When to open a business and what name to give it: advice from numerologists

What is business numerology?

When the time comes to open your own company, a very important aspect in this case is the choice of the name of the company. Not only from a marketing point of view, but also from a numerology point of view, a company name can bring good luck to your business, but it can also negatively affect its development. If you come up with several names for your brand, you need to calculate the number of this name using a special table to understand whether it will bring good luck to your business. This is called business numerology.

Many large corporations, known throughout the world, chose their name by turning to the lucky numbers of numerology. For example, General Electric Company, the name number is 50, 5+0=5 - one of the most powerful numbers in numerology.

In this article we will look at successful numbers for business and learn how to determine the number of a company by name. Let’s understand the concept of “business numerology” and understand what will bring good luck and success to your company.


So, you have become acquainted with the basic laws of numerology. In addition to all of the above, there are little tricks and profit figures that will help you when running a business. The first of them is the license plate number of the car you drive to work. It must correspond to the chosen case. This will have an impact on the success of the project.

And the second is your work phone number. Depending on the goal, its amount should be equal to:

  • 1, if you work for yourself;
  • 2, provided that your main task is negotiations with business partners;
  • 3, if you are engaged in entertainment activities;
  • the value of number 4 is suitable for large businesses;
  • 5 if you are trying to attract new clients;
  • 6 is suitable for successful management of beauty salons;
  • 7 for conducting affairs in the field of education;
  • 8 is a universal number;
  • 9 suitable for charities.

Business numerology: determining the number of the company name

It is calculated according to the table of alphabet and numbers.


We count according to the example: “Diamond”

We look at the table to which number which letter belongs and add up all the resulting numbers.

2+9+1+4+4+1+1+6+2= 30 or 3 (3+0) – company number

In which area will the number be most successful?

1 – advertising and PR agencies

2 – companies focused on children: kindergartens, clubs, shops, cafes, etc.

3 is a family number. Perfect for creating a family business and for companies focused on family events

4 – large companies and enterprises, construction and industrial firms, corporations

5 – Travel agencies, sports clubs, bookstores

6 is the number of Venus. Beauty salons, SPA salons, women's clothing stores, cosmetology - everything. what is associated with female beauty

7 – antique shops, perfumes, gold, art galleries

8 – banks, law firms, real estate companies

9 – medical institutions, psychological centers

Difficulty of choice

Choosing the path that leads to success is not so easy. The first steps of a business can be compared to the birth of a child. You take your first steps together, make mistakes, and mature. You give the name based on the type of activity and your personal preferences. No matter how strange it may sound, this is one of the most important factors on which future fate will depend.

In order to decide on it, follow the rules that were written by Vedic numerologists:

  • Numbers 2, 4 and 8 are suitable for production;
  • 2, 3, 6 and 9 – for the service sector;
  • 2, 7 and 9 – for research activities;
  • 6, 7 and 9 – for the education sector:
  • 2, 3, 6 and 9 – for culture and art.

Remember this, or better yet, write it down!

Business Numerology: Wealth Numbers

Now let's look at the most successful numbers for your business. Use them in your business, choosing a date for an important transaction, phone number, office, etc.

This is interesting: The date, phone number or amount of a monetary transaction can be checked for “luck” by adding all the numbers together. For example, the date 07.27.2018 2+7+0+7+2+0+1+8=27 2+7=9 is the number of this date. How much money it is - read on.

You can use these numbers in combination with others (except for unlucky money numbers - read about them below) or with each other.

Troika - money magnet

Three is better than all other numbers in increasing wealth. This is a money magnet that literally attracts finances to itself. An amount that, when added, gives 3, can be given and borrowed without fear of spoiling the work of the financial energy flow. Three is good for starting and growing a business. It is useful to set passwords that give 3. But you should know that 3 does not tolerate stagnation, so you should not set aside such an amount for accumulation. Number 3 loves movement, it acts in the moment here and now.

Number 6 - stability

But the six is ​​very suitable for accumulating funds. This is the number of stability, amounts that give 6 are recommended to be deposited at interest in the bank, they will work properly for you. It is also good to spend such amounts on paying off loans and on purchasing things that are designed to last a long time: household appliances, clothing, materials for construction, repairs, etc.

