Luck on the hook - fish according to Feng Shui, meaning of how to place the talisman » Feng Shui » Fish according to Feng Shui, as a symbol of wealth and good luck

In China, fish have long been revered, because even the word “fish” itself is identified with the word “abundance”. And with the development of Feng Shui, they began to be called symbols of wealth, good luck, family happiness and prosperity.

Today, according to Feng Shui, any fish located in the house is considered to be favorable signs, which, if used correctly, can significantly affect a person’s destiny. And we are talking here not only about live fish and aquariums, but also about figurines, paintings and any of their images or forms.

The meaning of fish in the teachings of Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, fish is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The Chinese word “yu” in translation means fish, prosperity and well-being, which, willy-nilly, makes fish an excellent amulet, bringing good news and joy to its owners during new stages of life.

This fact explains the old Chinese tradition of giving fish as a gift on New Year's Day, thereby wishing for financial prosperity and good luck in the coming year. A talisman in the form of fish can take on a wide variety of forms, but one of the most popular, effective and at the same time most attractive varieties of this symbolism is a talisman in the form of a goldfish.

Moreover, according to Feng Shui, fish are miraculous not only in the form of figurines, but also in living form. You can also use images with fish.

In Feng Shui, fish is also considered a symbol of spiritual achievement; it is used by those who strive to know themselves and study their inner world. According to Feng Shui, a pair of fish is considered one of the Buddha symbols, so it is good to have it on pillows in the form of embroidery or on paintings and curtains in the room, including the bedroom.

Fish are perhaps the most numerous representatives of the mysterious underwater worlds. Living in the depths of the water, the fish feels like a full-fledged mistress there, the ruler of the pristine ocean. Having a direct relationship to the water element, according to Feng Shui, fish, like water, is endowed with the ability to purify.

Symbolically wash a person away from everything bad (negative impressions, energy pollution), and also give hope and new life (in the symbolism of dreams, a fish caught by a girl or young woman can mean pregnancy).

Born in water and nurtured by the Yin energy of the water element, the fish in many ways symbolizes precisely feminine qualities: fertility, devotion, sensitivity, tender love, and, among the negative ones, greed, arrogance and envy.

Endowed with the ability to swim and live under water, but unable to speak or make sounds, the fish, with its eternal silence and natural silence, is able to quietly but surely protect us from troubles, calm our minds and allow us to think about the eternal.

Be sure to have a figurine or painting with a fish in your home - you will become more concentrated, collected and self-confident. Running noisily and fussily around the circle of conditioned existence, sometimes we just need to slow down and enjoy the smoothness of unhurried movements and meditative detachment that fish so skillfully master.


Requirements for the shape and size of the aquarium

Just buying an aquarium for your home is wrong, because for each specific home, according to the fan, you need an individual copy, including for the nursery, if you plan to install it there. The dimensions of length and width and shape are important. Otherwise, you can do harm and not help in finances and other matters.

The dimensions of the aquarium should correspond to the size of the living space where it will be placed. For a small area, a small one is suitable, for housing with high ceilings - a large one. Some people believe that a large container of water will bring success. This is wrong. You need a ratio of sizes, respectively, the amount of water. Otherwise, instead of good feng shui, you will get bad feng shui, and a lot of material troubles.

Form matters too. It is selected based on certain factors, personal desire is taken into account. Followers of the teachings of Feng Shui advise purchasing a round aquarium (suitable for children) and a rectangular aquarium.

Fish colors

If you are looking for luck and happiness in addition to wealth, then fish is for you. While some people continue to keep live fish in their office or home aquarium, you can also use pictures or photographs of them.

Pisces, black or red, also symbolizes wealth and success. Feng Shui practitioners often keep ponds in their yards.

One of the new fish symbols is the Horn fish with its various shades of pink, blue and black. Strangely similar to Chinese characters, the fish are very colorful.

They stand out among fish not only because of their bright colors, but they also have a characteristic hump on their heads. Hundreds of thousands of Asians are obsessed with the fish and are queuing to buy them, despite their eye-watering prices. It would seem that the lucky fish is all in their minds.

How to choose a cockerel in a store?

