Aroma oils to attract money: unconventional ways to gain financial independence

Since ancient times, man has strived for enrichment that can change life for the better and increase its comfort. To attract money, numerous talismans were used and various rituals were performed. Despite the fact that at the moment such methods are not used everywhere, many continue to use aromatherapy methods and incense to attract money. Smells play a huge role in human life. Some of them bring a lot of goodness and goodness into it, while others, on the contrary, contribute to destruction.

Among many magical actions, one of the most powerful is considered to be attracting money with the help of aromas. Incense can be used in various ways:

in the form of incense sticks;


using an aroma lamp;

as an individual perfume;

essential oils.

Aromatic oils and their energy

Incense for attracting money has a special and very strong energy. In order to strengthen it, you need to know which essential oils have these “money” properties. Not all oils are capable of attracting money. Rather, on the contrary, using them for other purposes will cause unnecessary waste of energy and will not bring any results. Among the aromas that enhance the attraction of money (they are considered baits for wealth) are the following.

  • Patchouli oil. This scent is considered the strongest and most effective for attracting money. Many believe that using it, you can not be afraid to make plans for the distant future and will be successful in all your endeavors.
  • Cedar. The oil of this tree will show you the right path to wealth. It will help you avoid big mistakes in business.
  • Basil. The aroma of this plant helps you tune in to the positive and make the right decisions. And this, as you know, is the first step to achieving success, and therefore prosperity.
  • Sandalwood. Tree oil has very strong energy, but it does not appear immediately. For a positive outcome, time must pass, which contributes to the creation of more powerful energy. But the result will be amazing.
  • Ginger. It is a protector from negative energy and prevents competitors from penetrating the biofield with their envy and anger. Achieving success with its help, you can not be afraid of the intrigues of your enemies.
  • Orange. This aroma gives you confidence in your own abilities and does not give up. With its help, you attract money luck and help bring new ideas to life.
  • Nutmeg. Its aroma has magical properties. Helps you get rid of your own weaknesses and have a great influence on people. Being in control of the situation makes it much easier to achieve success.
  • Cinnamon. Its oil is considered the aroma of good luck and success; it attracts well-being and helps to find the right solution. Under the influence of this aroma, communication with people improves and self-esteem increases.
  • Laurel. This oil is very often used to attract money. Helps in fulfilling the most daring desires, attracts good luck and success.
  • Mint. This scent is considered the darling of wealth. When using it, money is easily earned and, as they say, flows like a river.

The likelihood of attracting wealth with the help of incense is quite high, because money, like aromas, has a certain energy. Of course, smells will not be able to do this on their own, but they can increase the chances of success and give confidence in their own abilities. In addition, directing the energy of wealth in the right direction is possible only with the use of incense.

Aroma in trade. How to choose a scent for your store


Why are we talking about this

The importance of smell lies in the fact that it cannot be “turned off” if desired, since it, like memory and many other things, works on a subconscious level. This is why smells can evoke images of people, places and past events in our memory.

Attract customers with scent

Smells have an even stronger effect on the human psyche than music and visual advertising “stimulants.” The purchasing decision is most often made on an emotional level, and the sense of smell plays an important role here.

For example, coffee shops, coffee shops, and confectionery stores often install a special aromatization system, in which warm air, saturated with the aroma of coffee or pastries, is supplied to the street from the establishments. People passing by involuntarily notice the smell. It has been noticed that, especially in winter, it is difficult for people to resist the temptation to come in and have a cup of drink and warm up or enjoy a hot pastry.

Another eloquent example: the bakeries of the French Bakery and McDonald's restaurants deliver the aroma of fresh bread directly to the street through pipes, and passers-by, feeling hungry, rush to have a snack.

