The meaning of the Dragon amulet. How to make a talisman and where to place it at home?

Whether dragons actually existed is still debated today. The image of this strong and magical creature is revered in many world cultures. While in the West not much is known about dragons, in the East they are revered and are still worshiped to this day. The traditional dragon amulet has secret powers that only an experienced supernatural connoisseur can reveal.

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Ancient legend of the Qing Long dragon

The dragon symbolizes supernatural power. According to legend, they could turn into people and various objects. So, one summer day, Qing Long flew to the river and turned into a tree growing under water. At the same time, Chinese woman Xi Liying was fishing in the river and accidentally stepped on a tree. Subsequently, the Chinese woman realized that she was pregnant. The time came, and Xi gave birth to 10 boys.

One of Si Liying's sons saw a wondrous creature several times in the village. Since the animal symbolizes wisdom and knowledge and is considered divine, Lü Gang decided to act. He proclaimed himself the new emperor. The people of China, knowing about Lü Gang's connection with the animal, loved and respected their ruler.

During his reign, the emperor fell ill, and only the dragon’s liver could heal him. After the order to kill the mythical creature guarding the imperial palace, a storm arose and the animal flew away. Having lost divine protection, the palace fell under the pressure of enemies, and Lü Gang died of illness.

All the images in this legend have their own meaning. An appearing dragon in Feng Shui is a harbinger of happiness and prosperity. It is believed that the appearance of the beast signifies the birth of great saints and emperors. The murder or death of a divine being is a bad sign, promising disaster or death for people. The mention of a pregnant woman in the legend indicates that the beast personifies the masculine principle that gives life.

Symbol in different cultures

Mythologies around the world describe ancient creatures depending on their views and beliefs. Most of them are confident in the wisdom and kindness of the winged serpent, its desire to protect people and increase their happiness.

Far East

In Chinese culture, an animal is a symbol of higher power and mysterious knowledge. The creature adorns the emblem of this people. Every resident of the country considers it obligatory to place an amulet with a dragon in their home. Even the hieroglyph Ryu, meaning an ancient animal, has an important interpretation:

  • force;
  • intelligence;
  • mysterious abilities;
  • developed spirit.

During the time of the emperors, the dragon adorned the robe of the monarch. On the patterns of the ruler’s clothes, the animal had five claws, and the courtiers embroidered a creature with four on fabrics. The meaning of this symbol is the dominance of the emperor and his power, which allowed him to control matter.

Every generation here knows the legend where a chariot with six winged serpents helps the Sun every day to make its way around the Earth.


Slavic symbolism used the dragon as an identification of evil and the devil, dark forces. Enemy peoples were depicted as ancient creatures. This opinion was also supported by folk tales, where the Serpent Gorynych committed unsightly acts, and majestic heroes freed prisoners, destroying the evil creature.

The image of a fallen animal can also be seen on the icon of the patron saint of the Russian population - St. George the Victorious.


In the legends of this people, the ancient creature symbolizes independence. Here the dragon inspires primeval terror in the warriors, which leaves the animal undefeated time after time.

A fight with a winged serpent means a struggle for knowledge and experience, symbolizes the destruction of the dark side of a person’s personality, victory over bad thoughts and habits.


Western culture shows the dragon as the personification of evil, through battle with which one can find harmony. In religious frescoes, the overthrow of an ancient creature means control over desires, overcoming the craving for sin.

One of the incarnations of the dragon was the basilisk. The gaze of this creature is fatal to all living things.

Later, the winged serpent began to symbolize wars, natural disasters, and viruses. Everything dark and evil that humanity suffers from was personified by the dragon. Closer to the Middle Ages, the mythical creature began to be credited with immeasurable wisdom, keen vision and fortitude.

Other countries

The winged serpent adorns the myths and legends of almost all nations:

  1. In Egypt, the creature is considered a symbol of the god of the dead, evil in the flesh. Every night Ra, the sun god, wages war with him, winning victory every day.
  2. In Greek mythology, the dragon is the protector of the Tree of Life, who knows no death. He is attentive and reliable.
  3. In Jewish culture, the creature represents emptiness and melancholy. He lives in the desert, forever being alone.
  4. Among the Sumerians, the dragon confronts the god of Water, who is fighting for the freedom of the beautiful Ereshkigal.

An important symbol is the alchemical Ouroboros, where the creature grabs its own tail. The sign identifies the infinity of all things.

The Old Testament shows the dragon as the personification of evil and Satan. Here his name is Leviathan.

Dimensions and material for making the figurine

The dragon talisman is made from the following materials:

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  • polymer clay;
  • tree;
  • paper;
  • plasticine;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • gypsum;
  • metal;
  • stone.

