Feng Shui meaning of the variety of 7 elephant figurines

What types of elephants are there?

Seven elephants are chosen as gifts and home decor. There are legends around this symbol that it has the power of patience, fidelity, wisdom, and longevity.

Having such figurines in your home, you find an idyll of family relationships.

An elephant with her calves gives the joy of motherhood and a successful pregnancy. For children, this is a talisman for good luck in the educational process.

How many species of elephants are there? There are so many different versions of them in shape, size, colors, materials and even the position of the trunk that it’s impossible to count. Each of them has its own energy and symbolism.

  • Golden figurines develop leadership abilities, firmness and perseverance, help in achieving goals and concentration.

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  • The silver color of the elephant means wisdom, especially suitable for women leaders and managers.

  • Crystal is a good amulet against bad people and bad influences.

  • The white marble talisman helps strengthen the nervous system and deters failures and blows of fate.

  • A jasper figurine enhances intuition, gives faith and additional strength.

  • The malachite talisman is well suited for students and schoolchildren in obtaining an education, instills confidence and an optimistic attitude.

  • The amber amulet will help increase self-esteem and get rid of jealous relationships.

This gift or purchase for yourself will bring pleasure, joy and good luck.

How many Elephant figurines can be installed at home?

First of all, the quantity is determined by your desire. According to Feng Shui, their number has its own meaning.

  • If you decide to purchase 1 figurine, this will help increase your charm and confidence. You will feel the strength and desire to create.

  • 2 elephants are a symbol of love. For single people, it will attract the other half and help them find mutual love.

  • 3 figures will give you the desired addition to the family, the joy of motherhood and harmonious family relationships.

  • 4 promise life stability and material benefits.

  • 5 elephants will change your life, bring new impressions and favorable events into it.

  • 6 figurines will give you luck in your love endeavors.

  • 7 elephants will help you achieve your goals. Your creative abilities will unfold, philosophical thoughts will arise, and many opportunities will appear. This amulet attracts well-being in everything, gives health and long life, harmony in love relationships, close connections and success in business.

  • 8 amulets will help you overcome adversity and solve emerging problems.

  • 9 is the figure for the development of mental qualities, the assimilation of new things and the desire for knowledge. The number nine has a particularly positive effect on children.

  • 10 figurines will make positive changes in your life.

  • 11 will give you good health and a lot of vitality.

Feng Shui elephants

According to Feng Shui, the elephant represents a symbol of wisdom, greatness and good nature. Elephants in the Asian world are considered divine animals; they are strong, resilient, endowed with patience and intelligence. They rightfully bear the title of royal animal. In China, the elephant is considered a symbol of health and longevity, it symbolizes spiritual knowledge and serves as a symbol of harmony.

Buddhist texts say that a white elephant will help people free themselves from earthly shackles. In Thailand, elephants are worshiped as a powerful and wise animal that protects against evil spirits. Local architecture in almost every building has an altar with figurines of deities, on which elephants are necessarily present.

In India, the elephant is the king of animals, a symbol of prudence and wisdom. In Christianity, elephants also found themselves, the elephant symbolizes the victory of Christ over evil, and it is depicted as trampling a snake.

In Feng Shui, figurines of elephants with a raised trunk are used; they attract the energy of good luck, and serve as a good talisman and amulet. According to Feng Shui, white elephants are considered strong generators of good luck; they represent stability and support. Suffice it to recall from history people’s idea of ​​a flat world, the earth is supported by three elephants, which stand on a large turtle floating on the ocean of the universe. According to Feng Shui, the support of elephants has a special symbolic meaning, its meaning means strong support, you will always have something to rely on, you stand firmly on your feet.

According to Feng Shui, elephants attract positive QI energy and prudence, they create the foundation for a sustainable lifestyle. You should definitely use elephant symbols in your home or work, they eliminate conflicts and problems, provide support and prosperity, and bring a craving for spiritual development and the manifestation of wisdom.

