Organization of bathroom space according to Feng Shui

Bathroom Feng Shui

What color is favorable for the bathroom? The front door is opposite the bathroom. How does this affect feng shui - good or bad? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the bathroom door? The location of the bathroom is in the south (in the southern part of the house). What is the danger? In which sector of the house is it best to place the bathroom and toilets? (North West South East)

What color is favorable for the bathroom?

In the bathroom, the main element is Water. It naturally arrives here and therefore dominates all other elements. For this reason, the most useful colors will be the colors of the elements of Water and the colors of those elements that are friendly with Water: Metal and Wood.

Favorable elements for the bathroom: Water, Metal, Wood

Thus, the most harmonious colors in the bathroom will be:

  1. The colors of the element of Water are all shades of blue and blue.
  2. Metal element colors are white, gold, metallic and light gray
  3. The colors of the Wood element are all shades of green.

Unfavorable elements for the bathroom: Soil and Fire
Unfavorable colors in the bathroom will be the colors of those elements that conflict with Water: these are the elements of Soil and Fire.

Therefore, the most unfavorable colors for the bathroom will be:

  1. The colors of the Soil element are yellow, sand, beige, dark gray and brown.
  2. The colors of the Fire element are red, pink, burgundy, peach and orange.

Unfavorable colors for the bathroom Favorable colors for the bathroom

Consequences of incorrect mirror placement

Mirror placement affects health

If you incorrectly hang mirrored surfaces in the house, problems with finances are possible; money will not stay in the house, regardless of the level of wages.

Another consequence is health problems. A home owner who does not install a mirror according to Feng Shui will constantly experience depression, fatigue and anxiety. His illnesses will manifest themselves sharply.

All pleasant life moments will pass by the house. You just have to dream about success, happiness or love. If positive energy penetrates the house, it will not be able to do this, because mirror surfaces reflect it.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the bathroom door?

Placing a mirror in the bathroom is very favorable for harmonizing the space according to Feng Shui. It enhances the beneficial element of Water and reduces stagnation of energy in this room. It is best to hang the mirror on the wall perpendicular to the bathroom door. But if this is impossible or inconvenient, then you can hang a mirror opposite the front door.

It is worth warning about the incorrect placement of two mirrors in one bathroom:

  1. Don't hang two mirrors exactly opposite each other.
  2. If you want to hang two mirrors on walls that are perpendicular to each other, then do not join the two mirrors together in a corner.

It is not recommended to connect mirrors in a corner It is not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other

How to throw away a mirror correctly according to Feng Shui

We have already figured out how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui, but what to do if the mirror is cracked or broken and needs to be thrown away?

First, it should be noted that a cracked mirror does not mean the arrival of terrible misfortune in the house. On the contrary, this means that it has already absorbed enough negative energy, and its service life has therefore expired.

In order to safely throw away a broken mirror, you must first collect all its pieces. Rinse them under cold running water to remove all your marks on it. It is very important after this procedure not to look at your reflection and try not to be reflected in the fragments at all, since you will again leave a piece of yourself inside.

Wrap the remaining mirror in a thick cloth and then safely throw it away.

The location of the bathroom is in the south (in the southern part of the house). What is the danger?

If the bathroom is located in the southern sector of the house or apartment, then a conflict between two elements arises: Water and Fire. Water is the natural element of the bathroom, and Fire is the natural element of the southern sector.

The conflict between Fire and Water often manifests itself in people’s excessively seething emotions. This can lead to their quarrels.

If the bathroom is located in the south, it is necessary to strengthen the element of Wood

In order to remove the conflict between Fire and Water, it is necessary to strengthen the element of Wood in the bathroom. Wood is an intermediate element between them and relieves tension.

In order to strengthen the element of Wood, it is necessary that there is a lot of green in the bathroom, primarily on the walls.

If you do not have the opportunity to change the color of the walls in the bathroom, then add green in whatever way possible. For example, hang a green curtain, put a green rug on the floor, use green towels, and so on. The more green there is in the bathroom, the weaker the conflict between Water and Fire will be.

What can you put in front of a mirror according to Feng Shui?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. Feng Shui pays special attention to this item in the house. What to put in front of the mirror?

