how to fold a dollar to attract money with a financial code

Today's life motivates, giving the possibility of existence to the great ambitions and huge boundless desires of people. That's why people today want to get rich more than ever. Of course, you can get rich in the usual way: start your own business, get a well-paid job, get married successfully. But it is not a fact that the luck that comes to you will last forever. Wealth and success should not be based solely on luck.

There are a number of commandments related to money that most of us try to strictly adhere to: we should not steal, we should not default on debts, we should not waste money, etc. Of course, money never rains like gold from the sky, except in fairy tales. They come into our hands from well-marked roads. But if we help them find their way, there will be more of them, and we will be happier.

Such a helper is magic . Magic spells, rituals, amulets. Dream interpreters have always talked about people's desire to become richer.

For the rituals to work, you really need a burning desire.

But don't become a slave to money!

It is very dangerous. When thinking about money, do not dream about having it in large quantities. It is better to dream of a decent life, to acquire all the necessary and valuable things.

  1. The magic of one dollar
  2. The magical power of the American dollar
  3. Mysteries and secrets of the American dollar
  4. The meaning of Masonic signs
  5. Main secret

How to fold a dollar into a triangle to attract money

The one dollar bill is a strong magnet for attracting money.
The fact is that on its reverse side there is a very powerful symbol that attracts the energy of money and success.

This symbol is the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid.

Therefore, the use of the American dollar for such purposes is completely justified.

The bill should be in the wallet, but not just like that, but folded into a triangle.

The best time to make this money talisman is during the waxing moon.

Money "flower"


Make money with an unusual shape.

Fold the money like an accordion and tie it in the middle. The result will be something like a flower.

You can, if you want, make a flower out of money, as shown below:

Money flower

Money will love it

, and they themselves will want to become yours.

Instructions on how to fold a dollar into a triangle

To increase the strength of your money magnet, hold it in your hands so that the top of the pyramid points upward.

Bring the dollar triangle to your lips and whisper the spell 3 times:

“Just as a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as night attracts day, and day attracts night, so you would attract the same to yourself. Let it be so!"

Place the dollar folded into a triangle in the farthest compartment of your wallet, with the front side facing you and the top facing up.

Don’t forget to read how to choose a wallet for money; you may need to buy a new one and put the dollar in it.

Do not take out or unfold the bill again, so that the eye always makes sure that the money is not transferred and attracts it to itself.

American George Washington can become a serious companion to your financial well-being.


Common situation

Many people are probably familiar with the situation when you don’t have time to receive your long-awaited salary, and in a few hours all your money runs out. And no matter how hard you try and calculate certain amounts, the money still melts in your hands, and your wallet quickly turns out to be empty.

Fortunately, by following just five rules, you can try to increase the number of bills in your wallet. And these are not fictitious signs, not mysticism or esotericism, but ancient human knowledge that was known and tested many years ago and continues to be used by smart people to this day.

How to fold a dollar into a triangle to attract money

Talismans for attracting wealth have been known to people since ancient times. It is with their help that you can attract wealth and open up your financial flows.

Times around us are changing rapidly. Old conspiracies and advice from whispering grandmothers are being replaced by newfangled methods of psychics. The tradition of attracting money using coins is quite old. For example, the ritual for a nickel is known to many. With the advent of paper money in everyday life, people learned to use it to increase their income.

You need to attract money using a dollar bill as follows. The denomination you need is one dollar. The reason is simple: on it you can see a secret Masonic sign. This is the eye in the triangle, the top of the pyramid.

It is best to place a dollar on the waxing Moon. Select suitable days on our website using the lunar calendar from the experts of the website

The folded bill is carefully stored in your own wallet with the pyramid facing up, and then the money should soon appear in your pockets, in your accounts and, of course, in the wallet where the talisman lies.

Instructions: how to fold a dollar into a triangle

Look at the final result:

It is worth saying that it may not work out the first time, but there is nothing complicated in these manipulations. You can practice in advance on plain paper. Or you can use other ways to attract money, for example, a bay leaf spell.

We wish you prosperity and happiness. Energy experts often say that it is important not only to use talismans, but also to take some actions to move towards the goal. This way the Universe will quickly support our endeavors.


Is it true that the $1 bill has magical powers? How to fold it correctly? Will such a wallet really become a magnet for money? We'll talk about this and more below.

