Rules for organizing space in the toilet according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a set of rules that came from the East and is designed to bring prosperity, health and wealth into the life of every person. This teaching extends not only to the principles of positive thinking and visualization, but also to the proper arrangement of an apartment or house. A lot depends on the arrangement of furniture, decorative items, and even the choice of colors for each zone. Arranging a toilet according to Feng Shui (according to the rules of Eastern sources) will help you avoid troubles in your career and personal life.

Feng Shui requirements for a toilet room

In those distant times, when the main set of Feng Shui rules was created, there were no toilets within the house, and this was considered a good sign. For important courtiers and wealthy people, their “toilets” were brought to them by servants, who immediately cleaned everything up, as a result of which the sewage never lingered within the living quarters. In poorer houses, the latrine was located outside the house.

Today, every person has a bathroom, and the bad Feng Shui of this place needs to be compensated as much as possible. The accumulation of a large number of pipes and drains is an extremely negative, from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, a place through which beneficial Qi energy flows out of the house. Therefore, the approach to organizing bathrooms requires special attention. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Always keep the toilet lid closed so that the energy of life does not leave the house through the drain pipe.
  2. Ensure good ventilation in the toilet: it does not matter whether it is forced or natural. This will help the energy circulate fully and not stagnate.
  3. The bathroom should be as simple as possible; luxury items are not allowed in this place. An expensive painting in the toilet can not only worsen the feng shui of the house, but also bring bad luck to its inhabitants.
  4. You can hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom or even install large mirrored doors that will reflect energy and create the illusion of the absence of this room.
  5. The toilet door should also always be closed.
  6. It is not recommended to make an additional open drain hole directly in the floor.
  7. The plumbing must be in good working order. Any leak leads to a deterioration in the financial condition of the family.

What should not be in front of the front door

If you are going to buy a home, keep in mind that the front entrance is not located opposite the bathroom or toilet - constant water leakage takes away all the energy - both positive and negative. This will cause a lot of trouble.

First of all, the health of all family members will suffer. You will constantly feel tired, unhappy, and apathetic.

The next problem is lack of funds. Energy that favors financial matters will also be washed away with the bathwater.

What to do if the bathtub (toilet) is opposite the door?

Of course, if you are just planning to build your own home or are engaged in its arrangement and repair, then these tips will make your task much easier.

If it is not possible to change the layout, then a couple of secrets that experts in Eastern sciences talk about will help.

Hang a wind chime on the door leading to the bathroom. It is desirable that it be large, bright and shiny. This will create a reflector effect - the energy tending to the water will not be able to penetrate inside the bathroom. It will spread throughout the house.

A horseshoe pointing down, a small rock crystal ball suspended from the ceiling, or a crystal chandelier could also be a good solution.

Various bells or crystals will perfectly protect and protect from troubles. Their reflective surface and pleasant melody will drive away all the bad and invite prosperity, happiness and mutual understanding into your home.

In this short video (02:28), the most famous Feng Shui master Natalya Pravdina will tell you what to do if the toilet door is opposite the front door.

Mirror has a great influence on a person's life. This is mainly due to the fact that the mirror surface is capable of changing the direction of the energy flow and giving it the right impetus. This piece of furniture copes well with stagnant energy and normalizes circulation.

Positive energy will not be able to get inside the house. All family members will suffer. This will affect your health, relationships, and financial well-being. Luck will simply turn around and leave the house.

The best solution is if the mirror hangs in the hallway on the wall to the right of the front door.

Example of correct mirror placement

Favorable and undesirable colors and shades

It is not recommended to use colors that are considered dominant, such as blue and black, when decorating a restroom. Any shades characteristic of the element of Fire, as well as images of the sun and sunny landscapes, are strictly not suitable. This will create dissonance with the dominant element of Water in the room. When choosing a toilet, you should give preference to the classic white color, which is as neutral as possible from a Feng Shui point of view.

To decorate the room, use any neutral shades characteristic of the water element: blue, light blue, turquoise, silver. Such a bathroom will be easier to keep clean, and its impact on people's lives will be reduced.

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The element of Water goes well with the elements of Wood and Metal, which allows you to use their shades. The main thing is that they do not dominate and disturb the natural balance. These include natural brown, terracotta, gray and their shades.

