Magic pot - how to make a cup of wealth and where to put it at home so that it works

In this article we will look at how to create a cup of abundance and wealth with your own hands, which will help not only increase your capital, but also fulfill your cherished desires.

The Bowl of Abundance of Wealth is a very powerful and famous Feng Shui talisman. In ancient Chinese practice, many amulets are used, because the very meaning of this philosophy lies in the symbolic exploration of the world and finding the energetically correct sources of favorable existence. Today it is not difficult to buy a special bowl of wealth in the Feng Shui style, but it is much more interesting to create it with your own hands. Moreover, everyone must fill it for themselves! Therefore, we propose to analyze the basic rules for creating a cup of abundance.

Bowl of Wealth - Ancient Feng Shui Talisman

Until recently, the ritual of creating and consecrating the Cup of Plenty, which guarantees financial well-being, was known only to a handful of Chinese nobility. All the subtleties of the ritual were passed down purely through the male line. This secret became known to a wide audience thanks to the found Buddhist manuscripts, which also describe the magic cat's eye stone.

The effectiveness of the talisman was known not only to followers of Feng Shui practice. Some other nationalities also possessed his secret. For example, in the palaces of Indian princes there were vases filled with fruits. They served as table decorations and also worked on the principle of the Cup of Plenty.

In the east, it is customary to greet guests with baskets full of treats, which is also an example of using a symbol of prosperity and material well-being. Of course, the ritual may vary slightly depending on the specific country, but its essence remains unchanged.

Ancient Greece had its own Vase of Wealth - the Horn of Plenty (at that time, horns were often used as utensils). In the ancient Greek tradition, this talisman symbolized bliss, prosperity and fertility.


To begin with, it’s worth talking a little about what this cup of abundance is and why it is needed.
Many eastern peoples actively use such a talisman in their home in order to attract financial well-being and good luck. In appearance, this is the most ordinary pot or bowl, which has a wide variety of fillings. Some people fill it with ears of wheat, others with dried cloves and cinnamon, and others with sugar and rice. It all depends on what exactly a person wants to attract into his life. It is worth noting that such a talisman can be made at home yourself. By the way, talismans that you create with your own hands and put your positive energy into them during the creation process have greater power than those bought in a store.

You can make a money pot or bowl to attract personal happiness or health, or you can make a pot that will help create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort in your home. It all depends on your personal preferences and desires.

Many people specially attend a master class on making such bowls of abundance on the eve of special holidays, because they believe that it is New Year’s or Christmas energy that best influences the creation of such talismans. But if you didn’t have time to make such a talisman for the New Year or Christmas, then you shouldn’t be upset. You can do it at any other time. The main thing is your desire, a positive attitude and compliance with some rules, which we will discuss later.

What the legend says

A folk legend tells about a poor fisherman whose net caught an expensive vase. He did not dare to sell it - the poor man could be accused of theft. Therefore, the man kept the bowl, adapting it for feeding the dog.

A few days later, the Chinese noticed that the dog had gained weight and its coat was shiny. There was food left in the makeshift bowl. It seemed to the owner that it simply didn’t end there, because the dog ate willingly and a lot. The fisherman shared his doubts with his wife. She leaned over the bowl, watching the dog eat, and accidentally dropped her only decoration - a pendant of 3 coins on a scarlet ribbon - into the food.

It was not possible to return the jewelry, and the couple went into the house, lamenting the loss. Consoling his wife, the fisherman loudly repeated that he would give her another pendant as soon as he had money. Going out into the yard again, the man saw that the dog’s bowl was filled with coins. Since then, prosperity has not left this house.

Vessel of abundance, or cup of desires, symbolizes prosperity not as a lot of money received by chance, but as an opportunity to satisfy your desires.

History of creation and legends

There are a lot of amulets and amulets in Feng Shui; you can choose them for any occasion. The experience of generations allows us to find the help of spiritual teachings in all areas of life. But if a person is interested in luck and wealth, then he needs a cup of abundance. This is a magical item whose history begins with Taoist and Buddhist practices.

There is a wonderful legend telling about the creation of this common amulet. Once upon a time, a fisherman, taking his nets out of the water, pulled out a vase along with the fish. Having brought it home, he used this item as a vessel for feeding domestic animals. How surprised the couple were when they realized that no matter how much they ate from this bowl, the food in it never ran out. After some time, the fisherman's wife accidentally dropped a gold hairpin into the bowl. Since then, the vase has been filled with precious metal. Since then, everyone has wanted to receive such a unique artifact. Of course, nothing will appear in it, but if you choose the right cup of abundance according to Feng Shui, you can attract good luck and flows of energy that will attract wealth and prosperity to your family.

