Feng Shui meaning of the variety of 7 elephant figurines

Seven porcelain or bone elephants decorated the home of almost every Soviet citizen. Let's try to figure out exactly where porcelain elephants go and why they attracted people so much.

The popularity of seven elephants was explained simply - people sincerely believed that it was a symbol of comfort and prosperity and that it would bring long-awaited happiness to their homes. But what was this belief based on?

First, let's talk about why there are seven elephants and not eight or, say, nine. Seven is a magical number, and therefore it is actively present in our lives. There are seven days in a week, there are seven colors in the rainbow, and there are also seven notes, seven wonders of the world.

In Christianity, there are seven ranks of angels, seven deadly sins, and seven weeks of Lent. And among Buddhists, the number seven itself is considered sacred.

What types of elephants are there?

Seven elephants are chosen as gifts and home decor. There are legends around this symbol that it has the power of patience, fidelity, wisdom, and longevity.

Having such figurines in your home, you find an idyll of family relationships.

An elephant with her calves gives the joy of motherhood and a successful pregnancy. For children, this is a talisman for good luck in the educational process.

How many species of elephants are there? There are so many different versions of them in shape, size, colors, materials and even the position of the trunk that it’s impossible to count. Each of them has its own energy and symbolism.

  • Golden figurines develop leadership abilities, firmness and perseverance, help in achieving goals and concentration.

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  • The silver color of the elephant means wisdom, especially suitable for women leaders and managers.

  • Crystal is a good amulet against bad people and bad influences.

  • The white marble talisman helps strengthen the nervous system and deters failures and blows of fate.

  • A jasper figurine enhances intuition, gives faith and additional strength.

  • The malachite talisman is well suited for students and schoolchildren in obtaining an education, instills confidence and an optimistic attitude.

  • The amber amulet will help increase self-esteem and get rid of jealous relationships.

This gift or purchase for yourself will bring pleasure, joy and good luck.

Topiary figures - a fashionable trend in landscape design

Garden topiary is an art that came to us in Russia from Central Europe back in the 17th century.
And in Europe, this most interesting trend has its roots in the culture of Ancient Rome. Translated from Latin, “topiary” is “ornamental art”, and “topiaryus” is “gardener”. Initially, the art of topiary was understood as the artistic pruning of trees and shrubs, and only at the beginning of the 20th century they came up with the idea of ​​using a rigid frame so that plants of suitable bindweed varieties would entwine it, thereby forming topiary figures of the required shape.

Today, the art of garden topiary has moved even further. With the invention of modern materials and technologies, it became possible to produce topiary figures from artificial turf, which is indistinguishable from real grass and has many advantages over it.

Topiary figures are experiencing a new round of relevance at the beginning of the 21st century, and this trend in landscape design is only intensifying every year.

Advantages of artificial grass garden figures

  • Topiary figures made from artificial turf will not dry out or wither. They do not require maintenance or watering and do not rot or corrode.
  • The sculptures will delight you with their pristine appearance not only in summer, but also in the cold season.
  • Figures made from high-quality artificial grass can be installed in any corner of the garden, since they are not demanding on the amount of sunlight. They can also be installed indoors.
  • You purchase garden topiary today to use sculptures in your landscape for many years to come!

How many Elephant figurines can be installed at home?

First of all, the quantity is determined by your desire. According to Feng Shui, their number has its own meaning.

  • If you decide to purchase 1 figurine, this will help increase your charm and confidence. You will feel the strength and desire to create.

  • 2 elephants are a symbol of love. For single people, it will attract the other half and help them find mutual love.

  • 3 figures will give you the desired addition to the family, the joy of motherhood and harmonious family relationships.

  • 4 promise life stability and material benefits.

  • 5 elephants will change your life, bring new impressions and favorable events into it.

  • 6 figurines will give you luck in your love endeavors.

  • 7 elephants will help you achieve your goals. Your creative abilities will unfold, philosophical thoughts will arise, and many opportunities will appear. This amulet attracts well-being in everything, gives health and long life, harmony in love relationships, close connections and success in business.