The use of scents in trade is becoming very popular. In this way, stores (or chains of stores) attract customers, create a unique, unique atmosphere in the sales area and stimulate sales. The aroma distinguishes the store from its competitors and makes it recognizable, creating a special image. It is believed that thanks to the “correct” scenting of a room, it is possible to increase store sales by 15-20%, first of all, due to an increase in the share of impulse (unplanned) purchases, and secondly, due to an increase in the average check amount. Be prepared for spontaneous queues to form in your store. In this case, automation of trade and warehouse accounting using the Torgsoft program will come in handy.

Even optimal scents have been developed for grocery supermarkets, household appliances and electronics stores, fashion boutiques, restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, etc.

When flavoring is a necessity

In addition to the specific task of influencing consumers, the use of fragrances also serves practical purposes. Scenting stores is necessary to freshen the premises and eliminate unpleasant odors that arise in any busy place. To avoid mixing the odors “brought” by visitors, a “background” aroma is needed. Specialists involved in store aromatization include in their arsenal of products mixtures for neutralization (to combat unpleasant odors) and fragrances (a unique smell in the store).

It is known that the smells of mustiness and mold scare off 80% of potential buyers, since the same association is transferred to the entire product offered (stale, stale, defective), while the right aromas can inspire buyer confidence and convince of the quality and relevance of the product.

Professional products will help not only drown out the unpleasant odor - they will get rid of it thanks to the presence of absorbent substances in their composition. For example, it is not easy to get rid of unwanted odors of tobacco, fish, meat, food, rot, dampness, etc. Air conditioners, in the case of, for example, tobacco, only save from cigarette smoke - but the smell remains, or if the store is located in a shopping complex along with a cafe, and the smell of food penetrates into the shopping area. The use of flavoring equipment in this case will help “draw a boundary” between zones: it will destroy the inappropriate smell of pizza, pancakes and coffee and give the store its own unique aroma, conducive to shopping.

The aroma of fresh chipboard in furniture stores can spoil the first impression of visiting the store and even completely discourage customers who are buying furniture for a child or who are simply concerned about their health. If, at the entrance to the exhibition halls, your clients smell the aromas of noble wood species, then their confidence and desire to buy will naturally increase. Factory furniture odors caused by processing materials, glue, foil can be removed with aromatic compositions. Thanks to this, the assortment will be rated higher due to its emotional components. Also, aromatization will benefit from emphasizing the warm mood of the kitchen (ginger), the nobility of the living room (sandalwood, leather) or the comfort of the bedroom (lavender, rose). Furniture sellers also use the aroma of pine needles, which goes well with the material used in interior design.

From experience, we can give the following successful examples of the use of neutralizing aromas:

  • eliminating the smell of dampness and mustiness in shops located on the ground floors and subway passages;
  • eliminating food odors, since there was a Grill point next to the store;
  • elimination of tobacco odors and the smell of “railroad” in the station store;
  • eliminating the characteristic odor in pet stores, Second Hand stores and drains;
  • absence of any smell in gyms and fitness clubs;
  • “overpowering” the frightening smell of medicines and “dentistry” in the waiting room of one of the private clinics.

Flavor according to the rules

You need to scent a store carefully and according to the laws of psychology. Certain aromas have the ability to evoke specific emotions that are beyond our conscious control. Research suggests that certain odors have different effects on people. Jasmine, rose, mint and cloves increase performance and reduce drowsiness. The scents of lavender, chamomile and sandalwood help you relax and relieve tension. The smell of certain varieties of rose “provokes” compliance and pliability.

An incorrectly selected scent, even if pleasant, can negatively affect store sales. For example, such a case is described in the magazine “Aromatic Merchandising”. Lingerie store Frederick's of Hollywood decided to copy the success of its competitor, Victoria's Secret, and began to use a sweet floral scent. To the surprise of the sellers, sales in the store immediately decreased, and the flavors had to be abandoned. The reason turned out to be that the characteristics of the purchasing audience were not taken into account. The Victoria's Secret store, with its soft pink boudoir vibe, was aimed at women. The provocative Frederick's of Hollywood was more attractive to men who bought gifts for their ladies. Here they “sold” men’s fantasies on the topic of women’s underwear, and the floral scent was not included in them.

