Feng Shui love and marriage zone: activate and attract love into your life!

According to ancient teachings, according to Feng Shui, the love zone in the room helps to improve relationships in the family. Even single people who have already despaired of finding their soul mate, by properly arranging this sector, can soon meet their love.

To attract love energy, you can use Feng Shui tips that are simple and effective in action. The size of the room does not matter much in the design of this part of the room. It is important that a person takes into account the recommendations of Feng Shui work, and then the result will not be long in coming.

How to designate this zone in the apartment

The love zone, which is located in the southwestern sector of the room, requires cleanliness, so first of all you should do a general cleaning of the house. This will help attract favorable Qi energy, which means this stage should not be neglected. When cleaning, you need to be in an elevated working mood, imagining that at the current moment not only the room is being cleansed, but also the entire previous life, and the territory is being prepared for favorable changes.

It is recommended to clean up your closets and bedside tables, throw away all unnecessary old things that have absorbed negativity, and wipe off dust from the shelves. Every item in the room should be in its place. Things scattered in different corners and in the middle of the room interfere with the free circulation of beneficial energy.

How to activate it correctly?

Before you start making changes, you first need to perform a small ritual, which is based on positive emotions, smells, sounds, etc.
Lighting aroma lamps, reading prayers, incense, pleasant emotions, and relaxing music are perfect for these purposes. These rituals are necessary to understand the beginning of a new chapter of life. As soon as the ceremony is completed, you can begin to change the interior of the room at your discretion.

During the rearrangement, it is important that the final interior matches the horoscope sign of each of the married couple.

Preparatory procedures

According to Feng Shui, the love zone in an apartment should become a romantic island, attracting tender feelings into the lives of its inhabitants and turning the most cherished dreams into reality. It is important to be confident in the need for such changes, since this sector is inseparable from marriage. Therefore, before you start registering the love sector, you need to be prepared for marriage.

First you need to make sure that the southwestern part of the room does not fall on the toilet or bathroom. If the love sector coincides with these places, then it is necessary to remove obstacles, because in the bathroom and toilet, the happiness of the inhabitants of the house will be flushed several times a day. This also applies to the kitchen, which suppresses love feelings, as well as to the pantry, where they will fade away day after day.

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To isolate the negative energy of such rooms, they should be kept closed at all times. It’s a good idea to hang mirrors on the door or paint the door leaf with red paint. An alternative method is a “wind chime” hung above the door. In this way, the negativity is neutralized, and the design of the love sector can begin.

Drastic measures

If the effect of your efforts is long in coming, and patience is running out, the time has come for decisive action. Add more red color to the design of the sector (paint or drape the wall with red material). If your household is against such changes in the interior, then you will have to cheat a little and paint the section of the wall that is hidden by the painting red. You can also add a collage of your photo and an image of a man you find attractive. This collage should be “photographed” or scanned and printed so that the picture does not have seams or joints. Such actions will tell the Universe that you are no longer asking, but literally demanding to send you love and this demand must be fulfilled as soon as possible. Don't worry, you have the right to it, and if your heart is ready for love, it will definitely receive it.

How can you show the Universe that you are ready to love? It's very simple - do it! You have relatives, friends, colleagues. Are you always friendly and polite with them, can they count on your help and support? Reconsider your relationship with them and try to make it warmer, more trusting and friendly. In general, learn not only to experience love, but also to express it.

Organizing space to achieve harmony

According to Feng Shui, the marriage area should be arranged with joy, pleasure, good mood and confidence that all actions will soon be rewarded, giving the expected result. To properly organize the space, you need to make sure that in this part of the room there are no elements of Water and Wood that destroy the atmosphere, because Fire is responsible for the sector of love and marriage, and the presence of signs of Water can extinguish feelings.

Paired figures, pink or red hearts, which are a powerful talisman that attracts love, can help in achieving harmony. The best material for making them is rose quartz, but it is also possible to make hearts from something else. It’s a good idea to use your photo by inserting it into a heart-shaped frame, additionally surrounding the photo with small hearts, and placing chocolate or other sweets next to it.