According to Feng Shui, to protect your home, you can use two elephants whose figures are placed outside the house above the front door, it turns out that at the entrance to the house you are greeted by two elephants. This use will allow you to neutralize unfavorable CI at the entrance, which will have a beneficial effect on all residents of your home.

According to Feng Shui, elephants can also be used to repel the negative energy of Sha. For example, if the corner of the house looks out your window, you can place a figurine of an elephant on the windowsill with its trunk raised upward in the direction of this corner, and thus the negative impact from the Sha will be neutralized. In the Feng Shui technique Flying Stars, you can also use elephants to smooth out the negative influence of bad stars and activate good ones. In Feng Shui, an elephant is a universal weapon for all occasions, and it must be used.

Favorite sector (zone) of an elephant according to Feng Shui

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, elephants have proven themselves to be excellent in all areas and sectors of the house. But the most effective thing will be if you place the elephant in the southeastern sector of the house, so the elephant will personify a stable foundation in the financial situation of the owners of the house. In the northwestern sector, the elephant will support the head of the family, this will mean that you will acquire strong patrons.

In Feng Shui, the main thing is symbolism, so an image or painting of an elephant, or elephant figurines made from different materials, will work equally well.

But the main thing is not to overdo it with elephants, since Feng Shui is, first of all, harmony and balance, so a large advantage in one direction, according to Feng Shui, can have a negative impact. Therefore, if you have financial stability, you should not additionally use elephant symbols in the southeastern sector of wealth.

Seven elephants according to feng shui

In Feng Shui, the number seven has a special meaning; seven denotes the completion of a cycle, for example the lunar cycle lasts exactly 7 days. According to Feng Shui, the seven elephants were not chosen by chance; they have special powers. Seven elephant figurines can be used to activate the wealth sector, which will allow you to experience constant financial luck.

Also, 7 elephants can be used to attract a favorable star, according to Feng Shui Flying Stars. In fact, the number seven here means completeness, that is, the final result. And the completeness of a Feng Shui sector or zone in the presence of favorable QI energy activates it. Therefore, be sure to use elephant symbols in the Feng Shui decoration of your home.

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Seven elephants of luck

It is this quantity that has had magical powers since ancient times, and as a talisman it works very effectively. They will always come to the rescue in difficult times and help you fulfill your desires. What do seven elephants symbolize?

Their power is in attracting positive energy waves, acquiring the right thoughts, and a stable life without stressful situations. These figures bring good luck to your home, harmony in family relationships, help you achieve spiritual wisdom and find peace within yourself.

The legend of ancient times spoke of the great power of seven metals, which included: mercury, gold, silver, copper, lead, tin and iron. This is written in magic books and sages talk about it.

And the planets that we see, there are also 7 of them - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Mercury are always located at the same distance from each other and spin in the same orbit, these phenomena lead to the general harmony of our entire Universe.

The Chinese people bow to the gods of luck; oddly enough, there are also 7 of them: Daikoku, Fukurokuju, Ebisu, Bishamon, Hotei, Benzai, Jurojin.

Therefore, when seven elephants appear in your house and stand nearby, it is believed that this is a talisman that fills all family members with happiness, love, and health.

It is very important to buy these figures not gradually one at a time, but as a whole set at once.

It is in the set that they resemble each other and the sizes decrease proportionally.

If 7 elephants settle in your house, then it will always be full of happiness, love, prosperity, good luck, mutual understanding and health.

It's about the trunk

When you realize that you have decided to make this purchase, when you arrive at the store, be sure to look at all the figures offered. Then you will notice that they are all different. The difference is not only in the material from which they are made, but in their design, or more precisely the location of the trunk.

What positions of the trunk can be observed:

  1. It is raised up, and may even be pressed against the head. This means that it attracts wealth, your financial situation will begin to grow, you will find a good job and begin to move up the career ladder.
  2. Lowered down, this amulet will take care of the health of the whole family, but the main thing is to place it correctly at home so that it does not start working in the wrong direction. If such an elephant is placed in the money zone, it will begin to work differently than we wanted. It can bring you losses and debts.

You can purchase a small wallet elephant as a talisman, which means storing and increasing your money. Such a figurine should be hidden from prying eyes.