Perhaps if the Frederick's of Hollywood store installed scents with a more sensual, voluptuous aroma, the owners would get the desired result. However, management did not take risks. It chose the scent of lavender and was wrong again. The aroma of lavender had a good effect on men choosing gifts for their spouses, but repelled buyers who came to buy bright lingerie for their girlfriends. This category of people, as a rule, left the store without buying anything.

Obviously, the aroma must logically correspond to the product and its buyer. Therefore, when developing it, marketers begin by identifying the target audience, compiling their profile and identifying those brand elements that the client finds most attractive.

  • Women buyers will like floral scents, while men will like more tart scents. The aromas of leather, tobacco, and oak bark are considered traditionally “masculine.”
  • In youth, people tend to like sweet and fruity scents, and then there is a shift towards floral, oily and musky scents.
  • The intensity of odor perception depends on the gender and age of buyers. Women are more sensitive to odors than men; they have a more subtle sense of smell than men, which is also always being trained, since women cook food more often and use cosmetics and perfumes. During pregnancy and lactation, a woman’s ability to perceive odors can take on unimaginable forms, and the reaction to certain odors intensifies to the point of intolerance. (Shops for pregnant women and young mothers should take note of this).
  • The older a person is, the worse his sense of smell. Half of shoppers over 65 and three quarters of those over 80 do not smell at all.
  • The time of year and ambient temperature affect the perception of smell: in humid hot weather, sweet smells are “suffocating”, and in frosty winter, spicy, “warm” smells are more appropriate.
  • In the morning, odors are perceived less acutely than at the end of the day.

It's not easy to choose a scent specifically for your store. The “right” aroma in your interior should be perceived as expensive and be similar to perfume - unobtrusive, noticeable only at the first moments of the buyer’s “meeting” with the store, carry a subtle trail and be memorable in order to be clearly associated with a specific store. The smell of the store should not be reminiscent of a hair salon or soap.

According to research results, the influence of certain fragrance notes on buyers is as follows:

  • vanilla increases the sales level of irrigated departments by 15%, especially in children's stores;
  • As mentioned above, in stores selling products for pregnant women and newborns, it is better to use neutral scents (i.e., no scent at all, the flavoring agent simply absorbs unpleasant odors), or, as a last resort, a light milky scent that is closest to natural.
  • books and press that smell of fresh printing ink sell better than their less fragrant counterparts;
  • the smell of genuine leather stimulates sales even of those products that are made from substitutes;
  • The smell of cucumber and watermelon are considered optimal for grocery stores, as they are perceived as smells of “freshness and cleanliness”, and also neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • roses is suitable for expensive boutiques . It will help the visitor come to terms with the prices of high fashion houses;
  • The smell of citrus fruits invigorates, improves mood and inspires optimism. Good for holding events in crowded places. The smell of tangerines will remind almost everyone that it’s time to buy something for the New Year, even if October is just around the corner;
  • the smell of sandalwood - the smell of style and sophistication - is perfect for clothing stores, especially classic men's clothing and accessories;
  • the smell of cinnamon and ginger will improve the mood and “warm” the buyer during the cold season, evoking romantic notes of mood, which is appropriate in gift shops, souvenirs, and household items;
  • In jewelry stores and jewelry departments, the floral and fruity smell makes casual visitors linger longer at the counter.

With the help of smell you can emphasize the “holiday mood” in the store. Warm aromas of pine, cloves, cinnamon and tangerines before Christmas and New Year help gifts sell better; the smell of chocolate is inseparable from hearts on Valentine's Day. The smells of long-awaited flowers are appropriate on March 8th.

In order for the aroma to become characteristic of your store and be remembered by customers, you should not change smells often. It is best to change the scent to coincide with the change of season 2 times a year (spring-summer and autumn-winter). Special holiday scents are “launched” during sales and holidays.

Sources of fragrance

Special equipment is used to scent the store.