  • 8 amulets will help you overcome adversity and solve emerging problems.

  • 9 is the figure for the development of mental qualities, the assimilation of new things and the desire for knowledge. The number nine has a particularly positive effect on children.

  • 10 figurines will make positive changes in your life.

  • 11 will give you good health and a lot of vitality.

How to activate the elephant talisman

Experts say that the energy of the talisman itself is strong - it does not require intervention. Therefore, you should not try to activate the talisman on your own.

The only thing that will endear you to the elephant is jewelry. The Feng Shui symbol can be complemented with unusual pendants with precious stones, beautiful bracelets or chains. Earrings are perfect.

In the East, it is customary to hang a rosary (cypress or sandalwood) on a drawing or photograph of an elephant.

It is worth remembering that the use of ivory is strictly prohibited - your amulet will be offended. And you are unlikely to receive the desired protection from him.

Seven elephants of luck

It is this quantity that has had magical powers since ancient times, and as a talisman it works very effectively. They will always come to the rescue in difficult times and help you fulfill your desires. What do seven elephants symbolize?

Their power is in attracting positive energy waves, acquiring the right thoughts, and a stable life without stressful situations. These figures bring good luck to your home, harmony in family relationships, help you achieve spiritual wisdom and find peace within yourself.

The legend of ancient times spoke of the great power of seven metals, which included: mercury, gold, silver, copper, lead, tin and iron. This is written in magic books and sages talk about it.

And the planets that we see, there are also 7 of them - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Mercury are always located at the same distance from each other and spin in the same orbit, these phenomena lead to the general harmony of our entire Universe.

The Chinese people bow to the gods of luck; oddly enough, there are also 7 of them: Daikoku, Fukurokuju, Ebisu, Bishamon, Hotei, Benzai, Jurojin.

Therefore, when seven elephants appear in your house and stand nearby, it is believed that this is a talisman that fills all family members with happiness, love, and health.

It is very important to buy these figures not gradually one at a time, but as a whole set at once.

It is in the set that they resemble each other and the sizes decrease proportionally.

If 7 elephants settle in your house, then it will always be full of happiness, love, prosperity, good luck, mutual understanding and health.

Seven elephants for luck

For a very long time I wanted to make a talisman decoration, for good luck, for some reason the thought came to mind about elephants, which everyone loves so much, I started searching, reading, and this is what I found, I want to share!)

Once upon a time it was fashionable to have elephants in the house, and of course seven of them. They were displayed on a white embroidered napkin on a sideboard or chest of drawers: starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. Cute white elephants - marble or porcelain - were later recognized as philistine, removed from prominent places and were only sometimes found among grandmothers among old things... But time passed, the era changed, and elephants reappeared at flea markets and appeared in antique shops. They are again placed in a prominent place, often without thinking, simply out of habit. But what does this symbol, which came to us from distant India, mean?..

The elephant as a symbol is found among different peoples and in different cultures, but in Russia it is primarily associated with India. In Ancient India, the elephant was a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, rides around his domain on a beautiful white elephant, Airavata. Airavate in ancient Indian mythology is the first celestial elephant, who became the progenitor of all elephants; it is considered to be the mount and war elephant of the god Indra. According to one of the myths, Airavata is the main of the 8 white cosmic elephants that were born from the shell of the world egg during the creation of the world and guarded all directions of the world. Airavata is considered the guardian of the East; he is powerful and fearless in battle. His strength and valor is evidenced by the expression common in ancient myths: “Like Airavata in battle.” The first descendants of Airavata were snow-white winged elephants that flew through the air. One day they disturbed the sage's peace, for which they were cursed and lost the ability to fly. In India, there is still a belief that white elephants are endowed with the magical gift of creating clouds...