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings purely positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive flows of Qi and feed its main flow.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

You should not place talismans and various Feng Shui objects in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

Mirror size

The teaching of Feng Shui states that the size of the mirror should be selected for a specific person. Do not forget that the viewer must be completely reflected in the mirror, and so that there is free space above the head (as a “growth reserve”). Avoid cutting off certain parts of the body in the reflection, as this can attract various types of diseases.

Recently, mirror tiles have become quite popular. However, Feng Shui does not recommend using it, since it itself “cuts” everyone who looks at it.


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Comfort in our house is “all feng shui”:))) N. Pravdina. 19 rules for arranging a toilet in an apartment according to feng shui.
19 rules for arranging a toilet in an apartment according to Feng Shui.

1. If the toilet is located in the center of the home, then the residents, especially the owner, easily get sick. 2. If the toilet bowl in the toilet is facing north, it is a big problem that is difficult to measure. 3. If the toilet and the main entrance to the home are directed in the same direction, there will be a hidden effect on residents, contributing to tumor diseases. 4. The toilet is a place where a family's wealth or good fortune can go, so the toilet should never be immediately obvious or located at the end of a long corridor. 5. The Chinese always pay great attention to whether the toilet lid is properly closed. The reason is that if the lid is left open, the bad energy that “breaks free” can take away your wealth. Therefore, when pressing the drain handle, do not forget to close the above-mentioned lid so that your personal energy does not end up in the wastewater.

6. If the toilet is located in a separate room from the bathroom, it will be more invisible. The toilet lid and toilet door should always be kept closed, especially if the toilet is located near the front or bedroom door. See also: Feng Shui diagrams for a bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom and apartment in general 7. You can hang a mirror on the outside of the toilet door, which will reflect the flow of energy. This mirror will create the illusion of the absence of this room. All this must be done if the toilet is located in an unfavorable location. 8. Good circulation of air (and therefore Qi energy) is important regardless of the location of the toilet, so the toilet should have either a small window or a ventilation hole. 9. The elements of Fire and Earth conflict with Water, so correct Feng Shui does not allow decorating the bathroom interior using red, yellow, and orange colors. The best shades for the bathroom are pastel colors: pink, light green, soft blue and peach. Cream, biscuit and other neutral shades work well. Black and white are also great, especially when accented with splashes of bright color in swimwear and towels. 10. In some houses the bathroom and toilet are combined. In such cases, symbolically separate these zones from each other using water-repellent curtains. Let them be pale blue or white with images of marine life. At the same time, the toothbrush must be at a distance of at least two meters from the toilet. If the layout of your apartment does not allow you to maintain this distance, keep it in a plastic cup or leather case.

11. Everything in the toilet - rug, toilet, floor surface - must be kept perfectly clean, and water pipes must be hidden. 12. Since water is associated with wealth and the flow of Qi, regular flushing of the toilet makes it necessary to approach the feng shui of this room with extreme caution. Whatever zone of the house or apartment the toilet is located in, some qualities of this zone will be “washed away” along with the water in the absence of precautions. Therefore, the best position for the toilet is where excess energy can compensate for its expenditure. 13. If the toilet is located opposite the front door, you will constantly encounter failures. 14. If the toilet door opens into the living room, the atmosphere in the room will be nervous and tense. 15. A toilet located opposite the dining room or dining table has an adverse effect on the processes of nutrition and digestion. 16. If the toilet is located opposite the bed, the effects of Sha Qi will be especially harmful, since people are much more vulnerable in their sleep than in the waking state. 17. A downstairs bed under a toilet is an unfavorable location similar to the effect of a ceiling beam above the bed. 18. Bed end-to-end with toilet. If the head of the bed is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, stagnant energy accumulates in this area. 19. Aquarium next to the toilet. In principle, an aquarium with fish brings good luck to the house. But an aquarium located next to the toilet can lead to losses; Since the toilet is flushed regularly, the well-being that the aquarium symbolizes will flow out of the house.

Comfort in our house is “everyone’s favorite”:))) N. Pravdina

A house is a living organism that acts as an intermediary between us and the Universe.

By changing the energy at home, we can purposefully change our marital status, relationships with children, with people around us and create real wealth.

