Veles tattoo - meaning for men, description (including seal and bear paw), impressive sketches, photos and videos of works

Tattoo Veles

Veles tattoo is an image of one of the most controversial Slavic gods. Most often you can hear the name bestial god, since Veles was the patron of animals. However, its functions were not limited to this. Veles was revered as the god of wisdom, knowledge and magic. This image refers to Slavic amulets tattoos.

Legend of the deity

The Slavic god Veles, according to legend, made this world move and breathed life into it. This forest werewolf god could bestow wisdom and was the patron of witches and sorcerers.

The symbol of Veles is an inverted triangle, a stylized image of a bull's head with horns. A sign hangs over the head, denoting supernatural knowledge.

However, most often Veles appeared to people in the form of a forest owner - a bear. Therefore, you can find another of its symbols – a bear’s paw or its print.

In the world of the ancient Slavs, this was one of the most revered gods of the older generation. Veles patronized agriculture, was responsible for the fertility of soils and forests, and protected cattle breeders and their animals. He was also the protector of the family and clan.

Veles was once expelled into the world of people, but among them he lived good-naturedly and taught people many useful things - to raise livestock, to cultivate the land. He brought the most talented ones closer to himself and shared magical knowledge, the secrets of existence, and the secrets of the gods.

Types of Veles sign

People of all ages are allowed to use the sign of Veles as patronage and protection. It doesn’t matter what goals they pursue for this: success in school or at work, a strong family home, getting rid of illnesses or strengthening the body and spirit.

However, it is worth noting that the Veles sign comes in several types, each of which has its own special purpose.

The names of the types of the Veles symbol, their characteristics and meaning are given below.

One of the interpretive symbols of Veles is the transition from one world to another after death

Stamp "Wolf's Paw"

Formed from the image of one of the totem animals of this god. With its image it resembles a wolf's paw print. Represents donation for the sake of one’s goal and the safety of loved ones.

A talisman with a “Wolf Paw” gives a person fortitude and courage even in the most hopeless situations. With it, it will be easier for a man or woman to achieve their intended goal, avoiding failures and the adverse influence of others along the way. In addition, the sign symbolizes love and care for others, helps to come to agreement and understand.

The symbol of the god Veles “Wolf Paw” as a talisman is suitable for people with pronounced leadership qualities.

Pattern enclosed in Kolovrat

The sign of the Slavic deity Veles looks like an intricate pattern enclosed in a Kolovrat, personifying the divisions of the world into Rule, Nav and Reality. Helps a person to understand the world and improve himself. In ancient times, burials were decorated with this symbol, as it signified the transition from one world to another.

  • Suitable as a talisman for all ages, genders and professions, except criminals and felons.
  • In ancient Rus' it was especially in demand among livestock breeders, artisans, traders and landowners.

They were often used by sorcerers and magicians to carry out rituals. It was believed that the symbol of Veles was able to open clairvoyant abilities and develop intuition.


An amulet that appears in the shape of a circle, symbolizing the sun. In ancient Rus' it was used to protect warriors from injury and death.

It is especially useful for travelers and hunters who are vulnerable during a long stay outside the walls of their home.

With the Bear's Paw seal you get the most powerful amulet

Veles star or shield

It is a six-pointed symbol representing calm and harmony. It is necessary for knowing your soul and mind, as well as finding harmony with the physical and spiritual components of your body.

The Veles amulet in the shape of a shield or star helps get rid of fears and self-doubt.

Monomakh's hat was decorated with a Veles shield.

Wheel of Veles

It means the immortality of the soul, the sun and the continuity of the cycle of nature. This is the movement of planets in a certain order and the eternal existence of life.

An amulet with a sign helps you start your own business and achieve financial stability with its help. Know yourself and accept the inevitable death of the physical shell, but not the spiritual one.

Bear Paw

Another seal with the image of an old man’s totem animal. Just as in the case of the Wolf, it is depicted in the form of an animal’s paw, but larger in size and with longer claws.

One of the most effective Veles talismans, which has powerful powers. It brings good luck in trade matters, which is why merchants used to wear it everywhere. Helps you come to an agreement easily and without conflicts, as well as make useful contacts.

