Who wants to become a millionaire or feng shui to attract money

Good afternoon, dear readers and subscribers of the Beautiful World! You've probably noticed that lately I've become seriously interested in the teachings of Feng Shui. Indeed, the more I study, the more I realize its usefulness. Issues related to financial well-being worry absolutely every person. Superstitious people believe in various omens and wait for fate to throw them fabulous wealth. And someone turns to the Eastern philosophy of Feng Shui to attract money and creates an atmosphere of this well-being themselves. The subtleties of this art must be mastered very carefully.

Feng Shui for attracting money

First, you need to understand that financial well-being has the strongest energy. This energy may end up in a state of blockage; if it is not distributed correctly around the house, then you may not only not achieve any result, but also bring a series of problems to your home. Money loves strong, successful people. Therefore, interior planning using the technique of Eastern philosophy is not enough. Remember the well-known wisdom: “Money loves counting.” Therefore, set yourself the task of recording a list of money that you have spent and received. And also stay closer to successful people more often. They have a charged aura, tuned to profit. In this review, you will learn how to best distribute objects according to Feng Shui to attract money.

Willingness to accept wealth

  1. Money loves to be counted. You need to keep records of money spent and received every day.
  2. A person must mentally constantly set himself up for new ways of earning money. You will see how new, extraordinary ideas come. Don’t forget to write them down, they will definitely come in handy soon.
  3. Communication should be with rich, self-sufficient people. There is no need to feel inferior; on the contrary, such a social circle will shape your type of thinking differently.

As can be seen from these points, the first step is awareness and willingness to become rich, i.e. it all starts with us, with increasing our potential, mental and personal development. Having passed this stage, you can begin practical Feng Shui methods. The basis for a monetary takeoff are certain symbols and talismans, as well as their location in certain zones.

How to attract luck and money to your home using Feng Shui

The method of mastering space according to Eastern philosophy teaches us to live in harmony. The correct arrangement of things in the apartment can not only make life a little happier, but also bring wealth and good luck to your home. The flow of Qi energy should freely penetrate the room, spreading throughout the room. Only if these requirements are met will luck be able to look into your home. In order for a Feng Shui room to attract money to be properly organized, it is necessary:

  • Position the sleeping area so that it does not face the door. It leaves you defenseless while you sleep
  • Keep your living space clear of debris. It negatively affects success in business.
  • Carry out a general cleaning of the room; in addition to the fact that cleanliness is good for health, it also attracts the financial component into your home.
  • Windows and doors should be open to light.
  • A good sign for Qi energy would be to place flowers on the windowsills, but the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Near the entrance, try to cleanse the room, otherwise the energy will not be able to penetrate inside.
  • Do not place shelves or unnecessary objects above your head. They will prevent positive energy from rising. A mirror at the head also scares away money and luck.
  • To ensure that the aura of success and money reigns in the room, use various money symbols in your interior design. They should be the color of coins: metallic yellow, brown, orange.
  • Feng Shui for happiness and wealth should be in the southeast part of your room. Here you can put a money tree in a pot, the main thing is that the plant does not block the light illuminating the room. Place a few coins nearby. They will attract Qi energy.

Remember that happiness and wealth love regularity and order. Know when to stop and don’t overload the room with various symbols.

What prevents you from attracting money energy?

Sometimes, even minor details can upset the balance and instead of making a profit, monetary wealth will inevitably leave. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules:

  • do not place a cactus in the wealth zone, it emits negative energy;
  • water should not be allowed to leak somewhere; if it constantly drips, it will take wealth away from the house;
  • do not place a trash can in this area;
  • fountains and aquariums should not be located on the windows or opposite the entrance - otherwise, wealth will flow away;
  • arrange a rug under which you can put coins, a piece of moss or seaweed;
  • You need to regularly ventilate the room so that fresh, positive energy enters the home.

Feng Shui in an apartment to attract money

The scheme by which you can attract money to your apartment consists of the following steps:

  • Find an area that will be the center of financial activity in the apartment. This should be the southeast or north side, it can be found using a compass.
  • Do some general cleaning and you can install a money attribute in this side.
  • If there is a toilet near the wealth zones, then it is necessary to place a large stone in it that would cover the house from negative energy.