The most expensive option is an electronic air freshener, which operates on the principle of a spray bottle. Each device can be programmed, and then it will spray a fragrance with a certain frequency, for example, the smell is supplied to the sales area every 5 minutes. The operating mode of the electronic air freshener can also be set - day/night or 24/7, or you can choose a day off. The number of devices depends on the area and layout of the store and is determined by representatives of specialized companies.

The cost of electronic devices for aromatization is from $30 to $150, depending on the power and manufacturer. On average, one such device produces an effect in rooms of up to 200 cubic meters. m. Replaceable container with flavoring provides up to 3 thousand sprays (with an “injection” frequency of once every 15 minutes, the container is enough for 1 month). The cost of a replacement container is about $10-15.

Air fresheners are usually installed at a height of 2-2.5 m, and they can be placed either in the back of the store or at the entrance (“entrance effect”), this depends on the store layout and ventilation system and even on the emphasis in the placement of goods.

You can also distribute the smell in the store through the air conditioning and ventilation system - this is cheaper, the costs go only on cylinders with the fragrance.

Another option is to purchase vessels with aromatic sets (dried herbs, flower petals, etc.). True, the smell will be less intense, with a limited radius of action and will disappear within a week.

An economical way to fill a store with fragrance is fragrant polymer plates that are attached to ordinary lamps and, when heated, begin to smell pleasant. Or you can apply a few drops of essential oil to the light bulb. True, this approach will require constant physical effort from the store staff and it is not a fact that the smell will be “unique and inimitable.”

Expensive boutiques do not skimp on flavoring and use real perfumes or the smells of fresh flowers, and not their simulator in a bottle. For example, the air in the Boss Hugo Boss store is filled with the aroma of fresh flowers, and this brand recommends certain types of flowers for all its stores. The time of year and the features of the collection matter: for example, in the hall where the sports line is presented, orange gerberas are installed; in the hall of classical clothes - calla lilies or lilies. In winter, Boss advises decorating the store with bright red flowers, and in summer with large armfuls of white daisies.

All this has been thought out by psychologists. Fresh flowers create a warm homely atmosphere and a special mood. They exude their own special smell, evoke memories of something pleasant, and encourage the buyer to make purchases.

Not only the sales area, but also the display case can be scented. Abroad, it is quite common to wash display cases with detergents containing special fragrances. This is especially true for shop windows of shopping centers or stores located on the main shopping streets of the city. Smelling shop windows attract passing pedestrians and “invite” them to come into the store.

In general, non-grocery stores give the most freedom to experiment with scents, while in a grocery store, the best scent is the absence of one. However, you can use “natural” aromas that evoke appetite: the smell of fresh baked goods, smoked meat and fish, grilled poultry in the appropriate departments. The main thing is to avoid a mixture of these odors. The line between positive and negative effects is too thin.


The right scent in the right place is part of event marketing, as are friendly staff, design, beautiful lighting and stylish music.

It is imperative to remember that such means of influencing the consumer will be effective only in combination with the proper quality of goods, competent pricing and assortment policy.

Some practical recommendations for choosing a fragrance in a store:

Need to consider:

  • interior color (warm orange colors are associated with citrus, peach; shades of red - the smell of roses, deep floral aromas; green shades - notes of grass, kiwi, budding buds, sage, lime; gray and metallic colors - aquatic, watermelon, cucumber notes) ;
  • its design, materials used in the interior;
  • illumination;
  • store area;
  • and, of course, direction.