There are figurines with the trunk extended forward. This means intelligence and a thirst for knowledge. This talisman is suitable for those who develop their intellectual level and think about fame. But don't forget about the correct location.

If you don’t care what’s wrong with his trunk, and you want to place baby elephants at home, then choose the collection of figurines you need based on the emotions and warmth emanating from them.

How to clean and activate?

But now that we have decided which elephant figures we will place, where and how many, we need to activate them. Elephant talismans are very powerful in themselves, but you can make them work even better. You should hang some kind of decoration on the figurine, preferably beads. The elephant has a weakness for jewelry.

Important: under no circumstances should you hang ivory jewelry on an elephant figurine. This will turn on the reverse (negative) process of the talisman.

It is advisable to choose jewelry from semi-precious stones and precious metals (gold, silver). After you purchase a figurine, it must be cleansed of negative energy. To do this, wash the product with salted water.

There is no need to place elephant figures throughout the home. They cannot bring you all material and intangible benefits at once. If you really need something, then focus special attention on it. And you will be happy. Previous

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Large herd of elephants

The figurines look good against the background of your home interior when you place them on furniture.

You can get carried away by them and not notice that you have them everywhere. This is not necessary, because talismans have very strong energy flows that can disrupt all harmony and turn the ring

Fortunes are reversed. Then you will feel that you cannot get rid of problems. There must be moderation in everything.

If you decide to buy a talisman of 7 pieces, then there should be only one set in the apartment. There is no need to buy such things for every room. Let's attract harmony and peace into the house and not disturb it.

You can place a figurine of a mother elephant and a little elephant at home. This will bring you closer to fulfilling your dream of becoming parents.

For those who want to find their other half and find a strong union, buy sitting elephants. They will definitely bring you closer to the knot of marriage.

You can put 2 figurines in the bedroom, they will be the guardians of love and fidelity. Or you can place the same figures at work. This will help protect against the breakdown of professional relationships and interference from outsiders.

For children, you can put the figurine in the room on the table. This way, the children will be calmer and will begin to perceive the educational material more easily.

On the desktop, the elephant will act as a talisman in completing projects that will be successfully completed.

If you liked an elephant, and a toad is sitting on it, then this is a money talisman that attracts wealth, especially if you place it in the southeast.

If you don’t see such items on sale, and purchasing them is important to you, you can order delivery online. The websites contain detailed descriptions of the figures and their characteristics.

Where to put it in your home?

Let's look at how many elephants you can put in a house and what their number means. But you need to remember that you can put up a lot of figurines, but is it worth it? After all, everything should be in moderation.

  • One elephant will bring additional charm and help you believe in yourself.
  • Two elephants - and you are guaranteed to meet your loved one.
  • Three elephants will set the mood for the arrival of a baby in the family.
  • Four elephants will ensure financial stability.
  • Five elephants will help you take an important step in life.
  • Six will become helpers in love and bring good luck.
  • Seven elephants, as already mentioned, will ensure harmony in everything.
  • Eight elephants will help you overcome life's adversities.
  • Nine elephants, if placed in a nursery, will help the child to better assimilate knowledge.
  • Ten elephants. Once you have installed them, be prepared for big changes in your life.
  • Eleven elephants - you will have excellent health.

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Now let's see where the figurines need to be placed:

  • According to Feng Shui, elephant figurines can be placed in any part of the house, they will work everywhere. But the south-eastern part of the house is considered the most effective zone. There a strong foundation for the financial situation of household members will be formed.
  • But if you need protection from the evil eye of an unkind person, then a figurine (a pair of elephants) should be placed near the front door. Elephants will greet people as they come.
  • Elephants in the bedroom are the path to love and fidelity between spouses.
  • In the workplace, elephants will also bring good luck.
  • And by placing an elephant in the northwest, the head of the house will enlist its support.

But it’s worth repeating, the most important thing is not to overdo it. After all, harmony and balance according to Feng Shui are the main indicator. And too many figurines can have a negative impact.

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