Our ancestors were also confident in the extraordinary magic of the one dollar paper bill. Proof of this is the mysterious symbols and images on the banknote, which are believed to have ancient origins.

All these symbols promise the owner of the magical amulet financial well-being in the future . Moreover, he has every chance of bringing together the right place and time. He will be the lucky one:

Important! In order for the dollar to become a real talisman, it should be carried in a wallet pocket, folded in the shape of a triangle, and the ritual should be performed only during the waxing phase of the moon.

Just follow the recommendations:

To enhance the magnetic effect of the dollar, take it with the top of the pyramid facing up. Then bring the triangle closer to your lips and read the spell three times:

After this, you need to hide the amulet in a secret compartment of the purse, placing the dollar “face” towards you , and the tip of the triangle towards the top. To do this, it is better to buy a new wallet .

You can no longer pull out a banknote, so that the “eye” constantly monitors the presence of money and attracts it.

Coin spell to attract wealth

More than love, the only thing that excites us is money.

We know many effective coin spells. For example, to carry out one of these rituals, you need to go to the forest or planting on the waxing moon, before sunrise. Take a coin with you. You will need to approach the spruce tree. With the selected coin you need to knock on the tree trunk and say this spell:

As young needles grow, so my money grows, not on sugar pie, not on linden honey, not on brew, not on pareve, on gold, silver and copper.

The text is repeated exactly 12 times. Once this is done, the attribute must be buried near the tree. It is extremely important that no one peeks at you during this time. Otherwise, the conspiracy will be ineffective. When the coin is buried, go home without looking back. You don’t have to worry anymore; in the near future, money will flow to you like a river.

Such a ritual

will help you get rich in the shortest possible time. For example, you suddenly win the lottery, receive an inheritance, or someone simply returns a forgotten debt to you. Prepare exactly seven brand new coins. Place them on the bottom of a large dish. Sprinkle a few grains of wheat on top.

After this, you need to cover it with a handkerchief, after a while pour warm water and wait until the grains begin to germinate. From now on, every night, approach the sprouting wheat and whisper this text:

As the wheat grows, so does my wealth.

As the wheat grows, the cash flow that will flow into your home will increase.

If you want to find the easiest way

, then this method will suit you. Take a coin (necessarily gold) and go out into the yard. Stand so that the rays of the Sun fall on you. Extend your palm with the coin and say over it three times:

The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, penny, light up with golden fire, bring wealth.

Now keep the prepared attribute with you for 12 hours. After a specified period of time, you can hide the coin in your bag or wallet. This conspiracy is valid for 12 months.

How to use a banknote as a money talisman?

It is important that the triangle, lying in the far pocket of the wallet, is always turned like a pyramid towards the owner . This is the main condition for the talisman to work and enhance its magnetism.

Advice! He cannot be pulled out of there even for a minute. Moreover, do not tell anyone about its presence and do not show the amulet to strangers. Then the income portion will constantly increase, which means there will be more money in your wallet.

To attract large sums, follow these signs:

Once they have made such an amulet, many people really feel its help: money fills their wallet, their career soars, they manage to make successful transactions. Should we take their word for it? Everyone decides for themselves. But keep in mind that you can earn good money only through hard work. And the dollar talisman will help strengthen your self-confidence.


How to fold a dollar into a triangle to attract money?

Today's life motivates, giving the possibility of existence to the great ambitions and huge boundless desires of people. That's why people today want to get rich more than ever. Of course, you can get rich in the usual way: start your own business, get a well-paid job, get married successfully. But it is not a fact that the luck that comes to you will last forever. Wealth and success should not be based solely on luck.

The magic of one dollar

A dollar bill is a powerful magnet for attracting money. The fact is that on the reverse side there is a very strong symbol; it can attract the energy of money and success. This symbol is the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid. Using the US dollar to attract money is completely justified. The dollar should be in the wallet, but not just like that, but in a folded triangle. The best time to make this talisman is during the waxing moon.

The folded dollar should be carefully stored in your wallet with the top of the pyramid facing up, and soon the money should appear in your pockets, in your accounts, and, of course, in the wallet in which the talisman lies.

