itself is carried out only during the waxing moon phase, so that along with it the long-awaited wealth will come to you. It is also very important to choose the right day of the week on which you will create your money amulet: traditionally, all manipulations with finances of magical origin are carried out exclusively on Thursdays.

When you have collected all the items and the desired day has arrived, you can begin the ritual itself. To do this, wait until sunset and be left alone in an empty room: lay a new tablecloth on the table and light a green candle on it.

In front of the candle you need to place a green square cloth, on which a eucalyptus or laurel leaf is placed on top. You need to place the prepared coin on the leaf of the plant, after treating it with a drop of bergamot essential oil.

After completing all such manipulations, you need to mentally focus on the desire that prompted you to perform this ritual: looking at the coin, think again about exactly how much money you need and why. You should arrange your thoughts in such a way as if you have already received this amount and your problems have been successfully resolved.

When you are ready, fold the edges of the green cloth so that both the leaf and the magic coin are inside the homemade envelope. In this case, you should say the following words:

Now the resulting square should be wrapped again, hiding the amulet as deeply as possible into the layers of fabric. This action is also accompanied by the words:

This manipulation must be carried out again, saying a different phrase:

Now you should carefully tie the resulting knot with a red ribbon. This money amulet, created with your own hands, is best not to carry with you all the time, but to be safely hidden in the place where you spend your working time or keep your savings. Periodically contact the amulet with a request or simply hold it in your palm. Also, don’t forget to thank him when you receive unexpected money.

The downside of shells

Shells are home to mollusks, and when the latter die, people collect these “houses” from the seabed. From an esoteric point of view, at the moment of the death of a mollusk, the shells absorb the energy of death, which is why they become real magnets for negativity. Therefore, the more similar souvenirs you have at home, the higher the likelihood that something bad can happen. At the same time, problems can be very different: health, finances, career, love, etc. In addition, a large number of beliefs are associated with shells. Here are the most common ones:

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  1. People have always believed that shells negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and can cause the development of certain diseases.
  2. Closed shells represent the end of earthly life. Therefore, it is better not to keep them in the house at all or to store them in the pantry or on the balcony in order to neutralize the impact of negative energy on the residents.

And similar beliefs are found among representatives of various nationalities and ethnic groups, which gives good reason to think seriously about them.

Symbolic meanings of the shell

The sea shell is one of the most beautiful creations of the sculptor named Nature, capable of carrying meaning for the human Mind and being a sign on its life trajectory.

The reading of this sign depends on the form of creation, the main ones are:

The main basic forms of shells; many varieties are found in nature.

  1. shell resembling external female organs;
  2. spiral shell;
  3. bivalve shell.

Each of them has its own unique symbolic meaning.


The main abstract meaning is the source of life and energy, this is the water YIN symbol. It is directly associated with the process of conception and female fertility .

In culture, this meaning is enshrined in the frescoes of Pompeii and Botticelli’s masterpiece, where we see the beautiful goddess of love Venus, emerging from the sea foam (from the cosmic womb), standing in a shell.

Spiral shell

Associated with space, galactic forms. Values:

  • inhalation and exhalation of the Creator;
  • the folding and unfolding of creation;
  • unwinding and twisting of matter.

In the Hindu tradition, the shell is an attribute of the divine Vishnu and a symbol of the primary sound “ Nada-Brahma ”, which gave life to our Universe. There are similar stories, only with different names, in Buddhism.

In Buddhism and Hinduism there is a “shankha” - a sacred ritual shell, usually:

  • very big,
  • white,
  • must be twisted clockwise.

It is through her that the Gods can bless a person and awaken him from the sleep of ignorance.

In Hinduism, in addition to the type of spiral twist, shells were also divided into:

  • by gender: female (thinner) and male (thicker and coarser);
  • by color - caste membership was determined: white - Brahmins; red - to warriors; yellow - for traders; gray - workers.

The Spiral Shell of the Nautilus is associated with a mathematical model:

The logarithmic spiral is a special type that is often found in nature. The size of its coils gradually increases, but their shape remains unchanged.

As a sign, this shape of a shell can symbolize for a person the process of unfolding or folding , depending on the direction of movement:

if outside, outside , time goes out into space, manifested life is formed, you are in the process of creation, realizing yourself, your energy and information from the inside out;

if on the contrary, inward , a process of decompression occurs, a collapse of spatial life. Along with this - understanding, comprehension of what has been lived. As a private symbol, this is a sign of the completion of something, death (not necessarily physical) - a return from Space to Time.

Something in our body is also made in the shape of a shell. This is the auricle - an instrument of Hearing, the connection of the human brain with the outside world through the perception of sounds.

Nature doesn’t create just anything, which means this form is especially convenient for capturing and collecting external information, which is processed, understood, and takes on some meaning inside the head:

Double shell

With a pearl inside - can mean integrity and creation .