Previously, the amulet was considered only a male sign, but in the modern world girls are also not afraid to take on big responsibilities. The symbol helps to take on serious responsibility, as well as solve almost impossible tasks. Ultimately, this is what tempers a person’s spirit and makes him invulnerable and ready to face a problem of any nature and complexity.

Veles's Bear Paw amulet can change the character of women. They will acquire more fearless, strong-willed and responsible traits.

Rune of Veles

The 9th runic symbol in order, called “Wind”. According to legend, it was the clever old man who gave people writing.

  • The rune itself, when placed upright, means achieving victory after meeting your most sworn enemy.
  • If it lands upside down, it means defeat.

In general, the meaning of the Veles sign for all its types is knowledge of one’s inner world through knowledge, acceptance of responsibility and protection of one’s neighbor.

Talismans are most often made of metal

Studying Veles tattoo

So, what can we say about the owner of such a tattoo? It is important to remember that only the bearer who invented, ordered and wears this image knows the true meaning. And only after this can this mysterious symbolism be interpreted. In a general sense, we can assume that the drawing carries the following set of meanings:

  • The owner of the Veles tattoo is, if not a native believer, then clearly honors the memory of his Slavic ancestors and their heritage, and is respectful and even religious about the pantheon of ancient Slavic deities.
  • A person is interested in ancient rituals and traditions, especially magical ones.
  • The bearer can, consciously or unconsciously, due to his mythological consciousness, turn to the Slavic gods as patrons. In this case – to Veles himself. Perhaps he needs knowledge, he longs to know the secrets of the world and eternal truth.
  • This person strives to understand the laws of life, the secret side of the universe.
  • He has developed intuition, even clairvoyance or a penchant for providence. He loves to think and be alone with himself.
  • A tattoo of Veles, a god with the talent of werewolf, can mean a craving for nature, reverence for the elements and natural forces. Perhaps a person recognizes her divine nature.
  • Tau of Veles is the desire to attract material prosperity into your life, to achieve financial profit through the patron of fertility.
  • This is a traveler who wants to enlist the support of such a patron of the roads. Veles was a wandering deity who helped travelers.

The meaning of the seal of Veles

The Veles seal is a strong and mysterious sign. It has several types. This is a paw print of a bear or wolf. The seal is also depicted in the form of a horned triangle - an inverted letter “ A ”, cut in the middle. A tattoo with this sign means that a person is protected by a forest idol.

The meaning of the symbol applied to the human body means that its owner remembers who he is and where his roots came from. He loves nature, appreciates its beauty, and takes care of animals. The drawing brings the owner the wisdom and cunning of the beast. Also, the seal of Veles helps to achieve material wealth and well-being. But you need to remember that in order to achieve your goal, it is not enough just to apply a tattoo, you need to actively act. This is exactly what the ancestors did. They asked the deity for help and went to work hard.

The seal of Veles is not a decoration, but an amulet with a deep sacred meaning.

It will not help adventurers and lovers of quick money. But a person who has lost his path can find it again.

The owner of the seal is protected from troubles; neither damage nor the evil eye affects him. And vital energy increases, helping to achieve career success. Printing helps travelers, traders, creative people, and entrepreneurs.

Sketch options

Veles’ tattoo is most often chosen in the form of the image of God himself - as the customer imagines him, because there is no clear source. According to ancient descriptions, this is a gray-haired old man, who is wrapped in bear furs or a cape, with a magic staff in his hand. The staff looks like a club, a club or a thick branch, reminiscent of the forest element ruled by Veles.

A large, detailed tattoo of a deity with all its attributes is often applied to the back so that the full scale can be easily read and the intended design can be accurately described. Often the composition is accompanied by elements of wildlife or a detailed forest background.

Being both a man and a bear, this god combines animal and human principles. In this vein, bear paws, horned and furry silhouettes are often painted without a face designation.

Appearance of the Veles sign and history of origin

Veles is a symbol whose image resembles an inverted letter A. It personifies a bull, which is one of the incarnations of the deity under the name Veles. This sign is popularly known as the “Bull’s Head”.

The bull is not the only incarnation of Veles. There are many symbols of deity, the most popular of which are the wolf and the bear.

According to the Old Slavic legend, Veles, when appearing to people, most often chose a bear image.

