How to compose and decipher the four pillars of fate?
If you were able to construct this map using an online calculator, you will notice that
How to protect Feng Shui at home from negative Flying Stars
Be careful, the Yellow Five is flying towards you! So much is always said about the Yellow Five that it
Halloween Pumpkin: History, Legend of Jack-O-Lantern
In Russian folk tradition, pumpkin occupied an important place not only in cooking, but
Where to place an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui and how many fish are needed for harmony
According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also
why do they throw change under the door?
Why do they put a coin under the rug on the threshold of the house? Money sign you need to know!
This is a serious magical ritual that can have unpleasant consequences. What to do with tossed coins?
How to use coins on a red thread - 6 types of Feng Shui talisman
One of the most common Feng Shui talismans are Chinese pendants on a red thread. In ancient times
Lo-shu square by date of birth
Sectors and zones of the apartment according to Feng Shui, we apply Bagua or Lo Shu to the plan.
» Numerology » The importance of the lo shu square 0 2589 Article rating How often do
What is a pillar - Meaning of the word pillar
In Vasmer Max's dictionary, gen. p. -a, ukr., blr. stovp, stovp, other Russian. stalp, st.-slav.
Red Luan in Ba Zi
Love and creating a family. The influence of the 10 gods in the bazi chart.
Luan in the Ba Zi card Red is the color of fire and passion, so it’s not in vain
feminine and masculine energy yin and yang
Feminine and male energy, also known as Yin and Yang: what are the differences and how to achieve balance?
September 20, 2018 Lifestyle Ahi Svetlana The modern world lives at an accelerated pace. To
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