A house can tell a lot about its inhabitants. I have already developed the habit of carefully looking at all the little details of houses and apartments that are unfamiliar to me: as a rule, the condition of the house can be used to make a “diagnosis” for the owner himself. A home can become an oasis among bustle and chaos and an island of light, harmony and beauty. There are ways to spread the energy of the world.

Through harmony and cleansing the energy in your home, you can spread light and harmony into the Universe. I assure you, she will notice!

The idea that we can exist independently of our surroundings is an illusion! And this illusion has a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.

In my practice, there are cases simply from Feng Shui textbooks. Once a woman seriously suffering from depression came to me. Arriving at her house, I saw a mass of half-dried plants crawling and hanging down. It seemed that they were literally crawling around the house and approaching the owner with their tentacles. With great difficulty, I managed to persuade her to part with these monsters, which for some reason were close to her heart.

In this sweet woman’s bedroom, I saw something that horrified me: right above her bed hung a lamp that could only have been created by a designer who himself was in a state of deep depression. Imagine sharp, bare, twisted pieces of wood framing the lone light bulb in the center! All these items created and intensified the state of loneliness and depression. On my advice, the woman got rid of these creepy things and now feels much better.

Home is always on your side, ready to open up to you at any moment and waiting for you to take the first step.

Respect and attention to your home can awaken the ancient spirit that lives within your soul.

The first stage of preparation for using Feng Shui is cleansing the space and clearing away rubble. It is impossible to create good Feng Shui in a cluttered home with stagnant energy. The result will be very weak or even the opposite. First of all, we need to clear the rubble. Later, when we study the overlay of the Bagua grid on the apartment plan, you will see that there is not a single area in the house where trash does not have its harmful effects.

There are no trifles in Feng Shui, because we work with the energy that permeates the whole world. Junk, disorder is a blockage in the path of beneficial energy, an obstacle in a specific aspect of your life. Imagine that in the wealth zone of your home, a moth has built a cozy nest for itself, which gnawing away at sweaters and socks with appetite, and in the relationship zone there is a garbage can, which is irregularly taken out by the inhabitants of the house. A?!

Let's define the concept of blockage.

Debris is things that lie on shelves and mezzanines for years and are not used. There are things that are kept “just in case,” “for growth,” “for a rainy day,” “for when I lose weight.” Practice shows that this does not happen. Better go and buy yourself something that makes you really feel and look good right now. When you like yourself, only then will you lose weight. Exactly!

There is a golden rule: “Love it or lose it!” Use it or lose it!” - “Love it or leave it. Use it or throw it away!

When you fill your home with lovingly selected things that make you happy to be around, your home becomes a source of very strong energy and support.

Ideally, you can achieve such a state at home when everyone who comes to you exclaims: “How good you are!” The clean energy of the house has a very attractive effect on others. In order to achieve this, first of all you need to get rid of all unnecessary things.

At the energy level, a blockage is a clot of negative energy, which increases its impact over time and becomes a real “source of infection” for the inhabitants of the house. The desire to hold on to old things is the surest sign of the psychology of poverty! Throw away all the old stuff and let a clean, fresh flow of beneficial energy come into your life and fill it with new meaning. Stale things have a specific smell. If you smell such a smell, this is the first signal of dysfunctional energy.

Think about why you don't wear this sweater? Does it remind you of some unpleasant events, has the color gone out of fashion or has its time just passed? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you no longer need this item. Therefore, feel free to consign it to the dustbin of history. Just not on the mezzanine! There is nothing more terrible than these dumps of unnecessary things, stored over the heads of unsuspecting residents for years, and sometimes decades. Remember the song “The fly is a source of infection”? So all these rubble in various secluded corners of apartments is also a source of energy infection!

Feng Shui is a language of symbols. Debris on the closet represents problems that are ready to unexpectedly fall on your head. Debris in closets sends a signal to the Universe that you do not trust the Stream of Life to bring you everything you need and keep things “just in case.” When you look at something and are wondering whether to throw it away or keep it, ask yourself this question: “Do I like this thing or not? Am I happy when I see this? If yes, great; if not, throw it away, sell it, donate it, trade it, or burn it. There are a lot of people who will gratefully accept old things from you.