Here are some examples:

  • Women's clothing store - floral scents and analogue scents of famous perfume brands fit in;
  • Shops for business men's clothing and accessories - tobacco and also perfumed topical scents;
  • Sports, youth, denim clothing stores - invigorating, fresh aromas, notes of citrus;
  • Leather shoe and clothing stores - the smell of leather, citrus fruits, vanilla, sandalwood, tobacco will also successfully highlight the smell of leather;
  • Jewelry stores, jewelry stores, chandeliers - depending on the task at hand, you can add warmth with the help of vanilla scents, flower and fruit compositions; Or you can “cool down” the interior with fresh, aquatic scents, special floral aromas, for example, lilies, orchids;
  • Children's stores, toy stores - fruit and berry smells - melon, strawberry, wild strawberry; caramel, milkshake smell, “tutti-frutti” and other “delicious” smells;
  • Household appliances stores, computer stores, plumbing stores - “aquatic” fresh aromas;
  • The smells of branded perfumes, tart, tobacco smells will help to emphasize the prestige of the store;
  • Upholstered furniture stores - warm, cozy smells, such as chocolate, cinnamon, coffee.
  • You should not overpower the smell in auto parts stores, since the smell of new tires is the most familiar to every car enthusiast.

The article was prepared jointly with aroma marketing specialists; materials from the journals Psychology for Everyone, Aromatic Merchandising, and PsyFactor were also used.

Combination of essential oils for making mixtures

You can use incense to attract money separately using different aromas. However, for a stronger effect, it is better to prepare mixtures from them. To do this, you need to know which essential oils need to be mixed and in what proportions.

In order for a mixture of essential oils to act more effectively and contribute to increasing income, it is necessary, during its preparation, to think about what the money will be spent on. After all, oils are the souls of plants, flowers and trees and it is necessary to negotiate with them, naturally only about everything good.

Variants of mixtures for attracting money can be used to achieve various goals.

  • If the need for money is very urgent:
  • To increase income stability:
  • To attract money luck:
  • seven drops of patchouli oil;
  • five drops of cedar oil;
  • two drops of nutmeg oil;
  • one drop of cinnamon oil.
  • three drops of basil oil;
  • three drops of laurel oil;
  • three drops of cinnamon oil.
  • seven drops of patchouli oil;
  • five drops of cedar oil;
  • four drops of pine oil;
  • two drops of cinnamon oil.

You need to lubricate all the available money with the prepared mixture and after a while it will double.

Rub a green candle with this mixture and let it burn completely.

During preparation, the mixture must be charged with its own energy. To do this, while adding drops to the container, inhale their aroma. The best option is a mixture that you create yourself. The number of drops and the required essential oils are selected subconsciously. A new, individual composition appears that brings success in financial matters to this particular person.

Plants for job seekers

Bay leaf. This is a powerful magical remedy for an unemployed person. To get a good position in a prestigious company, you need to write your wish on a piece of fragrant laurel and carry it with you in your pocket everywhere. You should wear laurel until you are comfortable. However, as practice shows, this magical method works one hundred percent!

Hazelnut (hazelnut). Do you want to pass the interview successfully? Put three hazelnuts in your pocket. A potential employer will not find a reason to refuse you a vacancy.

Bergamot. Put a few leaves of dried bergamot leaves in your wallet, and a high-paying position will find you. Leaves can be taken from a package of bergamot tea. This magical remedy also works to increase cash income. Rub a few leaves between your fingers and sprinkle the powder on the bills you have. The money will return to you and “bring” “friends” with it.

Incense sticks to attract money

Another effective way to use incense to attract money is incense sticks. Usually they fumigate certain parts of the room that are responsible for well-being. For the best effect, there should be no debris or broken things in the fumigation area. To attract the energy of money, sticks with certain scents are used:

  • pine - guarantees the longevity of the financial situation;
  • cedar - creates stability in income;
  • cinnamon – helps in the development of mental and spiritual abilities;
  • orange – gives confidence in one’s own abilities;
  • basil - with its help new ideas are born;
  • sage - with its help, new opportunities for acquiring wealth appear.

You shouldn’t get attached to one scent; you can choose several or your own personal scent. A room filled with aroma creates the right atmosphere to increase the energy of money.

Candles to attract wealth

Of all the candles, only green ones have a certain magical power to attract wealth. Green is considered the color of fertility, abundance and prosperity. By adding incense to candles to attract money and burning them during the waxing moon, you can ensure a strong energy flow. But there are several rules that must be followed to obtain the optimal effect.