Four - you have to work hard

The same can be said about the number 4. It also gives stability, but at the same time requires hard work from a person.

Number 33 is the number of Kubera, the God of wealth and prosperity.

This is one of the most successful numbers for business. People born on 6, 15, 24 (the total number is 6) or with the destiny number 6 are very lucky in everything: they win contests and competitions, win lotteries, receive only the best, and sometimes they don’t even understand, how it happened, everything happens by itself. You will surely reach all the heights with these numbers in your business. And if your destiny number is 6, and you open your own business with a name equivalent to the same number - this is a double blow - unlimited success awaits you.

Number 51 – Lucky Star

This is another number of success and abundance. The sum also gives the number 6. Symbolizes the strength of the human soul. This is the number of names of many well-known international companies that have been on the market for many years. For example, General Motors. Also good numbers for business are 42,15,24,87 (the total is 6).

Fantastic five

The number 5 in numerology symbolizes universal success. This number is successful both for a person’s personal name, and for the name of a company, and as a number of fate. With the exception of the wedding date, it is better not to choose this number. Important numbers for business are 23,32,41,50,68 (which add up to the number 5). 23 or the Heart of Leo will bring the most tangible success to your business. Next in importance is the number 32 - Vikramaditya - symbolizes strength, courage, genius, recognition of the people - those qualities that are absolutely necessary to create and promote your business.

Shopping recommendations

You can also use the power of Feng Shui when arranging a retail outlet.

It is recommended to hang a “wind chime” on the door. This accessory will not only make pleasant sounds, but will also attract the energy of abundance.

It is recommended to place live plants at the entrance. They will have a positive impact on the atmosphere in the room and make it more comfortable.

It is not recommended to locate a retail outlet in a place where owners often change. If several other entrepreneurs have worked in the same place before you, the area will accumulate negative energy, which may cause business development to slow down. You should also look at the views outside the window. Multi-storey buildings, pillars, and tall trees located nearby will hinder the accumulation of positive energy and may even attract negativity. Basements are not suitable.

Good ventilation should be installed in the office.

You can install a fountain in the wealth zone. This item will attract monetary energy. In addition, the sound of water helps to relax staff and potential customers.

Jewelry shop

If jewelry is sold at a retail outlet, armored glass should be installed. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to avoid installing bars on windows. Safes should be installed in places where favorable energy for the store owner or in the wealth sector is concentrated.

Shoe shop

For shoe sales to be more successful, you need to arrange the goods correctly. Sections should be divided into women's, men's and children's. Shoes should be clearly visible, the best place is at eye level of a potential buyer. It is recommended to use shelves with a slight slope.

It is better to locate the fitting room in an area where Qi energy accumulates. The sector responsible for fame or marriage is suitable. It is recommended to place some kind of good luck talisman near the entrance.

Furniture store

The entrance door must be kept closed at all times. This will protect the workspace from the influence of weather conditions.

Book Shop

It is necessary to create a stable microclimate. For this there must be good heating and ventilation systems. Air stagnation should not be allowed: because of this, the goods may become covered with rot, the circulation of Qi flows will be disrupted, and unfavorable energy will accumulate in the sales area.

Books should be placed on shelves of appropriate size. This will help increase sales and stimulate the flow of funds to the owner of the outlet.

Vegetable shop

In summer, it is recommended to place some of the goods on trays located in front of the store. The door must be open. In this case, potential buyers will feel the energy of the store not only inside, but also outside, which will help increase the number of sales.

What numbers will not bring good luck in business?

These numbers in general numerology can be considered favorable, but business numerology shows completely different qualities of these numbers.

To find out how successful a trade will be for a certain amount, add up all the numbers and see what number you get. If one of the unsuccessful ones, it is better to change the amount.

So, bad numbers for business:

Number 1

. In business numerology, one is associated with poverty and poverty. Due to the fact that it is close to zero, one should not expect financial success. On the contrary, you need to avoid amounts that give 1. Combinations of 1 and 0 are also unfavorable.