In different aspects, such a creation of nature symbolizes for humans:

  • virginity and feminine purity, integrity - then she herself is an undiscovered pearl;
  • When a woman carries a child , then the pearl of the future life matures inside her, and she herself is a shell.

“To withdraw into one’s shell” is a phraseological unit that means that a person has psychologically ceased to be interested in the outside world, and has limited his life to himself, to his inner content.

For many people, especially for representatives of the two water signs Cancer and Pisces, this is a normal state of returning to the subconscious mechanisms of restoring one’s own strength and energy, tuning into the internal ri, just taking a break for a while).

The best result of such isolation is maturation into a Pearl, beautiful, original. It is important to remember: in this state there is a danger of freezing, while you need to periodically open up to the outside world, realizing what has accumulated inside.

An undesirable result is a loss of connection with external reality, a withdrawal into oneself (maybe in one’s most beautiful and amazing self, but no one will know about it). A very suitable symbol for autistic people.

A red cat brings happiness - signs

In contrast to the black cat, the red cat is a special symbol and omen that brings good luck and luck. Depending on how and where you met a ginger cat, you can judge how lucky you will be.

Signs for luck when meeting a red cat:

  • A ginger cat is a sign that you will soon receive moral support from a loved one. Perhaps your friends will become your support in difficult matters or simply brighten up your everyday life with joy
  • A red cat is also a favorable sign, which means that soon joy, happiness, luck and luck will “stick” to you. Such a sign brings only goodness and prosperity

red cat - signs of happiness and good luck

  • A red cat has settled in the house - the house will be full of goodness, prosperity, joy and it will always be warm. The ginger cat gives positive energy and brings only success to those people who live next to him
  • Having a ginger cat means ensuring your health, since it is believed that a ginger cat or cat can normalize a person’s condition, rid him of illnesses and negativity
  • The red color of the cat is very similar to the shine of gold and therefore this animal attracts wealth, financial well-being and all human benefits to the house
  • The red cat is a sign of the sun and therefore, in any case, it gives a person a charge of positive energy and peace of mind, inspires and inspires
  • A ginger cat or cat crossed the road - your endeavors and affairs will definitely end in success, start work, study or any other business with lightness of heart and confidence in your abilities

Knife on the table

If, when removing dishes from the table, you leave a knife, this object will become the center of accumulation of negative energy, which will then pass on to the inhabitants of the house. The energy of sharp objects is very bad, it heats up the situation between household members, promotes quarrels and discord in the family. Moreover, leaving a knife on the table at night disturbs a person’s sleep, he constantly feels anxious and worries about trifles. And it’s much easier to cut yourself with such a knife. If a knife left on the table has cracks or chips, such an item should not be kept at home at all. It is better to get rid of it by burying it in the ground away from the house.


Sunstone of health. It has healing qualities: restores strength, stimulates the nervous system, improves kidney and intestinal function, helps with coughs, asthma, anemia, heart ailments and arthritis, dizziness, treats headaches, rejuvenates the body. Protects against damage and the “evil eye”. The Greeks considered amber a stone that gave victory in battle, the Italians considered it a talisman of fertility and wealth, the Romans believed that it strengthened the strength of the spirit. In Rus', an amber necklace was a symbol of marital happiness and prosperity.

How to neutralize negativity

If you have personally seen the bad influence of the clam shell or are afraid of disasters, neutralize the negativity. To prevent the omen from coming true, simple cleansing rituals will help:

  • Method number 1. Take warm water into a saucepan and dissolve 2-3 tbsp in it. l. salt. Dip the souvenir into the solution for 15-20 minutes. Salt water cleanses objects of any negativity.
  • Method number 2. Write down a bad omen on a piece of paper and burn it. Along with the flame, the upcoming negative event will also disappear.

After processing, the souvenir is placed in any place you like. But the shell has the ability to accumulate energy. So that she accumulates only positive things, she is left in a well-lit place.

For example, if you place a seashell next to the window, then within a month your business will go uphill.

A souvenir in the workplace is a good omen. Soon your bosses will recognize you as a real specialist, which will be followed by an increase in salary or promotion.

Sea shells are beautiful souvenirs reminiscent of summer holidays, sea surf, evening sun diving into the water, fresh air. There are many contradictory signs associated with them, so if you are afraid of problems, wash the shell in a saline solution. It neutralizes the negative, after which you will, without a doubt, be able to admire the beautiful view of the souvenir every day.

What does a seashell contain - factors influencing the energy of the object

It is generally accepted that if a shell was voluntarily abandoned by its owner, then the object does not carry negative emotions or omens. That is why an important part of purchasing such a decorative element is to pay attention directly to the inside of the funnel. If it has a reddish tint, this means that the owner of the seashell was removed using the cooking function. Therefore, it is better to choose a different shell if the buyer wants to avoid trouble.

Upon returning home, it is recommended to immerse the item in a light solution with salt for several hours. This will draw out all the negative energy from the item that may have accumulated while the item was lying on the counter.

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