How to fold a dollar into a triangle to attract money - step-by-step instructions

Bring the triangle to your lips and read the spell in a low voice three times:

“Just as a strong river attracts streams, and the sea attracts strong rivers, just as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, night attracts day and day attracts night, so you attract the like to yourself. Let it be so!"

Place the dollar facing you, in the outermost compartment of your wallet. Do not unroll or remove the bill, the eye at the top of the pyramid will always watch to ensure that the money is not transferred and attract it to itself, and George Washington will be a reliable companion for your financial well-being.

Money code

To increase the strength of the dollar in your wallet to attract money, you need to write your money code on it. Take a pen and paper and start counting.



Let's take the date 12/09/1986

Read about what a person’s personal financial code is in the article “How to calculate a financial code by date of birth?”

Fincode activation

You have calculated your money code, what next? What to do with him? How to activate and update it?

You have your own personal Money Code, which can be used in different ways to attract money into your life, but first, an explanation. You can activate and update your money code on the New Moon, as well as during the Waxing Moon. But it’s better on the day of the New Moon to feel an increase in the influx of monetary wealth. Usually the results are felt about a month after activation. Next, you will need to update it. To renew means to charge it with energy. Those. The money code does not change every time, it stays with you for life.

In addition to writing the dollar code, you can also use other methods.

Activation and update options:⠀

The magical power of the American dollar

The US dollar is an example of the most indestructible and stable currency. This is a familiar piece of green paper. But did you know that the American dollar is full of Masonic symbols?

On the back of the dollar bill is the all-seeing eye on a pyramid, which symbolizes God. Even before the advent of the dollar, Masons often used the all-seeing eye throughout the world, in all their work and the architecture of all Masonic lodges.

On the front of the bill is a portrait of the country's first president, George Washington; he was a Freemason. Masonic lodges have always contained the most influential and richest people on the planet. Many Masons wear magical amulets on their bodies, giving them control over money. The Masons imprinted their symbol on the dollar bill, dedicating its owners to the secret knowledge of the great mother, who bestows wealth and power.

The All-Seeing Eye is a Masonic symbol symbolizing the Great Architect of the Universe

The design of the one and two dollar banknotes was created by the Mason - Nicholas Roerich. At that time, the back of two dollar bills featured Masons signing the Declaration of Independence.

Immediately, the two dollar bill was discontinued because it could reveal the secrets of the great mother, now encrypted in the one dollar bill, which has the property of multiplying cash flows. Since then, the dollar has secret knowledge that can only be used by elite members of the Masonic lodge.

Since ancient times, the Masonic talisman contained an all-seeing eye in the pyramid. The equilateral triangle on the dollar, the apex of which faces upward, symbolizes the significance and greatness of the spiritual world, symbolizes life, wisdom and fire.

America has always been a tax-free, prosperous country and the strongest economic power. This may be due to the secret Masonic symbolism depicted on the green magic banknote.

Mysteries and secrets of the American dollar

Until 1784, the United States did not have its own currency. Only the first Americans brought their currencies to the continent - Spanish pesos, Dutch thalers, Portuguese reals, English dallers, etc. In 1784, the US Congress decided that the country's monetary unit would be called the “dollar”.

Currency name

The origin of the name has many versions. Many historians believe that the Americans took this name from the British, who called their currency dallers.

According to another version, it is believed that the Americans borrowed the name from the Scandinavians.

Some historians believe that the name comes from North America, where the Dutch "Levendaalders", also known as "Lion Daalerders" or "Thalers", existed at the time.

However, since none of these names were legalized by any country, America was the first country to privatize the name and give it the status of national currency.

The unknown meaning of the dollar

Esotericists consider the “dollar” mystical. The dollar name code is 8, which is the most monetary number, a symbol of power and energy, strength and financial superiority, aimed at creating money. The dollar also insists on the endless reproduction of dollars themselves, because eight is the number of infinite processes. Maybe that's why Americans are still printing dollars.

The first paper dollar was printed in 1785. Numerology code for the year is 1 + 7 + 8 + 5 = 21. This is the number of luck.

The first dollars were coins. When they were issued, the coins were not returned to the bank; each remained in the hands of people, because since time immemorial it was believed that an unchangeable coin brings good luck if it is not spent. The first dollar became a kind of genuine talisman.

The meaning of Masonic signs

Historians have different conclusions and assessments regarding Masonic dollar signs.