Is the toilet sha or not?

Of course, first of all, the unfavorable location of the toilet in the house is associated with unpleasant odors, which in Feng Shui are called “smell sha”.

When we were in Central China, I understood why Feng Shui pays so much attention to this space. You can only go there wearing a gas mask and overalls, which must be disinfected before you take them off, as they show in movies about mega viruses! Horror. You can’t even imagine what it is and how it works inside!

But in other places, especially in modern European interiors, sometimes you go into the toilet and it seems that you are in the Queen’s boudoir or in a Thai elite spa salon - it is very beautiful and the smell of citrus, lavender or patchouli.

If you keep your toilet constantly clean and take care that the smell of sewerage does not penetrate into the house, you don’t have to worry about “sha”.

Layout location

The location of the toilet according to Feng Shui is of greatest importance. By choosing the right location, you can reduce its impact on the Qi energy in the house. But it is important to consider that the toilet room creates negative vibrations, regardless of which side of the world it is located in.

The worst option is to locate the toilet in the center of the apartment or house. This leads to constant quarrels, depression and even heart disease.

A bathroom in the north harms one’s career, interfering with promotion prospects, and worsening relationships with colleagues and superiors. To avoid such influence, place a large stone or a seven-level pagoda in the toilet.

If the bathroom is located in the east, it deprives the family of good luck and spoils the relationship between parents and sons. In this case, you cannot place plants and flowers in the room, as they will increase the negative impact. Instead, it is better to place a wind chime made of five sticks there.

The toilet located in the western part has a bad effect on the health of children. You can get rid of this influence by painting the door of the room a rich red color. The walls of the toilet should not be white and placing wind chimes there should be avoided.

On South

Toilets and bathrooms located in the south can cause gossip that discredits the good name of the family. You can reduce the negative impact of this factor by placing a bowl of clean water there and reducing the lighting level.

In the southwest, the toilet harms marital relationships and threatens family prospects. First of all, the woman who will suffer from this will face health problems, indifference of her husband, excessive amount of work and fatigue. If you can’t move the room, you can reduce its negative impact by placing fresh flowers or other plants in ceramic pots, as well as decorating the room with natural crystals.

In North-west

In the northwest, the toilet reduces the influence of the family and negatively affects the reputation of its head. You can correct the situation if you hang a bright lamp in this room.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the bathroom door?

Placing a mirror in the bathroom is very favorable for harmonizing the space according to Feng Shui. It enhances the beneficial element of Water and reduces stagnation of energy in this room. It is best to hang the mirror on the wall perpendicular to the bathroom door. But if this is impossible or inconvenient, then you can hang a mirror opposite the front door.

It is worth warning about the incorrect placement of two mirrors in one bathroom:

  1. Don't hang two mirrors exactly opposite each other.
  2. If you want to hang two mirrors on walls that are perpendicular to each other, then do not join the two mirrors together in a corner.

What should be the lighting in the toilet?

The toilet room should have a minimum number of decorative elements, with the exception of those that will soften its negative impact on the energy of life. The choice of lighting directly depends on the zone in which the toilet is located: bright lamps are recommended in the northwestern part of the apartment, and as dim as possible in the southern part. If the restroom is located in the direction of any other part of the world, the lighting should be approximately the same as in other areas of the apartment.

If it is possible to provide natural sunlight into the toilet, it is worth taking advantage of it. It is better to choose artificial lighting that is warm and as close to natural as possible. You can check this by taking a closer look at the color of the white earthenware: when the light is on, it should not appear yellow or blue.

Since bathrooms and toilets create many problems, from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is recommended to make them as small as possible so that they do not occupy the entire sector, but only partially.

It is important to keep your washroom clean and clean it regularly to reduce negative feng shui effects in your home. A positive effect can be achieved by using salt-based cleaning products - a substance that neutralizes any negative energies.

The location of the bathroom is in the south in the southern part of the house. What is the danger

If the bathroom is located in the southern sector of the house or apartment, then a conflict between two elements arises: Water and Fire. Water is the natural element of the bathroom, and Fire is the natural element of the southern sector.

The conflict between Fire and Water often manifests itself in people’s excessively seething emotions. This can lead to their quarrels.