Appearance of the bowl according to the rules

The talisman of prosperity must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a wide and stable base. This will not only prevent the vessel from falling and overturning, scattering everything placed in it. The secret symbolism of the stable foundation of the bowl in Chinese philosophy is a reliable foundation of prosperity, which is formed by work and caring for loved ones.
  2. The body of the vase should be round. For a souvenir that attracts wealth, an inflated form is preferable: greatly expanded in relation to the base and neck. It is believed that the vessel should not have corners so that Qi energy can smoothly enter it. Narrowed neck. It is designed to hold what gets inside the vase. This leads to the accumulation of energy and creates the resources necessary to fulfill desires, i.e. brings constant wealth.
  3. The container must have a lid. When the cup of wealth is filled for the first time, it is recommended not to open it for 1 year so as not to miss your luck. According to Feng Shui, energy should flow freely, entering the xiaoxian bowl and leaving it again, bringing constant renewal and creating the opportunity to spend what has been accumulated on the fulfillment of desires. After the required period has passed, the lid of the vase must be removed.

When purchasing a ready-made souvenir, you need to pay attention to these details.


Characteristics of the amulet

In order for the amulet to work correctly and bring you good luck and fulfill your wishes, it is important to find or make a bowl of the correct shape, size and outline. If you need a source of financial and spiritual well-being, do not neglect the rules of the ancient teaching. It is very important that it has a large bottom, a wide neck, a rounded shape and a lid on top. To make a Feng Shui bowl of abundance, brass, copper, gold, silver, ceramics or porcelain should be used. On top you need to engrave hieroglyphs that symbolize prosperity and wealth.

These include the phoenix, dragon, bat, double knot and seasonal symbolism. Glass or plastic vases are completely unsuitable. You can place several amulets of this format in one house; the main thing is to find the right place for them and fill the vases correctly. It is also worth knowing that a square Chinese box is also suitable for creating such a talisman. Using all the necessary elements, you can attract monetary energy flows to yourself and increase the spirituality of your family.

How to make a cup of plenty with your own hands

You can make the bowl yourself.

First, the bowl should be energetically cleansed. You can do this in two ways:

a) rinse with salt water,

b) fumigate with incense sticks.

You can buy a container of a suitable shape in a store and charge it, observing the ritual of making a bowl with your own hands. If desired, you can make a vase from clay or plaster if you have the skills to sculpt pottery. The clay vase will need to be fired in a special ceramics kiln. In addition to these materials, you can use a container made of wood or yellow metal.

Making a talisman yourself fills it with the cup owner’s own energy and adapts its action to the concept of prosperity and success that is characteristic of this person. Therefore, it is recommended to first charge even a purchased Chinese craft with your energy. Without this, the cup of wealth will remain just a beautiful trinket. A purchased ready-made souvenir is charged by holding it in one’s hands and projecting onto it all one’s ideas about luck, prosperity and wealth.

When creating a bowl yourself, you can draw Chinese symbols of prosperity on the vase.

At the same time, it is important to be aware of your actions and when decorating a vase, think about what life in abundance looks like. For painting, use indelible paints:

  • special for painting glass and ceramics,
  • white enamel for repair work (it can be painted any color),
  • golden paint or metallic car spray (the aerosol can be applied through a stencil),
  • glitter nail polish.

The golden color of the painting does not have much significance, but it is advisable to use it as an additional symbol of wealth.

3 Chinese coins tied with red thread or braid are suspended from the neck of the bowl. It is better to take a natural one; silk or satin ribbon will do. This symbol represents the unity of Yin and Yang. It increases the income of the inhabitants of the house tenfold.

Where does monetary energy “live”? Determining the money zone

Method one

We will need:

  • compass
  • detailed apartment plan
  • Bagua grid (Loshu square)

Bagua Grid

  1. Using a compass, we determine which side of the apartment is north;
  2. put a mark on the plan;
  3. print, cut out the Bagua grid (Loshu square);
  4. apply a grid (square) to the apartment plan (north on the plan should coincide with north on the grid, square);
  5. We look at which area the southeastern sector of the Bagua grid (Loshu square) coincides with; this place is a zone of wealth according to Feng Shui.

Method two (for those who save time)


  • stand with your back to the door;
  • we determine the far left corner of the apartment diagonally (this is where, according to esotericists, financial flows circulate);

The first method is more labor-intensive, but gives accurate results. The second one is quite easy, although in this case it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the zone in a large room. The second method is more suitable for small studio apartments (rooms).

Do you know where the wealth zone is in your home?