First of all, take a closer look at the fish. As a rule, the cockerel has a blue or red tint, a little dark. Gently move your finger in front of the aquarium - does the “cockerel” begin to move more actively? Check that the fins are straight and without damage. If the fins are separated, it means the fish is sick; you should not buy one. The cockerel should also be wary of excessive lethargy. In addition to peeling fins, signs of the disease may include holes in the scales, rashes, or mucus on the fish’s body. The fish should evoke pleasant emotions in you and a desire to admire it.

Read also: Corella parrot (photo and video). Care tips.

Feng Shui goldfish for money

An aquarium with eight goldfish located in the wealth zone will moisturize the wooden zone and nourish your financial condition. The ninth fish must be black - a symbol of protecting your finances.

If one of the fish died, do not panic. It should be promptly replaced with a new one.

According to Feng Shui, goldfish are a special breed of carp. They are large, voracious, but not whimsical. However, they can be replaced with smaller fish. Those that are more suitable for the size of the apartment, while leaving the symbolism of the talisman - these are golden and black veil tails.


Live fish in the theory and practice of Feng Shui

Fish are an excellent option for those who, for some objective reason, cannot have a pet, but dream of it.

These cute little creatures are not as demanding to care for and handle as other pets, and have a positive effect on the overall atmosphere and energy of the home. But the issue of aquarium fish needs to be approached not only creatively, but also taking into account all the rules and recommendations of Feng Shui: choose the right number of fish, location and shape of the aquarium, etc.

Since the wrong placement of emphasis and priorities can result in an unnecessary effect.

As for the shape of the aquarium, although this issue is rather individual for each apartment, it is still advisable to adhere to the correct forms.

Where to put an aquarium with fish

The location of the aquarium in the apartment is similar to the location of the fish mascot and can be as follows:

  • East - this option will provide an influx of energy into the spheres of family, health, and in general, everything related to the element Water and its symbolism is suitable for this sector.
  • Southeast - such a location promises material well-being; a square or rectangular aquarium would be appropriate here. It’s great if this side of the world coincides with the living room in your home.
  • North - here an aquarium will ensure success in career matters; the best option for a northern aquarium would be a spherical shape.

Placement of figurines

It is recommended to place figurines next to gold in order to use them as a symbol of prosperity and financial well-being.

Since water is the element of the north, fish figures are perfect for activating the northern career zone.

If you have real fish, it would be a good idea to place the figurine next to the aquarium to enhance the positive effect.

It is forbidden to place figurines in the bedroom, since the water symbol can provoke infidelity of one of the partners; it is also necessary to refrain from placing fish during pregnancy.

Aquarium with 9 fish

The number of representatives of the fauna of your aquarium should not be even, and it is desirable that it be a multiple of 3. The optimal number is 3 fish (two gold and one black) or 9 (eight gold and one black). Black fish are introduced into the composition in order to ward off misfortunes and troubles from your home.

An event such as the death of a fish should not upset you, since it is believed that in this way a misfortune in your home was prevented, and the loss must be made up for.

Of course, if we talk about the power of talismans, then it is best to have an aquarium with live fish in the house. Of course, this will take more time and effort, but it will definitely pay off and bring the long-awaited luck and material well-being to the house.


Carp in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, carps have a positive meaning because they are treated with respect and respect in China. It is these fish that symbolize purposeful movement forward and enormous endurance even in the presence of obstacles. Paintings “Carps” in Feng Shui represent the owner’s additional wisdom and harmony in all areas of life.

The most elite carp in China are Koi carp. Feng Shui loves these fish very much because they were bred thousands of years ago and are often found in beautiful Chinese legends. The peculiarity of this breed of carp is that they are multi-colored.

Where to place 9 Koi carp according to Feng Shui

A figurine of one carp is called “Tai” and is associated with luck and high spiritual development of a person. You can place such a figurine in the southeast so that the money goes into your hands. A pair of carp, in turn, makes the relationship between a man and a woman warmer and more friendly. The most powerful talismans are 9 carps according to Feng Shui. What does this symbol mean? This is the prosperity and enrichment of the whole family.

Whatever talisman you choose, do not forget to activate it.

Place the carp near or directly in the water, even if it is a painted fish or figurine.

Of course, live carp has maximum efficiency. You can also complement the carps with other talismans - the Taoist holy elder or the god of happiness Eibisu. In the first case, the composition gives peace of mind, and in the second - longevity.

