Feng Shui symbols: talismans, hieroglyphs and their meaning

Autumn is slowly coming into its own. It's getting cold outside, the sun isn't warming like before. What does the soul want at such a time? Wrap yourself in a blanket, take a hot mug of tea or coffee in your cold hands and have a good rest (or start learning Japanese!). Isn't this a real manifestation of peace, tranquility and harmony ?

Exactly! In this article, three new hieroglyphs are waiting for you, with exactly the same meanings: “peace”, “tranquility” and “harmony”. Stock up on a blanket and a cup of something warm and get started!

What are Feng Shui hieroglyphs?

Chinese character "Feng Shui"

Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui are a system of conventional ancient Chinese signs containing a certain semantic meaning. Among the many reinforcing elements, such as auspicious numbers, verbal wishes, Feng Shui hieroglyphs are the most symbolic and effective. Despite its brevity, their image contains great meaning. Their action and effectiveness are time-tested.

Hieroglyphs in the Feng Shui system are aimed at achieving harmony with the world and the environment by the person using them. This leads to an improvement in the life situation as a whole, harmonization of relationships with other people, achievement of certain life goals, protection from adverse events, and contributes to personal and spiritual growth.

Fu Dog

The second name is Heavenly Lions of Buddha. The amulet has great power. It prevents quarrels and discord in the family. The Fu dog is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and happiness in family life. Double use - male and female - doubles the power of the amulet.

Figurines and images of Fu Dogs can be located both inside the house and outside, as well as inside the car or in the workplace. The amulet provides protection from negative phenomena, the evil eye and evil forces.

Feng Shui hieroglyph meanings

There are quite a lot of hieroglyphs. Each hieroglyph has its own unique meaning and specific purpose. Below are a few basic hieroglyphs and their meanings.

Hieroglyph “Dragon” Represents power and extraordinary strength, patronizes business and your family. Contributes to the successful development of new beginnings.

Hieroglyph “Luck” Brings happiness and good luck in any undertaking.

Hieroglyph “Business Success” Helps promote your business and improve your career.

Hieroglyph “Health” Improves the health and well-being of you and your loved ones.

Hieroglyph “Yin – Yang” Symbol of life, harmony, perfection, harmony and peace.

Hieroglyph “Happiness” This hieroglyph can be placed almost anywhere in your home or workplace. The hieroglyph “Happiness” improves the circulation of Qi energy and brings harmony to the place where it is located.

Hieroglyph “Love” With the help of the “love” hieroglyph you can attract true feelings into your life. For married couples, the hieroglyph of love helps create family harmony and mutual understanding between two loving people.

Hieroglyph “Fulfillment of desires” The hieroglyph of desires activates the energy that is responsible for the fulfillment of your desires. At home, this hieroglyph will help in the implementation of long-planned plans, not only of a personal nature, but also of a business nature.

Hieroglyph “Longevity” The symbol of this hieroglyph is longevity and good health. The hieroglyph “Longevity” is one of the most popular, most sought after hieroglyphs in Feng Shui. Perfect as a gift for loved ones and parents.

Hieroglyph “Double Happiness” A very popular hieroglyph that has the ability to bring family harmony. Due to its dual orientation, the hieroglyph “Double Happiness” benefits not only you, but also your chosen one.

Hieroglyph “Eternal Love” This hieroglyph can fill your life with eternal happiness in love, leading to the creation of an unbreakable marriage. It is also used as a love talisman and amulet, enhancing and helping to preserve the energy of love in your home.

Hieroglyph “Wisdom” By placing this hieroglyph anywhere in your office or home, you will attract the energy of wisdom, with the help of which you can find the right solutions to any problems. An excellent gift for schoolchildren, students and people eager to acquire new knowledge.

Hieroglyph “Prosperity” This hieroglyph allows its owner to attract monetary luck. By placing the hieroglyph “Prosperity” in any room where you are often, you can not only save, but also increase your capital.

Hieroglyph “Abundance” One of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui. The action of this hieroglyph is very versatile; it can bring many benefactors to your home, such as love, money, career.

Hieroglyph “Talent” An excellent gift for students and schoolchildren. This hieroglyph can not only improve the life of its owner, but also help develop his hidden capabilities and potential.

Hieroglyph “Wealth” Helps its owner to gain financial well-being and independence. With the help of the “Wealth” hieroglyph, you can attract long-awaited monetary luck to yourself.

Hieroglyph “Money” A very popular hieroglyph in Feng Shui. Attracts money to its owner and also helps to find new sources of income.

Family god Cao Wan

He is called the god of the kitchen hearth. Cao Wan is a strict family god who not only provides protection, but also monitors the correct behavior of all inhabitants of the house. He writes down everything he sees in a special book, and then sends these messages to heaven, reporting to the supreme deity what has happened in the house over the past year.