Know that storing unnecessary things is the psychology of poverty in action! You will never have more money if you keep “still good things” just in case. And as soon as you throw away the thing, and even with the necessary sentence. for example: “I deserve only the best in life,” - a new one immediately takes its place. Works flawlessly. Check it out!

One of my friends was very skeptical about the proposal to throw away all the old stuff. She asked me incredulously: “What if the new thing doesn’t arrive, and I’ve already thrown away the old one?” She remained with what she had, without moving a single step.

But another believed my incendiary stories about the renewing benefits of cleansing so much that she threw out and cleaned out all her many years of debris. Her six-year-old son participated in this process with great joy. By using appropriate affirmations, this remarkably courageous woman saw her income increase many times over, as if by magic. The best part is that this is the absolute truth.

The Universe loves symbolic gestures.

When starting to clear debris, say: “I am clearing my mind” or: “The old goes away, the new comes.”

The laws of energy are such that life does not tolerate emptiness. When you make room for the new, it comes, that's all. This is a truth that I encourage you to test for yourself.

For a new one, you must first make room. Start the renovation process in your own home and you will be amazed at the results. I want to warn you right away: when you start systematically cleaning houses, you won’t have to sit idly by. This is serious, constant work. If you have the opportunity to hire cleaning help, do it. If not, you will have to do everything yourself.

Somehow, in the heat of cleaning and purifying, I remembered that I had completely lost sight of the ventilation hole in the bathroom. Yes, yes, just such a hard-to-reach place is where all sorts of evil spirits and muck accumulate, where far from friendly entities build their nest. My duty as a Purifier drove me to this high point. Balancing on the slippery surface in the bathroom, I struggled to clear away the incredible amount of black soot that had accumulated over the years. The result was a victorious breakthrough of air, and the ventilation began to function!

On the same day, my husband called me and, in a voice broken with excitement, said that their company received an incredibly profitable loan, which they could not get for several years! Well, tell me, it would seem, what does the ventilation hole in the bathroom have to do with bankers completely unknown to me? It's all about fresh energy.

Try to do deep cleaning twice a year.

Clean all windows with the intention of having a clear vision of the world. Clean the carpeted floors with the intention of taking control of every aspect of your life. Wipe the dust off the vases on the cabinets. Review your things again and get rid of unnecessary junk.

If you have things you don't like, but you still wear or use them, they burn up the energy of the whole house. Yes, yes, wearing and having unloved things is very harmful! Get rid of them.

It is very useful to touch things and even communicate with them, especially with Feng Shui talismans. Wink at your childhood photo, stroke a figurine or vase given by your beloved mother. Give attention to the “inhabitants” of your home, and they will shine and give you even more.

Fix anything that needs fixing and throw away anything you can't fix. It’s also a good idea to cleanse your home once a month during the full moon, just to refresh your energy and “invigorate” it. However, I do not encourage you to be an absolute fanatic of cleanliness. Life is cyclical. The house can be either dirty or clean. What is important is a feeling of happiness, not cold museum grandeur. Everything is good in moderation.

Rearranging furniture and things gives a very interesting effect. Try to do it at least once a year.

By moving furniture, you move energy. Let your intuition guide you. Trust yourself and you will do everything right. Frozen energy turns into stagnant and then harmful. Simply moving around your favorite household items can make a big difference in the feel of your home.

Clean with joy, like meditation. By decluttering, you not only get rid of physical clutter, but you also renew and enhance the energy in your home. In Zen Buddhist monasteries, cleaning work is considered an honor. Purification is the sure path to Enlightenment.


The best place to start is in the kitchen. The kitchen has a special place in Feng Shui. The refrigerator and stove are the breadwinners of the family. Treat them accordingly. Make sure that there are no various slimy pieces lying around in the refrigerator. Throw them away with joy, saying: “I am purifying my consciousness. I'm ready to accept new things." Wonderful Feng Shui is a refrigerator filled with fresh food. It is very useful to keep a bottle of champagne there, as it sends a message to the Universe that, firstly, you are prospering, and secondly, you are ready for joyful surprises in life. Symbolism!

The stove must always be perfectly clean. From time to time, deep clean the stove, getting into the most inaccessible corners. Do not allow storage in the form of grandma's frying pans and unattended pot lids covered with cobwebs in the stove! The stove is a symbol of nutrition and well-being in the family; treat it with respect.