According to Feng Shui, nine carps can be safely placed in the north of the apartment to increase income. If you know your Gua number, place the talisman in the appropriate area so that the head of the fish faces the desktop or the center of the house. According to Feng Shui, 9 Koi carps in a study or office will bring victory in competition. And in the northeast, this talisman helps to successfully complete your studies.

Koi carps, especially 9 pieces, according to Feng Shui, can be made in combination with coins and bells. The materials can be any, but among the shades you should give preference to blue and black colors with a metallic tint.

A panel with Koi carps using the Guohua technique can become a separate interior decoration and talisman. This is Chinese painting on paper or silk using water-based paints and ink.

According to Feng Shui, the main amphibious animals store the energy of Water, but their positive qualities greatly help people in various sectors of the apartment.

You need to choose such strong talismans based not only on ancient Chinese experience, but also on your own intuition.

For example, according to Feng Shui, a snake means grace and knowledge, but if you have unpleasant associations with such a creature, you should discard the amulet.

Preparing an aquarium for a betta

To prevent accidents, the new home must be equipped. This type of fish feels comfortable in shallow and spacious reservoirs, 20 or more liters. All necessary equipment must be installed: heater with thermostat and filters. It is advisable to use minimal water flow or use sponge models. All stones must be smooth, without sharp corners, otherwise the fish may be injured. You cannot use plastic vegetation; it is better to give preference to silk. The ideal option is living vegetation. Fish love to hide in it, play and relax.

Dolphins according to Feng Shui

The figurine of these smart mammals is a guarantee of home safety and a prosperous life in it. Feng Shui dolphins change their meaning in accordance with the characteristics of the selected talisman:

  • The statue with two dolphins represents a happy family partnership. It should be placed in the bedroom and in the northeast if these loving animals are swimming on the crest of a wave.
  • If dolphins play with each other, they would be appropriate in a children's room. This talisman protects the health of babies when it is in a sunny place. You can also place the figurine in the common dining room for well-being. The figurine at the front door, in turn, helps protect yourself from bad guests.
  • Wooden talismans bring peace and tranquility to the apartment. Oak is used to represent a close-knit family, and dolphins from fruit trees add prosperity. Animals based on pine, fir or cypress improve well-being.
  • If a stone dolphin means stability and profitability, then an onyx one means the destruction of all negativity. Golden figurines symbolize joy.

Arowana fish or dragon fish

The dragon fish is as strong a talisman as the three-toed toad - the larger it is, the better. The only thing is that the arowana will bring the owner exactly the amount that a person can handle.

The feng shui arowana fish is a rare freshwater tropical fish. If you want to bring her into your aquarium, in addition to the fact that she is large, she should not live in crowded conditions. It grows depending on the volume of water and is very expensive.

It has been proven that the arowana lived already in the Jurassic period. Its large scales, graceful flexible body and fins that are located at the very tail make it look like an eastern dragon. Hence the nickname - “dragon fish”.

Although the Arowana comes in different colors, there is a legend that says that if a silver Arowana changes color to red, its owner will receive untold riches.

Arowana located in the wealth zone of the office will bring good luck in business. If arowana is placed at home, it will attract harmony and prosperity to the family.

If you want to have an Arrowana fish in your aquarium, then remember that the northern sector is most suitable for it. If you want to have more than one Arrowana, the number five is most favorable for this case.

The tropical arowana, or Dragon fish, has become widely known not only as a symbol capable of attracting wealth, but also as a good protector. Those who want to keep Arrowana should be very careful: only those fish whose scales have pink, gold and silver shades are suitable.

These fish are expensive and require a lot of money to maintain them as they need to be fed live fish, shrimp and worms.


Reproduction of cockerels

At the age of 5-6 months, the fish reach sexual maturity and are ready to reproduce. But in order for the cockerels to bear offspring, they must be prepared. Firstly, during the period of preparation for reproduction, you need to diversify the diet of the fish, adding plenty of live food. Secondly, raise the temperature of the water in the aquarium to 29-30 degrees, and change the water a little more often, diluting it with fresh, settled water. Since bettas breed during tropical rainstorms in their homeland of Southeast Asia, changing the water will imitate this phenomenon by refreshing the water in the aquarium. The male betta differs in that before spawning he builds a nest of bubbles.