Only paired items should be in the marriage and love zone. In addition to hearts, red candles are good, which should be lit once every 7 days and on the new moon, imagining yourself and your chosen one nearby in a romantic setting.

Use of talismans

Orange and red shades will be optimally combined with brown and green. If a couple in love already has enough passion in their relationship so that it does not burn out, it is important to add some neutral colors and calm shades. You should not use bright yellow color, as this contributes to depression.

Books will bring positive energy for both halves into the house. Several shelves with classics and modern literature will fill the room with stability. The bathroom should be dominated by blue shades that nourish the water element.

The element of water nourishes the earth, so you can use shells and sea stones in the interior to strengthen it, but not plastic ones, but made from natural materials. The kitchen area should be as abundant as possible in aphrodisiacs and spices. It is important to fill this area with the smells of cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and other exotic spices.

A common mistake is to keep creeping plants or cacti in the kitchen, which will depress energy, which is why this area can provoke quarrels.

An element of metal should be present in the interior of the apartment, but in limited quantities. Using gold will help to best fuel intimate interest.

To do this, you can use decorative stickers on the door in the form of gold stars or hang pictures in a gilded frame on the walls, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Paintings with red peonies or hearts will give a double effect.

If you have gold jewelry in the form of rings or chains, they can be placed or hung on bedside tables.

The use of gold is especially important if the passion is no longer what it used to be. You can place small figurines, souvenirs with two doves or swans.

Matching wall and furniture colors

According to Feng Shui, the love and marriage zone should be comfortable for the free movement of Qi energy. To create the conditions for this, you need to carefully consider the color of the furniture and walls. The love sector is important for both married couples and single people. It’s good if the colors of the walls of this room are sunny, bright, and festive. It is also possible to use shades of red, which stimulate the sexual needs of a married couple. But this color should not be in excess, so as not to cause irritability and aggression. This leads to nervous exhaustion of the inhabitants of the house.

Green colors, on the contrary, calm, promote relaxation and rest. This spectrum is associated with growth and youth. You can also opt for golden shades. Plain blank walls are not recommended. The Qi energy will rush past them without stopping and without having any influence on the residents of the house. The selection of colors should be in harmony with the general psychological mood of people, without disturbing the perception of space.

Light colors can harmoniously adjust and visually expand the size of a room, but it is better to avoid pure white - for some peoples it symbolizes illness or death. Excessively dark tones of furniture and walls also have a depressing effect.

Tips and tricks for interior decor

We have already covered all the basic information, but there are additional recommendations that you can also use.

They are as follows:

  1. Buy several candles in red and white colors. Place them in pairs around the room (1 red, 1 white in a pair). This will create a romantic atmosphere, add coziness, and activate the love energy in the room.
  2. Don't let strangers into your bedroom. It must always be closed to guests. Ideally, only you and your chosen one can be here.
  3. For this reason, girls in search are not recommended to often bring home different partners. This is bad not only from a moral point of view. The energy of each man who sleeps in the same bed with you affects the overall energy environment of the room.
  4. It is highly undesirable to place a computer, TV, laptop and other electronic gadgets in the bedroom. They create islands of dead energy that prevent Qi from circulating around the room.

And finally, it is very important to monitor not only the external situation, but also your internal state. Negative emotions and thoughts affect your environment and disrupt the harmony of space. Therefore, try to leave them outside the door of the house.

Activation of the love zone

Activating the love and marriage sector according to Feng Shui is quite simple. The Chi energy will be attracted by additional lighting of the area, in which it would be nice to place a photo of the lovers and objects corresponding to their Gua numbers and zodiac signs. Nearby you can place white and red candles, symbolizing a woman and a man, as well as some object that evokes warm feelings.

Mandarin ducks, doves, butterflies and other symbols that represent fidelity, love, romantic relationships, joy and happiness are suitable for this zone. For single people, it will be useful to place an image of a beautiful couple of two people in love, heart-shaped cards, boxes, valentines, soft toys.