In order to remove the conflict between Fire and Water, it is necessary to strengthen the element of Wood in the bathroom. Wood is an intermediate element between them and relieves tension.

In order to strengthen the element of Wood, it is necessary that there is a lot of green in the bathroom, primarily on the walls.

If you do not have the opportunity to change the color of the walls in the bathroom, then add green in whatever way possible. For example, hang a green curtain, put a green rug on the floor, use green towels, and so on. The more green there is in the bathroom, the weaker the conflict between Water and Fire will be.

Feng Shui placement of toilet and bathroom

The most unfavorable location of the bathroom is opposite the front door. In this case, the money coming into your home will quickly flow away along with the energy of the water that you flush into the toilet or sink. Hence - waste, constant lack of money and financial losses.

Unfortunately, many apartment buildings have just such a feature as a toilet opposite the front door. It is unlikely that Soviet architects wanted to harm the people who would live in their houses. Most likely, they had no idea about the principles of Feng Shui, and now we are paying for it.

However, all is not lost! To protect your well-being, some Feng Shui experts recommend hanging a picture of a landscape on the bathroom door - this will retain monetary energy in your home and help maintain financial stability.

You can also zone the corridor - separate the toilet from the front door using a curtain. A curtain made of beads or bamboo sticks is good for these purposes.

If it is not possible to properly zone the hallway, then you need to at least place an obstacle between the bathroom and the front door, for example, a tree in a pot or a floor lamp that attracts attention.

What does "in the center" mean?

In this case, when we talk about San Yuan, we are not really talking about the geometric center. Many people misunderstand this by simply connecting two diagonal lines and finding the center-intersection, struggling with finding the center in apartments and houses of irregular shape.

We all don't do this. We are dealing with the energies of space, and not with geometry. Everything here is much more interesting and is based on an understanding of the distribution of energy throughout the premises.

For example, in this example the toilet would be in the center of the house. And in the same apartment with a slightly different layout, the house will no longer be in the center. Your toilet may fall under the category of "in the center of the house" without even being in its exact geometric center, but somewhere near it.

I explain this in more detail in the course “Is everything sha that is directed” and in the full-time course on Flying Stars, when we discuss the distribution of qi.

If you are now at the stage of designing a house and do not yet know all the intricacies and nuances of energy distribution, simply do not design a toilet in the “central zone” of the house, where there are no windows, especially near the main entrance to the house. Then you will definitely not fall into the risk zone.

Decor and decorations

To adjust the flow of energy, it is necessary to properly equip the bathroom with decor. Any decorations in the restroom should show the essence of the water element. It would be good if the paintings depicted:

It is prohibited to hang images of the sun, its rays, sunset, dawn, desert, as well as landscapes. All of them belong to the element of Fire, which competes with Water.

One or two paintings are suitable as decor for the restroom. The main thing is to avoid dark, yellow and orange tones. Too many decorations can overload the atmosphere and have a bad effect on the energy background.

A few more words about the location of the restroom

If you strictly follow the laws of Feng Shui, then the toilet should be located in a favorable place.

Poor toilet location

Please pay attention to the following:

  • According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, the toilet opposite the entrance (entrance door) is one of the worst planning decisions. If this is your case, then you will be haunted by constant failures,
  • If the toilet is located opposite the bed, then this is the most dangerous location, because in a dream a person is most vulnerable to the harmful energy that circulates in the toilet,
  • If the toilet is located opposite the living room, then the atmosphere in this room will always be tense and nervous.

From here we conclude that the toilet doors need to be veiled, made almost invisible, you can hang a mirror on the outside of the toilet door. Most importantly, do not forget that the doors to the toilet should always be kept tightly closed!

Pay special attention to how your bed is positioned. The head of the bed should not be adjacent to the wall of the toilet. Under no circumstances should the bed be placed above or below the toilet, for example on a floor above or below. Therefore, if you live in a multi-story building, then when placing your bed, try to find out what is located behind the wall, above or below your neighbors. If there is a toilet there, then you are guaranteed a leak of beneficial energy and an active influx of negative energy.

If you have an aquarium in your apartment, then you need to remove it from the toilet as far as possible. The aquarium is intended to symbolize well-being, but if it is installed near the toilet, where water is constantly going down the drain, its power will invisibly and constantly flow out of your house into the sewer.

