Rituals and rituals for good trade and attracting customers

Conspiracies related to trading activities have ancient origins. In all eras, people, wanting to get rich, turned to supernatural forces, and magical practices were designed to attract clients, protect against business failures and ensure profit. This is not surprising, since trading is one of the most unpredictable activities, often independent of people’s plans and actions.

Rituals for good luck and attracting clients

Rituals aimed at attracting clients are performed using three reels of white, black, green colors, aspen and birch branches. Performed several times throughout the year.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Wind the entire thread from a black spool onto an aspen branch, saying: “I will not encounter obstacles, I will not know failure.”
  2. Wind the entire thread from a white spool onto a birch branch, saying: “The work will flow, the profit will come.”
  3. Wind the entire thread from the green spool onto both branches at once, saying: “It will be as you want, it will be as it will.”
  4. Leave the artifact made in this way at the place of work as a talisman that attracts good luck.

After one or two months, the actions must be repeated.

How do financial talismans work?

Any magical amulets work according to the laws of bioenergy, and amulets for attracting good luck are no exception. A person with a strong biofield has a vibrational effect on the surrounding space, and financial flows naturally flow towards him. Thus, a person who wants to attract these energy flows to himself must:

  • adjust and strengthen your own biofield;
  • achieve harmonization in the office and at home;
  • eliminate energy leaks;
  • provide protection from negative influences from the outside.

The state of the biofield depends on the lifestyle, social circle, moral ideals, as well as the correctly set goal. It is important to monitor your health, take into account the interests of the people around you and be able to concentrate on what is most important.

As for the room, it is important to restore order and cleanliness, including on a subtle level. It is recommended to get rid of useless things that clutter up your space.

To create a favorable atmosphere, it makes sense to resort to the practice of Feng Shui by correctly arranging furniture, indoor plants and other interior items.

And financial talismans are designed to strengthen a person’s biofield or raise the energy level of a room.

On the new moon

The ritual is performed before noon. At this time, you need to hide the first bill you receive, then come to church in the evening to buy a thicker candle. At home, in complete privacy, light it, place it on a banknote and read the Lord’s Prayer aloud.

When the candle burns out on its own, take the money and carry it with you as an amulet. It will help improve sales.

Note! The time of the new moon is the best moment for increasing all kinds of benefits. This method is suitable for wholesale trade.

Charms for business

Amulet for trade

Since ancient times, trading people knew many prayers and conspiracies in order to protect their business from ruin and dashing people. To attract money and increase income, they used magical things; they kept their existence a secret, not even telling their loved ones.

In the modern world, people who are successful in business often face envy, bitterness, and hostility. Negativity coming from ill-wishers can detract from good luck and even bring misfortune and illness. In such cases, amulets are needed that will become reliable protection against dark energy. Do-it-yourself things have the greatest power.

Witch bottle

Witch bottle - made to protect against the evil eye. For a talisman, take a container made of dark glass and place there: dust collected from the footprint of your foot, cut nails and hair. During the ritual, a spell is read. Seal the bottle tightly and bury it in the ground. The amulet is valid for up to seven years. If anyone finds the bottle, it will lose its protective power.

Amulets made from paper bills and sage plants are considered reliable. This herb has long been known to ward off evil spirits.


The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Roll up a banknote of any denomination.
  2. Melt one end with church candle wax.
  3. Once the cork has hardened, add chopped sage.
  4. Seal the second edge in the same way.

The amulet is ready, place it in a safe or desk drawer. There is no need to read when casting a spell; your magic amulet has sufficient power.

Ancient merchant ritual with honey and water

Since ancient times in Rus', merchants have used sweet honey to attract customers to their shops. The special ritual was performed as follows:

  1. A little honey was placed in a glass filled with water and stirred thoroughly.
  2. At this time they repeated seven times: “Honey is sweet, lips are glad.” My product is a delight to the eyes. Let everyone look and be happy. People buy, they don’t know grief.”
  3. Take the enchanted water to the market, open it and allow it to evaporate freely while trade continues. Rituals for successful trading from Vanga

Sugar plot

To perform the ritual you need a handful of sugar. Performed on the night of the full moon as follows:

  1. Pour sugar onto a dish and place it on the windowsill.
  2. Say: “My life is sweet, but money is short. I'll sprinkle some sugar and lure them in. Sanu is richer, I’ll catch my luck.”
  3. In the morning, pour the sugar into a bag and take it to your trading place, where you sprinkle it in the corners.

For candy

This method includes a treat for customers. You need to prepare the sweets and read Psalm No. 90 over them. Then say:

“Let trouble not love me, let it bypass me. Bereginya protects, guards my profit. My profit is great, like water in the sea.”

If one of the candies is eaten by an ill-wisher, then the harm from him will be neutralized.

On poppy

You need to bless poppy seeds in the church and scatter them around the counter, while saying:

“Whoever touches a poppy will not leave without buying it.”

