The meaning of the three elders symbol in Feng Shui philosophy, the rules for using figurines

In Chinese mythology, there is a beautiful legend that one day three stars in the Big Dipper flashed especially brightly, and so three elders came to the teachings of Feng Shui, ready to become powerful patrons for anyone who turned to them.

The Star Elders are depicted as three elderly men, each holding something in their hands. In the teachings of Feng Shui, the three elders mean diverse benefits that can only be found and invented in the earthly world.

Each of them is a separate talisman. But it is believed that only by being together can they attract love and family understanding, financial prosperity and luck into the home. The material for figurines is most often bronze or porcelain. The image of 3 elders in Feng Shui is allowed on paintings, panels and screens.

The meaning of the talisman

It is easy to recognize each of the elders by the objects they hold in their hands, as well as by their clothes:

  1. Phuc is dressed in red and is depicted surrounded by coins, gold bars and other attributes of prosperity. In most cases, it is located in the center, less often - on the right edge. It has great power and brings good luck and material wealth to the home. It also helps in business, so you can put its image not only at home, but also in the office, on your desktop. Fuk can hold in his hands the image of the hieroglyph fu, symbolizing 100 wishes for happiness.
  2. The bow holds a papyrus or scepter in the left hand as a symbol of power. He is responsible for the authority of the family. In some cases, he is depicted with a baby in his arms, and in this case the deity symbolizes happy procreation and promises future children fame and a high position in society. Most often, the Bow is located on the right hand of Fuka standing in the center, but it would not be a mistake to place it on the left side.
  3. Sau holds a peach fruit in his left hand. Unlike the other 2 elders, he is often depicted alone. He always looks good-natured and sweet, with a wide, welcoming smile. Sau gives good health and longevity. Sometimes this old man is accompanied by a deer - an ancient Chinese symbol of eternal life. According to legend, the peach in Sau's hand ripens in heaven only once every 3,000 years, making it one of the strongest symbols of longevity.

The most favorable combination is the image of three elders together. They will attract luck, wealth and new opportunities that one could only dream of.

Hieroglyphs of the elders

The three elders in Feng Shui have their own hieroglyphs that have special powers:

  • Fu - its hieroglyph, when applied to a folder with documents, brings benefits and helps to recognize the true intentions of business partners. The mark can even be invisible (simply applied with a finger);
  • Shu - so that health is good, and in a dangerous moment something that threatens life is bypassed, its hieroglyph is applied to a red ribbon, which should be carried with you;
  • Lu - the hieroglyph belonging to him is applied to the red envelope in which money savings are kept, then there will be no disruptions in the influx of new funds. The main thing is not to store the envelope in the same room with other protective magical items (like the Dream Catcher).

Can it be used as a gift?

Three star elders are an excellent gift for a person who, in the opinion of the giver, deserves all the benefits. A separate image of the Sau deity is often used as a birthday gift for an elderly family member. The best way to prevent troubles and achieve health and longevity for each family member is to have a figurine of this old man in your home.

It is customary to give star elders to colleagues who are higher on the career ladder, to superiors, and also to newlyweds for a wedding. It is believed that such a gift is one of the best sincere wishes for well-being in family life and all endeavors.

Deities are depicted on canvases, postcards, but most often in the form of three separate figurines that can be placed side by side, placing Fuka in the center. People who have artistic skills can draw the elders themselves: a talisman created with their own hands acquires special power if supported by powerful affirmations.

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Other Helper Deities in Feng Shui

Seven gods of happiness according to feng shui

In Feng Shui there are seven gods who can bring happiness, material values ​​and improve other areas of human life:

  1. Tamonten is a protective god. It protects its owner from bad people and unpleasant situations. Supports those individuals who are not afraid to face difficulties and achieve their goals. As a sign of his favor towards them, Tamonten gifts them with riches from his personal “treasure tower”. The god is depicted in military robes.
  2. Benten is the goddess of love, wisdom and luck. With its help, it is recommended to activate space for single women. They will be able to find family happiness and become more reasonable.
  3. Daikoku - if you are interested in the gods of money, then place a figurine with this patron in the appropriate area. He is the giver of food, the keeper of the kitchen, responsible for attracting material wealth and opening the flow of abundance.
  4. Hotei is the god of prosperity, happiness, good luck. He is depicted as a cheerful fat man with a big belly and always has a never-ending bag with him. To receive benefits or fulfill a wish, it is enough to rub Hotei’s belly 300 times.
  5. Jurojin is a deity who bestows happiness and longevity. He is usually depicted together with a deer, turtle or crane.
  6. Fukurokuju is the god of longevity, wisdom and prosperity. He always has scrolls and a fan in his hands.
  7. Ebisu is the deity who patronizes artisans and people whose work involves physical labor. He is depicted with a fishing rod.