At this time, the male can be removed from the general aquarium into a smaller volume of water or a place for building a nest in the general aquarium can be separated with a transparent partition. When the nest is ready, the female is placed next to the male. As a rule, he begins to chase her in the evening and this mating extravaganza continues until the morning, when the exhausted female lays eggs.

At this time, the female needs to be removed, leaving the male to care for the eggs, which he carefully transfers to the nest of bubbles. If the female is not removed, the male may kill her to death. But sometimes spawning drags on for 1-2 days. It is necessary to ensure that the female does not receive significant damage from the male, who swoops down on her in a fit of passion. Below you can watch a video on how to care for a betta:

See also:

  • Corella parrot - description and content >

Pictures with fish and their placement

If you are going to decorate your apartment with a figurine of a fish, then it is good if it is in the form of an arowana or a carp. The latter is the sacred fish "Tai" and symbolizes good luck and success in achievement. A pair of carps symbolizes harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman, and nine carps are a symbol of prosperity.

Just as the carp persistently overcomes obstacles on its life path, reaching the mouth of the river, a figurine with its image is a symbol of perseverance and inflexibility of life positions and views. Arowana fish, or, as it is also called, dragon fish, is a very valuable and rare species in nature (its cost can reach tens of thousands of dollars).

This fish is distinguished by its unusual appearance, non-standard beauty and plastic movements.

And if all other fish simply symbolize material well-being, then the arowana is a talisman of fabulous wealth. It is enough to have at least one similar talisman in the house to attract material wealth, and it will work 100%, but, depending on the person, the volume of material wealth also varies, that is, they come in quantities that a person can handle.

You cannot have an even number of arowanas at home; in such a combination they can lead to conflicts with friends on financial issues.

An amulet in the form of a pair of fish is also common: it protects well from unfavorable energy. The power of its action is best demonstrated if it is embroidered on curtains or pillows, thereby reflecting external sources of negative energy.

As for the location of the fish, it is best to place this amulet in the southeast in the Wealth zone. In addition to the fact that fish, being in your home, act as an invisible hook on which good luck clings, they also scare away misfortune. In the east, a pendant of two fish is very popular; it is most often worn by children to protect them from troubles and problems.

In addition to the southeast, the north side (Career zone) is also suitable for this water talisman, since water, being an element of the north, will contribute to success in career matters and professional growth.

But there is one zone that categorically does not accept the presence of both figurine fish and an aquarium with live fish.

We are talking about the bedroom, since any water signs in the territory of this room will provoke adultery of one of the partners. It is also not recommended to place this talisman in any version in the kitchen if there are pregnant women in the house.

What do fish figurines symbolize?

According to Feng Shui, Pisces usually means wealth and fulfillment of desires. This is not difficult to remember if you mentally associate such a figurine with the image of a Goldfish, as well as with a catch that brings money.

It is worth considering that such a figurine, unlike some others, usually does not give amazing luck that can quickly make a person fabulously rich. But it helps those who are ready to work.

There are different design options for fish figurines, and each of them has its own meaning. The same principle applies when creating animal figurines. For example, carp means perseverance, determination, the ability to overcome any obstacles, just as this fish overcomes stones and river rapids, stubbornly moving against the current. Also, a carp figurine means luck, spiritual achievements, and wisdom. Two carps will symbolize harmony in love, successful family affairs, and happiness in the home. If there are nine of them, it will become a symbol of prosperity, wealth, and generosity.

One of the most striking and important elements of the interior, according to Feng Shui, is the Arowana, which is also called the Dragon Fish. It is extremely rare in nature and is incredibly expensive. A figurine depicting such a fish means great wealth. It is like a magnet that attracts money into the house, and the more a person tries to work, the more successful his business is with the help of this figurine. However, you need to be careful: an even number of Arowana in the house symbolizes quarrels and problems over money.

Panels and scrolls with fish

Panels and scrolls came to us from Ancient China and to this day are considered exquisite decorations inside any room. Velvet, silk, paper, wooden panels and scrolls perform not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function.

They depict a wide variety of Feng Shui symbols and talismans, and if, due to the peculiarities of the interior, it is impossible to place the desired talisman, there is no harm in hanging a panel or scroll on the wall.

Panels with fish are very popular in Feng Shui. It’s not difficult to guess what they serve. Their purpose is also to attract good luck and material well-being, plus the color of the base and golden ornament will help enhance the effect. Feng Shui scroll with fish fulfills the same purpose as the panel, attracting material well-being to the side of its owners.