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Where you can and cannot place a bowl in the house

The placement of the Cup of Abundance should be approached as seriously and thoughtfully as its creation. You can’t put it anywhere. The ideal place for her is a room in which she will often be in the attention of the owners of the house, and will never be seen by strangers. Therefore, the most suitable place for the talisman would be the bedroom.

If space allows, then place your money talisman in the southeastern part of the room - in the wealth zone, as prescribed by the teachings of Feng Shui. This will also mean that you strive for harmony and light.

However, if there is a window in the south-eastern part of your room, then you cannot place the bowl there. This is due to the fact that wealth should not be displayed, and the proximity of a window does not bode well: it can be carried away by the wind.

In the living room, hallway or other rooms where strangers are often present, the Cup of Plenty should not be placed under any circumstances. Otherwise, each of your guests who casts a casual glance at the talisman will take away part of your wealth. This absolutely cannot be allowed. If you have a small apartment that does not allow you to choose the location of the Bowl so pickily, hide it in a closed closet. This way, protected from prying eyes, she will work quietly and calmly for the benefit of your family.

Your expenses for creating this talisman, both monetary and labor, will be returned to you a hundredfold. You will see how your affairs will improve, you will become more successful and happier. Soon you will forget about financial problems. If you did everything correctly, then the activation of the talisman occurs instantly.

Keep the cup of abundance like the apple of your eye; under no circumstances throw it away or give it to anyone. If you want to surprise your relatives or friends with such an unusual gift, then make separate bowls for them.

In Chinese families, it is customary to keep Vases of Wealth for decades, passing them on from generation to generation. Who knows, maybe your grandchildren or even great-grandchildren will reap the fruits of your current labors?


Where to put

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, every item should have its own special place. In order for the amulet to have the desired effect on the life of the owner, it must be positioned in a special way. The best place will be the bedroom, where strangers will not see him, and the owners will feed him every day with their gaze. It is ideal if the vase is placed in the southeast, because this side symbolizes harmony and a bright future.

But there is one condition: there should be no windows in the part of the room where the cup of abundance will stand. You should not install the mascot where you receive guests. It is forbidden for strangers to see it, touch it or examine the amulet. If this happens, know that your energy financial flows will begin to dissipate and be wasted.

Filling the bowl

1. The first thing to put in the vase is a bunch of nine Chinese coins with a lucky knot tied at the end. Buy it or make it yourself.

2. Land is considered a mandatory component. But the land is not simple, but land from the plot of a successful person. This can be either an acquaintance or an unknown person. The main thing is that it was not taken without permission. Pour the soil into a red bag or bag and place it at the bottom of the bowl. The soil can be replaced with a sprig of any plant from such a person’s plot. If you were unable to get soil or a twig, you can replace them with rice. It is considered a symbol of a rich harvest.

3. Another required component is money in the amount of 988. For example, 9 rubles 88 kopecks, or 9 dollars 88 cents, or 988 rubles. It’s also better to pre-pack money in a bag or bag.

4. The presence of gold in the feng shui cup of wealth is also welcome. Since this metal is a symbol of a rich life. Your own jewelry will do (2-3 pieces are enough)

5. The symbol of the heavens protecting you and the symbol of infinity should also be in the bowl. As a symbol of heaven, you can take a picture of the sky, and as a symbol of infinity - a snake swallowing its tail, the infinity symbol itself in the form of a figure eight, the Om sign, pyramids, etc.

You can put the remaining symbols as you wish:

1. Figurine of Hotei - the god of wealth and happiness in Feng Shui. It is considered a symbol of a carefree and cheerful life.

2. Various crystals. This could be your beads or other jewelry. Better from natural stones.

3. A pair of elephants is a symbol of great luck in Feng Shui

4. Three feng shui coins or six feng shui coins tied with red thread. Place coins with hieroglyphs facing up!5. Photos of successful people. Can be cut from newspapers or magazines.

6. Several expensive sweets, this will symbolize the sweet life.

7. Images of the sun and moon, paired figures of fish, horses, a pair of dragon and phoenix, lotus flower, etc.

8. An image or photo of your dream home.

6. Five multi-colored cereals, symbolizing the five elements of the Generation Cycle. As a representative of Fire, there can be cereals that are red in color - red beans, sorghum, red lentils. Earth, grains of yellow or brown color - millet, corn, peas. Metal, white grains – rice, white beans. Water, black grains – black beans, wild rice.

Green peas are a representative of the Wood element. It is best to place them at the bottom of the feng shui cup of wealth according to the cycle of generation.

In a word, you can fill the bowl with various items, the main thing is that it is filled to the brim. So that looking at her, a feeling of wealth and abundance arises.