A figurine or image of this god is found in almost every home where a Chinese family lives.

Rules for using Feng Shui hieroglyphs

  • You should use only those Feng Shui hieroglyphs whose meanings you know well. If you do not know exactly its meaning, it is better to look for additional information or consult a Feng Shui specialist.
  • The selection of a hieroglyph is carried out on the basis of logic. There are hieroglyphs that are similar in meaning, but have different purposes and directions of influence. The selection of a hieroglyph should exactly correspond to your tasks.
  • To improve self-knowledge and personal development, hieroglyphs must be placed in their best sector. They should be used separately from activation talismans.
  • Protection hieroglyphs especially need separate use and location away from various activating talismans.

Playing carps

This picture symbolizes harmonious relationships in the family and happiness in marriage. This fish is highly resilient. Carps have qualities such as endurance and determination, so having such an amulet will help you overcome all life’s difficulties and troubles.

Most often, such an amulet is made in the form of embroidery. The most preferred color is red. Carp images can also be seen on traditional Chinese dishes.

Since these fish spawn a lot and reproduce quickly, a pair of carp in a talisman is a symbol of fertility and will help a married couple have offspring.

Where should the hieroglyphs be placed?

Hieroglyphs in feng shui

You can place favorable Feng Shui hieroglyphs in accordance with the rules for using hieroglyphs in any place convenient for you: on the table, on the wall in the form of a picture or drawing, taking into account the favorable place for them in your apartment. They can also be worn as an amulet on any medium, used as decoration on clothing (T-shirt), nails, skin (tattoos), computer monitor and other places.

It should be noted that hieroglyphs written by you yourself work very well. When writing them, you need to put all your intention or desire into each line. In this case, your talisman will work more effectively and will quickly attract everything you plan into your life. Of course, there are specifics to writing them, the main one of which is to draw from top to bottom, from left to right, but even if you are unfamiliar with all the secrets of writing them, do not neglect this opportunity.

It is also necessary to remember that in order to activate hieroglyphs and their successful impact, it takes time, at least a month, and in some cases two.

Do not forget about faith in your talisman and a positive attitude, which you should, if possible, remain in constantly.

And remember that even at a time when everything is going against you, try to find at least one bright side in such a situation. Remember, “the darkest hour is always before the dawn.”


In Eastern culture, elephants are treated with great respect. Despite their large size, they have mobility, kindness and great patience. The elephant is a symbol of longevity and good health.

An amulet in the form of an elephant has the ability to protect its owner and his loved ones from evil forces and negativity. You can turn to him with a request for life extension and protection from diseases. The Elephant amulet will remind you of the need to observe moderation in everything. It helps achieve material well-being by teaching the art of spending money economically and rationally.

If you want to have a child, you should purchase a mother elephant with a small elephant calf.

Cup of Wealth

The Cup of Wealth amulet is a symbol of stability and harmony. She brings prosperity and abundance to the house. The bowl itself must be made of copper, silver or gold. It should have a lid on top so that the acquired wealth cannot escape. Various symbols can be depicted on its surface.

The bowl is filled independently. At the bottom you can put a bag with banknotes or various jewelry.

Money Tree

It is one of the most powerful magical signs for attracting wealth. You can use not only artificial, but also real wood. Cyclamen and Crassula in pots are suitable for this; they need to be looked after and watered on time.

An amulet in the form of a money tree should be placed at the entrance to the house. To enhance the effect, you can put several coins under it.


Merry Hotei is the god of happiness and wealth. He is also called the laughing Buddha. An amulet with Hotei fills the life of its owner with joy. In order for him to fulfill a specific desire, you need to rub the figurine on the tummy and think about your dream.

Outwardly, Hotei appears to be a bald, laughing man whose belly is of considerable size. In his hands is a large canvas bag. The size of the figurine does not affect its magical properties.

There are various options for depicting this deity. The figurine should be placed in an open place so that others can admire it.

Three linked coins

Three Chinese coins tied together with a red band are an effective amulet that attracts good luck to the owner’s life. In the center of each coin there is a hole through which a connecting element in the form of a ribbon or cord passes, always red.

You can carry these tied coins with you in your wallet or purse. This will attract cash flow, protect against evil forces and ward off future troubles.


Bamboo is a symbol of strength, endurance, longevity and determination. Being inside the house, an amulet in the form of bamboo provides its protection from evil spirits and negative influences from the outside. It creates a calming atmosphere and serves to improve the health of all inhabitants of the house.

Bamboo also improves the memory and mental abilities of its owners.

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