Fish for the aquarium

Many people wonder what kind of fish is best to get. Chinese Feng Shui advises choosing “whatever your heart desires.” But for money, golden ones are better. In science, this color is a symbol of prosperity. In ancient times, only rich people could afford such fish.

A cockerel is also suitable - a beautiful color with an interesting tail, and to activate the energy of money, red-finned fish. The main thing is to be healthy and active. Examples are shown in the photo.

Other symbols of abundance in Feng Shui

Feng Shui toad

According to Feng Shui, a frog has the same meaning as a toad, since in China these creatures are not distinguished from each other. These are talismans that represent the element of water and bring wealth. Feng Shui toad is especially strong if there are fountains or paintings with water landscapes in the sector.

Most often found in the home or office is the three-toed wealth toad, which has coins in its mouth with a hole in the middle. If you don’t have a frog with a coin according to Feng Shui, simply insert any money that is associated with wealth into the frog’s mouth. Just don't glue them.

Anyone who has a beautiful precious frog in their home is wondering what is such a rich symbol in Feng Shui? In this case, we can talk not only about the emergence of new money, but also about the protection of what has already been earned. In addition, a toad with a coin in its mouth and a special symbol on its back, reflecting the harmony of Yin and Yang, has an enhanced effect. It is useful to purchase figurines with stands in the form of money.

Ideally, a Feng Shui money frog should be made of wood or yellow metal to match the element of Water. Options with crystal, stones and glass are allowed, but the main thing is that according to Feng Shui, the money toad resembles a real animal. Therefore, stylized figures are not suitable.

According to Feng Shui, a frog also has good strength if made independently. It can be sculpted from clay, embroidered on fabric or carved from wood.

Where should the money toad be located according to Feng Shui?

According to Chinese practices, the question of where the toad should stand according to Feng Shui is very important, since this talisman is capricious. First, decide where the frog should look. The best option is to look at the apartment itself, and not the front door.

  • When choosing how to place a frog, be guided by family traditions of managing money matters and cardinal directions. So, you can keep the figurine in the living room, office or hall.
  • According to Feng Shui, where should the money toad be located without taking into account the layout of the apartment? Of course, in the wealth sector, on the southeast side of the house or office.
  • When you have a Feng Shui toad, where should you place it to activate it? This should be a place with water so that the talisman can be bathed in a stream of running liquid. The coin frog should come into contact with water once a week, but it can even be placed in an aquarium.
  • If you want your office at work to be guarded by a money toad according to Feng Shui, where should you place this figurine on the table? Choose the upper left corner of any work surface.
  • When considering where to place a toad according to Feng Shui, avoid dirty and cramped places: bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. There is also no need to place a frog in the southern sector.

A similar sign

In Feng Shui, an aquarium filled with goldfish is considered a strong and effective symbol in financial matters. A strong helper for the home. To awaken money energy, you should have live fish in the house or in the photo. Feeding pets is equal to attracting wealth.

Some useful tips

If you want your fish to live longer, then carefully read the rules below.

Do not pet your pet very often. Although the fish allow you to do this, you should not get carried away. The fact is that their scales contain a special protective mucus, which disappears with frequent stroking. Because of this, the fish becomes vulnerable and susceptible to various diseases.

From time to time the cockerel lies down on the bottom of the aquarium. If he does this infrequently, then there is no reason to worry. But if the pet begins to cling to the bottom constantly and this behavior continues for several days in a row, then the owner needs to consult a specialist and examine the pet.

Leave the aquarium water for at least 3 days. Tap water with chlorine is harmful to betta fish.

Requirements for the shape and size of the aquarium

Just buying an aquarium for your home is wrong, because for each specific home, according to the fan, you need an individual copy, including for the nursery, if you plan to install it there. The dimensions of length and width and shape are important. Otherwise, you can do harm and not help in finances and other matters.

The dimensions of the aquarium should correspond to the size of the living space where it will be placed. For a small area, a small one is suitable, for housing with high ceilings - a large one. Some people believe that a large container of water will bring success. This is wrong. You need a ratio of sizes, respectively, the amount of water. Otherwise, instead of good feng shui, you will get bad feng shui, and a lot of material troubles.