The sizes of the figurine vary, but the amulet cannot be large, as it will begin to control the person. Animal figurines are often made with a tail tied in a knot. It is believed that the dragon's power lies in its tail.

Rings with a dragon are very popular; they are most often made in the form of an animal’s head.

Rings and rings with a dragon symbolize nobility, loyalty, and perseverance. A talisman in the form of jewelry protects against evil people.

There are rules that must be followed when wearing such jewelry.

Men should wear rings on their left hand, and women on their right.

People born in the year of the dog are not recommended to wear jewelry with a mythical beast, but for those born in the year of the tiger, the amulet will bring strength and positive energy.

Rings are divided into 2 types:

  1. Western dragon. It has a thick body covered with scales, a long neck and wings. It is considered an evil monster that brings death and destruction.
  2. Eastern dragon. It has a serpentine body and is performed without wings. Considered the patron saint of all living things. Sometimes it is called the helper dragon.

The dragon-shaped ring symbolizes the 4 elements and 4 cardinal directions.

To use jewelry correctly, you need to differentiate between them. The Dian Long (imperial dragon) is considered the most powerful. Helps to gain power. A water beast ring brings prosperity and wealth. Di Long helps to self-realize with the help of cosmic energy.

Types of dragons according to feng shui

The Chinese dragon is a sign of the Chinese nation. It symbolizes a good beginning. His element is water. According to Chinese legends, Long lives in water and can fly. The creature is depicted with the head of a camel, deer antlers, carp scales, chicken claws and tiger paws. Sometimes he is depicted with a bump on his head, thanks to which he can fly without wings. Mythical animals are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Ao-Kuan.
  2. Ao-jun.
  3. Ao-Mun.
  4. Ao-Qin.

The following breeds are distinguished:

  1. Tianlong is a celestial beast that protects the gods. He carries them in chariots.
  2. Futsanglong. Protects hidden treasures underground.
  3. Dilong is an earthen beast, in charge of the seas and rivers.
  4. Yinglong. Affects rain, wind and thunder.

Animals also differ in color:

  • lapis lazuli Qilong shows compassion for living beings;
  • scarlet Zhlun – ruler of reservoirs;
  • yellow Huanglong fulfills the wishes of those in need;
  • white Bailong represents virtue;
  • Black Xuanlong lives in magical waters.

Also in mythology, great importance is attached to the dragon turtle. This is a magical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle. The dragon turtle in feng shui is a symbol of harmony. The talisman protects the house from adversity and has specific abilities. The power of the talisman is increased by objects symbolizing wisdom:

  • books;
  • manuscripts;
  • pencils;
  • pens;
  • computer.

It is recommended to place such items next to the talisman.

How to do it yourself?

Usually purchased figurines of dragons are used for talismans, but if you really want to, you can make an amulet with your own hands: this way it will have even greater power.

  1. Using the beading technique, you can make a small dragon; for this you only need small beads, wire and a regular sewing needle.
  2. You can also embroider a dragon on home clothes, for example on the back of a robe. For this you also don’t need a lot of materials: any yarn and a special needle that will take strong fabric.
  3. If these options seem too dreary to you, then using polymer clay you can make a figurine yourself. In operation, this material is similar to plasticine, the only difference being that after drying, your sculpture takes on a solid shape and is then practically not subject to mechanical damage.

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The perfect place to store your dragon

According to Feng Shui, the talisman should be placed to the left of the door in the house. The location of the dragon figurine is in the eastern direction. With this placement, the amulet will bring financial well-being to the home, promote career growth and protect against evil forces. The figurine must be placed on a stand, but the talisman cannot stand taller than human height. In this case, he will dominate and control the person.

In the kitchen

There are many different interpretations of the symbol. Great importance is attached to the placement of the amulet. It is believed that the kitchen will be a favorable place. Flowing water symbolizes abundance. A talisman looking at a kitchen faucet will increase cash flow growth. Water used for drinking and cooking receives human energy.

In the office

The amulet can be placed on your desk or office in the southeast sector to bring financial luck. For career advancement, the figurine is placed in the north direction. To protect influential people, the talisman must be placed in the northwestern sector of the office. The number of amulets should not exceed 5, so that the energy emitted by the figurine does not get out of control.

Where to place the talisman

The dragon amulet has special power, so there are several rules for wearing it:

  1. If a pendant is chosen, it must be placed on a short chain. An ancient creature cannot be carried near your heart.
  2. The brooch is attached to the collar. Women place it on the right side, men on the left.

If a winged serpent is chosen to guard the house, a container of water should be placed next to it. It will help the proper circulation of energy. Eastern sages do not recommend placing a dragon in such places:

  • bedroom;
  • sanitary rooms;
  • on the fireplace;
  • taller than the residents;
  • below the first floor level.