Where to place the images?

The wealth zone in the apartment is in the southeast. To determine this direction of light, use a regular engineering compass. Find a southeast wall or corner and decorate it according to ancient Chinese practices. The zone element is a tree. Therefore, when thinking about what Feng Shui paintings to hang at home to attract wealth and prosperity, do not forget that it is better to choose wooden baguettes for them. Take care of additional lighting of the frames so that the Chi energy does not get lost in the room. Modern designers use an original technique when decorating a home - decorating one of the walls with contrasting wallpaper or paint. Since the main color of the sector is green, consider covering the southeast wall with wallpaper with an emerald pattern.

bright composition in the apartment

horses in the living room

fish over the sofa

flowers in a spacious room

beautiful paintings in the hallway

Feng Shui paintings to attract wealth

A sign of good form to attract good luck is to decorate the interior with the help of paintings. They are known to bring wealth too. Feng Shui will bring images of waterfalls to attract money and luck into your life. Just make sure that Niagara Falls is not depicted in the picture. Such a strong flow of current can wash away all the favorable money aura from your home. Symbols of prosperity and wealth include a painting depicting a bouquet of chrysanthemums.

This painting is best placed in an office or bedroom. Still life paintings also help improve your financial condition. Plum blossoms especially improve this condition. The image of a sailboat in the painting represents a calm, measured, rich life. Feng Shui paintings to attract money and good luck are also used in the form of hieroglyphs. They bring wealth and good luck to the home. The main thing is to know what each of the hieroglyphs means. If there are several paintings hanging on the wall, then find out their designation. There should not be different symbolization between them.

What is needed to save money

If finances have already begun to be found in your home, the question arises about their proper accumulation and storage. To do this you need:

  • you need to part with money in a good mood, easily and with a smile, so that subsequent money comes to you without hindrance;
  • You need to spend money gradually. If you have a big purchase in mind, you need to put its image in a separate envelope to visualize it, and gradually fill it with money;
  • know how to be grateful for the success you receive in finance. You can simply give a tenth of your earnings to charitable foundations.

Feng Shui workplace to attract money

Nowadays, almost any work involves a computer and other equipment, so the interior of your work area can look like Feng Shui. Wallpaper with coins or hieroglyphs actively attracts Qi energy. There may be a talisman in the form of a toad or an aquarium of fish on the table. It is better to place them in the lower left part of the table. To ensure you always have financial freedom, place a lamp made of any metal in the upper left part of the table. Always keep your color palette in mind. Bright fiery colors that excite the mind - red, yellow, orange - are ideal for vigorous activity.

Feng Shui for attracting money at work

For those who want to achieve high results in life, the Chinese philosophy of space is perfect, which teaches you to live in harmony with yourself and the things around you. Feng Shui for attracting money at work will help improve your career and increase luck in the affairs of workers. To attract money in the workplace is on the north side of the room. The computer should be in the left corner of the table, only then will positive energy spread to you. There should be a small figurine or indoor flower on the table.

Which flower to put on the desktop in the office according to Feng Shui

Flowers that attract maximum luck and wealth are:

  • orchid;
  • Money Tree;
  • feces;
  • rosemary;
  • fragrant geranium;

All these plants bring positive emotions, charge the atmosphere with prosperity and good luck.

Feng Shui figurines for money

Money figurines
Feng Shui attributes for health, happiness and wealth should be present in any home. The power of energy is hidden in these monetary attributes:

  • One of the monetary attributes that brings wealth into the home can be purchased in any Chinese store - this is a hieroglyph that denotes wealth. Thanks to this symbol, your home will be filled with not only material, but also spiritual benefits.
  • The figure of a three-toed toad can attract money and simply be a pleasant interior decoration. The toad is made on a pearl sitting on coins in the mouth. Everything is done in a pleasant gold color.
  • Hotei is a small, fat-bellied figurine of a smiling man; his stay in the apartment will bring a lot of happiness, joy and money. The material from which the figurine is made is stone or clay. It will be considered a great success if the figurine sits not on a stand, but on its own clasped hands. If you want money to be in your wallet, stroke this figure’s navel as often as possible.
  • In the kitchen, to attract money, you can put a vase with “sunny” fruits.
  • If there is a small child in the house, then an amulet in the form of a coin can be hung over the baby’s crib. It is believed that this is a good symbol that promises wealth and a comfortable life for a child.
  • So that the flow of monetary energy can flow into your home through a computer, place it in the left corner of the table.