Regular and military deities

To attract wealth, place a figurine of Tsai Shen Ye in the money zone - a powerful and immortal deity who protects from troubles, relieves debts and attracts good luck.

According to Feng Shui practitioners, this god of prosperity answers all requests - just make a wish and wait with faith for its fulfillment. She is depicted on a tiger with a whip or a bar of gold in her hands.

Kuan Yu is the martial god of wealth according to Feng Shui. It not only protects human well-being, but also allows him to win victories in competition. He is depicted wearing the cloak of the Nine Dragons. It is better to place his figurine near the door - it will protect the house and its inhabitants from failures and envious people.



Have you ever heard of Goddess Lakshmi? This is an Indian goddess, whose name is associated with many virtues, such as beauty, peacefulness, knowledge, love


In addition, Lakshmi is also the goddess of prosperity, happiness, prosperity, luck, success and heavenly grace

. Her name means happiness in Sanskrit.

Legend has it that Lakshmi arose from a Lotus flower floating on the surface of the pristine waters of the ocean. The Lotus flower symbolizes purity and wealth, spiritual and material. Therefore, Lakshmi is always depicted either on a lotus or holding a lotus.

Lakshmi is considered the goddess of Love, Beauty and Prosperity. And there is even an opinion that when a person begins to get rich, they say that Lakshmi has settled in his house, and if, on the contrary, there are only continuous failures, Lakshmi has left him.

So how do you get in touch with this Goddess of Prosperity? There are several ways. One of them is meditation, the second is chanting mantras mentioning the name of the gold-bearing Lakshmi. You can combine chanting mantras with meditation.

This will definitely bring beneficial fruits into your life, and you will see their impact very soon.

If you simply keep an image of Lakshmi in the house, then prosperity will also appear, but perhaps not as quickly as when used together with mantras and meditations.

Tips for choosing figurines

Star elders can be made from a variety of materials. The classic and most successful option is ceramic figurines, but this is not a strict rule. They can be metal, plastic, glass, or even carved from wood or bone. Both single-color and painted options are acceptable.

It is advisable not to save on such a purchase and give preference to high-quality talismans, since they are designed to last for many years and can even be inherited.

The image and appearance of the elders can vary greatly depending on the artist who created the talisman. Phuc may be a little taller than the others, Sau is depicted as high-browed and hairless, but there are no strict rules about this.

Places for deities

Feng Shui does not imply strict rules for placing elders in an apartment or house. When the deities are nearby, together they create a universal talisman that has a beneficial effect on all areas of human life.

It is believed that it is best to place the elders in the center of the apartment or living room. But other options are also acceptable, depending on the needs of family members. To achieve longevity and happiness in life, you can place figurines in the dining room. For people who want to advance their careers, it is better to place them behind them in the office.

Despite the fact that only 1 god is responsible for material well-being, often all three elders are placed at the reception and in hotel lobbies, on management desks and in other areas directly related to business processes.

If possible, it is recommended to place the talisman in such a way that the elders are located above the head of the tallest family member. If the deities are depicted on a panel, you can hang it on the wall anywhere, preferably where the whole family most often gathers. You can also place figurines in the hallway so that they greet the residents of the house, each time improving their well-being and well-being.

According to some practicing Feng Shui masters, the eastern part of the house is excellent for elders. If they are in this zone, they will bring abundance and amazing luck to the family.

It is not recommended to place these symbols in the kitchen, as well as in close proximity to the bathroom or toilet, that is, places that can have a negative impact on the circulation of qi energy in the house. The bedroom is also not the best place for the three deities, as a calmer and more measured energy should reign there.

If it is decided to divide the elders into different zones, then Fuku is destined for the wealth sector, Luku for helpers and patrons, and Sau for health.

Where to place the pieces

Three star elders - where to put them

In China, Chinese deities are respected, and their meaning can sometimes be interpreted differently. After all, each deity can have many colors of meanings, and simply knowing them is not enough. It is necessary to place the talisman correctly so that it gives away all its properties and brings only benefits to the house. And in the case of 3 star elders, this rule also applies.

The elders are located in the center of the house. They directly give the central part the greatest energy. According to the teaching of the 5 elements, the center of an apartment or house unites other areas surrounding it. And the elders help to connect all these aspects together, giving them unusual strength and energy.