On the red thread

The ritual cannot be performed only on Saturday and days falling on the 13th, 22nd, 27th. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Come alone to your trading place in the evening, bringing with you a skein of red thread.
  2. Taking a small denomination banknote, measure it 49 times along its length with a thread.
  3. Cut a measured piece of thread equal to 49 bills and wind it around your left wrist.

While winding, read the plot:

“Money will come, profit will come, success will come. Let you have a purchase, get the goods, get the change.”

For millet

During the full moon, buy millet, wait until Thursday, go to the cemetery and find a richly decorated grave monument. After pouring grain onto it, read:

“Here lies a rich man, and so should I.” If a bird collects millet, it will bring me income. He’ll fly in the sky and collect money for me.”

Per coin

Having chosen a nickel, get up early in the morning and speak to the coin:

“Merchants came to me and praised my goods. Buyers were lured and they bought everything.”

Then put the coin in the shoe, where the heel is. Make a donation in the evening at church.

Feng Shui Enterprises


We should start with the name, since this is a kind of business card of the enterprise and Feng Shui attaches quite a lot of importance to this point. The fact is that the name of an enterprise is a kind of beacon that indicates the direction of energy flows. If mistakes are made at this stage, the enterprise simply does not realize its potential. That is, the interior decoration is built ideally, the entrance is also conducive to receiving clients, but there are simply none or very few of them.

The reason for this is that the name indicated on the sign or in a special place allocated for this purpose was chosen incorrectly. First of all, as experts note, it is necessary to think logically and not chase what you think is a beautiful word.

The name of the enterprise should reflect the essence of its activities.

You cannot call a company that produces something a travel agency and vice versa. The semantic dissonance that arises in this case creates a favorable atmosphere for attracting negative energy.

No one likes to be misled, and this is exactly what happens when a person, subconsciously expecting one thing, stumbles upon something completely different. The result of this substitution is negative emotions that settle inside your enterprise. That is why choose your name carefully and make sure that it is related to the activities that occur in your company.

The next point that needs to be mentioned is the increasing sonority in the name of the company. The most voiced syllable should be at the end of the word, and not at the beginning. Fading words and phrases never remain in the minds of clients for long, and if they do get there, it becomes almost impossible to remember them a little later.

Another point is brevity. Everyone knows the saying about this quality and talent. The same rules apply here too. Long names, even for large companies, are reduced to an abbreviation. A meaningful word is much easier to remember and usually has a much more pronounced emotional connotation. Such a word leaves a mark in the memory as bright and memorable as a blow from a whip. This is why many global brands use very short names.

Short, clear and with the right meaning - such a name will become a truly valuable decoration for your entrance and the entire enterprise as a whole.

In addition, it will provide you with a fairly large flow of both energy and clients. This finely constructed balance ensures that the name of your company will be the first to emerge in a person’s mind when he needs one or another service provided by your company.


The next stage is entry. Here the elaboration is somewhat simpler, but it is also necessary.

To begin with, you need to decide how many clients you are going to encounter; the style and size of the doors depends on this. Of course, every entrepreneur wants to have many clients, but here it should be understood that the number of clients also depends on the company’s activities. You cannot compare the customer flow in a store and in a large construction company. This leads to a fairly logical rule.

If your activity is connected with a huge client base, for example, a store or beauty salon, then the entrance should be as open and wide as possible. This seems to indicate that your enterprise will easily accommodate a large number of people.

Ideally, if the entrance is equipped with stained glass windows and is made of glass, this will ensure maximum influx of favorable energy.

In the case of individual work with each client, it is necessary to enter in a fairly discreet manner. In addition, if we are talking about activities related to working with very wealthy clients, then the entrance doors should carry a feeling of security and inaccessibility. For Qi flows, overcoming them will not be a problem, but clients will feel calm and trust you with their funds.

Internal structure

This is the most difficult point, since the variability here is quite high and requires an individual approach. However, there are a number of general rules and we will talk about them below.

The first thing to note is that Feng Shui does not tolerate sharp corners. As you remember, energy flows are somewhat similar to the flow of a river and any sharp or protruding edges simply cut them and introduce an imbalance in the circulation process.

It is especially important to use rounded shapes in rooms that are closest to the entrance, since it is from here that flows spread throughout all other rooms.

It would be ideal to make a rounded, smooth tabletop for the counter where the reception desk is located. This will put clients in a favorable mood and allow for a harmonious flow of flows.

It is also best to place moving water in the customer reception area. It represents the influx of clients and material resources. It is important to note that the water should circulate and not flow away, since only in this case will it have a beneficial effect.

An aquarium with fish will also have a good effect on the state of affairs in your business.

It is only necessary to make a reservation that it must be clean, like the water in it, and the fish must be healthy. Otherwise, the presence of such an aquarium will lead to stagnation in business and “illness” of the enterprise itself.