An aquarium with fish symbolizes wealth and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, in order to attract money, there should be 8 gold and one black fish in the apartment.

Feng Shui attracting money zones in the office

To activate a zone, it must be filled with energy, which is transmitted through symbolic objects. Place a turtle in your office, on the north side, it is believed that it brings income and you are protected from everything negative. To create a cozy work atmosphere, place pendants in the form of wind chimes on the south or east side. It is advisable to hang it in the direction of the wind, so that when opening a window or door, an air flow is created that could vibrate this symbol.

In the office

The same rules apply at work as at home. The most active zone for finance is the southeast. Set up a desk here and receive visitors.

But try not to sit with your back to the window or on the window-door line. In the first case, you will experience constant anxiety, in the second, all your efforts will simply be carried away by a flow of energy.

The office cannot do without a magnet talisman and a protective figurine. Hotei or a toad will attract money, and a turtle or owl will protect you from unsuccessful transactions.


To attract clients and create a pleasant atmosphere in the office, it is useful to hang wind chimes - these are metal bell tubes that make sounds when they move. Place them near a window so that air currents vibrate the elements more often.

Feng Shui for money: basic tips

Not long ago I spoke in detail about zones in Chinese teaching, which help improve our lives in one area or another. Feng Shui specialists are in great demand today, their work is highly paid, and all because it is not just fashionable - it works, and is effective. Of course, the feng shui of money is especially relevant.

  • How to attract cash flows into your life?
  • How to make the energy of wealth work for yourself?
  • How to become financially prosperous?

Every person asks himself all these questions. There are many answers: work tirelessly, invest, play on the stock exchange, resell goods, open bank accounts... and one of the answers is to study and use Feng Shui for money in your life.

Skeptics may chuckle: well, it would be so simple! Everyone should have gotten rich long ago! I cannot convince a person who is opposed to this practice, I can only offer to try: is it worth just making small changes in your life? Think for yourself, if Feng Shui for attracting money did not work, it would not become more and more popular year after year!

So, if you decide to change your life and become richer, I advise you to start with the following measures:

Change your attitude towards money

Many of us were taught from childhood that money is something bad, dirty, that wealth cannot be earned by honest work, that most crimes are committed because of money... familiar attitudes? Having already become adults, people continue to live according to these guidelines and at the same time wonder why they cannot get out of poverty. It's simple: love money, and it will love you! Treat money with respect, do not put it at the forefront, but do not despise it, do not allow a condescending attitude towards it.

  • Clear your mind of harmful stereotypes like “you can’t earn all the money”, “you can’t buy everything with money” and the like. Allow yourself sometimes a little unplanned luxury (a good face cream, beautiful underwear, new dishes) to pamper yourself and gradually get a taste for a rich life;
  • Handle money carefully - do not stuff it into your pockets haphazardly, but carefully straighten it and carefully put it in your wallet. By the way, it is also advisable to purchase a wallet, not just any kind, but according to Feng Shui, I will dwell on this in more detail;
  • Always know exactly how much money you have. As they say, even if you have a lot of money, but you don’t know exactly how much, you don’t have that money. It would be nice to keep track of expenses and income, especially since now there are a lot of programs for home accounting.