Veles is an Old Slavic deity of the highest pantheon, who is the patron of wanderers, merchants, sorcerers and travelers. With the help of amulets and embroideries on clothes with a symbol, people protected themselves from spiritual and physical negative influences.

The deity can easily move between parallel worlds, including visiting the human one. Externally, his image is combined on the basis of a wolf, a man and a bull. However, Veles can move through the worlds outside of his bodily form.

  • He understands all animal languages ​​perfectly.
  • Can read people's thoughts, even from a distance.
  • The deity is closely connected with nature, especially with the animal world, and, if necessary, can inhabit the bodies of animals.

The Old Slavic god Veles is depicted as a gray-haired old man with a staff.
In ancient images, he was depicted as an old man with a long gray beard, a staff and a long coat of animal fur thrown over his shoulders. It symbolizes strength, fortitude, will and intelligence. Therefore, if a person had an object with the sign of Veles, it was believed that this would help to acquire the protection of the elder.

To draw the sign of Veles, it is not enough to simply depict the Russian letter A upside down. Visually, the upper part of the symbol is separated from the lower - this is the correct spelling of the sign.

Drawing a symbol on paper, getting a tattoo or embroidering a symbol on clothes is not difficult, but what about amulets and amulets? In such cases, two connecting supports are placed behind the symbol on the pendant.

Who chooses Veles tattoo

God patronizes travelers, tourists, hikers, geologists and foresters. If your activity is related to wild or domestic animals, then Veles can take care of you.

This is clearly a masculine symbol, worn to awaken wisdom and natural strength, as well as the opportunity to create a large family. A man can be a Slavic pagan, an artisan and the head of his family, the eldest son, a responsible and deep person by nature. You can trust him with secrets, he will support and share his fortitude. These are often physically strong, although not necessarily large, people.

However, with all the beauty and power of the symbolism, it is worth considering that this is a pagan deity. And you shouldn’t make such a drawing on your body just out of “love of art” if your faith, especially Christian, means something to you.

Most often, Veles tattoos are applied by neo-pagan Slavs, who are quite numerous today. But if such tattoos are worn by a person who is far from these beliefs, then he will have all sorts of troubles - both from people who respect this god, and from God himself (this is reasonable).

It is important to honor nature, respect the past of our ancestors, accept other people's beliefs and not criticize the choice of tattoo. The history of the Slavs was half-forgotten, but if one of the men still pins such images, it means that some spark of faith in the old patrons is still preserved.

Samples in photos and videos from a site dedicated to tattoo culture are your faithful assistant in choosing the best sketch. The master will also provide additional advice on all questions regarding symbolism.

How to activate a symbol?

You can leave pork meat as an offering to the deity for the opportunity to use the power of the talisman.
Practitioners believe that the paw of Veles has the greatest power, which is filled with strength among trees - pines, cedars or firs. The favorable time of day is after sunset, because God lifts the curtain of Navi for mortals, contact with which is strong at night. Activation takes place alone; phones and other equipment must be turned off. The seal is clenched in the palms and a request-appeal to the deity is mentally pronounced. It is then recommended to leave an offering at the top of the hill after midnight. Veles loves cow butter, pork, animal skins, bread, wine and honey.

At home, activation is carried out with the elements of water and flame. Alone, the wick is set on fire, and the symbol is lowered into a bowl of water collected from a stream, source or spring. Next, a prayer is said to the deity. As a supplement, the powers of the remaining elements are sometimes used; for this, the amulet of the seal of Veles is buried in the ground, and then fumigated with incense.

Who is it suitable for and how to wear the amulet

The talisman can be worn by absolutely anyone - age, gender, status does not matter. The amulet is suitable for anyone who needs the protection of the god Veles. A magical sign will help the child to correctly navigate life’s difficulties, learn to realistically compare their capabilities with their desires.

Adults will also be helped to find the right way out of the current situation by becoming the patron saint of the traveler. It will protect you from the evil eye and the evil plans of bad people. For women, such a protector is recommended if the lady by nature has too soft a character. Long-term use of the amulet can significantly change a woman, even changing the path of fate, so you cannot leave it with you for a long time. Speaking of men, a powerful guardian will hide his owner’s vulnerabilities and dependencies from prying eyes, expand consciousness, show the way, and lead to the achievement of goals. The magician will help in performing rituals and sacraments.