Number 2

. The energy of two endlessly divides wealth into two, but does not increase it in any way. Number 2 can lead to financial losses. Amounts yielding 2 cannot be lent, they cannot be spent on serious purchases.

Number 7

. In general numerology, seven is considered a lucky number, but in business it will not bring good luck. Avoid in business and financial affairs any amounts that give 7. Seven is not created for the material world, its destiny is the spiritual sphere.

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Interpretation of the result

Using numerology, you can easily calculate how profitable your own business will be, whether it is worth opening it and when is the best time to do it.

One indicates the possibility of promoting something innovative

If the result of the calculations is the number 1, this is excellent for a company that seeks to promote something non-standard, innovative, and implement something that has not been previously proposed. The unit represents innovation, new technologies, avant-garde, and creative ideas. Its vibrations will help a dynamic and disruptive organization that will provide sales and consulting services. This number carries a charge of strength and energy and will help you achieve success. Suitable for organizing business activities.

Two is not a good number

Two is not a very good digital vibration for a standard company. It carries a calm, low-dynamic energy that is aimed at cooperation with other partners. At the same time, it does not mean leadership or dominance, or any non-standard ideas. It's a profitable partnership, but the profits won't be astounding. It carries stable vibrations and is suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who value contact with other people. It won't bring much profit. In addition, it can bring problems emotionally and in relationships between employees.

Three is a good number to start a restaurant

Three carries vibrations of entertainment, art, and communications. This is a good number for creating a cafe, restaurant, radio or television company, or PR department. This figure is also associated with beauty and creativity, so you can try to open a beauty salon or other establishment that belongs to the beauty industry. Three will bring happy events and new opportunities. This is a good number for creating a hotel, motel, entertainment center, publishing house, or art gallery.

Four is good for construction

The number four is a symbol of hard work, systematic fulfillment of duties, and responsibility. The four will bring profit only after a long period of painstaking work, hard work, and a stable attitude. This is a good number for opening a construction business, a bakery, a security company, a sewing company, or an accounting company.

Five is not suitable for all types of business

Five is a symbol of movement and change, so there will be no stability in such a company. It is suitable for those situations in which you need to quickly make any decisions. In such a company, misunderstandings and conflicts may occur, unexpected events and meetings with different people will occur. This is a moving figure, she does not like routine. Suitable for a type of activity in which change is important, for example, a design office, a travel agency, an advertising agency.

Six is ​​very lucky for opening a hotel

Six is ​​the personification of harmony, family, home. This number is suitable for creating a hotel, a hotel, a kindergarten, a nursery, or a psychologist’s office. Such companies will bring good profits and develop quickly. This code is also suitable for a beauty salon, hairdresser, dance club, fitness and yoga classes, and art galleries.

Seven will not bring good income

Seven carries vibrations of wisdom, independence, analyticity, and reason. This code is suitable for high-quality products and will be justified in private medical practice. Seven carries vibrations of calm, but not good income.

Number 8 carries vibrations of ambition and success.

The number eight carries vibrations of profit, success, ambition, perseverance, and entrepreneurship. This number is solid and reliable, suitable for creating large companies and concerns. Suitable for a bank, real estate agency, mass production of any product. But such a company often faces conflicts, scandals, fraud and scams.

If you receive the number 9, the company may go bankrupt

Nine carries the vibrations of completion. Therefore, the company can quickly go bankrupt and will not bring the desired success. This code is aimed at charity, altruism, mercy. Such a company will not bring profit, but only pleasure from the work done.

Time to open

Opening time plays an important role

Additionally, you can calculate the opening date of the company. This combination will help determine what the future holds for the company. To find out when is the best time to register your business, you need to add all the numbers in the expected date to a single-digit code. Then read the recommendations:

  • 1 – symbolizes smooth development;
  • 2 – everything will depend on the leader, if he is good, the company will develop;
  • 3 – brings unexpected turns, the business will develop rapidly due to unpredictable situations, the introduction of innovations and the work of professionals;
  • 4 – is a symbol of stability, constant income;
  • 6 – guarantees constant profit;
  • 7 – will bring success;
  • 8 – luck will depend on the demand for products;
  • 9 – symbolizes balance, good income.
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