Ganesha is the most revered deity in India after Vishnu, Shiva and their wives. He is depicted with the head of an elephant on a human body. Ganesha is the god of foresight and wisdom; all Hindus call on him as the remover of all kinds of obstacles before starting any business. Ganesha is also the god of literature. According to legend, the great epic “Mahabharata” was written with the tusk of Ganesha. “If a Hindu builds a house, then before that he pleases the image of Ganesha and installs it at the construction site or nearby; if he writes a book, then at the very beginning he pays tribute to Ganesha, since he is the patron of literally every written sign. When going on a trip, he prays to Ganesha for protection, and for the convenience of travelers, his image is often placed on the side of roads, especially at intersections... The figure of the god of prudence can usually be seen above a store or bank. And above all else, there is perhaps no deity in the Hindu pantheon who is so often invoked and seen so often.”

In Buddhism, the elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability, it is dedicated to the Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya in a dream, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the Bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, the "vahana" of the Bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the elephant is an attribute of Mercury, an emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon, when, bathing in the river, it calls on Heaven. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and in the visual arts it personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, and victory over death. Later, these ideas were reflected in the Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.

For medieval people, the elephant was a symbol not so much of Christ as of the fight against Satan. The elephant is a symbol of the Crusaders, this animal was depicted with a tower full of archers on its back. The elephant is a symbol of the fight against world evil; it is often depicted fighting a dragon, which, like Satan, lies in wait for elephants, entangles their legs with its long tail and strangles them with its long neck. In medieval Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales, since few Europeans at that time had seen a living elephant. The elephant is often found in paintings of paradise, and since the Crusades its image has appeared on coats of arms. Europeans received elephants from time to time as gifts from various eastern rulers. And this is very symbolic: light came from the East, Christ was born in the East, and the elephants are from there. In this sense, the story of A.I. is very interesting. Kuprin, one of the best stories for children written in Russia, is a story about a girl who recovered from a serious illness when an elephant was brought to her apartment at her request - a simple and touching paraphrase of the gospel miracle of Jesus’ resurrection of the daughter of a rich Jew. The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. In India, China and Africa, it serves as an emblem of royal power and symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as loyalty, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity and happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant, as an emblem, plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant became a similar symbol of fertility and rainfall. The white elephant was also a symbol of the Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand). In China, they believe that riding an elephant in a dream promises happiness...

The elephant symbol is actively used in Feng Shui, where the elephant is an auspicious animal, a symbol of stability and stability. It is believed that, thanks to its trunk, the elephant can draw good luck and prosperity into the house, as it can get something from afar. Therefore, it is recommended to place the elephant on the windowsill with its trunk in the direction of a good star. Thus, the elephant draws luck from the street into the house through the window. If the elephant turns its trunk inside the apartment or house, this will mean that good luck is already in this house. Where is it better to place the figurine with the elephant? To attract monetary energy, an elephant should be placed in the wealth sector, and in the assistant sector - to attract a patron and support the head of the family, since the elephant is a symbol of power and indestructible strength. To activate the talisman, you just need to decorate the elephant. Hang gemstone beads or a beautiful chain around the figurine’s neck. If the talisman is made in the form of an image, you can hang rosary beads made of sandalwood, cypress or amber from the picture. But under no circumstances hang ivory beads, this may anger the elephant and his revenge for his dead brothers will fall on the inhabitants of the house.

In the East, the elephant is symbolized with longevity, because it lives quite a long time, and also with moderation - these animals are very unpretentious in food and drink, so their images and figurines help people refrain from excessive spending. This, of course, primarily concerns women and so-called shopaholics. So what exactly is an elephant? This is beautifully told in a parable, the heroes of which - three blind men - wanted to find out what an elephant is. One felt his leg and said: “An elephant is like a column.” Another touched the animal's tail and said, "An elephant is like a rope." The third touched the trunk and said: “An elephant is like a snake.” Not a single one guessed right. However, we recommend that you definitely buy cute elephants made of porcelain, marble, wood or any other material and place them in a row of seven pieces (the magic number!) on a napkin. Give elephants to friends and family - if only because giving a family of seven elephants is an ancient Indian tradition that expresses the wish for happiness and longevity: a string of elephants reminds of eternity, and the seven gives mystical power to the wish...