  • Only brand new spark plugs should be used. If they have been somewhere for a long time (they just lay there, or were a decoration), then they no longer have the necessary strength, since they have absorbed extraneous energy.
  • Candles must undergo a cleansing ritual. To do this, they are carried through smoking incense, the aromas of which attract money (patchouli, pine, cinnamon, nutmeg) or simply smeared with essential oils obtained from these plants. You can use a mixture of aromas specially prepared for this purpose.
  • Candles should be completely green. Painted only on the outside will have little impact and will not help achieve the intended goal. They will not be able to create the necessary energy to attract wealth.
  • The candle will not start to work on its own; it needs to be provided with additional energy and warmed with its warmth. To do this, looking at it, you need to materialize your desires, imagine how they will come true.
  • If a candle needs to be extinguished, you should never blow it out or extinguish it with your fingers. When blowing out, all the force and energy that was put into it is simply blown away, and if you blow it out with your fingers, it is associated with “choking.” For proper extinguishing, there are special caps under which the candles subside and rest, gaining new energy.
  • If the candle does not light up the first time, it means that it has not accumulated enough energy and is not ready to act, you should postpone attempts to light it.

To ensure that the flow of money does not end, you need to periodically light scented green candles. The flow of their magical energy will attract wealth and prosperity.

Using aromatic lamps to attract money energy

Incense for attracting money is widely used in aroma lamps that are specially designed for this purpose. With their help, rooms are filled with unique aromas and create the necessary atmosphere, charged with a certain magical energy. Attuned to the energy of well-being, essential oils or mixtures of them are diluted with water, in this case it serves as a conductor. After filling the special recess of the aromatic lamp with the resulting composition, the candle located under the bowl is lit. During the evaporation process, the aroma is released and fills the room.

When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to pay attention to the following details.

  • Since it can be used for different purposes, its design should provide the possibility of convenient, easy cleansing of the energy accumulated during the session. Ideally, it is desirable to have several lamps, each of which will be charged with a certain energy.
  • To ensure that the oil in the lamp does not burn, the distance between the bowl and the container should not be too small. Otherwise, the oil will simply burn and the desired effect will not be achieved.
  • When choosing the material from which the aroma lamp is made, you should listen to your own feelings. Each material also has its own energy and you need to choose exactly the one that is in tune with your energy aura.

Before using incense to attract money using an aroma lamp, it is advisable to ventilate the room from foreign odors and close it. If there is a draft from open doors or windows, the candle may simply go out.

By using incense to attract money, you are charged with additional energy. It really works if you believe in miracles and make every effort to get the desired result. In any case, it's worth a try.

Herbs for success in lottery and gambling

If you often buy lottery tickets, but luck is not in a hurry to turn your face, try these herbs for success in winning.

Pomegranate. Pomegranate seeds provide prosperity and abundance, material wealth. Add pomegranate seeds to desserts and drinks. Do not spit out the seeds - swallow them along with the pulp.

Sunflower head. There is a popular saying: if you pick a sunflower at dawn and carry it with you, the next day will bring you good luck. Sunflowers planted in the garden also attract wealth into the home.

Twig with hazelnuts (hazelnuts). Attach a sprig of nuts above the front door - and luck in the lottery will not leave you. The nuts themselves can be carried in the pocket of everyday clothes.

Clover, shamrock. In folklore, the three-leaf clover is a powerful talisman of good luck. Carry a shamrock in your pocket, wallet or handbag to win bets.

Cinnamon. Sprinkle the seasoning in the corners of your house - and good luck will never leave you. Cinnamon sticks can be used as a magical flavoring agent. The aroma of cinnamon attracts wealth into the home.

Article on the topic : online fortune telling with dice (dice) - roll the dice and find out whether you are lucky in winning or not.

Chamomile. If you are going to gamble, wash your hands with chamomile tea beforehand and you will have good luck at the gaming table!

Horse chestnut. Place the fruit in your pocket and keep it with you during the game. Chestnut brings success to gamblers.

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