For example, an unfinished pyramid consisting of 13 steps - the number of American states at that time. The fact that the pyramid is truncated, that is, as if not completed, means that the world order has not yet arrived, it is still being built. At the bottom of the pyramid is the expression “Novus Ordo Seklorum”, translated as “New World Order”. The All-Seeing Eye of the Great Architect of the Universe is watching over the construction of this new order. The inscription at the top: "ANNUT COEPTIS", interpreted as "He (God) blesses our actions." As you can see, dollar signs have a universal meaning.

On the one hand, according to Masonic concepts, the pyramid is a symbol of the world order; Masons very often used such a symbol in their documents. Historians claim that the symbol of the unfinished pyramid is not a Masonic invention. This symbol has been found in the history of many ancient peoples that predate Freemasonry. The all-seeing eye was also found in many ancient cultures. The eye is a symbol of the ancient Egyptian God Ra, who signified the very creation of life and power.

Masonic dollar symbols

On the right side of the American note is an eagle with a shield with 13 stripes (13 states) with an acacia branch - this is a sacred masonry tree that symbolizes the strength of Masonic tradition and organization (some historians believe it is an olive branch) with 13 leaves and 13 buds of blooming flowers .

The eagle symbol also does not belong specifically to the Masons. Even in ancient Egypt, the eagle symbolized victorious power and was depicted with an olive branch of glory, an impenetrable shield and many arrows. These are all attributes of state power.

The eagle holds 13 arrows in its left paw, which represents the strength and will to pacify all those who threaten the nation, and this threat is directed not only at external enemies, but also at internal ones who undermine the stability of the 13 states. In its beak the eagle holds a ribbon on which is written the Latin inscription “E PLURIBUS UNUM”, consisting of 13 letters. This inscription can be interpreted as "Unity in Diversity" or "One of Many". It is believed that the first interpretation of the inscription speaks more about modesty, and the second - about pride. Americans prefer the second interpretation.

Echoes of antiquity

The version about dollar symbols borrowed from Ancient Rome sounds very convincing. Its clear relationship can be traced with the designation of the ancient sestertius (a silver coin worth two and a half pounds of copper). The second name of the sestertius “Libra-Libra-Semis” (“Pound-Pound-Half”) was a prerequisite for the appearance of “LLS” or “IIS”. As a result, the duplicated letter began to cover the subsequent one, provoking the appearance of the final dollar symbol. The theory is quite worthy of attention, especially considering the particular popularity of ancient Roman themes during the Enlightenment. Take, for example, such realities of American political reality as the Capitol or the Senate.

Main secret

So, we come to the main secret of the dollar - its Masonic component . In fact, it is not the secret of money itself, but the secret of the great seal of the United States, which is painted on the back of the one dollar bill. The Great Seal was invented by the Founding Fathers, led by Benjamin Franklin (the man whose portrait is on the hundred dollar bill). Benjamin was a Freemason, but Freemasonry in those years was viewed not as a sacrament, but as a protest against the oppression of the states of North America. Therefore, when Franklin proposed using Masonic symbols as symbols of the state, his proposal was accepted with great pleasure. The Great Seal was hand-stamped on dollars, and it was not until 1862 that it was printed on the nation's most important dollar bill. The image was admittedly difficult to reproduce and was abandoned.

In the 1920s, the creation of a new dollar design was entrusted to the Russian artist Sergei Makronovsky. He was a mysterious person because there are no informational references to him. However, his name is easy to read: ma – kronos, which means: my time (Kronos is the ancient Greek god of time). Historian Alfred Siegert claims that the artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich, who visited the United States, hid under this eloquent pseudonym. The one dollar bill is the artist's most popular work - an "image" that has been seen by almost every person in the world. Thus, with the light hand of Makronos, the symbols of the Masons and the Great Seal appeared on the back of the dollar bill only in 1935. Since then, a mystical boom has begun around the dollar, some see it as a Masonic conspiracy, while others see it as a Satanic conspiracy.