Of course, the process of filling the feng shui cup of wealth will take some time and perhaps some expenses, but it is worth it. Your cup will return everything to you in full.


Ritual for making a vase of wealth

Before you start filling the vase with various elements, perform a special ritual of cleansing the container. The ritual is necessary to drive away evil spirits from the vessel that were able to enter when the vase was open. To carry out this procedure, you cannot do without incense sticks.

Next, perform the following manipulations:

Sit on the floor in the direction towards the vase that seems most positive to you. For each person, this direction is considered individual. Turn the vessel with symbols, pictures so that they look at you. Light incense sticks and use smoke to clean the vase on each side, even inside the container. You will also need to clean the items that will be placed inside the Vase of Wealth in the same way. Say a quiet prayer. You can even say some words that come to mind

It is very important here that you believe that the ritual will really bring results and be able to feel that your energy is penetrating into the vessel. Once you have cleansed the wealth vase, fill it with positive elements. Their names may vary, it all depends on your personal preferences

Make sure that the vase contains all those elements that directly relate to the 5 elements.

For abundance

To create a talisman vase, fill the vessel with the following items, in the order in which we offer you.


  • 3 coins, regardless of denomination. Tie the coins with red braid.
  • Earth. The most important thing is that it is not stolen.
  • Crystals of various colors.
  • 9 Chinese coins (they are usually attached to the frog mascot).
  • Some pictures of wealth. Here you will have to show a little imagination.
  • Hotei figurine.
  • A toad that brings money. There should be no coins on it.
  • A branch of a money tree.
  • Money, only paper. Remember that they must be brought from other countries.
  • Gemstones, minerals.


When you fill the vase of wealth, do the following:

  • Close it with a lid.
  • Cover with napkins of 5 different colors.
  • Using 5 laces, tie the vase. This way you can close the vase, seal it.
  • Next, you will have to perform another cleansing ritual. Again, use incense sticks.

You can store the vase of wealth in any secluded place, for example, in your own bedroom. Be sure to hide the vessel in the closet so that there are no rubble, “mountains” of unnecessary clothes, or small items. Leave the vase of wealth there for exactly 1 year.

Charging the bowl

After work on the bowl is completed, it should be activated. The ritual itself is simple. To do this, you can use melt water. You can get melt water by freezing and thawing filtered tap or bottle water several times.

If you do not have the opportunity to use melt water, the bowl can be cleaned by fumigating it with incense - myrrh, frankincense and sandalwood. You can repeat the activation ritual, and with it the ritual of visualizing “money desires,” on every eleventh lunar day.


Vase of wealth: what is it?

Every person has his own cherished dream. Some want to become famous throughout the planet, others want to visit an exotic country, go on a trip around the world. Be that as it may, in order for at least 50% of all desires to come true, a lot of money is needed. As a result of this, a person begins to dream about something completely different, not about what happened before.

A person begins to think about a banal, but very important value - about money, and also about how to learn to attract it

Magic associated with money has existed on our planet for several centuries. Since ancient times, Buddhist monks believed that it was possible to make a special talisman that would attract financial success and wealth to a person in any endeavor. Feng Shui traditions are quite closely related to rituals that came from ancient times.

  • People know an old legend that tells about a fisherman. He was fishing near the Yangtze River and was able to catch a flat vase intended for flowers. The fisherman tried to adapt the vessel in his own household, using it as a bowl for a pet. As time passed, the fisherman noticed that the food in the dishes did not end at all, although the dog was constantly getting full.
  • Once, the fisherman’s wife accidentally dropped her own hairpin, which was made of gold, into the vessel. Very little time passed, the vase was filled to the brim with such hairpins. After this, the couple decided to conduct an experiment with coins. Having placed only one coin in the vase, it eventually became completely filled with such coins.
  • The fisherman decided to move the wonderful vase into the house. From that time on, the family began to use it to increase money and valuables. However, the couple were not greedy, and therefore they shared their own wealth with people in need.

The ritual of making a vase of wealth that can fill a home with abundance has been available only to a select few for centuries. The ritual could be performed by Buddhist monks, eminent doctors, and judges. Time passed quickly, scientists were able to decipher the manuscripts of the ancient monks. And only after that the secret of the talisman was learned all over the world.

For abundance

A vase of wealth is a positive talisman for any home. The vase means “permanent peace”, “harmony in the house”. The word vase itself, when translated from Chinese, sounds like “pin”. The phrase “peace and quiet” also has a similar sound.

In addition, the wealth vase is on the list of the most sought-after, beneficial talismans of Buddhism, which are imprinted on the feet of the Buddha.