You cannot use photographs of sad and lonely people, sharp objects, prickly and climbing indoor plants in the love zone. The sector is well activated by erotic magazines, photographs, books, love accessories, incense, aphrodisiacs and essential oils. Even a stone found on the street can become a zone activator, the main thing is that its shape is not threatening.

You can create an interesting composition from gems and stones by tying it with a red ribbon. But it is important that the sector is not overloaded with many small items. Crystals or a red lamp, which must burn every evening for 49 days to fulfill a cherished desire, can also stimulate the energy of love.

“Wind chimes” with pink tubes and hearts on pendants have a beneficial effect. This bell begins to activate Chi energy almost immediately after placing it in the marriage and love sector. But the best results will come from those accessories that both partners like.

Affirmations for attracting love in the practice of Feng Shui

  1. I am worthy of love simply by the right of my birth. I live in the world, which means life loves me, the world loves me, and I only need to open up to this love in order to receive it. There is a lot of love in the world - now I see it and know that I have the right to receive it. I am open to love, which bursts into my life in a continuous stream to illuminate it with happiness and joy.
  2. My life is joy. I love and accept myself for who I am. I love myself, I love the whole world. Love comes into my life easily and freely, I am learning to accept it with gratitude and dignity.
  3. I meet the partner that I need at this time in my life. I accept myself as I am. I am my very best friend. I am the source of love and happiness, the light of love burns within me, I share this love with others, and the more love I give, the more I receive in return.
  4. I myself create my own world around me, full of love, joy and happiness, and this world of mine attracts only loving people to me.
  5. I am grateful to my past - the love and relationships that were in it. But now, with love and gratitude, I let go of the past and move towards new love, and my new love will be a person who is ideal for me in everything.
  6. I am ready to meet my loved one, I have everything to attract a worthy partner, new love is already on the threshold, it is entering my life.
  7. I attract ideal relationships into my life. I approve of myself - I learn to see the merits in myself, and I like everything about myself: my appearance, my age, my actions, my behavior.
  8. The more I love myself, the more love I receive from others. I am a free, unique and wonderful creature. I bring my love to the world, I share love selflessly, without expecting anything in return, and as a result I see that I am swimming in the ocean of love.
  9. I see how many people around me who love me, I am grateful to them for their love and pay them the same. I live in harmony with the world. My source of love is always with me. He is eternal and beautiful. I'm always lucky!

Before you begin the systematic activation of the personal sector, you need to determine for yourself what exactly needs correction. The fact is that your happy love direction can help you achieve very specific goals in everything that has to do with love and family relationships. Even help a childless couple have children! Therefore, your clearly formulated intention is very important, be it the desire to get married, find a harmonious partner, or strengthen marital relationships. You may have the intention to bring peace and tranquility to the family, and with this intention, already activate this sector. Ideally, in order for your family and romantic life to bring you only joy, you need to sleep in your happy love direction, have a bedroom door facing the same direction, and if your stove is facing in the same direction, then this situation is simply great.

Life is designed in such a way that ideal models are rare. It often happens that the door doesn’t face the right way, the stove can’t be rearranged, and the bed can’t be moved. What to do? We have to look for compromises. As for the bed, you can cheat and sleep slightly diagonally, but in the direction you need. If the stove cannot be moved from its place, then the electric kettle can be turned in such a way that the power button will be directed towards your favorable side of the world. Then you will be sure that you are drinking tea, filled with energy that is beneficial for you. The same can be done with all electrical appliances in the kitchen. If you do not live alone, and all family members have different favorable directions - well, you can find a way out here too. For some, the stove will be favorable, for others – the door to the bedroom. For some, the bed is positioned just perfectly. Make the most of what you have.

© Ogudin Valentin

Paintings for the bedroom

To increase your desire to attract your soulmate, you need to hang paintings around the bedroom, but not your portraits.

Painting for the bedroom

It is best to use roses, photographs of happy Hollywood or domestic couples, and the full moon for this. There is no need to hang portraits of lonely men or women, because in this case the opposite effect may occur.

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