It happens that the center of the house is not in the best and most comfortable place, which makes placing the elders impossible. In this case, their place is in the living room or the room where the whole family almost always gathers. If you follow Chinese traditions, then in their houses, sculptures and images of these elders are given separate rooms (if the house is rich enough). According to belief, it is believed that the elders should not be disturbed, giving them the opportunity to “meditate”, which requires privacy. If it is not possible to devote a whole room to them, then it is best to organize a place around the figurines, which will be the necessary suitable factor for “meditation”. To do this, the figures are placed on the highest table in the living room. They can also be given a niche in the dining room if you have a separate one.

It would be great to add ambiance to the room with artistic panels where the elders will be depicted. It is better to place it in the northwestern sector of housing, where we have the Assistant zone. In addition, the elders themselves can also be placed in the sectors: Careers, 7 and Wealth. They are universal and in any of the listed areas will have a beneficial effect on family members. Naturally, the quality of this impact will have its own nuances depending on the location of the figures.

Three star elders - the main deities

If we compare the power of the deeds of the figures and artistic depictions of the elders, then the masters say that it is better to have the main deities of Chinese mythology in the form of figurines and figurines. But, as is clear, Feng Shui is the science of symbols. Therefore, any image of one or another deity will carry an energetic message associated with one or another person. It does not matter what kind of reduced copy of an object that has sufficiently strong radiation can act as a successor to this energy. If it is not possible to arrange a home waterfall in the southeastern sector, what do we put there? That's right - his image. Symbolism begins to work and bring goodness!

You can choose 1 or 2 star elders. You don't have to use them all together. The main thing is that you like the choice and correspond to the goals you set for it. The hopes you have. If wealth is needed, then one old man; if longevity, then another. This way you can choose the necessary combination, place the talismans in your own rooms, create a harmonious balance of energies in the apartment and live a relaxed life.

Of course, these are not all Chinese deities that are found in the pantheon, but the elders are among the most revered and famous. That's why we described them. Use their power for good purposes, and may good luck accompany you!

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Posted in: Feng Shui Tags: deities, Chinese, elders

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If the figurine breaks

Sometimes it happens that talismans become unusable. This can also happen to the deity of happiness, especially if his figurine is made of fragile material. If the figurine breaks, nothing bad will happen, but it is advisable not to throw the talisman in the trash. If possible, it is better to bury the figurine in the ground, and place the remaining 2 in the appropriate zones (responsible for family, career or wealth). It is better not to leave 2 elders together if the third one is lost.

Another option is to donate the remaining 2 figurines to people who need them, and then purchase a new trio of deities.

What to do if the figurine breaks

It is unacceptable to throw away a figurine that is completely or partially damaged along with garbage - after such disrespectful treatment, many troubles will befall the house of the offender. Therefore, it is buried in the ground or thrown into the river.

The remaining figurines should be divided, taken to different rooms, or given one at a time to someone to whom you can sincerely wish all sorts of blessings. After this, you should buy new three star elders and place them in the same place where their predecessors were.

The Three Elders in ancient Chinese philosophy are one of the most powerful talismans. They are often able to replace many less powerful mystical figures.

Activation of the power of the star elders

Elder figurines begin their effect immediately after they are placed in a suitable zone. Wealthy Chinese who believe in the magical powers of these deities sometimes even allocate a separate room in their house for them, where the elders could meditate. Not every person who is interested in Feng Shui can afford such luxury, but it is enough to give the elders a comfortable, clean shelf in the central part of the room.

You can surround the deities with candles, traditional incense and decorative flowers, which symbolize the hope that the elders will be generous with gifts to the residents of the house.

Among the Chinese, it is not customary to pray to deities; it is enough to simply look at them from time to time, saying affirmations out loud or silently to improve health, achieve material well-being and success in business.

If necessary, you can turn to the elders for help, formulating your sincere desires. But this is not necessary, since the presence of a talisman in the house itself attracts well-being in many areas of life.

Activation of the Three Elders

To activate this talisman, figurines of star elders are placed in the place of the house where the whole family most often gathers, either in the health sector or in the assistants sector.

Elders represent the three most common aspirations in Feng Shui: Health, Wealth and Prosperity.

How to get help from star elders

The form of addressing the elders is not particularly important. The main thing is to show honor and respect to the deities. Another condition is the sincerity of the request and the absence of inconsistency in the Divine will.

Even without voicing a request, the elders will attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

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