It’s very bad if you put a trash can or a broom in the corner of the toilet! The problem is that the trash can represents the abyss, which will increase its harmful effects while in the toilet.

If the toilet is located in the wealth zone, then this is simply a disaster. If you do not have the opportunity to remove the toilet from this zone, then the only way to neutralize the harmful effects of the toilet on the wealth zone is to hang a mirror on the door of your toilet; it will reflect the flow of harmful energy and make the toilet invisible.

Follow these easy-to-follow tips, arrange your toilet correctly, and Feng Shui will help you find harmony, happiness and prosperity.


Is it possible to place a toilet in the bedroom

You may have already read some books or articles on the Internet about Feng Shui, where it was said that you should not place a toilet in the bedroom.

I know that some feng shui “gurus” are now throwing tomatoes at me, but I have a different opinion.

I'll tell you what you can do in the bedroom toilet.

I don't think you need to explain that there is a big difference between what toilets looked like 1000 years ago when Feng Shui was being developed in China and what they look like now. Anyone who has been to the villages of central China even in our time will understand what I am talking about.

Therefore, of course, I would also say that you can’t place a toilet in the bedroom if it was exactly as it was at that time: smelly, dirty, from just looking at it you could probably get infected and get sick... No God forbid I have one like this in the bedroom!

But now everything is different! Beauty, cleanliness and constant purification and ventilation of the air. And therefore this rule has lost its relevance.

Yes, of course, it is imperative to study what our predecessors wrote about Feng Shui. But you also need to understand the reasons for the conclusions they made, on the basis of which these advice appeared, and not just blindly follow. And if the reason is no longer there, then this advice is no longer relevant.

Well, unless, of course, your toilet in the bedroom is the same as in old China, then yes, you should definitely listen :).

I'm not advocating that you make a toilet in your bedroom on purpose. No. If possible, it is still better to be away from the sewer (in case it bursts). But, if you need a toilet in the bedroom (well, you never know what the reasons may be), then personally I don’t see anything wrong with this.

Another question is how exactly to arrange the inside of a bathroom located next to the bedroom, even if it is beautiful?

It is advisable that the door to the toilet should not be located opposite any other doors of the apartment or house: opposite the front door, the door to the bedroom, to the office, and also opposite the bed, desktop, unless there are special recommendations from the Feng Shui Master, as there are always exceptions, everything is very individual.

Where to place the toilet in the toilet room

Not so long ago, such a concept as a “toilet sha” appeared, which is formed if you draw a straight line from the toilet through all the walls to the bed.

Personally, I have no observations that this works. I can not say anything. But my colleagues say that there is such experience, so I sometimes look at it too...

However, in all the cases they tell, I see that there is not only one reason for what is happening. In all the years of my practice, I have never seen that only one incorrectly located door to the toilet, for example, or just one “toilet sha” led to problems for people.

There are always even more compelling reasons, for example, a bed in an unfavorable sector, a door to the bedroom or an unfavorable direction of the front door relative to the same Flying Stars (natal, annual and monthly).

Remember that it is not enough to ensure that the toilet sector is suitable. Be sure to pay close attention to how the stove, bed, desk are positioned, and in what directions all the doors in the house are located.


Practical tips for arranging a bathroom

Selection and placement of plumbing fixtures

A bathtub or shower stall is the main element of the interior.

Owners of apartments whose area is quite limited most often choose rectangular models when arranging bathrooms.

The choice of rectangular models is often justified by considerations of space saving. But if you focus on the philosophy of Feng Shui, rectangular bathtubs are far from the best option. Their sharp corners, like aimed poisonous arrows, accumulate and release negative energy.

It is better to give preference to round or oval shaped models, the smooth curves of which, reminiscent of the rounded edges of coins - a symbol of money of the water element, will attract prosperity

If we imagine that our home functions like a living body, then according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the bathroom is associated with the intestinal tract of the human body, which is responsible for removing waste substances. This room in the house is designed to cleanse our physical and subtle bodies of dirt.

But when using bathrooms, it is very important to monitor water consumption.

