Feng Shui of the site: features of the design of sectors and the use of important elements (110 photos)

The veneration of nature and the perception of it as part of man himself was previously manifested in pagan religions. But in Slavic countries, pre-Christian religions have long since died out. But the Chinese still believe that any tree, blade of grass or stream can influence a person’s destiny, giving him positive energy or, conversely, taking away part of his vitality. The harmony between people and nature is called geomancy, and Tibetan monks live by its laws. In the West, only one branch of geomancy is known - Feng Shui. This direction deals with the arrangement of a person’s personal space - his home, plot and even wardrobe. It is believed that a feng shui garden helps a person live in happiness and attracts the necessary energies (love, fame, etc.). And the more carefully you arrange every corner of the space, the faster you will achieve your goals.

Your own garden can influence the owner’s inner world, even if he is simply watching it from the window. It nourishes the owners with vital energy, different depending on the season: in winter - calmness, in spring - energy, in summer - joy, in autumn - prosperity.

According to Feng Shui, the best garden is one whose shape resembles a rectangle or square and has a flat surface. Hills, depressions, holes and uneven shapes interfere with the direct movement of vital energy, delaying it and isolating it from its owners. If your garden does not fall under the definition of “ideal,” all the shortcomings can be corrected with the help of properly planted plants, small architectural forms, waterfalls, etc.

The Chinese consider a garden plot to be a single organism that functions correctly only when it contains all life systems and they are interconnected. There should be 9 zones in the garden.

The site, divided into zones according to Feng Shui, consists of nine sectors of the same size, the total area of ​​which corresponds to the size of the site

To divide the space of the site into these zones, you need to stand right at the entrance to the garden so that it is completely before your eyes. The first stripe of zones that a person will face are the zones of Reliable Friends, Career and Wisdom. The second lane includes Children, Tai Qi and Family. And on the opposite side of the site there is space for zones of Glory, Wealth and Relationships with people. Each of them must be arranged correctly in order to retain its energy in the garden.

The easiest way is to plan the filling of each sector first on paper. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and cut out a shape that matches the parameters of your site. For example, your land is 70 m long and 50 m wide, so cut out such a rectangle, taking millimeters as the unit of measurement. Now divide it into 9 even parts, three in a row. And label each resulting sector with its name.

There are also areas with uneven shapes and curvatures. Then you will have to draw the real shape of the garden on one sheet of paper, and on transparent paper or film - an ideal rectangle drawn into sectors and put it on top. This way you will see which sectors are completely filled and where there is not enough land. It is the missing zones that should be developed first, because their influence is very weak.

  • 2 Career Zone: first row in the center
  • 3 Trusted Friends Zone: lower right corner
  • 4 Family Zone: left square in the center stripe
  • 5 Tai Qi Zone: center of the area
  • 6 Children's Zone: right side in the center row
  • 7 Wealth Zone: far left corner
  • 8 Glory Zone: center of the back lane
  • 9 Zone of Relationships with People: right corner at the back

Harmony of the garden plot

Harmony between the garden and home can be achieved by applying simple principles of Feng Shui. You need to know that the garden plot is a kind of reflection of the inner world and the connection is two-way.

To plan a site according to Feng Shui, first of all, you should divide it (in your thoughts, on paper) into eight parts, based on the cardinal directions. One of the basic rules of Chinese practice is that the entrance to the garden must be located in the north.

However, in modern realities, it is not always possible to arrange a site according to Feng Shui. But there is a way out of this situation: when determining the entrance to the site, take it by the north side. In the future, when designing, it is necessary to determine the entrance as the north of the site, even if this alignment does not correspond to the real cardinal directions.

Children's Zone: right side in the center row

This is the wildest area in the entire garden. It should be filled with fun, excitement and laughter. If there are small children in the family, create a playground for them. Install slides, sandboxes, swings.

You can learn how to build a playground with your own hands from the material:

The more daily activity there is in the Children’s area, the more cheerful and energetic the owners of the site will be, so the site must be equipped to the maximum

If the children have grown up, then their place can be taken by pets or flower beds with an abundance of interesting, fragrant flowers. Let butterflies circle above them and bees hover. Their movement will bring fresh energy of cheerfulness and enthusiasm into your life. Yes, you yourself will be able to potter around in the flower beds all day long, caring for the plants.

Sectors of the site

The principles of Feng Shui say: the house must be located in the center of the site, as it represents the basis of well-being. The garden plot will be a kind of protection for the home.

If it is not possible to locate the house in the center, it is necessary to place trees here that bloom from the end to the beginning of winter.

Wealth Zone: far left

Everything tall is located in the Wealth zone: columnar trees, tall sculptures, garden lanterns on high legs. They must catch the energy of money and leave it on the site. By the way, a compost heap is considered a symbol of future wealth, because fertilizer ripens in it! But it must be fully decorated and have an aesthetic appearance, because money is treated with respect.

Water in the Wealth zone attracts cash flows, so in the absence of streams or fountains, bowls and other containers with water are placed

Attracts wealth and running water. If there are no water features in this part of the garden, you can simply place containers of water along the back side of the area. At the same time, the plants will have something to water.


The southern sector is responsible for the social status of the family. It is appropriate to plant more fertile plants here. If in the south of the site there are plants and trees that grow upward, this will help the family always achieve their goals.

Red flowers and trees with bright green foliage are appropriate for the southern sector. For example, roses, gladioli, fir, thuja or boxwood. It is also appropriate to plant bright red berries here.