Form matters too. It is selected based on certain factors, personal desire is taken into account. Followers of the teachings of Feng Shui advise purchasing a round aquarium (suitable for children) and a rectangular aquarium.

Location of the aquarium

Where to place a fish tank in the house will be determined by your goals:

  1. The southeast of the house or a separate room will help to activate the energy of money. And here the fish are placed in containers that are golden in color. The water should bubble, thanks to the aerator, and be alive. Only in this case can you expect profit for your wallet.
  2. The northern part of housing activates career success. In the absence of a container with fish, you can place a flask where air bubbles move in the water.
  3. If residents often do not put up with each other, according to the fan direction, you can place an aquarium without rushing water with fish in the north-west. Just a bowl filled with water will do.
  4. To fulfill a secret desire, followers of Feng Shui advise placing a container with fish in a corner.
  5. The universal place to place fish is in the east. It will help business, childbearing, and the family in general. It just requires careful care.
  6. In the nursery, it is better to put it in the knowledge sector for good study and the desire for new, interesting, useful things.
  7. The number of fish depends on the requirements of the sector.

Interesting facts about your pet

The betta fish is aggressive if circumstances force it. She can fight even with her reflection in the mirror to the point of complete exhaustion. Needless to say, placing an aquarium next to a mirror is dangerous?

During the spawning period, these fish show their sympathy for the female in a certain way: the males inflate their gills, protrude their fins, and wriggle their whole body. The females begin to actively fidget back and forth on the bottom, attracting individuals of the opposite sex.

Photo source: Photo source:

Betta fish sometimes need to sleep, but this fact is not easy to notice. If you cannot tell whether a fish is sleeping, then know: you can recognize their sleep by the following signs. The fish freezes for a long time in the thickets, behind a snag or other secluded place. It can also simply hang in the water column. Sometimes the fish lies on the bottom of the aquarium or turns on its side to sleep. Usually pets sleep in the evening when it is dark, but if the owner comes into the room and turns on the light, the fish quickly comes to life and returns to its previous rhythm of life. Betta fish do not have a deep sleep phase.

Feng Shui snake

According to Chinese Feng Shui practices, the snake has a directly feminine meaning. It is a beautiful symbol of wisdom and beauty, represented by one or two creatures.

Snake figurines can be encrusted with jewelry or perched on piles of coins.

A cobra figurine with an amber ball is also popular.

Where to put the talisman

The placement of the snake according to Feng Shui is closely related to the materials of the talismans.

  • In the east, figurines made of wood, jade, onyx and bamboo are required. They break routine, bring change in relationships, and help you acquire new skills.
  • The southeast is combined with stone snakes surrounded by fish, dragons, flowering plants and awards. This sign represents income and success.
  • In the northeast, sculptures made of stone or crystal are ideal. Such talismans are useful for doing business, organizing transactions or excellent study.
  • For the West, a figurine made of cedar, bronze, juniper and sandalwood is suitable. It represents health.
  • The northern sector is in harmony with metal snakes, next to which there are elements of water: aquariums, turtles, fish. Such a symbol adds confidence to the owner and stimulates career growth.
  • In the center of the house, i.e. in the family sector, crystal and glass figurines are needed. They bring unity, harmony, and a sense of mutual understanding to the apartment.

Feng Shui turtle

According to Feng Shui, the turtle is the most ancient and powerful talisman, one of the four heavenly inhabitants. According to Feng Shui, it is the turtle figurine that combines health, long life and wisdom, bestows good luck on every home and protects families.

Along with the legends and myths in which the feng shui turtle is involved, the significance of this animal was determined by its behavior and characteristics. Therefore, the talisman is associated with moving forward and achieving any goals.

Everyone becomes interested when a real turtle appears in the house: what is the symbol of what feng shui is this slow creature? In fact, such an animal is very suitable for the head of the family, because it supports his affairs and brings financial well-being. According to Feng Shui, a living turtle always brings happiness to the family if it is carefully looked after.

As for the figures, they are divided by color and material.