The installed plumbing must work properly so that water does not just run out, otherwise at the energy level this can lead to frequent illnesses in the household

Water is directly related to the circulating flow of energy, so when installing a toilet a number of important points should be taken into account:

  • In a combined bathroom, the toilet should be located away from the entrance so that when viewed from the entrance it does not come to the fore. If it is not possible to move the toilet to the far corner, use “distracting” techniques: screens and partitions.
  • Each visit to the toilet is accompanied by a mandatory flush of water, along with which the energy of material well-being “leaks away”. You can stop the flow of leaking energy by keeping the toilet lid always closed.
  • In the toilet, the passive lunar energy “yin” predominates, bringing calm and tranquility to the space; it can be balanced by adding the male elements “yang”, filling the space with warmth and energy of the Sun.

It is believed that a separate toilet with a bathtub is better than a combined one.

In any case, it is better to place the toilet as close to the sewer as possible so that contaminated water along with waste Qi leaves as quickly as possible

To prevent Sha energy from the sewer line from penetrating back into the home, it is better to line the outside of the pipe with tiles or bricks.

Ventilation design

High humidity in the bathroom stops the flow of Qi. Drops of condensation settling on walls and pipes, preventing energy from circulating, form a stagnant atmosphere.

Some people mistakenly believe that it is enough to dry the air by installing heating elements, and the flow will improve. But that's not true. Only an influx of fresh air can establish the circulation of Qi energy.

It is ideal if the bathroom has a window that can be opened at any time, allowing a stream of fresh air into the room.

This problem can be solved by ventilating the room as often as possible. Air conditioners are not suitable for this purpose.

Correct lighting device

Natural light is ideal for the bathroom. The rays penetrating through the windows unwind stagnant Qi energy and charge the space with solar energy.

To decorate a window opening, it is better to use slightly shading blinds, keeping them open during the day, allowing the sun's rays to freely penetrate the room

Curtains made of heavy and dense fabrics are not suitable for this purpose.

If the bathroom does not have a window, fill the space with artificial light. When designing room lighting, consider the placement of lamps so that they illuminate the entire room as much as possible. The bright rays of lighting fixtures will revive the energy field.

Choosing flooring

A properly selected coating can enhance the flow of Qi energy. Porcelain stoneware or tiles are ideal for floor decoration.

Materials with a smooth surface, such as marble, tile or glass, can neutralize negative energy

The main thing is that the coating is not too cold. You can solve this problem by installing a “warm floor” system, or by choosing tiles that quickly adapt to the ambient temperature.

Fortunately, the wide range of products on the market allows you to choose a coating that will successfully combine decorative properties and excellent performance.

Design subtleties of space design

The bathroom is the place where the Pisces aura reigns supreme. Therefore, when designing this room, the harmony of elements is very important. In addition, the chosen design should act as a continuation of the interior of the remaining rooms in the house.

This is the only way to achieve the energy of a pacifying sign.

When arranging a bathroom, you should be guided by the rule that no matter where you are in the room, you should be able to see the person entering the room

Plumbing equipment and pieces of furniture should be arranged in such a way that the entrance door to the room is within visible sight.

Shelves filled with all sorts of tubes and bottles of body care cosmetics also contribute to the stagnation of Qi energy.

To restore normal flow circulation, carry out an “audit” on the shelves, leaving only those products that you often use. Put the rest of the bottles away, hiding them in a closet or cabinet under the sink.

Winning color solutions

The bathroom is the room in which it is pleasant to relax after a hard day of work, enjoying water treatments. Many people have probably noticed that after taking a bath they feel relaxed and energized.

This is due to the fact that the water energy field, acting in resonance, corrects our aura, making it softer and more sensitive.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, light and calm colors contribute to the creation of a relaxing and tranquil environment in the bathroom.

Most favorable colors:

  • White is a synthesis of all colors. It is the color of purification, which contains the energy and power of transformation. But an absolutely white room will lack comfort and attractiveness. Colored furnishings in blue, gold and apricot shades will help dilute the white tones.
  • Green is the color of nature. It calms the nervous system and promotes inner harmony. The color used to decorate the room should be bright green, like spring foliage, calm emerald, like the dense crown of trees, but in no case dirty green or khaki.
  • Blue is the color of the sky. It erases aggressive thoughts, relieves tension and harmonizes energy flows. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the color blue, which belongs to the element of Water and symbolizes heavenly blessings, is ideal for wall decoration.
  • Light brown – light wood tone. Acting as an element of the Earth, the light brown shade helps to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles present in each of us. It gives a feeling of security and inner peace. But only light shades of brown are endowed with these properties.