It is very useful to read mantras while cooking and cleaning the stove. Feng Shui recommends lighting all the burners one at a time. If you are used to using only one or two, and the rest are inactive or not even working, this is bad Feng Shui. Clean, repair the burners and use them all the time. When you have finished working on the stove, put some beautiful pan there. This will symbolize that you always have food on the stove.

Some Feng Shui schools recommend hanging a mirror above the stove. There is no need to do this, because this can cause trouble:

the health of the breadwinner may suffer;

the housewife will be twice as tired;

the mistress of the house can lose her authority by working as a servant and being reflected in the mirror, which enhances the effect.

It is best to hang a mirror in the dining room or the part of the kitchen where the whole family gathers. This leads to prosperity.

Also, classical Feng Shui recommends hanging a picture of fertility, an abundance of fruits above the dining table to attract the corresponding energies. It is good to keep a dish of fruit on the dining table - real or artificial.

Clear plates immediately after eating. A kitchen where there is no living space from dirty dishes simply cannot have good Feng Shui.

Never leave trash cans filled with trash overnight. Take them out every day, preferably before 8 pm.


Of course, it seems very tempting to store suitcases, old magazines, ski boots that have become too small, and so on under the bed. However, from the very first day when you want to improve your Feng Shui, you will have to part with these rubble. If you want to have good rest, there should be nothing under the bed. Get rid of old newspapers and magazines dumped somewhere nearby. If some article is dear and interesting to you, cut it out, reprint it, but do not store printed rubble in your home. Newspapers with their terrible news and pictures are especially dangerous! In general, I recommend not having anything unnecessary in the bedroom. The less things there are, the more peaceful your sleep.


According to its purpose, the living room serves for pleasant communication between family members, friends and each other. Try to create the most favorable environment for this here. Check the cabinets for clutter and be sure to remove any accumulated newspapers. They cause harm everywhere. If you read newspapers, throw them away immediately. I have seen houses where the owners kept piles of newspapers, yellowed by time, and at the same time complained of depression and fear of life. Remember the advice of the wonderful Professor Preobrazhensky from “Heart of a Dog”? “Never read Soviet newspapers, it harms your digestion.” Pure truth.

Try to create the most welcoming and cozy atmosphere in the living room; here it would be nice to present yourself in a favorable light. Family photos, heirlooms, diplomas and souvenirs from distant countries stimulate conversations with guests and are good for your reputation.


People often tend to keep not only their own photographs from infancy, but also the archives of their relatives. View the pictures. Choose only those that are very dear to your heart, those that make you look healthy and happy, and throw away the rest with a light heart!

Never keep photos where you look sick, unhappy, pictures taken during an unsuccessful period of your life, or those in which you are depicted with former lovers. They burden your life and do not allow new feelings, love and joy to enter into it! I would especially like to note the photographs of people who have passed away. Portraits of grandparents hung in rooms have a negative impact on living people. Put them away, get some kind of special daddy for them.


Often, in order to simply cheer yourself up, it is enough to disassemble and clean one or two drawers in the closet. Try it, you will like it. Getting rid of junk is accompanied by such joy and a sense of liberation that it sometimes exceeds the pleasure of the purchase. Sort through and keep only those things that make you happy. The rest are out. If you haven't worn those green pants within a year, their time has passed. Make room for something new in your life!

One of my friends assures me that if you wear things for twenty years, then they will then come back into fashion. But imagine how much stagnant energy accumulates during this time. How many times do these things need to be sorted out and cleaned... And so on for twenty years! It's better to spend your time on something more useful. If you want to flow freely with the flow of energy, without aging and constantly changing for the better, attract positive changes into your life! Very elderly people are usually resistant to change. They are satisfied with the world that has been established for decades. Don't insist on your own. Change yourself, maybe they will want to too.

A common question is what to do with unnecessary gifts? Just don't store it! There is no need to keep something that is unpleasant to you for fear of offending the person who gave it to you! Accept the gift with a smile and gratitude and use it as you wish. Keep and use only those things that bring you joy.


All Feng Shui masters agree that purchasing such clothes is not useful. Clothes carry imprints of the energy of their previous owners, but where is the guarantee that they belonged to pure and harmonious people? The only exception can be children's clothing, since children are energetically stronger beings, capable of independently overcoming negative layers.