Ritual for making a vase of wealth

Before you start filling the vase with various elements, perform a special ritual of cleansing the container. The ritual is necessary to drive away evil spirits from the vessel that were able to enter when the vase was open. To carry out this procedure, you cannot do without incense sticks.

Next, perform the following manipulations:

Sit on the floor in the direction towards the vase that seems most positive to you. For each person, this direction is considered individual. Turn the vessel with symbols, pictures so that they look at you. Light incense sticks and use smoke to clean the vase on each side, even inside the container. You will also need to clean the items that will be placed inside the Vase of Wealth in the same way. Say a quiet prayer. You can even say some words that come to mind

It is very important here that you believe that the ritual will really bring results and be able to feel that your energy is penetrating into the vessel. Once you have cleansed the wealth vase, fill it with positive elements. Their names may vary, it all depends on your personal preferences

Make sure that the vase contains all those elements that directly relate to the 5 elements.

For abundance To create a talisman vase, fill the vessel with the following items, in the order in which we offer you.


  • 3 coins, regardless of denomination. Tie the coins with red braid.
  • Earth. The most important thing is that it is not stolen.
  • Crystals of various colors.
  • 9 Chinese coins (they are usually attached to the frog mascot).
  • Some pictures of wealth. Here you will have to show a little imagination.
  • Hotei figurine.
  • A toad that brings money. There should be no coins on it.
  • A branch of a money tree.
  • Money, only paper. Remember that they must be brought from other countries.
  • Gemstones, minerals.

Filling When filling the vase of wealth, do the following:

  • Close it with a lid.
  • Cover with napkins of 5 different colors.
  • Using 5 laces, tie the vase. This way you can close the vase, seal it.
  • Next, you will have to perform another cleansing ritual. Again, use incense sticks.

You can store the vase of wealth in any secluded place, for example, in your own bedroom. Be sure to hide the vessel in the closet so that there are no rubble, “mountains” of unnecessary clothes, or small items. Leave the vase of wealth there for exactly 1 year.

Middle part of the vase

Five Elements Pagoda - a strong protective amulet

In the middle part of the vase, the most important components will be the coins. Be generous and put in as many coins as you feel comfortable with. To strengthen, add coins of various shapes and protective amulets for unfavorable directions: coins with protective mantras, fu dogs, a money frog on a bagua stand, a pagoda of five elements or a protective sword made of coins. The flower-shaped coin symbolizes growth, happiness and harmony. The amulet will protect your well-being from negative energy. The result is happiness, prosperity and harmony in your family.

Vase of wealth: what is it?

Every person has his own cherished dream. Some want to become famous throughout the planet, others want to visit an exotic country, go on a trip around the world. Be that as it may, in order for at least 50% of all desires to come true, a lot of money is needed. As a result of this, a person begins to dream about something completely different, not about what happened before.

A person begins to think about a banal, but very important value - about money, and also about how to learn to attract it

Magic associated with money has existed on our planet for several centuries. Since ancient times, Buddhist monks believed that it was possible to make a special talisman that would attract financial success and wealth to a person in any endeavor. Feng Shui traditions are quite closely related to rituals that came from ancient times.

  • People know an old legend that tells about a fisherman. He was fishing near the Yangtze River and was able to catch a flat vase intended for flowers. The fisherman tried to adapt the vessel in his own household, using it as a bowl for a pet. As time passed, the fisherman noticed that the food in the dishes did not end at all, although the dog was constantly getting full.
  • Once, the fisherman’s wife accidentally dropped her own hairpin, which was made of gold, into the vessel. Very little time passed, the vase was filled to the brim with such hairpins. After this, the couple decided to conduct an experiment with coins. Having placed only one coin in the vase, it eventually became completely filled with such coins.
  • The fisherman decided to move the wonderful vase into the house. From that time on, the family began to use it to increase money and valuables. However, the couple were not greedy, and therefore they shared their own wealth with people in need.

The ritual of making a vase of wealth that can fill a home with abundance has been available only to a select few for centuries. The ritual could be performed by Buddhist monks, eminent doctors, and judges. Time passed quickly, scientists were able to decipher the manuscripts of the ancient monks. And only after that the secret of the talisman was learned all over the world.

For abundance

A vase of wealth is a positive talisman for any home. The vase means “permanent peace”, “harmony in the house”. The word vase itself, when translated from Chinese, sounds like “pin”. The phrase “peace and quiet” also has a similar sound.

In addition, the wealth vase is on the list of the most sought-after, beneficial talismans of Buddhism, which are imprinted on the feet of the Buddha.

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