It is absolutely worth excluding black and dark brown colors, as they attract negative energy. When decorating a room, you should also avoid bright colors.

It is better to create colorful accents to stimulate energy flows in individual areas by complementing the interior with small bright accessories

In a combined bathroom, to harmonize the space, the plumbing fixtures should have the same color and design. It is preferable to choose white earthenware.

Mirror surfaces

What is a bathroom without a mirror? It acts as a connecting element that connects our physical body with the subtle “I”, restoring harmony between them.

When choosing the shape of a bathroom mirror according to Feng Shui, be guided by your zodiac sign and the element that protects you:

  • Round - symbolizes Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), but takes on the energy of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Earth.
  • Oval – compatible with the power of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Fire.
  • Square – combined with the biofield of Air and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
  • Rectangular – complements the energies of Water and Fire.

If difficulties arise with choosing favorable elemental energies, give preference to the stronger one. In descending order they will be arranged as follows: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.

If there are representatives of several signs among the household members, choose the form that will be most favorable for everyone

The properties of mirrors to visually expand space from the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui should not be actively used. For the same reason, it is not advisable to install magnifying mirrors.

It is also not recommended to hang mirrors one opposite the other. This is explained by the fact that between the two reflective surfaces the emerging images will rush around, creating a useless movement in a vicious circle.

According to Chinese beliefs, it is not advisable to look at small mirrors installed nearby at the same time: when the reflection is fragmented, the personal energy Qi is also fragmented

For this reason, you should not decorate the walls of the room with mirror tiles or install cabinets whose doors are decorated with an ornament of individual mirror elements.

Use of live plants

The bathroom is one of the most ascetic rooms where most of us like to be alone with ourselves. But snow-white plumbing fixtures, the shine of metal taps and the shimmering surface of tiles are not able to bring a “living” note to the interior. Only fresh flowers in beautiful ceramic pots will prevent energy from stagnating in the corners.

Some people think that the bathroom is not the best option for green “pets”. But the humid environment that prevails indoors is ideal for growing decorative foliage plants.

The stumbling block in the issue of landscaping is the lighting that flowers need.

In rooms where there are window openings through which the sun's rays penetrate, in combination with high humidity in the room, ideal conditions are created for a “Garden of Eden”

In “dead” baths, you have to think about the presence of lighting fixtures, guided by the rule that there is never too much light. To ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of light, install fluorescent lamps around the perimeter of the room, placing them at a distance of 30-45 cm from the flowers.

Considering the high humidity in the room, it is better to equip the devices with cartridges equipped with sealed tips. You can buy them in stores specializing in aquarium equipment.

Many exotic shade-loving plants that prefer a humid climate can be used as green “decorations”: dieffenbachia, calathea, ferns, cyperus

They can be placed in floor pots or hanging planters using vertical gardening techniques. Against the backdrop of sparkling snow-white plumbing fixtures, the decorative miniature palm tree, cordeliana and the exotic beauty allocasia will look impressive.

Green-leaved dracaenas can be a worthy interior decoration, taking their place in the corner of the bathroom or near the shower stall. They are easy to care for and do not require frequent watering, which is especially appreciated by owners who forget to water their flowers.

For more spacious rooms, you can safely choose larger green “pets”: evergreen heptapleurum, framed with leathery leaves of ficus, liana-like monstera

These plants should be watered sparingly to avoid stagnation of water. Fertilize and replant in the same way as when caring for other indoor plants.

Among the beautifully flowering indoor plants, it is worth highlighting orchids.

Phalaenopsis feel comfortable under artificial lighting and high humidity, because in natural conditions they grow in coastal stones near water bodies

Exuding a light, subtle aroma, they will set you in a positive mood. Aromatic oils will also help create an environment conducive to relaxation. Lavender, geranium and bergamot will help relieve nervous tension, and a few drops of lemon or chamomile will lift your spirits and tone the body.

Surround yourself with useful and beautiful objects - and you will create a beneficial flow of Qi energy around you, which will help you find harmony with the world around you and yourself.

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