If you purchased clothes that belonged to people you don’t know, then perform the following energy cleansing procedures.

1. Wash the item with the addition of sea or plain salt (add about 2 tablespoons of salt to the washing water).

2. Light incense sticks and pass them over the item several times so that it is saturated with fragrant smoke.

3. It is advisable to “ring” the thing: take an ordinary bell or “wind chime” (which should be in the arsenal of everyone interested in Feng Shui) and start ringing for your pleasure until you feel that it is enough.

4. Finally, read any prayer or mantra “Om Ma Ne Pad Me Hum” 3, 7 or 9 times.


A car, like a house, reveals a lot about its owner. Try to make a favorable impression here too. In general, treat the car like a living creature. Hole and cherish her, give her a name, praise her and talk to her! Machines, even sewing ones, don’t like to be given to strangers. But they love it when their owners give them names and regularly wash and care for them.

In general, all the cars and household appliances that belong to us are part of you. Treat them kindly! Clean your tape recorder or TV with love, turn it into a ceremony. When there is some kind of blockage in business or in relationships, arm yourself with brushes and rags and slowly clean some equipment. Pick out all the pieces of dirt with joy, saying that everything is getting better, everything is going smoothly and well. The benefit will be double - both for the device and for your mood. There is some kind of lightness and hope for the best. Often, obstacles disappear on their own.

So, you have cleared your home of rubble and stagnant energies and are ready to fill it with new content. The choice is huge. It could be love and passion, creativity and career, travel and joy. Since the purpose of this book is to create wealth, we will create an atmosphere of wealth and prosperity.

First of all, please make sure that no “poison arrows” can destroy our good Feng Shui of abundance. “Poisonous breath” is emitted by structures of artificial or natural origin that are located in close proximity to your home and visible from windows. This could be the corner of a neighboring building, a straight road aimed at the house, vertical antennas, satellite dishes, a triangular sharp roof of a neighboring house, a massive tree in front of the front door, and so on. Over time, you will learn to automatically “scan” your environment and instantly identify threatening and beneficial energies in your immediate environment.

If such unfavorable structures are present, then you need to take measures to protect against them. A tree growing right in front of the entrance to the house must be dug up. It is believed that such a tree brings good luck to the whole family. If it is impossible to dig up the tree, hang a protective Bagua mirror on the door, which is sold in all souvenir shops. By the way, a working analogue of such a mirror is the Turkish “Eye for Protection”. Those who have been to Turkey are probably familiar with it (this is another example of the universality of true knowledge). If you have such a souvenir from Turkey, you can successfully use it to protect against adverse influences by hanging it above the front door.

The next protection option is green spaces. When a straight road or the corner of a neighboring building is “targeted” at your house, a row of bushes softens the “blow.” In a city apartment, place as many flowers as possible on the windowsill. The presence of a cactus, which “protects” your home with its thorns, would be quite appropriate here.

And the traditional method is to hang a set of wind chimes or wind chimes. With its melodious sounds, this beautiful Feng Shui talisman dispels harmful energy and releases beneficial energy back through hollow tubes.

Make sure you have an antidote for every “offender” and we will move forward on the path to prosperity. Forward!

Take a look around again. Are there symbols of abundance in your home? This does not have to be expensive furniture and appliances, although if you implement our advice, they will definitely appear. Get creative with this. Sometimes it is enough to drape the walls or bed with an elegant fabric and place matching pillows to create an atmosphere of bliss and luxury. Let paintings hang on the walls depicting palaces, castles, fountains, fruits, jewelry and everything that displays wealth.

At the very beginning of our family life, my husband and I purchased a terribly expensive table made of natural jasper. One of our acquaintances, half jokingly and half seriously, said: “Guys, this magnificent table will attract real wealth to you.”

And what do you think, that’s what happened, and in a very short time. Like attracts like!

Let there always be vases of fruit, sweets and flowers on the table in the kitchen or dining room. My English friends have a luxurious crystal candy bowl on the chest of drawers in their hallway, always filled with sweets in bright multi-colored wrappers. When the supply of sweets is depleted, the owners immediately replenish the sweets. This is great Feng Shui! Immediately, as soon as you cross the threshold of the house, there is a feeling of abundance.