The eagle holds a scroll with the Latin inscription "E Pluribus Unum", which translates as "out of many, one"

Let's try to understand this. The Great Seal has two circles (let's not forget, a circle is a sign of security): in one there is a pyramid, in the other there is an eagle. By the way, this symbolism had meaning not only in Freemasonry. Also in the ancient world, the symbol of the eagle contained victorious power and was depicted with an olive branch, an impenetrable shield and a bunch of arrows that crushed the enemy. However, there is a completely American sign: above the eagle there is a star representing the union of US states. In the bird's beak there is a ribbon with the meaningful Latin inscription "E Pluribus Unum" - "Unity in Diversity", or more precisely - "Out of Many, One".

Mysticism about the buck

It would not be amiss to mention the inexplicable rationale for the buck symbol. Followers of the idea consider “$” as a Masonic symbol of King Solomon, as well as his 2 pillars. This is far from being an exceptional sign printed on a dollar bill, correlating with the symbolism characteristic of Masonic teachings. In addition, the connection of some of the founding fathers of the United States with the activities of lodges is truly famous. In fact, this icon is used not only to designate the overseas dollar. It is used in transactions with Mexican, Argentine, Chilean, Cuban, Dominican, as well as Uruguayan pesos, Brazilian real, Nicaraguan cordoba, etc. Video on the topic

Money comes into life from various sources. In order to increase your finances, you can carry out special rituals to attract abundance. It is permissible to perform them all together, it is permissible to perform them separately. A significant condition for the fulfillment of the plan is hope in what has been done.


1. The money bag is collected within 30 days. This ritual can increase the well-being of the family for many years; it must be performed very carefully, without missing a single day. Within a month you need to make a pyramid of money. It is worth putting only coins greater than 1 ruble in it. On the 1st day you need to put the first coin, on the 2nd - 2 coins, on the 3rd - three. The number will increase throughout the day. It is important to make the pyramid and not miss a single day. On the 31st day, when the pyramid is already assembled, you need to put all the coins in a canvas bag and hide it in the eastern part of the house. Choose any closet and put coins under things so that no one else can see them. The first increase should be expected during the process of collecting this money, and after the end of the ritual, income will begin to increase monthly. It’s better not to tell people who are not members of your family about what’s happening; keep your actions secret from haters. 2. There is a very effective methodology proposed by the authors of “Simoron”; they propose to do something strange in order to acquire a certain amount. First you need to figure out what exactly you need and how you plan to spend this money, and then you need to start getting weird. For money, it is very comfortable to wash your feet in the toilet; if you do it 3 times, they will appear instantly. You are allowed to walk around the house with red panties on your head; traditionally, even wearing them for 2-3 evenings is enough. You can dress up as a homeless person and go begging, but you only need to get 1 ruble, and it will invariably attract millions into your life. The point of these rituals is to lift your spirits and get rid of your complexes; once you leave your comfort zone, well-being will not be expected. 3. A collage of desires allows you to attract not only money, but also all sorts of physical objects. To create, you will need a wish list and pictures that represent your plans. It is necessary to make a picture from these images on a large poster or whatman paper. Place your photo in the center, and around it what you dream about. When assembling a collage, think that you are already the owner of each item, thank the world for the fact that you already have it. Then the collage needs to be hung in a prominent place and often looked at. Every time your gaze falls on this picture, say words of gratitude. In a few days, the first wishes will begin to come true, but the most courageous ones may take a little more than a year to come true. You can replace some images with others, you can complement everything with new desires. In order for money to come through a collage, you need to not simply place pictures with money, but write the exact amount you dream of. Video on the topic Useful advice You can attract money into your home using other methods: take care of the money tree, place coins in the corners of the room, place the broom with the handle down, and you won’t have to wait long for income.

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How to use

The finished triangle should be placed in the far section of the wallet so that the pyramid on one side looks directly at the owner.

Only in this case will the talisman work. There is no need to take it out; it should always be in your wallet. Now your income will increase and you will have more money in your wallet.

In addition, no one should see the secret triangle.

There are other signs that allow you to attract money to yourself:

Conspiracy to purse for profit

Money doesn't matter - as long as you have it

If you recently bought a wallet and want money to always flow into your hands, then you can perform such a ritual. To carry it out, you need to go to the shore of a natural reservoir, take a closed wallet in your left hand, and scoop up a handful of water with your right hand and sprinkle the attribute with it. Now, say the following words 5 times:

The water is flowing - it won’t end. And money flows into my wallet endlessly, for my wealth, for all the best.

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