Strengthen the energy of money in your home with symbols

According to Chinese teaching, the following symbols are “responsible” for cash flows, as well as for any energy flow:

  • fish (especially goldfish)
  • water (all kinds of home fountains, aquariums, images of waterfalls, picturesque ponds, etc.)
  • the money itself (Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in groups of three or a scattering of ordinary change)
  • figurine of a toad (this is perhaps the most famous Feng Shui talisman for attracting money, it can be purchased at any souvenir shop)
  • "money" tree (house plant with round leaves resembling coins)
  • crystals (crystal or amethyst)

These talismans should be used to decorate the south-eastern part of the home - the Wealth zone. If for some reason there is no Wealth Zone in your apartment or there is a bathroom, toilet, utility room in it, it doesn’t matter - activate the Career Zone, the effect will be equivalent.

Buy a Feng Shui wallet

A wallet for attracting money and wealth according to Feng Shui
A wallet is a permanent “residence” of money, and you should make sure that it is pleasant for it to be there. Feng Shui wallet should be:

  • from quality material.

Preferably leather, suede or fabric is possible, as long as it is not polyethylene or leatherette (these “dead” materials work the other way around, like a screen-reflector of money, and not a magnet for it).

  • made to last

No protruding threads, beveled corners or scuffs, broken fasteners or awkward zippers. It’s better to spend a little more than the planned amount and please yourself with a good wallet than to buy a cheap “something” made in the basement on the market.

  • correct color and size

Unfavorable colors for a wallet: blue, light blue, purple. Favorable: gold, red, brown, green. A rectangular shape of the wallet is preferable, in which the money does not have to be folded several times, but can be put in a straightened form; inside it should be quite spacious and accommodating (so that a lot of money can go in there!). A compartment for small change is a must, but the presence of compartments for cards is just unimportant, because putting plastic cards in a wallet is not recommended (like any other items other than money: travel cards, photographs of relatives and friends, tickets, pieces of paper with numbers and codes, etc.) other). It’s better to get a business card holder for cards, and keep cash strictly in your wallet. You should not interfere with the flow of monetary energy and put obstacles in their way.

  • supplemented with feng shui symbols

Read more about choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Strengthen the energy of your wallet with simple things: a bunch of three Chinese coins connected with a string, a mint leaf, a bean pod, a photograph of an object for which you dream of saving money (or a place where you want to travel). A bunch of coins is a real magnet for money, the mint aroma also attracts finances, and beans help to refrain from unnecessary spending.

“Bad” feng shui of a wallet is old and tattered bills inside, bills with bent corners or tears, and garbage inside the wallet. Try to avoid such clutter.

What to do if you already have a wallet and there is no way to change it yet?

Don't be discouraged if you just bought a new wallet and it doesn't exactly match the descriptions of a proper wallet. Use an alternative option: store the bulk of your savings not in a wallet, but in a money box or casket at home, and let this box fully correspond to the signs of a money feng shui storage: color, shape, content. It can be made of cardboard, wood (the main thing is that the material must be natural, not plastic), and covered with fabric of a suitable color. Place this box in the south-eastern part of the apartment.

And the last, most important piece of advice – don’t forget to work!

Of course, there is some humor in this, because it is clear that surrounding yourself with symbols to attract money, buying the right wallet and sitting on the sofa waiting for a miracle is stupid.

Feng Shui will not change your life without your participation, it can only help in your aspirations, give strength, show new opportunities, bring the right people into your life... but all this may not happen if you are passive.

I hope these tips will help you improve your financial situation and bring new sources of income into your life!

Old Slavic runes as a symbol of money and wealth

For the ancient Slavs, memory and veneration of ancestors is very important. Their knowledge about the origin of the family and its continuation was passed on from generation to generation. Runes were no exception.

The Dazhdbog rune is a sign that attracts money and luck. It was a kind of cornucopia, which contained all the essentials for human life. As a rule, signs were applied to clothing using embroidery. Men wore amulets on the chest of their shirts, and women wore them on their sundresses.

Also a symbol of wealth and prosperity, it was made of stone, metal or wood. But always natural material.

Often, modern youth, wanting to have success and wealth, get corresponding tattoos with runes. It is very important to understand them correctly so as not to invite misfortune and the wrath of our ancestors. That is why, before applying and going to a tattoo salon, you should carefully study their origin and designation.