It's about the trunk

When you realize that you have decided to make this purchase, when you arrive at the store, be sure to look at all the figures offered. Then you will notice that they are all different. The difference is not only in the material from which they are made, but in their design, or more precisely the location of the trunk.

What positions of the trunk can be observed:

  1. It is raised up, and may even be pressed against the head. This means that it attracts wealth, your financial situation will begin to grow, you will find a good job and begin to move up the career ladder.
  2. Lowered down, this amulet will take care of the health of the whole family, but the main thing is to place it correctly at home so that it does not start working in the wrong direction. If such an elephant is placed in the money zone, it will begin to work differently than we wanted. It can bring you losses and debts.

You can purchase a small wallet elephant as a talisman, which means storing and increasing your money. Such a figurine should be hidden from prying eyes.

There are figurines with the trunk extended forward. This means intelligence and a thirst for knowledge. This talisman is suitable for those who develop their intellectual level and think about fame. But don't forget about the correct location.

If you don’t care what’s wrong with his trunk, and you want to place baby elephants at home, then choose the collection of figurines you need based on the emotions and warmth emanating from them.

Which figurine to choose

I recommend choosing elephant figurines with a raised trunk. It attracts positive Qi energy into the house, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. Family members will not quarrel, they will have wealth.

Despite the belief that an animal with a lowered trunk has a bad meaning, this is not the case. In Eastern teachings, such an image or figure is a talisman for the home. On the contrary, it protects the house from bad influences, popularly from the evil eye or damage.

There are figures of 3 animals, they mean the unity of man, earth and sky. A figurine of seven elephants is considered the most powerful talisman for the home. Taking into account the needs, animals with raised or lowered trunks are chosen.

Large herd of elephants

The figurines look good against the background of your home interior when you place them on furniture.

You can get carried away by them and not notice that you have them everywhere. This is not necessary, because talismans have very strong energy flows that can disrupt all harmony and turn the ring

Fortunes are reversed. Then you will feel that you cannot get rid of problems. There must be moderation in everything.

If you decide to buy a talisman of 7 pieces, then there should be only one set in the apartment. There is no need to buy such things for every room. Let's attract harmony and peace into the house and not disturb it.

You can place a figurine of a mother elephant and a little elephant at home. This will bring you closer to fulfilling your dream of becoming parents.

For those who want to find their other half and find a strong union, buy sitting elephants. They will definitely bring you closer to the knot of marriage.

You can put 2 figurines in the bedroom, they will be the guardians of love and fidelity. Or you can place the same figures at work. This will help protect against the breakdown of professional relationships and interference from outsiders.

For children, you can put the figurine in the room on the table. This way, the children will be calmer and will begin to perceive the educational material more easily.

On the desktop, the elephant will act as a talisman in completing projects that will be successfully completed.

If you liked an elephant, and a toad is sitting on it, then this is a money talisman that attracts wealth, especially if you place it in the southeast.

If you don’t see such items on sale, and purchasing them is important to you, you can order delivery online. The websites contain detailed descriptions of the figures and their characteristics.

What does an elephant mean to Europeans?

Amulet and amulet in the form of an animal began to appear in Europe relatively recently. The figurines were brought by Indian and Chinese traders. Today, under the influence of Asian cultures and teachings, figurines and images of animals began to symbolize happiness, wisdom, and stability.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant attracts positive Qi energy, and in Hinduism the giant symbolizes protection, since these animals have long been used as part of the army. For the reasons listed above, an elephant is a suitable amulet for the home. It will be especially useful for:

  1. People who feel they have no control over their lives and want to find stability and protection.
  2. People in leadership positions.
  3. Mothers or women who will soon become them.
  4. Students and people undergoing training: the figurine will give them a sense of purpose.
  5. Families where they often quarrel: the giant is peaceful, so it will balance the atmosphere in the house.
  6. Those who are experiencing significant financial difficulties.

A figurine or image of an animal is placed in special places in the house to attract the necessary energy flows. Pay attention to the pose of the elephant.

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