  • In Feng Shui, three turtles represent the longevity of several family generations and general well-being. This pyramid of animals is an excellent talisman for the eastern sector.
  • Financial benefits earned only by one’s own labor are attracted by the ceramic feng shui tortoise. Where to put such a symbol? It’s better to go to the desk or to the career sector, so that the promotion is accompanied by the accumulation of wisdom.
  • The Feng Shui black turtle is made of metal. It may have a little silvering or gilding on the shell, but in any case it is associated with help at work with the proper human effort. A talisman of this kind is kept in the northern zone on a handful of gold coins.
  • An animal made with your own hands from cardboard, according to the rules of Feng Shui, is extraordinary. On the turtle figurine, draw dots with a blue felt-tip pen and connect them into a triangle to enhance the element of Water. You can also attach your photo to the back of the creature. Such a talisman, placed in the office, will help you take a step towards your goal.
  • In Feng Shui, the dragon turtle takes care of the longevity of the owner and helps him achieve a high social position. According to Feng Shui, a turtle dragon combines the meanings of all celestial animals if the figurine has the body of an amphibian and the head of a fairy-tale creature. This talisman can protect the house from burglars in the absence of the owners if it is placed in the hallway opposite the door. In the bedroom, this symbol enhances personal health. A feng shui dragon turtle can have a small baby on its back for the welfare of children.
  • According to Feng Shui, a turtle in a bowl represents incredible wealth. If you do not find such a figurine, place a coin in the talisman’s mouth or apply a hieroglyph of prosperity to the shell.

Where to put a turtle according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the turtle should be located behind the house if you hope for complete protection from the outside. In the apartment, keep the symbol on the north side.

What does a turtle mean in Feng Shui in the children's sector?

If this is not just a forgotten figurine, but a used soft toy, then the animal brings protection to the younger generation from disappointment and deception.

You can also place the talisman in the southeast, using both wooden figurines and a living creature.

When considering where to place the turtle according to Feng Shui, do not choose the bedroom, otherwise you may lose a restful sleep. Also, do not forget that according to Feng Shui, a turtle enhances its effect in the presence of plants or a clean aquarium.

What does a turtle symbolize according to Feng Shui if it is located in an office behind a person’s back? This is a powerful defender against the nagging of superiors and competition, as well as an assistant in promotion at work.

What to watch out for

Not all sectors, according to the teachings of Feng, can place fish in containers with water. In the south it is contraindicated, especially in the nursery, the children will make poor progress in their studies and school achievements. You can bet in any other zones, taking into account the nuances.

The kitchen is also no place for fish in water; fire reigns there - two opposite elements, of which there are already enough representatives there. It is especially dangerous if you are pregnant; it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Do not place fish in the bedroom; feng followers warn of possible loss of money and harm to the health of those present. And water landscapes are also contraindicated here.

In the nursery, place the container in a place where it is hardly noticeable, so that the child is not distracted when preparing for school.

And one last thing. Wherever the container stands, it should not be located behind the back - only in front. It's fraught with trouble. Feng practitioners often talk about this during lectures. And sharp corners from walls and furniture should be avoided.

Hippopotamus according to feng shui

This animal is a symbol of power and invincibility. It is associated with extraordinary strength and fertility. Despite the negative attitude towards these creatures in many ancient cultures, the Feng Shui hippopotamus has only positive meaning.

It represents love, peace, tranquility and hope. Therefore, such a talisman acts as an excellent talisman for the home.

Figures with hippopotamuses can be different: aggressive, playful, thoughtful. Moreover, the figurine is usually single and small.

According to Feng Shui, hippos are suitable as gifts for couples, travelers and very cheerful people.

When positioned appropriately, the figurine conveys fun and carelessness. You can activate the talisman by scratching it behind the ear. Such a hippopotamus additionally brings health and new acquaintances.

Cockerel content

An aquarium of medium or even small volume - 20-40 liters - is quite suitable for keeping a betta. The water temperature in it should be between 24-28 degrees. But males can survive a decrease to 15-18 degrees quite painlessly, if such a decrease is not too long. The water should not be too hard. Periodically, you should replace a small amount of water with settled boiled water. You can also use boiled peat as a primer, which softens the water and gives it a beautiful amber hue.

You can feed your betta with almost any food for tropical fish - coretra, cyclops, daphnia, bloodworms, dry types of food. You can add the yolk of a hard-boiled egg to your diet, as well as finely grated frozen beef. Good coloring can be achieved with the constant presence of live food on the betta’s menu. When feeding exclusively on dry food, the fish loses its bright color, which becomes more faded.

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