Store and buy only beautiful and expensive things. I assure you, it will pay off!

Natalya Pravdina

Series of messages "FENG SHUI":
Part 1 - Auspicious hieroglyphs of Feng Shui Part 2 - Slavic Feng Shui: Amulets at home. ... Part 11 - Sources of energy - light in the house. How to arrange life according to Feng Shui Part 12 - Recommendations for Feng Shui in the interior. 10 ways to make your home healthier Feng Shui. PHOTO Part 13 - Comfort in our home is “everything Feng Shui”:))) N. Pravdina.19 rules for arranging a toilet in an apartment according to Feng Shui.

Toilet in different sectors.

First of all, it must be said that a certain energy is formed inside any room. This happens depending on how the house stands. Each sector will have its own energy. This can be understood using Feng Shui calculations. To determine the sectors and their qualities, it is better to contact specialists. Based on an understanding of the energy in each sector, beneficial elements are determined and harmonization is done with color, material and shape. But some rooms (kitchen and bathroom) have their own main elements. In the toilet, the main element is Water. Therefore, the toilet is more appropriate in the sector where Water is calculated to be useful. If there is any bad sector in the house, then the toilet located here will allow bad energy to leave the house.

Let's consider the placement of a toilet in some sectors (without taking into account calculation methods).

Unconventional look

There are many theories and ancient legends about the structure of the world. Almost all of them boil down to the fact that the Earth is unique. It has something that is not found anywhere else. Namely, extraordinary energy that allows one to realize creative potential (not only of humans). Based on this, we will find out whether it is possible to hang a mirror opposite a mirror. By creating such a structure, a person receives a guaranteed portal. He may not feel it, may not suspect the existence of something unusual. But reality is objective. Through this portal - a gift for other beings - residents of parallel worlds will begin to steal energy. By the way, we have a lot of it. People simply don't understand their own incredible wealth. Maybe wisdom comes to those who lose it through misfortune and illness. And they always appear when the energy weakens. But there are enough hunters for our good around. They will use the portal to siphon power from an unwary lover of innovative design solutions.

Where to place the toilet in a private house.

From a functional point of view, it is not entirely appropriate to place a toilet near places where a person is filled with energy. We fill up when we eat, that is, in the dining room or kitchen, which includes this function. Also, filling with energy occurs during sleep, that is, in the bedroom.

– It is especially important that the toilet does not have an entrance from the bedroom or kitchen/dining room. – If the toilet is located across the corridor from them, then its door should not be opposite the doors to the bedroom or kitchen. – It’s not very critical, but it is undesirable for the toilet to be located behind the wall of the bedroom near which the bed is located.

In modern interior design there is an extremely strange solution - the location of the toilet directly in the bedroom. This does not allow a person to fully restore their strength during sleep. Sleep can be restless and in the morning a person gets up sleep-deprived and tired.

In terms of energy output , the location of the toilet in a private house depends on its design. If it works the same way as in an apartment, that is, there is a sewer system that goes outside the house, then it should be placed in the worst sector according to the calculations of the Flying Stars. The energy of bad star combinations will decrease due to the energy output. Conversely, there is no need to place the toilet in good sectors. Good energy will also leave the house, this will reduce the energy of the whole house. If this is a storage type toilet, then installation in a bad sector along the Flying Stars will only worsen the energy of this place, and, accordingly, the energy of the entire house. But you shouldn’t place them in good sectors either; they are better used for the bedroom, kitchen, and office. It is optimal to choose a sector with average quality Flying Stars.

The opinion of sorcerers

There are people who understand more than others what mirrors are, how they work, and how they affect a living organism. Their opinion should be taken into account. Magicians also do not recommend creating unnecessary mirror structures. They claim that through reflective surfaces a person’s soul is drawn into other worlds. This is done by low-energy entities. The victim herself finds herself enslaved by them. The consequence may be the same troubles and misfortunes. But often it all starts with alcoholism. The magicians move on. They even recommend looking in a regular single mirror with caution. Never try to admire your own reflection if you are depressed, hysterical, or simply upset. Such an act changes fate for the worse. An enemy will definitely appear, cause damage, curse or put the evil eye on you. Do you need it?

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