Slavic tattoos of animals and birds

Quite often, animals or birds were the main focus of the tattoo. They all have completely different meanings, which are worth knowing before the application process. For example, the bear is the owner of the forest and the embodiment of the god Veles. Therefore, a symbol in the form of a tattoo always means power, strength, as well as health and fertility.

The wolf is the guide of souls to the afterlife. Often such a symbol means justice, courage, cunning and even loneliness. However, when choosing this option for yourself, try to put into the drawing the correct message that suits you personally. Otherwise, the amulet will only do harm.

In turn, the raven has always been associated with dark forces. Despite this, he is a wise bird. It is most often chosen by men. The image of a dragon symbolizes the unity of life and death, as well as good and evil. Many believe that such a talisman helps to avoid or overcome internal disagreements that are characteristic of every person.

If you decide to get a Slavic tattoo, be sure to look for an experienced artist. The fact is that in this case every detail matters. Therefore, it is very important that he is familiar with the specifics of applying such drawings.

Slavic runes: meaning of tattoo

Not many people know that Slavic runes are a manifestation of writing. They have a deep historical meaning. Of course, it takes quite a lot of time to understand the meaning of each of them. However, in general, we can say that each symbol looks unusual in its own way. Their interpretations contain words such as rainbow, peace, strength, support, rock and much more.

Correct wearing of an amulet with the sign of Veles

The Veles talisman has ancient sacred powerful energy. Therefore, you need to wear it correctly.

First of all, you need to accurately select one of the symbol types. Most often, people prefer to wear amulets in the form of amulets that hang around their necks. In rare cases, these may be wrist bracelets.

A pendant or medallion with the sign of Veles helps a person go through trials every day, strengthen his spirit, and also strengthen his character. Under the influence of the medallion on the neck, a person gains lightness in the body and clarity of mind, which allows him to make carefully considered decisions.

The amulet cannot be left outside the house, as each time its aura and connection with the owner will weaken.

In addition to its protective functions, the bracelet awakens the power of clairvoyance and telekinesis. If you do not remove it for 7 days, it can increase the physical strength of your hands. In addition, creative talent associated with manual labor awakens - drawing, clay sculpting or sewing. In order not to weaken the energy of the symbol, amulets and bracelets must be worn directly in contact with bare skin.

With the sign of Veles "Bull's Head" they create amulets for the home, which should be hung above the door, and not carried with you. This method provides better protection than a horseshoe hanging over the threshold.

The amulet must be worn according to the rules

Children should not carry the amulet with them all the time, otherwise it will take a lot of their energy. It is enough to put the talisman in the child’s pocket or backpack.

Before a big and long trip, you need to hang the talisman around your neck and hide it under your clothes. It is recommended not to remove it until the end of the trip, so as not to attract trouble on the road.

Wearing the amulet correctly has the following magical properties:

  • achieving harmony, order and love in family relationships;
  • protection on long trips;
  • good luck on business trips;
  • academic success;
  • getting rid of health problems;
  • improving yourself and the world around you through deep knowledge;
  • ensuring a good harvest and a strong economy;
  • increasing male power.

Amulets in the form of the sun can attract the energy of the cosmos, which makes a person more purposeful and unbending.

Tattoo Slavic patterns

In ancient times, the Slavs preferred to decorate their bodies with a variety of ornaments and patterns. They consisted mainly of geometric shapes: squares, triangles, rhombuses. They were also often supplemented with dots, crosses and spirals. In general, the main meaning of such drawings is fertility.

Of course, the main purpose of such tattoos is to demonstrate power and strength. Therefore, the addition was often a drawing of a crown, heart or inscription. In turn, women made such tattoos with the addition of a floral or foliage ornament. Thanks to these details, the drawing looked softer and more delicate.

Meaning of Wolf's Paw

A less common, but still possible, version of the Seal in the form of a wolf's footprint. The wolf is another hypostasis of Veles. To those who turn to it, the amulet, in addition to traditional protection, gives purposefulness, independence, strength of character and courage. Can demonstrate and enhance leadership qualities. It will help where you need to gain authority and reputation.

Important! If a person’s activities are associated with real risk and danger, it is better to choose the option of the Seal of Veles in the form of a Wolf’s Paw.

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