Not all runes can be combined (harmonized) with each other, therefore some ligatures collected from them contradict each other, thereby not giving an effective result.

Money talismans

Various figurines, images of animals and other accessories will help strengthen the wealth zone. These elements activate the wealth zone:

  1. Money frog with a coin in his mouth.
  2. Hotei is the god of fun and happiness. A laughing figure promises the owner joy and a lot of money.
  3. Turtle - the shell symbolizes protection.
  4. The owl protects the owner from impulsive business decisions that can lead to bad results.
  5. Images depicting what you want: a beautiful house, a car.
  6. A coin or bill placed under a plant.


You can use Feng Shui to attract money when choosing a new wallet. This accessory must be of high quality and expensive, preferably made of genuine leather. The shape of the wallet should be rectangular, and the dimensions should be sufficient to accommodate banknotes when unfolded. It is recommended to choose the color of the wallet from red, brown or yellow.

There should be exemplary order inside the wallet: bills and coins need to be put in their places (for this, the wallet must have the required number of compartments and a pocket for change). In addition, there should be nothing inside the wallet except money. Photos, business cards, discount cards and shopping lists should be stored in other places. To effectively attract money, Feng Shui recommends putting a talisman in your wallet: a small imperial-sized mirror, a cinnamon stick, a lucky coin, a sprig of mint, etc.

Figurines, souvenirs

God of attracting money
A small statue of the god Hottei, a money tree made of coins, banknotes, amethyst, a frog with a coin in its mouth, a miniature mill, fish, turtles are not only pleasant decorations for the heart, but also a strong magnet of well-being.

Treat souvenirs with care, take care of them, and wipe off the dust regularly. If you purchased a Hottei statue, don't be afraid to talk to him! Constantly stroke God's belly - in gratitude, Hottei will fulfill your wishes!


Embroidered canvases, tapestries, and silk paintings are especially powerful.
Images of ripe fruits (especially tangerines and grapes), flowers, summer landscapes, and clean flowing water attract the energy of good luck.

Images of the desert, storm, tornado, dirty ponds, bare trees, steppes will devastate your finances. Avoid surrealism and abstract compositions.

In the bedroom, water landscapes take away health, especially the paintings above the head of the bed.

The cup of wealth is the driving force of well-being

The Cup of Wealth is a powerful talisman of material prosperity. With it, the feng shui money zone works several times stronger.

Bowl of Finance

You can purchase the cup in a special souvenir (esoteric) store. It is a small vessel with a narrowed neck and a lid.

The neck of the bowl should be decorated with three Chinese coins, they are tied with a red thread (ribbon).

In the bowl you need to put:

  • five multi-colored scraps of red, yellow, white, blue, green;
  • five pieces of thread (ribbon) of the same colors;
  • white, purple, red beans;
  • green, yellow peas;
  • red silk bag with ten yellow coins;
  • ten transparent crystals (amethyst, quartz, citrine, rhinestones);
  • land from the garden (plot) of a prosperous person;
  • money from the merchant's pocket;
  • banknotes of different currencies;
  • photographs of a rich interior;
  • photographs (pictures) of symbols of wealth and well-being.

The cup of wealth is first covered with a lid, after a year the lid must be removed and the vessel left open.

We place colored shreds and bean grains in strict order. First red, then yellow, white, blue (for beans - purple), green.

Life story:

Nastya and Oleg lived from paycheck to paycheck. All income was absorbed by the mortgage. The regime of strict austerity was oppressive. In addition, Nastya dreamed of a child. The girl knew that she would be able to afford maternity leave after the very last payment. As the years passed, despair grew.

One day Oleg brought a strange vase. “This is a money bowl. Gift from Chinese partners. Put it somewhere or throw it away,” said the husband.

But Nastya suddenly began looking for information... Over the weekend, the girl purchased the necessary elements, waited for her husband to go to his friends, determined the zone of wealth, and performed a small ritual.

Then she closed the bowl with a lid and began to wait... A year later, Oleg was promoted to head of the department, Nastya received an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative. And after another three months, the test showed two cherished stripes.

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