Respectful interaction with the winged serpent will ensure harmony in the home, health of residents, happiness in love and good luck at work.

Feng Shui expert opinion

Feng Shui experts say that the ancient science aims to improve human nature and achieve self-control by interacting with energy flows. It is believed that the dragon exhales Qi energy, which has a beneficial effect on people’s lives, promotes their spiritual development and provides the basis for all life in the world.

In China, the dragon has great spiritual power. It is a symbol of life, light and fertility. It is considered the most powerful of the talismans and feng shui symbols.

Other religions portray the dragon as an evil force and is associated with war and destruction. In Christianity, this is a mythical monster, a symbol of death and the devil.


What does the color of the talisman say:

  1. The green dragon is the most popular and strongest, a harbinger of joy, the patron of the military, a symbol of spring.
  2. A golden dragon or a golden pearl in its clutches attracts money. Imperial emblems were made in gold tones.
  3. Blue is the color of harmony and tranquility; such a dragon rules in the depths of the water and can soar into the sky. Along with green, this shade will be optimal for a heavenly symbol.
  4. The red dragon represents the sky, it has very powerful energy and is not suitable for every home.

The appearance of a mythical animal

A dragon is a creature with large wings and claws.
Dragons were depicted as strange creatures, with the body of a snake and the head of a dinosaur. In most cultures, these animals also have large wings. Sometimes dragons were painted with deer antlers, deadly claws, and several heads.

Many cultures believed that animals were born in fire, and therefore are capable of spewing flames that burn all living things in their path.


Also, the legend of the red dragon, composed in Wales, says that King Llyd and his brother, King Llewelis of France, previously lived. The tale is included in the Mabinogion. The essence of the legend is that the men were tired of the war between the red dragon and the white one. Their battles could have continued indefinitely if the heroes had not filled the excavated pit with honey, into which these creatures ended up.

The red dragon of chaos was seduced by the sweet bait and fell into sleep. His body, like the white one, was wrapped in canvas. The hole itself in the ground was covered with a thick layer of soil.

Rules for activating amulets

It doesn’t matter what specific material the figurine is made of or what its color is. In order for the figurine to begin to function at full capacity according to Feng Shui, a special ritual is required.

To do this, you should free one morning, more precisely, the time interval from 7 to 9 o’clock. It is very important that during the ritual no one distracts, does not fuss around, and certainly does not cast skeptical doubts on the actions being performed. Ideally, it is generally better to be at home alone. The phase of the moon does not matter. No music should be played, because there is no need for its tonality to somehow change the result of the ritual.

You should prepare black ink for artists or black paint for needlework in advance. Having barely moistened the tip of the brush in it, you need to use it to place two dots on the Dragon’s eyes. And it is extremely important that at the same time it faces the east. Only in this case, the moment of awakening of the symbol will be accompanied by the activation of Yang energy, thanks to which good luck and prosperity can come to the house.

It is also important to note that it is contraindicated to buy/accept as a gift Dragons with already drawn pupils. After all, this means that it has already been activated. And unfortunately, this could not have been done with good intentions - it is monstrously difficult, but theoretically, by giving a person a “watching” lizard, one can simultaneously cause damage.

A positive exception is paintings and other two-dimensional images of a creature with open eyes - it is completely safe to become their owner. To activate such a talisman, you need to take an incense stick, set it on fire and run the end over the lizard’s eyes.

Tattoo meaning

This creature is often found in the form of a tattoo. Its meaning depends on the location, color and style of the drawing . Here are some common options:

  • A sleeping lizard is a symbol of peace of mind and tranquility;
  • Next to the tiger is one of the Yin-Yang options;
  • Soaring up - indicates the friendliness of the owner;
  • Horned - speaks of the decisive character of the bearer;
  • With wings - strengthens the strength of the spirit;
  • With bared teeth - warns of an aggressive disposition;
  • Flying down - indicates the host’s unfriendly intentions;
  • Fighting characters are a symbol of the eternal confrontation between good and evil.

In ancient China, members of the imperial family tattooed a winged serpent on their entire back as a sign of strength and power.

When choosing a tattoo depicting this mythical creature, treat it with all responsibility. Do not forget that the drawing will reflect your inner world and can tell others a lot about it.


The dragon symbol does not require mandatory recharge. Its powerful effect should be corrected with other symbols in the form of animals, as well as furniture or wooden decor. Place fresh flowers or paintings with a spring theme in the room.

Perform the ritual: dip your brush in ink, make two marks on the eyes of the figurine and turn it to the east.

This is how the talisman awakens. Dragon Day is determined according to the Chinese calendar, the ritual takes place in the morning between 7 and 9 o'clock.

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