Career Zone: first row in the center

In order for your career to constantly go up, you need to create a kind of oasis in this zone, in which the main attention is paid to water. Create a fountain or stream in which the water will be constantly moving so that the flow of your life will be exactly like this.

You can build a decorative fountain yourself, read about it:

All water in the Career area should flow towards the house so that its energy is retained within the area and does not go out

Don't dig a pond. Standing water will stop career growth. Winding paths, flower beds with smooth uneven shapes, pots and mounds are added to the water feature. But select plants carefully - only in silver-blue and golden-white tones. There should not be a sunny gamma, because it reduces career success.


South-West reflects well-being in the family. In this area, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is necessary to create a place where the whole family can spend evenings and weekends together. This area needs to be given special attention. For example, a gazebo or table with a canopy that protects from rain and sun would be appropriate here.

South-West should be designed spacious and comfortable. Fertile plants should not be grown in the Southwest. Take a closer look at the bright colors. For example, planting large yellow flowers will bring positive energy into your home.

Wisdom Zone: first to the left of the entrance

The Wisdom Zone is located in the very corner of your garden. This is the calmest and most balanced sector in which you should rest alone and be closed from prying eyes.

The more closed the Zone of Wisdom is from prying eyes, the more favorable it influences its owners, setting them up for smart thoughts

All arrangement of the sector should be subject to the idea of ​​privacy. Create as much silence and beauty as possible. To do this, plant a hedge or a row of trees with a dense crown on the neighbors’ side. Create a kind of “cave” inside the area: place a single bench or hang a hammock, and surround the area on all sides with climbing plants or shrubs that will create an enclosed space. Let the only exit from this space lead into the house. For the Wisdom zone, choose colors in the solar range (yellow, orange, pink, red). Let it be flowers of this color, tiles, coloring of a rocking chair or hammock, etc.


North-West is masculine. The energy of this area represents travel and self-development. For maximum harmony, it is necessary to install metal objects here: gratings, benches, etc.

You should adhere to rigor and modesty in the design of this site. Flowers would not be appropriate here. It is best to plant shrubs and trees, such as apricot.


The eastern direction is responsible for the family. Therefore, it is worth dedicating this place to gatherings with family and friends over a cup of tea.

Be sure to fence off this area from the neighbor’s property with a hedge. Strangers should not see or interfere with your family again.

A grapevine is suitable as a hedge, and cherry, apple and peach (a Chinese symbol of longevity) would be appropriate for trees.


This sector aims to encourage academic success. Root vegetables and spices are best suited for planting. To attract energy, you can decorate this area with stones.

Glory Zone: center of the back lane

Glory is subject to the forces of fire, so it’s a good idea to organize a barbecue in this area, put up a barbecue, or at least make a fire pit.

Fire is an indispensable attribute of the Glory zone, so they create a barbecue on it, set up a barbecue or grill, or simply set up a fire pit

All shades of red should help this zone: noble red roses, barberries, wine grapes, etc. Do not place clay accessories in the Glory zone. They are connected with the energy of the earth and restrain the gusts of fire.


This brave animal personifies Yin energy. However, despite her feminine nature, she has a fair amount of strength and courage.

The tiger will reliably protect the owners of the plot from misfortunes and failures, fires and robberies, and will protect them from evil people and demons who bring discord into the family.

The Dragon

The dragon is considered a creature responsible for well-being and prosperity; it protects against evil and protects against negative energy. It is the Dragon that gives birth to Qi energy, which attracts positive changes and brings the fulfillment of desires closer.

If there is no Dragon Hill, then you can install a bright lantern on the left side, which increases the energy of this sector.

Plants, flower beds and vegetable garden

In practice, this knowledge is used as follows. By planting plants and flowers in a certain place that correspond to the direction of light, you can resonate with the energy. And as a result, its flow is harmonized, which will immediately have a positive impact on the desired area of ​​life. The shape of the flower bed should be round, without corners or sharp bends.

Plants require close attention because their color and aroma appeal to the senses. This means that they should be chosen carefully, taking into account compatibility and the effect they have. It is better to plant flowers according to color scheme, without mixing them. To balance the greenery of nearby trees, white flowers add freshness to the landscape.

Here are the main colors and shades corresponding to the cardinal directions:

  • North – blue, blue, violet (pine, meadowsweet, willow, plum, currant, cucumber, eggplant, basil, dill).
  • Northeast – beige, yellow (sunflower, forsythia, navel).
  • North-west – pale yellow, white (jasmine, bird cherry, rosemary).
  • West – golden, white (mock orange, plane tree, garden hydrangea, quince, hazel, beans, peas, chamomile).
  • South – red, pink (rose, mallow, gladiolus, grapes, juniper, viburnum, strawberry, red currant, melon, bergamot).
  • Southeast – purple, green (jasmine, lavender, thyme).
  • Southwest – yellow, pink (iris, lily, marigold, rowan, magnolia, hawthorn, weigela, pear, apricot, tomato, pumpkin).
  • East – green, brown (any conifers, ivy, peach, cherry, raspberry, cabbage, pepper, watermelon, spinach).


Bird cherry



Lucky moments

  • The garden should be filled with light, so it is better to save large spreading trees for the distant background.
  • No sick plants, they bring negative energy and difficulties, what can be cured is treated, what cannot be cured is destroyed.
  • Butterflies, insects, birds, they personify the eternal movement of life, the cycle of energy. To attract them, feeders are placed throughout the site.
  • When designing, it is worth considering that each zone has its own basic element; to fully reveal its zone, its presence is required.
  • We must remember that when designing a site according to Feng Shui, you should not overload it with an abundance of details. There must be a single harmony of space.

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