Experts do not allow the presence of columns indoors. They, like sharp corners, break the flow of Qi, which negatively affects the activity of the enterprise.

The abundance of mirrors should not create endless corridors. This happens when two reflective surfaces are located opposite each other. What for us is an optical illusion for energy becomes a kind of trap; once here, the flow simply disappears without passing further. This is especially negative in cases where such a corridor is created in an area close to the entrance.

The more green plants there are indoors, the better. They are a kind of absorbent means that absorb all the negativity. In business, negative moments occur quite often, so the use of plants is simply necessary.

Do not give up various Feng Shui accessories. Various figurines and objects noticeably increase the flow of positive energy and form a kind of protection for the room. In addition, there are a large number of all kinds of figures and figurines that increase financial well-being; it is best to place them in the office of the management, then they will influence the company, and not any individual employee.

Rituals from Natalia Stepanova

On the thing

You need to choose something pleasant for yourself. A wooden comb is best. Speak the subject in words:

“People will see you, they will want my product. People will buy and give me money.”

After this, place the enchanted item next to the items being sold.

A rag on a scarf

Read the words of the spell on any small piece of fabric:

“Poverty, go away, don’t come home. Don't come close to me, don't touch the goods. I’ll throw you into the swamp, you won’t get out on your own. I’ll take it to the forest and tie it to a stump. Rag, protect, save from harm.”

After the conspiracy, you must keep the scarf with you, not letting anyone see it, and periodically wipe the counter and all trading utensils with it.

To Epiphany water

On the day of Epiphany, take water, sprinkle the assortment with it, saying:

“Sun, shine your light, bring me clients, they will buy up all the goods, there will be money for me.”

On the key

Can only be used for trading non-living things. Unsuitable:

  • animals;
  • fruit;
  • products.

To perform the ritual, you need to lower the key into a container of boiling water and say three times:

“No one can do without an iron lock, no one can do without an iron key. They won’t do without (name of items sold).”

Keep the key with you as an amulet.

Signs to pay attention to

It’s up to everyone to believe or not in omens. Many of them are rooted in Old Slavic culture, have passed through centuries, and therefore have a significant basis. There are many omens associated with trading; it is believed that if they are observed, profits will increase significantly:

  1. You can't take the buyer's money out of your hands.
  2. Selling after sunset will not generate revenue.
  3. Sellers from other stores should not touch the product.
  4. Holes in your pockets are a sign that money will leave you.
  5. A dog shits under the counter - good trade.
  6. In order for the day to bring good revenue, it is necessary to give change to the first buyer, even if it is not due. The money received for the goods should be kissed and then spat. It is clear that this should be done when the buyer leaves. Revenue must be set aside and added to the main income at the end of the working day.
  7. They don't count money after sunset.
  8. If the buyer is deliberately shortchanged, losses can be three times greater.
  9. The first acquisition was made by a man - a profitable day.
  10. An item that has fallen off the shelf will soon be purchased.
  11. The money from the first midday proceeds must be used throughout the entire display.
  12. Things should be served only with your right hand or two.
  13. A “patch” is placed in the shoes under the right foot, with the official side up. It is not advisable to replace money; the same coin should be used every time.
  14. They don't lend money until the first sale.

People working in sales know that in addition to the skillful professional activities of managers, luck and fortune cannot be discounted. By the way, there will be magic here too. The main thing is to believe in its effectiveness and strength.

Ritual from the evil eye of profit

For the ritual, sheets of yellow and purple paper and red threads are used. To do this you need:

  1. Use a red pencil to draw a sun on a yellow sheet.
  2. Then draw the month in black on the purple sheet.
  3. Having placed the drawings on top of each other, roll them up and tie them with thread, saying at the same time: “The red sun and the clear month do not quarrel, they never argue, let us be in harmony.”
  4. After reading the words of the conspiracy, burn the bundle, and collect the ashes and keep them in an envelope with you.
  5. This will be a talisman that protects against conflict situations, envy and the evil eye.

Important to remember! Never try to harm your competitors using magic, as all damage and evil thoughts return many times over.

Preparing for the conspiracy

Don't worry if you are a beginner, have never cast spells and have no experience. You will definitely succeed if you strictly follow these rules:

  • say magic words exclusively in solitude. No people or animals nearby, because they will distract and confuse you on an energetic level;
  • do not tell anyone about witchcraft, otherwise the results will be nullified;
  • learn magic words and pronounce them from your heart;
  • prepare all the tools for the conspiracy in advance;
  • rest assured that the plot will work. Even the slightest doubt will ruin everything;
  • cast magic during the waxing moon phase, and the ideal day is Wednesday;
  • during the process, always visualize the desired result;
  • cast magic no more than once a month, otherwise higher powers will consider you a lazy person who only relies on magic;
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